71 Tfr f,"-Vl MT? -i 'I !1 l THE SURANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31', 1902. , n "'..?' '-i f & Y $cratitat $rifuite rnblliktd Dally Xzecpt Banday, by Tht Ttlbani PublUbl( Cominr, 1'lny Cent Month. MVY a mcnAHB Kbito. .O. P. DYXBES Jlcsmsn MA4Aam Kntertd t tb PoitoBo t Bcrittiioti, m Second ClftSi Mall Matter. When ipite will prmlt, The Trlliuno li tttnrt Bind to print ihort letter from Its friend! bearing; an current toplcn, hut Hi rule li that thcio mint be nlgned, far iut Mention, by the miter' ronl unmet and tlio condition precedent to nrenptnnen la thnt nil contribution! ulinll be imbject to, eilltorlnt revision. run ri.AT kate ron advkiitisino. Tlio following tahlo aliows His price per Inch each Insertion, spaco to botml within one year! iiismav ilnn of nnK ' 1)Wr'A "T" TtAg f"'""" Ems (nan (to Incur .' .ft) 10 &n inches u 4I i " wo "o .11 ' .30 aso "..... .26 i .76 .TO vm " ai ' " " tooo " 10 I .17'. I .! Tor cards of thanks, resolutions of condolnnre, and similar contributions In the inttiroul'ndvcrlMna, "luo Tribune mrikos a cbarRfl of rt cents a line. SCltANTON. DECEMBER, 31, 1W2. Ttic jiapors mo pnyliiR mticli ot an ullesrecl qii.irrrl bpLueen Odcll iiiul Plntl find talk nu" If they thought It wnft really aeilous. M.iybo It Is only a mu tual convenience quart el. You know tills is ofllco hunting time and Otlell Is Hi tlio iile counter. Other People's Business. AS TIIR Venezuelan foe; ulcus it becomes plain thai tho pi oat obstacle to a peaceful Settlement In the flrit In stance of the uialtr-ia in dispute wub the us-scHion by Castro's Roveniment of il.v ndliorcncf to the Calvo doctrine. In cifecL this Uoetilne say that a Cler man, for example, who elects to live and do business in Venezuela, must, upon onterintf, bid larcwcll to his na tionality and expect no consideration by reason of it, no matter how out rageously he may Mibsoqucntly be treated by (ho Venezuelan authorities. If a revolution breaks nut during the period of his hojouni and his property is aoled or destioyed, the Calvo doe ltine forbids his enlisting the aid of liis home government in the attempt to .secure justice and leaves him wholly at the mercy of the dictator who hap pen temporal ily to be on top. And it yeeks to stop the intervention of the foreigner's government by holding that what happens to him is none of its business;. This piinciple in almost .so many wowls was illiectly asset tud by Vene zuela jttsi pilot- to the withdrawal of the UiitMi and Ciennan lepresenta thes. It provoked the ultimatums of thebo two governments and undoubt edly was the chief motive for the dis play by Knglind and Ooimany of na val foi re. fco l.u .us the claims cham pioned by tho.se countries aio eon I'Lincd, their amount is not a f taction fit the cot of the methods by which their enfotced ptyment lias been at tempted, but a piinciple of internation- law wjis involved which made neees- aty the assertion of English and fler- authority. For, if the Calvo doc- ne weic to be admitted by default in casp of Venezuela, it could not bo ted in the other countilcs of South etica and there vould be the curi anonntly of one kind ot internation Uw for the American hemisphere a wholly dlfterent kind lor the Ett- opean. The Calvu docttine must go. It Is fundamentally vicious. "We knocked the props irom under it when we inter vened in Cuba, disregarding the argu ment of Spain tint what went on in Spanish territory was none ot our business. AVe established then that it was some of our business, so much so that when wo got through Spain wus out of business und a new ltpublic was in business, under bonds to behave. This lesson mutt be impressed on South Amotion. Xo nation lives for and to itself alone. None can build an arbitrary wall about itself and say that within that wall it will do as it shall please, regardless of the world at laige. Just as the householder nest door must Keep within certain bounds of neighbor llness and exhibit a certain bplilt of recognition that thu mo nthots, so nations aio being held more and mom lo a ceitain international .standnid o correct behavior. Tlio Calvo doctrine, like the "public bo damned" policy of i ui tain laigo coi potations, iMimot be tolerated. One tcispoomul of lemon julto in half a tumbletful of wuier Ik t;ie Chloigo health boatd'b icclpe tor destroying Uphold germs. The addition of a cube of bugnr and homo inoperly agtd inoun tuln dew will nlho, it may be .dded, put out nf business the lazy bacillus, at Unbt for a time. i Old Age Pensions. IIV. Stnndaid Oil Company Is tue latest soulless octopus to institute a uHlrement peit- !J slon for falthtul employes. The pension plan resembles that of villous rallioads, only &otue of Its fea tures are now. Among the hitter Is a provision to tlio effect that any em ploye who has leached the age of slty four years, alter twoitty-ilvo yeais in tlo seivlco of the company, may jotlro on half pay for one year, after which the regulation pension Is to be paid to them, The legular pension Is to bo oije-fourth of the salary which the cm. pftije wus receiving at the tlmo of hit, itlremeiit. It will be paid to all who hivo been In the service of the company foV 'twenty-llvo yeuts and who have niiehcd the ago of elsty-nvo jour, frbm piesldent down. (This is the most Jibeial penulon plan t3lSXlaed. Jt Will apply to thousands of epfployes dlbtrlbutcd tlnotighout tho wofjd'anU Involve tho yearly disburse ment ofa great sum of money, ptobtbly running Into the millions, lite exact figutes having not yet boon compiled by theroiiipnny'i accountants, in magni tude. It ha.'i been paralleled by only ouo coiporu'tloii. tiie Krupp Steel company In (ieiinan, but in that case the peti tion fund, is paitly made up by a ohuigc withhold from the employees pay; In lie caso ot the Standard 0(1 company he whole t03t falls on tho company U'i tyyp be m,et from Uu juollts. Luck- ill ti '!,' mu a iljr thcBo are tuiniclent not only to puv the ponelono bur also to keep tho wolf fromi Jolin(D, Hockofoltei'V diior. Every Industry should pay nM nuo pensions and ttecblunt Insttranec. I'Iumu fthoitld bo ntt by fl.vod oh.trgui added to thr font to Iho consumer. Tlild Is bottler and cheaper than strikes, lll ict'llng, continuftl ftlcllon ami pnor htuiscc. The luteiuatlou.it Houlullst buipmi, whatever that may be, lias been meeting secretly In Hrttshuls lo Hint out If pos sible how (o lcslsl the American Inva sion of Eutopc. Lot us offer a sugges tion. Try stopping blathei suiting and dig your toes In the sand. Wopk as ft Sign of Worth. TIIKIIE was recently concluded in England a dlvotre tilal between two titled peison agos who, with their family connections and tespectlve circles of friends and champions, leptesenled u largo percentage of what may Tor con venience sake be called the Hilttpli no bility. Almost all of the testimony at the dial was unlit to print but the Impression which it left upon the mind, viewing It in the most c hat Ituble light, wiih that thole Is in England a Ktigo number of persons in the upper circles of llfo who lmo lnllen Into evil ways less thtougli lnheient vlclousness than because they have nothing else to do. Tlio men, 'it was shown, hunted ioes, gambled and pursued other men'H wives. The women gambled, hunted foxes and lllrtod with other women's liusbuuds. The lcsult was a condition of .society that made the Ten Com nitindttients look lonesome. It -would be untitle to bay that this State of things Is typical of luitish bocloty. It is typical only of a certain fraction of llritlsh society, the idle frac tion. But by way of contrast it is pleasing to read in the London Times that the most significant tact impressed upon its s-pecial correspondent who ac companied the Mosely commlslon dur ing its study or Amoiican Industry was the incessant personal attention given by the Aineilcui manufacturer to his factory and processes and the exaction of similar attention fiotn subordinates who occupy places of control. 'The Times couespondent found few idleis in Ameiica. Even the sons of million alios weie wotklng ami the mle among the majority of them was that they must set an example of Induslty to those associated with them in entei prlses of business. America, remarks the Times, has not yet learned to le gaid Idleness or devotion to lrlvolous amusements as a mailc of (-ncl.il dis tinction, and we may well hope that she never will. Thote wats at one time an appear ance of danger that our .social Hie might Icain to put a piciiiium on idle ness and thereby dtift inlo vice. Hut we have been saved temporarily by the wondeilul wave of material ptospeilty which has made eveiy man eager to make a harvest while the sun shines. Our war with Spain, too, and tho conse quences How lug from It have done much to re-invigorate tlio cm tents of young American blood, causing even the anae mic pulses of our gilded youth to leap faster and circulate more led cotptts cles. To what degiee the sttenuous-nc-s of our Hough Jlidcr picsldent has contributed to setting a pace among young men to the put pic boin can only bo conjectmed, but without question he has been a tonic force of no small value. And while our social life is not fiee from scandal It can ttutlifully bo said that the small circle which in this counliy apes the manners and the woithlessness of the gaming and adul teious nobility of Europe Is in no sense repiesentatlvo but ,on. the contrary is to exceptional and unnatural its to dtaw upon itself general ridicule and censure even trom the latgo majority of these Ameiicans eligible by birth und wealth to a. place In its "helect" ranks. Ac coaling to the census llguioa Pennsylvania has JSO.OOO moie uninar lled men of lujultigeablo ago than un man led women. Thy should bo taught that it is not good to live alone, Church Attendance. THE rALLIN'tt off in attend ance on divine worship among Ptolestant Cluistlnns has been so fiequently us (.oitcU .is to have gained acceptance by many without question. Many clergy men accept and bemoa.i It and the to llglous press ftom tlmo to tlmo has in It learned dl3ou?son3 of the pioblem how to got people to go to chinch. Tor otnsolves we tuo not piep.tied to cxpiess any opinion as to whether or not thcte has been actually a decline In chinch attendance, meie opinion with out evidence rallying lltllo weight. Hut our attentlun has been called to a let ter lecoiitly pilnitd in the New Voik Sun, which sheds sonw light upon thn question, at lenbt so far as New Yotk city Is concerned. The wtlter, an old lefldent of that city, made a careful petsonal study, cliutcit by chinch, cov eting a period of twelve mouths. Wo need not icpoat tho detulls which ho enuinerateb, for his conclusion will suf fice. ,It Is that tho aveiago chmch at tendance Is botttr than It used to bo twenty or thitty yeats ago, ami that what gives Use to the opposite belief is the fact that tluuo niu so many moro ehuiches nowadays that the attendance Is gieatly divided. Delving back Into the icllglous lltcruime of three decades ago, tho Sun couespondent found thnt the decline of chinch attendance was Just as solonmly uillrmcd and Just as higubrlously legaidcd then as It Is to day, Thin Is his summing up; "Things mo undoubtedly better tltun they were thitty years ago; but there s a manifest danger In tho present day. So many leaders In thr chinch tiy to multo religion popular, In bpltq of tho dellnlte teachings of their divine inns ter regaidlng tho dllfereuco which must always exist between the woilrt und the church. Bishop nurgess, thu gifted bishop of Long Isltnd, icctntly spoke of this In a sermon In St. Paul's chnpel, New York, when ho presented (In u way which ultnost piovoked tho risibil ity of his hearers) tho absurd efforts which are being made to organize the churches of Christ on tho Hues of a social club. A gymnasium, a ptoplo'K concert, a chuich fair, public baths, and even a theatre In the basement of a chuich, arc among the many expedi ents fofvdrawlng (icoplo to Christianity. The New Ttctnmciil presented the Sa viour lifted up, the attractions of the Ores, as tlio only legitimate means of lining a church. In other winds, there Is a danger of tho model n church pn levelling those bntrlora which popnrato 'the world ftom tho church that In the course of tllne people will sec llltlo or no dlft'erettco between a sacred concert nt Proctor'u and a choral evensong In omc popular chmch. Hut bad ns things me, they are nothing compared a 1th The conditions of Clulstlunlty when Wesley, Whltllold and ltonmlno produced the evangelical revival." Obesrvatlon rertatnly confirms the conclusion that eccentric pi caching with vaudeville tilmmlngs docs not per manently l ecru It the ranks of tho re deemed. It may lilt the contribution boxes for a tlmo nnd secure widespread advertising In tho yellow journals but fundamentally what mankind wants and needs Is the old-rashloncd story of the Cios, told plainly, kindly yet Be vel ely, and the preacher who preaches nlong thcHs lines?, If In the first place lilted for the ministry, will never lack congregation?. m Accoidlng lo one Sidney Klein, as set forth In the Jewish Chronicle, far in the interior of "Western Australia dwells a ttibe of black men who ob serve tlio Jewish Sabbath, disdain the flesh of swine and practice religious obseivatices lttdely similar to those outlined lit the Old Testament, the ln feionee being that they are remnants of one of the lost tribes of Israel. Klein claims to have made this dlscov eiy while exploring. The public will bo glad to receive further pioof. The New Yoik Times pays high com pliment to the moderation, sobriety and circumspection with which the Ameri can pies as a whole tieated the recent ctlsls over Venezuela, and the compli ment is descived. Cut the pi ess has simply loflected public opinion. The fact is that expansion has sobered .pur people. , " m The ChlcaRO man who pioposes to erect a cable 230 miles high und draw unlimited eleetilcal power from tho lnteistellar spaces cannot be accused of a low aim In life. Oiifline Sf(idi?s o! fliiman Naftire A Mother of Couiage. Shu sat In tlio giaudslitiul waiting lor her Hi st toot ball gnin lo begin. Her boy lidd placd it over .since she could remembei, and now he had made his 'vaislty teim, whhh was her 'ntsity, too her Cornell. Two of bis fi.itcinlty "blathers' s-at on cither side ns a bodgu.tid to her may hulrs, and as a bureau of inloi niatimi. They weio happier than they would have boon with tho iiicttlest girl they knew. Sho smiled with motheily pride when sbo picked him out ot the squad of ied swentercd "huskies" which at length Hotted out on the Held Sho wiped away a tear when a Columbia, man full actoss tho lino for a touchdown. Then she smpiised her bodyguard by mutteilng under lit r bie.Uh: "Hold 'cm haul, lollow.s!" "Twist, their necks!" "Push! Push!" Sho explained her knowldgc of these strenuous technical details by saying that her boy ciled out like that when play ing dream games in his sleep. She did not faint when he tackled too hard and tailed to ilsc, although his white lace, with a stteak of ied blood ncios the foichcnd, was staling up at her. "You can't hint mv boy," sho said with confidence'. "Uo"s just doing that to get wind." So It pioved. Ho was up and at it Haider than over within tho time limit. Thn lthacans gained five tluough tackle, and lost as many moio jaids tiylng to round the end. Then something happened. A stuidy youngster shot out of tho tangled elevens and dashed down thu Held tow aid the goal of tho blue and white. Ho ciossed lino after lino of whitewash, and anally was oer tho last one, tho whole pack at his heels. "Touchdown! Touchdown!" ciled tho eiowd. "Mv bov dhl It," said thu mother, and then she ciled. Now York Tiibune De Wet's Humor. In a loceut aillclo Illchatd Harding Davis tells an Interesting and Instinctive auocdoto concerning the gtent Boor cav alty leader. "Thieo scouts of the yeomamy came ns pihoueiH befoio tlio J)ner commander. They had been capemed before. They weio Enu.lb'h scouts. Itelng captured ap pealed to bo un lnlllctlon cluonlc with them ciitistlim Do Wet looked them over giavely, thoughtfully, his clear ces seat ehing them tluough and through. Ho was their jittUe. Stern or meielttili thoy could not toll; all they could do hub hope. 'My men,' said Oen oi ul Da Wet at last, 'will you tuko a mes sage nom me lo your gcneial?' "They accepted In lojolced sutpilse, and weio tlio betu cm of papois fium General ago. When tiny i cm bed (Jenetal Hun dlo'H camp thuy auuouiiced that they weio intiiisted with u lingo sealed pack Do Wot negotiating for peace. Genetnl Handle was delighted. Ho toio open tho envelope. He ie.nl tho letter. It was as lollows: " 'Di'iir (ionuial Ituudlo; This Is the loutth llino I liavo enptuted theso luglng ilnvllu of yoiiis. Ple.iso chain thorn up. They annoy mo. DE WET. " Woiiuiii'B Homo Companion, Dinnh's Alarm Clock. Ii'or a. week nfior Jtrs. Wnkelleld gave her colored cook an alarm clock tho fam ily w:u awakened each tluy at U u, m. by tlm clang of Its resounding bell, At tho end of this tliuu It was heaid no moio in tho euilv watches of tho moinlug, but Mr. Wnkelleld fancied soveral tltneii that tdio doteeted tlio muffled sound of It nluiiii townid evening. When questioned on tlio subject Dinah said, with a slluko of her dusky head: "Well, Mis' Wakeilold, mah nones nln' boiy stiong, us o' know, un' dat alarm clotk jes' illed 'cm all up. I ku Stan' It hi tho cbonln' fiiHt-tnto, but ter bo woke up suddeii upsets mo; so I jes' sots It fo' do ebenhV 'stead ob do mil w nln', and It goes off an' doan' dUtiub nobody," Mru. Wakeilold was patlsllcd with tho osplanatlou, Judge. It Wanted His Tongue. At an auction sulo in a Scotland village tho auctioneer was trying to pell a. num ber of domestic utenxtls, Including a por lldg) pot. Ab usual, ho was making a gloat fuss. Finishing, his keen eye caught a well knowii'woitny, tlio ucnuie, stand ing nt the. back of tho crowd, and ho shouted out: "Malater McTiivish, malt) mo nn offer tor this pot. Why, It would innko a splendid KUIc bell." ,''Ai" lopllcd tho beadle, "If your tonguo wus In It." King and Queen Wore .Broke. It is ha custom for kings und other toyul persons to go tluough the world wth empty pockets. No doubt tho occa sions upon which monuichs requite to Imtidto ready cash nro rnroi but n purso would obviously bu a Useful resource pomethiK'fl. A eurlottn Instnnco occurred at tho TlmnkuRlVltm servlca nttouded by King I'Mwatd and Queen Alexandra nt Ht. raui'B recently. Tho icing ami queen could not, to use a very utigcntenl phrase, "rnlso n "coin" hatwen tlicm, nnd Instead of contributing to tho offcrtorv his majes ty was compelled to explain tlio situation to tho bishop of London. Dr. Wlnhlng-ton-lnginm evidently bolloved that tho tialieitncHS of tho land waa only tempor ary, and tirndo n 'tactful suggestion, to which tho king tespoaded by promising to "sena something." Chicago Nows. Major Pond's Jokes. While Major I'oml, tho woll known lee, lino lnnnngcr, wn negotiating recently with John Kcndrlck Bancs for tho lat- tor's "tullt" on "Tho Evolution of tho Humorist," ho mado tho usual inquiries as to tho scope ot tho lectin e. "Well," said Mr. BangB, "It begins with Adam nnd Eve, and comes down to tho present day." "Adatn ntid Evo?" said tho Major, "Dear mo, Hangs, can't you glvo 'em any humor that antedates tlio Quidon of Eden?" "Well," said Mr. Hangs, reflectively. "I migiit wotic in somo of your Jokes, Ma Jot." ABMXEAXi OERVERA. From tho New York Tribune Tho Intelligence) that Admlial Ccrvera boa been appointed chief of staff of the Spuntsh navy will ciuso a sincere feeling ot gratlllcatlou thiouglioitt tho United States, Ordinarily a similar promotion in the mllltniy servlca of a foreign coun tiy In tlmo of neaco excites only a lau guld Interest elsewhere, oxecnt. perhaps. In professional circles; but the caso of Admiral Genera is peculiar. Wo feel suto that ho Is still regarded in this country with a sympathetic Interest, to wlilcu lio la well entitled, not merely In remembranco of tho tiagedy In which ha piuyea an honorable tliouirh a molan choly part, but also because ho Inrge'y contilbuted to a restoration of amicable relations between Spain and the United States, or rather, perhaps, of a recipro cal good reeling which facilitated jrovern mental negotiations between tho two countries, and will, wo hopo, make their olDctal Intercourse permanently ugrce- auie. In his desperate exit under orders from tho harbor of Santiago, aboard tho Infer ior vessel to which ho had transferred his ling with full knowledgo that ho was sacrificing somo chances of personal es cape, Admiral Cervcra was: so iratlant a figure, and his demeanor In the hour of litter defeat was so flni that every American was immediately conscious of inctcnscd respect for tlio raco to which ho belonged. If that had been all It might havo been enough to produco a favorable effect upon tho subsequent course or events. mt tnat was only tho beginning of tho servlco which ho ren dered. As a prisoner of war ho was so free from bitterness of spirit, so appre ciative of every courtesy which ho re ceived, and so modest nnd sano when ho found himself tho object of a suddon ad mhatlQu which did not Invariably express Itself hr-judlclous ways, thnt he may bo said to liuvo been tho means of recreat ing an atmosphere of international kind liness in which ancient sentiments of lrlundshtp were soon revived. If, thoiefore, aB wo bclievo the fact to be, few icsentmcuts survlvo among a high-spirited people after a war of con quest, and a better understanding exists between Spain and tho United StatoH than had prevailed for many years before tho outbreak of hostilities. Admiral Cor vera must bo lccognlzed as an influential factor In tho establishment of those happy relations, and there is sure to bo much satisfaction hero, where hn is popu lnily esteemed, at tho announcement that ho has been olllelally distinguished in his own country. SOUTHERN- MANUFACTi7RINt. Tho following figures nro of interest as showing the large Increuhe in tho manu facturing interests of the South, slnco the war: lsi.0. 1P0O. Capital Capital Invested. Invested. Alabama 0,000,000 ? 70,000,000 Arkansas 1,000,00(1 nG,00O,O00 Florida. 2,000,000 liMKW.OCO (Jeorgia 31.000,000 90,000,000 Louisiana 7,000,000 115,000.000 Mississippi 4,000,000 HG.OOO.OW North Carolina ... 10.000,00(1 76,000,000 South Caiollna.... 7,000,000 ti7,000,000 Tennessee 14,000,000 7,000,000 Texas .1,000,(KXl 110,000,000 Virginia 27,000,000 104,000,000 Total J 83,000,000 $787,000,000 Increase in 40 years $092,000,000 While Republican policies prevail, tho Increase wlli go on lncresBiniy, Walter J. Ballaid. GETTYSBURG FIELD. When tho waves of shadows sweep Northward on this mcadou' deep 'lis tho ciiargo of Pickett's hosts In tho gambols of tho ghosts: And when southward bends tho wheat, They aro acting their retreat. And tho wreaths of men In blue, Hiding on tho breezo pursue. Yonder lowly wall of stone Minks where War was ovorihiowuj Dying now in fitful strife, , In a woild ono battle-life, tl roans tho monster that his sight Never shall behold such Hunt, Nor such heioes see again Death defy on gory plulu. Poetiy! Tho lostor call; Crown the humblest of them all With tho wreath of honors weave, So that Wonder may pcrcelvu That tho lain els hoio aio duo Unto all and not u fow Michael Cuddy of New Yotk! Fiankllu Dodd ol llenfoid'b Folk! When thu llery Southiou there Charged his hist In tleico despair. Noith ten paces from tho wall Stood a color-bcutor tall, Orasplug hi his Iiiudy light, T'otemost ling in all tho tight, Haiuier of tho Tammany-sent rorty-sceond licfeliiient, .' Hushing (list of Pickett's men Lanky Dodd espied htm then Tluough tho smoke of battle hen, Tluough tho lour of shout and shell, "Hos, hurrah; we've got tholr Hag! Watch mo git tho Yuukeo rag!" And befoio ho Jumped tho wall Stopped nnd nlmcd und sped tho bull, Bcigonnt Cuddy forward fell, Heard tho shillllng rebel yell. Saw, when hulf-way in his full, Hundtods, thousands, clear tho wall; To his knees ho rose and raised Up Ills bannor, "Ood bo praised!" Moaned he, as tho rush and shout Tud of countor-ehiugu and rout. Michael Cuddy, kneeling thero With his bannor lloatlug fair. Dlod, whllo Dodd's death-stiffened hanrtt Hound his wrists Illte Hon bands. Side by side and hand In hand, In a gliding, ghostly baud Michael Cuddy, Franklin Dodd, Fell la lino beforo tholr Clod. And a volco of thunder rolled; "Hoto my best, My bravost bold Dwell, but may return ut will; To their fields of glory still; fJottysbutg on all will bind High lespect for humuu kind; So do heroes work My plan For tho1 biother-peacc of man." P, J, Tansoy In New York Sun. SETTLED OUT OF COURT. A roguo mot a pretty young Mis., A widow, and stolo a fow Krs; And tho lady, though she was un founded, Said she'd wave prosecution, If tio'd mako restitution, So the felony soon was compounded. Philadelphia Pieas, fill Fourteenth annual sale of Boots, Shoes from factory to your feet, in our stores and basement. Indeed, you save one fourth all admit. We be lieve you save more, on most of our Shoes. Thousands of the shrewdest buyers will tell you so. This is a few of the proofs: Men's Woonsocket Gum Boots- $2.25 'Men's Snag-proof Gum Boots $2.50 Children's Happy Rub ber Boots 75c. Youths' Felt Boots and Overs $1.15 Boys' Felt Boots and Overs $1.10 Boys! Gum Boots $1.50 Men's Felt Boots and Overs $1.50 Men's Felt Boots and Overs $1.75 to $2.00 RemembarTuis! Men's good quality Gum Boots, all sizes, ( to 11, $2.00. Rcmcm- nA bcr the price. . . 4XUU Men's Storml Rubbers, all sizes, 0 to 11....5UC Men's Self-acting Rub- . bers,all sizes, 0 to 11 5UC All our Ladies', Men's, Misses' and Children's warm lined Shoes, Slippers and Leggings, arc marked at prices that will make you happy. Ladies' Rubbers, all sizes; good quality.. X 5 C Misses' School Shoes; all sizes 5UC Children's School Shoes.; all sizes 5UC Boys' School Shoes; ,-. all sizes, 11 to 5A... 5 UC Little Gents' Never-rip Shoes; warranted.. . VUC Youths' Never-rip cd i. . . . P 1 1 d I Boys' Never-rip Shoes , p 1 ,2Zy Store News That Cheers. What They Said: The- said we saved 50 cents on one pair of your Children's Happy Rubber Boots. We saved one dollar on a pair of youn Snag-proof Men's Boots. Wc saved 75 cents on one pair of your Men's -Woonsocket Gum Boots. We saved 50 cents on a pair of your Men's Felt Boots and Overs. And, in fact, we know wc save one-fourth on every thing we buy of you. 114 and 116 'Wyoming Ave. Wholesale and Retail Foot wear for the Millions! '. S. We advise our friends and the public in gen eral to take advantage of this great money-saving sale. mmmmmmmmammmmammm SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. rwese BNreitpftiaiNQ oeALens oan supply your sveeos of Eveuy CHnoren promptly and satis- FAGTORILYu FOR SALE DUGQIES and WAGONS ol ill l:ind; also Houwi and Building Lots nt bargain, HOUSES CLIP1TD and CI10OMKD it M. T. KELLER Itckiwinna Carrlajo Works. aeoumrYmuiLoiNo asAViNaauHioN Rom Office, 80S 209 Mean Building-. We ar nuturine fliaicj each tnoutli which fhow a net gain to the (nvutor ot about 12 per cent. Wo loan mone, Wo aUo i3ue VVLU 1'AID STOCK !0O.0Q per hre, inter nt payabh (eml-amiuillj, AI.UEK1' BAt.b, ScirUaiy. B. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rlp All T.ar1.3u7.mn'l KVnil inamif ii.lnrv nf 4 Wire Scrccnj nt all Muds; fully aurnl (or L the tprlng leison. We mttu all ldmU cl porcit icreenr, etc. PETER STIPP. General Contractor, Ilulldcr and Pcaler in Dulldlu? Stone, Ce.nentng ol ullars a ) cttlty. Telephone i92. Office, 337 Washington avenue. THE SOHANTON VlTKIPIBO BRICK ANOTlLBMANUPApTURINQOOMPAHY Maker ot Paving Bilck. etc, M. II. Dale, General Bales Agent, Office 329 Wellington aie. WorU at Nay Aug, t'a., H. & W. V. It It. I 1 1 I H. D. CRANE, Priced for a Quick CleanUp Forcible Economy Becomes a Pleasure. The whole stock of suits at this store is now placed on sale at 25 reduction. This means that you can buy a good suit Priced So Low tSZrZ $10,00 Suits for $ 7.50 $15.00 Suits for 11.25 $2000 Suits for. 15.00 $25,00 Suits for v 19.75 and so on through the wriole stock. 324 LACKAWANNA AVE. Glad tidings Holiday Shoppers. Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel- lent Holiday Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of quality. Watches, Diamond Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Urn brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl ing Silverware, Etc., Etc. And all at prices that are C. LUTHER, 133 Wyoming Avenue, ESTABLISHED 1857. J. iji..j4.ijit44.. Furniture Ours is the most complete and up-to-date line in town. Our desks are of standard make ; built by concerns that have reputations for quality, honest workman ship and good finish. We call your attention to our line of Office Tables Office Chairs Racks and Specialties 12! WiiblihiKtoii Avenue. FULL DRESSJPOR DANCERS Fancy Hosiery. in Silk, Cotton nnd Wool. White and Pearl Kid Gloves Mufflers White Lawn Ties And Other Necessities See Display In Our Windows, 412 Spruce Street, 309 Lackawanna Avenue. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS Office IN rLa Jml proprietor. Take Elevator.-- 1f' 4 1 1f4tfit s, for : ' 4 Pendents, Rings, : sure to meet your approval., -. . "S" Hotel Jermyn, 44i',tI"!4i!4i4a4,l4,4 . HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent tor ths Wyoming Diltrlct tot , Dupont's Powder Ulnlng, Blutlntr, Sporting, SmoVelea and tha, Bepauno Chemical Company's I HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safety Fuse, Caps and Exploders. Room 101 Coat sell Building .Scraotcn, AQENCIES. JOn. B. SUITII & SON Pljmontl E. W. UULUQAN WilkesBarn EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? . Not abort course, nor an tuy counevH nor a cneap course, out tne ben education to be bad. Ho other educaUon la worth pending time and rnonej m, U you do, write (or catalogue ot Lafayette College Easton, Pa. wlitob offer thorough preparation, Is the Engineering ard Cl.cmical Promloni ii well as the regular College csurjea. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL EAST SXEOUDSBURG, PA. Regular Stato Normal Courses and Special Department) of Music, Elocu. tlon, Art, Drawing, Stcnucraiihy and Tjpowiltins; Btrong Collese Propara. tory Department, EREE TUTION. Boardlni,' expenses J50 per week. Pui)ll3 admitted nt any time. Winter Term opens Dec. S3th. Wrlto for cata lnirtie. M E. Ir. KEMP, A. W.j Principal, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, N. Y. nii'Mis. lipsliln the leEUlar Collet nnni,u ivti'i'liiinlcal. Klectiical an rin l'mrlnn.'i Int?. Ai nhtteLturo. Muslf. Painting, Law, Jlcillclne, Sociology and PeilaKoiry. . I OVCn FOHTV of tlio !diJS tlhtverr gltlnx CJ t"!b country antl I.mopo.ipo rcpiesentcil on tlio faculty of tlia IJb oral ,itu Colletje. Tuition expenses nro so mode t ate that they aro liss thin tho fees In some colleges wlisjg tieo itution is eiven. Send for Catalogue. SCB ANTON COBRE8FONDEN0E 601 SCKANTOtf, PA. T. J. Fostor.Pres. Klmer II. Lawal R J. hotter Stanley I, A1WJ tea x'restaeni. t)y -"""Xj - "1 V rj