i 4-,vf,i,Vi,f 1 W JffA'1J'lvP I"-! , piswm , JV ?ftj i-jit V f t r . . , cmnton THE onlIxranton paper receiving the complete news service of the associated press, the greatest news agency in the world. TWO CENTS. 1 SORANTON, PA., MONDAY MOJKJVJNG, DECEMBER 29, 1902. TWO CENTS. -' -i nftnw1- VBV $ J"BP" w ' - -- "khaibhit - -Tivr nur m m COLLISION Shocking Accident In Which Tvventu- EiQlit Persons Lost Their Lives. SERIOUS CONDITION OP THE INJURED It Is Expected, However, at the Vic toria Hospital That All Will He-cover- The Body of Plicman Rick etts Found Covered with Snow in, a Ditch Testimony as to the Cause of the Catastrophe Ptomises to Be Conflicting. By llvthnhc Who fiom The Associitcd l'lii. London, Ont., Dec, 2S. There wore no deaths today unions thu persons injured In Friday night's collision at Wanstoad, on the Samla blanch of the Gland Tiunk railroad, between tlie west-bound Pacific cxpipss and an east-bound freight, in which twenty-eight persons lost tliclr live!.. Tonight the Associated Press was infotmed at Victoiia hospital ih it while seveinl of the Injuied are Ptlll in a, pcriou.i condition, it is expect ed nil will lecover. The body ot Fil email Ilicketts. of the cvpifss train, which was last night bo llf'Md to lie bulled under Hie wiccked engines, was found today toveud with mow in a ditch beside the ttaik. One firm was completely toin oft and the body was otherwise mangled. Death must lime been instantaneous It Is believed that the body was thrown c liar of the engine and into the deep -now in the ditili, wlieic in the storm and darkiipss the wrtrkeis, failed to liml it Ptldny nlglit. Snow foil rapidly all tlrit night, so that Rickotl's body was roveied and was not found. One ot the mm working at the wierU found the body under the snow. Tonight tilde is but one unidentified body at the nioigue here, that of a woman who was ticketed from Toionto to Duluth. The mini's body wlnob was found last night was this atteiiiomi identified ns George D. Southern, uf Lockporl, .. Y. Andrew Carson, the opotator at Wat- mru, ine tirsc siatton ease oi me wicok, i uho.-e failure to dnliver ordfis to Con-i iltn tor McAuliffp, of the Pacific. epres, to pn.t) the fi eight at Wanstcad, and is said by th" Gland Tiunk ollielah, to have, caused the wreck, this altrinoon made to the Associated Pi ess his fhst statement sine the wreck. He says ho lecelved the ordu for Xo. r, the ex press, to pass the Height at AVnnstead at IMS o'clock, but declares positively that a few minutes later Dispatcher J. G. Keir, at London, called him and ordered him to "bust" or cancel the order, lie said: Directed to "Bust" the Older. "About 9,13, after calling Wjomlng and ascertaining that the fielght was tlieie, the dispatcher called inc. lapldly a half dos.en times. AN hen I answeied he told ine to 'bust' tins older. I wiote 'bust it' atioss the order just as Xo. fi was coining in. Conductor MeAuIifte came in and asked me what the order board was out against him for. I told lihu that we hud had an older for him, bill tin- dispatcher bad buhted' it. Ho asked mo to huiry and write him a clearance ouler, which i did. After the train had started and was out of my ip.-ich, tho dispatcher learned that the freight bad leu Wyoming. 1 told him 1 could not stup No u as it had left. Die hiimcdintf ly began calling Kings Court Junction, the station between Wattoid and Wausteud, on the lail loail wire, and I tries to laise them on a commoieial who. We both failed to do tills, however, until after the cx piess had passed the junction." Citson admitted that he knew it was against the rules ot the company to cancel a tiuin order without sending a substitute for it, but said that thu dispatcher was his supetior ollleer, and lie disliked (o question bis order or dis pute his authority to take this action. Dispatcher Keir's aider book in tho local Grand Trunk uillie does not show that thu older was "bunted" or can icllcd, uy Carson claims. Aceoidlug to the book It was still in force and should have been deilued to the con ductor of thi' express. Keir bus not Hindu aii statement even to tho jail road olileuilf, and will not until he tnkta the stand at thu inquest. Division Hupctliitindeiit George G. Jones, ot Tinniito, pjjsi mat tin, uilu agulntt cancelling in- "busting" train ordois is (he sti Iciest In thu company's code, "I do not believe," hu said, "that it has been violated since thu dispatch ing rules went into effect. Dhputciier Keir Is ono oi the best and most oflle lont dispatchers In our service. He Is thu opciator who accompanied the train beni Ins tho Duko und Duciuss of York on tpo i oval tour of Canada a year ago, J have every conilileneo in him." Other Grand Trunk olllclnls who weie piesent also expi eased their conilileneo in Keir. Coroner Dr. Harvey, of Lamb ton county, will begin the Iwjuest at "Wyoming tomoriow. A Pathetic Featmo, On of the most pathetic fcatutes ot (lie wieck Is the triple loss sustained by tho Bodluy tamlly, of Poi t Huron, in the dtath of Mrs. J. Uodley, her son, Clem Bodley, and granddaughter, little Lottie Lynch, who died ut the Victoiia hospital. The bodies of nineteen of tlio victims have been shipped to their sor l owing fi lends at hoin.). Tho tiunk of the s yet unldeutliled woinnii was lo l.Ued by the Grand Tiunk officials to day ahd unved here late tonight. It will be seat tiled n endeavor to find something with which to identity the woman. Tho possibility of pneumonia develop Ij'B among the Injmed, as a usult ot ON TEf GRAND MM their exposiiie wiille pinned In the wreck, is fun ted by tlio surgeons. To night seveial of tlium show some symp toms of the disease. sixty lives Tost in melacoa straits News of Disaster Bi ought by tho Steamer Tartar Senleis Ha v. a Profitable ason. By rjuliithc lie freni 1 tic Asi,ccl iteil I'lts. Victoria, 13. C., Dec. i'i. News was brought by the steainer Tartar, which arrived today, of u disaster In the Mela coa straits, as a result of which sixty lives weie lost. The Toklo Ashi pub lishes a telegiam fiom Hong Kong stating that the steamer Hunsiing was in collision with the steamer Klimgynn in the Jlelacoa straits and the Kiang yan was sunk, sixty sallms and passen geis being missing. Dispatches fiom Hakodate report that an outbreak of flic oecuned on board the Iwanal Steamship company's steamer Hokuun llaiu, off the coast of Su Tsu on December 3, and the vessel was sunk, eighteen of the crew losing their lives. The Japanese sruleis had a profit able season, although four essels of the ileet of nineteen were lost, three of them, it is believed, with all on board, although thrio were inmors that the men of one, the Tanya JIaru, have been seized by tho IlusHians', The total catcli of schooneis flying the Japanese flag amounts to 12.0J1 skins. THE CAR COASTED A THOUSAND PEET Trolley Accident During tho Golden Jubilco Celebration of Passionist Fathois in Pittsburg. fi; l.Uu'Ir Wire fiom Nip .bsocutcd l'ri--. Pittsbuig, Dec. 2S. The Golden jubi lee of the Passionist Fathers in the I'niled States Is being celebrated in the nionastiy of St. Paul of the Cross. Thu hist session was opened this morn ing at lOtfO with a m ileum blessing of a ni.u hie Calvary group over the altar and a solemn pontifical mass. Tho blessing of the Calvary gtoup was con ducted with ninth icllgloiih pomp by Ills Imminence James, Cardinal Gibbons, of lialtimoic, assisted by Itev. Father Joseph Huehr, with Kov. William Klt tel and ltev. II. J. Goebel, as deacons of honor. The great ciuwds attending the ju bilee celcbiatioii taxed the capacity of the street cais to and fiom the monas tery, but only one accident ot conse quence tesulled. Xlne passengeis In a. lunnvvny Southcin Ti action car weie badly hurt, but nono seilously. Two newspaper men, John M. Eagan, of the Tiuis, and J. It. Johnson, of the Post, suffered tlio severest injmies. Uagan had two libs broken and was cut and bruised all over the body: Johnson's head, hands and legs weie cut and torn. The accident oecuned immediately after the afternoon set vices. The cat was crowded and when tho long bill was l cached, the brakes were Inef fective because the Kills had been cov ered with snow by boys who were coasting. The car began to slide and had gained a wonderful speed when a wheel bioke, tliiovvlng it against an electiics light pole. The ear was com pletely wrecked and the passengers jiinimmcd Into a confused mass. To add to the passengers' distress, the Are in tho stove communicated to the wreck ago. Fortunately other cars came along at this moment and it was only a short time botoiu the the had been extinguished and thu passengers re lieved. It was found that the car had coasted ono thousand loot bofote the wheel broke. Mine Workers Will Demand Increase. Ib Evilusbe Who from Tlio A&oclatcd J'io. SprhiBllelil, III,, Dee. 2S.-W. D. Ryan, seciotary-treasurcr of tlio United Mlnu Woikcia c.f Illinois, in a statement todav sujh that the mines of tlio United States will make a demand for a uiateiial In eteaso In vwigen at tho national conven tion at Inrtliinnpolli on January ID. DEATHS OF A DAY. Il i:ilubc Wlro from 'Ihc AsuoiLitiil l'na. London, Dec, 2s. Tho Itight ltev. John Wogiiu Pasting, bishop of .St. Albans, is dead, , Los Anuules, C.il , Dec. 2S .Mi, Jesslo Kenton Fiemunt, widow of General Pro mont, died lust night at her homo hi this city, was " years of ago. Mrs. Piumont was taken 111 on ClulstmiiH moining. For Hat past llneo juus tho aged widow nt' thw "Pathllnder" hud he-tin extteinoly fuo blo as a tcKiilt of a fall la whicii sho mif fcied a dislocation of tho hip which had slnco piovoiited her tunn wulltlng. Mrs Pieniout wan tho daughter of Thomas A, Ililiton, tor thbty yenis a United States tonator. Detiolt, Midi., Pee-, 2S.-SII.is Paimer, author and publisher of a two volume blstoiy of Michigan nnd a lccogulzcd uu thoilty on tho htstoiy or tho nmtlieast, died huddenly today at 1ih icslilcneo In this ilty. Mr, Parmer, who was ttf yea id of ago, was a fellow of tho Ameilcan Gtfogiaphlcal aoclcty and was well known as a lectin er. Mlsliawak, lud., Dec. 2S. Veiy He v. Au gust II. Oechterlng, rector of too Cath oliu church for forty yours und donn of thu Filth Indiana dish lot, died today af ter an Illness of two months, aged 03 jenis. Ho inherited wealth tioni tils pa i ems' crftato in Germany, but devoted ull to his pailuhlouets, liilladcl)lila, Dec, 2S.-Georgo Itussell, probably tho olilost lumber merchant In the United States, died today at his coun try homo In Mcrchuntvillo, X, J,, at tho ago of Dj years, For suveuty je.us ho had been actively cnguged la tho lumber business hero and was lluanclully into est rd in bulldliur thu tlmt steam saw mill In potinijviv a . SCIENTISTS TO MEET. Annual Convention of American As sociation Begins Today. By Kxcludvc Who frumllic Atmlilel l'u. AVashlngton, Vol'. 2S. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Kcneial council of the Atncileau association for the Advancement of Science llnal tu rnngeiuunts wero made for tho lltty second annual session which begins to mortovv and continues through the week. The local member- of the asso ciation will give n luiichton to the vis iting members on Monday at the Ar lington hotel. Kilduy evening the sci entists wjll attend ti leteptlon at the Corcoran Ait gullet y, and on Hatuidiiy morning tin menibets will bo lecelved by I'lCsIdent Itoosevelt. In addition to the tegular pi ogi amnio on Kiidny af ternoon John Hays llnmniniid will de liver an addtess on "King Soloinon'.s Mines-." Professor It a Itimsen. of llnltiinoie, piesldunt-elocL of the association, will pipslde over the meetings, which will bilng together a huge gathering of tlio most noted scientific men of the coun try. Thu progi amine coves a a wide range ot topics. JOURNEY oFtHE HUMBERT FAMILY Eager Crowds Gather at the Stations And Try to Got a Glimpse of The Piisoners. Uy i:clujiic Wile from llic Assoiiitcd l'icis. Paris, Dee. 28. The train bringing to Paris the members of the Humbei t family, who were anested In Madild, was due to arrive at -1:52 o'clock to morrow morning, but ow ing to an ac cident to a brake. It was two bonis bite at the Spanish frontier, thereby missing connection with the Paris expiesss at Bordeaux. In their anxiety to avoid the assem bling of itowds and demoiistiatlons up on the arrival of th Humberts, tlio authorities here refuse to sav at what station the pilsoneis will leave thu train. The preeautions probably will be defeated by the delay In atrhing, as it now seems probable that the ti.iln will reach Paris in broad daylight, bl stead, a.s inlendid in the d.nkne. of cany moining. it is possinic mac too prisoners will bo taken liont the train ut some station outside the city a id thence conveyed secret y to prison. Cells weie at the Conciergotie have been pie- pared for their reception. .. . ., . At Pandayl, on the Spanish fiontler, the car containing the piisoneis was de tached from the Madrid train outsido ' the station on the Spanish side of the frontier and the Humberts were hut-, rieil-into a French car. held in teiidl-' ness and handed over to 1'icnch oillc-i tals. After this had been done tho i Spanish police retiied. The change of rnt.s was accomplished so lapldly that thu vtaitlng crowds barely caught a glimpse of the party, but it greeted the prisoners! with ironical cheeis and hoot ing.". This gi entry enraged Mine Humbert. After the car had been attached to conveyed to Senor Beiald President the Fieuch train the journey was eon- ltooscvolfj refusal to act as arbitiator tinued. laugp nowd.s gatlteied at all j tho Venezuelan difficulty. He recom the stations along the line and waited mended that the matter be taken to tho in the hope of seeing the Humberts. ' international peace court at The Hague, They were disappointed, however, as , which had been exmesslv organized' to the blinds of the car weie kept closely draw it DEATH IN A SNOW SLIDE. Bunkhouse and Its Occupants Swept Down a Mountain Side Nine Killed and Sevcial Injured. Hy l'.cluslo Wire bum Iho Associ itcil 1'rot.i. Nelson, B. C, Dec. 2S. A snowslide attack tlio bunkhouse of the Mollio Gibson mine, ten miles lroni Lake Koo tenai, Christmas night, razing the building. It is believed to have killed nine men and injured seveial otheis. 'Che men tuirl ?tlrirl ntM.e ltrarllnf fin Itnpiomptu conceit. The snowslide came down, crushing in tlio roof anil.1",,' "",' ., '"" """ svvee aping the wieckage and thu men I down tho mountainside, strewing them from SOO feet to half u, mllo fiom the site of the cabin. One man won found in the snow, suffeiing terribly. He died a few moments later. Eight men are unaccounted for. They are L. Bioulee, M. Hull, Assayer Nel son; W. G. Murphy, Alnsworth; T. House, Sllveiton; W. Collins, Nelson; two unknown Itullaus and George Chip, Chinese cook. Of the men accounted lor. J. Cnnm. bell is dead; J, M. McLaughlin, John A. Bell, and a man named McGlnuld are seilously Injuted. The mine is tho second highest in the Kootenai legion, being well above thu timber Hue. NOT GOING TO MANILA. Unnecessary for Officers Here to At tend the Glenn Comt Maitial. Hy r.viluiho Wire trom The AtaoiiaUd 1'iCw. Washington, Dec, 2S, Secretary Hoot bus decided that It was linpractlcablu tor Gunetal Chalice, General Smith and other officers to go to Manila lo testify botoro the aieun comt mnitlul, as tho purposes of tho investigation can bo fully served, so far as tho testimony of the officers named Is concerned, by fcu. curing tholr depositions, TIRE IN A RUSSIAN; MINE. It Is Penied That Many Men Have Perished Undergiouud. By Uiuhe Wire fiom Tlie Associated free. St. Petejsbutg, Dee. 28. A (lie- has occurred In ti coal niluu at lJac)unut, Ekutorlnoiilav province. A liundreil miners were undergiouud when tho tlio stuited. Twenty of these havo been lescued. but It Is fc.ued that the others have succumbed. Suicide of Hariy Jackson. Uy LUushu Wire from Tlio AuoiUtid I'ret.. VoiiiigHlown, O., Deo. 2S.-Hair.v .lack- sou, foi email of the ctblo dvputtmeiit or mo jicpuuuo Jton and Steel compuny, commuted suicide, by dilnkliur cuibollu aciu m mo uctei .vtajoatlc today, He was an CNpert olectilcian und formerly lived III 1'hlIndl'llllll.L. .lni'llurm 1HI.',I .,,, lll. mato friendl n a low on Clulstmas chiy limi doclnied bo "would soon follow him." VENEZUELAN INSURGENTS ARE ACTIVE The Rebels Have Resumed no&till- ties noalnst President Gastro. LIVELY ENGAGEMENT OCCURS AT CANYARAS Confeieuce at Caracas United States Minister Bowen and Lopez Borald, Venezuelan Minister, Dis cuss the Situation Senor Beiald Deshes That Mr. Bowen Shall Rep resent Venezuela on the Commis sion to Be Organized nt Washing ton Venezuela's Promises. Bj. hxclutlve Wire from The AsbOtialeJ l'ri. Wlllenistad, Curacoa, Dec. 2S. The A'enezuehin iusut gents have tcsuined active hostilities against Ptesident Cas tio. There oecuned yesterday morn ing a lively engagement between 1.200 i i evolutionists under Geneial Riera and government forces nt Cauyarao, in the vicinity of Coio. Details of the engagement aie lack ing, but it is known here that the rev olutionists had artillery. The govern- ment foices. weie commanded by Gen eial Itefuivno Castillo. General Kicra retained his position. Tho annistiic between the govern ment and the revolutionists has just ex pi ted. Washington, Dec. 2S. The Venezue lan government is now In possession of Uu, conlpletL. nolos of Great Britain ind Germany containing the vailous reservations made by thoso govern .. i,,.,-,,,,. thf fi,.f.isnn ,,,, ,, ached that the Issues bctweeue Veneztlcl'i and i lir. llll ntioitll fnvurnllipnlsi linvlnc Ualma ngulnst ,,,. vhouM be ,ettn.ed (() T,)0 u tribunal for arbitration, . ,., t-,,,,,,,, ot,u ,,,.,,, ., ., n J "- w..... i. .,,.. .... ...in u. .. .... .... intermedial y in the steps leading up to the acceptance of arbltiation now turns over to the Venezuelan government the lornial woik of completing the basis for a full healing befote The Hague. Tho notes were transmitted to the Ven ezuelan government through United Status Minister Bowen at Caracas. Theic wete no now fcututea today. Conference at Caracas. C.iiacas. Dec. 2S I'nited States Min ister Bowen and Lopez Herald, Vene zuelan minister ot" foielgn affairs, held a long confeieuce last night. Mr. Bowen, obeying Instiuctions from Washington, consider questions in which the honor of a country or tho disposition of teni tory weie not concerned. He suggested the organisation of a commission to sit in Washington, the allied povveis to bo leptesenteel on this commission by their ambassadors to the United States, and Venezuela by a delegate. Tire commis sion is to sign a document setting forth the matters to be decided at The Hague court. Mr. Bowen said also that Ger many would not press for an immedi ate payment and that she had agreed to accept a guarantea based on u per centage of the customs receipts. As a result of this confeience Senor Baralt telegraphed President Castro to return fiom La Victoria. The piesldent will reach here tomoitow and Vene- 5SUl'la-'s ,u,nfvor, to tUo fo,eBol"K I"-0 nm tl mill .i crlivm thnn ur"IOUBn,u e Venezuelan eie egaie to the commission the Venezuelan gov ernment will ask that the blockade be lifted at once. Senor Baralt has ex ptessod the deslte that Mr. Bowen rep resent Venezuela on the commission, jf Mr. Bowen cannot accept the post, It Is suggested In official ohcles that It bo given to W. W. Itussell, seeietury to thel American legation. Senor Baialt has ptepaicd tlio fol lowing statement for tlie Associated Press: "Venezuela iiBiees to pay all her debts, the pUynientb to be guaranteed by a ceitaln peicentago of the customs receipts or by the flotation of a special loan; also to be guutanlccd. I believe tho proposal to submit tho Ismios to Tho Hague will be acceptablo to Piesl dent Castio, I inn sony that Presi dent Hoosttvelt was unable to act as aibitialor." DEWEY AT PONCE. The City Is Decorated in Honor of the Admiral's Arrival. Ity 1'xi bubo fie tioni '1 lie AMUclaled IVm, Police, Poito Klco, Dec, 2i!. Adtnllill Downy at lived bete tstetdny evening oveilniid trom San Juan and received an ovation, lie wus warmly mooted by n committee of nattve ninelals and citi zens, and was escnitul by them fiom Juana Diaz to, Ponce. The city wus decorated In honor of the ndmlrnrs arilval, which was fol-, lowed by a pi occasion, with bands of music, thiough the streets. Later tho adinltal boaidcd the United Htutes bteamer Mayflower, which vvas waiting for him, and sailed tor diluent. Mr, Biyuu in Mexico. Uy lAcliiiivu M Ire trom 1 ho Awoolutcd Pn.. Mexico City, Dee. 2! Wllllum Jemilii,;s Ilouu and his tuinlly have left hcie cm an extended tlip to the tinnicni p.iit of thu stato of Veia Ciuz. Mi, liijuu je& tuiday afteiiiiiou bad uu Intetvlow with Senor I.lmuutoui, minister of ihmucc. Eaithquake in Russia. U. l..cluHc Wltu irum'Jho As.-cci.ilel 1'hvi. St. Petersburg, Dec. 2$. Alt enrthquako shod: which lusted twenty-three secoudt was felt today at lileslc, in the govern ment Of Tl'Mfck. I "SUICIDE WAS DOXLIE ALLEN. The Dead Actress Identified as a Former Resident of Rochester. Uy I'vihuha Who from Hie Amh1 ital lii'(. Philadelphia. Dec. 2S. Dollle Kuvle, the aetress. who last night committed siileldu In her di easing uioni at u bur lesque theatic, was to-day identilled an Dollle Allen, daughter of Mrs. T. J. Allen, of Uoclnster, X. Y, Tin- Identl ilcatloii was made by Mis, F. Meyeis, of this city, who said she had known tin- nctiess since childhood. Airs. Mey ers, stated also that Mis. Allen was mai tied to a Mr. Bowsinlth, a Xew Yoik buslnesa man. Her giatidfa titer was John Talllnger, who, according to Mis. Meycts, was a wealthy men chant of Itochetitcr, and who, at his death, left his business to T. J. Allen, the gill's father. Dollle TJnrle, as she was known on the stage, lormeiiy sang with some of the lead ing comic opera companies, but about tight ye.u s ago her voice failed and site appealed with vatious biiilcsiiic com panies. The coioner his not yet heard fiom uny of her lelatlves. GENERAL MILES AND THE EMPRESS Flattering Speeches Exchanged at Pekin Audiences The Emperor Cynical. By Inclusive Vire JroiuTlie Aaocialcj 1'rois. Pekin, Dec. 28. Tho dowager empress and Lieutenant Geneial Miles ex changed flattering speeches at yester day's audience, tho dowager assuiltig the geneial that the. "success of the Amcilcnn army was assured under a commander so celebrated." The em peror never spoke, but listened with a cynical smile. OfMcials In re dlsciodlt the leports that General Tiiug-Fu-Slrnig and Prince Twin aie moving on Siar-Fu with tioops. The missionaries, however, aie said to be retiring from that legion. The ladles ot the American legation and Lieutenant Geneial Miles and his patty weie entertained at luncheon to day by tlio dowager empress and the empeior. United Stales Minister Con ger also gave :i diplomatic: dinner In honor of the general. Tomorrow the minister will entertain at dinner a number of Chinese officials to meet Genet iil Allies. Victoria, B. C. Dec. 2S. The lecrud osceneo of tho tebellion in Kwang-Sl is causing a lamentable state- of affairs in that litovintp, aceoidlug to mail ad vices iccptved from China. Lung Chou, a prominent walled city of Kwang-sil, was being besieged by the lebels when the last advices vyeie dispatched. Xm Xing, on the West liver, was surround ed by rebels-w ho sent-messengers to the governor railing on libit to fight them. These rebels looted ft steamer .rnt to Xan-Xing with piovislons and money for the governor of that city. Another troublesome movement Is ic ported fiom Nan-King, wheie Boxeis arc said to be openly proselyting the men of north Kiang-Su. TRANSPORT SHERIDAN STRIKES A ROCK A Seveie Shock Received and Her Plates Aie Badly Damaged. No Disorder on Board. By Inclusive iro from 1 lie Atoci ilcJ Pre-. Manila, Dee. 2S, The United States transport Sherman struck a. lock near San IJeinardino Light, south of Luzon, Piiduy night. The tiansport sustained a soveiu sliock and some of her plates wero damaged. After the accident 2J Inches of water weie found in her tot ward bilges, but vvns controlled by steady pumiilng. The steamer proceed ed for Manila under her own steam and arrived here today. When the Sherman struck, the pas sengeis on bo.ud were tordfled, but there was no disorder. They promptly took their stations, with life pieserveis on, in the small boats. The otlieeis of the Slieuunn handled the situation splendidly. Her cargo was not dam aged. It probably will be neccssaty for her to dock at Hung Kong. REDSTONE MINE DISASTER. Four Bodies Recoveied from the Mine Yesterday. B HvJudva Ire from Tlie Ao-ociatod 1'iees. Fayette City, Pa Dec. 2S, Four bodies havo been recoveied fiom tho Llttlu Redstone mine, two miles above lieto, wheto the explosion oecuned last night. There may yet be another vic tim beneath tho pile of debris, in one of thu entries, The dead recoveied ine; Joseph Kohol, a Slav, aged 43; leaves a family hi the old couuti v. Albeit Kohel, aged lh years, a son of Joseph Kohol; unmaiticd, chiules Ktook, nn Italian, aged !I3; leaves a taiiuiy in tint old country. Flunk Montuke, an Italian, aged 2J; uuitiaiiled. Tho dead tun victims of their own i auiessness, 'it Is claimed by tlio mlno otlltlah-, Iwcau'-o they dcilbei.itely passed a danger signal while cat rj lug naked 1 imps. Chapelle nt San Juan, U) lUiiie Iro I rt in The AumUtctl I'riN.. Sail Juan, Poito Hlco, Dec. 2S. Alcii Jblshop Chapelle, apostolUi dolegiuo tu Cuba and Poito Ttico, artlved Jielo tills aitcinoon and the people of the city tuincd out In iJtgu' nunibois to tecdvo hlm. 'llio water fiunt vwih crowded tor hours buoro tho aiihblchop illseuibiukcd. A large piousslou e.-corted tlio pi elate to tho utheduil, wlioio seivlees weto held. An Appointment for Ceiveta, By txclujbt Wire from 1 be AjsocUtcd I'reu. Madild, Dec. 2S. Tho appointment ot Vlco Adtuhul Cutvcia, who put rendu ed to tljo Ameilcan tUot off Santiago, Cuba, to tho post of chlii of stiur of tlio nuvy, has been pulillslad In tho oiilclnl Hiuolto, Eaithquake in Sicily. 1U Kuluihe W'iic trom'liic AfjotUUtl pie. Home, Doc. 2s -A sovoio (aithiiiuike shock wan cxpei lent od at Hrucuse, Sicily, this evening. H was pieeodvil bj sub. IMiaiiiun liiinbliiiK! ARMY NOMINATIONS HAVE BEEN HELD UP BOXER. BISINGS CONTINUE. Another Attack Made on Ching Tu In November Captives Tortured, fly rivclusht! Wlte from llic Ajfochtod I'rt!. Victoria, B. C Dec. 2S. According lo a despatch lecelved by the Steamer Tartar, the Boxer tlslngs in Sze Chuiin continue and another attack was made on Citing Tu In November. While some of the tebels battered the gates, another body surprised thu outer foit tess, but the soldiers fought desppiate ly nnd ultimately defeated tho Bueis, killing many and capturing some. Had the fort been captured by the Boers, tho cllv would have been at thu meiey of the Invadets. The captives were tortutcd and ttom hifotmntlnn obtained several citizens were ui rested, chatged with being in league with the tebels. All weie be headed. Befote tlio execution, a mes senger tu rived fiom the Boxers de manding the lclease of the prisoners. The messenger was hanged in a cage. MINERS STILL IDLE. Five Thousand In Pottsvillo Have Had No Work Since Strike. IJ. Km luni Wire from The Associated Press. Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 28. At a meet ing to-day of tho "locals" of the United Mine Workers of America, it was de cided to lay before the strike commis sion when that body leconvenes In Philadelphia, the condition ot tho idle miners In this vicinity. In the Ninth district, tlictc aie 5,000 mine workers who have not secured employment since the strike was de clined off. VIOLENT DEATHS IN GREATER NEW YORK Eight Persons Expire from IIii- nttural Causes Three Clear Cases of Suicide. Uy KxelusHo Airc from The Associated 1'riM. Xew Yoik, Dec. 2S. Eight persons met violent deaths in Gi eater New Yoik todaj. Thiee were clear cases ot suicide and tho others icsiilted from a variety of causes. Mrs. Mniy Clarke, aged 43, wife ot tho chief officer of the steamer Beverly, died fiom the result of gas poisoning, self-adnilnlstercd. George Simon, aged 11, and Jacob Schwartz, 33 years old, died after drink ing carbolic acid. Alary Steek, aged 2. of Whltsouvllle, Mass , was found dead in a hotel. Es caping gas is given us the causp. An unidentified man was found in iter room unconscious. Mtity Series, aged S3, drank wood alcohol and died In a hospital. Henry liunkey, aged 27, was found on the sidewalk with a fractured skull and died later. Two men aie dead as the result of falls, one in the pow-or house of a street tailway company, and the other in a lodging house. An S-yenr-old ghl unsuccessfully at tempted suicide by swallowing embolic acid, and a woman, 3J yeats old, hanged bet self In a police station, but wus cut down In time to save her life. CALEB POWERS AGAIN APPEALS FOR AID Asks Ft iends Outside of Kentucky to Furnish Funds to Conduct His Thud Tiial. Gcuigciown, K.. Dec. 2S. K.-Scci e taty of State Caleb Powers', who has bad two tt litis and now awaits in jail heto his third tilal for complicity in tho minder of the late Governor Wil liam Goebel, to-day Issued thu follow ing appeal to tho public: "I havo recently wtitten a number of letter tn dllYeient states, asking for financial aid In my coming tilal tor al leged complicity in tlie Goebel minder. A poitlnn of the piess has, thiough a misunderstanding of the facts, attempt ed to thwart my plan lor inlslug thu much needed money with which to de feud myelf, by cheitlutlng a loport that these lettetH wito not genuine; hi -cause signed by dllfeient petsins tor me. It is tttto that many of the let teis weto signed by dllVcteut persons bccatib? It was Impossible for ono per son to send them out In the limited time beforti my next tilal, but all of these lottei.s aie genuine, I have been lonthiuously in the Jails .of this stato for nearly thioo jeais. My means uru I'VhaustPd. The geiieiosity nl Kentucky litis lieui tuseil to thu utmost lu my fonnor so-called tilals. In a tew weeks I am again to bo tiled for my life, Iipiiui my appeal now to my fii uds uutslde of Keiitnukv." PELEE IN VIOLENT ERUPTION, Clouds of Smoke and Dust Pouting Out of the Cinter. 1) i:ilu.Uc U fro from 'I ho AAOiiairi lien-,, St. Thonvis, Danish AVcst Indies, Die ' 2S. -The cable ship Xowlngton, whb h aiilved at St, Ltiula, Ihltish West In dies, esti'tday, tepotted having passed Mont Pelee, Island of Mui Unique, at 10.30 u the morning. The volcano was then in violent uiuptlou. Dense clouds of gray smoke and duit weie punting out of the crater and as cending tu an euotmous height. Other advices say that the cone vvas lumin ous dm lug the night. Vnnderbllfc Improving:, Uy Uxcluslie Hire from The Associated Veen. Now York-, Dec. 23. Cornelius Vander bllt continues to Improve. Ills teinpcia tllio is slowlv dronninu' totrwid norninl. I The attending physicians uiu well satis lp(l with his progross. An Investigation of All Commissions Below the Grade of Malor Will Be Made. INJUSTICE DONE IN MATTER OF SELECTION Complaint Is Made That Officers Who Have Seived a Long Time Are Placed Below Those Recently Ap pointed Others Selected Walt Many Mouths Before Accepting Commissions The Resignations of Seventeen. Second Lieutenants of Artillery Are Secured. By Uxulu-fve Irn frcm The As-ocUted Pre. Washington, Dpc. 28. The scnatd committee on military affairs held up, pending an. Investigation, all army nomlnationsehtiin' p'eibrpl the recess, below the grade of major. The mem bers of tho committee have tece'lvcd numerous complaints about the meth od of selection of ofUctra under the re organization law. It is claimed great injustice has been don officers who have served' quite a. Ion time. Com plaint has been' mad that men w ern selected from those) Who formeily served as volunteers to fill original va cancies and that they became captains as soon as they wero appointed. Oth eis appointed, It la claimed, waited from four to seven months before ac ceptance of their ' commissions, which date from tho tlmeUke appointment was made, their rank belngr determined by the date of their commissions. This gives them many numbers above West Point graduates, and others appointed trom the volunteeis and who at once entered the service and did much hard work, when the men who delayed ac ceptance wero enjoying ..themselves or attending to business interests. Another allegation made Is that quite a larsc number or men appointed under the re-organization plan immediately became captains of artillery and were placed in charge of guns and machln-eiT,-of'Vvhlch-they-ha'd.iijo.Jiojuledsc-To obviate this difficulty to some ex tent, the settetary or war, with the ap proval of the committee on military affairs seemed the resignation of spv cntcpn second lieutenants of artillery. who thereupon were named to All orig inal vacancies as llrst lieutenants in J other branches ot the service and In some instances very soon were made captain". It is expected that the sub-committee, which Is investigating the mntter of re cent promotions will be lendy to re pot t about the time congress lecon venes. MOORISH REBELS VICTORIOUS. Tho Imperial Forces Abandon Their Guns nr Ammunition. Hi l'.rlu-le iro ttom "Hie Associated Vtu. London, Dec. 2S. Tho complete rout at Tasa of the Moorish Imperial aimy by rebels under the leadership of tlie Ptetender to the throne, which was le potted Dec. 23, has been officially con tinued. Thu Imperial forces abandoned their guns, lilies, ammunition, tents and beasts of burden and fled piceipltately to Fez. Tangier, Morocco, Dec. 2G. On De cember 2.', ten thousand Shereeflan troops, commanded by a brother of tho sultan's minister of war, received ordets to concentrate and tako the offensive against tho pietonder of Tasa. Hefote the Sheieeflans moved upon hlm, tho pietonder attacked them with large bodies of cavalry. The Imperial army was sin rounded, completely i on ted und fled In disorder towaul Fez, abandon ing till material of war. The lljst fugit ives ariived at Vca uu the niehning ot December 21. . The gates of Fez at present are shut, shops ttieio uto closed and tlio popu lation Is gteatly excited, but tbeie has ibeoii no disorder. The Eiuopeau col ony of Foi, numbeilng about twenty persons, Is taking no steps to leave the town and appears to bo satisfied that ti Is lu no Imminent danger, although the nl t nation Is regauled as setlous. It Is ."aid that tho pretender's followeis ' have lecelved nututtou.s additions slnco their biiccessc-s, and ho is nlteady ne gotiating with the ttlbcs of the Wo.!-" ma web valley. Tlie population of Fez is repotted to be generally hostile to tho sultan nnd ready to acclaim any pretender who will guarantee the town from pillage, Xo details of the Imppilal losses have yet been received hcie, but It Is rumoted that two thousand of ttn sultan'B sol diers were killed or wounded, Tho au thorities here aie tiylng to minimise the disaster. It Is deviated that a sec tion of the imperial mops sent as rein Iniccmouts desett' ' in tho icliels and aided hi chiving tin lovnl troops bacli to 1'Vz. m ' , YESTERDAY'S WEATHER, i Local data for Dee. .", WO.' Highest leiuperatuii Lowest tenipciutuio ,. . . ltol.itlvu humidity; t a, m., .,.,. , o p. 111. ,.,,,.....,...,., . Precipitation, 21 hours ende liaoe, J' degve 13 degrees ver cent r cent 9' - -"f- -f 4-4-V y f WEATHER FOREOASr, - -f Washnlgton, I)oc. JS. rorecat . f for Monday and Tuesday; Eatm -f Pennsylvanlti Increasing Lloiidlne.ni -f- 4- and vviitmer Monday, rnbt oi snow -- at night; light to nesh south to - -f east winds. -, I 1 i