The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Christmas Music for Tomorrow Evening.
Numerous Accidents Presentation of
Testimonial Notes and Personals.
The choir of the Simpson .Methodist
Kplscopnl church, Itev. II. C. McDer
niott, D. D., pastor, will render the fol
lowing programme of Christmas music,
under the direction of Chorister W. W.
Jones, at tomorrow evening's service:
Anthem "Angelic Voices" rinunod
Miss Eva Kettle, Thomas Abra
ham and Choir.
Uarltono Solo "Tho Universal King"
Hurry A. Wrlglny.
Anthem "O 54ion That Urlngost. Good
Tidings" Or. Stabler
Duet "All Glorious lord" Welgund
Misses Eva Kittle, Florence Wltnmu.
Soprano Solo "The Plains of Peace,"
Miss Helen Thomas,
l.adlcs Chorus"Softly Silver Starlight"
Anthem "Behold I Ilrlng Yon Good
Tidings" Gontu
Hurry Acker nnd Choir.
Tenor Solo '"Twns Night In Old Jti-
doa" Davison
CJunrtctto "Let Your Mingling Voices
ISIso" Jlolden
Misses Rachel Jones, 'Mary Jones,
Thomas Thomas, Harry A.
Anthem "Unto You a Savior Is Horn"
M. Watson
Miss Cnsslo .Tonkins, Urilce MrDer
mott, Adolph Brunlng. Hwnrt
York and Chulr.
Quartette "Tho Lord Is My Strength"
Simpson Male. Quartette.
Anthem "Arise, for the Light Is Come"
D. Buck
Thomas Abrahams anil Choir.
Sopranos Misses Uvn. Kittle, Helen
Thomas, Rcrtico Tobblts, Rachel .Tones,
Lizzie Jenkins, Casslo Jenkins, Anna Bon
.nett, Mrs. William Shoemaker, Mrs.
Thomas Abraham.
Alton Misses Mary Jones, Florence
Wltman, Florence Harvey, Ophelia lien
dershot, Margery Ott. Rachel Jnmes. Mrs.
Vrank Beck, Mrs. George Vlpond, Master
Bruco McDermott.
Tenors Thomas Ahrnhnm, Adoljib lim
ning, Thomas Thomas, Walter Jones, Wil
liam W. Jones.
Bass Tlarry A. Wrlstoy. Harry TC.
elter. Ewart York. Arthur Phillips, Wil
lum J. Sutton, Fraud Uncle.
There arc thirty voices In tho chorus,
and a rich treat is in store for all who
are privileged to attend. Mrs. Frank
Jones is the organist.
"The Radiant Light."
To-morrow evening the beautiful can
tata entitled "The Hadiant Light," by
D. Gilbert Johns, of this city, will bo
Kiven by the children of the Tabernacle
Congregational Sunday school, South
Hyde Park avenue, commencing: at G
p. in. sharp. Following is the pro
gramme: Song "All Honor to Our Heavenly
Kins" School
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Duf our's French Tor
1 Special
For This
Ladies' Hteh-Gniuc Jackets
Best tailorlner, all new
of tho $10.00 sorts at
Another lot in Castors, Blue and Black; many &A Af
styles; value, ?0, $7 and $7.50 each. Choice today Pt-.T-"
Handkerchief Sale
These became a trifle counter soiled durinff
the holiday rush. They're not dirty, but not fresh
enough to be put back in tho boxes. Choice of
many dozens nnd many qualities for 10c and...
Wonderful Fur Tallies
Xarge Sable Fox Neck Scarfs with bushy tails,
and elegant lustre stripe. Wero $12.50 each. To
day's Bargain Price
All the Furs have been
day's selling.
: Children's Smart Coats
Made of flue Kerseys, with satin edged col
lars, and others of fashion's touches that proclaim
them right up to date. Colors, Castor, Bluo and
Black. Choice
Underwear Bargains
Children's Tine Camels Hair Underwear, iu
vests, pants and drawers; all sizes, from 16 to
34. Former price, 35c. for size 16, rising 5c. a
size. Saturday, prices begin at
Extra high class Underwear for misses fine
Jersey ribbed; beautifully finished and very elas
tic. Saturday's price
Children's fast black Cashmere Hose, in rib
bed or plain makes; extra good qualities that sold
at from 30c to 50c a pair; sizes slightly broken.
To close on Saturday, choice of .large sizes, 35c;
smaller sizes ., .
Eaney Pillow Sale
Fine satin top Billows, filled and ready for use,
85c Billows for , . 50c
$1.05 Pillows for
1,45 Pillows for
S.85 Pillows for
3 Gloves and Mittens
i-j Ladies' Double Silk
A priced today at
j ladies' and Children's Golf
iS fancy. Tine assortment at
H3 Men's Furnishings
Silk Suspenders in beautiful boxes. ,
The 91.00 kind is now 700
The 75c kind iB now , 50c
Men's Heavy Wool Ribbed Shirts and Draw
ers; regular $1,00 kind for , , , , , ,,,,,,,
Men's Heavy Fleece Xined Shirts and Draw
ers; best $1,00 goods at .,,...,. . .,,,,,,,,,
Men's Golf Gloves ; the regular 50c quality; to
day only at , , . , ,.,.,. ,,,,,,,
All the Left-Overs
In Holiday Specialties at wonderfully low prices.
Glob? Warehoto?.
Greeting , Laura Reeso
Horns "For Unto Us" School
Invocation David M. Jones
Song "Sweet Uabo Divine". .Infant Class
Recitations. .Mnrllm Chnppell, Carl Jones
Song-"Whllo ShophordH Watched Their
Flocks" School
Recitation "Tho Angel" ...Louisa Ciillcn
Song "Glory Bo to God in tho High
est" , School
Recitations. Kdlth Chnppell, Annie Lasher
Song "Christmas Bells" School
Ethel Evans, Annie Thomas, Catherine-
Williams, Annie Evans, Gladyu
Walters and Lizzie Heese.
Song "Jesus Meek and Holy School
Solo Selected Willie lteeso
Recitation Bcttlo Jones
Song-"Shout tho Glad Tidings School
Margaret Iteeso, Victoria and Louise
Song-Solected Laura Iteeso
Song-"Rlng Out Yo Bolls School
Jtecltatlon-Salected Berlin Deacon
Duct Victoria and Loulso Cullon
Soug-"HnlloluJah" School
Announcements and Collection.
Dosolngy School and Congregation
David M. Jones, chairman: Jacob Jen
kins, conductor: T. J. Williams, accom
panist. Sherman Avenue Mission.
The cantata entitled "And Old Fash
ioned Santu Claus," was rendered by
the choir under the direction of Prof.
Phillips on Thursday evening, Garlleld
A. Davies acting as pianist. Everything
passed off smoothly, tho only trouble
being that the rooms were too small to
accommodate tho many friends of the
school, who failed to get in, over one
hundred being turned away,
Tho programme as previously given In
these columns was fully carried out.
the choruses were sung with a snap and
vim and the prefect marching and drills
of the flower, fairy and parasol girls
evoked enthusiastic applause.
One very pleasant feature of the
evening not on the programme was n,
surprise to the superintendent, John It.
Thomas and his wife, when John Phil
lips, on behalf of the school presented
to them the following testimonial hand
somely engraved and framed:
Testimonial In view oC the fact that
Mr. John B. Thomas has been a. member
for over thirty years, a secretary for
ilfteen years and a superintendent for
three years; and Mrs. John R. Thomas
a superintendent for eight years.
Resolved,, That tho members of tho
Sherman Avenue mission Sunday school
unanimously and most heartily desire to
present to them this testimonial, ns a
token of tho true respect and high esteem
In which they aro held by the ontlro
school and all its friends for tho exhibi
tion of genuine Christian love, unusual
skill and etllclent work in the manage
ment of this school, which more. than. all
other means tinder tho blessing of God
having advanced this school to tho high
position of usefulness and honor which it
now occupies as ono of tho foremost
Sunday schools In the city of Scranton.
Also, as an expression of our prayer that
they may be spared to us many yours,
that tho school and community may be
still more greatly blessed by their emi
Offerings f
Day Only, f
and natty styles. Best
"$7.50 t
priced anew for
Mittens, fancy haeksj
9 '
Glove, plain and
, , 50c and
nently self-denying faithful Christian
llfo and service; '
Thercforo, my beloved brethren, bo ye
steadfast, unmovablo, always abounding
In tho work of tho Lord, forasmuch as ye
know that your labor is not in vain in
tho Lord.
J, L. Jones, secretary.
Mr. mid Mrs, Thomas briefly respon
ded, thanking the school for the beau
tiful gift. MUch care had been taken
to make it surprise to the superinten
dent nnd for once ho was found unable
to talk. Tho engrossing Is from the ar
tistic pen of Henry Jlfklns, of North
Main avenue.
Tho cantnta will bo repeated in Ply
mouth church next Thursday evening
(Now Year's, under the auspices of
Miss Jennie Lewis and Rev. T. A.
Humphreys' classes in aid of tho piano
Plymouth Congregational.
The choir of the Plymouth Congre
gational church will render tho follow
ing programme at to-morrow evening's
Christmas, 1802,
Opening Hymn No, 124 Congregation
Scrlpturo Lesson .....Pastor
Anthem "Salvator" Choir
Tenor Solo D. E. Hughes.
Prayer Pastor
Solo "Christmas Morn Hath Dawned
Again" Mrs. A. B. lon
Anthem "Angels from the Realms of
Soprano Solo Mrs. L. A. Howell.
Address Pastor
Anthem "Good Tidings of Groat Joy,"
Soprano Solo Mrs. A. It. Eynoii.
Solo "Tho Song of tho Ages"
David Owens
Anthem "When Jordan Hushed". ..Choir
Benediction Pastor
Pastor T. A. Humphreys.
Organist Edna Evans.
Chorister David Owens.
Jncltson Street Baptist Church.
Tho Ladles' Aid will meet next Wed
nesday and resume work.
The Christmas cantata was a great
success every way. The church was
filled and the children rendered the
cantata beautifully.
Four Accidents Yesterday.
John Polok, a laborer In Brigg's shaft,
had his finger crushed by a fall of coal
in Brigg's shaft yesterday.
Isaac Thomas, un employe in Brigg's
shaft, had his scalp lacerated by a fall
of roof yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Gammon, of Dunmore, fell
on Scranton street yesterday and frac
tured her nrtn.
Mrs. Esther Rowlands, of North Hyde
Park avenue, fell on Eynon street yes
terday and fractured her arm.
All four cases were taken to the West
Side hospital.
Welcoming the King'.
The Bible school of the Washburn
street Presbyterian church held their
Christmas exercises last evening, as
sisted by the school orchestra under
the direction of George Waters. Chor
ister Tom GIppel was in charge of the
Santa Claus was impersonated by D.
C. Dnrrow, and a large assemblage en
Joyed the festivities. The programme
included selections by the orchestra,
songs, choruses and recitations by the
pupils, and selections by the primary
Evan Hopkins Entertains.
A number of friends of Kvan Hopkins
gathered at his home last evening where
games, music and dancing were in
dulged in until a late hour, when re
freshments were served by Mrs. Hop
kins. Those present were: Misses Clwennie
Hopkins, Eleanor Davies, Cassie Hop
kins, Sadie Wntkiut;, Jennie Beynon,
T-izzie Hopkins, Mary Beynon and
Messrs, W. J, IJowcn, Art Davis, W. II.
Hcarne, Richard Evans, Evan Hopkins
and Arthur Evans.
Two Funerals Yesterday.
Services over the remains of the late
Mrs. Elizabeth Grlfllths were held at
the home of deceased's son, 131 South
Garfield avenue, at L30 o'clock yester
day afternoon. Rev. D. D. Hopkins,
pastor of the First Welsh Baptist
church, officiated, and interment was
made in this Washburn street cemetery.
The remains of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdin
and Derby, of South Main avenue,
were privately interred in the Cumbria
cemetery yesterday.
A Disorderly Character.
John Lennon, of Chestnut street, wus
urrosted at an early hour yesterday
morning for being drunk, disorderly
and fighting. Pennon's son complained
to tho police Christmas evening that
his father was drunk and abusing
everybody In the house,
About 2 o'clock yesterday morning ho
was on Jackson street yelling and
shouting and disturbing everybody In
the neighborhood. When lie observed
wie pouco miproacnms no ran in mo .
house. ins wife and children were ,
afraid of him and wanted him arrested,
.1-- II.. . ...
On tho way to the station house he
resisted and fought fiercely
Ho was
fined $10, which ho paid
Tho choir of the Plymouth ConBTCga
tloiuti church will render a special pro
gramme of Christmas music at tomor
row evening's service.
William Stein, of Oxford street, who
was arrested on Christmas day for
abusing his wife and threatening her
llfo, was committed to jail yesterday
by Police Magistrates Davlos in default
of $200 ball.
Tho annual nmtinee dance of the
Klectrlo City Wheelmen will be held at
the club house on Now Year's day,
from " to 0 p. in, Uuuer's orchestra
will furnish tho nuislc.
Miss ltachel Peck, of Price street, en
tertained tho Young Ladles' auxiliary
at her homo last evening,
A son was horn to Mr, and Mrs, Al
fred Thomas of South Grant avenue,
on Christmas day.
A telegram was received hero last
evening announcing the death of Albert
Williams In Illack Diamond, Washing
ton, Deceased was a son of Mr. nnd
J.W?ctor "I'M '-' Kntly on the etomacli, liver
ind 1 klduejn sud it a uleiunt
uudefrym barhi. od ! iinpiMil for uiu null? 1)
a l in
All dranbUorbrniillSSota. indMcts. Bujttto
dr.'n J;uiully Mrdlolue moves lliu
lioirrli t'HPli iluy. In urd.r tube blllijr (bills
necfisjrj-. SddreM, Hot liua, Lo Itojr, . V.
If us
Symptoma of a Very Common
' Trouble.
There is no disease so common In
tho United Hlates aa catarrh, because
it appears In so many forms and tit
tacks so many different organs.
It Is a common mistake to mlpposa
that catarrh 1m confined to tho nose
and throat, Any Inflammation of the
mucous membrane wherever located
accompanied by abnormal secretions,
lu catnrrlr. Catarrh of stomach or
bladder, or Intestines is nearly as com
mon ns nasal catarrh and much more
serious ttlt hough It Is true that stom
ach catarrh und catarrh of other In
ternal organs is the result of neglected
nasal catarrh.
A now remedy has recently appeared
which so far ns tested seems to bo re
markably effective in promptly curing
catarrh, wherever located. The pre
paration is sold by druggists generally
under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets, and in addition to being very pal
atable and convenient, possesses extra
ordinary merit, In many cases giving
immediate relief from tho coughing,
hawking and constant clearing of the
throat und head, those symptoms with
which everyone Is famlllnr who has
ever suffered from colds In the head
nnd throat.
Cutarrh Is simply a continuation of
these symptoms until the trouble be
comes chronic, and grows gradually
worse from year to year.
Stuart'H Catarrh Tablets nre com
posed of Blood root, red gum and simi
lar antiseptics and catarrh specifics,
from which it will be seen that no
secret Is made of the ingredients nnd
also that no mineral poisons are used,
as is tho case with many well known
catarrh medicines.
For catarrh of the nose, throat, bron
chial tubes, for catarrh of stomach, in
testines or bladder no preparation Is so
safe and gives such rapid find perma
nent results as Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets. All druggists sell them at COc. for
full sized package. You can use them
with assurance that you will not con
tract tho cocaine or morphine habit ns
the results from this catarrh cure are
apparent from the first day's use.
Mrs. W. It. Williams, who formerly re
sided at Main avenue and Eynon street.
John Reynolds, of South Main ave
nue, who underwent an operation re
cently, Is recovering. He Is a member
or the linn of Reynolds Bros.
The Sunday school of the Plymouth
Congregational church held appropri
ate Christmas exercises in the church
Thursday evening.
A concert will be given in the Wash
burn street Presbyterian church next
Tuesday evening. The talent will In
clude Miss Johnstone, harpist; Mrs.
Edith Heckel, soprano: Miss Edna
Caryl, violinist; Tom Gippcl, tenor, and
Charles Roersam, pianist.
Christmas tree exercises for the Bclle
vue Loyal Crusaders were held In the
Mission school last evening. The West
Side Crusaders will be entertained this
evening In Red Men's hall.
'Mrs. Charles DePue, of North Lin
coln avenue, is recovering from a pro
tracted Illness.
Arthur Phillips, of Doylestown, is vis
iting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. C.
Phillips, of South Hyde Park avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vosburg, of
Tenth street, spent Christmas with tho
former's parents at Conklln, Is Y.
Christopher Doyle, of Hazleton, is tho
guest of his brother, James IJ. Doyle,
of Chestnut street.
Miss Manic Flynn, of Chestnut street,
was the guest of Carbondalc friends on
Joseph Smith, of Evans court, has
returned home from a visit in Virginia.
Miss Julia Curtis, of Brooklyn, X. Y.,
is spending the .holidays with Miss
Annie Morgan, of South Main avenue.
Word has been received from New
York city that a boy was recently born
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Nclcc, for
merly of West Scranton.
By request, the cantata "Prince of
Peace" will be repeated at the First
Baptist church tomorrow evening.
Frank Jenkins, of Honesdale, is vis
iting Arch Brown, of Scranton street.
James Davis, of South Hyde Park
avenue, is spending the holidays with
his parents at Brazil, Indiana.
Miss Olio Escott spent Christinas
with Miss Jennie Jones at Philadelphia.
Benjamin Maxoy, the Wllkes-Barro
druggist, was tho guest of West Scran
ton friends on Thursday.
Mrs. George B. Reynolds, of Soulh
Main avenue, left yesterday for Read
ing, whore she will spend the next two
weeks with her parents.
Tho remains of the late Sirs. K. F.
Mellon, whoso death occurred late Tue.s-
tlsiv nlcrht. wprn Inlrl In mntlioi inilli
" ..-- .. ... ...w..u. WW tit
with Impressive ceremony yesterday
mornlne. The funeral cortege left tho
homo on Willow street nt s.nn n. m. nmi
proceeded to St. Peter's cathedral,
where a high ninss of requiem was
celebrated by Itev. J. A. O'Hellly, In
terment was afterwards made In tho
Cathedral cemetery. The pall-bearers
were Pranlc J. McAndrew, M. K. Mc
Donald, James McDonald, John Joyndt,
J. J. O'Connor and William Bradbury.
The remains of an infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Clifford wero laid at
rest from tho residence on Itlver street,
yesterday. Interment was made iu tho
Cathedral cemetery.
Dr. Schley's Lung Ile-aling Balsam is
guaranteed to euro all coughs, "No
cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Some oxcltement was caused iu the
neighborhood of Henry Coyle's store, on
Stone avenue, last evening about li
o'clock, when an Incipient blaze, caused
by tho burnlng'.head of a- match drop
ping Into an open umbrella, caused
some nervous person to turn In nn
alarm of fire. Tho umbrella, was quick
ly extinguished, and scarcely any other
damage was caused, so that tho lire
laddies had their run for notlilnc,
The cornet solo parts at the Christ
mas services in St, John's church will,
bo rendered by Master Willie Potter
and not Master liowley, as stated,
Charles Helm, formerly a resident of
PIttston, now of Buffalo, is spending;
tho holidays with friends on this side,
A special meeting of tho Itound X
club Is called for tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock,
James and Andrew Best each received
an unique pipe as a Christmas present
from the members of the Fourteen
William Ringer, a shoemaker of SOI
Prospect avenue, was arrested on tho
charge of being drunk und disorderly
yesterday, At tho hearing before Al
derman Storr last night he was fined $3.
The South Side Bank,
In making your New Year's resolu
tions, do not fall to add the resolution
of keeping a savings account with the
South Sldo Bank. It will never be
broken, if once the account is started.
Christmas Services Held iu the Prov
idence M. E. Church for tho Chil
dren of tho Sunday School Sham
rock Basket Ball Team Defeated by
Crackerjncks in the Auditorium.
mall Fire in a House on Meylert
Avenue, Occupied by James Bar
rett Short News Notes.
Tho Junior Older United American
Mechanics held a regular meeting last
night In their rooms in tho Auditorium
nnd elected nfllccrs for tho coming
Tlie olllcers are us follows: Council
lor, Junius li. Elsbyj vice councillor,
Clarence 13. Burnett; assistant record
ing secretary, Frank Cttrwnrdlne; con
ductor, I.'ercy 31, Duvls; warden, C. It,
Simpson; inside sentinel, Robert F.
lterlyj outside sentinel, Robert allies;
trustees, eighteen months, W. D. Oak
ley; twelve months, .1. W. Snook; chap
lain, Charles Tralnt.
A smoker and general good time was
held after tho election.
Christmas Service.
The Christmas services of tho Provi
dence Methodist Eplscopnl church were
conducted on Thursday evening. Mrs.
Amy Cowles, who prepared the pro
gramme, showed excellent judgment lu
omitting thu usual flood oC common
place nnd giving n shorter and stronger
Superintendent Dawson gave nn in
teresting address and Miss Lulu Con
stantino supplied an appropriate read
ing. E. L. Benjamin nnd Alice Laird
made a splendid showing with the jun
iors. W. D. Watkins' Sunday school
chorister, supplied the music. Miss
Belle Green, the accomplished organ
ist; J. I. Rroadbent, Mrs. Vlssard and
Miss George Cure rendered excellent
Tho church was crowded with their
friends and all were delighted. No
general giving of presents, except the
indispenslble caudles and nuts, took
place. By the suggestion of C. V. Ben
jamin, assistant ' superintendent, the
classes and teachers denied themselves
the usual mutual exchange of presents
and gave the money to the new mission
Sunday school, near" the Delaware and
Hudson depot.
Crackerjacks Victorious.
One of tho liveliest and most excit
ing games of basket ball of the? season
was seen at the Auditorium last even
ing, when tho Crackerjacks and Sham
rocks lined up against each other.
The hall was crowded to the doors
nnd it was necessay for the substitute
players to hold the crowd from Inside
of the line. Several interesting throws
wero made. The line-up was as fol
lows: Shamrocks Duffy and Burns, for
wards; Nolan, center; Moriarity and A.
Wells, guards.
Stars McC'lusky, Hughes, forwards;
W. Davis, center; Jones and Benjamin,
The score was 12 to C in favor of tho
A Morning Eire.
Shortly after 0 o'clock, yesterday
morning an ulurm of lire was turned
iu from Box 6'J, located at Albright
avenue and Marlon street. Hose com
panies Nos. 1 and 2 and Knginc No. 5
responded to the alarm and found the
lire to be iu the two-story dwelling In
(he rear of 144S Mylert avenue, owned
by the Atherton estate and occupied
by James Barrett.
The fire, which started on the first
floor, was caused by a defective thim
ble In the partitions. The damage was
not heavy.
Professor J. llayden Cousins has ar
ranged a fine programme of music for
tomorrow evening's service at the
Providence Methodist Episcopal church.
The choir will sing several of the splen
did anthems they sang last Sunday, by
request. Solos will be given by J. II.
Cousins, Mr. Ilroadbent and others.
The Young Men's Institute will elect
ofllccrs on next Tuesday evening. All
members are requested to be present.
G. W. Davis, tho Market street drug
gist, atetnded the funeral of the late
George Kennedy, of Pottsvillle, yester
day. Miss Hazel Davies gave a tea parly
Wednesday at the home of her sister,
Mrs. John Payne, In honor of Miss
Kunlce Hull, of Darlington seminary.
Gurney A. flrewer Is spending tho
holidays with friends at Stroutlsburg.
Miss Lillian Morris, of West Chester
Normal school, Is spend In r 1'ow Im-k
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
V. Morris, of William street.
Mr. and Mrs. James drier have re
turned from their honeymoon.
Christmas exercises were held by tho
Sunday school of tho Dudley street
Baptist church last evening. A wull
prepared programmmo of musical' and
other selections suitable to the season
wero rendered. The church was crowd
ed with an nppreclattvt) audience.
James Scanlou and Miss Carrie
Swarts, both of Moscow, wero married
Christmas day. Tho best man was Dan
Foley, of Gouldsboro,' and the maid of
honor, Miss Joslu Keller, of Spring
street, Dunmore, The bridal party wero
driven to the homo of the bride's cous
in, Mrs. Victor Burschell of Spring
street, where a reception was hold and
they wero also entertained by tho In
dependent drum crops.
Duuniore Presbyterian church. Itev.
W. F. Gibbous, pastor, Services at
10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. in, Morning sub-t
ject, "iliu unc or me itiiiuu 01 j-eace,
evening subjeut, "Tho Heavenly Songs,"
Sunday school at Vi o'clock,
First Methodist Kplscopul church,
Hev, Charles Henry Newlng, pastor.
Morning prayer at 10 o'clock. Services
at 10:30 u. in., and 7:30 p. m. The pas
tor will preach bolh services. Morning
subject, I'Invlnclblo Veterans," evening
subject, "Value of tho Gospel;" class
meeting at 11:15 a. in., Sunday school at
'M'M p. in., evening prayer service at;
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy,
for children teething, is the prescription of
one of tlu best funmlu physicians mul
nurses In tho United States, and lain been
used sixty years with nuvor-fuliing suc
cess by millions of mothers for their chll
dron. During tho procets of teething Its
value Is Incalculable, It rolluves the ohlld
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tlio
bowels, and wind colic. By giving health
to tho child It rests tho mother, Piles,
twenty-ttvo cents a bottle.
Trade fG.
CleaningOut Sale
Holiday Goods Must Go.
Everything- in the nature of Holi
day Goods now offered at great reduc
tions from the former prices.
We Won't Carry Them Over.
They Must Be Disposed Of.
They will, too, regardless of cost
or value. Many of the articles are
only seen here once a year, and these
have g'ot their walking- papers; in other
words they can't help but be sold at the
prices now put upon them.
It is scarcely necessary to give
you a list, but if you have a gift to buy
and your appropriation is limited, half
price and less may make a difference
in your calculations.
0:30 o'clock, Kpworth League service
Tuesday evening. AVednesday evening
will be the annual watch night service.
Tho service will commence at 9:30
o'clock. The programme of tho service
will be announced later.
Tripp Avenue Christian church
Morning topic, "How to Behave in the
Church;" evening subject, "A Panacea,"
bible school at IU a. in., Y. P. S. C. Is.,
at 0:20
I' W. Hartnoll left yesterday for
New York city, where he will to-day
take passage for his old home in Kng
land. He goes fur quite an extended
stay in the hope that his failtug health
may he hnpruved.
In tho notice of the very successful
cantata held in the M. E. church on
Thursday night, the name of Chorister
Thomas Heuwood should have appeared
in place of Choirmaster Mitcho'.l. Men
tion should also have been inu.le of the
playing of Miss ltuby Yost, as ncco:r,
panist to whoso clever work a large
part of the success was due !)wluy t
the largo number unable to gain ad
mission last night the matter of a rep
etition has ben talked of but is not yet
George Fritz, of Philadelphia, is vis
iting at tho home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. G. Fritz, of North Blakely
Hiehard Angwin, of Susquehanna, is
visiting his mother on South Blakely
Exercises Last Night of Union
Lodge, F. & A. M.
Tho annual installation of olllcers of
X'nlon lodge, Free and Accepted Order
of Masons, took place last night, when
the following members were formally
Installed In their new duties: Worship
ful master, H. M. Truesdale: serior
warden, II, L, Burdick: junior warden,
John M. Beaumont; treasurer, K. P,
Kingsbury; secretary, M. A. Clarke.
The installing olllcers were E. P,
Kingsbury and Past Worshipful Mas
tors Louis CS, Sehnutz, James F, War
ded, John F. Scrugg and Colonel F. L.
Hitchcock, Tho retiring worshipful
master was F, K, Sykes. Two hundred
members of the lodge sat down lo tho
banquet served after the meeting by
Caterer John Barnes, F P. Kingsbury,
who will now servo his fortieth con
secutive) term as treasurer, acted as
toastmaster, and speeches wero inado
by Hon, James Moir, Hev. James Bon
nlngcr, Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, J, W.
Itcese, K. M, Truesdale and David J,
KKKHY, of V:M Mulberry street, died
yesterday, aged CiJ years, interment iu
iinuiaoio cemetery Sunday ultc-nioou,
Funeral private, Tin) deceased Is snr
vlved by (ho following sons and daugh
ter: Souforil MaiKecby. Chicago, ill.;
Frank MacKcoby, Uiytous, N, J.; James
MacKcehy, Montague, N. J,; Lawls Mac
Kecby, Orange, N. J.; V. Con MacKeebv,
M, D Syracuse N. v.; Saul MacKeeby,
PlttHvillo, I'a and Miss Calharluu Mac
Kcoby, of tills city.
MIW. AIAKY WILSON died yesteiduy
nt her home, 13TU North Washington ave
nue. Tho funeral will bo held this after
noon from tho residence with Interment
hi Forost Hill cemetery.
MAOUIi: Sl.hl.IVAN. aged hi years,
daughter of Mrs. Mary Sullivan, died yes
terday at her home, Ui North Ninth
street. SI10 Is survived by her mother
and 0110 brother, Jeremiah. Tho funeral
announcement will bo made later,
of Frank II. Brenlon, died Friday even
ing, December 20, 10oi. aged 15 years. Fu
neral from the family home, 11$ Parku
street, West PIttston, Monday at 'T80 p.
in. Interment in West PIttston cemetery.
s Bazaar
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Bcl3, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Saturday MfB Dec. 27.
Matlncc 2.00 p. m. Night S p. m. sharp.
Tho Augusthi Daly Musical Co.
in Dainty, Tuneful
That Has Urokcn All Kccords
At Daly's Theater London,
At Daly's Theater New York-.
Sumo Cast as Last Season.
PKICKS Mntlliui'. 7.V, iW.. ;ic.
Night. $1.50, $1.00, 7.1c, 50c, 23c. Seats on
salo Xmua at fl a. in.
One Night Only, Wednesday, Dec. 31
Charles Frohman's
Empire Theatre Co.
(Thirteenth Season)
Including CUAW.KS 1UCIIMAN ami
MAKOAKET ANcil.lN, ill tho Kmplro
Theater's Greatest Success,
By If, V. Ksmoud, author of "When AVu
Worn Twenty-one," "lmpi'uileneo." $J,. 7."ic. r Sic.
Seats on sale Monday at 0 a. m.
Academy of Music
M. Itels. lessee nnd Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
One Week Starting Monday Dec. 22,
Chester De Vonde
Stock Co.
.Phil r,evy.
Saturday Matlneoe. "Tho Fatal Kiss."
Saturday Night "The Great Wide West '
PRICKS .Matinee, in ana - reins,
Night. 10, 20 and M cents.
VM.'VP AT'l'lf Af.TinV
Ono Solid Week Starling Monday. Dee 29.
.Maimco uany i oiiimunring .uiiiiuh.
Tho Favorites In ItPiiertolrc,
Si'iits for New Year's on salo Tuesday
nt U a. m,
The Dixie Theatre
l.csseo and Manager.
"Merry Christmas at the Dixie."
fieneral Admission: Ladles, 10 cents
gentlemen. 20 cents; best reserved seats,
25 cents, Telephone, No. lWJ, Sceuio seals.
Thursday. Friday and Saturday,
BBC. 23, 20, 27.
McMillan mt Dwyen
Tho two gladiators of the mat will nicei
in a nuxeu maien in
Music Hall, Mouday Night, Dec. 20l