The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 30, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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By Light
When print blurs, reading by
tight, eyestrain Is the cause of It.
Eyeacho, headacho and nervous
ness follews. Do not wait until
serious trouble develops. Have
the strain removed, the sooner
tho easier. The propor lenses
will do It.
331 Washlngtoi Ave.
Begin the
New Year Right
by opening an account with tho
Cotinfy Sayings Bank
and Trtisf Company,
506 Spruce Street.
AVo rocclvo deposits of one dollar
nnil upwards, and pay 3 per cent,
interest thereon.
L. A. WATRES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON-, Vlco-Frcs.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
I Cigar PrioBS
! That are Right :
r,01n 23 In
box. box. "f
Morris' Perfect o 31.75 00a )
A Pathnndcr 1.73 POo A
T Counsellor I.m 3o f
Tom Keeno 1.73 Wc "T
I.oulH Mann 175 POc 4
4. Morris' Magnet 1.75 90c ,,
., Capadura 1.75 "
Owl Brand 1.73 t
Cubnnoln. 1.75
4, G. AV. Chllds 1.75 j,
. Juan V. XJortuondo 1.73 "T
Lillian Hubsel 1.G0
Robert Burns 2.75 4
Cora Tanner K.uU 1.75 4.
Liingsdorf Perfect o :!.&) lift) j,
j. Cigars packed 1" in bos at "3o "T
jT and EOc per box.
Our line of Pipes is tho talk of 4.
the town. 4.
4. .,
a, 5c SmoUlng and Chewing Tobaccos.
T Old Virginia Cheroots.
Threo Black Kid Cheioots. 4.
4 Sweet Caporal Cigarettes. ,1,
6 packs for 25c.
4. 4.
Klorodora risar.i.
4. Matinee Clsur.
. "Match It" Cheroots. .
Turkish Trophies. jf
3 packs for 25c.
J. For Cash Only.
1 E. C. Morris !
4. 4.
fr Cigar Kan. 4
Leader of Cut Prices.
4. 4.
4. 4, 4
In and About
The City
Special Meeting Called.
A meeting of select council has
been called for Friday night. Tho rtgulur
meeting night falls on Now Year's.
They Will Meet Tonight.
Tho memberB of Sciantou tent. No. i3j,
Knights of Maccabees, will meet this
evening at 37 Lackawanna avenue. All
members am requested to bo present.
Many Are Paying Taxes.
The city treasurer's offico was crowded
nil day ye&terday with taxpayers anxious
io pay tholr taxes before the tlmo limit
ONplres. On all taxes not pjld after to
morrow a pcually of 3 per cent, will bu
Funeral of Frank Ryan.
Tito funoral of the late Frank Ryan.
Mho died Sunday night at his homo on
Madison avenuo.wi II bo hold Wodnesday
morning at B."0 o'clock. A bolemn high
muss of requiem will bo celebrated In St.
Peter's cathedral. Burial In Cathedral
Cotillion Tonight.
The Cat hollo Historical Society and
Newman Magazine club will conduct a
cotillion tonight nt tho Knights of Colunt
hus club houso and tho nffuir promises
to bo the most elaborato social function
ovor given undur tho uuspleea of tho ho
rlety, Musla will bo furnished by llaucr
end the catering will be dono by Wnldnor,
Wants to Get a Parole.
James A. l.unMng Is in receipt of a let
ter from a man who says his numo is 1M
Harrison and who claims to havo been
a former icsldent of this city. Ho Is now
nerving a term in tho penitentiary at
Canon City, Coloiadn, and Is entitled to .1
parole under a now law providing ho can
eecuru now clothes and transportation to
tils home. Ho asks assistance in bccurlng
lunds for this pui-poto.
Has Secured Perry Line,
it Is reported on beemlngly reliable au
thority that tho Lackawanna, Railroad
company has purchased the Hue of ferry
boats plying between tho Hobokcn term,
inal and Nuw York, and It will hereafter
bo operulnd ns part of tho Lackawanna
bystein. Tho .uekuuauua compuuy liun
illet. between 40,000 atvl 60,000 persona dully
holween New York and Hobokcn. This la
mluilvo of tho tegular ferry trafile,
Charter for ft Scranton Company.
At Harrlsburg yeMerduy a charter was
granted to the Gordon Supply and Man
ufacturing company, of this city. The
capital stock is represented ut jiQo.oou,
The Incorporates are: Buniucl ,.T. Oor
don. V. 13. i'ooto, of Footo & Becker; AV,
li Hoffman, rHvi'heii liuiklu and (leorgo
Mitchell. For tho pant two years the
Gordon Supply and Manufacturing com
pany hnn been engaged In business at ill
210 Venn avenue.
Three Mine Accidents.
Tin co mlno workmen Injured nt as
many mines by falls of rock und coal
wcro received at tho Luckawatmft hos
pital yestcrduy. Itobert Kennedy, of i:s
Prospect avenue, received a bndly lucer-nlr-d
teg at tho Grant nidgo Con I com
pany's! mlno and John Beggro, of Uicclt
Btreoi, sustained it tractnred hip at tho
Council mlno. John Matlkonls, of :H5
Grovo street, was badly cut about the
head ut the Pino Brook mlno.
How to Tell the Kind of Animal That
Mado Them Squirrel Babbit,
Coon nnd Skunk Tracks.
By Prof. Surface, of Stuto College.
To the country boy nothing Is moro
fmnlllnr thuu the various kinds of
tracks of animals In the snow, but here
the city boy Is nt a disadvantage, and
his knowledge on this subjeot Is con
sequently limited. Yet the hunter who
is so skillful that he can follow tho
tracks of an Individual nnlimil among
those made by his companions cannot
always lell why certain differences ex
ist, although ho may be ublo tn point
out what they arc. No person knows It
nil, nnd since this Is ti subject not dls
cus.sed in books It Is a fruitful and In
teresting source of information by di
rect observation.
Commence with the cat nnd dog.
Let each walk in the snow. What dif
ferences In their trucks besides size?
The cat's tracks arc round und stubby
and no mill or claw prints are to be
seen, while In the dog's tracks tho
cl.iws show nt the front of each toe.
Why Is this".' The rat seizes Its prey
with its claws, and to keep them us
sharp us knives or needles nature 1ms
made them retractile und hns provided
them with sheaths, ns :i ruzor blade Is
protected in its handle, hence no claw
prints In tho out's track. Now what
differences between tho ti'acks of the
front nnd hind foot of each'.' Not only
those of size and shape, but also there
is one more toe print on one than on
the other. Which has the greater num
ber, and Why? The front foot has live
toes nnd the hind foot has but four
Tho front foot Is used In catching prey,
and the greater tho number of function
al toes It has the more certain can be
the grasp. Now which others of our
native animals make tracks like these
animals, and why? The fox makes
tracks like those of the dog and tho
wild cut, lynx, or catamount makes
tracks like those of the domesticated
eat, because each of these wild animals
Is closely related In structures, func
tions, and habits, to the respectively
named domestic animals. Thus zoolog
ical classification and natural affinities
are expressed In the form of the track.
All persons know that the hind feet
of a rabbit are much larger than aic
the front feet, but only hunters know
that the tracks that are In front or
at ends ol the arms of the "V" of a
rabbit's track are made by the ani
mal's hind feet, and the hlndermost
tracks, or those at tho point or apex
of tho "V" are made by the front feet.
Why is this? Few persons know, and
In fact we do not know of Its positively
having been published In any book or
paper, that the members of the rab
bit and squirrel families never move
In any other manner than by hops or
jumps. In Jumping the small forefeet
are pressed closely together and the
larger hind feet are thrown around
and In front of these, at each bide, and
the animal then springs by using
chielly the muacles of tho hind limbs.
Thus the tiacks of the squirrel and
rabbit nie similar enough to denote
llislr zoological affinities, but there aro
s-triklng differences. Owing to tho
fact that tho t-qulnel is smaller than
the 111 libit and Its hind limbs are not
as stronj,. It tot"5 not jump as far and
Its tracks aiL consequently closer to
gether. Its legs aro much shoiter,
and hence It lamiot spread its hind feet
so far apait ,ir make its track ho wide.
Also, Its hoi y Is .-.o low that It often
dips Into tin- fiow mid manes a par
tial Imprei-blbii In addition to the tool
prints. In tunning n squirt el does not
press Its trout liet so closely together
as does a rabbit, and hc-ncu the posi
tion of their tia.l; would coriespond
with those of the lnwer points of the
letter "W." while the position.-" of the
hind feet, which ale tin own In fiont
correspond with the outtr ends or the
arms of tho same letter.
Mice and rats belong to the great
order of rodents and consequently aio
jumpets, hut their tracks can be
known by their omitll size and the null
of the tail lett In the snow at each
jump. The muskrat leaves a conspicu
ous trail between Us tracks, which
alternate In Its walking and running.
Tho racoon moves by jumps, und Its
tracks are always in pairs and about
equal distances apart, flat footed, with
heel and toes plainly shown. Skunks
make their tracks very close together
on 'account of their very short legs.
They always walk, and as a conse
quence their tracks nre always alter
nate ruther than in pairs. They havo
the appearance of mere rows of stumpy
holes, such us might be made by the
ends of a man's fingers.
Engineer Killed in Accident to Pass
enger Train Passengers Safe.
fly i:vlultc Wire trnw The Aotl.itoil l'rcs.
Ttoaiioko, Vn Doc 29.- The Norfolk and
Western pasaeugfi- train which left hero
lust nlshl at &' o'clock for,
Md., over th Slienuiidu.ili Valley divis
ion, was w reeked two bourn lulur near
Greenville, sIMy-ilve miles umih of I5o.
Kuglncer Wesley U'iIh,v, of IUmihi'ic,
whs killed Instantly. None nt the pass
engers weto hurl
Mrs. Fremont to Be Ciematsd.
lly i:tlusUc Wlic (rim Tin- Aboi '.itej I'umj, 'u
l.os Angeles, Oil,, Pec, Lf. tt iin-uid.
once with her wishes, the body of Mrs,
Jesslo Benton Fremont will bu ci fronted.
The funeiul is to he held tomorrow frtni
tho Kplscopal chuich. Her ajlies uio to
bo builtd besldo the giuvo of Uonerul
Fremont, on the Hudson, .md thus will
bo fultlllod 0110 of the chief dealies of
Mrs. Fremont's last years.
The coffee, habit is quickly over-
come by those who let Grain-O
take its place. If properly mado
it tastes like the best of coffee, No
grain coffeo compares with it in
flavor or hcalthfuluess.
At gtoc:i STMrwberc ; 15c. tad Uc. ytt utcktjt.
! I M ! !
Finds No Evidenco'of Fraud and Be
llovcs That Mrs. Lydon Had Cap
acity to Make a Dpcd at the Tlmo
Sl Executed tho Instrument in
Fav.V of Her' Son Orphans' Court
Matters Lawrence Haberstroh In
vokes tho Aid of tho Courta to
Secure His Children.
Judge Punhart), of the Wyomlng-Sul-llvan
district yesterday Mini tin opin
ion hi the equity suit of Mrs. Mary
Lydon against Anthony Lydon, which
was tried brforo him. The suit was
brought by Mrs. Lydon, who Is tin uged
woman against her son to set, usldo
a deed for a certain property in Tay
lor borough, which she mado to him
about seven years ago.
At the time Mrs. Lydon deeded the
property to Tier son In fee. Later she
brought suit against him to have tho
deed cancelled on tho ground that she
was feeble minded and did not know
what she was doing. She further alleged
that the Mill got her to make the. deed
to him by fraud and misrepresentations.
The son. contended that she wits In full
possession of her mental faculties und
that she knew what she was doing.
.Tiwitrn Tinnliimi statcM that theio was
no evidence that tho woman had been
the victim of fraud, and that the only
question left was Hint of capacity when
she made the deed. He stated that tho
evidence showed that her mind began
to fall about three years ago, and the
will was made about seven years ago.
The beginning of the failure of the wo
man's mind was too remote ho held
from the time of making tho deed to
imvo rim- ntTnet nnnn the Instrument.
He dismissed tho plaintiffs bill and
placed the costs upon nor.
Wants His Children.
Attorney Klchard J. Bourke, acting
for Lawrence Haberstroh, yesterday
afternoon obtained a writ of habeas
corpus on Mrs. Emma Haberstroh, his
wife, and Mrs. Millie Forkel, his mother-in-law,
directing them to produce
his three children before Judge Kelly
oh Friday morning and show cause why
they should not be turned over to his
The Haberstrohs have been separated
for some time and the mother, who lives
on Alder street, has retained posses
sion of the children. The father has
sought to obtain the custody of them,
believing it to bo his right under the
law, but he has been unsuccessful.
Way Cases Will Be Called.
The next grand jury will convene
at the court house January 5, 11)03, at
10 o'clock a. m. District Attorney
Lewis has adopted the following system
for calling the cases returnable before
this grand jury, in all cases wherein
the surnames of the prosecutors com
mences with the letters, A. B, C. D. or
10, will bo called Monday, January, 5,
1903. F. G, H and all cases wherein the
Superintendent of Police of Scranton
appears as prosecutor, Tuesday, Jan
uary 6th. I, J, K, L, or M, Wednesday,
January 7. N, O, P, Q, R, or S, Thurs
day, January 8th. T, U, V, W, X, Y or
Z., Friday, January 0.
Orphans' Court Matters.
Judge Lally, of the orphans' couit of
Northampton county, was here yester
day and heard orphans' court cases in
which Judge Vosburg was counsel be
fore his elevation to tho bench.
Sirs. W". P. Connell asked permission
to withdraw exceptions to the report
tiled by the executors of her husband's
will as they had been filed under .1
misapprehension. The request was al
lowed There was a hearing on a. citation
from the orphans' court, obtained by
Jones Bi others, tea merchants, and di
rected against the executors of the es
tdte of John Mason, late of Jermyn,
Mason, during his life time, gave a
bond to Jones Brotheis in the sum of
$300 as security for William Rawllngs,
un employe of theirs. Rawllngs was
allowed to take goods from time to
time, which were charged up to him.
At the end of each month they mado
it settlement. Tho firm claims that
Rawilng3 allowed an account against
him to accumulate to the extent of $100.
When Muson died they put In this bill
against the estate. The executors of
the estate tefused to recognize Jones
Brothers as credltois of t.'e estate,
hence tho citation.
Steve Proko was appointed by Judge
Vosburg as gunrdluu of Mary, Mich
ael, George and Walter, tho minor
children of George Hu'ss. G, Morgan
was appointed guardian of Archlo
Ftancls Moigan, minor child of tho
lute Francis E. Morgan,
Yesterday's Marriage Licenses.
William AV. Uvans Bloombburg
Bertha Uecs Taylor
Adam Kauslek Simpson
Ma reel la Stakevlck Simpson
X'letro I'ltito Scranton
C'.irmelo Salerno Senuitun
Simon Komlnsky Scranton
Martha KotofHky Scranton
Charles A'. Btiins Poit Allegheny
Agues M. Hull Olyphuut
Next Monday thu grand Jury will moot
constables imiko their quarterly return to
couit and the term of equity court begin.
Stunley UomhoskI, chuiged with carry
ing concealed weapons and discharging
Ureal ms, entered hull In the sum of Wui
yesterday, lldward Ward, of 14) Birch
stieet, tiecnnifl his bondsman.
Mrs. Carrie Hammond sued yesterday
for dlvotce from AVIIllum Hammond, al
leging that he hud offured such Indigni
ties to her that life with him Is intoler
able, They were married on Oct. 13, 1W0,
and she lett him on July 6, 1902.
Jacob Smith obtained a writ of re
plevin yesterday dhectcd agulnst Julius
Troy, tn tecover possession of a teum of
bay horsus, une double harness, 0110 lum
ber wngon, one dlit rigging, ono stono
Igglng, two halters and two blanket,-,.
It is alleged that tho property Is unlaw
fully In the possession of Troy.
L. Alleo Dunn, formerly L. AUco Cronip.
ton, owns somo land In Duiimore, which
tho Sorunton, Dunmoro und Mooslc Bull
toad company desires to acquire. They
huvo been unablo to agree us to pii-e,
and ryeetorday tho company tiled an In
demnifying bond and will now proceed to
luko possession of tho. land under Its rlsht
of eminent domain und tot viewers ap
pointed by tho court dctermluo tho value
of tho land taken.
Drowned Whllo Skatlug,
IJy L'lcluihe Wire from Tho .Widated lrw.
Richmond, Vu., Deo. LU Li'onurd M,
and James Y. Cowherd, of Grafton, AV.
A'u., brothers, aged 19 and ti, respectively
und students ut Bowling Green academy,
Bowlug Green, A'u., wcro drowned while
skating at the latter place yesterday.
Tho Principal Asset of tho Successful
Business Man.
The head of the largest meat pack
ing Industry lit the world, for mutiy
years, prior to his dctith, never trnvelfil
without his physician: nvcrjwhcro he
whs accompanied by lilit medical ad
viser; ho hired him for his exclusive
attendance by tho year mid considered
the largo salary puld for, such hervleo
ns a part of his buslncs Investment,
Ho did not do this because ho was a
hypochondriac, In constant fear of 111
uchs anil death! on tho contrary, hn
wus an exceptionally robust man, but
ho realized thut the principal nssct In
Ills enormous business was his own per
sonal health, and to keep physically
nnd mcutully well and strong was a
business proposition, pure and simple.
It Is eo with every business man and
woman, A slight cold in the head or
tin oat may pas,H off In a few days, or
It may develop Into Pneumonia, Chron
lis Cntarrh, or au. Irritating throat
trouble; In any event lis departure
should be hastened by pome slmplo
iintlseptlc preparation like Stuart's
Cutnrrh Tablets, which are dissolved
In the mouth nnd thus reach and de
stroy tho germs of Caturrh, Pneumonia,
Consumption,- before they have a
chance to propagate nnd thrive In the
Inflamed mucous membranes of the
nose and throat.
To burden the stomach with drugs
and stimulants Is a foolish and often
dangerous wuy to combat a cold, be
cause stimulants nre always followed
by corresponding depression and where
there Is any tendency to Pneumonia In
creases the danger by increasing the
heart's action.
A popular school teacher In Pittsburg
writes: "I am a walking ad-crtlsemont
for Stuart's Catarrh Tablets; the
change from a crowded steam heated
school room to a raw, chill out doors
kept mo nursing colds In the head and
throat from fall to spring. Throat Ir
ritation made It difilcult for mo to read
or speak and conduct my classes. My
druggist with whom I spent a large
patt of my salary for cough lozenges
and potash tablets one day advised mc
to try Stuart's Catarrh Tablets nnd I
shall never cease to thank him. I still
catch cold occasionally but I stop' It In
a day or two with the tablets, and I
have done missionary work with my
pupils to such an extent that coughs
and colds are almost unknown amongst
the youngsters In my room.
Will Try and Prove That Husband
Was Killed by a Burglar.
By H-aiushc Who from The Associated Press.
David City, Neb., Dec. 29. The pie
llmlnary trial of Mrs. Lana Lillle,
charged with tho murder of her hus
band, Harvey V. Lillle, in October last,
began hero today. Harry Llllie was
the agent of a local elevator company.
He was shot in bed as he lay beside
his wlfo and was Instantly killed.
The detense will try to prove that
Lillle was killed by a burglar, but the
prosecution, which has been working
on the case for some time, will en
deavor to show that the bullet that
killed Llllie was tired from the wife's
side of the bed. Evidence will be ad
duced to show that Llllie carried $8,000
life insurance, $7,200 of which was in
his wife's name. A grain and stock
broker at David City is expected to tes
tify that Mrs. Llllie had been trading
with him for several years and that
between August 7 and October 5 of this
year her losses amounted to about
Will Be Succeeded by Assistant Com
missioner William Richards.
By lXelushc Wire fiom The Associated Press.
AVushlngton, Dec. 29. BInger Herr
mann, commissioner of tho general
land office, has resigned and will be
succeeded by William A.
the assistant commissioner of the gen
eral land office.
Commissioner Herrman said this af
ternoon that the change will be oper
ative Feb. 11.
The relations between Secretary
Hitchcock and Commissioner Herr
mann have been strained for a long
Advance in Wages.
By l'clui c Wire from The Associate J Press.
Huntington, W. Va,, Dec. 29. Tho oper
atois of tho Flat Top Coal field will glvo
their miners an advance of 10 to is) per
cent, beglnntg January 1. Twelvo thou
sand men aio affected.
Henry to Visit Us in 1004.
By Hcluihe Who from The AoeUtd PceJ.
Builln, Dec. 29, Tho papors hero say
Piiucu Henry of Prussia is going to tho
United Stutes In 1901 to visit tho St. Louis
exposition mid unveil tho veterans' mon
ument In Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Postmasters.
11.-. i:cluhcr Wire from Tho AocUtcil I'imj,
AVashlnglon, Dec. 29. Tho following was
among tho fourth class Pennsylvania,
postmasteis appointed today: I-'ilsblo,
Luzerno county, Eva Moore,
Five Persons Burned to Death.
By i:.cluhc Wire from Tho Asaoiiuted Press
London, Dec, "J9. As a result of a lira
In a smull house In Stepney toduy a Mts.
Schlcsslnger and her four young childicu
wcro burned to death.
Theater Burned,
by Exdu-me Wire from Tha AnxicUtnJ Tfem.
Atlanta, Gtt Dee. ti), Tho Stur theater
was destroyed by tiro today, l.oss about
$10,000; imlusuied. The tiro was caused bj
a defectlvo Hue.
Steamship Arrivals,
Uy I'xclmho Wire Hum Tho Atootlatcd l're..
Nuw York, Dec. 29. Arilvcd: Xeeland,
Antwerp. Antwerp Anlved; A'o'doiiand,
Now York, Sailed: Flnlund, New Voik,
THe Life of
Benjamin Franklin
Reads like one long essay on he prime im
portance of personal discipline, thrift and saving.
Systematic saving is the Keynote to the life
of every successful, self-made man of today.
The 3 per cent, interest proposition of the
Merchants and Mechanics Bank
makes saving easier than in Franklin's time, too.
The clock on our building
tells the time to me.
First Bout Was Cateh-as-Catch-Can,
Second Gracco-Bomnn, nnd Third
CornlBh Style McMillan Won tho
Graeco-Roman nnd Cornish Bouts.
Dwycr Charged That Ho Had Not
Been Fairly Thrown in Cornish
Bout Exhibition Witnessed by
Between 200 nnd 300 Persons.
An exhibition of wrestling was given
Inst night In Music Hall by M. J.
Dwycr and D. S. McMillan, of Milwau
kee, AVls., before a. crowd of between
200 and 300 spectators. McMillan won
two out of the three falls.
The first bout was catch-as-catch-can
and was won by Dwycr 'in nineteen
minutes and thirty-four beconds.
Dwyer was tho aggressor throughout
this bout, but neither man seemed to
be half trying. Dwyer got tho fall by
a grupovlno hold, winding his legs
around McMillan's neck and slowly
forcing his shoulders to the mat.
The loser had tho choice of style
for the second bout, and McMllllan
chose Gracco-Roman. This bout was
much more spirited than tho first and
Dwyer was put down with a half-Nelson
after he had successfully squirmed
out of several other similar holds. Tho
time was fourteen minutes, thirty sec
onds. The third bout wus Cornish style.
Each man wore a jacket and tho rules
provide that each man must take hold
only by these. Only flying falls were
to count. McMillan secured a fall af
ter about a minute's wrestling, but
Referee Hugh Keenan refused to allow
It, because he had one knee on the mat
before he put Dwyer down.
Tho men went at It again and Dwycr
was put down In a half minute. He
pulled McMillan down with him, but
Referee Keenan gave the decision to
the latter. AVhat appeared to be a
lively dispute followed. Dwyer alleged
that McMillan should have been on his
feet when he (Dwyer) was down and
ho mado a vigorous kick along this
line, but to no avail.
Manoeuvres in the Caribbean to Be
Resumed Next Friday.
By t:clusic Wire from The A&Joclatcd Press.
Washington, Dec. 29. Tho ships of tho
throe American bquadrons in tho Carib
bean, which were distributed at the va
rious ports In tho AVest Indies last week
for tho purpose of giving tho men shore
leave during Christmas holidays, have be
gun to reassemblo at Culcbra for final
manoeuvres. Thcso will begin on Jan. 2,
and will consist of tactical evolutions,
squadron and fleet drill, etc.
During these evolutions tho three squad
rons will bo combined under the direct
command of Admiral Dewey. At their
conclusion. In about tko weeks, tho
squadrons will separate and return to
their respectlvo stations. Rear Admiral
Coghlan, with a division of the North
Atlantic squadron, will remain In AVest
Indian waters.
Armstrong Succeeds Spaulding.
By Exclushe Wire from The Associated Press.
AVashlngton, Dec. 29. Robert B. Arm
strong, private secretary to tho seci clary
of the treasury, will be appointed assist
ant secretary of tho treasury on tho re
assembling of congress, to succeed Gen
eral Spaulding,. whoso reslsmatlon has
been In tho hands of Secretary Shaw for
some time. Mr. Armstrong comes from
Illinois and his selection is a personal ono
with Secretary Shaw. He will havo
churgo of the customs branch of the ser
vice. Mr. Armstrong, who Is 29 years of
age, is regarded as a young man of ex
cellent ability and has tho entire confi
dence of the officials of tho treasury de
partment. Earthquake in France.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Picss.
Bagneres, de Luchon, France, Dec. 29.
A strong eaithquako shock lasting six
seconds was felt here last night. No
damage was done.
A clever woman usserts that old chiffon
may bo mado now. Sho says that a lath
er should bo mado of good whlto soap,
which should bo allowed to stand until
nearly cold. Put tho chiffon In It and let
It soak a. while. Then shako it gently
uround In the water, passing It between
tho lingers, but not rubbing It. Then
shake it out in clean water, changing tho
baths until there Is no traco of cloudi
ness In the water. Fill a cup half full
of water, drop in a morsol of pure gum
arable and let this dissolve. Add to it a
few drops of whlto vinegar and dip in the
chiffon. Don't squcezo or wring It dry,
but lay It between very soft white muslin
nnd gently pat it with the hand. Havo
an Iron moderately hot and iron the fabric
on tho wrong side, having tlssuo paper
between it und tho Iron,
Naval Strength of China.
Tho total forco of tho Chinese navy at
present available, according to tho teport
of tho newly nppolnted commodoro of tho
northern squadron of China, consists of
33 ciulsers of 3-',500 tons In touil, 13 gun
boats of 10,330 tons in total, 2 dispatch
boats of 2,320 tons In total, 3 torpedo de
stroyers of 1,300 tons In total, and 10
transports of 11,000 tons In total, 'Jills Is
to say that tho Chinese empire is de
fended on tho sea by a naval forco of 41
vessels with tho total tonnago of 37.S30,
Enrollment at Yale.
The total enrollment In Yale unlveisity
for tho present year Is, approximately,
2,783. un of 100 our Inst year, and
tin; largest In the history of the univer
sity. Tho largest Increase Is In tho Shef
field Scientific school and tho next largest
In tho law school, A noticeable fact Is
tho largo number of graduates of small
er colleges twenty-two In all who havo
entered tho senior class of tho academical
department to secure tho bachelor of arts
degieo from Yale.
(Dtartst paid from
day of deposit.
0 C H I N A
Bernardaud French C
China Dinner Set, v
Think of the make, the number of pieces, the ptlcej asked
and the decorations gold lined, gold edges, gold traced; hand
some Greek border in rich green, and solid gold handles your
judgment of values will do the rest.
Being of tin Open
niny select ns ninny
you wish.
;Geo. V. Millar 8c Co.
Are Invited
courtesy will bo extended,
whether your account is largo or small.
Third National Bank,
1 18 'Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000.
!1 per cent, interest paid on SaA'ings Accounts,
and tho interest is compounded Jan. land July 1.
Accounts can be opened by mail.
1 3 Memorable
1 Bargain Days
We have determined to
luinnr vnar utth haroriin
the dying year, with bargain
your way.
Our Superb
Cloak Department
With its matchless stock has been subjected to a pjyce
pruning process that astonishes all beholders. Buy what you
please there now. and you get it at a
Sweeping Price
From former figures. Not a garment in our stock that was
not made for the present season's trade. That means much to
the intelligent buyer.
I Coats, Suits, Skirts and Furs
For ladies and misses wear
Children's Dresses for less than
them. The selection is fine.
a The Holiday Aftermath.
"2 Only a few things left now. They're all nice, however.
P Some very choice Brush Sets, Mirrors, Manicure Sets, Glove
a Boxes, etc., at way down prices.
a pnppl Thirty Trading Stamps with every purchase
ua tJJtKJt amoUntinfe to $r.oo or over. We give the kind
A that are as good as gold, and
1 flcConnell & Co.
400 and 402
..-. .,
Your Eyes
Aie you over-t.ixlntr them 7 Do you have to squint
end strain them In order to tec things distinctly?
Jf so, self-interest demands that you immcdiatftly
consult an experienced optician.
Fitted by us hao ono very strong; point being per
fectly fitted, they Invailably glvo satisfaction.
"Eveathine that is best
For a New Year's Party.
For a thte? gallon bowl, mix as follows:
Sli pounds ot pulverized sugar; 0 (resh egs,'liavo the white
separated. Heat yolks and add to sugar, dissolve by stirring. S
quarts of brandr, lli pints of Jamalra Rum and 2 gallons' of rlrh '
milk, Mix Ingredients thoroughly and stir continually whlls"
pouring In tha milk, to keep (t from curdling, neat- whites of
eggs to a stiff froth and cover the top ot the mixture. Serve in
small glass vlth nutmeg.
We recommend
Hennessy's Three Star Brandy,
Per bott'e.,, ,.,
Burke's Jamaica Rum, at
Per bott.e , ,
Stock Pattern. ,nii
or ns few pieces iu
to transact your banking
busiucss with ns, and every
signalize the three closing days of
nnnnrtnnif?c cni-h 9: rarfdu rnmr
opportunities such as rarely come
shorn alike in these reductions.
the cost of materials used in
good or casn anywnere.
Lacka. Avenue.
in Diamonds and Jewelry."
& Connell,
Bowl of Egg Nog
., . ,.,-,. - . y,l,.