The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    . v v
The News of Carbondale
A Great Social " Event And Quite tt
Triumph from ti Musical Stand
point Largest Orchestra Ever As
sembled In City..
'file dnurn of the Mozart orchestra In
tho Burke btllldlng lust night Was the
most successful enterprise ever con
ducted under its) auspices.
Tho dance was u focIiiI event which
lias not been surpassed among tho nu
merous affairs of tho season. It was
likewise ri.tilumph from n musical
standpoint, inasmuch as the largest nr-
. it
day afternoon with a win rant for tho
arrest of Frank Cast, of Ilehnonl
Cast wns wanted on fonr charges, pre
ferred by two of his countrymen, Hal
Inn residents of Seranton. Cast, who Is
regarded among his countrymen ns
mord than ordinarily Intelligent, has
been , conducting u sort of brokerage
business. Ho received sums of money
which he forwarded to a New York
hank, which In turn Issued a foreign
draft, Tho men who nechsu Cast, say
that they -gave him $70 about three
months ago to send to relatives In
Italy. The money never tenoned tho
other sldo of the ocean, they claim.
Appearing before Alderman Millar, of
.Seranton, they had win runts sworn out
for Cast's arrest on several charges;
larceny, obtaining money under false
pretenses and conducting a. brokerage
business 'Without a. broker's license.
Cast was taken befoie Alderman Mil
lar, nnd was released on $1,000. Which
by his father, Pamuel
South Malik street, .gaVo a reception
Monday night In honor of their guests,
Mrs. Snyder and daughter, of South
Pork, Johnstown.
Clamps, recitations, songs and other
merriments whllcd away tho evening.
At a seasonable hour refreshments
were served. Those present wcro: Mrs.
Harris, Archie Martin, Mrs. T. Mnrtln,
Mrs. Avery, Archie Avery, nuth Avery,
Wjllle Mnrtln, Wllllo Hnrrrls, James
Harris, Edith Waters, Andrew Mnrtln,
or Jermyn; Mrs. Snyder, Ethel Snyder,
of South Pork. John McCIowan, Lur
rotta Mcdawnn, Florence Waamor,
Marvlno Judge, May Judge, Joseph
Jitdgc, John Evans, Ada Clemow, Sadie
Clemow, Mr. nnd Mrs. ClemoW, Car-bondnle.
wns provided
Successful Leader of the Mozrut Orclics-
'""fl BJ" ?' J : ' ' '
ohestra of Tocal players ever assembled
in Carbondale, provided music for the
night's pleasure. The orchestration
was tiulto.'.coitiplimentary to Prof. "Wil
liam P Lynott, tho talented leader of
the Mozurts.' There were fifteen mem
bers InsJastWght's organization, ex
ceeding by five the largest number that
has composed an orchestra In this city.
Prof. Lynott arranged a. choice pro
gramme of dance music, the rendition
of which wns n rare treat to tho
dancers, and wqu many cucpmlums for
tho young , leader. The night was
filled with social '-pleasure for the as
semblage which thronged the hull.
The Fhonogrnpliio Magazine Pays
Tribute to Prof." W. A. 'F. .Scott.
The Phonographic .Magazine, of Cin
cinnati, Ohio, which is the recognized
magazine amongstcnographcrs through
out the country in this month's number
prints a half tone out of Prof. W. A.
P. Scott, of this city and gives a re
view of his career. This is no small
honor for one of our townsmen to be
thus recognized by , this leading, mng-
"tiss!riei'li,'iU, lield. The sketch of Mr.
sctftt is as lollowp:
"V A. P. Scott, of Carbondale, p.i.,
is a Canadian -by birth, having been
bom in St. John, Now Brunswick. Fam
ily leverses necessitated his leaving
school at a rather early age, and a sc-
vcre illness, followed by some years of
poor health, interrupted his .shorthand
career for u long time, but in spite of
these drawbacks he lias attained no
small degree of success In his chosen
profession. He pursued the study of
phonography entirely without other aid
than that afforded by the Manual of
phonography and Repouer's Compan
ion, and when ho was able to write at
the rnteof one hundred words a min
ute he was given a position as stenog
laphqr in the largo mercantile business
of Cnrvell Brothers (his uncles), In
Chailoltestown, Prince Edward Island.
During his employment there much of
his leisure time was devoted to im
proving .himself ulang stenagraphle
lines, aim ne did considerable practis
ing with W. H. Crossklll (certified
teacher), stenographer to tho govern
ment of Prince Edward Island and a
skilled reporter.
"On loaving Carvell Brothers, Mr.
Scott first formod a connection with
tho Guardian, nnd afterwards with tMJ
Examiner" Publishing company. While
with the newspaper ho did all kinds of
reporting, but his health soon after
ward fa'lled,. and the next four years
were necessarily devoted to Its recov
ery. Then, thinking that teaching
would tax him less than reporting, ho
came to the United States, and after
working for' a time in West Pittston,
Pa., and then in New York city, he sot
tied in Carbondale, Pa., nnd became
proprietor of (ho Carbondale Commer
cial Institute Hero his efforts have
mot with well-merited success.
".Mr. Scott was awarded the Phon
ographic IiiBtlluto teachers' certificate
jjui o, aouo, mi ma successfully pass
ing tho prescribed .examination."
Mrs. John 'McG'ee, Formerly Miss B.
....(Barrett, Succumbs at Pittston.
MtB.: John Mcaee,.a former Carbon-
) ,XP8.'ten,t. a inUlw, of this town,
WtWJWJor parwts. wore pioneer, died
.Monday., evening at the homo of her
titoUKhtey,, .Mrs. John McGulrc, of
.Chmies- Htreet, Pittston. Generut dclill-
ttywas tho eauso of her death.
'! MoCJee'wnH "Miss IlridgiSt
,rctt.,'beforo her' miutiase. Shu' left Car
fbohllql& -10 years ago, locating In Pitts
,tou where for years she was the lead
Jus .milliner of the town. . Slit, had a
hq of. .friends Ju Curbondulp, who hold
Jwr In .tender remembrance,
"Tho-deci used Is survived by her bus.
band rtnd ono daughter, Mrs. John Me
'Gulre, of Pittston, one brother, M. I,
Barrett,, formerly of (his city, now a
furniture dealer In Scr.uiton, undtwu
aimers, .Mrs. jermmnn O'Hearti, and
Mrs. Thomas. Bolund, ,of Washington
W t 1
Rank Casl Accused. By Countrymen
ivnfl akento Scrauton.
Constublo Jack TIerney, the portly
'DBfcSr' Qt Alderman Millar's court,
ScrantOn, camo to Cnrbondalo yestcr-
Will Probably Be Decided Upon at
Meeting Monday Night The Fair
Store, on North Main Street, the
Most Favorably Considered.
The Htwkhuldeis of the new bank
projci ted, by Carbondale business men
will meet Monday for reoiganlzatlon.
Ollieers and a lioaul of dlrectois will
bo elected, a name will be decided upon
end everything will be perfected so
that the application "for the charter-can
be advertised at once.
An important matter that will inon
likely be disposed of, In which there
Is a -good deal of speculative interest
among the public, is the choice 'of a
Since the project took tangible shape
and Its success seemed assured, offers
of a site came in abundance." Perhaps
a dozen have been received, nearly all
on cither Main street or Salem avenue.
Tlie one, However, which seems to meet
with the greatest favor is the placo
whereon is located White's Boston
Novelty store, on .North Main street,
just above the Miners' and Mechanics'
bank. It is very desirably located, in
tho heart of the business district and,
besides a good frontage, the lot Is
more than ordinarily deep, running
back to'thc river. Possession, it is
said, could be obtained at once. Tho
indications point to the selection of
this site.
Miss Etta Murray, of Duninoi
a Carbondale visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Evans and children
have returned from a visit with rein
lives in Wilkes-Barre.
Miss .Mary Monnhnn, a graduate of
the class of '02, of St. Hose academy,
has accepted a position In the office of
Clarke Bros.' store In this city. Miss
Hosu Plnnerty, whom Miss Monnhnn
succeeds, has accepted a. position
In the International Correspondence
schools at Scrauton.
Silas MeMullcn nnd Arthur Ruther
ford will entertain at a dance In tho
Burke building this evening. The
evening Is being keenly anticipated by
mo young people who will be their
Hcv. Dr. David Spencer, pastor of
the Blnkcly Baptist church, nnd Mrs.
Spencer, were callers last evening at
the Berenn Baptist church parsonage,
the guests of Uev. Dr. II. J. Whalen
and Mrs. Whalen.
W. E. Carpenter, a well known resi
dent of Blnghamton, is the guest of
nis. sister, airs. J. p. A. Tlngley.
Misses Nellie O'Henrn, of Elmlru, N.
Y.; Agnes McAndrew and Margaret
C'awley, of Arehbald, visited among
friends In Carbondale yesterday.
Ml&g Eleanor Jones has as her guest,
Mis Brunette Nassau, of Belvldere,
N. J. Miss Nassau was a classmate
of Miss Jones at Blair hall, Blalrstown,
N. J, Her father is consiileuousoinmii?
the missionaries In South Africa, where
Miss Nassau spent some time.
Dr David Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy the Acknowledged Xing of
Medicine for the Kidneys,
Liver, Bladder and Blood.
No reader of
tho Trlbuno can
havo any excuse
for Buffering from
any disease of tho
Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder or Blood,
when they can
test that remark
able medlcine.DR.
voniTra n K m -
EDY' absolutely FREE at our store.
REMEMBER you nro under nn obll.
gntlon to-purchase. Simply present the
above coupon nt our store and a trial
bottle of this famous stieolflu will be
given to you absolutely free. Wo con
sider this nn unusual offer nnd our
supply of free bottles cannot last long.
No, (560.
W"ho Trlbuno can
imvo a trial bottlo of
Dr. David Kennedy's
Pnvorlto Remedy ab
solutely FREE, by
presenting this cou
pon nt our store.
Win. ir. McOttrrah,
J. H. Phelps,
S. II. Honwood & Co.
Matthews Bros,,
Seranton, ra.
Connolly & Wallace,
Scraiton's Shopping' Center.
At the Methodist Episcopal church,
Peckvllh', Thursday evening, Jan. 1,
Miss Julie E. Cruser, elocutionist und
enlcitnlner, will nppeur, supported by
home talent. A varied programme of
recitation, both humorous and pathetic,
Interspersed with music, will' fill nn
evening of rare enjoyment. It will be
given under tho auspices of Class No.
!, of the Sunday school. Admission,
LTic; children, luc. Doora open nt 7;
performance begins at S o'clock.
Gerald McHale and Coleman Boy
Victims of Snapping Dogs.
Two children weie the victims of
sullen dogs within u lew days. Neither,
however, is in a condition to cause any
Tho fnsi one to first feel the fangs of
a dog was tho young son of Thouius
Coleman of the , Dundiuf section. A
few days ago the boy inn after a liob
sleigh and wh,en he attempted to jump
on, a dog thai Was riding hi the sleigh,
snapped nt him, biting him on the
mouth. The dog's teeth pleiced both
lips, causingf etuile a painful wound.
The wound was dressed and the boy Is
now able to be about.
The second victim was liuald Mc
Hale, youngest son of Funeral Dhector
K. .1. Mcllale. Young McHale, like
Coleman, mis riding along on a bob
inn from the sidewalk and sank its
ron from the sidewalk and sank Us
teeth in the boy's thigh. The driver
drove tho dot; away and assisted Mc
Hale to his homo. A surgeon wns
called, who dressed the painful wound.
It is expected the boy will bo mound
in a few days.
Foresters Elect Officeis Knights of
Pythias Election.
Court Golden Eagle, No. II, Fores
ters of America, which Is the Juvenile
btnnch of the order in tills city, has
elected the following short term offi
cers for tho ensuing six months; Chief
ranger, Lee Becker; sub chief ranger,
W. Henry Moyles; S. A .1, Ward;
J. A., II. II. Masters; P.. C, Richard
Taylor; S. B., E. Masters; J. H A,
Tnppnn. The court is In n prosperous
The semi-annual election of ollieers
of Carbondale lodge, No. 230, Knights
of Pythias, will take place this even
ing. Other mattpis or Importance will
also engage the attention of tho
Knights. Friday evening W. H. Mas
ters, deputy grand chancellor of this
district, will install the ollieers of tho
Jermyn lodge,
Finance Review Discusses Ono of the
Interested Moneyed Men.
Speaking or tho big graphite com
bine which was recently achieved by
William J. Byrne, a Carbondnlu boy,
the Financial Review of nee. 17, says;
"Identified with William J. Byrne,
of Carbondale, I'.i., in the H000.0W)
Glenvlllo Graphite company, of Glen
vllle, Cauudn, Is Simon Wormsor, of
Wilkes-Barre, as well as other men of
prominence, who constitute a syndi
cate which has purchased the mines of
the Koystouo Graphite company nt
Glenvlllo, Canada. The plant will bo
greatly Improved. Mr. Wonnser i a
representative business man. nnd (s
well known In this city anil in many
portions of tho slate."
I , Have a Care,
Don't fool with a cold; no "one can
tell what tho. end may be. Pneumonia,
catarrh, chronlo bronchitis and con
sumption Invariably results from ne
glected colds. Nothing can be com
pared with Chamberlaln'a Cough' Reme.
dy as h. quick cure for colds and Influ
enza, and by its use these diseases may
lie avoided, For sjiIq by nil druggists.
Mrs. Margaret n. Grady, wife of
George Grady, expired suddenly at tho
residence, ?,i Mill street, yesteulay
morning, Sad circumstances surround
Iht. demise. Hho succumbed after child
birth, with dropsy as a .conti Uniting
The deceived, ivlioso mnldeiu-immo
was Miss .Margaret Cogcjus, w " born
lit Cniboiidale, In July, 1S7U, and al
ways lived heie. Her gentln spirit
won hen many friends who wll hu do
presssid by the news of her deaili, Mrs,
Grady's suivlvors nro her husband
and throe children, Tlv parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Lawrence Cogging, onu broth
er, Norbolt Coggjns and one sister,
Miss Martha t.'oggtns, all of Carbon
dale. The funeral will take place Thursday
afternoon. Burial will be Jn St. ltoo
Ki and Mrs. Clemow Entertain Iii
Honor of Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Wililain Clemow of
One of the most brilliant weddings
that Blakely has ever t-een was cele
brated last evening at S o'clock, at the
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. George M.
Hull, whtii their daughter, Miss Agnes
Maria Hull was married to Charles
Vernon Bean, of Port Allegheny, N. Y.
It irai a pink and white wnililimr.
The whole house was most 'beautifully
decorated with pink and white roses
and carnations, and ropes of smllax
lormed festoons throughout the upper
hall, extending down the stairway to
the larjre hall below.
While Mrs. W. K. Tiipler, of Brook
lyn, N. Y., played tho Lohengrin wed
ding m.-ucli, the bridal procession en
tered the front parlor from the hall
throush a white satin ribbon aisle lead
ing to a huge wedding bell of smllax
and roes, under -iliieti the ceremony
was performed. Tho ribbons were held
by Misses Clara Van Pickle, Marion
llowolls, Beatrice Williams. Clara Hull,
I'Mna Hull and Fiicda Van Sickle, six
little maidens dropped in" dnlnty white
Peislan lawn, trimmed with lace' and
Pink ribbi.u s.ishes. The brhle entered
looking radiant and happy, leaning on
the arm or her father.
iler gown was an exquisite creation
of white crepe do chine, over white
silk, on train, with nci'milpnii-ninnimi
llouuees and npplkjup trimmings. She
can led a shower boimuet of Biide
roses. Following capie the bridesmaid,
MKs Mary Hull, a sister of the bride,
who looked exceedingly pretty In a
gown of pink silk mousseline with rib
bon garniture and a bouquet of pink
rof-es. Mlsh Jeanett.- Read, of Phila
delphia, was a most charming little
llower gin In white Swiss and a pink
sash. The ring bearer, Master Clar
ence Hull, a wee nephew or the bible,
was much admired in a snowy suit of
white. The groomsman was Freder
ick Beau, a brother or tho mvuim
Tho ceremony, which was according
to the Episcopal ritual, beautiful and
impressive, was performed beneath the
wedding bell, by Rev, C. W. Hees, of
the First Baptist tabernacle, of Phila
delphia, In the presence of a large
company of guests. During tho sol
emn service, Mrs. Triplet- rendered "O
Promise Me" with splendid effect. A
leoeptlnn followed and the relatives
and friends of the happily wedded
couple came forward, tendering their
wimp hearted congratulations and
Mildest wishes for years of connubial
.,.-.-. ijiu- iveiiiiing supper was par
taken of from tables daintily trimmed
wllh pink and white roses, and was
served by waitresses dressed in pink
and white.
Tho wedding ulfts dlsnlnwil -,.r
beautiful and Included manv nieces of
tine sliver, china and cut ulass. Air.
and Mrs. Bonn left on Hie inlilni.ri.i
tiitln to spend their honeymoon at sev
eral southern points of interest. On
their return they will reside at Port
Allegheny, N. Y.
Among tlm uiit-of-town guests wore
Mr. and Mrs. Wiuihrop Duncan, Mr,
n.ud Mrs. W. K. Trlpler, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.; .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Read and
family, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Hull, of Now York; Mr. and
Mrs. o. T. Hull, of Duuduff; Mr, and
.Mrs, S. I'. Hull and family, William
Hull, .Misses .May and Edith Hull, Dr.
and .Mrs, Van Oof, or Green Itldge;
Mr. and Mrs, John H, Hull, Mr. nnd
.Mis. V, V, Mattes, of Seranton,
Tho Woman's christian Temperance
union will ntve ii Now War's ovo re
ception to lis members and their hus
bands or friends, who would llko to
come, at tho homo of Dr. Beck. Would
be pleased for all members to accept
this Invitntloii,
The banquet und dnnce of the Chap
man Lake Outing club will take place
this evening. The Outing club consists
of a large- number of young people,
who spent several weeks together at
the charming lake during the summer
nnd they are anticipating a pleasant
time at this evening's reunion. The
banquet will be served In the Windsor
hotel, and the dance will be In Assem
bly hall.
Tho Woman's Home Missionary so
ciety will meet this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. William Depew, on Third
street, at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Frank Couch is seriously ill at
her homo on Second street.
Drs. I. S. Graves and M. J. Shields
attended a meeting of the Medical so
ciety at Carbondale last evening.
Mrs. William Harvey, of North Main
street, is ill of brain trouble.
Squire Robinson is recovering from
his long Illness.
A complimentary dance was given in
Enterprise hall last evening, in honor
ot Mr. Walter Tenns and Miss Cather
ine Hartmnn, of Johnstown, who are
spending the holidays here. Prof.
Firth presided at tho piano and about
twenty-two couples participated, sev
eral of whom -were from Seranton, Car
bondale nnd surrounding towns, it
was a most enjoyablo affair.
Mrs. Emily Graves and her slsui'.
Miss Rachel Griffiths, left yesterday on
a visit to friends at Utica, N. Y. ,
Miss Beatrice Dawe, of West May
lleld, is seriously ill. ,'
Mis. Henry Smith, of Second strcpt,
is confined to her home by illness. ',
The fair of the Ancient Order or Hi
bernians was brought to a successxtil
close at Assembly hall last evening.
Wednesday closes the most
satisfactory year in our history
to our customers as well as to
A bargain means one thing
at one store, something else at
another. It depends on the
store's standards..
Mrs. Mary Monahan, an old rtddiW
of Je.-mp, died at the Hillside Home bn
Monday, after a brier illness. The re
mains were brought to this place yes
terday by Undertaker J. W. Sweeney
and prepaied for burial. The funeral
win tiiKo pinctf this afternoon at 'J
o'clock from St. Patrick's church. In
terment will be made hi St. Patrick's
"A Hidden Cilme" will be the attrac
tion at the Father Muthew Opeia
House .Saturday night..
Eureka commaudery, Knights of
Malta, will hold a Watch Night meet
ing In Keystone hall, on Delaware
atieet tomorrow night. A good pro
gramme will be rendered nnd refresh
ments served. A social will follow, tho
Olympia orchestra furnishing music for
dancing. All mombeis nnd their lady
friends are invited. Admission free.
The Firemen and Young Men's Tem
perance society will attend the fair for
the benefit of St. Patrick's church In
the Father Mathew hall this evening.
An excellent time is assured for all
who attend.
Miss Georgia Thomas, of Sprlngbrook,
is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. JL J, McAndrew nnd children,
accompanied by Miss Bridget Carbine,
loft yesterday for Paterson to lesldc.
Austin Lynch attended a cotillion
given by tho Catholic Historical nnd
Magar.lno club at Seranton last even
ing. N
Prof. Graver, of Dickinson college,
was a caller in town yesterday.
.Mrs. GwIIym Edwards, of Edwiniic.
vllle, war. the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Probort yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hnrt. of Ber
wick, are visiting sir. and Mrs. W. H.
Davis, of Susquehanna street.
Misses Grace Pettlgrew and Jennlo
.Mason attended a party at Providence
Monthly evening.
'''' .I
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
AH druggists refund the money if it
fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25c.
Paying- too little for a
thing is worse than paying
too much, for you not only
lose what you pay, but get
nothing in return.
The "best of its kind"
means the best your money
can buy. We are spending
your money and we are ac
countable for spending it to
the best advantage.
Next Friday we start to
make every day better the
new kind of a store never
stands still.
While we're waiting for
more Spring goods, will you
take the last of the Winter
things at about half price?
Look in the Coat Room.
It isn't the new things
nor the things under price
which crowd our aisles arid
passages every day, but the
years of fair dealing, which
have inspired you and us with
confidence in each other.
Connolly & Wallace's is
the fashion center of this
section, not only because it
gets the styles first, butbe
cause it gets them right.
Every woman is asking
now: "What's going to be
Watch this store it is'
better than any fashion book
ever published.
A store that has your
confidence doesn't ask you
to compare things. It would
be like asking- you to prove
that it tells the truth.
Connolly & Wallace
r. g"HHM,fl"HHHfr44HrH
The Ehcjuimo eats blubber,
The lumbermen eat pork
These people are constantly
exposed to cold and physical
strain. Experience has taught
them that fatty foods give
warmth and nourishment.
Eor those who have cold
and thin bodies, or are threat
ened with consumption or any
wasting disease, there is no fat
in so digestible and palatable a
form as Scott's Emulsion,
Physicians prescribe it
We'll eoi7o little to try, U you lilt. "
BCOTT SOWMK. 4t Ml'itfc. New Y.,k
At high noon yesterday tho homo of
Mrs. nenjamln Iteesc, of Grove street,
was tho scene of a protty wcddlmr
ceremony, when her accomplished
daughter, Miss Uertlin, wus united in
marriage to W. W. Uveitis, of Blooms
burg. Tho wedding ceremony was
conducted by Uev, Dr. G. II. Heming
way, pastor of tho Presbyterian church
of itloomsbutg. Tho iloral decorations
wero profuse, smllax branches vrtlstl
willy arrnnged forming a bower of
beauty. Ah tho hour of noon arrived
the bridal purty entered the parlor,
whoio they wero met by the oniclntliig
clergyman, and in ii few minutes tht-y
were pronounced husband and wife.
mo uriuo was unattended, s ho wns
attired In a brown traveling gown, and
carried a bouquet of nrldo roses. Af
ter the ceremony congratulations wero
extended, and tit ia.30 o'clock a boun
teous wedding breukfnst wns served
by Cnteross Miss Qulnn, of Pittston.
Mr, and Sirs, Kvutis left for Philadel
phia and Washington, D, (,, at a p.
in. They will, reside at Hloomsburg.
The bride Is one of our charming young
ladles, and was n teacher in Old Forgo
borough High school. The groom js a
prominent young man of Hlooinsburg,
und Is superintendent of tho Columbia
county schools. The guests present
were: Mrs. 6. A. Evans, Pr. and Sirs.
Johns, Iter. G. II. Hemingway, Messrs.
Marland aild Harry Kvans, of niooms-
burg; H, Hartninii, Virginia; Mis.
Ada K. AVeston,-West Pittston; Miss
M. A. Thomas. Seranton; Mr. and Jlrs.
W. H. Slocum, Burgess and Mrs. n.
Willis Jteese, Mr. and Mis. John n:
lteeso, Misses Mtuiel Wesltjn, Flossie
Slocum, Emily Keese, Ernestine Xteese,
Anna. Louise Keese, Ada Heese, Ger
trude Heese and Masters It. Willis
Weston, Edwin Hoyt Weston, It. Willis
Jteese, John II. Iteese and Henjamln It.
Mrs. Evans, an old and lespeeted
lady, passed away at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John It. Johns, of Hall
road street, yesterday morning, after a
lingering illness. Funeral announce
ment will bo made later.
The funeral of the late John But-key
took place from the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Casper Tanner, of
Washington street, yesterday after
noon, and was hugely attended. Ser
vices were held at the Germun Evan
gelical church, Rev. Mr. Wrought and
Rev. Dr. Harris ofllelutlng. There
were a number of beautiful iloral of
ferings presented by friends and rela
tives. At the close of the service tho
cortege moved to tho Forest Homo
cemetery, where interment was made.
Taylor lodge. No. iG2, Knights of
Pythlus, und Miuooka tribe, No. 217,
Improved Order of Red Men, will meet
this evening in their respective hall.
Mrs. Catherine Jones, an old and re
spected lady of Greenwood, passed
away at the homo of her daughter,
Mrs. William Perry, at nn early hour
yesterday morning. Deceased formerly
resided In this town. Hho is survived
by two daughters, Mrs. Idwellyn Jones,
Mrs. William Jones, of Greenwood, and
Thomas Jones, of this town. The tu
neral will be held tomorrow afternoon
at 2.30 o'clock. Interment will bo made
In the Forest Home cemetery.
A slight lire wns discovered In the
oillco of Taylor & Tubbs, lumber deal
ers, on Main street, at 1.30 o'clock yes
terday morning. The Century Hose
company, No, 2, wero Immediately on
the scene and had tho blaze extin
guished before much damage was done.
Mrs. William Bailey, of Houth
Seranton, was tho guest of Mrs, K, J,
Evans, of North Main street, yester
day. .
ing, Dec. 31, when short talks will be
given by AV.ishlngton visitors. Re
freshments will be served.
Meil Ellsworth Is very sick with the
Fraucene Stearns, who lias been very
sick, is slowly Improving.
Anna Quinlau Is home for the holidays.
Bpeclal to the Seranton Trlbuno.
Harford, Dec, 30. The funeral of
Mrs. Juliet Forsyth was hold at her
Kite home, Dec, 30, Mrs. Forsyth was
sick but a short time, and her death
was a shock to her many friends. She
leaves two children, Mrs. William Gas-
well, of Brooklyn, and George Forsyth,
oC Harford. Intermont in South Har
ford cemetery.
Miss Nelllo Picket, of Seranton. Is
spending her holiday vacation with her
bister, Mrs. Low Burdlck.
Will Sherwood Is home from Key
Btono academy, spending his vacation.
Miss Jonule Wnrnock Js home for the
holiday vacation,
The teachers of Harford ia-e re
turned from Washington, and school
reopened Deo. 29 with n full attendance.
Tho funeral of Miss Ellen Mauser
was held at the homo of G, I.. Puyn,
Deo. 2S. Interment In the Manz'er
cemetery In South Gibson.
W, H. Hammond Is working In Seran
ton, Mlsa Reynolds, of South Gibson,
spent Sunday with Miss Addle Jerfera.
Mrs. Howard and children, of Seran
ton, nro visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. G, It, Resslgue.
Hugh MacConncll Is woiklng In Ber
wick. Mrs. Caroline Lewis has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Paris Tiffany,
Tho young people will hold u social
In tho lecture room, Wednesday even-
Special to tho Seranton Tilbune.
Pittston, Dec. 30. Owing to the
crowded condition of the, llrst prlmury
rooms of the West Pittston public
schools the school board has decided to
open another room in the Washington
street building. There are two small
rooms In this building, which havo
heretofore been unused, and one of
them Is now being lltted with the nec-es-sary
desks. Miss Motile, of Philadel
phia avenue, has been chosen teacher
for the new room, and will commence
her duties at the opening of school af
ter Christmas vacation.
The Boston settlement near the Fern
wood colliery, a mile or two in tho
woods cast of tills city, is witnessing
some very lively times of late over a
love affair among tho Italian young
people of tho settlement. Domlnick
Lobello has won the affections of the
belle of the village, and last Christmas
night dining a fracas between f.obollo
und another man, Lobello's sweetheart
camo to the rescue and shot his assail
ant In the face. The wound, while
serious, was not fatal. C'hlvlocu Collei
lo also has a strong admiration for this
fair daughter of Italy, and his Jealousy
was very much aroused, according to
the story told In Alderman Barrett's
court this moinlng, at the preference
the girl showed for Lobello, during tho
fracas, and threatened to havo his life.
Last night as Lobello entered n house
where ho was about to make a call Col-
lelo sneaked up behind him and at-f
templed to stab him with a dagger. Ho
was caught In tho act, however, and a
crime was prevented, Lobello appeared
before Alderman Barrett this morning
and had a. warrant Issued for the arrest
of C'ollelo,
In a game of fast and exciting plays
from start to finish, tho Pittston basket
ball team, last evening, defeated the
Ninth leglinent team of Wllkes-Barre,
for the third time this seiibon. The
game was played in Klrby's hall, this
city, and resulted lu a score of 17-12 In
favor of Pittston. Tho next gamo to bo
played here will be on New Year's day,
afternoon and evening, tho opposing
icam being tho Bloomsburg wheelmen,
Miss Jed Hltchener, of Exeter street,
entertained her class in tho Broad
street Presbytoilan Sunday school and
u fnw- friends this evening with a holi
day pnity ut her home,
Dr, Miilhollniid has brought stilt
against the city of Pittston, for $15,000
duo him as salary for piofesslonal ser
vices rendered during the small pux
As yet an Imiuent has been held to In
vestigate tho mysterious death of John
Wachs, whoso body was found decap
itated on tho I.ehlgh Valley tracks In
this city on Christmas morning, Tho
remains have been burled two days,
Coroner Beige Issuing a death cc-rtlH-cuto
to tho effect that deceased was ac
cidentally killed on tho railroad. The,
coroner, It Is. claimed, says ho will
hold no Inquest In the case unless tho
family ask for one. There are inuny
people here, Including the chief of po
lice, parties who viewed the body and
several physicians, who will accept no
other theory than that The man had
beep murdered. It is a strange fact
that it has not yet developed what train
struck the man. There was snow on
the ground that night and It surely
would have been easy for lUfMiginecr
to gco whether or not hisHie hud
struck any person. The family, It is'
said, is not1 satisfied with the coroner's
decision and will demand that an in?
quest be held. If the coroner compiled,
the body will doubtless bo exhumed apd
examined by a number of physicians.
Mrs. John McGee, C9 years of age,
died last evening at tho home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. J. McGuIre, oi
Charles street. She had gone, to her
daughter's to spend the holidays, ahd
was taken suddenly yesterday, dying
In the evening. Her health had been
poor of late. Deceased was widely)
known throughout this city. For years
she hud conducted :i millinery store on
South Main street. She was a native of
Carbondale, nnd has two sisters still
liviling there Mrs. J. O'Hearn and Mrs.
T. Roland. She was also a. sister of M.
L. Barrett, of Seranton. A husband
and one daughter survives. The funer
al will take place Friday morning at
9 o'clock with services in St. John's R.
C. church hero. The remains will be
taken on the D. &H. train leaving hero
about 11 o'clock for Carbondale, where
Interment will be made In Ihe Catholic
cemetery. "-
Special to tho Seranton Tribune.
New Mllford, Dec. 30. A chicken plo
dinner will be served at the Baptjst
church, Jan. 1, by the Ladles' Aid, A-
F. G. Inderlied and B. W. Morgan
spent Monday evening In Dlnghamtoh.
Prof. Larrubcc, of Keuka collegf,
visited the New Mllford High school,
Tho annual meeting of the Presbyter
ian society will be conducted at tho
church Monday evening, Jan. 12, 1903.
Miss Slay Bradley entertained the fol
lowing friends, Monday evening: If.
L. Bradley, Corliss Bradley, J. V. Ax
tell, Willoughby Tucker, Zua. dcCon-
ueit ami aiauu Trnmouu.
Miss May will leave on Wednesday J
for New York, where she will tuko a
course in tho hospital ns a trained
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McConnell vlM
ited relatives In Seranton last weekj
returning Saturday evening.
Carl Ilawley, of Syracuse, Is visit)
lug Ills mother, Mrs. J. H. Snfford.
Mrs. F. F. Moss entertained llnrforjk
friends Sunday,
Miss GtiHsle Smith returned fro pi
Montrose, Monday, where sho has been
visiting friends the past week.
Miss Ruth Gardner Is cntertalnjtifi
Miss Anderson, of Philadelphia, an
Miss Young, of Pittston, for the holll
Mr. and Mrs, Kennedy and daughter
Lou, of Stroudshurg, who spent Chrlsl-
mus with relatives here, has returns!
Mrs, Bass, of Syracuse, N. Y of tie
Woman's Missionary society, will '!
(uro In tho Methodist L'plseopnl cliurlh
Friday evening, All are invited.
Among mo ciiristmas guests at tio
lioiuo ot .Mr. and Mrs. 11, L. Galge w(r
Mr. and Mrs. Hlmmtns and chlldrenJof
Plulnslleld, N, J.; Mr. and Mrs. Oitlu
Galge and children, ot Phlludelplla,
and Mr. and Mrs. Whetlock.
Rev, G. it. Prentice preached a lery
interesting ami instructive sermonlast
Sabbath morning.
Some of tho young people fromthis
place enjoyed a slelghrldo fo Spjlug-
brooK Monday evening.
Tho Ladles' Aid met at the hoijc of,
Mrs. F. T. Pelton yesterday aftetioonf
Mrs. Aaron Kelly and daujhtejj
Alice, and Mrs. Frank Hallett .fepe)j
yesterday in Tobyhannu.
Miss Helen Clause, of HonesrtM
spending tho holidays with hej
cnts, Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Cloui