The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
THK SOBANTON THIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER. 30, 1902. ( 3 1 4 j3!lMM.HIIPHM. IH W'llll JIT g ! ' '..'1 . I ! I I H . "Zmimimmmmmmmimmii ' 'iiM- r7. The News o Carbondale. , ; " t' Vjt.. 'I' ' ' ..'"." ,"""; . THE CAUSE OF THE TYPHOID ,1,1. , iPIDEMIO'MAY BE DUE TO OXTY WATER SUPPLY. fills Is the Opinion Expicssed In the ' Report to the Local Borkd of Health from State Bacteriologist Pltfleld, Who Made Examinations of Both the Milk and the Water Supply. Milk Supply Not the Cause Unless v "polluted hy Water Consolidated Company's Water Found Impure. Reynshanhurst Supply Is Pine. The Report. "The board, 'llnds thai while llicte are clrquipstiUices In tin- dlslilbutton oC the disease which lead tit suspicion of pollution of tho mlltc supply, the conditions under which the milk Is produced do not nppear to substanti ate this s'riBplclon. On- Hie other hand, there Is strong reason Tin- oonsldeiliig it probable that one source or the water supply Ih polluted and may bo chargeable with the production or tho epidemic." This parngiaph contains the muit or the opinion or the state board or health as to tho vuusc or the epidemic, or ty phoid rover In Carbondale the past four or flvo months, which produced as high as forty cases at one time, and was marked by a hair dozen deaths. This opinion It based on the Undines or Dr. Hubert U Pltilcld, or derma u- town, assistant 'state bacterlologlst.who iccenlly visited this city and, after in- )oetlng the water supply or Carbon dale, and visiting the dairy in Green field. ' the" milk from Whlcli was sus pected, took home with hlni samples of the water and the mill;, submitting iliem to u bacteriological' test. Dr. ritfleld's llndliig were submitted to Dr., secretary of tho slate board uf health, who embodied them In a re port which was forwarded to Secretary Uussell Shepherd. 6r the local board o health, who "received ltNycstevdny. Last night a special mooting or the bo.trd was called1" td. receive 'the" lepitrt. The water supply in which the bac teriologist found pollution, in baetuia, "the colon bacillus," is that of the Con solidated Water company. Possible sources of pollution that Dr. Pltilcld specifies, are privies of houses on Ca naan street, which ate quite near the main distributing reservoir. The No. 4 reservoir, ho says, runs the risk on accoutft'of being "an oppn one, or being polluted by streams that "drain .farm yards, pig pens and often privies." The people on tho West Side who use the Crystal lake water not being affected In the least by typhoid, is taken as a ground for .excluding that water as a possible factor in. causing tho epidem ic. The Iteynshanhiust company's sup ply is mot Involved, the report saying s shows it to be of imuntnl piy is notii "the analysis The-finding of Dr. I'iUlehl caused somewhat, of a. surprise as stanees pointed to Ihe milk of one deal er being tho cause of the epidemic. The public seemed to accept this opin ion. The water supply was hardly given a. thought as being a factor in the spread of typhoid. Tho board received the ltport and postponed action until later, the mem bers in the meantime to consider ways and means to the end of purifying the water supply complained of. An eaily .meeting t bo called to adopt some ran. There. 4vas ope suggestion by ir. isncs that councils win ne apnea o make appropriation for cleaning out he contaminating streams refened to. The Bacteriologist's Findings. Tho report of Dr. Lee, which ein- lodles tho findings of Dr. Pltfleld, the iactorlologlstis as follows: State. Board of Health, Philadelphia, Pa.. Dec. 2ti. 1WK. r. Ritssol 31. Shepherd, Seeretaiy Hoard of Health, Carbondalo, Pa, JDear Sir: I have received fnnii Dr. lobert L. Pltlleld, assistant baclctlolo- list, his report tft an investigation of tho water supply "and of tho mill: supply of yi)ur city In connection with tin outbreak ot typhoid foverj4rj;iie..rioi't .shows that tho eastern "part -of tho." town has been almost exclusively affected, It being sup plied by water from two sources, tho Con soltdated AV.itnr company and tho Htn'ii. Hhanhurst company, while tho western portion is- supplied by tho Consolidated AVate.r company fiom tho Crystal lake 'vertiow run. Tho Itoynshatihurst water is derived from urtcslun Wells Mink in un uninhabited part of tho counuy and tho analysis shows it to be of unusual purity. n .11... Bjf taA9 v The number or h.trluilii In this walcr Is ( per cubic centimeter fcxi (hop) not a slimlo uiton buclllUH was found In thn specimens of tills water taken. This Is altogether n very irmuikdble showing, On the other hand, the water from tho Intake reservoir of tho Oounollilateil Wa ter company contains liM bnelcrln. per cubic ccnllnieter, Mifllrloiil to lender tho water suxpliloiis; while water tnkin hi one house fiom a faucet, contained at I bacteria per cubic centimeter. This Is at lcusl twlco tho poitnlsslble number. In this specimen also, the colon bacillus was found. Tho presence of this bacillus al ways Indicate" pollution with exeteiii'jnt of some kind, UMtally Unit of human ba IngH, Causes of Pollution. .Ah possible sources of pollution of thli water, the Inspector mentions tho I'net that pi Ivies of houses on Cauiiau street, are unite near the walls of the tiiahi distributing reservoir, and that there is n possibility Dmt scepagu limy tako plaeu from them Into tho icsenolr. Ifinllier more, open leservohs of the lypu of ics orvolr N'o. I on the hill, being fed by stieams fiom larm lands, inn the risk of becoming polluted, both from man tiro spread on tho S'llface. and lioiu slreTini't which drain farm yards, pig pens and often pilvlcs. The fact that tho people on tho western side who use Crystal lake water almost entirely mo free from thu lever affords ground for excluding that water ns a possible factor in causing the epidemic. Milk Supply Not Suspicious. As to tho milk supply, It appeals from the tepoi-L that the greater number of cases has occurred hi fumilloH .supplied by one particular dealer, it should be borne In liiliul, however, that he Is a veiy largo dealer, possibly the laiget-t 111 the city. Out of 215 families using the mill;, the fever bus made Its uppourunu In only twelve, and If 1 undei stand tho table lumlshed the bacteriologist by out board, ten of these families used the Con. solld.itcd water supply. A careful in spection was made or the dallies fiom which this dealer is Mippllod. They were lound lo bo about the average in clenu llness, and in almost every instance, sup plied with puie spring water; mllhei could It be found, that a case of typhoid had occulted near any of these dailies. There an two ways in which the typhoid geim finds its way Into milk, ono in tie use of poltuted water in washing the cans, the other is tlnoiigh tho hands of a milker who has hoen In close contact with .i ease of typhoid, or is hlmscll suf feilng from the disease, either in life earllfd stage ir daring the latter pint of convalescence. 'Die conditions dls coveted are not such as to warrant the suspicion that the genu was Introduced In the dairies hi either of these wavs. Possibly, the cans may have been washed In water doiivcd from the Consolidated company's supply. Tho board finds, therefoie, that while there are circumstances hi the distribu tion of the dlseas.0 whlcli lead lo suspicion of pollution of the milk of this supply, the conditions under which the milk K ptodiiced do not uppc.ii- to substantiate these suspicions. On tho oilier hand, thero is strong leason for consideiiug it probable, that ono source of the water supply is polluted and may he charge able with the production of the epidemic. Suggestion to the Public. The suggestions of the bonid me as fol lows: Pir.-t, as thu tuettion Is a largo one, covet lug a considerable num ber of cases, lasting tluough n consider able period of time and Involving u huge lerillory in tho matter of supply, with icgard to both the water supply and the milk supply, it Is riitilo Impossible tor a jingle bilcf inspection such ns could ho niado by an OMioit fiom u. distant; poinL, to do full justico to the question. It is nheroforo earnestly iccommendtrd that the local boaid of health should institute a systematic Inspection, both of tho en tile water shed, nnd of all the dairies Horn which the milk is hi ought to the city. In order to cany out this woik olfeU ively, It should be assigned to certain pel sons, and should bo can led on for u series of months. Dveiy branch, no mat ter how small, of the creeks w'lilUi supply tho res"i vohs should bo minutely snitched by competent men. This should Include the intake u-seivolr In tho gorge. A rep tcscutativo of the water company, as lor Instance their engineer and u repiesenla tive of the boaid of health, should bo as sociated in this investigation, and it would bo well for a physician to take part in It. The investigation is one wliluli your boaid Is fully competent to make, and a grave responsibility rests upon It to lo-e no tlmo in making an Inspection of tho most thorough chniaeter. As temporary precautious, 1 need hardly suggest tho obvious ones of tho boiling of all water lor dthiklng puipc-'t-s and tho stoilllnatlon of all mill;. Should Use Ctystal Lake Water. As the water from Crystal lake dot-s not appear to have been at fault, duilng tho recent outbreak, Itml ght bo well for tho company to use that to tho exclusion of these sources which appear to be moie or less polluted, 1 havo the honor to lift Vours very u uly. (Mgneo) iien.iamiti l..-e, fVcietnry, . s &V 5.,Tucrejiras q cry in tue streets, reopio rushed from their doors ami strained their eyes on the struggling balloonist iiguuug lor lite. ,. Ivveu the poor, pant- ' r inj Bitlleicr in the r J sick room was for- colleuh!lethe fain. lly gaed breathless ut. this strange tragcdjvof.tbt! air. Them the v Aveut baufc to ;the Ick room to tell of 'the tenible ,trpggle for life they had juat witnessed. It diuuot occur lo litem that under their 'very eyei a xuore terrible, more pathetic 'struggle was going oii daily, 'Vhre i-nti tip. untliitur mri niltf.,1 tbau Ue , frngele the,, consumptive ; wake gainst disease. The greatest Help ia this ittuggle is gamed by the uao of Dr.-Pirce' Golden Medical Dis rovcrv ' It curci ohatimite cnuehs wiiL- y nd bleeding lungs, emaciation, and other ailments which if neglected or , iinalcnuuiiy uaieu una a fatal lermiua- iou in tousunipuont fa i&j$'da'bi toy dugbtt( wm suQ'erioe oa uui ui a &cryc-c tuugu, actiic icvcr, vriiDff " csli ana oiaer syygmi ot aucaica lungi n a. rcipcruitu, oi allium I CO., w. c "i promiijr gmve tree's aidn Medical Dlicovcry uff wicctu. and ak now enlava i kicellcnt hcallh: Tblt being Irar, I hereby krite Rev. JoitpW ipxiats, Iredell Co. hertHr. K. V. Pierce' vitl gratifyiuff aucctst, and ak ! 'Lcatiilv endonsvour mtdklnti." , Accept no subititute tor ! QoJda Jtfd f lea) Discovery." Tbefe.ja pothiig just 1 ns good" for diseases of the etomicb) tdolpd and luugs. f Dn-H'-rce'STreasant'TelUU assist tb .Clan oi I he " JOtscover.;' DIED PROM A PALL. Michael Manett, of Simpson, Taken to Emoi-gency Hospital In Dying Condition Succumbs a Few Hours Later. Michael .Mm lull, ii lesldeut of .Simp son, succumbed yesterday morning .at C o'clock-, at Kmergeuoy hospital, whither he was taken the night be fore. .Mnrrett was a victim of a full, which hu met with leu days ago, Uo irae turcil his skull and manifested symp toms of stneie- concussion of the brain. Huwlny ho was hurriedly taken to thu Kuiergenc. hospital, lie was In it des perate condition, however, ninl what tho surgeons did for him was' of no avail. Ho passed away twelve- bonis after being admit) ed. Marriilt w.ts 23 years of ago ami was unmarried, He worked about tho mines at .Slnin&au, IN THE SOCIAIr WOULD, The Book Club to Slelghilde Other Happenings of Interest, Tho Hook club, which was leceuily nrgunlzc-d and -Is composed of young women conspicuous tit melnl doings, will enjoy a slelghrldo tonight. Thu lido will be to Clifford, Tho membeis will assemble a.t the l'nlaco creamery at .30 this evening, (Jllu'otd hotel, at' Gllffotd, will bo tho destination of the party. There thoy will pnrtako of u chicken supper, which will bo icllsli uble, indeed, nfter the ildu over the hills. All the clicumstunccs to an en joyable night tiro Impplly present. The sleighing Is excellent, the club members are capable of providing lively enjoy ment, and the arrangements for their comfort- at the end of the ttlp uie quite complete, Misses Nelllo Spaneler und Alice Farrell, of Bristol, la- who came to Seruu,ton to attend the uneptlon ut Jit, D YOU GET WITH IP A LM BACK? ecf1feWS,li't Have You Uric Acid, Rheumatism Bladder Trouble. or To ProvJ What SWAMP-ROOT, the Great Kidney and Blad der Reriiedi), Will Do for' YOU, all Our Readers Man Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free Bu Mail. l'ain or dull ache In the back Is un mistakable evidence of kidney trouble. It Is Nature's timely warning to show you that the track nf health Is not clear. If those danger signals aie unheeded, mote serious results are sure to follow; Jlright's dicuse, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. Tho mild and the txtr.toidlnary ef fect of the world-famous kidney nnd bladder remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, is soon realized. H stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cnse. A trial will convince anyone and you may have a sample bottle free, by mail. Backache, Uric Acid and Urinary Trouble. Anions; the many fatuous euics oC Swamp-Hoot investigated by the Scranton Dally Trlbimo the one-wo publish today for tho benefit of out- readers, speaks in the highest terns of tho womlcriul cura tive properties of this Rieat kidney rem edy. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Tthighainlou, X. Y. Gentlemen: When 1 wrote you last Jlarch for a sample botllo of Swamp Hoot, my wifo was a. great sufferer riom backache, rheumatism and urinary trouble, also excess of utic acid. Alter trying tho samplo bottle, she bought a largo bottle hcie at tho drug store. That did hoi- so much good she bought mote. The effect of Swamp-Hoot was wonder ful and almost imniediato. She has felt no iijttn-n of tho old trouble since. Oct., 1001. F. THOMAS, -127 Uest St., Huu'alo, N. Y. Hume back Is only one symptom of kidney trouble one of many. Other symptoms, showing that you need Swamp-Hoot are, obliged lo pass water often dining tho day and to get up many times at night, inability to hold your urine, smarting or irritation In passing', brick-dust or sediment In Hie urine, c.itarih of the bladder, uric acid, constant headache, dizziness, sleepless ness, nervousness, Irregular hcait beatlng, rheumatism, bloating, irritabil ity, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion. If your water when allowed to re main undisturbed In a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours, foims a sedi ment or settling, or has it cloudy ap pearance, it is evidence that your kid neys and bladder need Immediate at tention. In taking Swninu-Ho'ol you alfoid natural help to Nature, for Swamp Hoot Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. Swamp-Boot is tho great discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Hospitals use It with wonderful "success in both slight and severe cashes. Doctors recommend It to their patients and use it in their own families, because they recognize in Swamp-Hoot the greatest and most successful remedy. If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble, or If there Is ti trace of It In your family history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng haiiitnn, X. Y who will gladly send you fiee by mall, Immediately, without cost to you, n sample bottle of Swamp Hoot and a book of wonderful Swamp Hoot testimonials. Be sure to say you read this generous offer in the Scranton Daily Tribune. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Hoot is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at drug stores every where. Don't make any mistake, hut remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd the address, Blnghamton, X. Y on every bottle. St. Mary's seminary, were guests over Sunday of tho Misses Montthnn at the Harrison house. They teturned homo yesterday. During their stay here they derived much, interest from a visit to one of the niiues hereabouts. THE SICK LIST. Piogiess of Patients Who Have Been Quite 111. Miss (leuevlove Hirs, of Washington slieet, who was taken with a danger ous utttick of pleurisy about a week ago and whoso condition has since been alarming, Is manifesting a slight im provement. Her condition, however. Is still critical, and it will be several days before It run bo .stld she has passed all diuiKPr. Scott Whipple, of tho local stall of the Metropolitan llfo Insurance com pany, who has been confined to his home for two months with un attack nf rheumatism, is considerably lmproed. deceased. Members of tho church choir rendered appropriate music. From tho house, the deceased was conveyed to Maplewood cemetery, where burial was made. The following acted as pall-be.uers: William Stephens, Ctrl Sehrocder, Morgan Reese, H. K. May, David Edwards and John Mohrs. There were a number of very pretty lloral offerings. They were carried by W. If. Masters and David J. Oir, mem bers or the Knights of Pythias. Michael Coggins Dlsappeais. Michael Coggins, of Powdcrly load, disappeared fiom his homo last Tues day and his whereabouts are unknown. His family nro greutly alarmed over his absence ami fears are entertained by his frlcndi that he may have been a victim of foul play. Searching parties fall to Und his body on the hllsldes or the banks of tho river searched. DIED NATURAL DEATH. Verdict of Coroner's Jury in Cace' of Thomas rox. i After lieui'lug thu testimony of olio witness, MoAndt'ow, the coroner's Jury In the ensu or tho death of Thomas Fox or 1'owdeily stteot, tihidct'od a verdict lust night that the deceased canio to his end by natural causes, superinduced by expostiie, County Detcutlvu Phil lips wits picsent at the hearing and In terrogated tho witness. Tho Jury met In the olllt'o of AldeniiJii Jones, Fox, It will ho recalled was found dead near St, Hosh cemetery under circumstances that called lor an Investigation. It Was the Hendricks Company, In yesteulay's Trlbuue, In naming tho company which purchased tho culm dump at tho Hnrtnn breaker, tho name of tho purchaser was confused, making It icad the Uarbondalo Machine roiii- ll.l nv. It should hnvo vend thn lien. dricl; Manufactuilng company, This concern was the purchaser, tho growing needs of the company making tho pur chase of fuel nu urgent necessity, funeral of Mrs. Cotun. Tho funeral of tho late Mis. William Collin toult place Sunday. Carbondale lodges No. 2C0, Knights of l'ylhius, and Court Lily, No. 350, Forestei-B of Ameri ca, attended the obsequies In a body. At three o'clock, services were con ducted at Mrs, Coinn's late home, on Lincoln avenue, by tho Itov. A, F. Chaffee, pastor of the First MethodUt church, He spoke most tenderly of the 'Our New Minister." A full house greeted the production of "Our New Minister," at the (Irand last night. The scenery wis much bet ter than last year and tho performance was given with more' smoothness, it Wits u much better show than it was last year and It is bound to grow In popularity. .TERM YJSr MAYFIELD. The lueneral of the lato Mrs. J. Vos U'O, who died at her homo on Saturduy morning, took place yesterday after noon. Services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Fuller, pastor or tho Methodist Kpiseopal church nt the home on Fourth street and Interment was made In the Jerniyn cemetery. The pallbear ers weie: Ueoi-go Woodworth, Henry Hangdou, Samuel l.angdou, John Tompkins, Joseph Soby nnd B. C, Mur llu, Tho fair of the Ancient Order of Hibernians which has been In progrets since tho 17th will be brought to n close to.motrow evening, until after the hol idays. Tho fair has been laigely atten ded and has been both Socially and fi nancially successful. J, J. Rocho returned to Buffalo, N, Y Sunday, night. , The funeral ot Harm-, tho ten-months old child of Mr, and Kirs. Mo.urt I.ewjs of Mayllcld took place Sunday after noon. John Pearl and Mis$ Nellie m,4SMee attended the production of "San Toy'1 at the Scranton Lyceum.- Saturday even ing. Mrs. William Powell, or Third street Is seriously III. j ' RIchurd Harvey, 01 West Muyjlold Is conilued to his lionie by Illness ' jraTTiffiiffiifli iV . l . . w -m f l Connolly & Wallace, Scranton's Shopping' Center. Wednesday closes the most satisfactory year in our history to our customers as well as to ourselves. A bargain means one thing at one store, something else at another. It depends on the store's standards. Paying" too little for a thing' is worse than paying too much, for you not only lose what you pay, but get nothing in return. The " best of its kind " means the best your money can buy. We are spending your money and we are ac countable for spending it to the best advantage. Next Frida7- we start to make every day better the new kind of a store never stands still. While we're waiting for more Spring goods, will you take the last of the Winter thine-s at about half price ? I? Look in the Coat Room. b is E M'HI:uI4ms?' g"MHfrHfrMfMHHHMEW4W It isn't the new things nor the things under price which crowd our aisles and passages every day, but the years of fair dealing, which have inspired you and us with confidence in each other. Connolly & Wallace's is the fashion center of this section, not only because it gets the styles first, but be cause it gets them right Every woman is asking now: 4 'What's going to be worn? " Watch this store it is better than any fashion, book ever published. A store that has your confidence doesn't ask you to compare things. It would be like asking you to prove that it tells the truth. Connolly & Wallace OLYPHANT. Kev. Oeoisc Hague tendered his res ignation as pastor of the Susmtehannii Street Ihtptist church at the clotu of tho evening service on Sunday. The resignation will take effect in March, when Mr. Hague Intends lo return 10 Swansea, Wales. During their foiti years' residence In tills jilnee, -Mr. Hague and his wife have made many friends who will 1 egret their depart ure. The attendance nt the fair under the auspices of St. Patrick's congregation in tho Father Mathew hall was very large last evening. The musicals giv en by the pupils of St. Patrick's acud emy was immensely enjoyed. Tonight will be Holy Xanie and Catholic Mu tuai Benevolent association night. Ad mission, 10 cents. The Sunday school scholars of .St. George's mission attended tho Christ mas tree exercises of St. Luke's par ish, In Scranton, last night. Pinal preparations have been niado for tho firemen's ball, New Year's night. Tho different comnUttees have worked hard, and It will probably be ono of the most successful events ot the season. , Tho following ollicer.s weiu elected at a, meeting of the Catholic Young Men's Total Abstinence and llencvolent soci ety: President, John Allen; vice pres ident, P. W. McLaughlin; tluaiicial secretary, Frank Kelly; recording sec retary, M. J. Mcllale; treasurer, James II. Lally; directors, P. F. Dougher nnd Harry Kelly: marshal, William Hen ery; managers, Carbine and Gibbons. Prof, C. M. Hathaway returned lo Hrooklyn yesterday, utter a visit with his purents In Ulakcly. Thomas O'Malley, or Xow York, Is visiting his homo on Dunntoru street. Xavler Uradley, of Wllllnmsport, Is a. guest at tho Muhon house. PECKTILLE. The Slorrlck Creek colliery of the Temple Iron company, was abllged to shut down at an eaily hour yesterday morning on account of the bienklng 11C tho clutch on thn hoisting drum. Tho accident will necessitato several day,1)' Idleness to make, the necessary lepalrs before coal can be hoisted. It Is expected that tho s-toro of Thompson & Keller will bo ilnlslted for occupancy by January 13. The new hntol building of Stone & Hill Is rapidly going up under tho su pervision of the contractors, tho Peck Lumber Mfg. Co. Tho tempoiury building used by Druggist W. S. Illoes, has been pur chased by Mrs, Win. Cudd. Tho Peek Lumber Co,, uro now moving tho struc ture to the Stage property, where It vll be occupied by Mrs. lltidd as a millin er store. Mr. and Mrs. W, Cr, Hobeitsou left yesteiday to spend a few days at St. Louis, T. V, Powderly, Jr of Cnrbuiulule, was a visitor in town yesterday, Mr. I-). W, Squire, the East Side hard ware merchant, Is still conilued to his bed by Illness. TAYLOK. Today ut high noon will occur Hut marriage of Miss Hei-tha ICeese and Prof. William Evans, superintendent of schools ut nioomsburg. Tho event will take rdnco at tho bride's homo nil Cjrovo street. They will leuvo Imme diately after the ceremony on an ex tended wedding tour. Hev. Thomas W. Hvnns, u former townsman, but now of Pat ton, Pa., oc cupied tho pulpit at the Welsh Hap tlst church on Sunday evening, and delivered a powerful senium In tho English language. appy New Year We desire to extend a New Years Greeting to our housand of friends and customers all over America. We sincerely trust that the New Year will bring to each of you increased prosperity, and , en abundance of good health. New Years is cleaning up time with us, and, we are cut ting prices very deep in order to reduce stock. We are quoting special prices on Ladies' and Misses Suits, Jackets, Furs, Silk Waists and Monte Carlo Coats. Bargains include Men's and Boys' Winter Suits and Over coats. Small Weekly Payments. i i V. wipLES Credit tm CLOTHING fQ- 317 Lackawanna Avenue, Si;coM FLOOR. OPEN EVENINGS. vaammmmmmemmmwmmmmmm g u& I Ttmple or I.ovo lodge, No, 7, Ametl c.m True Ivorltus, elected the follow ing iiillcors for tho ensuing term, on fciaturilay evening: President, Iteeso Lewis; vlco president, W. T. Evans; recording seerotaiy, Thomas at. Pnvis; dnanolal secretary, Jacob .1. Jones; treasurer, David Jtossur: stowort, D, A. Thomas; condtiulor, John It. Davis; Insido sentinel, John Push; outside sentinel. Henry 1'. Jones; trustee, David T. Harris. Tho funeral of thn J.ito John Hut-key, sr will tako plaeo this afternoon from tho homo of Mr, and .Mrs. Casper Tan ner, of AVnslilngion street. Services will be conducted at tho German Evan gelicul church. Itev. Mr. Keif, of ArchlMld, will oillclato. Interment In tho forest Homo cemetery. Taylor Hoso company, No, 1, Is mak ing gtfat preparations for tho nnnunl ball tn bo held at Welssenlluh's au ditorium on New Year's night. Tim Taylor Union orchestra has been en gaged to furnish inuslo for tho occa sion. (Ireat Interest Is being taken ta tho swecpstaka shooting match to be held at Vino's hotel on New Ye.u's day, commencing ut a v. m. Miss Sarah Peters, of Nantlcoke, Is a. guest -at tho home of Mr, und Mrs. E. T. Jenkins, of ltallroad street, Miss Cora Davenport, of Newton, N. J.,' Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Daven port, of South Main street, Oeoige Harper will move his family from Taylor tieet to his new double dwelling on Athertou street. Miss Carrie Ellis, or Huzletou, Is the guest of Miss Surah Samuels, of Main street. Mrs. Harriet Junes, of North Taylor, will leave on Thursday to visit hen children ut tho orphans' school of Odd" Fellows lit Sunbury. daiTlw. The young people of the Buptlft church will hold a New Year's social on Wednesday ovenlug In the parson age. An entertaining programme Is be ing arranged nnd stewed nnd raw oys ters will bo sold. The monthly covenant meeting of thn Baptist church will be held on Satur day evening anil all members are re quested to be present, as this Is the llrst meeting of the now year, A business meeting of the Young Men's club was held on Monday even ing In thu rooms. Itev. Put-kiss, who was sevetely burned on Tuesday night of last weelc In the Slx-Prlnclplo Huptlst church, la gradually Improving. Miss Mabel Purdy has accepted rt position as teacher In tho mathemati cal department of tho International Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, Miss Cora Knight is visiting lit Wllkes-Uarre, und Miss Grace Votl Storeh Is spending a few days with le-. latlves In West Plttstun. The publlo schools of thlsplace will open 011 Monday next, after the holi days' vacation. Thu merchants of our town are pre seating to their patrons some verjf pietty calendars. CHINCHILLA. The M. u. church will hold an oyster; supper at tho homo of J. O. Halley, ut Chinchilla on New Year's eve. All atq cordially Invited to attend! .