ESTABLISHED PITTSBURGH GA YUBLIIIIZD DAILY AND WE Win 14 CO. Cl= CI VC. rtaft, NUT Doc! • • • StAILV-l' dollar. tar mural. 1 Ert DeLLILI Irdd Ittlyrurne. 1111EliLY—Tart prr tutuunal mill G ttabblatd on the lutlnwata !um rot a , jar 111.11131.-......... I [Eagyir! do ..... Tvrtzty4. ... liikai7r rub Club to be od aut latart.l.4 In inbrant •t• erat 'tar At: s car .113 • rlursal. In advance. Mae tint r• .;;PlM . ce ranch, • NoOlab rapers pin ( 1 lb. money la Pent for RATES OF AD SI:RO. . . . Ont Emme (ID Imo , of hear 11 M 100.) 0 b 0 . to. . cob sllltlnu (I\ ., lrSeelaisi. '0 2., , /ha .orm Peek.— 1 75 . 11M. too Rorke- -.»» -....,....... •D 00- 1 400 De. De. Do. De. • De. tw e lv e m m th o e u.ths: -.. .-..-. --- 1,81 le) 00 Standing Dania I'D line or 1.-ui, per 1111111.....1154 110 Oile Dell-, Mr (Leo mhlasual ham. One Num, rtumn,mtle at pl.mnra (pa am Dorn , .1 ehmiv e bfthe paper •A 00 - for emeh edininori Feuer, ine-rual tetra= mouth, and . far earh obliubrol alnare inverte.l under the yearly team, .. - loteenenneett ram-ding • wea, amtnot over 00cm, Ihate. to le chargul a.. (-quart and a halt • • • • l'auli‘htr , Ant oN•onntahl . U. leml mmertLumenti 1, .-lead the enront thermit in yubliostion. Annteutrinn Conikda.% an• care. to be luarittel the same as other tart ttlYetteuu. 7 • Adertlleenolle cot :natant no the eopp.Cm s PrC(1111,1 .trunther_of heertion‘ v.ill be coutMuod ullforblthend pay ment [5..1vl to ,14 , 1•11N1F. 1 :711^ rtiVil,,u, of curly vhertherre -Mil he emalned .risidlr to their woulBr nu rote., sot all Mbar adeettlee - oholle net jnlziftil. I. th..:: msnler leminem, es asrerd f4r. t- . 1 to 11,..1 coin. 1111 V1 , ..7114 - 710,,t, I's almrihtle Irealtuesom, On rem •l(.273t.ueet. Done-hip. 011.1 nth... nubile he:ethane. and mkt h • er, to I, .th,.•-•-.1 hall C. ia, able earhat) In fth- VOl.ll, _ •Dlamm-.:11 , 4:,...1 ,, 1....her..1. 'OD crate •• 1 1 tatla Loll , . /. in,r1....1 with/ /t their,. Labia erwattP ll . - altd Li far.rral It:vitalt tit or .01100, noti. , ., and when so acc,.p.l.Nl to h./ tiw 1 / w. . Iti . r,olat r.ltt rte.., and all there ti.n.linit ...Dan:Rank. 11,0., ..r r..quirinz 11+1.4 'ts .1. wit...l.W call attiratioa - to Fat., ..3r..../r, , ,, I'.o, ..It • ..i - 0 10 11.11.1/./ witertabanenta wham. char, • or.. /old, f., .1 tittatacw—a.ll tiott.ara of Pri- TIPI 1...,•111•P1i^-•-••0• r 3 WWI, 100.01104 4. all stletitloo to tww . aaw entiri 1 1 ~/./. 041 , 01,0 . r' to protnet+ wadi • ldwat oat. r.-1 . rim /wit - 10 111. - 11,1 with the under‘taad- IL, th.t. the rsiw• I.lltl 1.. w. 1 f intended as ho to. 0111.,1ti to OM lorta ( . ..11111/11. toe wait. will lw tlarCA et the rate 41 n.l It,. tl..w. Ito /...rtlrk t r line. - it.h, tt. 4;.',6-- ,11+2 1.4 IW 141 . 110 , 1 1.111/It. Pd... Tari.rti Ll:owe 1 . /Aaiun,/ tt 0 eh. • • beial awl tawdictsl odrerllwai lite char -al at full prlttia. heats_ tale .5/N.111 , 1 . atid it /0 1/ torero' adiertlet 1114,111 Wot. LW 111, W 0201.1 . yearly rat, twit to be allowed a. dir ' count ot tlittty llsrt, awl t.1./..1. WI rwr , '‘ . .t. frolw Lb* ;moo. of Lab.. .• • V...1.151.t. t3ll.nooki.V I 1.41.1 parr.. Ow: Si.ittart, Ihr:e itetertlot... .._ .. ..... . ..... St !Al Ito iwi 11.4..laillwrial It tortien X aortatriwwf linest/s .1.• W . I.RIT 1.11.FLW.. . fleeflee!rwu.tre, (11lines1 ...1.; In erli.... ..... fid reef'. bw. . and h, lyT, hulroolo 1.1 Vittl the 411001400 of roolr _inverre not Pieehn . .. , * unntie, thote ilea an., will toll on the tome 21/1.,11..11:10. by. VON BONN }IORST CO., Whole ic.• • sak Orocers. Ibss-atiir. a Commilui , o Mersh on.. Dual ems in ritt,lmuOt utletnres ssul W..rra Peraurr. Ne. 313. rcrocr }Vont !arm 13174 (11.121,11" V•ii/b.lOl. As. DAL'LELL. ()racer. Com 51,g,h.ts Pat stamar mcses. SAIAII DICKEY & CO., Whole,ptlo Ore ecn. Cerruzeorion Wrrh.b.. mut De2ler. in Pe de and 10; Croat “r.vs, Pitt.burgh. err f.lxvg-cat0....... . -"MOH PILRIAIVIL jOHN S. DILWORTH 4: CO., Whnletrale Grarrs. ud Atcrtils Ilaiarti row.", Co., Nn.lld oi r 4. l'itt..but{o4. - --,-- 'rift IC %,111,41: Yi. ....10, 4 .1.•••," Ni: LI Sit a FIE N N Err. • Imo Env li. L. 0:1113,.hrr it 1 , ... %t Lu1.....d...,/rtern Cummin.u. uod tar • Nltu: lict s chants. awl ' , Au , is. 1'r..1u..• uusl l'iti.- burgh Mauutussurs•-. Nu il W... 1 .t, N.M.- u s.tecrscul awl Thinl strevr.... - - • - - 1 I L LER It II 'K El'SI S. M, NUrt,ra .ml, .d 4.1 nknirr nud :tutu cos.t.roatt. 'GILLS & ROE. Whol,,ale. Grocer:: awl qommlikto. Mortlent. N., 1,7 1 / I t,rt, ,tre-rt. OBERT NIOURE, holt•sale Groc..r, , rtil Diter. da.•kr I.K.Atore. Pt. ll.orwL ilfsalumer, awl all kit•ll. Ft.r.4a, al awl D 4.1,3.2 %flues and 1.1.0mr, li, ::1:a ..tiwt lln hand • 1..r,0. t,f ck , r 1,14 whirl, will In- N.,14 1,-• a a.L. t~IIBBIa'1) 0 .1. ,, L/: ; EL m l ,ch .i.. ~ ( ..'tj i .. i esn mud Pilteburab auu facturr IIOBEItT A. CUNi.NINGii.I.3II, 1V11,11,5:11.2 tin.r. Vru•luo• I,ru - s.rdat , ectuatiu Ma l. and . 11tt•tour.,h Libert, stn., tittaburgt, WIC MO U. .“.." • CO.. Wholesale C • ro- Y rem Sorts and %V&A ort,t. Yatt,burxh. TICK Met!ANDLESS, successors to y I.l.laat•eal , " limoara, Forwarding and Colooabodon )lerftrada, dealer', In In,. Nada. tau, Canal Varnes and IYU.lwrgll lauvra,turre pr 00,11,, corner of Wood and Valet M. 5. ., dt. CULBERTSON 0., ..ur0gr .114 poyani..ue•e tl l ar4 b A s r u tltsel ePe L i i n b erb J. U. 11111LIIVA. /111.1 LW, 111-D. WILLIA3IS s CO.; Who and • Reta ltrtr, r auJ rettautA. il skr...l Dealer. In nt COUllnrwArtling trY and Ithtv4durgtx tlimufacturr., ..nter sea 1)114 __. • . - . 50L1.Lt1}12....-1,1.11- LAttllst, TpouiN.soN, LrrrLE s: co., N. '2.15 iL Litatrtj Victetargti. oar. re, nrul tkeitut.. und d:uLl_lo IliteAtrun Yawata are... .1031 . ....... - .1.1• t tip. IL FLUID, Whol,mle Urucor,, naimuo Merawm. aat-InraktA iu Produ,—hound tttct Uutkiluv, fainting cn Ltb.rtY. tut Eixtt atr e rtA, . 01. Na_ It. 31'CLTellEaffsT, Whol,sal, Oro cen, Lklicr, Iron. Nad, nod Mtn on- n la s.llnafal - AOrnn n,oncally. ntrvet. eitt. borgh. 11011 N PARKER ,i: (20., Wholesale Grocers: Et lankly In ilrolod. Mirada Wart Ligimaii. Old M. nogsbela dad arditni Wldan einandaaal Liberty at. Maitland. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 101 IN IL MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes. 401, Ittotc, end Mwiral Inctrnment, V41..41 11.ok, ! ,7; Plauo Vurtr, for 11}N — RiR.1..Erif I)enler in Min , in, Mu -23121raal a nd ...n. Italtun vitt s lM,.. %`Mtall M93fiIIzACTUEERS tiENNEDY: CILILDS & CO.. Manufa, tern a ,ry :nzpvri, 4-. . Cl t tea 'Swine .:1:1 11111, l'itt•Lur,h MAC QUlGO,:ilanulacturera of Spri ta.l Blinn . ,1,1. Plough it,l Plough Sri Cogril Ilanuntml Iron Arac, drake hl Italleabh. uziur lawlF Crceh , Trigaming , ru`r Pitt..} .111,0 k. Pa. XJITTSBURGII ALE ALI WOIIKS.-ILni net. Benv k W. 'Manua :11.1A, of 1...1/../I=h, Rlcsrh rocderg—Siarlatle cod :lulrlurle Acid, Ikarr.ll,k. No. GI Wator t,elow ivrTY • 111AGLi: I/. Auto, Manufacturer cf Manse sia.vissi tor, Viet., &Atka, on llsetsc_eorter. New. Ale. 31meral Wa•-at. l'utent Me dicine, wail Man very driocriptiQu. A Du. .Krepa colawantly on ha a genes:ll avertment of the ee article, Also atate--as the cals, Ilrwn - silwe Far/mire are all x1.Dp1.4 Ina Os the eisiitinu euissmcw—thie Inctiarc la noes Inn will nperation, awl trill continue In operatim WAD Foxe ma, and winter reispectfulla onlica , l a. 1 nill filled on the siortesit asatia, 112 •anet. tete, ti Wend and fiwittlaisell Pittalsurgh. PAPER MAIMING S. lITALTER P. MARSHA Ll.Stie,s,,or to V &laud l lia not.,-, t—ir so.l ' lwalcr In Frtuth Ani,rtran l'aprr Ilniurinvo 1.1 2thaler, run Ibn.t Print., Sr. Akr,—O rainy, 141rstir3e. and iCrarylvg PAper. No. 6, Worpi xtrmt. I.2t,een le,vrtit and Riasuand .11. y, Ptlttbrarl, IN I‘llloltlllS a ILAIVOP:141, Te n and Wine IL E4in.46l3hi, Kul ,4.1 P .4 the iittAttr.,h ll Airm. A. ri''AJP,(l PO., I irover9 and IF Tv.: froukr, &o. t. ..nd Lave ou loud s hoe, 3.-•onuon: tee uud Al,o—For. 4. Ft llm 1• ut .. ' üb. Whole •Lle sad . - • TRANSPORTATION AGENT. IRtuir A. antil Y. Nont fer the lAA Erie mlheitiesn Lint, In Wash Lak. , on ths rotor, of tveaLt an.l.t.atiLlo.lil CU. VERITIAN BLINDS. WESTERN' S.: SON. well known A• Vennlau Bliuti 11a4rn ktopckAutstaly bv,kl or order ben articleln . thele to. ai thrir 010 lip. IS Si-Clair •Imrt. al No r..• Mark. An... end story, C0L11111.4 In the Ignow.n.l. Nruitaan Ebtit,r• =NU to order. acid . al.l Niftf. n. 4.13 _ .• A. BROW N wou la most respectfully inform the tAttlle that '1e1:A...y.4m hand atida eland ipit the nen 'of the Diamond, Allettheny eitl. n netabble lona - burnt of Veninan titian al. Venni. filatUern nee made to order In the beet et, le. warranted 0,101 to any In the United titan" the thin& ma removed without the nI.I of a aerew drier,. Having auntie...l the etnek. tool, and rood uf the caducei eetatbstlinetst of Hamm, i Afeelellanot 1 our pre . pi t ir to fur t te . 4 an the nob b'Ay.rgtf. k yo " 0. 1 LIV:.2 " Let, littnh In 'ilr J. A. BROWN. 1450 i SaufAN'(ziol ges*),7l ADAM HARDIE, I't,t. • rimtn Surgeon, late n iii,:p r lg h ereih=ore, d .o above profiLveiatc stgl. by rarrful ettentgm to wilattvrr Is entruded to him. be hope." to give nattelSetwo.. 10 tan 05100 vritb Jun, Ilatdl,, Hove in general vvill be mirrsrd • at the e...rner of Tunnel ...trmt voNlPentolivanis Avenue. WOOL MERCHANT'S. LEE,. ifueccBsor to Murphy and Lee IVoul Drsa, s4AICO/..Lifdli ,, La lhr .2.1 Wtioknt 111 orty, 0M... Filth .4. 4.1 4. Wool `.sl4,rellaut.. 47 taarr, m Flow •16.1 Proclam . and Y. wnrdlog aul Ccauguirsinn Act.chaut‘ No. II: l'lrnt rtre..t .4 4/UK...A WM.. PlltPluiry h. ROREIGN ADVICIITISENENTS a. I: Drii..lK.l. - , i• / 11. D.l, IiC.I.L.IN -1. 1. ...... IJII:A/.1 1 , , BUCK NOli er, CO., l'aacco Caumiri.r. )led boob, No. 41 North %Valor rtront, in i'et. lo North Whore, Philadelphia. Loa' .t J. TARDO.3, Commissimm .7.lerch- J• ante, No. a 1 Old Lev, FL, Nor Wean, Lino root ....Urea Lauda largo aeaortintent of Emelt , . of the fob lowitati brand* tirbklt thoy offer Au es -a• Antenna for J. Daruni L L`o.; BonleAux vita Maithd7, J. &dad, J. Do nned a eo, hamehone, 3: J. Doraffilt (.4.8n0r. A. de Moot , . run. A. L. ulevill.., A. tie Mooted, Jieto Loots kr, Ir.: alito, ameba , Oita lb:Meaux lied oral White Willett]] cork, ..ti eitee., reheted with care by John Durand 4 Co. lx; • IL ;n , and rvrect ItunrunAr Yud- c•!, :I ) === EIICER & General Commie- Merchaete Ildladniade Llberal adrtocas int tourianenstn ci l'etlune general V. (Dena.. I LLIAM TIMBLIN. Attorney et Lam, butler, Yu, 4111 alto attend tn alketiow. (ad beciento canto:lnd to bbn In butler and A.r.trong ontanct. Ys. rand t botnr ta.—J. 1 IL kleyd, W.. W. Wal lace:nut JamesM. hall. l.Liberty etre, and ho C err.: Wuud arta, FlUttierrie_fl r Cit - 2 -1 - D. TUTTLE, Attk;rnTty ot. :Low, and euencartibrei Co l'entryleade ct. Ictur, Ito. ittedeunicetions bromidic ansv:_end • JOHN H. NANKIN, Attorney and fJoun irdicr at raw,`and uncaawioc, 11, , r the :bat, of c urdylvards. nd, 11c., (talc liittaturnt.) ' • Refercbftin—Pdabervht Hat W. Voirr.ol. /Imam lfllkr.Atenedkta At McClure. Jat.E. l'artc. Intanlis Senadt. Mabel en. autlad, TRAAV GOODS.—.II. M Creole R Co., : Slatafaititryyt atd Dosavitie etra to theattaitka of boyeri tivir Fuxin to Iv ie. laid t it vets.- Th.* , trill ail, irelumixerds in peat ;r, CS to to rho boy by *ha maim vaxtatitt . &Witte. exhibited st Weir !dam as Pearl stmt. fixeg York. . ' .71 bbls received •eOnsign on4 On' rain 'IVALLaNO FORD t • . _ . Join MCM. SMITLEY & COLVIN, Coal Merchants, sad lsal , r, fa Drr Orals Orreries ins and Ns mrser of Ws ant strtet Washistens Tarmac , Bast Dampens:m:3W, sslastrled New Coach Factiiy—Alregheuy. M. A. WHITE d CC would re rpretintl. inform the public that they hare teeel a • Any On Lert. rail • • 1 , 040 1-44 , 1 cc! '4,441 1144., ..n4 4,4. Vt.ellkra+D., 437.4, tra p PoKi... • Imn thy .tt , Pio IL.. Wond. cur.l4 . .... - 11., P"ol. Lail/ ..... .. . ,bloul, .. V\ 7.ntr ...... . ... Mt..* ......... IL; lEI ' , lrma U. 1 .11141. 1" 1, ,e 4, -. 1 .• , 4• , .1 llcatni., ..,,I ..... . kil '.. 0‘.." .. - I ,41. r 4.11 6i.1.. . • M.P.14 il7s itdul at Taal BA a eta,..l 2.)1 (Oki. Kiillll. o otiuNn 115.1 4s -111::!ist;:1211;4;14 llaoep j i 4A :T ''''' ''' r 4 e: 6 47 . 7 7v: 4 41 tit,tl.ll July 10 1 4 .. 1 51 11 a 4.111, J. 1.4 4tepletiwt 0410 ,01P 410..12. 00.afser. l . 14 1 .4 11,mbur• :13;.1 4.M0 .... 3 .9 1. 4 4 J1 , 4.40.470i I,Stil`,ll bd, 0C2.....;;7r . : nu. ill Bast, Fi • ...... ' 44.4".1:1 1.111.4. 10 101 4 109 4,472,925, CnIPAREO . 4 tlf NAI RUTIII'I.3 402 IV] 1 1549. 15 , 41 - /1064114 l 1 19 . 11.1 ' ;;:atirt1 '1 4roaT....51tt 1 ' 71; - 21 P S 4 / • Pool Nu 1... .. Pool No E I A A... orA ‘o. 4 - rust.=lirrvaxs Eli as BOOli Rinago or Tao /I , otamosiou Startrarn—,n fan lrua 1150. 1 Parrot:4,c ilio. l_olosi Tolls. 13,4. ithrnat Way. i . t. iiii--:- . iii!ii 5,111 77,7,113 11 -- V m .No.l 1 1 i ? . ? . , 3i oit -- 131 c e, lin nn . ' Fhl , 55.! 943 6 9 51 i ' t' ' r . - trt litil• N 6' J A =llar; .11' ....• 53 14 11 kI.!IL Lind:mi.__ Mg .51 nd V V 11701 n aqs 170 28+114 4064 ," , --- -. r ...-- W 7 .2.7 17 Of. Trannent ua1r..... V 540 701 .0 = g ... _ .. 1.012 1.%0 191.80 1,812 11,110 110 10 111 :1. els 1.611 11011 7.4 01 Zll 1.12 Iv 03 Slarrer 147 Tutel ....... t.i171,351 121,931 16/9,79' BC4C.Si Li 1E42 A. 14.50 Cosratx) Tlintrugh momsto-r , .....741x. Ix3o. Itoe. s 3 ').; iter T pu ot :agrrg I 31,1E2 n mum,an 23.17 7nll en Tbmarb Pa,cn.:l 4 : esn 62 33,T37 12 .F 317 50 r.II oa w.v t.sts 9,955.1: . -400 91 VEvancryr or Tim Dent.. ON tool N1...04111tt 20000 Worn. JCLINO rm Von r.. Tr., Draw= 111, 1050. flr,ipt• from VreiGtht 7 95 Rtcelpta from Coal 150/1 47 i nrivipt. from Pu,ul.l6l.U. 7q.aki mountain—New Jersey, n block of lion, weighing , the circumstance of 10,000 pounds, or eight tuns , --California, a lump of the uncoincd root of all evil, and a quart: crushing machine. Your readers will hen little surprised ut some of the 81,1=i111C11 8 which South Carolina hos choice for conveyance to the World's Fair as illustrations unite pursuits and occupations of her people— surprised, I mean, in view of the pretensions of those who for a quarter of a century have borne sway in the public council" of the State, ondwho decide upon the selcction of what is now to go* forward to the London Exhibition. The list com prise, specimens of the finest kinds of cotton grown in the State, of rice and turpentine, also product , thereof. But it includes a light car riage, from the hands of S. C. mechanics, shirt ing,. from the Graniteville Factory, a palmetto wood canoe, baskets, a rtutuber of other objects of minor trades and Petty industry—all going to shotv honest application to those callings which contribute to the comfort, convenience, and ag gregate wealth of a community, hut which empty pretensiOn and assumed hauteur have effected to treat with 0 lofty contempt when practiced by others. This indicate, the dawn of a,bettorday, conceited Ifteine,s cannot long maintain the con test with a sturdy industry that pursues its un remitting labors under the aristocratic noses of the idlers. There is hope for Southyarolina. Kentucky sends a planctatium from the head and howl, of Mr. ',torten. a work of great loge , nuity, and which can be vet in motion 80 no to display and illustrate the movements of all the Leavenly bodies at the name time, barring the comets, which. being erratic, and having sweep ' ing tails, woubitoo.uttich derange the operation ' of the beautiful and simple machinery. From 0 the sane State also comes—Oh! shades of the tirccianmetrons, wives and mothers of Ifomeric helves, and ye .Boson and Nirrnan dames, who. with4fe graceful feminine not, wiled away the Absence of your lords, inspire toy pen with graph ic delicacy, and power to do justice to this theme! ......frotufientneky also crates: three fir/ gliilts, de signed-by the chaste pcy, end- tryongh •by ,the fait fingers of Ain C Coleman, daughter , of the Hon. Attorney General Crittenden, in fn4cli a style as (I feel in attempting it) defies desmip 'flow They wilt challenge and receive the admi ration of the world; at the Fair, at which will be found more competent pros than mine, to make their beauties known. It to said that the Nnvy Deportment has con •ented to appropriate the fine frigute Jamestown, to tte service of conveying the articles from the 111lited States to the Fair. The rumor is likely enough to be correct, as the Government has as sumed the responsibility of transporting every thinedruisbed by this country, and may as well fumed: n first rate, as on indifferent, veteml. The Fredonia Marc ship, which sent designated at first, continues so long at sea as to render it im prudent to psstpone the final arrangement until her return. . 4 , . By the way, will you do "Junin." the favor to nounee, in your journal, that he hos it in con. By plation to visit thiS exhibition of the world's a ntlers of art and nature, and that he stands ready to discharge all sorts of honorable cam. missions, .from that first and moot honorable of all—informing and instructing thepeople through the efforts of his pen—to the explaining end ud vocating the 11,A, properties, and excellenchni of the newest mnehine, the biggest turnip, or rarest I=l minerals and ore, of our unsurpassible country•. If you will permit me to refer that trouble to you, please give my address to any one who may desire it for business purposes. And your ex changes at the west. who Imre sometimes paid We the compliment of availtng themselves of parts rif this correspondence, would further oblige toe y notices of my 111111.060 is connection With the explanation. RI •, Ir r, 9 A krtl 411e1" ltil:. FRO* BAL:IINORP- Co.mrpoculetuve of the Daly Pithhenth tl.4etto Filyttans Slays thisr—Coa! Lands of Allnyhany ,Ild.—The Ohio Railroad—ThrdLoy 1. , 7 - Incident, 4.r. .1 v ISAvrinour., Jan. 5, 1551. A stare case, which bus attracted come inter t, has occurred in the city within u few Jaya et. An old in.., Daniel Foeuhenner, alcading einlaa of n Methodiq Episcopal Church, has id claim to a colored boy. About twenty years of age, named William Moore. alias Kellar, who has been acting as free for a period of sixteen years. Fossbenner owned a woman named Eliza beth illoore, to whom he gave the balance of her term of servitude (Melt years) for a sum of $lOO, when paid. The woman had a sun, whom she took away, with her, and it is allcdged that that child died in infancy, and that the present boy claimed by Nossbenner is a child she adopted shortly 'after her owu son's death. A mark on this boy to alledged to be similar to the one on the boy she took away with her, and on that alone he is claimed. The woman nut having paid the $lOO stipulated fur in the agreement -between herself and Fossbenner, he now claims The arrungiment just effected by the Balti more and:l/hie Bail Road Company, fur the gale of the whole amount of sterling bonds to Itlessrs. Brown, Brothers, Sf. Co., necessary for the completion of the road to the Olio, has been a source of great gratification to our citizens. If Pittsburgh could only get a branch outdo to tap this road at the best point, it would he of incal culable benefit to her merchants, as well as our own. Is there uetcapital andenterprise enough to more in this matter quite speedily . ? The Hon. Rerenly Johnson. who was on the tenuier "Ohio," on her recent trip from lin vanun to New York, when she put-into Norfolk in distress, say. that St. Schenck, her Comman der, told him privately, before they had gut the 'nab buckets' to work to bail her out, iliac if the outer continued Ao increase in the hold for three hour, more. at the same rate, ohe would go docent Rather a trying time tlint for the tierces. By the statistical reports of the past year's commerce of Baltimore. it is shown that her trade has largealy increased within the _twelve mouths. Our city is certainly increasing in an unprecedented manner, in population, com merce, enterprise and wealth. In American cotton goods there is not much doing yet—active preparations are being made, 'however. for the spring trade, and our merchants are anticipating a large increase of sales. Their stock of foreign gofols is very extensive and su perior, which will be increased by importations soon expected. .. During the mist year there Lai been fifty-sev en vessel t, of an aggregate tonnage of 11,1711 tons, built at one ship yard.' This New London Chronicle antes that the whale ships of that city are returning with rich cargoes. MI vessels which have made trips to the Northern Sem., have been vetrieuccessfuL and have made not only profitable hut short VOyageS. 'Well Charley,' said nu anxious parent to an urchin of some three years, on Christmas day, 'what did , you find in your htocking this menaingr 'Find father replied the hopeful, 'why, I found a big hole.' :#I . IZ father rove the boy one cent. Socrates used to say tohisfriendathat hiswife was his greaterchlessing, since she Was a never ceasing monitor of patience, from whombe learn ed so much within his own doors, that all the cremes be met with elsewhere were light to him. The Shakers of New Hampshire harepurylms ed a !urge tract of land in. Ohio, to which they intend to remove in consequence of diclike and persecution from their present neighbors. - Advertising has enlarged many a •small busi ness and revived many a dull une. Those who do not believe in advertising, are those who Lev er properly tried it. -The .eltizen; of - . 4 .:ew York are indignant at their council for renewing a contract for eighteen years . with the gas company there. The Mayor has vetoed the act of the councils. An enormous cut, caught in the woods near Crosswiets, Burlington county,' is un eshitition in Trenton. The True American states that it measures three feet long. and weighs forty two pounds. A building society, with a capital - of $OOO,OOO 1s pow organizing in Buffalo, and will make ap plication to the Legislnturethiserinter for an act of incorporation. The numbers on the door plates in Broadway, New York, hare now reached 9000' extending up to ilith street. .oetry and fine verses, as bettreen the smell of flower garden and a perfumer's shop. Chicago is making rapid` strides in the way of improvement.. They contemplate building a new jail fur the accommodation of the citizen. Mr, Forrest and her ..ister, 11fre. Voorhies ; are employed no voceliets in the choir of Trinity Church, N. Y. A California letter by the °hie, states that o. the receipt of the admission news, the city scrip : advanced to 85€00. • Why will Barnum and Jenuy Lind never guar- Tel! Became the ie• aßrays foridring andiui for-pying. A monument to Rossini, the Revisal/natalMin; Teter, is to be erected at Rome, in the Church of St. Lawrence. The sculptor Tencri is to ext 4 cute It Wm. L. Chaplin is at present atoning with Gerrit Smith.for a few days 31r. John McCormick, Editor of. thelitohilo Advertiser, was drowned at that place on the '24th.. • VAIIIY3IB3. There i 9 as much difference between good VOLUII Rats and other vermin are kept from grain by a sprinkle of garlic when packed. Lard never spoils in warm weather if id is cooked enough in frying out. In feeding with corn, 50 pounds ground goes as tar as 100 in the kernel. . . Corn meal ehohl never be ground very fine, it njures the richness of it., The mercury etood 5 degrees below zero, in' Portland, Tue.lsy. The Virginia Free Press less nominated Mil , ard Fillmom for the next Presidency. neltrg Peary ry Gronats.=A large number of the leading citizens of Georgia, assembled at . the capital of the State, hare' organized n party; to be' called the Constitutional lininn Party.-- Pormanent Offieer3 were elected and a deela r:tion of principles adopted. A resolution Was also unanimously paseed to appoint 4 rep resentation on the part of the Constitutional Union Party, to consist of one from each county, to the great Union Meeting, proposed to beheld at Washington City on the Il2kl • of February next. APPOINTMENT to t - nnn Cutaxou.—Welcarn that Mr. Josiph P. Cooke has been appointed to the Professorship formerly held by Dr. Ilfeb7 ster in the Medical School, Mr. Cooke ah-eidj holds the office of Inatructor in Mineralogy and Chemistry in the Univeraity, ~70 that 'be now holds all the offices which were filled by Dr. Webster. Ile sloes ant enter upon the duties of his new pest till next winter, as he leaves soon for Europe to guiltily himself for his-duties. 7— &moo rear. We noticed a few days since the liberal dona tions of Dr. Smead of the Citizens" Bank of Cin cinnati, to the various Orphan Arylnms of that city. The same gentlemen has since presented to the Cincinnati Society for the Relief of aged Indigent Women a purse Containing five hundred dollars, rill in twenty dollar gold pieces. Oar Atuniean fashion of reading of Shah speare got into Germany. notice. the poet, has lIVI`II giving n series of readings at Vienna. winding up with Coriolanus, which was received with great applause. One evening he rend the Comedy of Errors, which being very short; the time was filled up with selection 3 from Oertuan poets. At New Haven, on New Year Day, the ladies placed a wreath, or :Trig of evergreen, or Lnme thing of a like character, in their window,. to in dicate that they received calls. The young gentlemen traveled the streets rather extensively, and turned an eye upon every window to get a glimpse at •the mistleto bough." Some of the New York ship builders say that black Walnut is a better timber for ship building than live oak, and that its high price is the only reason why it iv not largely used. An Ohio pa per says that there is enough of thin valuable timber split into fence rails every year, in Ohio, to build the national marine of the Union; There ore in Prussia 21 railroads, about 1100 miles in all, costing about $101,000,000, using 468 locolnotives, 1,254 passenger cars and 0,018 freight ears. In 1849 they carried 8,597,948 passengers, and 33,313,975 cwt. freight. The recaiptsweresT,B62,ooo, and the expenses a lit tle more than half that sum. The profits were . 342 per cent. A l'untiderate Ilustand.—We once heard of a man who was reduced to such extreme pover ty, that in a fit of deeperation, he advertise.' in tome London pper that he would hang himself on a certain da ', at some well known place, for the benefit of his wife and children. Admittance one shilling. Distilleries.—Within a circle of sixteen miles around Easton, Pa., there are 'twenty five distil leries, which annually consume 1.400.000 bush els alums nail rye. The Argus says corn is scarce walla attributed to the large . quantities used for purpwe, Census of Virginia.--TheVirl„.iniapripera state that the white population of Eaotern Virginia, will amount to 400,000, ncd of Western Virgin ia, 401,0(10. The entire population of the Spite will, it is said. he 1,400.000. Virginia will lose three raemhor.s ofCongresby the new apportion ment A proclamation by the queen was publishedin London on the evening of December 13. for the meeting of Parliament on Tuesday, the 4th of February, for the "dispatch of divers urgent and important affairs." Death fromn Cut —Mr. doles firMS;`,.:l wryly of Ilagerrtown, died in Ctunberiand, on Friday Inst. where he resided, frown cut which I.e 4.1 “MelT4 , l in his arm some trn or twelve day, before. It was- accidentally inflicted by n colored man while bitehering. Census of New York.—The Marshal of North-, ern New Fork publishes the: census returns of 28 counties in Northern New York, which show an rwregate population of 1,028,628. in 1840 the some counties had 884.480; the increase is therefore 143,143. In these counties there are 82,151 farms and 89.807 dwellings. Valuable Work.—The Honorable Daniel Web attr is about to publish a new and elegant edition of his work-, in six or seven volumes. It will embrace his political speeches, literary addresses, legal arguments. end diplomatic pa pers. , Deer Skin. Such is the demand for those Mans that Victorines„ nix 'aches wide at the widest part, made of the variety known as fIuLP• eon Bay Sable, are bought by the ladies in New York nt prices varying from one to two hundred [Lollar, Rather Short.—Madam Blangy, under engage melt at the Richmond theatre, finding that a thin antlieuce wit, likely to as.emble.ou the last evening of her engagement, in concequenco of n storm, despatched thefollowing •chart and live ly" note to the manager "Sir, I am sick. I will not play to night" The Manager walled up au her and Rapid her lively enough over a trunk she woo packing. - • The words 'Oct. of are the tent in the lan guage, when one is 'out of patience and 'out of money ; when his wife teUa him she is 'out of sugar one day, 'out of coffee the next, 'out of tea the next. 'out of Clones the next, had finally 'out of spirits. The words are reryspeoil when utie iv •unt oP debt. •out of trouble, and but of jail. it a man has is smoky house awl a scold ing wife, .aiut or doors is no bad place. • The bark Spartan, Capt. Cook.-arrived at l'rov ineetown on Saturday last, trout the Western Is lands, with . s3o bbis. sperm oil.. She has been absent a little more than ten months, and has _returned to port with oil valuednt present pri ces at over twenty tour thousand dollars ! The lust but fruit which comes to late perfce; tiou, even in the kindliest soul, is tenderness to ward the hard, forbearance toward the =forbear- Mg, warmth of heart toward the cold, philan thropy toward the mismiathropic.—Jsqn Paul. Formerly, it required a great deal of Courage attack a community in itamannera, italawor its sentiments. Now such antagonism ia maimed. without hesitation, and its exercise become.% the characteristic of the present time., • "Never be critical upon the Intlies,"-was the mutant of an old Irish peer, remarkable for hia homage to the oea othe_only way a true gen , - Neaten over will attempt to look at the faults of a pretty woman,' chat hie eyes." It requires More 'courage to think differently from the multitude, than it does to - fight them. The first hero, therefore, - was not he who made thnfirst conquest, but he who - uttered the firet doubt. Iran scratinizet.he lives of some men or ge nine,.we elm!! find that activity and pergstenco are their leading peculiarities. Obstacle's can intinilibite,- nor labor treaty, nor drudgery disgust iheta. Scareity:of Specie-4inie is so soiree at the present time, that in payments at the Custom Home yesterday, bank netea were gir en fur ,nu! leas than hall and quarter eigles.lieston Jeer.: Wed. Some tentible chap says truly, that a person who nits to rabic Minter by meandalitiag othert, might jutt loa well tit down on a wheelbarow, and try to wheel hinuelf. The following account of the exordium of lawyer's speech is recorded in one of Southey's letters: •This man, gentlemen of the jury, sulks into. court like a motionless itiltue, with the cloak or hypocrisy in his mouth, null is attempting to screw three large ook trees out of my client's. pocket." The quantity of tapestry to dress a large church is immense, Some of the cathediule of Italy would need an lunch es would suffice to equlp the ..North Csrolitla,". or auyother line of battle ship in sail& • A patent:hal been taken out in England fUr a wearing fabric compoed . entirely of fur. , It is, adapted to nil purpoles, either for gendenien or ladies. The artiolc is lighter, softer, firser, and warmer than any . other .material ever worn as a covering- to the bunion body. It Is tbe peyfect Ideal of cloth. - The r.oftcst satin is harsh to the touch, and the finest Walls wool cbarte com pared With into beautiful fabric. It is talda in to cloth composed Wthollyof fur,idad part of silk. k 1.;":-. LXIV--NUMBER 134. nioonnfinciL SKETCH OF KB - Joie; FRANKutc. Sir John Franklin was born in 1787, alSpila bl;irr Lincolnshire. , He entered ,the astry,.oo - 1, 1800,am a boy, ail board the P°/IPhtdmis• 65, Capt. John Law-ford, under whont be errand as midshikman, in the Action off Copenhagen, April t, 1001. Ile - then in the /ntweln/afor aloop nailed with Captain Flinders, on et inyagnnf PDrpthe. cover) , to New Holland, where onljoinajAoll .skr, armed etoro-ship, he wiawreck onn • coral rock, near Cato ...Bank, Aug. 17, 1803: While on his pamage home in - the Caniden, East Indiamen, Mr. - Franklin had' charge of the sic+ nala, and he distingui,hed himeelf et the tele , heated repute of a powerful French squadron under Admiral LCTiOI% Feb. 15, 180 L. On his retnrn to England be joined the Inellcropibtat anlanbsequently, meter . Capt. Coo'; took part i in the battle of Trafalgar; On being transfer . . . I to the Bedlam!: 7.1,: Mr. Franklin wan confirmed n Lieutenant of that chip, Feb. 11. 1208, andes. carted the Royal frmily..of Portugal from Lisbon Lto , . South America. During the after-part of the war heave chiefly emploted at the blockade of flushing; ho then, toward the close of 1814, joined the expedition to - Nei Orleans ; for hiihrave conduct, tin January 8„ 1815, -ho woo racially and sem warmly mein:amended for promotion.. On Jan. 14, 1618, Franklin assumed command" of 'the hired brig Treat, in which he accompanieifetipt., D. Buchanan, of the Dorothea; on a perilous soy. age of discovery to Spitsbergen. In April,-nett year, Franklin woo invested , with the command of an expedition .to proceed overland from Ma. nou'iiillay, to ascertain the actual position of the Copper-mine River, bud of the exaet lenitive at the chores of the Polar Seas, to the caerwarif of . . . This •fearful undertaking endured: until , the summer of 1822, through n, journey of 6.660 miles;, its.perils and adventures:Capt. Franklin . (whose Commander's and Post Commissions best date respectively, 1821 mittlB22o has ably de scribed in his .. Narrhtice" rifle journey:. 'ln. In 1826 he left England to co-operate with Csill. tains Beech) , and Barry, in-ascertaining, -from opposite gloaters, the existence of IS North-wgst passage. The results' of this mission, which terminated in Lit; TO 21, N., long. 148 39, W.,. will also be found in Captain Franklin's Narrs tier, 1826-21. on his return to. England, in Sept. 1821, he was,presented by the' Geograph-• meal Society of Paris, milks gold meld, valved at 1200 francs, for hating made the most Im portant acquitition to geographical knowledge during the preceding year. In 1829, at home, ho received the honor of knighthood, besides the Oxford degree °C D. C. L. Sir John Franklin mnnied, first, in 1823, the youngest daughter of Killian:Pardon, Esq., arch itect, and secondly, in 1828, the daughter ordain Griffin, Esq., of Bedford Place. From 1830 to 1834, he commanded the Rainbow, 28, on the :Mediterranean station; and for his exertionsin connection with the struggles of Greece, hp was' presented with the order of the Redeemer of Greece. iv 1836, sir John Franklin was created K. C. II.; and was afterwards, for, some time, Lieutenant Governor of Van•Delmen's Land. In, 1843, Sir John Franklin wan appointed to 'the command of another expedition to the north, the Ereboe, 4Capt. Franklin,) And the Mierwr, (Capt. Crotier,) on a fresh attempt to explore i North-west' passage through Lancaster Sound and Behring's Strait. The ships left Greenhitlua May 19, 1846. Little intelligence has beelike coined from this expedition from the day of ite • sailing. At the close of 1847, Government resolvedlo send oat three expeditions in seirch of Sir John Franklin and his party, and numbering 140 souls. The first of these 'expeditions,- H. IL S. Plorer, sailed January, 1848; the second nape-' dition, the Enterprise and InreJtigator, was placed' under the command of Capt. Sir James - Ross, and sailed in May, 1348; the third expedition. (overland), under Sir John Richardson, having - , 'left Liverpool oboist tore- months previously. 'ln the spring of *1849 the Korth Star left with pro..„ visions for Bess' Expedition; and. a - reward of L 20,000 *as offered by. Government to Ingland' or sea expedition that might render efficient as sistance to Sir-John Franklin, his ships, or their crews, and contribute directly tel extricate them from the ice. • The post year was one of f hope ; deferred," es regards the subject of the kx-aws `lin Expedition. ' ' In the autumn there dawned a sadden light;.' though "the time for hope was Shady gone by 1. in all hearts save that of the noble-minded wife;- who troutet not part with hope." - .A. whaler a pealed cylinder i bulianu.):, - . ',7....ilairad ifSl niliiolailZltlistrifStojzine 1843. An other whaler bring,ht a story from the Esquimau: that the ships of both Franklin and Ross me • ditions were peen beset by the ice in Prince Re , gent's Inlet, as late on March, 1849. In NOTEOI - Ross' Expedition renamed, and formally negatived the circumstantial story. Almost rim * ultanerrusly arrived Sir John Richardson; and since has returned the Plover. Neither 'of the threw, exptSlitions has brought any intelligence of the missing voyager or his companions. The pibliwnipnthy has been touchingly ex pressed on theWainitous suspense; and prayers have been offeretiap in between sixty and men ty churches, and upwards of 30,000 worshipers, for the pretervatiott rind safe return of the cols- , sing expedition. A ream ed'of upward :ot_blie hundred gnineas lens been Pronriscd to no of j the Whaling ships which may bring. infoisnation - lof the voyager , and Lady Franklin boa offered f £2OOO to induce whalers to maim search in parts not within the scope of the Government expedi tion. TWE PROVESSOU ASO Sroumm.— , A professor of Latin in the University of Edinburgh, now no more, hosing desired the studeiets to giro , is fiat of their names in Latin, was greatly surprised at seeing written on a slip of paper the name atoms Drum Novum."• After in vain seeking 11 translation of this, he at last became convinced that it was either one of those dark Latin passages, which' even the skill of Bendy would have failed in solving, or that it. was a hoax'. , He therefore next day, In the class, read out the three dark words; anddesired the writer of them tostand. . One of the pupils immediately roee. ...What are your amid the professor. "A pohr-nholur,air," wtts the answer. "A very poor scholar, indeed, Fir, or yon would never hose written such stuff ns `Joannes Ovum Novum.' 'That isn't he your unmo air." "I don't set , " raid the student, "where yoti can Pod better.Latin;iny•name is John Apneal. "Ovum" for lign, "Novum" for new; Ovum No vum—Eggwew." The professor. seeing that he had rattier the worst of it, immediately laid his finger upon Iris forehead, nmflo6leiiils at his hopeful pupil, - who ytas etanding somewhatin the attitude of thrill aergetifit exclaimet in n pitiful voice. •Ala.s! alas! something wrong here, i doubt" May be eo,'7 slionted - ‘,Ovutu Notrum," "num thing maybe wrong tbeit;" but," stn)ing, his Land upon kW sin forehead, "there is nothing wrong bere."—plebdore Hook.] Student .Egnew's uncieeptiortable - rendering of his name reminds us of the direction, :once ginn s. letter intended fora well knolls and highly respected gentleman in Ealtirnorn , aiy, by the late Eugene Lynch, ,Esq.; of' Frederick— "Estericir Pool Equ'oculus, ulias Ontsanamos .•„ . . . Lemettous.:—A young itinirent-pretteher, in the constant habit, of declaiming a;great s deal about the Creation, and especially aboutthe foist getting - up of man, wheneter - tor wished to die- play, his native tioquenee to gpod advantage, was one day holdingTorth to' a' mixedscolgrega- - Boa in sehool-house.. Becoming warm and enthusitu3tic un he proceeded, it Was not !Ong before he reached Ms favorite, theme, Cnil start ed off in something like the following style: •• And when .tho ,world- we's eresteth and She: beasts Of the field, and fowls of the tar, and . pronounced very good, God said: let. us make man. - And be farmed =ln after his „Utnt likes, MU, and declared. him the noblest of all the 1 works of his hands. And he made trimatt also, 1 and fashioned her la. the exact Image of man. with A little veriation---" • • "Thank the Lord for tile Variatios!" shouted an old sinner, who :lot over in the ataen owner i Of the rOom, at this interesting junctore of the discourse. ' . , - I - The effect was perfectly ludicrous and irresis tible: The preacher dropped the subject where i he was interrupted, end was never heard to al i lode to it during a subsequent ministry of, forty 1 years. A SUCCESSFUL FUSBI. The Albony Evening Express says Some hie or three years agoor la* firm existed fn Buffalo, under the co-partnership namu of Mal & Haven." The senior partner of this firm was, in 1848, elected rice President of the United States, and by the demise of Geooral' Zschary Taylor, President, he is now Chief Meg lettere of this great and glorious Union. Mr. Hall, the 5000Uti of the firm, is now Postmaster General, a station of great importance and of considerable emolument. Mr. Haien, the third end lust of the fins; at the last general election held in this State, was elected to Congress from the district in which he resides, against the uni ted efforts of pretended friends and avowed op- : Each ',an instance of promotion, , injoyed eierrmember of s firm, withimit 7 o I,orioggif and iffu Rend - example of whatcoin y mad de.; germination, added to talent andittdlit,yytlitti wiff accomplish, when eldleffAt*Z9ML`. •,,....:...--;,,,i,. :-.. EWE