m THE SCRANTON TUlBUNJfl-TUESDAV, DECEMBER 30, 11)02. v - rcxxxxxxxxxxx; This Modern Ilunlwijro Stoic Bosley's Weather Strips A iloco niouiul the iloor JIIU up the cracks mid keeps out tlio cold iilr kecpa In tlio wnnn. It nlso nerves ns a cushion for door to strlko ngalnst, prevent Ini? Bliiminlnir. PR1CBS: 2c to 6c Per Foot. Foote & Shear Co. U9 Washington Ave. JXXXXXXXXXXXX $800,000 of Bonds and Stock for sale Among this list are Included most of the I-ocnl Stocks and Bonds, thu former being Hank, Lumber, and thu Industrials. Our Monti list cm Uace'n Hnllrniuls, Lumber, AVnter, Klectrlc Light, Electric Railways, JItmlclpal, and In fact most every kind of Bond that In our opinion ure a conservative Investment, and include Vs, 5's and O's. i. F MEGARGEL 8c Co., ' Bankers and Brokers. Conneil Building. New Yi 1 Make only one New Year's le solution and concentrate all your efforts ou keeping It. Resolved Unit ou or before January I, 190J I will open an account at the Dime Bank anil deposit something nt least once a week. You do this and we -v 111 do tlio rest at the Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, FA. HOUSE Double house on 'Washington ave nue, near Pino btvuat, for the n markahly low price of (3,100. No tice tho location, r.ut is -10xMi. What do you think of tho pi lee? A piopeity like this, fo near the post oflice, library, high school, comt hout-o and ou a busy street Ilko SVashington avenue, at tills pi ice Is enough to ilnsio you. Reduced from S7.U00. $5400 ? rt $5400 5400! I tw u sL 5400 This house contains S looms, cel lar under whole house. Good lo cation for an apartment house, and business. Two ycain ago we of feifd a ceitain properly on Wnsh Ington uemm lor $40,000. Today you cannot buy tho piojierty for less thun fiii,uw. Tills gives yon an Idea of what you may expect in the luture. ALE 11. E. OOJIKGYS, 709 Cuuncll Bids. Register Now For the New Term in The flard?nbergh School of MOsic and flrf Carter Building. Infants' Outfits . Our Specialty Tho most advanced Ideas us to pioper caro and dtessliijr of in tunts, with ii full lino of their requirements. Bond for cata logue. BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avmiue, THINK OF THE FUTURE NOW and tho pabt will ever bo it pleasant memory. Your ac count wth THE PEOPLE'S BANK will nouilsh your liappy re flection!. J City and School Taxes 1903. The above tun dupllcatea'are now In my hands for collection, V. S, HAKK'EH, City Treasurer, Ml lit: A PECULIAR PROSECUTION DIRECTED AGAINST MR. AND MRS. HAROWITZ. They Were Charged Before Magis trate John T. Howe with Washing Clothes on Sunday Tho Prosecu trix Was a Neighbor, Miss Belinda Welsh tJJJio Accused Could Not Understand Why They Should Not Bo Allowed to Wash Clothes Since They Do Not Observe Sunday. A peculiar prosecution wtis hi ought before Magistrate John T. Howe yes terday under tho old act passed In 1704 which prohibits manual labor In this state on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hurowllz, o South Scranton, wero arrested nt the Instance of MIfs Belinda Welsh, of Itlver street, whose property adjoins theirs, on the charge of washing clothes on tho Lord's day and hanging them out to dry, In open defiance of the laws of the commonwealth. The Hurowltzs', who do not speak English very well, could not under stand their nrrest nt all when ar raigned before Magistrate Howe last night. They did not observe Sunday, they said, and why could they not do the same things in their own home on that day as on any other day? If they, were not permitted to wash a few clothes why should the drug stores be allowed to be open, they said, and the street cars running. No one seemed to want to prosecute the druggists or the railroad compan ies, they were told, but they seemed to be convinced that they were being dealt unjustly with. The magistrate let them go upon payment of the costs and a promise not to wash clothes again on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller and Mr. M. B. Fuller entertained a company of guests last night at cards. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs, John Ityon, of Pottsvllle;,Miss Schuy ler, of New York; Miss Detweiller, of Huston, who are members of the bouse party staying there. The game was six-hand euchre. There were about fifty guests. The Scranton council, Knights of Columbus, will hold open house on New Year's Bay at the club house. Light refreshments will be served and Bauer's orchestra will furnish music. The public is invited to become the guests of the council on that day. The Yale .Alumni association will be entertained at the residence or the pres ident, W. W. Scranton, on a date in February, yet to be fixed. The annual Princeton dinner will take place at the Scranton club, January D. President S. B. Price, of the Princeton Alumni association will be toastmaster. Tho Catholic Historical society and Newman Magazine club will have a co tillion at the Knights of Columbus club house to-night. Mrs. Thomas J. Wuis entertained a number of the little folks at a children's party given for her little sou Arthur at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Alex Dry den on Dudley street, Dun more yesterday afternoon. Decorations appropriate for the season were abun dant and the heavy green made, a pret ty picture. 'Vhoku present wero: Misses Helen Nlemeyer, Louise Neuffeij, Elizabeth Zurilleh, Masters Charles Ames, Jack Close, Jason Zurllleh, Arthur Bone, Hurry Winters, all accompanied by their respective mothers. Tlio usual New Year's reception will be tendered tho members and congre gation of tho Dunmoro Presbyterian church ou Thuisday evening by the pastor and Mis. Gibbons at the manse on Elm street, Dunmoie. This function lias been observed during the past sev eral ycais and has become one of the most enjohablc social meetings of the year. Nearly u00 persons attended a pro gressive euchre party conducted last night In tho Knights of Columbus club house by a. number of the young ladles of St. Paul's congregation, Green Itidge, for the beneilt of the church. Play was continued between the hours of S and 10.30 p. m. The prize winners were as follows: First gentleman's prize, umbrella, John f'oxe; second gentleman's prize, box of cigars, P. J. Messltt; first ladles' prize, painting, Miss Norah Martin; becond Indies' ptlzc, carriage robe.Mrs. Klrby; third ladles' prize, cushion, Miss Mary O'Malley; fourth ladles' prize, fancy box, Nornh O'Donnell, John Swift, of Syracuse, N. Y, Is visit lug relatives In Dunmore, Mr. and Mis. Franklin E. Nettleton are spending tho winter In De Land, Floilda, Miss Joslo Mumford, of Jefferson uvo nue, Is visiting relatives In Trenton, N. J. Miss Sadlo Wilson, of Grove sticet, has returned train a visit with friends in VIlBlnla. Frank H. Itoese, who Is sufrcrhig from an attack of pneumonfj, bus so far re covered as to bo ablo to sit up, Assistant General Passenger Agent Georgo W. Hayler, of tho Luckawumm load, was In tho city ou u business trip yesterday, District President T. P. Nichols, of tho United Mluo Workers, is confined to bis homo with a severe cold nnd does not ex pect to bo about for several days. Attorney W, II, Davis, of Jackson street, attended a danco and dinner at Hotel Sterling, Wllkos-nmre, la&t oven lag given by Mrs. Mary 1', Bogait. F, I). Smith, superintendent of din ing car servico, and L. B. Foley, superintendent of telegraph, Lackawanna railroad, weio In tho city yesterday, H, II. Holllster, chief clerk to Piesldont W. If. Truesdalo, of the Lackawanna rullroad, was In tlio city yesterday. Ho will retire from tho company's servico January 1 to eni-agu In buslncsu with his father In Now York, nnd will bo succeed ed by Mr, Shaw, of Chief Engineer Mc Fai land's department, It Is with deep regie t that tho B. I. A. boys ot this city will loso their superin tendent, Lincoln Brown, who has had charge of (ho association for tho past year. He will leave coon for Florida on account of Ill-health. During Mr, Brown's tlioit slay In WJlkes-Harro he Social and rPersonal Scranton Conservatory of Music .1. ALFRED PENNINGTON. Director. Lessons Will Be Resumed on Friday. Now is a good time for new students to register. made many friends and did much for tho II. I. A., for which work ho was well adapted, as ho has had connldernblo px- poileneo In organizing boys clubs. His homo Is iu Moficow, Pa, WIlkeM-Barro Jtccuril. Before going to WllkeH-Barrw Mr. Brown hud cliarco of tho II, I. A. In this city. ATTORNEYS WILL CONFER. Operators' Legal Representatives to Meet in Philadelphia. A conference of the attorneys for the coal operators will take pluco to-duy at the Continental hotel, Philadelphia. It Is for the purpose of mapping out a programme of procedure before tho mine strike commlsslwi which recon venes In that city Jan. 6, lOOo. Among the attorneys from this city, who will nttend are James II. Torrey, of tho Delawure & Hudson company; Major Everett Warren, of the Pennsyl vania, Hillside Coal aiid Iron and Del aware, Lackawanna & Western com panies; I. II. Burns, of counsel for the independent operators; J. E. Burr, of the Ontario & Western company and ex-Justice Alfred Hand, counsel for Conneil & Co. The conference will likely last two dcivs. LIST OF STREETS. A Complete and Authoritative File Being Prepared for Use. Director of Public Works Roche Is having prepared In his office a. com plete and accurate list of every street and alley in the city, together with a description of where they begin and end. This list will be kept on file in the department and will bo the stand ard authority on this matter, Tho only authoritative list at present Is one which is to be found on tho minutes of councils some twenty yearn back. Since this was approved there have been mrnv new streets laid out and a great many changes have aeon made in the names, most notable among these being' tho changes made by the special joint committee of coun cils about a month and a half ago. IS STUDYING MACHINERY. Judge Archbald Must Have Knowl edge of Mechanics as Well as Law. Federal judges very often have to have a more than superficial knowl edge of applied mechanics as well as a knowledge of the law. This is required in dealing with patent cases and any person who doubts this would have all his doubts removed if ho could get a glimpse of Judge K. W. Archibald's oIIIco this week. The judge has before him a patent case in which it is alleged that a cer tain machine for lacing1 leather belts Is an infringement upon another ma chine for a similar purpose. A half dozen ponderous steel machines now line one side of the office and the walls and desks are decorated with myster ious locking mechanical designs. OUTPUT ABOUT NORMAL. Miners Back at Work After Christ mas Holidays. Reports from tho offices of the coal operators, yesterday, showed that the mines were once more working with practically a full force. The figure on output were not In hand when the of fices closed for the day but the Informa tion gleaned by telephonic communica tion with tho superintendents at the different collieries indicated that the output was about normal. Now Year's day and the day follow ing will cauFo another decrease in tho output, but It will not be as large as that resulting from Christmas day. MISS OGDEN FOUND DEAD. She Was Formerly a Resident of This City. The following dispatch from Phila delphia was received by The Tribune last nlKht: "Miss Zoe Ogden.aged about -12 years, of Scranton, Pa., was found dead to day in her room at No. C7C North Elev enth street. Tho gas was turned on and the room was filled w ltli the dead ly odor. Two fmipty bottles which had contained laudanum wero also found In her room, but tho police found no evidence of its use." Miss Ogdeu was employed by Fox, the blrdman, who formerly conducted a store on Spruce street, but Is now engaged In business in Philadelphia, ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Men Chosen by the Theatrical Stage Employes, The International Alliance Theatrical Stage Employes at a meeting held Sun day, elected olllcers for the ensuing year. They are: President, William Jones; vice-president, William Owens; record ing secretary, Geo, W. Lowdor; finan cial secretary, Robert Wlllard; treasur er, Fred Softley; walking delegate, John Glllcn; guardian, Daniel Kellej; trustees, George Smith, Thomas Garden and Frank Mungan; delegates to C. L. U Frank Sherman, John Jordan. MITCHELL RETURNS TO-DAY. Main Headquarters in Scranton Un til Commission Meets, National President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, will return to Scranton, to-day, after spending tho Christmas holidays with his family in Spring Valley, III,, and a day in Chica go with tho other executive olllcers of the United Mine Workers, He will remain here until next Mon day, when he will transfer his head quarters to Philadelphia, where the mlno strike commission reassembles on Tuesday, For the convenience of (heir custom ers, tho Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company will bo open this evening from T to 8 o'clock. Dr. LIndaburv. Surcreon'. diseases of women a specialty, 215 Conneil building. Hours; ii a. m. to i p. in.; i to 8.39 p. in. " CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. Children of St. Luke's Sunday School Received Gifts Last Night. It has always been the policy of SI. Luke's church to observe Christmas U3 n purely religious festival and to carry this observance Into the Sunday school exercises hold every year. For this reason there was no Santa Chuis nt the festival given tho chlldien hist night. The children of the Sttndny school nnd a number of their ciders, gathered In tho church at 7.30 o'clock and par ticipated In a brief service, conducted by Rev. Dr. Rogers Israel, the rector and ltov. Robert Hoe, tho curate. The vested choir rendered a number of beautiful Christmas carols, Including that pver-benutlful one "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen, Let Nothing You Dismay." After the service, the children Hied Intd the auditorium of tho parish house where a number of pictures of Christ's nativity wero thrown on a screen nnd explained by Dr. Israel. Then the cur tains hiding tho stage were drawn back and a large nnd beautifully decorated Christmas tree was revealed. A gen eral distribution of presents followed, nnd then there there was another enrol and the benediction. TONIGHT'S CONCERT. Programme That Will Be Given in Washburn Street Church. The programme of tlio concert to be given tonight in tho Washburn Street Presbyterian church will be as fol lows: Tenor "A Song of Thanksgiving" Alllstcn Harp and Violin "Meditation". ...Gounod Soprano Aria from "Frclschutz," Von Weber Harp "Serenata" Moszkowskl Soprano and Tenor "Confession". Nlcolal Harp Fantasia, Alvars Vlolin- (a) Romance and PoroIes..Van Goens (b) Koboldlanz Everhardt Tenor ,(n) "Loch Lomond" Footo (b) "The Rosary" Nevin (Harp Accompaniment.) Soprano "Summer" Chamlnade Tenor "Angels Serenade" Brnga (With Hurp, Violin and Piano.) The artists who will appear are: Miss Dorothy Johnstone, harplste; Miss Edna Caryl, vloliniste; Mrs. Edith Heckle, soprano; Mr. Tom Gippel, tenor; Mr. Charles Doersam, accom panist. HORSESHOERS MEET. Grievance Committee Is to Be Given Power to Act. It was decided yesterday to hold a special meeting of the Master Horse shoers' association to-night for the pur pose of giving the committee appointed to treat with tho grievance committee of the journeymen's union, full power to act. When this is done another conference between the two committees will be held and on effort will be made to amicably setttle tho grievances, though from present indications it is extremely unlikely that this will be done unless the journeymen agree to a reduction of the wages, which they demand. The master horseshoera are practically a unit In declaring that they cannot pos sibly afford to pay the rate of wages demanded by the men without Increas ing the price of horseshoing to horse owners very materially, something they do not desire to do. GIFTS FOR EMPLOYES. Generosity of Lackawanna Trust and Safe. Deposit Company. The directors of tho Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company held their regular meeting yesterday and tendered their employes a substantial New Year's present, and incidentally decided to Increase the dividend rate to stockholders, owing to the bank's largo surplus and increased earnings. In view of the splendid business done by thu company during the past year aud the substantial progress made in each department they gave to each ofllccr and employe as a New Year's gift 10 per cent, of his yearly salary. They also decided that next year tho dividend into to stockholders will be at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum, In stead of (1 per cent, as nt present. , HAYDN EVANS. Director Scranton College of Music, Commonwealth Building, Corner Spruce and Washington Avenue. Will orgnnlzo new classes In tho study or plnno-forto playing, to begin Jan. 5. Terms $13 and upwards to tho end o tho season, Juno 25, 1003, com petent and thoroughly tried teachers. Private lessons only. For further par ticulars write or call. New 'phone. To the Republican Voters of the City of Scranton. A Republican primary to elect a Re publican candidate for the ofllco of clly recorder and ward vigilance com mittees will bo held on Thursday, Jan uary 15. 1803, at tho regular polling places between the hours of 4 and 8 p. m. Candidates for the nomination for city recorder must register their names with C, K. Chittenden, 519 Lackawanna avenue, on or before Dec, 20. 1002, and pay the assessment levied on or before December 27, 1902, If their names ore to be placed on the ticket, Tho clly committee earnestly 'requests that all nominations for ward and election of ficers be held at the samo time and place, tho vigilance committee running a separate box, C. E. Chittenden, Chaliman Republi- can City Committee. New Year's Eve at the Dixie. The Dixie will give a protracted per formance on New Year's eve, beginning at 8.30 and continuing until midnight, when will be introduced several attrac tions added to tha regular programme, chief of which will bo Eddie and Frank Hauington, two Providence boys, who will present for the first tlmo a verjr novel and amusing swinging wire act Theso boys have a host of trleiuls and their appearance at the Dixie is likely to call out a big crowd to welcome the two bright aspirants for public favor. ARE NOW IN SECOND PLACE OREEN RIDGE WHEELMEN PASS WEST SIDERS. Thoy Won Three Games From the Orange nnd Blacks Last Night Scranton Bicycle Club Will Un doubtedly Land Trophy Subur ban Team's Fine Score In Gomes with Arcadians Hnmpe Team Won Three Hotly Contested Games From the West Side Five. It now looks as If the Scranton Bi cycle club team will land tho Bicycle Clubs' league trophy with ease. The games scheduled for Inst night, be tween It nnd the Electric City Wheel men were not rolled but it bus sueli a lead that nothing short of almost to tal demoralization could now put It down from top place. Tho other teams now have but three more games each to play. The Green RIdgo Wheelmen took three from the Orange and Blacks last night and now. go into second place. Tho score: ORANGE AND BLACK. LIlz Ii.1! 107 131441 Northup 10!) 137 IK 53S Gross J35 llil M3-3S3 Benger 98 130 10130(5 Clark 12G S2S 111513 CM 7SI C93-213G GREEN RIDGE WHEELMEN. Taylor 207 llf) 206 B62 Wedeman 371 VH 173-615 Dolph 131 IK! 124- i&S Mooro 33." 11'! ll-41 Wclchol 370 llil 1B3 503 S30 811 S52-219J High score Clark, 213. High average Taylor, 387 1-3. The Arcadians lost three to the Sub urban team, which did the best work of the' night, rolling up a grand total of 2313. The score: ARCADIANS. Morgan 1C1 ISt 100-514 Skerritt 327 101 111-433 Chatfiekl 117 1S2 132-401 Owens 207 100 108533 Stover 131 133 133441 790 833 7 IS 2383 SUBURBANS. Rowlson 17S 2.S 313- G4D Pond 330 303 340-443 Hitchcock 3 IS 37 117482 Shennan 388 170 358522 Nicol 339 207 181547 809 901 775231" High score Rowlson, 22S. High average Rowlson, 383. Tho standing of the teams in league is now' as follows: Won. Lost, Scranton Bicycle club 19 B Green Ridge Wheelmen.... 17 10 Electric City Wheelmen.... 15 9 Suburbans 1 11 Arcadians 7 20 Orange and Black 4 23 this P.C. .792 .030 .023 .593 .239 .148 City Bowling League. The Hampes won three" straight, last night, on their own alleys from the West Side team. The score: HAMPES. Wharton 305 U0 217502 Evans 387 3IS 391529 Prlno 173 178 337510 McWilliams 1SS 370 378-530 G. Murphy 339 10S 173 4S0 831 Sit 919-2017 WEST SIDE. Davis 181 372 131-500 Rowlands 357 151 117458 Jones 317 201 310497 Boynon IIS 175 3(fl-49J Koons 107 335 353437 SuO SI0 7702110 High fecoie-Wharton. 17. High average Wharton, S7 1-3. . The Arlingtons bad very little diffi culty In tnklng all three games from the Franklin team on the Elk alleys. The score: ARLINGTONS. J. Kiefer 307 170 331471 Jones 312 147 139-428 C. Kiefer 170 303 100501 Roll 13S 12S 203-490 Meister 1SI 32S 393-507 821 739 837-2397 FRANKLINS. Welchel 152 IB H2-437 Blrcher 115 1'"' 1.11-409 Phillips 13S 331 303-452 Rhlel 359 31S 217521 Rothermel 325 322 347-594 C8'l 727 800-2210 High soore-llhlol, 217. High average Rhlel, 171 2-3. The Maennerchor and Cumbrian teams gave a poor exhibition of roll ing on tho Arlington, alleys. Tho North Enders lost two out of the three games. The score: MAENNERCHOR. Roppeit ll Hi Jiiuseu 358 340 Robllag HI -V3 Krlsmau 1-1 '"" Wcstphal 153 117 llfl- 403 142 410 127- T.i 143 421 100 400 091-2212 157 393 173 515 333 407 123 390 139- 410 727-2131 721 !m0 CAMBRIANS. A. Davis . John Bonner .. Gilcspio ... W. Davis 309 177 12.1 113 IK 11 163 1.11 151 315 017 727 High seoie-Robllng, 2o5. High average Jehu, 171 2-3, Tho Backus-Independent games were postponed till later In the week. A special meeting of the captains ot HUYLER'S Always Fresh. Full lyiae Kvery Day. Florida Oranges $4 to $5 per Box. Golden Russetts, 35c per dozen. Boston Head Let tuce, Hot House To matoes and rUish foons. E, G. Goursen, 420 Lackawanna Ave. the teams comprised In tho Clly league will bo held nt the Arlington alleys on Sunday afternoon next to consider tho question of changing the bowling night from Monday to Tues day. ( CELEBRATION AT PITTSBURG. Services of the Second Day of tho Golden Jubilee. By Hxctmha Wins from The Aenocliteil l'rrt. Pittsburg, Dec. 20. The second day's celebration of tho golden Jubilee ot the founding of the Pafslontst order In the United Stntes wns opened at 10,30 o'clock this morning. The church was crowded nnd this being Memorial day, solemn pontlllclnl high mass wns of fered by Right Rev. Bishop J. W. Shunaluin, ot Hnnisburg, Pa., Cardl nnl Gibbons assisting on the throne. Tho Rev. Dr. Lambinp, of this city, followed with the sermon, his subject being "The Sons ot St. Paul ot tho Cross of America." As yesterday, the church presented a scene of splendor. Thousands ot electric lights threw u brllllnnt glow and the robes ot tho church dlgnltniies enhanced the scene with a pomp such ns has rarely been seen In this city. The celebration will close tomorrow. Cardinal Gibbons left for Wheeling, W. Va., nt 1 o'clock this afternoon, where a public reception has been arranged by Bishop Donahue. DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED. We want to thank our friends who re sponded so heartily and generously to our call for help In making tho Christmas dinner at tho Young Women's Christian association a possibility. Appreciation wao evidenced by tho number who cam?. Tho contributors nro: Mrs. 11, II. Ripple, Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mrs. L. M. Gates, Mrs. W. A. Law, Mis. W. R. McClavo, Mrs. F. S. Oodfrcy, Mrs. W. F. Hall stead, Mrs. C. P. Davidson, Mrs. C. S. Woolworth, Mrs. F. C. Hand, Miss Dcr man, Mrs. Stroackcr, a friend and J. T. Boyer. Tho board of managers of tlio Florence mission gratefully acknowledge the fol lowing donations for Christmas: Mrs. W. II. Taylor, motto gifts for all; Mrs. C. S. Weston, four dozen oranges: Miss A. K. Sanderson, nuts nnd oranges; O. It. Clark, tree, wreaths and holly: Mrs. Alfred Hand, $9 for dinner and one year's sub scription to tho Ladles' Homo Journal; Mrs. G. W. Fritz, gifts for nil; tho King's Daughters of Grace Reformed Episcopal church, $2; Mrs. Hackett, 50 cents for treo trimmings; Mrs. J. Ben Dlmmlck, ?5 for gifts for all; a friend of the home, J3 for gifts; Mrs. John Roll. $1: Lackawanna Dairy, one gallon ico cream. Suffocated by Gas By Excluilve Wire from The Aasoclited Preii. Shamokln, Pa., Dec. 29. Mrs. George If. Hoffman was suffocated last night at her homo In Hcnidon owing to escaping coal gas from a stove. Her husband is In a critical condition from tho samo cause. The couple were found unconscious in bed by ono of their children, who hal been awakened by scenting tha gas. Mrs. Hoff man could not bo resuscitated. For the Military Ball. To accommodate the many up-the-valley persons who wish to attend the Annual Military Ball of Co. C, Thir teenth regiment, which will be held in the New Armory, Now Year's night, the Delaware and Hudson railroad will run a special train to Carbondale, leav ing Scranton at 2.30 a. in., and stop ping at all Intermediate stations. Charles H. Doersam, Teacher of the Pianoforte, New Y. M. C. A. Building. REYNOLDS BROS. Diaries Hemo, and Appointment Books and Pads We have a very large and a very fine stock of these goods. Our prices are low. Waterman's Fountain Pens In fact we have everything in the line of stationery and fancy articles for library, office or school room. REYNOLDS BROS. Hotel Jermyn. F. L. Established 1866 It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able to make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now In the exclusive fur bustness, and prepared to show you a large line cf tha fol lowing high-grade furs : r ALASKA. SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BROADTAIL EBMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUB LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. PAINTS AND ' Gold Seal Ready fialoney Oil manufacturing Co., Ill to 141) Meridian street. Old 'Phone-62-2. New 'Phone-2581. - t- A b ' BE UP-TO-DATE A By having your horses shod with a good Removable-Calk We have both the NEYBRSLIP and WILLIAMS CALKS .t. Bittenbender & ( 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4t -H-H-f-H-f-f-H ! 4"H"H-Hi X 4-4-4- i 4-4- 4-4-4---4-4--4- 4-4- STEINWAY STECK A, B. CHASE KRAN1CH AND BACH NEWBY AND EVANS MONROE AND OTHER Pianos f Sheet Music, Books and everything in the t musical line $ X . 4- I N. A. Hulbert, I 117 Wyoming: Ave. I X 4- 4-4VM-4-4-4-f4-4-4-4-4-4-4l4r4-4-H-4--H-f Paper Books. . The Tribune Job Depart ment has the best possible facilities for the rapid pro- duction of Paper Books for attorneys. Prompt service nnd proper composition guaranteed. A trial order solicited. Desk Pads Finest line of Stationery Crane High-Class Pars BAUM MARTEN BTONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA FOX SABLE FOX WHITE FOX BLUE FOX BLACK FOX BEAR Cash Paid for Raw Purs. VARNISHES - Nixed Paints. s-M 4 ,-Wil mm sr? Mr -vl v. rj;.'iT-r - " via.i'.uru1 S.W