' " nf'S 5 -J''"' Sj-l ,V f l1Ht3 SCltAMON TRIBUNE SATURDAY, DECEMBJtM 27, 1902. -M NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA THOMPSON, fipeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Thompson, Dec. 20. J. D. Miller, esu., nnd Hon, Allun D., tiro III New York tilty thlH week. Miss Stella Hownrd, who Is spending porno time lit Blnghninton this winter, la lit home with her pureiilB, Mr. unci Mrs. It. V. Howard, Tor her Christmas vacation; nnd will take hi the intisleitlo next week as n. prominent artist. Sirs. N. S. Foster spent Christmas with her son, Station Agent Arthur roster, nt. TJnloiutulc. Mr. nnd Mrs. lttty Clelntt. of Scrun ton, flpent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gelnlt, returning ibis lnorntntr. Mrs. Myles KenyO.i, of Leonurdsvllle. IN. Y Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Thomas AVnlkor, during the holl tlnys. Rev. AV. II. Trench and family en )oyod the Christmas ireii and the pro .urnmrno Christmas ova with his people in the Freu Baptist church at Lake View. Mr. and .Mrs. George Gelntt, of Scrnn ton, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . V. Spencer. Burgess nnd Mrs. 12. C. Lnyton and ilnuizhter. Hazel, spent their Christmas with the people ho preaches for, a$. Lawsvllle. Calvin Palmater, an aged resident of Golan, died there Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held at the Cieiatt cihnrch tomorrow ntll o'clork. A num ber of his relatives live here and will attend the funeral. Mrs. Frances Deniitrny is visiting her brother, John Leonard, at Poyntelle. Thursday morning as Coran Davis, of Starrucca, aged 1! years, attempted to board a moving train at that place he was thrown under the car and his left leg was crushed below the knee. Kric Surgeon AV. AV. McNamarn, of this place, was called, who amputated the limb above the knee. Dr. Downton, of this place, and r.ther physicians assist ed in the opoi Hon. The young man Is doing well at this writing. Mrs. Leach, who lives next to the graded sohool grounds, full on the slip pery walk in her back yard, yesterday morning, and dislocated her shoulder. Dr. McNlinmra was called to attend hor. P. It. St. John, for u long time a. Jeweler in this place, but now of Bing- hamton, greeted his old friends for a little time and then -took the morning flyer for Blnghninton. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold its regular public meet ing in the Methodist Episcopal church Sabbath evening. The speaker will tell: "Where We Are at, in the Temper ance Reform." Mrs. Bass will speak in the morning on the work done by the Woman's Home Missionary society. Mr. and Mrs. William Van Horn gave a Christmas dinner to his mother and to her children and their ramilies, yes terday. One . of the touching incidents of Christmas morning was that of two sisters going through the snow to the grave of their sister and hanging on her monument u. beautiful wreath of evergreens.- - Walter Davis, of Iowa, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Lottie Potter, for a few days. NEwlriLFORD, Special to the Scrauton Tribune. New Mllford, Dec. 26. Miss Henrietta Haydon, Miss Maine Grlnnell, Charles Benjamin and K. AV. Morgan attended a dance at Nicholson, Thursday even ing. Joseph Dale, who is employed in Bliighnntton, spent Christmas with IiIb mother. Sir. and Mrs. Charles Ainey, of Mont rose, were guests at the residence, of Dr. D. C. Alney this week. Miss Kate Quill is visiting Nicholson friends. J. M. A'alls and daughter. Ruth, spent Christmas with Harford relatives'. Mrs. Arthur Hawley, who has been seriously ill, Is Improving. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Eert Smith and sons, Grant and BoAVIght, of Lestcrshire, were visitors In town this week. Miss Sarah O'Brien, of Susquehanna, is spending the holidays with her parents.- Miss Julia Bingham spent Monday In Binghamton. Christmas services were conducted at the Methodist nnd Baptist churches on Wednesday evening, and nt the Presby terian and Episcopal churches Thurs day evening. The ladles of the Baptist church will hold their annual New Year's chicken pie dinner at the church on Thursday. Miss Bertlce Carpenter, of Keystone academy; Miss Rachel Brimdage, of Kingston; Ralph Shields, of Bucknell university, and Floyd Colcmun, of Kl mhu Business college, nro spending the holidays at. home. The funeral services of Mrs. Eliza beth Doud, who died on Sunday at the home of her brother, R.- M, Hull, were conducted from the Baptist church on Tuesday by Rev. I, D, Mallery. The holy communion will be ct-Ie-braled at St. Mark's church on Sunday nt 10.30 by Rev. Ashmead. Mrs. Hugh MoDulTy entertained rela tives from Blughnintou, Thursdny. J. V. Axtell will .conduct tho services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Miss Maggie Hayden, of Blnghnmton, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Iluydun, HOPBOTTOM. Special tu tho Scranton Tribune. Hopbottom, Dee. 20. Mrs. M. M. Bell and Miss Mae Muloney are spend ing tho week with Scranton friends, Mrs. B. D, Bell and sons, of Nichol son and Mr. J. M. Jeffers and daughter Bernlce, of Montrose, visiter Mrs. O, D, Roberts, the first of the week. Mr. Lyman Kelluin of Blrdsborough, Pa., la visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Kelluni. Mis, Tom Allen and daughter, Hor tense, of Montrose, uro guests of J, H. Tiffany. Miss Bessie Tiffany nnd brother How to Avoid the Dnngers of a Cold. Everyone must realize tho dangers attending a severe cold, und that It Is always prudent to remain In-doors un til the danger Is passed. Many, how ever, do not feel able to lose tho time and will be Interested In knowing thut a severe cold may be broken up and all dunger avoided by tliu prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures, but cures quickly and counteracts any tendency ioward pneu monia. For sale by all druggist Deane of Keuka college nrc spending their Chrlstums vucutltm with their father at this place, Mr. l' A. Wrlgley and family of Fac toryvllle, spent Thursday with AV. A. loiters. Misses Ethel nnd Selah Sterling wero cullers In town AVednesdny. Tho Unlversullst Aid will meet with Mrs. O. 13. Roberts AVediiesday, Jan. 14, for tea. Miss Myr.a Jackson spent Christmas In Scranton. Cards arc out for tho marriage of Miss Innla. Dunbar nnd Bcv. Lestor Lewis, to take place In New York on January 14, 1903, HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdiile, Dec. 2C AVediiesday, Doc. 31, the Kile will run an excursion to New York; fare from Honesdnle, $2,00; good for return January 2. Members of Company 13 audi tho high school team conducted a game of basnet ball in tho armory Friday even ing. Mr. John Carroll Is spending a few days In New York city. If some charltuble inclined Individ ual would provide ash boxes for tho people who uro dally dumping ashes on the principal streets of Honesdnle, they would receive the commendation of tho traveling public. The AVIlls Bros.' Musical Comedy company pleased a large audience In the opera house Friday night. To-night Saturday, they will present "Two Old Cronies," with a change of programme. Miss Harriot S. Sutton is In AVnshlng ton, D. C, where she will spend some time with relatives. Auditor General K. B. Hardenberg is a candidate for tho nomination of State Treasurer for the next term. The Knights of Columbus and lady frieds enjoyed a social dance In Music Hall Friday evening. Miss Alice Burns, of Scranton is the guest of Dr. and airs. Ed W. Burns. The Christmas holidays has brought unusual activity to Honesdale. It has been a general home coming. On every side may bo seen the bright and happy faces of the students and aUiers who are at home on this festive occasion. The sleighing Is splendid and -small parties and family gatherings arc nu merous. Thursday, Miss Rebecca Thompson gave a dinner at her home, and on Monday evening, Miss Edith Torrey will give a dance in Music hall, both are given In honor of their out-of-town guests. PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Dec. 26. The Heidelberg col liery, No. 2. of the Lehigh A'nlley Coal Co., has been idle for the past week, owing to a Hooding of surface water. Owing to inadequate steam facilities the water had been steadily gaining on the employes, but the severe cold weather of the past two days put a check to the flow, and the officials ex pect to have the colliery In working or der within a day or two. AA'ost Pittston Hose company has re ceived an invitation from an Allen town company to be their guests at the Dollu, DutD JusL before he reached the ragged, whitewashed fence that ran around the apple orchard Danvers paused nnd diew from his pocket a small oval framed picture. For a second he smiled regretfully at tho dninty, brune face that laughed up into his eyes. Then with sudden petulance ho thrust tho miniature into his breast and strode rapidly toward the small re volving gate, through that and on among tho low-houghed autumn ap ples. A seven days' voyage, composed chiefly of mal do mcr and a rain slopped deck, had not served to stimulato the flagging spirits that had commenced their downward course on the duy before he left Heidelberg. Three years ngo he had told Dolly Pemberton good-bye and gone forth to win fame and wealth that ho might lay them nt tho feet of his lady-love. How different this to the pictured home-coming! , Then no piquant face lyith bobbing pulses hurried him on with out stretched arms as of old. "Poor little Dolly," ho mused pity ingly. "It Is but the remnant of a heart that I bring back to you, but" he choked down a rebellious knot in his throat "the girl who has given me her trust and and love must never know what a a cad I have been." Ho stole a final look at the pictured faco over his heart and set his lips to tho Inevitable, Where tho patch branched ho slopped for a moment under a wide spreading russet and, pulling off his hat, brushed back tho thick mop or brown hair that clung to his forehead. On the grass at his feet a few over rlpo apples gleamed gold in tho dapple sunlight. Danvers stooped nnd picked up one, biting into it reflectively with his strong, whlto teeth, "Churley!" He started and glanced about him; then up at frult-welghted limbs. "Dolly!" ho exclaimed, and dropped his apple, "A quite unexpected pleasure," said she, smiling nt him through the red dening leaves. "AVon't you come up?" "I meant to surprise you," returned he, swinging himself to an opposite branch, "and I'm glad you call it a pleasure. It is my li rat vacation In a good many moons." "When did you arrive?" asked Dolly, "and who drove you out?" "I reached Chicago last night and walked out this morning." "Walked eight miles?" "Of course; It was worth while, don't you think so?" ho replied significantly. "You were very slly," was her com ment, "Besides, how did you know" She, broke off, a trlllo embarrassed and toyed wltl the end of her tlo. "That you were here Oh, I found that out, be sure. However" "Of courso," she broke in hurriedly, "I nm always here, nearly," Danvers stared ut her curiously. Did she care so very much, then? 'Had I known that," he said slowly, "I should have come last night " State Firemen's convention, which will bo held their next year. The sportsmen of East nnd West Pittston arc considering seriously the matter of organizing a Bim club here. Although nothing deflnltt has been done by tho way of organizing, those who nro Interested have scoured tin op tion for a lease on a pleco of Lehigh Valley ground near the AVcst Pittston fair grounds, tin Ideal spot for shoot- I. ..!. rtt. . I .. i ID m hmI Ail nit r mg niaiciies. inu jmuu il ramuu ui, Is to have a inaugatrap placed In per manent position on tno new. Cornelius Odoll, of Upper Pittston, nnd Miss Mary Heal, of Oregon Heights, were united In marriage AVed iiesday at twelve o'clock In tho Metho dist Protestant church by the pastor, Rev. DoForest. Only n small company of relatives wero. In attendance. Tho bride was attended by Miss Eva Hos encrance, und Jesse Wilson noted as best man. They will reside with the brldo's parents. Jesse B. Phillips, a well known young man of thin city, and Miss Harriet Evans, of Taylor, were united In mar riage Christmas eve at tho Methodist parsonage at Cnmptown, Bradford county, by the groom's brother-in-law, Rev. Carl Councilman. The newly wedded couple will make their home with tho groom's mother on Broad Btreet, this city. Rev. O. L. Severson, pastor of tho AVest Side M. E. church, nnd his wife, wero handsomely remembered by the members of tho congregation yester day. Tho former was given a beautiful gold watch nnd chain and Mrs. Sev erson was presented with a beautiful ring. At a Christmas celebration at the Boston settlement yesterday oftornoon a free for all fight took place. One of tho young ladies in attendance came to the rescue of hor gentleman friend, and drawing a revolver alio shot his nssall ant in tho chock. The wound is not serious. WILL- IT COME TO THISP Will the College Man be Driven to Household Service? From tho New York Moll nnd Express. "My furnaceman reads Greek, my housecleanlng Is done by a student of philosophy, and you should hear the young fellow who washes our dishes and waits on the table discuss econom ic theories with my husband. I'm afraid I'll have to get rid of them, as Mr. Jones la rapidly becoming scientific in his tendencies. However, they tell me ut Columbia university that they can supply a student to do this work who Is a believer In trusts, but I will have to pay him higher wages." This conversation as yet is purely imaginary, but It is not at all an im possibility of the future in the conver sation of women who have the manage ment of homes in New York. The sit uation In a nutshell la this: A number of Columbia students who must earn their way through college have found ordinary business and scholastic schools over supplied with men and are deter mined to seek employment in other lines. They have volunteered, there fore, to accept employment at house work of various sorts, and in between their study of chemistry, languages, mathematics .and literature will attend to furnaces, clean house, serve at table, wash dishes, care for horses or do odd jobs uround the house. Apparently they are believers In the theory that the man dlgnilles the work, and that a trained mind will be of value In ordin ary pursuits as well as in letters and sclentflc employment. As a result, therefore, a number of families will bo able to have men of ambition and edu cation discharging various duties about the hearth, or rather the heating plant, and the Other "I'm very glad you didn't," said Dolly, "Jf you mean that you would have walked." "Love laughs nt vehicles," lie put in quickly, hating himself. "Oh, love!" She laughsd a little odd ly nnd looked off. Then, after a mo men, "I though it was locksmiths." She spoke absently, her face still averted. "At anything that stands In Its way," Danvers pursued with deepening eyes. Something subtle, and half-remembered stirred in his heart, and he felt a queer flush rise to his temples. True, he was but acting a part, but the part was all at oncestrangely real to him. "In all those years," said he, "you did not write." "Still, that was agreed upon." "Yes," he admitted, with a slow smile, "but I thought perhaps " "Yes," sho mimicked, "and I thought perhaps maybo.' ' "You are different," said Danvers in a sulky voice, "from the girl I left be hind." Ho had hoped that she would rnlly him on his delinquencies anything but this flippant unconcern. A new light glimmered on the situation, and the girl In the picture dimmed suddenly as he looked at the living girl who had been the first to stir his heart. Dolly surprised his odd look-, and her. cheeks plnkened. "AVhat was it?" she asked, smiling. "I was Just wondering," ho replied, frowning. "Well?" "Forgotten old friends? Certainly not. Do you think mo a heartless In grate?" she inquired, dimpling. After n second'B silence she clasped her hands at the back of her head, laugh ing merrily In the old way she had thut he remembered so well. Danvers grew hot and discomfited and bit his lip In quick vexation. Dolly pining for htm nnd laying her heart and thoughts on tho altar of his love, while another's woman's faco en shrined his own, was a very different matter from Dolly casting his ad vances nnd protestations back In his teeth in this frivolous style. He had come home on his vacation with the express determination of act ing the part of an honorable gentle man ho thought bitterly, and sacrificing tils own dearest hopes to grim duty, III reality he had come to Jiavo the veil torn from ills eyes and to learn that lift) held but one possibility of happiness for him Dolly. She loved him of course, but with characteristic coquetry was determined tu make him suffer a little before the final capitulation, "Darling," he began eagerly, throw ing aside all rein, his hands out stretched to her, "you" A step cracked on the dry twig un der a neighboring treo, and Danvers muttered something ungraceful under his breath. "It's Just Jack," explained Dolly, with an inscrutable little smile.' "Jack is my husband, you know." Louisville Courier-Journal. RELIGIOUS. NEWS Continued from Pago 3.) Pasosllt Away"! evening, "At Sundown." Sunday school nt tho closo of tho morning service North Main Avenuo JJnptl.it Church Rov. Albert llatchor Smith, pastor. 10.30 tt. in., "Success In 1903." 7.S0 1). m., "A Groatcr Than Solomon," A continuation of a sortcs on Solomon and tho Book of Eccleslastcs. Mrs. liny Smith will Blng at tho evening sorvlco. Tho annual roll call nnd soclnblo will bo held in tho Tub ornablo on Friday evening, January 2. Any members of tho church who cannot bo present will kindly respond by loiter. Service at Chinchilla mission nt 3.30. First AVelsll Baptist Church-RoV. D. D. Hopkins, pastor, will preach tomorrow morning nt 10 lit English, and after tho sermon candidate;-! for membership will bo baptized. In tho evening ut S tho sor vlco will bo conducted In tho AVelsh lan guage. Tho Sunday school will bo hold In tho church parlors, Fourth ward und Bryn Mawr streot. Ocnoral Superinten dent, Brother I. D. Phillips. First AVelsh Baptist Church, AVest Mar ket streot. Rov. J. V. Davis, pastor. Or der of sot-vices on Sunday next; 10 n. tu., Bei'iiion by tho pastor, following which the ordinance of baptism will bo admin istered. 2 p. m Sunday school; C p. in., sermon by tho pastor, following which tho Lord's suppor will bo colobrnted. Tho evening scrvlco will bo conducted In Eng lish. All nro wolcomo. Seats free. Memorial Baptist Church, Church avo nuo Pastor, Rev. AV. F. Davles. Ser vices tomorrow nt tho usual hours. AVelsh In tho morning and English In tho even ing. Tho pastor will preach In tho even ing a New Year's greotlng sermon. Blblo school at 2 p. m. Prayer mooting Mon day evening. Young People's meeting Tuesday evening nnd class meeting Thursdny evening. Communion after tho evening sermotiSuuday. Scats free. Alt welcome. PRESBYTERIAN. Tho Second Presbyterian church, Jeffer son avenuo, between Mulberry nnd A'lno streets Joseph H. Odell, pastor. Morn ing worship, 10.00 a. m.; Sunday school, 12 in.; Young People's Society Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. in.; evening worship, 7,30 p. m., subject; "Chance." ' Rev. Joseph II. Odoll will preach at both ser vices. Green Ridge Presbyterian church Rov. Isaac J. Lansing, pastor; Rev. L. R. Fos ter, assistant, morning service at 10.30. Sacrament of tho Lord's supper will be ndinliiistored nt this time. Rev. N. G. Parks. D. D will ofllclato. Bible school at 12 o'clock; Mr. Robert Wilson addresses tho Men's Blblo class. Even' sorvlco at 7.30. Christmas music will' 'repeated, in part, at this service. Provldeneo Presbyterian church Rov. John P. Moftat, D. D., of Washburn Street church, will occupy tho pulpit at 10.30 n. m., in exchange with tho pastor. Sunday school at 32 o'clock; Endeavor service, 0.33 o'clock; evening service, with sermon by tho pastor, Dr. Guild, at 7.20 o'clock. Sumner Avenuo Presbyterian church, corner Sumner avenuo and Prieo street. Services tomorrow as follows: In tho morning at 10.30 o'clock. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. ; evening service at 6 o'clock. Rov. Henry Nye will occupy tho pulpit. Seats free. All welcome. AVnshburn Street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffat. D. D pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.: Blblo school at 12 m; Christian Endeavo; at 3.30 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, Young People, at 0.20 p. ni.; prayer meeting, AVednesdny, 7.30 p. m. Tho Christmas music of last Sunday wilt bo repeated. An additional number In tho morning will bo added a duet by Mr. Gippel and Mrs. Heckel. JIIss Stackhouse and Mrs. Heckel will be present at both services. Tho pastor will exchange with the Rov. Dr. Guild at the morning service. AH cordially Invited. Adams Avonuo chapel, Now York street Tho men's prayer meeting will bo held nt 9.13 a. m. Rov. James Hughes will preach at 10.30 n. m. nnd at 7.30 p. m. Tho themes for tho closing year will bo: "Tho Irrevocable Fast" and "Man's Llfo an Inscription On a Cross." Sunday school nt 3 o'clock; Christian Endeavor at fi.30. Tho chapel choir will render some Christ mas music. All heartily welcome to at tend theso services. EPISCOPAL. Saint Luke's parish Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D lector; Rov. Edward John Hough ton, senior curate; Rov. Robert Ewell Roc, junior curate. Sunday after Christ mas and Holy Innocents' day. Saint Luko'H church 7.30 a. m., holy communion; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer, nnd sermon; 7.30 p. in., ovi-nlng prayer and sermon; 9.1", a. in., Sunday school and Blblo classes. Saint Mark's, Dunmorc S.OO a. m., holy communion; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening prayer and nomom 3.00 p. m., Sunday school nnd Bible classes. East End mission, Prcscott nvenue 3.30 p. m., Sunday school and Bible classes; 7.30 p. m evening prayer nnd sermon. South Sido mission. Fig street 2.30 p. in.. Sunday school nnd blblo classes. Saint George's, Olyphant 2.30 p. m., Sunday school nnd Bible classes; 3.30 p. in,, evening prayer and sermon. Saint James, Nicholson 10.30 a. in., morning prayer and, sermon; 9.13 a. m., Sunday school. St. David's Church Rev, Edward James McIIonry, rector. Celebration of Holy Eucharist, 7.30 and 10.30 n. m.; evensong, 7.30 p. m. Sunday school, 12 m. Christmas music will bo repeated. Tho mlslson Sunday school will bo held In old No, 20 school houso on Sunday at 3 o'clock. REFORMED EPISCOPAL. , Graco church, AVyomlng avenue, below Mulberry street Prayer and pralso sor vico ut 9.30 a. m.: Divlno worship at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Rov. Charles AV. King will preach both mornlg and oven Ing; Sunday school nt 12 in.; Young Peo- plu's Society of Christian Endeavor ut U.30 p. m. Prnyor meeting, AVednesday evening at 7,4j o clock. Seats frco. Every body wolcomo. Reformed Episcopal Brandt church. Hose House, Tripp Park Sorvices nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Henry ennfow will preach ut both services; Sunday school ut 12 in. Christmas Festivul, Monday even ing at 7 o'clock. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN. Evangelical Lutheran Sunday nfter Christmas, Gospol, Luke 2;3.')-10; eplstlo, Mat. 4;l-7. St. Mark's, Washburn street Rov. A, L. Ramer, I'll. D pastor. Services, 10.30 a. in., 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Luther league, 6.00; Catechetical Instruc tion, Friday 7 p. in. Morning subject; "A Sign AVhlch Shall Bo;" evening subject: "Tho Song of Simon Spoken Against," Christ church, Cedar avenuo and Birch streot Rev. James AVltke, pastor, Ser vices, 10.30 a, in, and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school. 'J p. m. St. Potcr's, Prescott avenuo Rov, John Randolph, pastor. Sorvices, 10.30 u. m,; Sunday school, 2 p. in. AVediiesday even ing service, 7.iV, Catechetical' instruction, AVednesday nnd Saturday, 7 p. m. Euiuuuel Gormnn-Pollah Lutheran church Rov, Fordinund Satehnelor, pas tor, Services In the German inuguago, 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. in. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, corner Adams avenuo and Mulberry stroot-llov. E, T. Rtttcr, n. m., pastor. Services, 10.30 n. m. and 7,30 p. in., morning subject; "The Shepherds ut tho aiuiiBerj" evening subject; "Simeon nnd Anna;" Sunday school, 13 in.; Luther league, 0.13 p. m. Service preparatory to holy communion. Friday, at S n. in. MISCELLANEOUS. All Soul's Uulvei'sallst chinch, Blue street, between Adams and Jefferson avenues Rov, Thomas B. Payne, pastor. Divine uorylce, with sermon, at 10.30 a. m., subject: "Forces Muklng for Unl IBufloa of Catholic and Protestant;" THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Ontr Half a Cent a Word. For Rent. $!8-For Rcnt-Tciwoom IiouboI excellent neighborhood; all modern Improve ments, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Ham ilton, 420 Spruco Btreot. For Sle. FOR SALE 1 two-ton coal wngon; 1 heavy set double harness. 11. E. Davis, corner of Green Rldgo und Nay Aug avo. FOR SALE At a sacrifice, now 1 coupe Rockaway; scats four Inside; built by Stiidcbakcr &. Co. Address, MacDcrmott, R37 Llndon street.. FOR SALE A pair of carrlngo horses. Mrs. N. Y, Loot, 211 Jefferson avenue. Wanted To Rent. WANTED TO RENT A furnished houso; no children. Addrefs A. B. C, Tho Trlbuno. WANTED Small furnished 'houao. dress Box 300, city. Ad Rooms and Board. THE LINDEN, S09 Llndon streot, has a number of dcslrnblo vacancies; light rooms and choice tablo board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or five young men. Iriqulra 332 Wash ington avenuo. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FURNISHED front room for gentlemen; city steam hcatbath, gas, etc. 510 Washington avenue. FOR RENT A furnished room on second floor front, $1.D0 week. 033 Adams avo. Xost. LOST Open faco gold watch, comer Ca pbusa avenuo nnd Ash sercct. Reward If returned to 920 Pcnn avenue. LOST A pockotbook containing a sum of money, between A'lno street on Madison avenue nnd Elm Park church. Reward If returned to Margaret Feency, 1103 Vino street. LOST A memorandum book, red cover; Under will receive a liberal reward by returning tho same to M. 11. Carpenter, 013 North Muin avenue. LEGAL. IN THE District Court of tho United States for the Middle District of Penn sylvania. In tho matter of Keystone Lumber and Supply Co., bankrupt. No. 230. In bankruptcy. To tho creditors of Keystone Lumber and Supply Co., of Fac toryvillo, County of AVyomlng, and Dis trict aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notico is hereby given that on tho 8th day of December A. D. 3902, tho said Key stono Lumber nnd Supply Co. was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that tho first meeting of their creditors will be hold at tho ofllco of Bankrupts, Factoryvllle, Pa., on tho 2d day of January A. D. 1903, at ten o'clock In tho forenoon, at which tlmo tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine tho bankrupt, and. transact such other busi ness ns may properly come before said meeting. C. A. VAN AVORMER, Referee. Scranton, Pa., 1902. Proof of claim DO cents. THE ANNUAL meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Moosic AA'nter Company will be held at its offlco in tho City of Scranton on AVednesday, the 21st day of January, 1S03, - at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, for tho election of directors for tho ensuing year and for tho transaction of such other business as may properly como beforo the meeting. T. II. AVATKINS, Secretary. THE ANNUAL meeting or the stockhold ers of tho Spring Brook Water Supply Company will bo held nt its ofllco In tho City of Scranton on AA'ednesdny, the 21st day of January, 1903, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for tho election of directors for tho ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before tho meeting. T. II. AVATKINS, Secretary. THE ANNUAL meeting of tho stoelchold- ors of tho Scranton Illuminating Heat nnd Power Company will bo held at tho offlco of tho Company, d09 Linden street, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, January 20, 1903, nt 4 o'clock p. m., for tho election of Directors for tho ensuing year and such other business as may como bpforo them. E. M. STACK, Secretury. December 19. 1902. ELECTION NOTICE-Tho annual meet ing of tho stockholders of tho Scran ton Stovo AVorks will bo held at tho of llco of tho Company in Scranton, Pa Saturday, January 10. 1903, at 2.30 p. m. B. E. AVATSON, Secretary. IN RE: Estato of Charlotto Evans, lato of tho city of Scranton, Iackawaima county, nnd state of Pennsylvania. In tho Orphans' court of Lackawanna county. Letters testnmentary on tho nbove named estato having boon granted to tho undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against tho Bamo will present them for payment, and all persons In debted thorcto will make payment to AVILLIAM CHAPPELL or MARTYN J. STONE. J. AA BROWNING, Executors. Attorney for Estate. Sunday school at 12 m, Scats free; strangers cordially welcomed. Evening service in Guernsey hall, 7.30 p. m., Alder man John T, Howo, speaker; subject: "Tho Experiences of a Pollco Magis trate." O cordial wolcomo to all. Calvary Reformed church .Monroe avo miq and Gibson street Rov. M. L. Firor, pastor. Services, 10.30 a. in, and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 11.30 a. m,; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. AVnyno Avenuo AVelsh Cnlvinlsllc Meth odist Church Rov, E. R. Roborts, pastor. Services as follows: English sermon to morrow morning at 10; text. Acts x, -12. Sunday school at 2 p. m. AVelsh sermon at C p. in.; text, John xv, 12. Prnyor mooting Monday ovonlng at 7.30. Chris tian 7Endeavor Tuesday evening at 7.20. Junior Christian Endeavor AVednesday evening ut 7.30. Class meeting Thursday ovonlng at 7.30. Gospel Tabernacle, Jefferson avenue James Lclshman, pastor. Suuduy Preaching at 10.30 a, in. and 7.30 p. nt. by tho pastod, Bible school nt 12 noon; Young People's meeting at U.30 p, m. Tuesday Meotlnss of tho Christian and Missionary alliance, Sessions at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. AVednesday ovonlng A watch night service beginning ut S o'clock, Sat urday evening Study of tho Sunday school lesson at tho pastor's home, 10 la Madison avenue, Plymouth Congregational church T, A. Humphreys, pastor, Preaching ut 10.30 u. in. and 7 P. m,; subject of tho morning sermon, "Tho Closo of tho Year;" of tho evening sermon, "Giving," There will also bo a Christmas musical programnm for the evening service. Sunday school at 12 m anil at Sherman Avenue mission nt 2.13 p. in.; Sonlor Endonvor at 0 p, in.; Junior Endeavor ut 1 p. m. Monday, All uro cordially welcome, Bellovuo AVelsh Calvlulstlo Methodist church Uev. AVIIllam Duvles, pastor, Services during tho week as follows; English Koruiou tomorrow nt 10 u. m.j class meeting, 11.30 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. in.; AVelsh sermon, 0 p, in,; prayer meeting, Monday ovonlng at 7.30; Chris tlan Endeavor, Tuesduy evening at 7.30; Elite Lowis to lead, Frank Collins to ad dress; class meeting, Thursday evening ut 7.30; meeting of Literary and Biblical society, Friday evening at 7.00. First Church of Christ, (Scientist) 519 Adams avenue, Scranton, l'a. Sunday services at 10.30 a, in. and 7.30 p. in., subject: "Christian Science;" testimonial meeting at 8 p. in. AVednesday, Dec. 31. AH aro Invited to attend these serviced. Seventh Day Adventist, Guernsey hall, 31 ii Washington avenue Preachlnir. Sun day, 7.W p. m., by Pastor 8. S. Strock. No Order Accepted for less Tlirtn 10 Cents. Branch WANT Offioas, Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of tho Follow-' ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIIULTZ, coiner Mul berry Btreot and Webster nvo. GUSTAA P1CI1EL, CM Adams avenue. West Side GEO. AV. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton FRED L. TEUPPE, 729 Cedar avenuo, North Scranton GEO. AV. DAVIS, corner North Main nvcmio and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES T. JONES, 1337 Dick. son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo street. C. LORBNZ, corner AViislilngton ave'nue nnd Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE '& SON. Wanted. DESK ROOM AATANTED-In rontrnllv lo cated building. Address, stating "con veniences, location and rental; must havo both phones. AV. R. II.. Tribune office. Help Wanted. ANY I'ERSNiiownTdbTiTiTaTiT plcs for 3 dally should address 'Stand ard ' l AVellK, Chicago. Steady position. No canvassing. LEADING broad silk mill in Greater New York wants a good twister and enterer, either male or female. Address P. D. L., Call Offlco, Pater son, N. J. AVANTED Agents to sell tea and cof feo to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. CIVIL SERA'ICE ovornmont notlslons H.9S3 appointments this year. This is 4.G92 moro than last year. Excellent op portunity for young people. Cataloguo of Information free. Columbian Corre spondenco College, AVashlngton, D. C. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State nge, experience, references first let ter. Address, Suite C72. No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. . Situations Wanted. SITUATION AVANTED-A hoiisekoonr wants a situation in good Protestant family where she can have charge of work. Is a good cook. Gooil references given. Address, Housekeeper, Trlbuno olllec. AVANTED By a good girl a place to do housework in a private family pre ferred. M. E Trlbuno office. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AVIIEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVrlto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. 41 and 40 Broadway, Nuw York. Established 1S04. Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Broad. PROfESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDAVARD C. SPAULi7lNO.C. P.XT23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1S04. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH B Real Estato Exchange Bldg., 120 AVash ington avenue. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. H, L. HARDING, 813 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT. 720 null building. CON- Dentists. DR. E. C. ElLENBERaElt, PAUL! building, Spruco street, Scrnnton. DR. C. C. LAUBACII, 113 AVVOMING nvo Fire Insurance. SCIILAGEit & CO., 401 Council Building. Patent Attorneys. O A T"C MTC Inallcountries Tho only licensed and equipped patcr.t solicitor in tho city. No charge for In formation on naiuntublllty; over ten years' experience. Rcplngic &Co Mcars BUijr. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE123 and 1.7 FRANK flu avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EQLEU, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR I.. L. & AV. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. A'lctor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BRIGCIS CUBANS PRIVY A'AULTS and cess pools; no o.lor; only Improved, pumps used. A. O. BrlggH. proprietor. Leave orders 110 North Main nvenuo. or Elcko's drug store, corner Adams nml Mulberry, Both telephones. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KIJETTEL. REAR Dll LACKA. avo,, Scrnnton, mfrs. of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous, MEGARGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUP. puts, envelopes, paper bags, twluo. Wnieliouse, 130 Washington nvenuo. THE AVILKEB-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had in Scranton at tli now.s stand of Relsniau Bros., 4oO Spruco und cat Linden; M. Norton,- 322 Lackawanna avo.; I. S. SchuUer, 211 Spruco street. Subject: "The Han with tho Measuring Hoed." All welcome. Gospel hall romoved from 501 Lacka? wanna avenue to mom 7 Excha.ngo build ing, No. 421 I.ackawannu avenue. Sun day school, 12.1? a. m.; Mr, Alrlch will preach at 7.30 p. m. and also conduct u Bible class on Monday nt 7.43 p. m. for the study of the lesson und tho "Book of Romans." AH aro welcome. DIRECTORY. BUSINESS OPPaRTQNITIES. REAL ESTATE Onlr nU a Ceat a Wari. Money to Loftn. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN- Quick, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on v. ) mucr, .Hi-ill,, uoimou uuuaing. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help, can bo procured nt Mrs. .. . A. B. Btnrkcy'H Employment Ofllco, 130 AVashlngton uVenuc, rooms 2 and 4. Tako elevator. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. m , IN Effect June 1. 1902. Trains leave Scranton for Now YoiK At 1.G0, 3.20, 0.03, ?.G0-aml 10.10 n. in.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.H3 p. in. For Now York and Plilln-dolphla-7.G0, 10.10 u. m and 12,40 and :i.;W ft IS. For Gouldsboro At 0.10 p. in. For Biiftnlo 1.13, (1.22 nnd 9.W a., in,; 1.53, CM and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmlm nnd way stations 10.23 a. in.. 1.03 p. in. r-or Oswego, Syracuse ami Utlca l.lh and B ,?.. m' ,'r'ri P. ,m. Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca train nt 0,22 a. in. dally, except Siindny. For Montrose-0.no n. m.; 1.01 nlVL c,co A .'" Nicholson accommodation -4.00 and 0.13 p. m. Bloomshurg DlviMlnu-For Nortlmmbnr land. at 0.33 and 10.1(1 a. in.: 1.C3 nnd 0.11) ''. ,nV.lor Plymouth, nt S,tO u. in.; 3.40 and 9.0.1 p. m. . Sjmday Tralns-For Now" York, 1.30, 3.20. ..'; V-10. " ""! ''m '"'d 3.33 p. in. For IJllfTnlo 1.13 nnd C.22 a. m.; l.r,3, 0.W nn-1 If.lft p. in. Eor Elmlra nnd way statlons 0., a. in. For niimhamtnn and way sta tions, 9.00 a. m. Rloomsburg Dlvlslon Lcavo Hciniiton. 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect Nov. 10, 1902. . ,v Trains Leave Koruulon lor Philadelphia and Nuw York via D. ?'-, B. R,, nt 7.41, through Parlor Car nnil pay Coach Cnrbondnlo to New York anil 9.47 n. in., with L. A'. Coach Cnrbon dnlo to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4.3T, (Ulack Dlnninnd Express), and 11.49 p. in. Sun-lla,-Y!, B; & II. It. .. WS p. in., 9.3S n. m. I-or While Hiivcn, lluKlcton and princl ??' 45onUa ln lll roal regions, via D. Ut Pottsvllle. 7.11 n. in. Tor Betlilpfiem, Enslon. Reading, Bar isburg and principal intermediate stn-ilo"M- via p. k 11. 1!. R 7.11, 9.47 a. m.; -IS, 4.3.. (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p. "'- "''"days. D. & ir. R. R.. 9.3S a. in. and l.r.S and 9.17 p. m. For Tnnkliaunofk. Townnda, Elmlra, niiaca. Geneva nnd principal Intermediate Motions via D L. & AV. R. R fi.33 a. m. and 1.35 p. in. FcnA Genpva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ? a rnJ,s- Chicago and all points west vU p. & IT. Tt. R 12.03 p. m.: 3.2S (Black Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.49 p. m. Sun 'hiis. D. & U. R. It., 12.03, 9.17 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh ?.'., y Bnrlor curs on all trains between AA Ilkes-Barro nnd Now York. Phlladol U!U?,,?urtn, nntl .Suspension Bridge. KOLLIN H. WILBUR.. Gi'n. Supt.. 20 Cortland street. New A'ork. ' CHARLES S. LEK, Geii. Pass. Agt., 2 Cortland street. Now York, A. AV. NONEMACITER, Dlv, Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation ap lV.yt0 clty ticket office, CO Public Square. AVflkcs-Barre, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 10, 1902. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Boston, Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, AVllkes-Barre and Pittston at 7.30 u. in., 1 p. m., and 4 .p. jn. Sundays. 7.1j n. in. nnd 2.10 p. in. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.30 u. ni.. with through solid vestllmln train with Pullman Buffot Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only ono chango of cars for Baltimore, nnd AViislilngton. D. C, and all principal points south and west and has through conch for New A'ork. For Avoca, Pittston nnd AVIIkea-Barro, 1 p. m. ami 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon andITnrrlsburg via Alleutowii nt 7.30 n. m.. 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.13 a. m. nnd 2.10 p. m. For Tamnn.ua and Pottsvllle at 7.30 a. in.. 1 p. rn. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday. 7.13 n. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. AV. G. BESSLER..Oenorxd.MannsQr. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedulo in Klfect Juno 1U, 1902. Trains leave Scranton B.3S it. in., week days, through vestibule train from AVIlko-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor cur mil coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vil)e stops at principal Intermediate sta tions Alh connects for Sunliury, llnr ilsbnr". Philadelphia. Baltimore, AA'ash-in'-tnn and for Pittsburg and tho AWst. 917 n. m.. week days, for Snnbury. Har riVbiirg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsburg and the West. 1 ' p. in., week days, (Sundays. l.r.S p. m.). for Sunliury. tlurrlsburg. Philadel phia. Bnlllmoro, AVusblnEton and Pitts- bV. ?in,,nll.!,0w)ik,t.iny(.. through vestlbulo iru'fi'i from Wllkes-Biirrn.. Pullman burfot P i "or car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops nt principal Intel niedl- U403-!itn "inT'weok days, for Unalelon. Sun bury, Ilarrlsburg, Philadelphia und Pitts- bXUS' J B. nrTf-niNSON. Gen. Mgr. J, B. AVOOD. Gen. P.vw Agt. xAlnni'f nnd Hudson. Tn Effect Nov. 10, 1902.. rrvntns for Carliondale leave Scranton nt P44 7 30 83S7 10." " m.; 12.03. 1.12. 2.11. fijVi: 0.29. :. " '" 9'W- U''-' ' m'; 12.33 n. m. ....,. 'ft. M ,n "II ml For lionet""'" ,-. " - - m&b W S-7,I. 0,7 . in, " F "pennUlvaiJla "b. R. Polnts-C.35. n J- lii 1 12, 3.2S ami 4.33 p. in. '"For Albany r and all points iiorth-7.30 a. m. and ' 'v.y TRAINS, For fnrbondnlo-S.CO, 11.33 a. m.: 2.11. !MvF?..!VilL!!i!.MS a. m,: 12.03. 1.31. Erie Railioad-Wyominp; Division -........ tn.ii'n,tiiitit. ir.. inoi?. .s1 nvniim liiivo. Hiraiuon for New Aork. v?.ia irVl "l '"njcrnjed ntn points, .also fo" niwh'y and local'statlona'af 7.2q.n. ''For'noiiesdalenud AVl.lto Mills nt.1.33 ''"Trains arrive at Scranton at 10.38 a.m. nnd 9.13 !' '"' "Nev Yovlc, OJitarimnnd Western; ..,., iuhlo in effect Sunday. Sept. 21, 1UM. Hum uH0H'Tii BOUND TRAINS. Leave i.euvo Arrive n...ii, Sorantou. Carbondalo, Ciuloshi, Si l ..10.30 u. m. 11.10 a. in. 1.00 lum. 3' 7 '" . U.io P- m.Ar.Carlioiidalo Cl'i jim N- 7 SOUTH BOUND. it heave Leavo AriRo -r,.niiiB Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scranlaji. .. fi.50ii. m. 7.23 m v. ." ,V "' . 2,13 p. in. 4.00 p. m. 4.4'i i:-m. HllNDAVS ONLY. NORTH HOUND, auw' Lcavu Leavo ArrK-n 'i'1-nins Scranton. Carhoiiijnle. C.idoati, 'liains. I..,., , Niii),,.,,, in r. ;TCV v. i .... 8.3011. m. O.Wu. in. 10.l5n:m. n n ' 7,wip. in.Ar.CarbondaIoT,43pjn 0, I'WfVo lv Arrive Trains Cadosia. Cnrbopdalq, Scranton. Ko. U ? "' ,!1, 7l23 "' No jo ISO p. ii. l-.Oo p. pi. 0.13 p. pi. Trains Nou. 1 on wcuk days, and 9 on Sundays connect for New York city, Slid die town, Walton. Norwich. Oneida, ps. wego and all points west, Train No- wlth "Oimker City Ex. press" at Scranton, via C. R. R. of N. 3, lor Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Baltimore, AVashlngton and Pennsylvania statu points. Bee tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agent j for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A.. Now York. 3V$ ribciT a v. a:: A. NS. W.L. PRVOR. B. B. A.. Scrnnton. Pg. j. w. wiJi.su, t. p. A-, scranton. pa. V-