k-M' .. "' V,W , V - v,tf ,.. jpt'T' ft ' I'M . . . ,fcl , iSV1 :. I (jjY.r, , - - trtmtoit (.. THE, ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NKWS AGENTCV IN THE WORLD. T TWO CENTS. SORANTON, l'A WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1902. TWO CENTS, ; V '" V , 1 JUMP IP1 MW IwJi' I ij Vi VVlvllv i i RIGHT TO MEDIAE OVER A Our Part In the Central American Affair Is Defended bu the Hague Treaty. CLAUSE INSTIGATED BY FRENCH GOVERNMENT The Proposition to Allow Neutral Nations to Propose Arbitration of Matters in Dispute Was Opposed by the United States as a Menace to Monroe Doctrine This Country, Reluctantly Assenting, the First to Adopt Such Course. Ity Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pres. Washington, Dec. 30. President Cas tro's answer to the allies' proposal to arbitrate the Venezuelan troubles has not been leceived. In fact, Secretary Hay had nothing of Importance on the Venezuelan situation to communicate to the cabinet. There are, however, under discussion such questions as those relating to the best means of. terminating the blockade and other matters touching the personnel of ,the ronimisslon, which it is expected will meet In Washington to lay down the lines of the arbitration scheme. Inasmuch as certain European pub licists have taken exception to the ef forts of the United States to briny about' arbitration betweeen Venezuela and the allies, as a violation of all the traditions and rules of international intercourse, the attention of one of the most eminent American members of the representatives at The Hague con ference one of the men who framed The Hague convention was directed to the criticisms. He very promptly cleared away the misunderstanding on this point by pointing to article L'T of The Hague convention as justifying the attitude of the United Stales. This article reads; Duty of the Powers. 'The? signatory powers consider' It their duty if a serious dispute threatens to break out between two or more of them to remind these lulter that the permanent court is open to them. "Consequently they declare that the fact of reminding the conflicting par ties of the provision of the present con vention and the advice givn to them in the highest interests of pence to have recourse to the permanent court can only be regarded as friendly ac tions." The paragraph was proposed by France and singularly enough It was opposed principally by the United States, yet the United States is the tlrst of the nations to avail of its pro vision,?. The reason for the opposition of our delegates was a fear on their part that it would seem to be a be stowal of power upon European coun tries to intervene in American affairs, and, In a manner, uu infringement on the Monroe doctrine. The French delegates were exceed ingly anxious to carry the paragraph, however, and they llnully succeeded in iiuictiug the opposition of the Ameri can delegates through the reservation by the latter of the right to deal with American affairs in accordance with our established doctrines. This was thought to safeguard the Monroe doe trine, though, It is held hero, it only recorded an opinion of the United States delegates and did not hind The Hague tribunal as' a whole. SITUATION AT CARACAS. British Grant Favors to the German Vessels Revolutionists at Work. Ily Uxrltuhe Wire from The Associated I'rcM. Caracas, Monday, Dec, 21). United States Minister Uowen has received in formation that the Dutch steamer Prins Mauritu has entered certain Venezuelan ports, blockaded by the Uritlsh llcot and .discharged her cargo there. Special permission for the Dutch steamer to do this was obtained from Commodore Aloiitgoiuerlc, of the Uritlsh cruiser Ciurybdls. The Italian cruiser Giovan ni Huusun ordered the Prins MaurltK away from port, hut Commodore Mont gomery dlrectc'i that site continue to (discharge her cargo. In Caracas this Is held to bo a dlsorlnilnutlou against Umorieon steamers and the Uritlsh Commodore's action has been criticised. Uaniulslmeto, capital of the state of l.aru, which for somo time past has liven in the possession of the Venezue- 1 lbn revolutionists has been recaptured ' W government forces. The town of Sim Carlos and Tluunulllo have also "bleu reoecupled by the government. i The revolutionists at Ilnrqulslnicto were I uiider the command of Generals Solag- Inlt and Penaloza. They evacuated the (town, after losing His men hilled and 32."i Iwoutided, There was hard fighting in Itha streets and suburbs of llurnulslmt" lto for two days, The government forces kvero commanded by General Cefeiluo hmtlllo, I It. now transpires that President Cus (ro's recent Yllt to La Victoria was fat of a social nuture, us reported here, tut for the purpose of conducting per mnally by telegraph the operations of lis forces at Barquisimeto, This victory fur the government appears to he a di rect iresult of the president's Initiative,, ltlhas been a most severe blow for the revolutionists, president Castro is expected to reach OdrucuH to-morrow (Tuesday) at noon tiijeonier ulth united States Minister JJOK'ttJ). Ibiidon, Dec. 31. A despatch to the !luiy Mall from WlllemoteaU, Caracas, jnuu yesterday, says: , iho iibstmaster of Maivealbo, Vcne- ituvlng detained correspondence Indue to Gorman merchants, flic VENElviELA - -' . V Gorman cruiser Fulke I hi, -,.Vt In con- sequence to bombard the & V JUDGE MITCHELL'S SUCCESSOR. Thomas A. Morrison, of McKean, Has Been Appointed. fly Inclusive Wire from Tim Associated Pre.v). Hurrlsburg, Dec. 30. Judge. Thomas A. Morrison, of AlcKean county, was today appointed by Governor Stone a superior court Judge to till the vacancy created by the retirement of Judge John r. Mitchell, of Wellsboro, under the Judge's retirement act. Judge Morrison's commission runs until the first Monduy of January, 1904, and Ills friends here predict he will be nominated by the next Republican state convention for the. full term of ten years. FREE TRADERS ADOPT SOME RESOLUTIONS The Boston Reformers Have Con cluded That the Ills of the Land Are Due to the Tariff. Ily ttcchMre IN iio from The A.-suii.iti.d Pies. Roslcm, DK-. 30. At a. meetong in Kancull hall today, called by tho American Free Trade League, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Whereas. Tho tariff duties upon lieiit! and coal, by assiHting tho extortions of monopoly or impeding relict' from them, havo proved a serious hardship for our people. Wherous, Such abundant evidence is easily accessible to congress that inves tigations need hoc causo delay in the re moval of this hardship. Resolved, That, us Amorlcan citizens, we ask that the tariff duties on beef and edal bo now removed. Resolved, That even If the consideration of tariff duties in general be postponed, wo urgu that an exception bo made In tho case of these duties upon beef and coal, and that they bo removed mid those ar ticles placed on tho free list, at the pres yit session of congress. Resolved, That a copy of theso resolu tions bu sent to each United States sena tor and member of tho national house of lepiesontativcs. AGRICULTURAL REPORT- Figures Furnished by Statistician of the Department. Ily Ii lu-ive Wile from The Aoci.i'etl Pie.-'-:. Washington, Doc. 30. Final returns to the statistician of the department of agriculture from the regular and spe cial correspondents, .supplemented by reports of special field agents, show tho acreage production ad value of tho principal farm crops of the United Slates in 1002 to have been as follows: Crops. Acreage. Production. Corn !H,0l:s,618 '.',r.23,Ctt,ai2 bushels Whiter wheat. S,.Vll,.12ij llJ,7SS,CCi bushels Spring wheat.. 17,20,'JM 2."iS,::71,:U2 bushels Oats 2S,fi!!,UI fi.S7,SI2,712 bushels Uailcy I.(i6l ,0i:-J ?;l l.ra4,02J bushels Rye 1,H78.SIS 33,lB,r.92 bushels Uuekwlioat ... MUS0 : l,.".29,770 bushels Potatoes 2.!i'K.fS7 2S!.ta.7W bushels Hay S9.8,77 5!t,S.",M7t5 tons Tobacco 1,OT0,73I V.'l,.l,93 pounds Flax" hueert K.72U,700 j9,2S,M1 bushels V. UM VALUK, DEC. 1. 190.'. Corn J1.O17.017.S49 Winter wheat 200,727,175 Spring wheat 1,",3, 190,012 Oats Wi3,r;s4,sr,2 Uarley lil,8PS,(4 Rye 17,OSU,70a Buckwheat. S,("l,70i Potatoes 13l.ni.H0 Hay .' ;,U,(!,30i Tobaei'i SO, lT2,rV Kins seed :W,S11,001 ELECTRICITY FOR STEAM ROAD. Appleyards to Make the Bellaire an Interurban Line. By UxeUisivs Wire from Tho As.snei.ilcl Vicv. Zanesvllle, O., Dee. 30. The Appl'e yurd syndicate has acquired eoiitrol of tho Dellalre, Zanesvllle and Cincinnati rallroaii, and will standardize its guage and change it to an electric interurban line. Large tracts of land In Uelmont county are included in the deal. The receivership of J. K. Geddes will, It is eald, bo terminated within ten tlaj'K. Tho Ohio River ami Western Railway company will he the new name of tho corporation, CARNEGIE MEMORIAL TO WATT Alternative Offer Made to Inventor's Birthplace, Greenock, fly Ksclusive Who from Tho Associated l'ics., Loudon, Dec, 30, Anriruw Carnegie has notified die provost of Greenock, Scotland, that lie Is prepared to give $60,000 wi erect a memorial to James Watt in recognition of Walt's engineer. Ing achievements. Air. Carnegie makes an alternatlvn olfer to head a movement In America to raise a large fund, which, In con junction with stuns raised In Great Eritaiu, will provide for a morn ex tensive cchi'ine of rommeniorutiou, Jealous Husband's Crime, Pj rA4udvc Wire iroiu'llie Associated l'ro, Pedri.t, III.. Dec. 30. -A. P. Talbot, roan user of the Central Union Telephone, com pany's at DcUvan, near here, shot and seriously wounded his wife and killed hlniscjf toduy. The. affair Is tho culmin ation of a Kvileu of family cpiarrels. Jcl. ouby Is supposed to bo tiio motive. Uotlj parties uro highly respected In the com munity, Coachman Murdered, Uy V. ).ilvc Who frum Tjio Associated Press. St. Louis, inc. 30. The dead and inuiU la ted ))Oiy of Orrln AVortheu, a coach man, w;is found In tho roar of his em plityer's residence in tho West End to.day, Evidences of a terrific struggle woro ap parent. Tlw police believe that robbery prompted tho rmu. Xo ono witnessed t'.ie cit LOVING CUP FOR MR. WALLIS. General Superintendent of Pennsyl vania Given a Testimonial. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Prc."S. Altoona, Dec, 30. Tho superintend ents of tho Pennsylvania railroad div isions serving under General Superin tendent J. M. Wallls, who retires from oillce on the close of the year, on uc count of ill health, assembled in the railroad office in this city this after noon and presented hltn a loving cup us a token of their, esteem. The cup Is it splendid specimen of the silversmith's art, seventeen inches in height and of beautiful proportions. It 'is Inscribed: "Presented to John Mather Wallls on his retirement from the general su perlntcndcncy of the Pennsylvania railroad division of the Pennsylvania railroad by his superintendents." Tho presentation speech was made by R. L. O'Donnell, superintendent of tho Pittsburg division. Mr. O'Donnell paid that tho years Mr. Wallls served as general superintendent, of the great est division of tho world',4 greatest railroad were strenuous periods to which railroad annals have hitherto furnished no parallel, and it is to bo said to his credit that every emergency was met with conspicuous ability, rare good judgment and unfailing courtesy. After referring in a general way to the work of a general superintendent, Su perintendent O'Donnell said: "It is proper for us to say that we have always been treated with the greatest respect and justice, and In per sonal relations with the greatest uf fcctlon and sympathy. As a slight in dication of the esteem ami affection hi which wo' hold your personal rela tione to us, we desire to present this token to you, at tho same time wishing you many yours of health and happi ness." Mr. Wallis made a fitting though brief response. The superintendents present, were: G. E. Beale, Bedford division; S. S. Blair, Tyrone division; E. J. Cleave. C. and C. division; R. U. Durborow, motive power Pennsylvania railroad division; W. A. Ford, P. and N. VS. railroad; Thomas Gucker, Phila delphia division; W. B. McCalcb, mid dle division; S. G. Mitchell, Mononga hela division; W. W. Moss, Schuylkill division; R. Ij. O'Donnell, Pittsburg division; T. F. Robb, West Penn divis ion; A. C. Shand, Altoona division; R. T. Moirow, Southwest Penn division. Tomorrow afternoon a reception and presentation will be tendered Superin tendent Wallis by the general public' tit tho Logan House. M'KINLEY'S FAVORITE NIECE IS MARRIED Miss Mary Bavbev and Major Ralph Hartzell, of Denver, Are Wedded at Canton, Ohio. By i:.c!usj e V iie from The A-soocwtcd Press. Crtntpn, Ohio, Dee. 30. Miss Mary Harbor, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs M. G. Barber, this evening became the wife of Major Ralph Hartzell. The ceremony was performed at the Com modious old Saxton homestead, form erly the homo of tho McKinleys, now occupied by the Barbers, and was wit nessed by Mrs. AIcKInley. Mrs. Mc Kinley and Mrs. Barber, are sisters. Rev. O. C Milligun. of the First Pres byterian church officiated. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Ida, and tho groom by his brother, Fred S. Hartzell, assistant secretary of the Me Kinley Memorial Association. Miss Barber was a favorite of the late Pres ident McKinley and spent much time at the white house and was in several presidential parties making extensive tours of the country, as tho particular companion of Mrs. McKinley. She be came n. great favorite in cabinet circles and of the many presents that came to her as bride, some of tho handsomest were sent by members of the cabinet and their families. The ceremony and reception were at tended by about 150 guests, mostly rel atives, and Intimate friends of the fam ilies. Mrs. McKinley was accompanied by Chief Counsel Brooks, of the Pennsyl vania company, and Mrs, Brooks, of Shields, Pa., guests at her home. Mrs. Brooks having been a friend of her glrlhdod days. Mrs. McKlnley's gift to tho bride was a. splendid silver table service. Major Hurtzell, who was a Canton Ian until a few years ago, was a quar termaster in the volunteer service dur ing the iato war. Ho is now a prac tising attorney in Denver, and, with his bride, left for that city to-night. GERMAN BISHOPS FOR AMERICA Herr Caheusly Again Urges His Plan Upon the Vatican, By i:xclutn Who from The Associated Press. Rome, Dec. 30. Heir P. I. Cahensly, a member of the German Reichstag and president of tho Saint Raphael So ciety for thu Protection of Gorman Im migrants in America, who for ten years has been agitating in favor of the appointment of German ecclesias tics to minister to German Catholics in the United States, is again actively urging the Vatican to appoint Gorman bishops wherever tho German element predominates, m i I. King and Metzgar Deny Charges, By KxcIilJvc Wire from The Aaochted Press. Washington, Dec. 30, Hairy King, chief, and Fred P, Mctzgcr, assistant chief of tho draughtsman's division of tho general land office, today submitted their answers denying the charged against them of conduct detrimental to govern ment Interests. The unsweru are inado separately and tho speelilo charges are de nied in detail, though some of tho state ments of fact are admitted with tho con tention that there was no Infraction of law or regulations, Fire in the Donance Mine. By E.ieliulyo Wire from Tho Aiaocluled Press. WIlkes'Harre, Dvc. 30. In toino uiuic countable) manner tho gas In tho Hlthnun vein of the Dorranco nilpe operated by tho Lehigh Valley Coal company, was ignited this evening. Tlioblazo was discovered by a lire hobs who summoned hcp and after two hours' work the flro was ex tinguished. Very little damage was dona to the mine which will resume operullona tomorrow the same, as usual- PENITENTIARY MANAGEMENT INVESTIGATED Repbrt oT the Sub-Gommiuie o? the State Board ot . Charities. MEMBERS SUBMIT REPORT TO GOVERNOR Accounts State That the Sanitary Condition of tho Prison Is Good Prisoners Ave Properly Fed and Cared For Matters Calling for an Adverse Action. By ll.ulmlvo Wire from The Associated l'icfs. Harrisbtirg, Doc. 20. The report of tho sub-committee of the State Board of Charities appointed to Investigate tho management of tho Eastern peni tentiary was received to-day by Gov ernor Stone. The report Is signed by all the members of the commiltee, which was composed of Judge Isaac Johnson, of Media; Ralph Blum and George I. McLcod, of Philadelphia; George W. Ryon, of Shamokin, and Patrick C. Boyle, of Oil City. The report states that the sanitary condition of tho penitentiary Is good and that the prisoners are properly fed, clothed and cured for so far as the com miltee was able to ascertain. The mat ters relating to the management in the opinion of tho committee calling for adverse action are as follows: First The furnishing of food from tho penitentiary supplies to officers and em ployes of the institution. Soeoml Tho lack of supervision over tho accounts of the storekeeper and other employes, who receive and distribute the goods given into their possession. Fourth Lack of supervision and proper (accounting of what is known as tho caning and chair repairing department. , Fourth ('"tivorltisin in diet and favors to particular persons upon tho part of certain officers connected with the insti-i vutlou. (Fifth In one of the inspectors aiding a juisoner in tho transmission of a lavgo amount of money from the prison in an irregular way and tho manner In which Sio books relating to this transaction have been kept. 1 Sixth In the purchase of material for iho penitentiary from a linn, a. corpora tion, in which an Inspector had an Interest, and hi procuring lire insurance on thu UJiillentlary property from a company in which an inspector is an officer. ' sl.,v.intli Tim fnllmv. f 111,, wnriton fn keep proper accounts of tiie old iron. brass and such material, sold, and in the mannei in which ho accounted for it. Klghth la purchasing of goods and materials for personal use by oflleers from tho penitentiary stock and the pro curing of work to bo done for tho per sonal uso of officers in tho institutions. The using of prisoners as servants in the families of tho warden and chief overseer. The report also says: From tho ovldenco your committee is satisnod that provisions belonging to tho penitentiary have been used in tho pri vate families of tho warden and tho chief overseer and without being in any way accounted for. Tho warden is given thu custody and control of tho provisions in tho penitentiary for distribution to thoso entitled to receive them. He has no right to appropriate any part of them, howover small, to his own use, or to permit his chief, Dorwnlt, to do so. It Is an abuse and needs hasty correction, JUSTICE SHIRAS TO RETIRE. It Is Expected That He Will Leave the Bench This Winter. By Kulmlve Wire from The Associate! I'rtsi. Washington, Dec. 30.r-Justlce Shlras, of the Supremo court" of the United States, will retire somo time during the present winter. The date has not yet been fixed and cannot bo until certain cases which havo been argued, and other cases which havo been sot for re-argument have been disposed of, Mr. Shlras, however, will retire dur ing tho present session of congress, in order that his successor may bo con firmed before the adjournment. Among tho names proposed as his successor is that of William II. Taft, civil gover nor of tho Philippines. JUDGE TALCOTT DEAD. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre, Valparaiso, Ind., Deo. 30. Judge Will lam O. Talcott, tho oldest nuwspapornum In Indiana, died suddenly today, aged S7 years. For fifty years ho owned and ed ited tho Porter County Vldotto. Judge Talcott camo to Porter county sixty-five years ago when it was a wil derness and only one small cabin marked tho pluco where Valparaiso now stands. Ho surveyed tho town, collected its first taxes, taught Its first school, preached Its first sermons, edited its first paper and was ono of ho first Jurists in this part of tho state. Several years ago ho wroto a fi.OOO'Word funeral sermon to bo read at his fu neral, At that time it was set uo nnd printed and tho few copies were distrib uted among his friends. Addicks Wins Another, By Inclusive Wne from The AsiocUled Press. Dover, Del., Dec. 20. J. Kdwafd Ad. dicks won another assemblyman In a epe. clal election today hi Kent county, Ninth representative district, called by Governor Hunn to vote oft a tlo In tho November election botiveen James Wilbur Powell (Union Republican) and Solomon Sapp (Democrat), Where tho men were tied before at 421 today's election resulted In b'app receiving only Sot votes while Pow ell Jumped to i, giving tho latter a plurality of 19. Addicks will now have twenty-two votes on ' Joint ballot for United States senator , to start with. Twenty-seven uro necessary to a cholec. New Commissioner of Police. By Inclusive WIic from The AfsocialjJ l'rcs. New York. Dec. 30.-General Francis V. Greene, wus sworn In us commissioner of police today by Mayor Low, Jlo will as sume tho duties of the office u;i Thursday: IMPORTANT RAILWAY DEAL. Early In tho Year Mr. Morgan Will Announce It. By Extlusha Wile from The Aswtntcil I'rc.sj. Chicago, Dee. ,'!0. One of the most lmportnnt deals In the history' of rail way corporations was mndc known to day, says the Dally News. Karly In the year J. P. Morgan & Co will announce tho consolidation of the Krlo, Lehigh Valley nnd the Reading railroads. Tho merger will bo planned after tho manner ot the Northwestern Securities company, the stocks' of the companies to be pooled and held as u basis for tlic Issuance of a large amount of common shares which will take as their name the title to be given (lie con solidated companies. Four roads, according to the News' Informant, will ,bo Included In tho mer ger, the Jersey Central being now con trolled by the Reading company. The plan for a coalescence, It is said, has been in contemplation for nearly a year and has been held in abeyance owing to the' inablltty of the promoters to get possession of a majority of the Lehigh Valley shares. The interested parties are particular to emphasize that tho tinlfipatlon will not Interfere with the Individual man agement. The roads are not to lose their identity. The earnings will all llow into one treasury, which will pay expenditures, dividends and have charge of the fiscal part of the com panies generally. Theyholdlng' concern will have a president who will be re garded as above the presidents of the different lines. He will be appointed by Air. J. P. Morgan and It is inti mated that President Underwood, of tho Krlo, Is slated for the place. Now York. Dec. .10. J. P. Morgan denied that it was Intended to consoli date the Erie, Lehigh Valley and Read ing railroads. Mr. Morgan said: "There is not the slightest reason for such a story. It is altogether without foundation." REVIEW OP THE BUSINESS OP 1902 The Best Year This Countiy Has Experienced According to Bradstreet's. By Exclusive Wire horn The Associated Pi ess. New York," Doc. 30. Bradstreet's re view of the business year, to be issued Saturday next will have tho following: To say that 1002 was the best year this country has ever experienced, whle truthful In the main, does not suggest fully the enormous' strides -which the United States took in tho year just closed. Practically every branch of or dinary trade and manufacture showed an Increase above the best of previous years and yet this Immense enlarge ment of output was not sufllcieut of it selw to satisfy tho growing, it might even bo termed insatiable, demand for all kinds of materials. In many eases the usual foreign outlet for our pro duets was, perforce, neglected by Amer ican producers, who confined their ef forts to supply insistent' 'domestic de mand, while in others foreign produc tion was called upon to reinforce do mestic output, with the result that new currents nnd channels were created in our foreign trade. "Our export trade, therefore, shrunk, while our imports expanded to unprecedented figures. The railroads of the country, In their efforts to handle the business offered them, suffered as never before from conges tion, and complaint of interference with production and distribution of the pro ducts of the farm, the mine, the shop and the loom was practically universal. Industrial unrest was naturally marked, as it always is in times either of prosperity or of depression, and se rious disorganization of some of the country's basic Industries resulted for u time, in many cases, however, resort to extremes was avoided or rendered unnoceessary by liberal recognition by employers of changes in the standard of living, and It Is safe to say that two men obtain higher wages or had their working tlmo reduced without resort to strikes for every one who actually quit work. Speculation. It Is true, felt the checks imposed upon it by conserv atism, by short crops in the preceding year, and last, but not least, by high rates tor money; but despite the fact that stock market operations were only about one-half those of 1901, bank clear ings, those usually reliable guides of business, showed aggregates practically ocpial to the hitherto unheard of totals of 1901. All this was accomplished with u. minimum of friction, us reflected in tho form of business embarrass ments." SIR CHENTNUNG IN LINE. He Already Wears the Brevet Court Button of the Third Grade. Uj inclusive Who from The Assoc! ited Prcjs. Washington, Deo. SO. Pekln advices re ceived hero slalo that Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, K, C. At. G decorated with bievet court button of the third grad expectant tao tol ot tho first class and minister designate to the t'nlted States, has been appointed a metropolitan expec tant officer of tho fourth grade. This rank puts Sir cheutniing hi lino for promotion to high posts In the Mx boaids and minor ministries In tho cap ital hi tho future, Tlic minister deslKllutu who succeeds Wu Ting-fang In the Wash Ington mission, is expected hero somo I line in January, Minister Blew Out the Gas, By i:elujlve Wiie from The Associated Vsca. Philadelphia. Dec. SO.-Jolm R..K. Soli d's, a Methodist minister of Ouysboro, Nova Scotia, who was vjsltlus his broth ers In this city, was found dead today In the headquarters of the Heading railway Young Men's Christian association, lie had blown out tho gas through Ignorance of Its usage and was asphyxiated, Mr. Sellers wus spending the Chiistmas holi days hero and stopped at the Young Men's Christian association hcatfiiuurtcrs. New Wago Scale on Jeisey Central. By Kxehuhe Wire from The A&ociattd Pres. Wllkes-Barre. life. 30. It U respited n railroad circles hero tonight that begin ning tho tlrst ofitlw' new'yeaf a nowwago' scald will ,gb into 'effect on tjio Central ltallroad.of Now Jersey.t l In said nil tho employes will "receive v 10 per cent fii-WW. CONFERENCE OF COAL - PAUPER HAD A FORTUNE. Eli Hyman Had Cash While in the Poor House, fly Eiclutltr Wire fioin The .Usoclited Fmi. San Francisco, Dec. "0. Several weeks avo an old man liamed Kll Ily tnan was admitted to, the General hos pital of (he city of Toronto as u pau per. Two days later, lie died, and an examination m' his effects disclosed val uables. In coin and paper, to the value of isi.oon. Just before his death he stated that he had a wife and daughter in San Francisco. A firm of Canadian attor neys took charge of the case, and. com municating with lawyers here, located the wife and heir of the dead man. Mrs. Rebecca Ilyman and her daugh ter, who reside here, and who Jiavo been poverty stricken for years, have established such proofs of relationship that the attorneys hnvo no fear that any other possible claimants will bo recognized. The estate is valued at $100,000. CORONER BLAMES RAIL ROAD OPPICERS Verdict Rendered in the Wanstead Wreck Case Employment of ,16- Year-Old Boys Deplored. By Exclusive Who fiont The As-otiJlcd l'ni. Wyoming, Out., Dec. 30. The coi-o-nor's jury which has been Investigat ing the wreck at Wanstead last Fri day night, in which twenty-eight lives were lost, brought In. a verdict shortly before midnight tonight. The verdict is as follows: "We find that Arthur Wrickotts was killed in the collision at Wanstead uu the evening of Friday, Dec. liO, 1902. That said collision was caused by wrong orders being given No. 5 at Wat ford. Responsibility for the issuance of wrong orders wo are not agreed upon as between Operator Carson and Des patcher Kerr. "That after No. 5 had left Watford by the Issuance of wrong orders, we consider that the accident coifld have been uveHed by the operator at Wyo ming or IClnjys Court Junction, had the railway company hail more experienced operators at those points, (one being but n boy of Sixteen), at each of which places the ilespatcher having had am ple time to do it and endeavored to get the opposing trains slopped. HEAD-ON COLLISION. Terrible Catastrophe on the Pennsyl vania Railroad Througli Misun- derstanding' of Orders. By Uxclushe Wire from The Associated Vre. Sharon, Pa., Dec. 30. fn a head-on collision on the Pennsylvania railroad, one and one-half miles west of West Middlesex, tonight, the engineer of the passenger train, Noal Daugherty, of Krle, was killed, four were seriously Injured and almost a score were hurl. The wreck was caused through u mis understanding of orders. Loth engines were demolished and are- lying on their sides in the ditch, while the express, baggage and smoking cars are almost totally wrecked. Following is a list of the dead andj injured: The dean -Neai ijaugnerty, Krlo; body not yet recovered. Tho Injured Knglneer .Shallenbetger, prob ably fatally: Robert Williams, Krle, fireman, passeiujfer train, serious; George Gibson, Krle, fireman, freight (ruin, serious; Samuel J, -McDonald, Greenville, express messenger, serious, Six of the Injured were brought to the Sharon hospital on a special train, Gf tho injured, Samuel AIcDonald, George Gibson and Knglueer Shalleu- berccr will die, i PLAN TO INCREASE THE NAVY. Scheme to Allow an Additional Cadet from Each Congressional District. By Kxilmirc Wire from Tlic Associated l're?i. Washington, Dec. SO. Members of tho senate and Iioush naval committees, utter conferences with tho secretary of the navy, have practically decided on a plan tor the Increase of the por.-ounel of the navy. It contemplates an additional naval . dot fiom each congressional district, two for ouch M'liator and ten annually to bo appointed at largo by tho president, Tho difficulty hi connection with tho Ineitual Itv In classes which would result from the sudden Injection of tho Increased allow ance Is to bi) solved by giving tho secre tary of tho navy the discretion of de termining tlm tlui's at which the imw ap pointments a iv to bo made. BIB BUILDING BURNED. Desttuctlon of Adventists Quaiters. Loss Estimated at $350,000. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Vxuh Detroit, Dec. :io. A Tribune special from Uatllu I'reuk, Mich.. sa: ' "III th" total destruction tuliigllt nf tho big building occupied by the Review uud Herald Publishing coniinny. tho Huvmilh' Day Vdvontlht community Is bruiight fucc to Vuco with a. Micond heavy loss by Urn within u oar, tho Artventtal sanitarium having been burned down uiily lust Pub mury. Tonight's Im-s In estimated by of tlcliils of the Review and He raid company at SWCW. with Insurance amoiiutluB to jiw.ouo. Dropped Dead on a Train. 11 t'xtliMbe Witt iiomTlie Awociaicd Vstu. yew York, Dec. 0. Charles Weasel, of the itlverido Metal company, dropped dead on a crowded elevated train tonight of apoplexy, Ho was 63 years old, ' Steamship Arrivals; By Exclusive Wire from The Ass'oci;Ul Fim Now York, Dec. TO. Cleared! Ccvic, Liverpool; Philadelphia Southampton; come, uvcrpooi, OPERATORS Anthracite Dealers and Tlielr At torneys ftrranae tor the Coming Meeting. MINE OWNERS' SID OP THE COAL STRIKE James H. Toriey, of Scranton, Rep resenting the Delaware and Hud son Company, Presides Other Well Known Attorneys and Opera tors Present Order1 in Which the Operators Will Present "Evidence. Judge Hand's Statement. By Kxclmhe Wile from The AfSociated 1'r, '. Philadelphia, Dec. SO. A conference ot unthnjeltc coal operators and their attorneys was held here today ,to ar range for the presentation of the mine owners' side of the strike controversy to the commission when that body con vents here next Tuesday. Tho confer ence -was culled by Simon I. Wolver toti, of Sunbury, counsel for-tho Phila delphia and Reading Railway coni puri54. and continued from 2 until -4 o'clock. James H. Torrey, represent ing the Delaware and Hudson company, presided. James Burr,, of counsel for the New JTork, Ontario and Western railroad, was secretary. Samuel Dick son, an attorney of this city, repre sented John Markle, the' independent coal operator of lla.leton. Among others present were Henry C. Reynolds, of the Enterprise Coal company: J. J-3. Kerr, New York, Ontario and Western; Francis I. Fowen, for the Lehigh Val ley; Major .Everett Warren, for the F.rie: W. W. Ross, for tho Delaware) Lackawanna and Western; Ira II, Hums, for several independent opera tors, and John T. Denahan. for the non union mine workers. After the confer ence had adjourned. Air. Wolverto'n guvo out tho following statement: "The testimony on the part of the non-union miners is not vjet, otttj' plcted. Tuesday, when the cbhwiiy sionsils, the non-union men's counsel will submit further testimony, which will probably consume a day or two Then the operators will open ,nnd pro coed with evidence, which will bo pre-. scntcd by companies in tho following order: Delaware and Hudson. Erie, Delaware. Lackawanna ,and Western, r.ehlgh Valley. Lehigh Coal and Iron, Lehigh and Wllkos-Barre independent operators and Reading Coal and Troti, company. Tho presentation of the operators' side will consume ten days or two weeks, perhaps more." Judge Hand, of Scranton, attorney for the' Cyonnell Coal company, said: "It Is absolutely necessary that wo prove to the commission that there Is no black-list and no discrimination against union men." Alost of thoso who attended the con ference left for their homes tonight. Members of the Anthracite Coal com mission and several of the lawyers and operators havo secured rooms nt the Continental Hotel, which will bo the headquarters of tho commission. OSSIFIED WOMAN DEAD. Miss Stella Swing1, a Medical Won der, Passes Away. By I'A-cliHlvn Wiie fromTlio Associated Pres. Rome, N. Y Dec. SO. Miss Stella (Swing, one of the ossified women who for the past ten years have been living wonders to physicians and scientists, died today, aged SO years. At an early age sh i was afflicted with Inflammatory rheiinatlsm which physi cians failed to rellnve. At the age of 2.", she lost tho uko of her limbs and eminent specialists said she was grad ually turning to bone. During the lost ton years of her life. Miss Kwlng was totally blind and unable to move u muscle. A sister, Mrs. Eraiiiii Ewing Palmer, Is a(llh'(--d hi tho same man ner. A COMMAND FOR GEN. VHJOEN. British Want Him to Xcad Torce Against Soranalis. By Kxeliuive Wire u in Tlie Associated Trcu. London, Dec-. M, The Uritlsh govern ment Is trying tu secure tho services of General Hen VJlJoen, Mho is now tour ing tin T'nlted Stales, to command thv Hoer force which Is Koing to Somali laud. It was noneral Vlljoti who first sug gested employing the 11 -?rs against the, Somalia, but tlm iiutl'iritles at that tlinu wero not prepared to accept his otfer. Trolley Accident. " . By r&cluslve Wire from lliu Aswic-'jieif !'ir. Marlon, Ind., Doc. ::o.A AVost Marion rtreet car jumped fiuiii a i'0-iout embank-, meiit at l.cnfesty avenue to the rnltroai ii'hcUs below this morning. Out of tb twenty-llvo passengers aboard sixteen wort- injured, one perhaps fatally, . YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. IajcuI data, for Dee. 30. I'Jic'i Highest temperature ..,, Loivcdt tempcrutu e ...,,,.,.., Relative humidltj'; ' 5 a. in. 6 p. m. .,..,, US decree ,,..,., :S degrees 0 degree. it per cent, civoeil S p. m Precipitation, ;'l hours truce. " f ."WEATHER FORECAST, Wasliin;t.m, Doc 20. Forecast for 'Wcou'S'lay and '"'y.-rsduy: Eastern IViuwlvunla IM- Wed nesday; Increasing le idlnasr Thursday; light to rr-v-u, north -f winds becoming vaiiable. 4 t.t,t ttttttttlt t.H .4 i&:t v- , jjc r-WVl -ir