BY TELEGRAPH. ONE DAY LATER PROM EUEOPE, AHHIVAL OF THE . STEAMER WASHINGTON • • • Nast' Toes, dray 8. • - The steamer Wathington, from Bremen and Southampton, xrrired this morning, IT days ant from the latter plate. —She Drings fio passengers, and dates from LoaL,n to Dec. 21st nit, being one day later front the Continent. The English jonrnals do not like President Eilltaore's mu:rage relatire to the protection of American imlunry. There is nothing new from France. The Pina.sians were belling the rerern of peace . with great satisfaction. - .The Mayor of Southampton has atilieseed the United States Government, requesting that res ide destined to carry prodnete of American in dustry to the Raid's reit., may ln 3=f :hi that ; part' Cotter._l3 dull , and gore coNagEssioN.L4 Waspy:4;l°N, lan. P. Senate—Mr. llcutton appeared in his scatio day. The Lill to rhanpe the' time of holding the 13. S. Circuit and bitwript Csurts for the I:astern and Western District of 'Pennsylvania. was tak en tap fuel ordered to be enyykose.t. The bill to nettle the private lout elnhna in California war taken up. Mr. Owin tulvorattuitti, hill. opposing the sah• stimte offered lay Mr. Beaton. Mr. Benton replied, lan gave way before con cluding. to a tootion for aitiournment.. Monne—T. Bayley reported from the Com e natter of Wu ) , and Means. anion the general ap propriation 'hill , . Mr. Fitch intradaced al bill providing for the location of tnilitsry hounq lauds warrants, where the same have hero er rot: rot pt ly locattst. The bill Vea referretl. Mr. o.44ens - Av iniroduccd a hill granting. n portion of the puhli,land-ztu the tote of Maine, for the purpoete of aiding in the construction of — the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Rnil Rood. which was referrer' to the rionntittei on Public Lands. . 51r. Staunton. of Tenne—co. introduced a joint rettolntinn directing the payment of the awards trund by the Commis,ionert appointed In c6mpliaece with the treaty with Mexico, WWh.wool referred to the Committee on W11) 4 and livens. .Me. Stanton. of Kentneky. moved that the• - .Hone nefjourn, thi< being the anniversary of the battle of New Odeon, which was carried—yens nays SS. ITSNSVLVANIA LEGISLATURE. . fieraT4arce, inn. h. Mr. Cessna, of 15,11, - .1.1. ere'ete.l Speaker of the Ilou.e. and Mr. Jack, Clerk_ Mr. Xletthin.9, of Philadelphia city. is elected Ppeaker of the tiennu. The Governor'. 91e , =age lear delivered nt noon to day. The Clerk of the rwr elected yet. All the merelterc nt a doing to Philadelphia, to partake of a public dinner an Eaturdny. The Legi.lature will not meet again until Ohtlay next. The OGR'llaoT'P-MF% , .±. lge else., a sittinfactory amount of our finance,. riliNoLs LEG IS LAT lonrraLr. Jan. 11. Gerreroor French rent his tocarage to the Le gislature, to day. i ile represent the accruing revenue no more than ...ultim.ent to meet the cur rent demoodt on the Trent:my. The public debt of the State, owl the Canal debt. ir ; $16,621%50% The untold Canal .Ineds am expected to realize four millions of &Alan. _ .• . . . The... Governor for hoinewend exemption. Una declares hiniscli all Lank• charter. Be recommends the neeeptance of Holbrook CO's.. conditional run-crter of the charter to build the Central Unit nwrits disposal to the company who will d.c ie on the best terms. lie speaks 'favorably ot the compromise an its niclisnres,'end says that t hey will be rsithfalLLLLL ly observed and obeyed, als the only means of restoring and preserving harmony by the peliple of Illinois. A bin was ictrodaced t repeal the liciirrook charter. ALLEGED MAIL ROBBERY. CoLvarrs, (Ga.) Jan. L. Mr. B. Kimbran:ch w.,a arrested at Macon, On the Fel inst., cl.rau,e,h tho iredrumeatality rad enterpy 71.05. J. Ehallemis.,....peeinl agent of the post (Ace. departea.r.t. The ,ocetr.ed in charged with robbing the omit .of a psokage coat,•inint , €O.t. which had heed mita at Cherwa, 5 C., or. the 29th of ;Core& brr. • Fe• - •:,, - .;29 of the taaLty - Tlll., tecocered hT Shallcrosa. - — A note h.. ssoel, with the forged endorsement of Robert thufy raceslianto of this city, -was detected here on Msoday. It crime through the hatch of Jahet.D. Wort, who keeps a tiler . cantile agency here_ nod who alleges that - he melted it from New York. It was offered to scrent troker,, hat they detected the forgery immediately. Others GI the same character rite rappesed to be in ,si.i.tenise. utlii) :STATE CONTENT/ON Initi=El The lrctiott to emppr,t the Legislature 'to re peal the charter-A of nil eory,,rntiotut, Emit so well at prenent. withotifc..topetotatintt V 44 siritially dee 12.,1 hr teforting it bncl:' to the Commit tee. tiorne of the'llemocrats votNI With the Whigs. and it ii now iriiliqkt that tic .erlion cannot pros to anp shape. PRILADKLPRIA MARKET. PHILADILFIII.4. Jan _ 8. enernlly dull. Flour—Sulei nt $4,62. Dried Frail—Apples Are dull at $1,25, and peaches at $i per. - I,l‘. at $11.; per ton. Dineen—Sales at RR. per RAL'fLMORE MARKET. • 8A.1113101114 Jan. 8. Flour—Palea, resterday, of 1000 hands, and to day 17,0 btirrefs 11,.rtart Street dour at $4, WI: and atm do. at 54,50 vet Mil. Brain ale. of wbvit at 95E r r_102 cents for fair to prime rt,l: 10.4it100 for prime lathe, and 110E1. ' 114 for family door wheat. Corn 6 sel- Bug at 07a , :i.3 for yellow, and G0(a)C1 for white. Bales of oats at 4 . 1(F 45e per ha. Whiskey—Pliers rite 11.11dotg,ged. zass• YORK 31811. h. T. January 8. Cotton—The market is it^tiTt. with sales of 1000 bales at old prices. Flour—The market is firm. and the demand better, with shies of 4000 ills at last prices. Rye Floor is unchanged from hist report. Goats—Wheat is quiet: Rye is held at 80cm.; Corn is steady, with solos of 18,000 leanew et 69071 e 11 ha. Provisions—Aless lark is doll 'at • $12,25; Prime do. is firm at 180,25 per hhi, with sales 400 Mt. Zed is unchanged. with sales of :200 bblei are held at :',811(.1.0,25 ll ewe Ladle very . Icm, with sales 200 old et:MSc, end of 100 .bride new at Et, ? lb. Ohio Butter is ; selling at 9@,12e, with an;actiee demand. Whiskey—Prices have declined, with vales of 150.1alds at 28c. Lb:weed off is v-ith further sales cif 0000 gsllens. 200 Otiotties-,-Coffeo to better, with . sales of tacks Rio of 1130111!tb. • Sagan ar . e ateso sad !wee, 'midi mato or NV Mull Orleans at @Of gT bbL Molakla is firm. 'with salts of 160 bola °Hama . at 32c. Feathern—Stn'of lire gecse Pestbers at .4,5 eArre lb. lletnp-13n1es of 100 tow. tier rotted American, on - ptivato-terrns. Lend—Sias .;1' 1000 pigs Galena at t 4 ,80 100. Spirita lartpentitic—Saln of 700 bbla at 40e. 4leslgel. Tobaeco—Sale of ryll Wad! Ecntactp leaf at lle12c; and or 3fhto. Ibtryland at 7c 14 lb. CINCINNATI. 'MINKET. • - January 8. Slota-The - market is satire, with sales of 40001bla at $.3,7063,7a 11 hbi. Vikiikey—tiales 2.4}c 11 ma. Rage—The mariat is :toady, with Ptlell of 800 bitid at 54€4.?: '}? cwt. Late--Balea of rim at 71. ii ib. - Goo bx , l tb. 114 , tiver fitli-n inche in the last 24 stwasaz. ipAII43ONAI'F, A MMONlA..liartihntn. (Zile ics 0.1. t,4ll_lthJU •t• 41Trit • IitIICKORY NUTS. for sale b JUL L S. WATERIIAN S. FO . & ()ULD CANDLES_ 20 Irxes for sate try WALLINOFOAD 2 CO. (alatiY.. 150 b 4 Lcuiwrillo No.l Rojin; - 4.'''''''VA.i.6t74tikoPc ENTI,ICKY .11USTAIII). A constant . .I:l4lo(Bspyara4 .14.41ralEd Eentacty Nivatittl. CO. OTTON YARN. 2000 dozen "tope Yarn vv sx.a*Fr WI %SALIM:OIORD iC 9ANOES. hbl.. jugt received and 'Erattentiiiit LR ICO bblt. for calc,"bi ' ' 1. '''..~4 ; - . HO= MATTERS. We are not . in the liabit74 puffing patent medicines, but haring tested the elffeicy of lied lingers Lintunentin ft . .eererc neuralgic affection, we can truly bear witness to its admirable qual ities. In all neuralgic and rheumatic dimases, it operates like a charm. See advertisement Vain Trwernancr. SOCIETT —At n meeting of thin Society, held in the Frote,tent methodist chtireb, Fifth street, rift ihnrgh. on the ith last., the following gentlemen were chnien to officiate during the currentyenr. ' .Prmi chat—A. .L. 'Campbell. D. D. u r i m , Ilmarding Strreary—li. Parry. Corlmpon3M . 7 Sm,truF-1 r Dale, NI D. Trrasurer , --R. H. Dacia • Speeches were =AD by negeral gentlemen. en the impropriety of voting for intemperate can didates for office: and the following ratolatian passed by acclamation: kriared, That we., at temperance men, sill not vote for any man, for an_: othce. who t: not o reliable temper ance man. The Socieryhaht: its next meeting in Doctor Swift ,t Church. Allegheny, on the evening of the 2lnt inst. The emcee rvolutinu rill then lie effasea. Accinuit—On Tuesday night, a man named Jacrib linney fell from a wagon which wait com ing in from Lawrenceville, isuki had lila collar hone broken, find was otherwise badly injured. The fracture was.reduccd. and Ida wouniladrea,- ial by tar tiolinher. The patient is now doing rtittlttinTt. TUPAIIy Mottling. two Colored men quarielett on the wharf.. tine (WOW , ' the other of giving some infonnation to the pollee of Sr. Leui., in nraer to have him nr rezitea„ awl treehon endangered. Ile grew so warm on the euhject dint he area - n pistol. 'aria tired It nt the informer. The hall boa for tunately been extrnetea lig watilto of the fellow'. alma+, :who 'were apprehen s ive that he mould lilt his antryonist: but the wadding struck him on the ',resat. nritngoni•tt drew another Int and rocked it, but the byst,andets interfered, and he na. Ile ,teeee.lea in making bin eßrnite LA ItrEi S.—An old man named Ueorge Tid lutif, moo ye,tcrday nrre•ted by the Ntnyor . ll po lice, charged with entering the dwelling bowie of Mr. Frank. on Third .treet, nml ,tealing there from eereral nrtieler 61 Trifling value A new cloth overcoat. and two bundle, containing sev eral article. , of jewelry, Sc , were found in ht. I...eillurt. and arc now at the Ma).;'. oilwe Tidlow in. , fully committed far trial Lamm:T.—Alt old lady, who resides near the Scotch m runrket house. yesterday lodged a complaint before Alderman Steele. against her son in law, who had, us was nlledged, token tire hundred dollar. 1,010 her. Ile was found ,li•re. ted in Manchester.. where he had gone, n• limed, with the view of getting in board scone steam boat. Three hundred and tiny dollars in money, and about one hundred Jailers worth of property were recovered. The old lady refaNal to prolecate him when Le w:49 brought hcfcre the Alderman. and the matter wa. amicably Idja.ted. The ionor :wife wept tow; latterly, Hat all the panie4 tit ally ro turntd hetito together TUE Inca', CNCEIIT,IS77 —A lawyer, 'peal:- ing yetfertiny in Court. observed thntJt.l,7. Sk ier, while whlreaaing the Supreme Court one day, said that that Lomas ide body only differed from tLe lower Court. 411C1.1,.? yUeso. Merrym or Tar. Itlenicl, &wiry - v.—The follotring resolution! were par=ed ate. tweeting of the Medical Society or Allegheny ro.. Jan. 7, Er.,loecl. That thi! .tiocitty has learned with Much fec,Tif of the death of one of ito member!, 11r., JAB. IL TAIT. ii,oftett,--That by Idr removal from our midst, In the meridian of life. aud npogro of profe,.ion oh attainment!, we hare been deprived of • high enteelateJ read volatile member. Ruatrnd, Xhatitgivesu,anfeigned yet mourn ful pleasure to thus express mtr high admiration of his virtues. talents. and merit, as a phyrician, and of his COIIII6OIII, honc.i and houurahle traits of character as a roan. Rraclrrd; That ire .incerely. sympathice with hie flintily on this :tad afdietion. lind that the Secretary be directed to -end theta n cony of the le re.olution, G..EDRENGTON, ?real. L. DIL.VGLTLI., T. V. SLUM', 5e...7'.1. Cii - VRT us QUIXTEB, SEBSIONS. T....5 - 8,18:0 . Prmeut—Mr.c.rati: C McClure, Fri dentJa4ge, i:krr s.r.A 12canua Icce: Argocia' te Benjamin Le.ttrea. recalled—Mr Lefton was not Certain al to toe time when the expree - iunt cf Mr. Becker (mentioned yeetreey • dm: mule. Edward 'can Rem - dime, et - ern—l oyertoek a carriage on the-Beaver mad, on the nineteenth eloW OeptalraMr. Frati,r.: end too children were in it Moser. Will, Lowe, and Dwyer Were in it. Wintems MN nothing of them after they wont al fey ne Sir }Jays tarn - Er:— They dense .idly. because, as they mil, they wanted to get out of the county The homes were tr.:Mute. I did net observe them afterthey left AD. gays Tavern. They >topp.rl aMiut tun minutes there. tie. ran R. pats6l them, and they passed him afterwards tie Rao taking n drive on that road. The driver endeavored te mate the horses go Si , M.l ii. , pc,-.liirrit. 11itne•ri , did not know who mode the driver go. Henry Muldoon, esont—l was in the Di nmond one night when Barker was speaking, and heard him my that the father of ,jive children came to the Mayor's office one day when he ems me in. lie let u Letter toe him to meet him ot etileirw' Hall, nt ii o'clOck next m o rning. When he weut there the next. morning. he raw the man, and asked him if he tees the father of the children. He answered •• 5' ee." ••Well, sire' say, the Mayor, ..I'll hare your children for you in the inside of twenty minutes. in my seta," and in the inside of nineteen minute. he had them in the 'office, andin thirty minutes they were inside o f the carriage jeering town. "Well," Ice surd, wasn't that quick tmdelling l" James Reed, .warn—Am a putiCratria. 4 1 got a warrant at Squire Steele's at the limo the chil— dren were taken away. I sent te Sumer on I horseback, on fast an possible. Oot there it, three hours and a half, mud heard of them on the road. When I got. to Seaver they tell me they had passed. I sow a muddied melee:a, which I thought was the one they had come in. I found they were In a tavern at Brighton, and asked to , see them: but the tit. ern keeper told me that I ' could not do so—that the father Lad Lie child ren, and they could net be taken from him. The people at Beaver raid, in Mr. Mire presence. that the children note bound out to Catholics. and that 'the father did not with them raised in that religion. i The declarations of the citizen. of Beaver. made in Mr. Hill's pretence, were objected to by the counsel for the defence bat admitted by the Court. I new the fourth person is carriage, who said he was n cowls of sir. Dwyer. He ash! that I rhould not have the children. The war rants were issued on oath of stir. Cottony. Cross Examined—Tomes Co,* of Pittsburgh was one of the men at the tavern. I believe he said I bad no right to take them, I don't recollect his eying I had no right to take the children, except the warrants I had were endorsed by 71 magistrate of Beaver county -1 showed my I warrant to Hill. They said I should not take hem. Robert Ilagne, sworn—l went to St. Louis. lately. I think I raw Charles McCoy, who was e driver for Reidy Patterson. Jane Moore, sworn—Wesoneof thetenchert In the Fourth "Ward School last September. I save the children - vent by Mr. Conolly, there at Stet , time. They had been there ever ninee I was en- I gaged in the. Echoed, from May Inst. They el- j wive 'teemed to be comforteLly clad. In Sep. 1 Weber some gentlemen came into the school, and enquired for children of the name of Dwy er. I said there were no such children there.— Thermtuired for them then by the name of Camay. I called them up. They were taken awl by these gentlemen: one of whom raid he woo their uncle. They made use of no force.— , The gentlemen who mid he was their uncle, can tied the little boy away—the little girl rallied. I No disorder was produced in school by this. Sarah Al. Cost, sworn—Am et teacher in the Fourth Ward School. , The children commenced coming to school in April, and continued going till September. When this thing occurred Me' Moore came iu newt wilted me whether she would let them go, and - I .said I supposed she would have to. us the teen were officee P. . The children suAcKLErr .Ir 'l b HITS , IN holesole Deo were no well dressed mil comfortable aa any! who Came to the school, I non, - ...ll , nirrar ~r 3 6 .. 1, N' le , ", • Jan P. Gir:‘.; ewers—:lm engaged in th e c ' 1 rerT:titi A W m ?rtin i', . ;t i nt " th '„`tfine". f ct°.l'VeVet. l ; l telegraph reeve at Pittsburg, and uuO engage...! esareztje to M an n ore- ..e.r.tirm tom, there in May lest Am local manager- r r .r•, a' r .:' teem, ...i r'f-: ,.. . 7 1 , : , V.Qt r tt n ;7 l :..r;ttri' : -. th ' Mr. Bestir , ear of et Lewis, but rermerge Co !um eauheety. lutili urru, %Linn:tour et,. , Pittsburgh. Think that - he in o luryer there. I ' lie rat in car tau rrequtntly ha Mee - last Ile sent messeeee freettmetly—eubsequer.t viintee sled nut. -Alder= Steele, :firm 1-I.llisic the inforzna ticn (producing it) on tsLich i Irina the oar ' rant for the nrrect of DnTer on a charge of kidr.spidtg. - John NIL-holt. civorn—l vas in the to.= cf East Lirerpool scam time in °eptotater last. Duper came into a taw= there tad toot children to tht fire to warn, them. Ile said he anti &id to get into Ohio. That he had been in Pitts tua' was glad In get Into a decent .place agsin. 11. told me that he got the children froanCoticaljorho had treatedtherabLili . I hal- Ysard sontradat abort the case and sated bka to hint: '• I asked Mm what Coati,' Ibe ealdl ! •• ; Ile kilt:till:4'lA as ne6stent of an Italian bin howle got iltelin. -Ire raid the Court. pive them i „ ~ , ~ ..... he didn't lentrit, that he was not in Conec at the .eta- w ho w~ i ..!, d, ..s Mae - !loot In Italy to . the ordes: 0r 9en. he .4141,bn:ina said that hi hadgit - en lam the I Chtleeh t—' ' - • , . e thn hillere ne IT "lid e'ra " id in n eth arker ing b: l 7e j n c t '' t i :o ' o te lfi r cet: ' ""I :The n I! moot mioniehing &went, Whose, ex- I —inn and Beed—te Believe with him. and that pion, somewhat resemble the celebrated ones of 1 they fwd fleeced him handsomely, taking forty the famous Etinaldo'ninaldinl more than an Cl dollars from and nbused him I amid he need not talk from him. Ile commenced talking about 1 cerbeted slime. we e a priest, named Cyr° Aniehi. Ccnolly I mien, born in the email town of Grotagli, on - the' 1 iit dial, 25 r knew Mr. Conolly . Shortlyl . lroad from Torento to Lecce. nig firm achieve ! afte_rwarde he left East Liverpool. l-ment was the murder of' it whole family in the C. B. M. Smith, Esee. had :teen the children ;town of Seem-mine. Me had nt the time of hie e'frequently at. Mr. Cesolly'e They were always , death. hero labnnalit farmorath.entwenty yearee very well prcesed, and well taken core of. Mr. ! and from hies, daring and -uccess, the country Cottony and hit wife seemed to be very fond of i people believed him to he a devil or a magician, them, and they to return that affection. Rio and scoffed at the ',oldies, elm were sent to per: • mtention' had been partieularly directed to them, sae him n hen the e n : eac h General, °m ee t ° , e from :he fact that he had tome eztrreepandence. 1 Corsieau by birth, eomthanded in this province. • t with Mr. Dwyer va - the aabicel. a mall one day presented himself before him. , I and said with n fierce air,..e. The bandit wham A 1 - TEILOWN SF. iiiri. i you hove Co long hunted in now hefore you, but Daces: .7 1' Garret:lt—Sworn—l am acquaint- !if be is molested you sill lie assassinated before ed with Mr. Martin Cannily, and wi t s his I ,l, sa i nightfall " Auichiarien turned and disappeared, • don in letkl Is attended both these children et ! and froth that time general Ottncin doubtless different times: The children wore exc e ll ent l y ' hod faith in the belief of the people. for the , taken care m Mre. Conolly s meti t ern erae d the hand. , et' oil taken until he was pursued by a children principally. They were well eared f or , body of dudes under General Church. When ' during their sickne,. Sly kill far attendance this General was ear day in pursuit of the ban !co one fir the children,, woo tin dollars. i d o t ~ I ditti nod their loader. he was eccosted by a pent, I remember what the hililfiw the other was. I don't I ants who drew him a=ide, and gave him some I in know how long the ebildien 'were with Mr. Con.tlligence concer oily. I casino reoolleet when they were taken ' nent day this peasant was fund dead its his sib away. , lo g e , with a paper pinned on his breast with John fondly, Sworn—l vow Mr. Dwyer .tond ing ohnut• nine o'clock near the Fourth Ward Selwoi lunar. on the day the children were to. ken tiwlty. Another perron woo with Lim. When Dwyer -ow me, he went oleo), the uther per,otn temained. buyer wont to the turner of :it. noir F.' trtet. Thu. moo the het I now of him. I went end told my heather that Dwyer wo, , of the school hoot,. I did not tell him Chit till about one &clunk. John Coyle, Sworn—l was in St. Loui, and had n conversation with Mr. Dwyer. I called, at Lis requed. to vet. him veterni Ile mid he w ould never pay iMnolly anything. hut would pay Sire. Connlly when lie tvnii able I tra, acting a, Attorney for Mr t' molly. hut did not.make - tld, known to Mr. Dwyer Wit ness di, lined giving the •tatement of Dwyer in the friendly ei.ver•ition they find together. ho. cause the latter did not know that he wa. Ily . a agent. The Conic -tedaitied the wive.- . s ohjeition, The Colninuntridilth rested here The en,e no. opened on the part of Dwyer. h y S. %grate F.,ni • Mr. Charle , Bowan le,titied vu the children having been bound to Mr. eidiolly. Ile iigned the indenture. and toeing ncquninu,l will, Mr. he was getting it Vrrj, pod jince tor them Me li. was cross examined by Colonel Blitek. as to whether the children were humid in accor dance with the usual custom of the Board. inc (lite:glob woo objected to by - Mr Mahon_ and au in:limn:eel iti:icannon anise between the , Counsel., it tieing maintained !ant t h e initiate, vholibl be produced in evidenivi The gomitinn wtn finally overruled. Samuel NlcKelvey, ,worn—l far.t heard of the opprentice:hip at the District Coon. siiierk the habeas collms , case no., trial ttirs Ilvanined—l never betel any diment from thi. binding qf childrer., by the MCI, bet , . of the board.- I:everal member. of the board di-liked ail. method of binding children It. 4'. Niagara.. E.- 1 .. then offered the record. , of the litiordishs of the Poor. in et ider.u. Hiram Heine, sworn-1 wa. in the Nlayre. office ..lien the children were there. In n few minute., ‘lr. Dwyer and the children went into the carriage standing at the door, accompanied by officer Lowe net 11111. per.amo were in the rg.knn at the time. Marker Married the eirmundance• to me. Ho said tlmt a person had Come th,,re to yet hi. children. :the hod been watogfallr detained froth 11., owl tint he had got pi. saute td them. :led delhete.l them to thert latitet. flatlet . -.aid that the dctii.i,ot of the In nl,l row t c ilCr.l 10 - little re ,pect. MD, how lie •v 1 th st had no rialit to keep the children, and tint two law yers hod been trying to get them. nod failed. Met that he-hoot got them in Mean minute.. NI. White .wean--1 want intr. the Mayttei laTize about the tithe the children were le ought in there. The door.; were not loctell. I oh u_ Fed nothing like secrecy. I left before the chit- • 'then were token away. it number of rrnone were in the loom at the time. David Fcuirick,evorn—l was one of oh.: May or's police at the timeof thie oczurreinic. I was in the clic, after the children were brought telire. cud the doer . were not locked. Harmer Denny sworn—The prvenedinge of the the hoard were .entered on the minutes h the Secretary. I never Lend any disont to the hindiag of thene children Al the canclutdoo of Mr Licriny . t. ttitimony, the adjothicel Wail thin morning at nine LaiIIAIROLOGICAI IM/LE Reparte3 fc.t. the Pitt:lA22h grattte nth 3 for thtt Zristtio•uhian Vitotangtcci tity LiCICaM 07 MiE iJY.:11:1171.7.11. I=t 70. Dar tßirtri, 90 p m spm Daily =mil 42 44 40 34 rip° NIF.IteIIANTS AND UTIIERS. I 11,. rvt.troit: rimy* et tA4l..finx fortfull, .retivied Ly L :In 1,.+4,,t ad o,at tt, Pcmat, %I“er .t. at,J rat • t•Taa "' k:. ' trZt. . • • Cato. B riti LL V . ..• fourth otivet. Af,...I..NCES ON LIEYOSIT, - hart n utudaer«ol . .r tlar., 11. ILLtilt. ul Vatt..t.ur,dc-- at'lltlaut Ihrf.. re4h.t..... ttnlttanat, Aug.. a. 1.60, tr.,J, totteer alards.,.l...aaterlilo. 0- ca.. ' I rtd,. that th, al,ta duo to th , h. of thl. la thei lo r ,alreper.euttattren. are.g.hrtg Ith. T. M 110ITT ivrt.rt. 4.1 .4A1....111,11 Mira thlxl.4th day of 114.0.. m. L. r. 1,44. 1.. 11 d4.3.1.41n4 Notary Putlk IVOTICk:. w.. Iv", a4s..liated J. IM-W -11 Nth 0.1)TIS with U. io the I , .‘rhaog.•oal Umbt.;Jlß . 1.1,11. IL WILLI .0.0 a Cu I,l•lwugh. Jaourry I 14144.4.14 It sever $ n tarts 1731. H. WILtIAMS s. CU., Bankers Ex , hana, litcArtr. EA. wrest Of VT.,' IldrJ •A4-mt, All trltt.rwth.A [nod. .AL and onlatkAas pncupll, atterpled to jtAly _ • - A CARD-4851. BuRcHTIELD, North Ett.t .sresr,i Fourth and ,31arktt ..trret. rtnotour:h. In* -ate, .1 IL. rvameneeroeut the Ne. tr. talru thank. to their tu,nuarro *math; puhltr gene, •Ity. for the lance Abere of eufftran Ha ri to Ahern, and the. es.ttritunry 11 tbeir Wear. flaring mend, eularmed so! UnynArd thatr (4161. they axe uubind to keep on hx,ala sot, extrurtse ad•ortuteut tiod•—sal hu}eta voih haw th. e.huntabr. of yh'utr or Wad ~,0 10. cola, .1 make their Whey tieldtin making their eeteLllmbsuent. far pa prutieaLk, • FANkil. eiwk, whe, ever, art.el: itl62 Ur! 0..6 ta"nfe.l ttr, wat.t• mu 10 - szortant—argt In their count:gum/ effarts .elect the WA Rood.. and fa WI at tom pate. fy they hop make It the Ittterert of fentalk• and lo clirldutl, fier,:t the. •Ith their ru.van. • . • . . _ WI.II.ILLieIL .111 no anstlalvel In Itte an. frt. 401 titre... IT Innainrh Inver wt.. EANDIES, WINES GINS. &C. Lip 35 botlY Cog ise Or jto - Polo and Dark.' 15 or. rad°. do do "I'.le,'' ration, Ithoro. 10 do do. aryl troot relobratool llonnodlad. Atr.bur and .. El,O - lii.tdochecau Rod Scotyb WEskoj. do Junodya gum. 10 ,MA, N. E. do. dn. 2.s'dy, nooks Port Wino. 2+ do Model. Wine. 1.11 do tweet Mo/ssolrlne. ao Dry do. do. 10 do Idlrrty 1100 , 2+ bozos flOrdeaus Corm In Rote sod for mole by JOHN PARA= • CO., 1•139 I.llwely rtroet. G' BRIES. GI half licomr 11) m mat HULA Tido 34. catty boxes do. dn. Imp. snot (ion Vordct. O:O ruses Auden d HobLadm LY Tabooed . lb. dry P. Robinson t t 00... Wm and O. do.. LI do Culgoom L'. 'f IS dr. box., Prde and llormaat's VA do. tO catty boors James Thornton. or. Uol.lea Learl r.mP., to &tort. atot ad yak by boo" PARMA/ .k CO. N InV OILLEANS SUtiAtt. 16 hint, old vrop Inkne quality, In rtore awl final ti baunj JOHN PANKInt l ..n). . . il .01:',N 131t00315. • l_i NO donoll Corn Oran. in atm, and for Katy by AO ' Juan PAltlikni t PO. g 'ILL) RYE WHISKEY. • ILJV , In thln rum 1'4.. Whiakey.“sery oW and claolor " ,1 CO bLia. tlid .finsu.sigabela Will?nr.., . stpril taltr. tale by ban?! , . J . ...11n M.. , ... , . $ It Et :1: 1 0 . 1 1 )1 1 :1!. E 1 1) t 11 1 1:1 11 11 . , Si l L n E et i on• and (nr tale by Jaw JIJUN I'AMKEII a CO. EMCIVAL.--1)11. removed I L.brrty Ars., below Vitt. Nee KM ihTer doddwei sshe se the ' , slaw buildloa. athOlulhof lil ItG 11 CO MI ERC lAL Co Corn, of Thal: no I Marls% offal, Ib out,' oho ooakt lootitutow tto, Riad kt Altt.bonth. . Farut.".—J.Jat Viewll.4. Prlncipal Instrurlor in tn- Nirnmel Acrihmtr. O. K. I..'”vatth , rl:2l. Peonnamorarip, xDn Alex. L^tlrtr, Im A trtroJrrlal Tiro, J:tri, ci ',oath+, 1:w001...1ac of kook cod Ili appilestiAn -. rir ptrunou , hrt.. Jre 02,4 11 surnl hop the arrangProrolA. Lector, 40 ,ormaner:L.l crux, )I,rulay Jr , r!oit. .ttrkrear , Imy rmi.leut ater,h42.4. TAKE . NOTICE. ViLti.LENO t: 10 Tut: WORLD. ir,n7. ran roibt3 1,7=1 sla t. F:11 to am - on: 713 c ...II r.. 434... qv,. of joloo go,. cr art. ttat cannot b. , , v tottl.4l anti Ifolr. 1=4...4 et.4,-a mop I b., ti,, wid.otkot of roylog to tbs Do - 4.k of Ibts pl., Ow MD ortitle,ltyylf sort troylotrwqat . U. Cal tivrtla Priti f rolittl cotolz-. e r rytO,llo . 6 grooto.V.?. pitch. oil, rltC:t"i=tttrli;, “ Cl ' reift:iLl: i l tr " ..tV l l . :' stiavON'lttias' lima% Of. 'WNW: 10jUI p, 4 p, ,S 4 Shat pilMir.att Lai Ita. Wr Mart Mi. oar lbw. p.s Irlawront not , ' Mr stoic.lC tat/ wo 11. . vonil tot be oilLoat It II It ocotti t il In trylott 0 1.1 •.4. os. two. tWofrin - 1 stOr.k4 a. 'Et on,. tlttnt.otp. at ant Wk.,. 1 tat only toad t tv. t=aste of .111:. " +; : a.u......Z1A hurl Maim, CZ WlotO II </wood th. thaattre. beitta talltat It as a Rea ict=. 4 ai a the drou Sta.,/ sta. &Is batarjaitl to 5t0...a0.1 It'atot .Lacier than f . kX ,,,, an 1 . : Otttat Ilan amarrittathattt 441 44 "1P0RA - t ,1 7 iia7ataStd t*C7l4..iia=cibtr. • . if. ptunar.s.. •• .',..P.lvCcd terrible' ta . ,trtl.. Inscribed—•' This i 4 the fete of all throe who Lrtrnc .thichinriro • The Mat Itntel which Chic lendt.r cam:needed we. call : ed the •• decided:" emit man poutessed n et•rtitt cate. bearing two death's heads, with bloody em ! bleuut, and the great word, of •• Jwttiee, liberty, ni• death,' aignod Auiehirtrico.•' I ea. , one of t the cirtilivates in General illturch'm ' which trao written with human blood. At hoot. in January. INItI , thin natuniebing • • bandit. finding billowlf beset iiit fill points, by the soldier. , under the command of the General. threw himself at Rhona into nrn,lnhi tower, in the midst of it nolo poll, Tint the small town of easilla. hoping, protahly. lieu in the dead of night lie should he stile to escape through the soldier., many of whom were his friend+, and all of whim bell: red him to hr the devil. lint in the 0.111 , e of ow- hour after it aua porreistal that lie had taken this-position, n close line of trot+. nine drawn nroutwl the tower, by order of the tionerul, out of reach of musket shot, and atter n -lege of limit ty-six hones, he woe tarred to suiremi, himself and the reuinant of hi+ hand, hoeing fined away Jill killed owl wounded eleven of the enemy. lie efll7lol to Finn. ovilia, the ~.110 first murder, nod there -hot. It wins r a thanday when he was sentenced to he executed. NIA Gen eral Church stun to n.h the priest, of the town if it sons aceonling to their religion to shoot n man on that day. Their answer 15 . 115— •. The better the day this better the deed." Anir hinrito died like a mad man. From eight to ten thini+anti persons were is oseintili il to see 14111 shot. and to the lost moment they :timidly nested with per fect seurn the notion lust bullet- could pierce such man.--f Iliehruond liistinten How a Tailor Collected a Debt NC."( the close of the lost century, n Quaker knight of the shear:t and thimble, who exercised his nvocati.m in PMladelphia. woo imposed upon by all adr.dt , couttilrel. who nottriv,sl to get n suit of clothe., on eredit. and idler:curd doped without pa,ing for them The Quaker was too poor to lo.e the debt. but like too tunny others or - his cloth, h,.d apparently no alternative The account wt., placed en his book. and 51011 I,lr gtatell. -me years afterwaill'he ails examin ing hi- bid ..f dela nod creak 1.1,111 and trbell Lim atteution. wry sttr.soted t.. tbi lie room juld olt th. ,torano,Itt.•••••• attentlin,! tt atat 1.4 101let111.1 ..'4l.l.letil, 1.1.1 pet-cote. i • I L,? rtioa tmeat. hr to Ittm-r11: .• pot hap. 'mad • 11,11 . 1 , 1 ../I , lllar 'lll.i leltin tai otbney Ile iinatr•liately ploparo.l nn adverti , oluent in substance in, follow, wierli le. inierted to the ehttudelph..t tiocirte : Lt .1— tr who nas in Fillialielpida. abom the month —, to ate year mill rend addre, tc, the editor of ?Li.. piper, he will lieu - of nometkine to advantage. Print ers in the neighboring btnte4 are requested to The latter clatu.e ma* inserted Irma .t vague that the v , , rue had tat - em op his abode is Nen. lark. instru,ted the ellittor not to disclose his name to the rogue if ho should call, but to rettuelst et the latter to here addre,, the Queiar pratently awaited the result of his'ex perime.: In a short time Le teas informed. by n nate it the ptiuter, tint the itoiivrinul al luded to boring arrived trot Net: i 011:, might If futtad ut n pran place in the airy The toit.,r hot ito Lima i n plel...ting er Ilit Cr a; •.. .-. ,•.Ip3t, not I r,-,',lsting t 3 , barge the 1 int:reel :rise tthetlr.t , thel 1.e1.t ie., iwurre.l , -- Tablitz a eoen.eattle ,itb lin. vet, lore es leant ' . prce:trii edited to the e.,4,ib-n, ht sth.ta attired I nt the lodging - , of the Nnindler. The can.ttatle waa in,true:tot to el-tot , e.l n little dt.ttance, till the tipril L. hnnLl ',,,li:nti the tint, 1..1 hint to apprtiesen 1 , The Qual:cr nor rite; the bell. ant rhea the 1 approached. coquetted him to infortn the 1 geutlenaau of whom he wan tu notch, that. a Iticol wi,tl,l t., 'peal: arttit him nt the Jot ' The Tana obi.yr.l the ' :tn•l coon both debt, roil create. ...rt., leobinz en• 0 oli.‘ 4' its the lace • •• Jove d0...1 thou d.. 7 medic inguirol the ember. ^ Pnhapalbon,Jc.:4 not knew me." • I believe I not Led the plea-vale of your minaintance," politely odon...rval cur beta .• int 4 thou maneinter purehlsing it 4416 1.1 lothec .e.eerot )1 , 11 A i. An" tail, and ture A tting to pays.. hsbed the Qualer. ••iiherhe." eahl tl Idnshing slight y •• you must be n the person It ca not be me that o tend." n'dlt, John ! I t ter) well. Thou art the tern Tuna I t ?e. Thou U 1.4 ate at this very mom. iatcoat 1 made for thee. Thou ha ..1 1 .led it rena good stuff, and Well mml, dJ tot have lasted thee so long ntih. yes soh! emnn. appearing. oudletely 1 recoil. "I du remember now the eircinustanen to which you allude. Yell, yee, I hod intended to call and settle that little 1,111 before leaving l'hiledelphia, and yen mny depend ttpcdt my doing , to I hive come here to take pa4ereetion of en large amount or property which ha" been left Me by will. See! here is the tivertitent• id which appri , ..ect me of my very good fortune 'Here he handed the'Quaker a New Cork pa per containing a copy or the adverti4enight, whose hietory we have given abate. The Qua ker loot:edit' it with imperturbable gravity. and ermtirmeti— '• Yra, I ,ee thou art in luck, but as my de mand a small one, I think I mast iusint on pay ment before thee cornea into pon9eialon or thy large estates.' The proper aignol here brought the countable into the presence of the portico. The anindlor wax particularll u,doni"hol at the nppearance of thi.: functionr.r7, who immediately proceed.' to^execote hi, pnn of the drama. - •• What!" exclaimed the rogue, iu an angry tone, you cutely haven't !mei " • Yea I bare," repllecithe Quaker, and thou shouldlt be thankful that nothing aloe happened to thee." "Come in, then," mid 114 . debtor. finding himself fairly caught; "come in and I. will pay you, if I must" The three went into the house together, oral the slippery gentleman, - haring the amount of the bill, paid it in full. The tailor having signed the receipt, placed it In the hands of bin late debtor, with feelings eueli sr may he readily imagined. The swindler took it and fur the fir,t time glanced at the Tarioui items of which it was culdpo.ed. Ile sold neat iug till he essic 61 the Ilt+t charge, which was " rott est.VIITIAIN . II." when In rake lerth— t• whAl's tills • For s•lt'et tisittg •-- That . . 111111].? hill • 1 otg nrr healing Tie "oh, euolly ryylied thr quaker, ••thnt~ nil right. I have charged thee the ci.e.t ut pub li,hing the odYertisemeut which thou just show ed me." Here the 'windier uttered a horrid he demanded: .• Do you mean to ony that you enured the publication?" Truly I did." replied the Qunker, with the moot preiel.iiig coolueAt. • You old a rimed lie In it," quickly retorted the rogue. toe of Paid the Quaker, •• and you will find me re lily to timfs.. the fault.- .• You nnid that f =hmild hoar something to my nricaittege if 1 hull eon. ere •. Than nrt im the linker; ..1 only promise hear .mettiinz to ni,ntag the advantage Si' a pnr.r tnr debt tlintrly renpond•`t hnt thou 3hould'et nail is it to to collect nn eW if I catch you in the cud iliac, with :in oath, and in give you such a cowhidiou breath in year lydy " fionscase. now, - said t thou real. ) intend to do any think Ice find better strpint we will then finish up the bu The rogue gnu completely cuoinca3 of tie, and r petrified. t." mid the hwin cp rr., hill no: "11l le old Quaker; "-If hing.o that :art. 1 • th^ back yard. awl site; at puce.- rumplr.seci by the aecfi rpeacialcs: c.r.l NOW." thi.l the toiler, good netaredly, ••Irt Vet us pre thee a piece of ;Then next thou hamt oceaainti to _get -it of 'elubes, thou had*t not hector utteuipt ta,,:ellow the tailor. but ply Lito honestly, for thOU Isn't thy conecience not delturh thee, nod thy . "keg trill be meet nod refrenhkz. Furowen.,,) fl SEED OIL. brie pure New Ceetlle. _04,3= Itteini • • . A.0.09.L1113.1* CO— , J -..~:CJ.'" E=i:E=EMEI , • :i 4 frE D y il ,t6. TEA .ft. , Kari an the ttoleten night ' Itor the - rtnima Triad,' are eighbig lite.athizig a requiem' rad and For the ainy pia Year is dying. parkneai lath spread.ritit , Ana Time his iitepg eeems staying: slowly cloth their echo fall Thraugh the silent chamber straying. 'fit a fearful time— And the hrear is dread nod holy: His breath is faint, and his pulses chime Mote fitfully and slowly; His eye is glazing net:— III:A! stifle e'en thy sighing! i!..e atilt, and gaze on hie paid brow, Far the gray Old Tear is dying. Well may the heart be 4.11, Well may thine eye he :ceping— For many a hope Mid joy of thine !lath he in his silent beeping They paas with the dying year. And their light knows no returning. And thy soul shall mourn for the fleeting ray That pas; as a meteor's burning , Come r:ear-omo bow thee down. . In the dust beside him kneeling: Hark ! heard ye not that solemn chime! 'Tis the death knell for him pealing. Would's*, thou call the dying hark Alas for the vain endeavor! Eleven !--twelve f—it i over now— lie L dead—he h gone forever! MEMORABILIA or rat AF.NT.NTEIINTII VENTURI BRITAIN There in no period in the history of England so full of extraordionry oecurrences an the sev enteenth centuary. The death of Elizabeth in pot nn,end to the comparative calm which had for some time existed: and from thrit peri od until the ascension of William and Mary, In PIK the whole kingdom wan convulsed with in testine eomnitation+. The rebellion In Ireland, the civil wars of kleMland, the execution of Charles 1.. the tivurpation of Cromwell, the destruction of the monarchy. the estnlilinhmeot of a com monwealth, the abdication of Janies 11., and again, the retiollion In Ireland, form a series hf. ev-ents only ti he rivalled perlmps by the Ma tory of Europe during the singular year 1848. Ilesi le. vvent.f reaching to historical dignity, there was what appears. nt first sight, an extra ordinary eucce+sion of inferior oecutvences—to plagues. tempests, conflagrations, mariellouitap rearariCeS in the sky, all of which the people be lieved to he es,entitilly connected with themarch of historical events, In no far as every nne of them was repirded as n mark of the way in which Providence regarded the doings of state men. illanynf the narrations of these occurren ces are exceedingly curious. both for the nature of the occurrences themselves, and the terms in which they are silt forth for popular admiration, as well - its the comments made upon them, in which we arc presented with a lively illustration of the:temper of the popular mind during that age. It in to the more remarkable of these me morabilia that we would now direct attention. In 1608, the plague, which had aurpetuted its dernstatiqua for a eansiderahleperiod. reappear ed iu London, and ridded to the grief of the in. Itahitratts for the depth of Queen Elizabeth. In thi, and the following year. uo less thou 61 , 1.64H1, pevons died from that visitation. to 1C.417. a terrible tlood devastated the en.fir. of England and Wale,, whereby twenty •ix pari-11.- in Nionmouth.lire were en. tirely swept away, nut the oratuties of Somerset, tahateester. tilantorgin. Vardigan, and i 'serum, then, were fearfully “vettlown by the sea [hie haunts . 400 persons petishe.l. and many thousands H.,. interle ruined. TI,. rll. taltroph• ws• emiteul porlrr--Upou fuesdny. the '7oth of •lani.ry. 16117, about nine 'clock in the morale.. the sun Iwing moot o umnyof the inhabitant+ prepared iheniselew. to their et= fairs. There might they see afar off, as it were In the element, huge and mighty hills of water, tumbling one over onetime, in such sort as If the gravities mountain in the world had overwhelm ed the low valleya or marshy grounds. Some. times it so doodled the eyes of many of the spec tators, that they imagined it had been some fog or mist coming with great swiftness towards them, and with such smoke as if the mountains bad been all on fires and to the view of some, it seemed as if millions of thousands of arrows hail been shot forth ull nt one time. which come each swiftness, or it was verily thought that the fonts of the air could oca.rcely fiy no fast ouch RAN the threatening fury thereof lint r, mon ns the'people perceived that it was the violence of waters of the raging seas, and that they trtoo:aced the compass cf their accustom outaLS, and making no furiously toranty tbam„. happy were eheyakist mould saakebtie best .andenast speed away. Eat no violent and swift were the outrageous waves, that pursued one another with such vehetranicy, thatin less than five hours' space. most part cf these. counties were all overflown. and many hundreds of peo ple. both men, women. and children, were then quite drowned by those outrageous waters." Not only were dwelhi .r tg houses destroyed. but several chr.reles were -ompletrly swept away by this aced; and of the Midges between tliloneester. end Bristol scarcely one was lett standing. The city of Bristol suffered very considerably. The float happened at the time of the groat St. Paul's fair held there• when the warehouses were flied with all kinds of stores, and these were more or less damaged by the waters. From the many narration. of hairbreadth escapes we select the following for their quaintness and singularity:— “The miraculous delivery of a gentleman from death when it had round beset him in the midst of the watery.—A gentleman dwelling within four miles of the ice, betwirit Barnstable and Bristow. walking forth to view hit grounds, cast up his eyes it, the sea coast, and on a sudden the hills and valley, wools awl MeItIORA, teem ed all to be either removed, or to be buried In the sea, for the water afar off stood many yards above the earth. flame comet be with all speed, relates to his wife what be had seen. and the at mural peril that was preparing to set upon them. and with all, counsels her and hip whole family to bestir themselves, and to get higher up into the country to some one of hi. friends. All hands. presently laid about them. as if that enemies had been marchiug to besiege the town, to trans by what they could and be gone. But behold how swift in mischief when Gml drives it. before him to the punishment of the world The far dell which they bad bound up to save from drowning, some of them were glad to lean spun to escape drowning themiel” res. „ The gentleman, with his wife and children, got up .1 the highett building of. the house.— There Rai he and they upon two rafters, com forting one another in their misery, when their hearts within them were even dead to themselves from all comfort. They now cared not for their wealth, An they might but go away with their lives ; nod yet even that very desire of life put him in mind to preserve something by which of. terwanL. they might live—and that woe e box of writing" wherein were certain bonds and all the evidences of his lands. Th is box he ;tied with cords fast toe rafter, hoping, what wreck -weever should overthrow the rest of his substance, his main estate should be found safe, and come to shore in that haven. ,• But Mast in the midst of his sorrowfnl glad• nem, the tea fell with sash violence upon the house that it bore away the whole building, rent It in the middle from lop to bottom. They that could not get up to the highest nouns were put to a doable death--drowning and braining,. In thin storm the husband and wife lost one another —the children and parents were parted. The gentleman being forced * from bin hold, got to 0, , beam, and sat upon that, nod, against his will, rode post ROMA) three or four mile., till at length encountering the side of n hill, he crept up. There sat be. environell with death, miserably pouring nut tears to increase the waters which were already 100 ulnfenlnnt : owl to make him desperate In his narrow. the tyrannous stream prmeuted to him the tragedy of his dear wife and dearest children—she, they, and 1116 ser vants, were hurried to their deaths by the tor. rent before his face ' drowned doubly in his tears and In the waves. Vet becau4e he should not be altogether the slave of misfortune in this sea fight, a little to fetch him to life which wan upon departing,' he spied his box of writings, bound up as they were to the rafter, come Baiting to wards him ; that he ventured once again to gave, and he did so, and in the end most miraculously mime off likewise with his own life." . . . , •• There wee entire gentkrUM tie! Roc;tlg a yoyagt to mode on horseback, ended it Tiding after a strange naanntr.—Therc. wag another gentle man in the same country, likewise, who, being newly married. determined on this morning to take his gelding. and to ride forth to n town not many miter di.tant from his own dwc;ng. there to be merry. Hheron is for that pn use stood ready saddled and bridled. and be himself hod drown on one of hi= hoot:: but before be could fix his leg to the , other, the point of his compare was dluged:: hisso;nge gland won to be made by water. or eta not to all ; for the sea had so begirt the honse,,brirk - Un in. lifted off the doors from their hiitgei, ran up into all the chambers, end with no dreadful noise took pcsseasicm of every room, that ho that was all this while but half a horseman,' trusted more to his own legs than to the swifts:en of hie gelding. Up, there fore, he:moot/1 the very top of all the home 'lke waters'p ed him thither, which he per ceiving, got aatri e over the ridge, and there re solved to ease MA' life.. .Bat Neptune, betike, purposing to try him well boor be Could ride, cut off - the main treading by "the middle . , leaving the upper paxt frainiming like a . .Plemis buoy in .foul weather. The gentleman being Arisen to' go - Ithat pads *tit would entry him wmcb,he eat upon; held' that by the tiles, and ugh things ea he ' could . 1 oi , hold on, and .in this foul arsather tame be at length, neither: on hi:p.*4a mar on poi iu a Tau" #tfay _wilt; . el! the -Tizy _... ... ....•. . ==MIMIEEMEI town there in the mernilig ; tie ii • anti° talrertip his inn, t In nplace' in aVeamontkehl i ee thttre.sras'A maid went to milk her, tine In the morning, but before she lied fully endedlner.briainnts; the Ye.' hemeney of the waters incesamed, &Oro sudden ly environed her about, that ,she could not ea cape hence, but sine enforced 4 make shift up to the top of abligh bank to save herself, which she didwith much lido, where she Was constrained to abide all that day and night in great distress.' what with the eoldneas of the air and waters.' and what with other accidents , that there hap ' pened unto her. At last some of tier friends tied two broad troughs, the one to the otitis.., and pat therein two lusty strong men, who, with i long poles stirring these troughs us if they had I been boats, made great shift to come unto her, I and so by this means, I,y Cod a help, she was , Ithen saved. But now, gentle cider, Mark what 1 1 betel at this time, of the stringeuess of ether creatures wham the wafers had violently oppers -1 sad. The hill or honk- whore the amid abode all that 'mace was all at sneered over with wild I burets and ‘ermiu, that came thither to seek for succour, that she had touch ado to mire herself from taking of hurt by them, and much ado she I had to keep them from creeping upon and - about I her. She was-nil so much in danger of the wa ' ter nn theiCte tide, ai. she was . troubled with those vermin on the other FitilL .The beasts and were vermin that there were these—namely, I dogs, eats. moles, feces, bares,. rabbits—yea. and not sumuish as rats and mice hut were there in abundance: and that II hich it the more ' strange, the one of theta never pare offersti to annoy the other, although iliey wire Beaty ear- , I [MP, by nature the line to another. Yet in this ' danger of life they not. once offered . to expresa their tuitural enmity, hut in a gehtle sort they freely enjoyed the liberty fir life, which, in mine opinion, was a most wonderful work In nature." In yarn NAM CAPT.. BROWN tells an amusing occurrence witnessed by him last week on boon! the Ocean,. on her passage down. An 'oldish and somewhat purblind gen tleman, pacing lip and down the upper saloon, stopped in front of a large full-length mirror, and after gazing at the figure presented, for a moment or tic), inquired in a very deliberate tone, "Is your name Brown??" No answer.— Quest. repeated loader. " In your name Brown ! " Still no answer. Quest. again repeated louder still, your name Brown?" No agswer.— " Well," said the questioner, you are ether no gentleman or eery deaf: " Yire saloon was in a ronr.—Drtroit AdrettiArr. • A I.r.sasrn IltrNnEn..—When lir. Adam Lit tleton was compiling his Latin Dictionary, assis. ted by an amanuensis. he ditated the Wont con ciirrn. :The scribe, supposing that the various senses of the word in English would begin, an usunl,'with the mod literal one, mid, • To fOll - I Suppose sir. The doctor immediately ex claiined peevishly, • Con.cor con-dou.'" and accordingly the amanuensis, supposing the lat ter, word to be dictated, immediately wrote con dog no the translation oT conrarro. It was even printed thin in the fird edition of 1678, though thin rediculous blunder was corrected in the sub sequent editions. SPANISH I:TNCETTI The etiquette to the roles to be of,en.etl in the rural palace, in nece,ary, writes Baron Bientield, for keeping order at court to Spain it was carried to ouch length. an t.. make mar tyti.. of their kings. flew i. it,tance, at which, in spite of the fatal e0n...g00-toot. it pro dotil. our eittmou retrotin from ou oiling: Philip floe Third wt., xeatetl by the fire-ii.le. The lire maker of the coutl 110.1 kilt died so great a ,itittifity of wool that the 13311- 3101 ‘1 , 3% 13,11, .31rh0e.t1431 with heat. tool hi. • grentleor • noo o dd not ',titter hint to from the chair: the dome-die- could n.. 1 presume to enter the 431331113311133,3, it 3,1, agaillmi the etti.piette. It tellgth \ Inerpti. de pots . p i permed, and the king in det etl him to doom the Ore ; lad here iuned ttiteging that be an,' forbidden liv" tio.. •et hoot, te ' to pet form -orb it tilltetiOn, for whielt the Duke ,r 4t01.1 up;:ht to be tailed upon, as it nos The Duke was gone oat : the tire lourut fiercer, and the king rotated it rather than derogate from his 'dignity,' But hi+ Neal tons heated to such a degree that nu eryeipelas of the head Op-- reared the nestday, which, succeeded by a sio lent fever, tarried him off in 1521, in the 24th year of his age. The palace was once on fire; a soldier who knew the king's rider tens in her appartment, and must inevitably be,consumed in a few mo ments by the dames, nt the rid: of his life, rush ed in and brought her highness Fate ell, in his arms: hut the Spanish 'etiquette' was here wofully broken into: Lie loyal moldier was brought to trial, and it was impoesibla to denythat he had 'entered herd ttparttnent, the judges condemned hint to die The et:tali-1 Yrineris, however, cGroleirettileiL in considera tion of the cireumstiner, to pardon' the sal dier,,and very benevolently tared his life ih: Hoe Sidney ihnith, in one of the ablest par„ of -, t Evay-a, soya: •• knotrof no principle which it is of morn im ce to Ex in the minda of the young peo ple.l u that of the most detc ed resiitance to the encroachments of ridical Give not up to the world. nor to the ridicule which the world enforces its dominion ova, every trifling question of manner, custom, and appearance. Learn from the earliest art, to in...kirc yourprin ciples against ridicule. "If you think it right to differ from the times. and to make a stand for any valuable point of morali, do it, however rus tic, however antiquated, however pedantic it may appear: dt. it, not for insolence, hut seri ously and grandly, al a man who wean a soul of his own in Ins bosom,, and does not Wall fill it shall be breathed Mil; him by the breath of of fashion. Let men call you mean if you know you are just; hypocritical, if you are honestly religious; pusillanimous, if you feel you are firm. liesistam e soon converts unprincipled witinto sincere respect; and no after time can tear from you those feelings which every man carries within hint who made n noble and .me ces+ful exertion in a virtuous cause." Cheap Infidel Literature. At a recent meeting of the London Tract So ciety, it was 'tinted that there wns no fewer than ten stamped newnpnpers of all infidel tendency, the circulation of which, throughout the country, in not lens than 11.700,000. There are six un stamped newspapera, of which the circulation in 6,240,000. Of miscellaneous publicatiormof coil tendency, there In a circulation of not less than 10,400000. Of the worst oboe of all, the cir culation amounts to 5,250,000. In thin country there are doubtless n• many as in Great Britain, when the population is taken into account We hone seldom read any thing •more beauti ful awl exquisitely touching. than the following lines 'mitten by Mn. Judson, an a prayer G. be used daily by her children. atter the departure of Or. Juliann ttum Ilnohnain, onn voyage for the benefit' of hi. health, and hot t which he Item retur4.l They were 'cut to it ft iend In Malt, dclphia. and their publication, ,ity,4 nu Exchange, contrary to the caper tativoia or with, of the waiter: but in View of their execrating beauty and title light they ra , ,l liprin the dainestie life of thin e ' ildnetit and de% ete.l Mi—ionary, the friend, who received them, a—entel to their pultlication. A It A tat 31 . 411 t ItE,lll I'A A • 10 SM.. EMILV t hooa dad nerdy little children, SJvionr, God, we rouse Inn thee. For our hearts are foil 4orrovr, And no other hope have we. t tut upon the rewth,ot cle.lll, Then. , i one we dearly loor-- Pol.l him in Thine tIIIII4 of pity, :iprend Thy pinrainli wing.: above When the win& are howling round him When the angry wave+ are high. When Mark, heavy, midnight ,lia.lter4. 'un his traekle.s ',Alma) lie. I • (Junk nnd guard him, blersed Saviour, ilk! the hurrying tempest" 'day; Plant thy foot upon the waters, Send thy smile is light his nay. , When be lies, nil pale and suffering, Stretched upon his narrow bed, With no loving face bent o'er him, iu soft bond nbout'his head, Oh, let kind and pitying angel:, Their bright form..: mutual him bow: Let them kils hi? heavy eyelid's Let them fan hie fevered brew. Poor and needy little children, Still tre mire oar cry to Thee: We have nettled in his bosom.' We hive tportc.l on hie knee; neatly, dearly do Ire lore him-- We, kilo Cu his Invunt have lain Tit)" non• our detnlotion; .I , ting him hock tons again! If it plenoe thee, Ilearenl7 Father, We would rev him come once more, • With his olden step of rigor, With the lore-lit smile he core; hot if we must tread Life's Talley, Orphaned, guideleso, nod alone, Let us lam not, 'mid the shadows, His dear foot prints to :Thy Throne,: Idarmum, April, 1850. . . CC FETE. 213 bags Riofor sale ter deli AILEY. maTrustr6 a co. ARD OIL. C; brl.i %rioter strained; fur: rtao by dot' diATII3IM3 A Cy. FISH. - larg.e bfo. 3 Marl:awl; ; F- • iGera Vm IZAtticore nminr. ' 1! Arai Catastr. Iby "'" • nummgrs.' VIOR SST. LOMB, rTbe . spleadid. - 77 7 itiitirriTaVra n g", l 'inr" r . y tilant. pe jgr' . !annum aumm EtOR YASRVILir,.! Th7GCratartl "--"' ELtVe=tgralta l gtabg ror thlirta or www. may _ F .. ST. LOUIS. , The fall. , tn . rte.., ROBERT BONERS titrberArill Osier-Be the alma era tam RodWr herb 00 . ElidAy; the BAR irotunt. at /0 A. Al. R. SoARt <A• 14 0, 03 , au bounL jot! --' --- ff - S - 117 - Gii.M. NEV. ORLEA .. e I: epkodel cm Iretart EDITOR. A. 0 . NE.- rre will Rom Re AI., e end RA., Inll:4.ler.dinge thie morning, eth inetata, az 10 o'clort For frteßrrasreagr, eirplyEr Erral. 00 t i V -il NASIIVILLE. The .plen - .. di.i .4......: FORT ern, MOE, re ertk r, aN tAll leeve far o.t. above 1114 lotermf4ooe Irmo thir day. Wh Imam. at 100410 et.. A. M. Coo Orßhi or pureco. AKA, rm brAol., ' . feR - 0 itaftVlT'rSitpitti A:N WIIKELLEI.I PACE ET)--The.rplen4ll ma o maw pr.:forming her neuter ' trinneriil) hips &tare& 6t. - &it Wheeling. Icahn stplihrah rd. ICI o'clock IVednentay and Priam, anal .rritlertinr. Imes , /very Tnenitny, Thr.railay and &twain), in m.. 11 reel. Farr ight tir_pianinge, applr oh Initial. a, t o mil . AltAlMlolliti n (MAZER. Agnot, i). R. bale, r. Plll khan • Plitalwrgh every Tgenday.Tharnlny Sigiuday. hairrn every. Alninhai .4111 , L1T and. n Ir.ri -I,:r f o halit nernima , Eta. JNc in. Alt w tips bAY PACKET. CINCI:CIATI. &ninth John rmiu 11 nhatn. Thh. hml st twat by 1111. OW 1/1.1, of nPnimer IF.lnr. Newton. sal other. no the.Cfnatruntl and Pittnbingh lineknternite. nal rill lgre 2:2 ll% . l.•' ' '' ; t at r fafratl " mi. 4' ina n ':,tl P4 ron ' ry Mr.?) , (1. AULTEn . 2 Anent. F.( ULAIt WIIEELING; AND PACKET—The foot trututin VEd iveatuer IVELIKVILLE. Capt. B. Yotuut. al_ Bomar • regular packet betatron Viitahureh. Wheeling. urpurt. awl Bantab.learlog CltLiburrii every dlaudaY utitecuon. far Wrlivrille. Ptrutrnrill. nA BridgeßOri• utal «very Thumb, - uftenuun for rtrishenvine. heeling./ Bridgeport. Carib.. and tiunftsh: rrtetrobig, learea Bridge. ivrt uul tiuufith rvery Turrilay afterz oomad rr t r l" "ft''' ?l or"W ll4 !"U.m,r, ,47 .itk M l %t. JREGUITAII LIB ERN' ATLAND ICKLY.SVILLI: PA CK ET-v-The light nuttily strutter AliEdIA. D. P. Klortry. moo .• ter, Buret Pittaidlegh 411 NI ocular, WecisoP.lx!... amt Frfaxv, st 10 erl.rk. A. 11. /ama WelialW4 oz. Tue,lay, 4 7Lr ' ig•I ' gtit x r 4Y'" gl i avtill 3 L1. • • - diu% HOUSES, FARMS j &c. FOR RENT, two very i.conwniont DWELLING IiDUSEdI. on Tiara Arm_aMtr awl near to zinaithlield. r..4rtt ,, n % 61 - 4 a April .'.t. Alrn. to Leman frl Gllf or more Trap., 1,1131•• largevacant Lott on aria near Mr Allrwhrn v the Ninth Ward Altdd In W.% D . ACLINtiitN, • . . . . or lI.EN.L.DARLINOTON. Fount., Ft. nrar MO LET, the large four story Brink moLl Wnr.lvarr.r. nu h . gig, 1.. .1.4 a. ' .4-•• lion-. arr.. ..... , r. VOll ItENT.--Tho—following irroper orris met. .I.lsorr, aril Dlfnisb'd Sleakrt Aryl. bellswn 111 In! ant Ynurth for Dry fiarrir. SCIOIIII rnorw. in IY..t (lain Building,. In the norunal and third rlx•rien. rullahlr for A rlirl.'n nrin..1.1”,.. tr.. A Inr, and i. , 43*.5n1. ttt LAYII.I.IMi till rl. in •r ,nrtl•N.-~..•I of Site Oh. 1••• vin riven nn Aryl! nor, 551A1.1, 'hint 31 , 0. n..‘111-1, one.. rn . . 1 . 1,11 Lt.— Ale imps ~Ir,l 11... nod 1,, 11,. , 1.11. 11, .1 1,1-t, 1,,, z, I. U .I.IZZ 111. 1%4 .11131 ht . to 11. lilt Tlord , 4 1 ()IC,IZEN1'. a T F Two %wry , - .r ii !bow, 41 and , Ilark ouk t E 1 ,•1 , .e.1 1 ,1, ~ t.lll .t.! atint: I. ,Ivyme. 1141,100 1,103 I:1 /111,4, 1.1 . 11 LE a t vs. .rl. YAICI) Tu RENT: .% A 1.0141,V la.. ,11.410 , 4 linqur-ta.. not, it.. •11.4 .• tit moul 1., hat rivltt.,..o . . ". • KIN '" 's'lll7NOiii.' e ..f I , on and Lt: r. an. rt.". N... 1;7, 31..- ;Dr I trl thr W. 11411 ar..l Ea .1 11.. 11..1m. , a a. , A revon at..l rooto .thr in the eit, sod all, ~, a itata , a2 a. , ;lad 111 , 11r30...- , tlth, •plrtbikl el. Ktv,ll.l. +am :11011 01.1 then i•bruar, nant,tl.- 1:a..rn..1 11% NVII,ON. ..147 Coritrr 31.13-1,11,ral Enurt.h-strret..- 1. 4 1 01: SALE. the Threr Flury Brick rtttrllia,r. tin. le Hay nree, Enyth:eo Row— trier Term, rrslt. 1,00 in In, ) 1,0 , fit r va!7... •ceurrd ol!lbr.yre=t ' Vt L ZIV - t ,' S " ja7,11.1," 101 Litert, •trort. LET, a. four stiity Slob not. NZ, linth rpm. iv, fixture.. and noon. 149 Ingoin• pt trJ ]Cater rune, .010 IT:ItTNING 1101)S. J. T. DECKER. & CO.. Br:lldrn ar..l Erect.. of E ight ,y, ;Tinciplol Mrlc. /TR Itax&U ri,yr o th,Paoo 045cr nd ruranl Intcrrmr. e:n thtnu caret . ifrer of Dr. Hoot, hetwrtn Ilar - 0,4 T. 0.1 runt.' IMltor salinnn , rat I'Toro.,nr Yhtchnli, Ume Cincinnati Pryl..r.or holvrt I4tn. of itan,tvaina. IY_OO-or fhrGr Dexer. D.. M. D N,n Yrk; Praywor J. L Carre.l.trd In Pit”batfyi.—A. tart..r. WII roi Ho 'oiler, (.04.310ra0,0. It,. Mr. Zr..ork.. J. D. scaub.x. staa HArlihi* 12, Irwin Ilarptr, D. N. White. tf.d_ Mar.L.MI. John Dori., John 11. Slir...hhyrrer. onI6,IONIT 9 To Southern and Western Merchants. OUSELL'S PREIIUM PERFUMERY. The iota:Aber niapentrally indica public attention: ii as rztri,l.o store of rarforberT.SomA„Shalincerearna, 6, to *hid; ...ran SINT and bra Galen 3-faiala lave. uthin the lad alryearrii Inn a:larded by tcy Inalltuna of Ne• ease, liiratan. and Fhilhielphio, the latter Labia the iuly nee corded Ice perfouir,T either In Fumy, rai to lid+ country. e.lll UNSLTrAII.rn I aul Atari uniarrially nations - 1,1 Na tobraiatairair . any blink oat Cream in U 4. enontre rir }amnia ticrayoUsi, nUaturO—Brautliaily trgurranint raid kcairiNiag highly daprioacenua and nitient naynnareana Chropound, AL:Urn:al A ba ting TaLl,t Antita ry t 4 sap• fronting Tann hare. Miltedaura, Boo quet. Moak. bataboust:, ina tabus. Floating. Tranrparent. Wee Dd. Wind..., nod Chruicarlan krt,r.urta ion :nu liainioatairasiri Jairoin, Ilatt• queade Carolina. ()cranium, Jrialy Lind, 3lototinline.Janic •y eluL Nisurnolia. lletriante. Citronelle. Enlekt. and moo, other Tarl , tiom. in .1! Nay different Nahum,. Sour ltiatut , --Florkla Watrr, da Toilet., Change /Traver Water, atal n print .scut - of eidnatati and Lareir L Wawa • 11...Art.3 eaaawt ho le. At:Clow. Oil. JLnlullor Eau LuatreP. 421omi•niald 1 1(1- v: liptid and in Nader: god Phlineatue. one. laud Janny Lind Painalci. • • inuc irtayanarinsi—bakurile itnia Torah Parte. Cliarnali Dentlider. Catarina Taiali Pau-sod Taub Nadir Coadtru,—Vega 1.11. k ennactle . Awandlna for • tripped hand, tAgd Cream of Cresol Pen, lop ealve. tin.nitoPrry ervala. Depilatory lknrder. for retnAtlnv mil , ertwonr. hair: roar' Foadvr. Vinilgre do Row., Aroamatie Vinvgor. Victor. hate Cotoponit.Wn. ereat.w xreat ru•lrty of Mier 41111,1ra 4.n outner.4.• role nannad In Ilia adwttl., went. The sunarriber tiniass t maintain tha rrontark.n whirlt this cAnithshment 'hemarnuntal,aby Siva:lug :if nothing hut - first rata maiden. and wilt he happy LiTianhh thaw: who may slab to ',annul, him. either iihnlenale Math aa Taman:lnk trruis m any estaldiabsnont tts Ma United "'tato , ZATIEII BAZtN. versuand fnr %recor:T LaharaorTn r ct 1,1"01:NE 114 Chennit Mr. Itaric . 3 Perfameri is far ado ts• ell the principal ts thennintri. LILES lIAUEL'S SHAVING CREAM.- Where in the if who does not appreciate the luxUrY 4 1 M /Ivy caw If any there he... do tot innimea our aelies to them. lint to all other, we NJ, If ten Isiah to rrlWs eluving w pleaattre, tam:base a box of Jul. Ilatterp Alutand 11.naehlo. pr,Ambrodal ahavink atna. It La It. terly neolhledo war& to deactabe Ito, Vella. of a taral—who lam wed to ' , having with °Minor, e.l urn. nllaklnt (riot thta for the [dal time. /t tad/ l- Li irn01.1.1,114113111-31kni. end Omani, dIIAVINO Clint)). I, decollate 'ma/11/dd. tendering the entreat rout mast sir, beard xtt mei piluble,.proddeltdc an alinlrehle lather, and Id tt• er.• that mild 110tnee a/I.oa the Ir. Italian. and t/ndentla that oale d n , aur and an dt the dun aloe!, t.:o lion •S writb . d atter -hat 11. rall.l3L4'n ueind the ...Mod. and rood net. innuollabl. alb rd. we %dna* the 1.1... u,, .heoped, dud Ow, ohd ore tt Fe. an eafet, :sy, 4.11 2/11 - 41hvr enadiad•ard,ae—lchtell wok be eeperldtly appreent. 1.4 a inn, u ter •ear vt.i knt -1. the fw t that it will not dt*eler the lard a ht, It toot 4 4114. , .111 d..livit, 5 .1.411 yr 11441 1.004...1,44 4 4. Th, edge of the 1111 4 .1441, .110.1 la Cr. and air .1.• I igh pre'. ratin, rotopoon,led with .1.111. tdr,th., otter •xclkolott of all . ..1.1110,i 1,3.1, OM A:IMMO 1.1 u1..1.1a141 104141111 v apr. , 111,4 1131101 Flu, take Irina 411 h.. irk 14 , 11‘1410r a4.laddaui.t. • - . Ch,tait 11111.1 , 1,.h10. . w1.1.,510 and Wait, bt Fabor.l4wk l k . ll 11d It liltrlMplr. nod .I.4au V , ..f.teld. and .1 IGball. FIN N ETC queenr.warat Mao 6.-Aus,re, Illrwantll. I..tre 1.11...5t 14,1. h.] l'at4the, Pi 7 st..r bet Itarkets..lll'., t POO urvh 11111 or %ti.o4-. .4014 tArn Ist:Awls. tuse. awl • at.ll2.nattlry 1k1r113.1• ar, Ittgllntto niLauJ elan/ if/. for 1t5t0.1.4.101 - 00 aro il.verspiordtbrellri."l. , tll.O rtrt Cur tal,rrtilo pow, °Joh,. tilt I.) mail, Wromp.lll. , l hy,thsta.h.tir will 1, proutt.ll4 attPudi..l 1111011.114 OY TIIK ENOLISII LA - WU:VIE. 1 1 311 N inttxruit's ft AdvaltilArattuts tht. est.. of 21.0. r No, a the ett, t 4 Pitbrg, hariug 000 n etaule.l Ihe uto&roittne.t. wow, givols I. MI 100040 to mad •1190/. 10 out. lottne.ll.l. Ulna 10 rltio r of us. sod .11 per•utt• haviugtisims iota. +ski orral• st..ttuntt.i pro.tall...ast, o, *WWII 41.1..tneut. oaths wymbuto , 0, .• 0 4 10,11 1 N,l Third stn+4. ANSA M. tit;ELIN. 1, D. 0.127.A. 1 1, Adutiul,lrstor. ilifi'ibEND. The riesident find lidaril of Maunder. , of the Northern Lite•rtirs BrhlreGomfany no; dd. dardiie/nrod n di+ idond of one dollar nod flitt orate on oral Pinto of we candid vont, of raid colorant, die ;note will be indit thr Inorkholders an or Our Ille loth Meteor 0. r- WAUNER, Thy/lyres. Allegheny. Jan. ISfil.—paeldt• YIIUPS AND MOLASSES. Extra Ran b.) ?Stop. eri vn7 Ruperive &nick. uoldm N. top firma the fit. Loot, rolincry. llirtro Melton. do ' do Now orloAna . do for rile by • 1111, A. Md.:LIAR) k Z LIMA e "VFW STOCK OF PIANOS. - z • J 0 1 TZ,, r ,;;".z, 8 1,1""""1t,6 1 ,tz .14 • SP I I , ,!N t, L O IIII GIFT aidio.t Nial!nr.. ° l" r anth 4 . ‘ Frimmtzlati4l.4..slng. Mot, Ntunr Mire. yrcabytalut P-.alta ml Itstras Mris. .Entieetinl cjti linekt.ZEirnaily irtninJ. trie 'rur aleZiio:l-MiXit.7.TriZ k-.±lrA 1140LD PENS. We. haiv now • , r1 hand 's v‘s • intne retch et the belt Oat Pecs G the I...tinc mazarair.d. in Nes Van. nail tonne eenteit . r ALP, 4.1.,0.11t Una .ii" Caret in t.Pety Vol,..tgoinn , ALL ternile ctolnieJe renii • Z•v , aex• , • QOD.4I:ASIL Cant , Kurs br. d llS t if fi 7 3/ ' . 1 1,3 kr . .1,03 -• 71 mei% , ItOLL bUrrEit, - • ea kit tie* .11_ deal Mac - 1611 — nIE - TIL 17 drl:- EACHES. , '• I73 JE-- " "INSUI 4I~tCE. ;-' ' Delawaii, MAW - Safety Insinakee 0).,_ VIFFICE. IN - SORTILI I OO3IOrInt =4 . , csia_Nor.,...l - matm,pan.ub.- - . b.. ialmon . Stat4anit of ibt,Affsa. 444 13=c_ h Wrlt'd tvlaltg„l_V?..,"Plozga.b.nut:: 19/Ar. 011 Aimilam ant wr,a pp 1,......,. . ....,-,.........5mu m _ , kanatd Proml=l daring Molnar ending nt attain, On !dui.. and Inland On MT InteroT and ...... ..I.44riaa . 12.1 iii ; .. .... rt,turn Proaduuld .. ...... ....... 11,1100.16 Arency onattot ..... ... Pada naea. tont, anlmia.a. htsliTuctT, 2c ..... man I 'The . Moss aii tho hiunnany folloh'm ' 4221" . Lloodo. gnoet. Uroond ..... ..tl2.i mu OWN Culled 5 . W.% ot, hit daT avid faun 1‘.22 , 6112, • • Sarnia! P rl hi ea hard e i ni < ltalotorty dlr. esl4l Sp renn;ILIIIII.M r I Road Conalanf 4. 240.1:0 ,L) Nlarrbanta and ll'itrtrit....T.:;llitlE • 9450 i'ittstruruh .IXI 5 11,11ndriLldnapd Maw rsdallrarehteam Toa- Boat .... • . raga • Ptailadailddi llonan2E.C,Tnpanky.-- and >Tort or ....ler Mutual Induranew , comp:Tilt.nut __. • eaitlce .. ....... Imarog daT in the hand. , Of Ayala.. mad Prentlinne 1,71043 on Pond., rotendy 27Atdil ' NovrAtax etb. TIT Mood 4,f Din - aloes hate thie day declared lidlrldemt ; siN Phil CENT. In PAMI. (h. Capitol . btock. nod SIX t Phil CENT, on th,...,Scrip of lb"' Company,. mable am cut Oar InaTlLlar - 1 dividend of ILLY Pia CENT. In eorin. en the Carattl tifork• Kral Earned Peale • rnmw CPllllltMe, for %Malt sill he lannalana abate, , nuidennot Slattlfi. Johns._ J0...1in Nam!, John Neolln, Paniutl E. Kam • E. A. howl,. IT. .R. M. Ilution. Onto. Trmlltdr, Joliu C. InTia. = damn+ C. Iland„ el N. Ilurton. . Kelly. Jam 11. ti. don, Invoke., J. T. Loma, Pitt.% . 01s IL T. Morgan, I.,i.temp Rim Jr-aqh en* •1 , ,,t Doll., ' ' • II ILIJAM MARTIN. Prealdent, '1 ,',1111..11.Li C. WIN In.Vlre Pretidt-01. ttiCAN. taTrtlnt,. . • . • Ey ihe lot Ineorpronllny thia Coiulatny, the ju Wei &era ring property lberviu art entlllol G , n+hare of the MU, r*C,the , Llnarltwilon, wlth m ou . t rl4, , jecti, thhotsalTeil 10 or ihamiii • tft:l7l,rtor hot the poymcnt o IcetTN, and tha,nrc.2b C, mynut oar dIITTT , II to be inlcTortoad rtamnlit tll the. (+r ontion. a. n fund for the - Timber ler 4dt, of OT wow-rf lltla fund will lm heyoraental OF ad, laaartnt au Intonat of per cont. divided .t.g Ow, 'I naund ,Tkholdor.a. pro info. opon the anatotnt, ..1 yarned iTturhoua 001 C4odul ntoen. PRP:Luton Auency;nlll.ttar P. A..MAMMA. elreot. nana..llta - . Penn Life Insurance Company, Phindelli A GENT IN I , ITTS.P.UIt6II, FINNY. .1 r tor %%:. .tone ItoturAuct• eampay. tt.tttlti.l tat Ali "WA ;II b5rm..11... hitt* ..lo 1.1 111 , ir the I.4.6t'uf Wet, st 1, a. ..I the Incr. ot Atli* debtor*, 11•trIt4tIv ttryttll. of tht.C.rwpany are divkletlobang UV , hr,:tlt.r. t_tf I.iG, rolicit.o. 1/tt• dilidt,tAtittf thu tat,: tut, icar,lllll ben tifa4y_p& mtut.tAtr. ' pt= Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. tr% $300,000. It, It $ll It, At rt. 1. t001 , ...1 Tin scal .l lfiglistr All win . ra11t.2.1,11.1n1 Alttl ttnwtplA paid. A ht., 1..•1113!1,1/ 1p) 41 , 10.1,1h0 tor... I. 1.. 1114 who 6re. 1.1.,tht .0.111.111/ tier eltassetAte which tl.r 1404,th:ft to thaws Itt-tn,l Ittxttltql— It. ‘llll, r. even, I. .Ir . ou. .I,l_ R. Juk..l3. it us 11. .1 .11.., Voir. L. Th... 11.1$, Frauje • • - - utin. Delaware Mutual SafetyinsuranCetimpl. 1:01.01 , 1121' 1 ..111 Thin! 11/ its. t•• 1 1 1.41-I,mlfre. otwl other t. galu>l. !um ar i 110•:1 IttInt••• - 'l'l., Ms.. V....telc. F...1..h1- , 1111 l Irr or ejor.r&ll • I 2 11, inenyv 51.rebluAln el-p.a....1 11.,•42. no.. Canal WA, 14.4 rl.eer. ten deo tney.t lasers! teen.. tr .1,..,41 II ,,1. A. "Joeuler, Job. C. .I.elen IL Penre..,.. tttt ir:dwsrd% e t ttt teat, 11. II .101.1 e I.n. \ L SlantsC. b:, I IL Jota, amok.. Ileirt7 :a. ,nug. • eir.orz.. evTrilL Epenret siciltaln. (harl , 1:.t1,. .1. IL Jealin•on, Ilar, 14,2. Themzu. trm. Jr. 1,11, 1 . 17 - r.lert,n— D. flub Croit. John T. Leg ' . _ ontu.r don. PreAdcrit. ',Tilos a. Tani, 'Cleo Preii• . rf. Wa f lar...t. net. 64 r-dl AlAllkattA. State Atuteal Fire .I.i.sl3rallee Ccakpliny t , Har4isbut; Pa. TILE :TT - , liberra patonago extended to this coardiro.,. 113,111 rolicloa to the Amman ot re-sr Coe Rod half :61131.1c0m Of Dolls.. dardegthe lest tG oecnthi. I. rollitcicht of the ostlarldltih coutd,ml...• of the htiLLs to the e 6 stmi of sistueitetode: 011 Milith 115 hu,42e•is e.lechirt..4. . Te cite or erientry mph:tools =I sortitite of ille•empol, tAn4iacd and caluitx6 tiropertY. it I ;. hollered that66l66• iloov afford, a.v-o• IC 5,...0t cheiddieno.stifety, and (Weranter [ lso.ortase Commute thlseteirotrY. lAnielurtc.l no the i-oitable soden-oily Improved eland cC slo , liliVttull of hitt, csolttllng 01l slitchal he...ids, he sollog oul,, • lintitrA editaiut silty outi looahts, Quaid. cloths; the frodeencs `sod cs - oureseco of LAT. tun, ud - also on to rtnids cut %Ilea rt.. =IT= t ,c. the chrArs,as and secoOttocslidloh of ooth Poiruti,. the !wooed*, - • --lPloattoo.i...supoisees• t u s erar Calattni of tits fallowing blftetorr-....10hrt Isrliad. A.. 1. Cilleth Joholt. hroter,tl. T. Jon.. Alva: - o A. Corri.d, Philo C. Sodrisii•t. Robert SlOfr.. .1. RUTHERFORD, Yresident.. A. 0. GILLI.I7, 21,-Istarr- A. A. les6loe, Actium". onor.h OM, fat ItS"•lorT - Pronsflyitaie, 64 strotPitlobitrols. Pmailt• dents,. Itoturancedll ' lti a' l oldort srltla [cola of the 1 \vapidly 'by et the ales otttly Fire and 'Marine' Insurance. INSCRA—XCE CO.MPANY of NOrth X Actericx •411 make twrnTatcl huglarllnssimaDre VE.ItaP, r.liA ' :.!. " .;sll: l :4l. °F ‘V}rp o tv:V=rtg prot,t.r.d Er Itmurnno.. moll-IT Wll. P. JONES. drool. 44 Water io Franklin Pirelnnerance Ca. of lialad'a PIRECTORS: Charles W. Rancher, Geo. IV. Itlehar.l., Thn.4..7.lart, M dra ooleval D. Lewis, Tobias 00, Adolpho Dori.. :maw/ in, Dv P. il Broom; Pau,onfl. • • CHARLES, F. PANCKPR, President Cu.', I.l,srvis. •Seretary. Mil COMP.,' mtant, to State inesusiturs. perrn= or limited. on every dewulytlen of Property tu Wen country. at retie la me w , are con , Plet with vieurity. The Ciunpruit reierviit a lulu contingent fund. whieh. With the Cayitul mid Premiums ee,Sitiinvorted. atiord amide protertiun us the ..unit The aiwelte of the Coogan,. on January lit. Itite, aanalt. vereeabli to the Art of itsweiibly, weir ea !abuts .41,97:,1103 41 .. 91524 83 O:001 RS .s 38,51:4 ily• L A 4 11 Sinew their incorporatir4, • lethal of nineteen Teem. bevy , peel operant; of One 111111e4 Your llnruire4 Th Dollars twee by Yin, thereby :affording evidence of the advanteirev of lii,uranee, as weltsa their ability and 4101 Prwitaw , w meet with krovele mew all liabilities. • J. ClARDlltilt tltFfi N. . Agent' veal r Officu,S,P. corner of Wool all 4 1d AL kcal ma Folatc TPIIII,OMIS ill.lllO. 0,411, AC TRANSPORTATION. PENNYLVANIA ~ 11,911,110 AD. dOLT...:7,zi -74 :,•i , RAviNTER A IiItANCIEMENT. r Thkt, m 11.4 • • nal ft.. 11,1,..1 to the ;ie.. ttiii-riv.:nia itsilreind to 1111LAuri.iltiA...NEW ViiRE. lI&LIENICtitr. During oh,- Cann! Daily kill.. Ihil4tyiburgb. and frt. li.nuri thl 0101.1 L purl. t :km to P1i114.1 , -11.111.. •••••• •-• 100 none -lieg iv ill • kn.. •rerf prticl•nlY. 1.1.r.r. nx o tal TWA Inuit., 8-Jute 1, th.••it.i.. tale Ow N.,. ron4 at Eltt , z i•Lonc Alio rt. On th. , 00n1,1 of 00, riot , at nut pism. WAX .•••• f 0 • It. _Nligi/liik:AD, thityli Mita. r,r LEECH t'u', , TTES.I . ItESS TO PHIL. LAI ADNLYI(I.2I.-IV.• 15.”../ , •ariangrivents 1.,r ca.- 1., „ w ., 111,011,11". 3, !Indio. ['Man inrk 1% riIItANSPORTATION LINE FOR SALE. Tlr on!. r olli IN? Lff rale 11, stork, od.lU. \ S.', ‘,I" the /tabu. !Au. vtlnqsa, this manna Is tottl Ilro• rlasi per,m, wl.4slux olabtrll lw uF I , ,iwesp. II is hul.rl.l.t nrll epplo.mat.r. , klull hozo,l is . MrFAICIEN, • ot John Nll-1 , 614. & Canal 111,1 u, Penn ,IWt. Professor lA. C. Barry's Tricopherous, Ult allltitt'ATED eo3ll'o_l3lo), inGllihlr Or roma log. lotion-mop. nnl I.3lllif,itia the balt, otiovnin lite rail deist to tool nil "Moira, of lipnoulp. owl sotto/ on ILv tkiii thou.+. al Ibl crank unool. a ant toorooleui, ant John .tio / ot rum tnir or, \ ith tho lin oral mllll ' re Prot / Araerrall mraeal Mon Imlin St sin, - .nun nl omen,. loon oltb asteemen in t,thaa VIP. riot Pivot-nom and out to the hoit , sralicatont utt noel strain... hiailn: l content., rpm., ann., onl the skin, [he „.ILtri I, mini the Marl., to bei ra Mal =ono U. mUltitude ( nratounla raranned is *apish. 110 prints, Cr Ind lap rint, pro. /othoracsa aorta rairstarf,tlam Ine.hrvin Ls unrialled. The Ira. mouse rai cd' thr traria ha the Inrattor •to rah/. it in It , lottl , raids la fora ba to 100 prr mut lora that , trio Om of mar mhar lb. Lair MI, in 4,4 he nowt:. tron. and ti e Otto mitt .r or the db.ortiour fartra cul ture not prvotrail•st 1311.11 , 4 shoo tt oraittoentv fn In ulna, nab inttin If okra north tba TLx allinitr hair sstba membrar shish wiraltatetha /hp pair, pima It , canton. fora Uda toile ... • lOC is eery tn.. All di-rms./. a the ha. orb Kra.. In the ,Ito 4 ; ,, b r ap . , , sl , , z liz.., , ,r : J a gt the itoVinaViLitf rc,rle • lack ' (Meta Post „ o k p n .,,,s o n• o i topart Ow tho St.% tto mad: u, hot pox IL hair [11171.3. a.A r3r Due^ 2 . I lb, 1111.1vnt, and crab* bakttrao oaths Oistmino rtia• hooltbfal arlira with .„" o .r fi'lnnt:tlit '' t ' k '' .lita t s; '. lVidr=erg sktoV.ran'tta. auLnAta of unnens op toter lon g ihr=i In in .pnaLeartiao , oil In 011 ML-tior., tal itillarr ct itra ,, nrian , it o ~ 7 1.1, 1 4- 3 1(16.,• Oral llf no Pot/in t noels not* at no priralllll aF Gm, It: Latio'nee. n.ItY 1 1 r a t run ma {4 ths L nnel atateriura Cr,. p alir,' cultic' , VP COM:110Y PLEAS .4..., - ..ei 'Veno•yltar e , Ittli rth,V,(l,Thrt 711 . 1444 Sh•tnctl, •In,'y, Nhtth Pr:, VIM.- t 1 the ntsnynnefrul,4l-1(ott nut hen,2l•• • sotratt: that 0,..,0:0va htattni2 has]takeit ant thytoltristnir 11.•• We inlnt•intt porti.r. ti ;ow INA ',nay, I . t the ye ( • lejth •ttyt Ik•bu4Trat nf 1,•••••:nt...16 sant 1? In. .. • gr,tt., j 4.14.1b.r 3r , hn.,..h ti. wftte44. thagnhuhYllt Eet ' t•itti In: ..i.1: , -- iscfiled 113.11, a.conlre,... .;,' r : .;.' ' • ( d0e2,13a i 'I S . 5 3:llE'Alki ' - CM) N r. • ..1i.n114,.. • 4 y....."41irn dr. . 1431"4.1111- ail rt. ,. ,lo.‘ak.sp Vthe an_ lan n %thy thr har•f Jar = i.; cry tilt .4, 33- 21.4 , 3 /%1V:: - d•c1aa1t..,.., _:. -.. ."! ... -. J.,4. ISESMMIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers