The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 31, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    T 'l.W'-H0' '
w ' i , "t?' x
, , I
Special Cate
of Children
Poor eyesight of children is
not often noticed until the child
Is sent to school, when the defect
becomes more pronounced by
reason of close work. In this
condition study becomes a bur
den on account of eye strain and
headache and is a constant drain
upon the whole nervous system.
331 Washington Ave.
Begin the
New Year Right
by openlns in account with tho
County Savings Bank
and Msf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
We rcccle deposits of one dollar
and upw.uds, and pay J pur tent.
Interest thu con.
A. WATRES, President
0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Photo Print
Reduced from
50c to 25c
25c to 10o
10c to 5c
211 Washington Ave.
Cigar Prices
That are Right
no In S3 In
bo. bo-. Ma
...h?5 S0G
... 171 lo
... 1.7C, Mo
... 17( !Aj
... 1.75 0'ic
... 1.7",
... 1.71
... 3.71
... 1.71
... 1.73
... 2.73
...3 DO 1.71
... 3 30 'JIM
Morns' Porfecto....
Tom ICeene
I.ouls Mann
Mori Is' Magnet
Owl Btand
G. W. Childs
Juan 3' l'oituondo
Lillian r.ussel
Itobeit Bums
Cora Tanner
l,intrHduif Perfecto
Cigais packed 12 in box at 23o
and 30o per bos.
Our line of Pipes is the talk of 4.
the town.
Co Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos
Old Virginia Cheroots
Threo Blae'c 3Cld Cheroots.
Sweet Capoial Clgai ottos.
6 packs for 25c.
Tlorodora Cigars. f
Matlneo Clgais. r- y
"Match It" Cheioots
Turkish Tiophic.
3 packs for 25c.
For Cash Only.
E. C. Morris
Cigar Man.
Leader of Cut Ft ices.
We have in stock a com
plete line of all the latest copy
rights. January magazines
now nil here.
New 'Phone, 43, Opp, Dime Bank
in and About
The City
Plinceton Alumni Darner.
tiror cicpi into our recent announevj.
int tho coining Northeastern Ponu-
i rtiuceton Alumni ua.soclutiou
It in to be hua in Dk bomd of
tnitto rooms January 0 Instead of Jan
uary C. Speakers teprescnllng Prince
ton, Vnlu mid other unlvci sides will bo
Information Wanted.
A eoi respondent wants to know how to
hull tho Allco Mnynuid sweater. Can any
loader answet?
DeLacy a Candidate.
wunutil x. j-iui.uey jHieiun tiuiiuuueuutfM:. . ., w. . . . . .
him-olf ns a cundldalo for the DerJWKVl Analysis or it iwsveais xuat THIS
ciatlc nomination for city rceoider.
r trnttillintlnti fn Ml Mtrilflai. J9acJ
No Quorum Present.
Thete wus no meeting of tho Master
Hoiseshocis' association last nlRht onlnm
IU lilt 1IIII111U Ul LI. qilUIUIll U 1JUI Ill Ull
His Foot Injured.
VJrtor Scachla hud his loot I.icerated
yosloidny by a falling timber nt the Giccn
Rldgo mines. Ho was tcmoved to Iho
Lackawanna hospital.
Reunion and Reception.
Tho reunion und teroptlon of tho class
of 'M and cl lis of 1900, Seranton High
Hchool, will tako pltico tonight at tho
Scianton Ulcycio club.
Will Have Open House.
The Kli emeu's Relief asoclation will
hold open houso all day New Vear'11 ut
their rooms on Spruce stteet. Tho public
is cordially Invited to be picsettt,
New Year's at St. Luke's.
'Jho least of chcuinclsion, or the civil
JCow Yuii, will be olccrvrd at St. Luko's
(hutch tomotrow with cclebintlons of the
holy communion ut T u. m. and 9 a. m.
Physical Director Engaged.
Piofessor Jmk-on, physical director nt
the Wllkus-Bmic Young Men's Chiistlan
association, has been engagi d for the
Sci. mum Young Men's Chiistlan associa
tion sjmn.tsluni.
For Riding on Cms.
Pied lliust, 'J nomas SdmliM and Jo
rpli ej'Routke, tin co small boju living on
South Irving nenue, were uri'stid jos
totday ufteinoon by Lackawanna special
ofllccis for rldhiK on a ft eight train.
They wcio each lined J. by Maglstiato
Will Present a Play.
At Holy Cioss hull, tomoirow night, a.
play. "The Holy Night." will be pioscnt
cd by nmilutir talent diawn from tho
ung ptople of Holy Cross congregation.
Theio will ulso bo vocal solos by Ml-s
Mary Ociiltv and "William Ljnctt and
sketches by J. J. Salmon.
Two Fine Calendars.
Megargec- Bros , paper dealers, arc dis
tributing to their pations two very lino
calendars, one a neat convenient affair
for tho ofllco and the other a latgo and
highly ai tistlc ono for tho home. Noth
ing more beautiful than tho latter has
been seen In Seranton.
Crowds Paying Taxes.
It would be well for any person who de
slus to pay his or her taxes todav to
bung along a camp-chair, as it is more
thun likely that an hour or two will be
requited bcfoie they can get an oppor
tunity to pay. The ciowds which in
vaded the ticasuiers ofllco jesteiday
were so large that it tequlred tho services
ot two policemen to keep the people In
lltv. Today Is tho lust day on which
taxes can be paid without a penalty.
Ball of the Stage Hands.
Those theatrically inclined, and who
fancy tho companionship of "stage folk"
will hao an opportunity to indulge their
liking in this, respect on Tuesday eenlng,
January ID, when the stage hands con
nected with tho vailous theateis of this
city ghc their annual icceptlon and ball.
Inltutlons httM' been 'fotw aided to tho
aiious companies who will bo playing In
thib city on that date, and acceptances
received to dato injure a 1-irge attendance
from among tho thespians then in Scian
ton. Dr. .Edwards' Anniversaiy.
Ilcv. Dr. T. C. Kdwards on Sunday ob-s-ened
tho twtnly-flfth anniversary as
pistor of the Welsh Congregational
chinch of HdwnrdMlllc und a caul In
memoiy of tlm eunt was dlsttllmtcd. Dr.
TMwaidb, who is well known In this city,
became pastor of the church Januaiy
1. 1S7S. At tint time the chinch had 3M)
member-,; leielvtd on confc-slon of talth
in the twent-tKc -wars' ministry of Di.
IJdwmds, CSS; weehed by Irtltrs in tho
hjmo peiiod, 4yi: total, 1,23.!. Dismissed
by Uttcis, ete., in tin. hume period, ijm):
(tli'd in tho snmo peiiod, 303, total, 7Si
3'itf.nit mombersliip, lt',1 In WG ov r 100
liiembets weie cllsniissul b lettet to oi
ganbo tho BethcMlu Congic national
rhuich, whlcli has grown to be a protpet
uus church ol t.'3 membei
Is En Route to Seranton and Will
Anive This Morning.
ricldent John Mitchell, of the L'ni
ted Mlno Wotkei", did not le-turn to
Scianton from his holiday tiip to his
homo In Spring Vulky, 111, yesteultiy,
ns expected. Owing to unexpected de
lay, he could not make lalhoad nn
uet'tloiih. Ho Is en loute, however,
and will icacli ht-io tills momlng.
II" will piobably lemnlii lieio until
Sunday ur Jlonday and then go to
l'hllvuiphla to utluid the c-s-slon'- of
the uilnn rtttllte Miminlfcglon
Wnnike Coal Company Wnnth ?S0,
000 Damages.
Tlu U'uruko Coal company, or whh h
Frtdt-ikk W.unite, of this elt, ih pies
idonl, has Mied tin boiuugh of Umjca
for rlani.iges In tho hunt of ?.'u,i'0o.
Tho philntlfL cuinpiny has opoi.Ucd
a waheiy at Duiyia toi about
tluce ycuih and iliiltun thu' on Auf, 5
last the borough nmhorltlc,-, caused a
htio.un of water to In dKtitrd iioni Its
ntituial corns, with th- tesult that
tho water up and percoUttil
lliiuugh a loadbed undo of dill, sl.ito
and culm and inn over the ineinlhua
oi tho plaintiff, thus putting out tho
fires In tho boiler joom, i enduing un
stiibli; the mummy and louudatloii
walls ot thu washeiy und pieveutlug
the operation of It tor n long pniod of
It Is alto alleged that this i educed
thr ptollth, depif-cliited the valuo of the
Wftohtiiy and caused thu plaintiff
amounting to $20 000, it Is alleged that
thu fuurt-e of the stieam was chaugoii
bceatiso un c-ffent was niado In inn tho
(ompan's wtuheiy dutlne the- strike.
Fiesh Dressed Poultiy,
Tmlwja, Chickens, Puck, etc, ur
otfyjed today for your New Yc-ai's (lln
iioi. Our display ol ft nits, vegetables
und tublo dcllcaclea In complete. Your
older will lecclve piumpt and cuietul
attenllou if given in ueroon or by tele
phone, The Pleuo Co.
' HO to 114 Point ae.
New Yeai's Ice Cream.
Although we uie very busy, all New
Year's leu a earn ordeiu icvelved by 7
o'clock tonight OVcdnebday) will bo
taken" care of. AV11I not accept oiders
later. J, i). Williams & flio , 314
LurkuwBuna nv-l'if , "
. i
Is a Very Law-abiding County Of
tho 3440 Criminal Charges Pre
ferred 1127 Wore for Assault and
Battery in Cases So Trivial That
tho Grand Dury Ignored 1028 of
Them Other Court Matters.
Criminal charges 3440
Convictions 154
Pleas of guilty 05
Clerk of the Courts T. P. Daniels has
compiled a report of tho work done
by tho criminal branch of the coutts
of this county from tho opening of the
October term In 3901 until the opening
of the same term this year.
Oiirlnjr that Derlod transcripts In
3,140 criminal cases were filed with tho
clerk of tho court. Of this number
2,749 were brought to the attention of
tho giand jury. In L'.lll cases tho bills
were Ignored, and In 638 true bills ic
sultetl. Altogether 1,063 persons were
tried on GDO bills. There were 77S ac
quittals, 364 convictions, 3G nol prosses
and 3 pleas of guilty. The accom
panying table gives Interesting statis
tics concerning the business of the five
terms of court hold during tho year:
Number of cases charging crlmo
Cases before grand juiy
Tine bills by giand luty
lgnoied bills by ginnd jury
Number of pel son i tiled
Number of cases tried
Number of ucaulttnls
Number of conlctlotib
Number of nol prosbes
Picas of guilty cnteied
Kceognlzanees foifeitcd
Amount of lecognlzanccs
That Lackawanna county Is com
posed of a class of people w ho are nat
urally quiet and law abiding Is shown
by an analysis of the class of crimes
that come before the court. "When the
mixed character of the population of
the county is considered the showing
is certainly most creditable.
While the total number of cases Is
seemingly largo a great percentage aio
of a character that ought never to get
beyond the ofllco of the alderman or
ju'-tlco of the peace, wheto tho war
rant was sworn out. It Is not always
the fault of these gentlemen that the
cases get into comt, tor the reason that Tho mombeis of the school sang sev
thoy have to hold tho accused to ball cral carols, and theio wore recitations
If a pilma tacie case is made out. Of, by the following children: Helen Cor
tho total of 3140 tianscrlpts returned tn, nlh, Edna May "Whitney, Agnes
court, 1127 wcio for aitault and bat
tery. Tho trivial or manufactured na
ture of most of these is attested by tho
fact that out of this large number there
were but thirty-six convictions. These
statistics concerning assault and bat
tery cates will furnish food for i enac
tion: Number of cases charging cilmo
Cases befoie giand jury
Ignored bills by grand jury
True bills by grand jury
Number of persons tiled
Number of cabes tried
Number of acquittals
Number of com lotions
Nol prosses
Pleas ot guilty
Of the higher grades of crime, tho
calendar for tho year was icmaikably
free. Altogether nine pet sons were ar
rested tor mtiider and seven were In
dicted by the grand jury. The tilal of
these cases showed that none of them
aiosc to the dignity of first degree. Of
the seven men Indicted, 1ie wero ac
milltid and two convicted of murder ol
less than the tlist degiee.
Theio wcie no orients for highway
lobliery ot assault with attempt to rob
or steal, or horse- stealing. Theio were
thirtv-elght niresU for robbety and
seventeen Indictments by tho grand
jut.". Sistctn of tho cases weie Ig
not is!. In four of tho robbery cases
tiled, the accused were comlcted anil
In eight they vcio acquitted.
The number of ca'-e.s charging lai
icny beloro the gtand jury was t,3s
and the number of true bills, 14.1. Tho
number of convictions were 23, tin-plt-o.3
of guilty cnteied, 40, while nol
prosbes wet o entoied in eight other
i.ises. Eleven enses of ieccllng stolen
goods, were befoie the giand Jury and
the true bills "wcio eight In number and
tw6 wcio convicted.
The grand jury oonMdoied tle-ven
eases r barging aison and found tluec
tiuo bllK After a trial, all of tho ac
cused weio acquitted. Hoio aie some
statistics concerning ai rests lor iolsi
.(lon of the liquor laws dmlng tlm
yen i.
S.ll- Sell
lug lug
Tip- on to
Tiling Suit- uiln
Houe. dav, ois.
Cases heiom giand juiy.
Ttuo bills by giand Juiy
Ignoted bills by grand
Jm y
Cas-.-M tiled ,
f'omii lions ,': 1
Ai quitted ,.7 I 2-
Nol pros , i
I'KmUU guilt) ,. .;
The above statistics contain ciy low
of the cams gtowlug out of tho stilke,
us mojt of tliesej occurred after the
gtand juty for tho Juno tcim met,
Wills Admitted to Probate.
Thu w lit of W, aibson Jones, lato of
this city, was yusterduy admitted to
piolmle and letters lestameutajy
gtanted to Colonel Muedltli 1. lloties,
of Now Yotk. He leaves his untlio es
tate, aluod at $100,000, to his widow
tor her lltc-tlme, when It goes to his
son, now un Inlant. In tho event of
the Hon dying without Issue tho cstuto
goes to Colonel Jones, lnother of the
'Iho will of J, P, A. Tlngley. late of
Ciiihondale, was probated ami leiten
testamentmy gianted to his widow,
Candaco A. Tlngloy,
The will of Peter Flke, luteyif Stott
township, was admitted to piobate, but
no letlcrd wcio granted.
The will of Fiank Campbell, late of
Coibondale, was also admitted to pto
lute und letters ot admlnlbtrulloii weie
granted to John F, Campbell,
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
James A, l'oo Scruuton
Geialdino JlcFadUcil ,. ,.,,, ..Seranton
John Mayock ,,..Bulfalo
alary King , Scniuton
Too Late to Classify.
WANTHD-A fhsl clusa cai i logo or
wagon blacksmith Appb (Jould'a
CauluBC wosks. LIihIi-u stiect
Alfred Wooler,
Instructor In
Voice Culture and Singing,
Will open bin studio on New Yonr'n'day
from to to V a. in. and fiom 2 until 0
P. m, lor tho oxptcss purpose of test
ing voices and presenting to each ap
plicant two of his own song composi
tions, Any pel Ron 10 years of ago or
over, may npply.
All Voices Tested Free.
, STUDIO: Second flood, Carter Hulld
Ing, forncr Adams ave, and Linden
st,, Scianton, lu.
Scth B Stanton..... Clark's Green
Allco Whlto Clark's Green
DaId T. 'Williams .stcrday filed his
oath of ofllco as mlno inspector with P10
thonotary John Copoland.
Tho hearing in tho Stovcns habeas cor
pus caso which was to havo beon held
yesterday was postponed until Friday.
A number of opinions will bo handed
down when court meets Monday. Ono of
tho most Important opinions expected is
that of tho caso of George W. Jenkins
against tho city of Seranton, tho tax col
lector case. It was aigued at the last
tetm of argument court. A number of de
cioes I dlvorco may also bo handed down.
Sunday School of Grace Reformed
Church Had Christmas Tree.
Tho Christmas celebration of thu
Sunday school of the Grace Kefoimed
Episcopal church held lust night in the
Dec. Vcb. Apt II. June.
JS91. JWJ. 10OJ. 1002. Total.
CIS 4i" K'J 07(5 3, HO
m 100 HI .".SO '.'.7 ID
" lu 1J0 7 J HIS
3.'t IT, Its 101 L',111
lb) 17J 371 110 l.Oltt
01 101 Ki i,S &10
111 3.0 IJJ IvS 77S
30 L9 io .1 3jl
0 33 s :: Hi,
W S 31. 7 PI
... - 0 ... 30
?C0O JI,E00 ... fs.OOO
church auditorium, was largely attend
ed and was a most enjoyable affair.
There were two large Clulstmas ttees
glittering and shining, and a caiefully
rehearsed progiamme was carried out.
Iltv. C. W. King, the new pastor, de
livered an appropriate address, and
Mrs. E. H. Itlpplo spoke bilefly for
the primal y department of the school.
One of the most pleasing numbers was
a motion song lendered by the follow
ing girls: Flossio Alvard, Helen Cor
nish, Agnes Harkness, Emma Mufllcy,
Bertha Mufllcy, Anna Klelnschradt and
Zobe Stokes.
Harkness and Susie "Walter. Miss El
sie Brown sang a solo, "In Old Judea,"
and Miss Emily Hackett played de
lightfully on tho violin. At the conclu
sion of tho exercises boxes of candy
were difatiibuted among tho children.
Tho exercises held at tho Tripp Park
mission on Monday night were also
' !J
,' -'.'
' l
Dec. Feb. Apill. June.
1S91. 390.'. 30OJ. 1002. Total.
3b0 337 172 243 1,127
I'M 132 ICO 2.'2 1,028
24 10 21 U 1G3
320 31.5 3 JO 200 G3
21 t'l .'s J I 17,)
21 11 21 11 110
30 12 21 Ut 121
11 It Jo
hugely attended. They weie in chaign
of Hemy Caidew. An addiess was
niado by Ilev. Mr. King, and n distil
bution of gltts was msiile.
Old First Presbyterian Chinch Used
For the Last Time.
Tho Chiihtmas exercises ot the Sun
day school of tho rir&t I'resbyleilau
chut oh, held jesteiduy aftumoon lu the
old church building em "Washington ave
nue iveio especially Interesting and at
1 1 noted a laige gatheilng because of
the hat it was the last lime the
building will be used, the work of de
molishing it being scheduled to com
mence to-morrow.
An immense Clulstmas tiee had been
erected where tho reading dc-k oidinai
ily stands and the other Clulstmas dec
oiations weie still Jn place. Tho chll
dien of the Sunday school occupied the
lront pews and tho older membeis of
iho church sat in the tear. Ij. t.
Mattes, tho superintendent, presided.
No set programme had been ui tanged
ami tho exeiclses weie largely of an 1m
piomptu nature. A, "W. Dickson, who
was Hiipcilntendent of tho school for so
many e'al,., gave ono of his lefreshlng
common sense talks to tho childieu. He
told them to lot tho Sunday school
splilt lako hold of their live, and bo
with them oun after they leavo tho
Itev. Dr. James McLcod. tho pastor,
also made a brief addiess In which ho
utged thu childieu to attend church ns
w ell as Sunday school. He had no use,
he said, lor those who would substitute
tho Sunday school for tho chinch.
Hvtry child should go to church, he
said, because attendance nt chuicli Is
of as much importance to them ns at
tendance nt rfunduy school. Ho wished
all pitsent a happy New Year us did
ulso Supeilntctidcnt Mattes.
Hoxes of candy and orange weie
then dlsti United to the children as they
passed out,
Was Held at Home of the Rev, A.
L. Ranier.
The monthly meeting of the- Seranton
and Wtlkcb-Haua Lutheiau Pa.itoial
association was held yesterday nt tho
homo of Itev, A, L. Itamer, on Four
teenth stieet, President Row I,, I.ln
denstruth, of Wllltes-Haric, presided.
The subjects taken up for discussion
weio "Tho Study of the First Chapter
of (lenesls in Hobiew," und "Tlm
Study of tho Seventh Chapter of the
Hook of Actfa In Gieok."
A set moil outline was given b Itev,
II. F, J. Sentkcr, of Wilkes.Hane, und
a paper on "Tho Annual Festivals lu
tho Chiistlan Chuicli" was lead by
Ilev, J. P. Haltes, of Wilkes-Dane. Tho
bubject of "Tho Uniformity of Pastoral
Acts" was presented by Rev. E. F.
Hitter, of this city. The next meet
ing will be held nt thu homo of Ilev.
l.lndeistiutli in Wilked-IIuue, on Jan.
Those prt'scut at the meeting weie?
From Wllkes-Harre Hev. L. Llnden
btruth, Rev. II. F. J. Seneker, Rev, J.
F. Haltes; Plttston, Itov. Hender; Car
bondule, Rev. F. J. Ehlnger; Seranton,
Hev. V. F, Hitter, Rev. J. C. Wltko,
Rev. II. A. Kunkle and Hev. A, 1.
One Which Is to Be Located in Gieen
Ridge Will Do Biond Weaving.
Tho Third Word Is to Have a Mill,
and Two Are Undor Way in West
Seranton This Will Make Eleven
Silk Mills Within the City Limits.
They Corao Unhidden.
Seranton bids fair to soon llval
Paterson ns a silk manufacturing cen
ter. Four new mills will be under way
here befoto springtime, and several pai
tlos nr looking about the city with a
view of bringing mills fiom other cities
or stalling up new mills heie.
The Moirlson Silk company has pui
chnsed the big building on Latch stiect,
formerly occupied ns a milk depot
by the Scianton Dairy company, and
will establish there a broad silk mill,
capable of manufacturing any width
of silk, from ribbons up.
Paul Clements is to statt n silk
throwing mill near the Round "Woods,
the Ashley Silk Throwing and Weav
ing company has a plant under way
on Academy street, and the Klllgore
Silk company Is building a mill on West
Market .street, In tho Third ward.
There arc already seven silk mills
within the city limits, and as many
mote in tho Immediate suburban towns.
It is estimated they employ upwards
of 7,000 hands, some of them being
woikod day ami night.
Of iccent jears tho boaid of tiade
ha not been Inviting ollk, manufac
turers, because of the danger of ex
hausting the available labor, but the
mills have continued to come and It
seems Intend continuing. -
,,-A silk manufacturer from Paterson
iccently tame here to establish a new
mill. Secietnry Seamans, of the board
of tiade, told him he could not advise
him to come here, as he could i ot gUc
him assurance that the necessary labor
was available. The man went awa,
but the nevt day letumed and an
nounced that he would start a milt In
Seranton and tnke chances on being
able to get hands. The mill Is being
Some of the most conseivatlvc mem
bers of the board of trade unhesitat
ingly declare in favot of bi logins In
more silk mills. It will bu a means of
attracting more people heie, they aver,
and Seranton wants more people. When
there Is wotk offered the people will
come, they at'gue.
But be that as it may, tho mills aie
coming without invitation or any en
couragement other than that which
their owners can fined In Scr.tnton's
advantages, and so far all of them
have succeeded In getting plentj of
Under this heading short letteiB of In
terest will Be published when accom
panied, for publication, by the writer'
name. The Tilbune does not assunio re
sponsibility for opinions heie expteiscd.)
Reply to Rev. Mr. Wailng.
Editor of The Tilbune.
Sir: In Monday morning's Tillnmn 1
rtatl the farewell fllscouise of thu Rov.
Ij. H. Waring, which put ported to bu a
icply to ciitnln chaiges made by Patlur
Valentine in one of his 1 ctures at the
Cathedral. The Reverend Waring would
apparently atttlbute to ambition, to o.
aggerated pretention), and to a putelj
mundane policy, certain measures of tho
popes which weio but the natural con
sequences of co-e.lstiug conditions Uvea
a superficial Knowledge of the mouaichle
of tho middle at?es shows that leligion
wus- icgarded as tho basis and indispen
sable bond of v,x'ict. Tho first duty of
tho piinco and ol all who sh-.ictl his au
thoiit, it wa believed, nos to repe.-"t
and make othcis uvpeet lelWon, so that
tho siivfiiign or magistuiti'-, who neg
lected this essential duty pioviiel them
si'lvos, by theveij lact, utiwoilhi of their
tltlo and deserved to bj depth cd ot it.
This ptlnclplu was eleul; laid down in
tho legislation ol Fiance. L Spain, ot
England and ol Gentian v, and in otdn to
enfotee Its obseiiutiee H was suciosshely
established In these dlncreiil states, that
tho sovetelgn should not bo elected "
cept on tho weprss or tacit condition of
professing tho Cathotio religion and of de
lending it with ull his might against thy
attacks of lieiviy and Impietjt. In all tlm
monarohlis of thu mlddlo ayes the unluti
ot tho two powets, tempriinl and splt
itual, wus tegaidid a& tho niliual conso
quetico ot thoso pilnclple-, and as osseti
lial tin th", genet nl ot si,ctety.
This ptevalllng belief pioouted for the
clergy numerous proiogallvm and el
oti'tislvn Jiulsdictlon ovcii In the tent
poial oidei, and eNo buiuuht In the ov.
oieise, of papal hiiluencc. In tho inldsl
ot tho disotdets ol ull kind", which dls
llgurtd soclelj, tho prince s saw In the
holy seo a center ut onco of rollsloii. nf
eullghtftiment, and of c 1 tliKttion; .still
nioie, they saw Ii It tho tuot poweifiil
piotectlon which they eould tuvol.o
againsi the usurpatloiiK of their neigh
bors, and against the lcbillliins ol tltelr
vassals. Tin to was, then, nu other mi
thotity aeKuowk'ilged universally but
that of tho popo; and being thus Ihe most
lespeetesl of all, .oit by thw most vio
lent and birlurous men, Ib It siupilslng
that tho sovereign should bo solicitous fu
havo tho holy see as thr atbltei ol theii
dlffeiences, as a medlatoi und giiaiaiitci
of their tioatlis, and conioilm.'s to do
hontago to It loi Ihelr ktngdonis, in ot
der to Hvemo moio eft'eetn.illy tlm aid
which the-y iiqitiied? Tho Whoeomo c
fielso uf this supirimiiy by tli,i popes Is
amply attested by historical vulkis such
ns Volgt, lloscoo, Fisher, Mlly. Southev,
"Wheaton, t'omte, Oulot, HulKitsoii,
t.ecKy, SchIet,ol and IJtigiird, The so au
thom would nftoid the Itov, Wailu' mjuid
vvholesonio leiidiiis In rtgntd to the su
Piomaey ot tho popes'.
Tho lilstoiy and doetlhin o1" imlillfei'lieis
ato also gin-sly i.ilsipriMmiied. Wol
stei's Dietlonaiy. tho Ceiiluiy Dlclliinut,
oi mo uiicyciopciii.i Mllttuulcn wnulU
give him it fair esuieoptlon oj whit nit In- I
dulgoneo nicnm, and tho slight".! in'
qualiitantu with hhtoi;- miiiUI uuih him
that piujir, fasting and iinishlliij to
gether with eeniu'sslou und npiiiiHmoi
weio conditions laid down m tho gilulng
of an indulgeneo. hidulgemes uio pot il- '
censes to eoiumli In. neltlim nj thuy
paidons lot sins uhoady commlttMl Even
SERT, try JP.LLO, picpaved accoulhig 10 the fol
lowing icelpe:
Ono packige Lemon Jelbu, 1 pirn of!
ooiltng vtuiei, euji ,vi suyai, i i.up or
shelly wine. Juloo ol sK oiauges hi two,
being caiufnl not to bleak tho cuue. hen
Jelly Is puitly congtubd, fill eases uud
sot In a cool place. Beivo with whipped
cmun piled on top. Muv be beived in
shcibet cups If debited. A delicious wlno
jelly can ulso bo niado bv adding ono
glass of good sherry or poit wine to any
OI ino ac'll-e, imvui.-. ,
alee descit for ativ mea
at any
tune. 1 our navors i,emon.
lluspbeiry unu Htiawueiry.
At gioceis, 10 icnts.
Is the
Best Time
small) at l1lo- '
Third National Bank,
118 Wyoming; Ave., Seranton, Pa.
Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000.
. per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts,
whether large or small, and the interest i com
pounded Jan. 1 and July 1.
Aecouuta can bo opened by mail.
Write for our booklet, "BANKING BY MAIL."
3 Memorable
Bargain Day
wo nave iiciciiiiiucu tu siguanc inc uiioc eiosinc aays !
the dying year, with bargain
Our Superb , , "
Cloak Department ' '
With its matchless stock has, been !.BUbjoctedfltap'rice
pruning process that astonishes all beholders.. Buyr what ytj
please there now, and you get it at a
Sweeping Price Reduction
From former figures. Not a garment in our stck that was
not made for the present season's trade. That means much to
the intelligent buyer.
a Coats, Suits, Skirts and Purs
For ladies and misses wear
Children's Dresses for less thin
them. The selection is fine.
a The Holiday Aftermath.
Only a few things left now. 'They're all nice, however.
Some very choice Brush Sets, Mirrors, Manicure Sets, Glove
Boxes, etc., at way down prices.
that are as good as gold, and
I flcConnell & Co. I
a 400 and 402
Your Eyes
Ate you over-taxing them'.' Oo you have to squint
and stialn them in order to sec things distinctly.'
If u, self-ln tei est demands that you immediately
consult .m exnerlent'd optician.
Fitted bv us have one very stiong point being per
lectly fitted, they Invailahly give satisiacliou.
"Everything that is best
IJ AliblgllH, an nltia-Protestant, speaking
of tlm histiuetlou ol Leo X, say-. "In the
pope's bull something wus aald of le
pemtance of lite In n t and contes-.ou ot
tho 11W." An Indulgeneo was nnvi-r to
be given lor manor, but tho veiy pay
ment nf money as a part of a religious
duty, whithci 101 nlms or for piaclluit
goud norks tould quite easily tnke on
Mm !e,im of a purchase. Especially would
this bo tin' '"" 'r Mi oUmr and mora
essential tequUlteti, such us tiuo sol row,
humble lottlislon, and full leptuatlon,
iwiit shitled ovi r and the most stiess
luld upon iihiistUng. That abie-es ciept
lu un one will deny, but they weio em
phatleallj i omlemncd In the 'council of
Tiettt. KuimIv, no man of (omnion sen--u
will condfrnii a unlvetstl soeloty beeituso
it tow 01 Its membeis. unfaithful to Its
teaching", havii I alien Into louuplloti,
f'htlst wan sold by one ot Ills disciples.
Would It bo logical to say that Christ or
His teaching was lespoiislble lor Ihe
Tlm Ri'V Mi AVmlltg quotes tlm 1orm
of alisoluilun itsi'd bv 'i'ouo! so as to
make It appear that nu Indulgeneo wus nn
ulwihiltuii fiom sin. if ho quoted thu
foi m lotteetlj, as given by tho f.utheian
Hetketulotl lu Its hhtoty of LutheranlHm,
tltuic could bo no deception, for it Is e
plleltlv sinud thou In that an ttidulgniico
U'ltilts only tin punishment ttuo
to An ullcr tho sin Itself Is forgiven,
We would ONptot tlm Hev, Ml. Waling to
bt lioiitsi In his Uiititl'iu-.
flu ulso bars that l.lUhei taiiKhl I'ilst,
When our anil I Jesus Chi 1st
dh,s, "Repent" lb' means Unit the wholo
llto on cut Hi 01 ihoso who bedluro In Illin
Fhitll ho 1111 uiiKimlttod inpeutaiiio The
I'Jlholli eltureh KMClK's (JI tl thosjnte,
B"ioiid IMjnuut of inoiuv lanttot ami
ilooii tint fotiiiV' ."In 'lliit t'litlnilli! chuieli
ti-nelp-s ooet the saint, Third It tho
jopit has ihi poiMi to sunelllik,
wotiln ftoltt puigatiiis, wh diK's lie not
do li at onto us an ,u 1 ot l ' Catholics
ilu nut elitlin that tho pope has dhect ut)d
tuintedlaio jttilsilletlon over the tuitW In
pnrsitoi. not do lndulgriues liutinsduiely
ictiiil tho tei.lpoiul pniilshmenl to be In
tllcled i elm nest lite Thc tesaid tm
taedlatelv tho (..noatcal puiil.iimenl toi
mills Infilctid b. 1 l.o ehuieh lor certain
sins iitul only uit-dlutely tho amount ot
puigutiott coiKspouding to ttui iiioulcal
punishment -Moicuvti. Indulgence s uie
applied to tin? sonls lu pvuutm only
by way of suuiaee.
'Hint tin. 1 Inn eh eondenuitd Lulhet and
oveommunleiited him ,md all IiIn udher
cntu Is tine, but that sir. ordeied princes
to seUo thu ob-jtlnitto uud contttinjiious
111 older to bum thorn to death Is a giosti
filsehood, llciesy was. in many conn
Hies, u capital cilme. and punished us
such by civil authorilv. If iho church,
t hvii, ieiciolug her spllluiul powei. pio
nomii'cd u itiitii 11 u heiolle, could sho bj
said to bo u'sponslblo foi his death? l.o
inl uud unbla&ed peopl- will sa no.
This ivil lion may cnllvliUu Rov Air.
SVmhw lu reguid to tlu death of John j
Huss urd the Spanish inqulijltlon I ll
' .' V ' V f-s-' ' ' ?
f . --..' u
, . I
' to lie aavtuti !iutLlhrift,y..,i .. :
Do not wait tmfcir aome imlcMi- '
nito time in the futntcbabivonii.'
an account 3SfOW I'iveiV'toiOtiirif"
opportunities such as rarely ctme si
,. :- : '. . 5:
,n '
shorn alike in these reductie-ns.
the cost of materials used in
Thirty Trading Stamps with every purchase
amounting to $1.00 or over. We give the kind
good for cash anywhere.
Lacka. Avenue.
In Diamonds and Jewelry."
& Connell,
slandeioiiB imputationa have licen dis
ci edited und evploded many, many yeais
Th? Rov. Mr. Waring scorns to bo enam
ored of tho conjugal life for it evokes hl
highest encomium. It "is tho ideal lite
berauso it Is tho law or God." Christ,
then, did not juactlco tho "Ideal life, '
neither did St. Paul nor St. John. Thcy
nlsrogaided tho law of God. I would llk
to hear Rov. Mr. Waring explain tho tot
lowing text of St. Matthew xlx, li;
"Theio aio cunuchi who wero boin, so
from their nioihti'rt womb; and there,
nio eunuchs who weio mado po by men;
und thtro aro eunuchs who havo mado
themselves eunuchs lor tho kingdom of
hoaven. Ho that can take, lt him take
it." St. Paul sajs in I Cor. vll, S, "I s.i
10 tho unmarried and to tho widows; it Is
good for them if thev so continue, eve i
as J," Moreover, Dr. Mat tin L.uther Is sec
forth us the jiartigon .-of tho Christian
husband: ho who said, "1 confess that I
cannot forbid a person tn many several
limes, nor is II contrary to tho Holy
Seilptures.'" Tho samo holy l.uther posl
lively ullowcd Prince Philip of Hesse t
luvu two wives at tho s.uiio time, and
ICostlln, I.utlioi'.s most ptpinfnent 0,y
miiu champion, conlesscs that "this elpu
blo marriage" Is tho "giealest blot la Tlm
hlstnrv of tho loformatlon nnd in tin life
of Luther." This blot is siifnclftit'rli.
show Hint l.uther was never sanctioned
ot commissioned as a lotormer by AI
mighty Uod, Resides openly sanctioning
atlulti'iy In a. sermon 1111 mairiage.
pleached In Wlllenburg In IVJ, h spoke
so Indecently ot uiarilago In hln Table.
Tall; and fa his letters to ceitaln ftlend"
that his woids will not alluw reproelue
tlau, Ttuly, Martin l.uther stood, as Rev
Mr, Watlng sas, cm the Woid of God.
ef, ho u.implcd on It, distoited It and
iiiutllaieil It to suit his mvu eaprldoif
fancy and his liubtidled coueupheeuce.
-J. .. LouBhiait, H. Ji,
Scianton, ihe. :u.
Seranton, P.t
Oldi t No J10-
ft', Jf03.
'lhuiaa Junuaty 1st. l'mltNew Vear
liny), will bo observed at tho Seranton
Pa, pustofllco as tollows: "
Cuinet.i will nuko bins delivery in Un
inomliiff. .,".
(ieueral dellvciy and stantii wjydjow,
will bo open tioin !' a, in to 1.' noon.
Itoglstr.v ml money ouler wlndo"wSvlU
bo closed all day. '
Collections will bo mudu at JO. IJ a. tq
lioni bows on AJulii avenue, between
Lut'i'aw.mua, uvitiue and Wushbuin
street; alto West Lackawanna avenue
und Latkuwrnian avemio tn Adams ave
nue. Adams uvenuo to Alulbeiry street
Alulbeny street to I'raukllu uvenui, att'd
fiom ull boies between theso points, "i
Caultr No, Sf vvlll make the 2 p. n;
collection. iand tho usual oyenlug colke .
tlons will ulso bo made by Carrier 4"o-.
M JS and 13
Ena II Ripple, Polmus'lir.
-" 'tii-ft mn 'v .. it
J-tf a.lrj.r j