The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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"-. ,.
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'" tiV '
Eye Glasses
You realize that wrong eye
glasses will ruin your sight, white
tho right glasses strengthen and
Improve the sight. Realizing
these things, can you afford to bo
careless? Perhaps you do well
to call on mo anyhow and find
out whether you have the right
lenses or not.
331 Washington Ave, J
Cfcaklcy, Itobert Mnrahatl, CJcoibo Nel
son Toots, KtiKono Tropp, Tliotniis Judge,
Wilt Franz nml Allen Lawienco.
Bankruptcy Petition.
A oluntniy petition lit hatikiuploy wua
ycatcnlay tiled In tlio United Stales dln
trlct court by Horn ire Hoyden, of Oak
land, a lumber nmnumclutcr. Jtls llnblll
llo nic )7iSm 11 ml his UBict ?2,SU.
Funoinl of W. Gibson Jones.
Tim funrral aci vices ot William Olli'tin
... . .1. .1.11. .,....! ! ,1 .4
turnup, Hliuu Ul'illll wiih iiimutu 111 UIVBU
colutniiH yesterday, will bo bold In t lio
i-enn Avonun Jinpusc cnuicin en which ua
was it mi-mhcr, nt 'J..':o o'clock tills after
Boy Sent to Jntl,
Alduiinuti SI. J. Itiiddv .veslejiilm- com
mltte-d li-ycnr-olil Julian McAidln to1 tho
I'liinily Jail ut tho request of Mis. W. II.
Dumran. Tho bov t tnroriltrlblu nml tin
offoit a lit bo mnde to huvu him tonl to
Kotnc lot motive liritllutlnu,
Begin the
New Year Right
by opening an utiount v.llli the
Coiinfy Savings Bank
- and Trust Company,
506 Spruco Street.
Wo rcceio deposits ot one doll ir
nnd upwnuK nml ay " per will,
lntcreit thereon.
L. A. WATBES, President.
P. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
All Members Invited.
All the piesnnt inonibeiM oC lliu I'lrst
Pi tsbytei lull chinch and all former tnctn
beiH within ii-tich, 1110 Inlted nnd i
iiuuited to Rnthur mound the'H taltlo
on Sunday afternoon at -I o'clock. This
will bo the last cliute-li boivIco In the old
liMntlc lnilKllnR'.
Charged with Larceny.
Jonefih (.'orico, of Dunmoie, enl,nliiy
caused the tnicit of Clhi-eppl I'hllllp,
whom ho chniKCil with Imccny. Couuo
alleROH that I'hllllp ulmliiu-ted $121 ft oni
hi") pocket ihllo tho two were reimnhn;
fiom a (JliilstnuiM celebration. Aldeiman
Iludtlv held Phillip under jiuo hull for
his appcuinmo In enmt.
fr Mollis' l'tifectu ...
4, rathllnder
T Counsellor
Tom Kei'iie
Isolds Mann
j. Monis' -Magnet
T Capaduia
Owl Uiaiul
4. a. W. ChlldH
T Juan r. I'oituoiulo
Lillian Ruel C
Itobeit Bum?
Coia Tanner
.2. 1 .nnrrilni tM'OrfoelO
- Clgnis packed :.! in bo at
v nml Hfln npl- ilO.
Cigar Prices
That are Right
W In -) In T
box. br-c.
..11.7", 90o
...I.m !1)o 4,
.. 1.7". SOU T
.. 1.70 t'Uc
.. 17.'. "Me
.. 1.7j 9)C jg,
.. 1.".
.. I".
.. l.V,
.. l.u .
.. 2.7".
.. 3 7.11 1.75
. ill . uu jr.
Our line of Pipes is the talk of $
fr the town.
4 4
j. no SmoklUR and Chewinj; Tobacco-
Old VliKinln. Cbi)ioot.
Tin ee lllaclc Kid ChcionK. ' ?
t Sweet Capoial Clftarettei- .j.
6 packs for 25c.
4. 4
- i. ic
. o pauivs iui iot. .j.
Tor Cash Only.
Vloiodoin Olji.ns
4, Matineo Cie.ns.
T Mutch IL" Cheioots
'rmklsli Tronhlc"5.
E. C. Morris
.j. Cigar man.
Leader of Cut Piices.
Reisman Bros.
The following Mag
azines for January are
now ready:
Scrlbnei's. Ilaipei'i-, Muiikoj's,
Cosmopolitan. Leslie's, strand,
Peaison's, Argosy, I3vf rybody's,
Bioidway. Alnsleu's, llassiiai, I.lp
plnrotts, Smart Set, Xlckoll, Hue
cpss, Short Stories Compnnlon. Out
Iner, Itccreatlon. "World's Woik,
Ccnturv and
.407 Spruce St.
New Phone, 43
Opp. Dime Bnnk.
In and About
The City
A Euchre Party.
Tito young ladles of St. Paul ikuIs.Ii
will slvo u cuclno next Monthly o cuius
'at IvnlglitH of Columbus hall,
j Will Admitted to Piobate.
J Tho Mill of Mrs. Mniion i;. Sloii.s uut
.admitted to probate yesteuluy and letters
7 testamentary einntcd to William It
' Stoirs.
Magistrate Howe to Speak.
Maglstiato JdIiu t, Ifowo will sipeak In
Qiioinsey hall tomoirow nlKlit under the
auspices of All Souls' Unlvei-uliht chinch
on "The r:peilences of a Pnllcu Miifris-
J tinte,"
A Hnsqueiade Dance.
The llltli minimi mubpim.uIo iluncu ot
tho Itojnl I'amily Mill ba held on Wert.
ncbday cenlnf, Jnnuuiy 7, at Oucinsoy
hall on Wubliliigion uvcuuo, Muslu Mill
bo by Uiwrenco's oicheslru, Tho inein-
tbors of tho club aro: Chailos Jiltli, Jack
-m -" .,
If you uso Grain.O in pluco of
coffeo you will enjoy it just us
much for it tastes tho (same ; yet, it
is liko a food to the system, dis.
' tributlng tho full bubstanco of tho
pure grain with every drop,
Atgroieri i erjwUcre j JOc, auae. icr iicli.
It Was Handed Down Yestenlny by
Judge A. A. Vosbuig in the
Orphans' Court.
In the ai plums' couit j'tsteiduy, JudKe
A. A. Vasbur, handed clow n un ojiin
lou In the matter of the estate ot Eliza
beth 52legler, deceased, In which ho or
tlei.s that the tiuestltin at It-sue be cer
tified to th coutt of common pleas for
a determination of the lacts. Judse
Vosburg's opinion follows in part:
On October flth, 100.', I.Uetta Kou and
Charles Itose, her husband, piesented
their petition to this coutt setting' loitli
that Elizabeth Zlcsler in her life time
took out two policies of lncutance on her
llfo Mith tho Xnsuraniu Com
pany of Amu lea, fur the ngKicc.ito -inn
of $707.00; that hhe gave In her llfetimH
thf slid policies to tlie petitionuis, that
the decendenl assigned to .said potltlonets
tho said policies; that she tlelleietl them
to the petltioneis and that they paid the
prLinlums thereon until tho death of the
testatrix; that the company paid the
amount of s.tld policies to tho executor
under the will of RHzabeth Zlegler, de
ceased, and that he l of used l) jny over
tho same, to tho petilioncis.
They thoieforo ask for an lito to ho
ceitlfictl to the com I of common pleas
tii deteimlne the ownuishtp of said insur
anco fund. Tho executor filed an answer
to this petition denying the lacts set
forth theieln -o far as they lelato to the
assignment of tho policies and claims
tint tho Insuianco money v.a the piop
ei ty of the estate ot Mrs. Zlenlcr.
A lartje amount of testlmotn hu been
taken on each side, and Mlillo the estate
appears upon the iccoid as the defendant,
the contest Is really between the petition
ers and the eieditois of tho estnto as It
plainly appeals by the c-ildcncs that Mis.
Zlegler died Insolvent. It is not contend
ed that the otphans' couit has no power
to awaul un issuo of this chataclei if
tho evidenco Man ants it.
The lespondents eontend that in the
fiist lilaco tlieie is no ovldcnt of a gift
to Chailes Rose and X will Htatc that this
contention is coiroct. 11 tho t?ift vas
made as claimed it nt made bv Eliza
beth Zeinlor to her daughtci, Lizctta
Rose. The lespondents also claim that
tho Oiphans' couit has m jurisdiction
to determlno tho ownership of the pio
ceeda of theso Inbiuanco policies tind that
tho petitioners should be lcnuhod to pic
sent their claim In sonio other foim.
Judge Voshurg says he is satisfied
that the Otphans' court has jurisdiction
to award an issue If the evidence wai
rants it and theicfoio ordets that an
issue be certified fiom the otphans'
court to the couit of common pleas of
Lackawanna county to bo submitted to
n juiy for tho determination of the fol
lowing question:
"Did Elizabeth SHozlor In her lifetime
usslgu or glvo to Llzottn. Rc-o two poli
cies ot insuianeoiin tho l'ludcutiul In
suranco Company of Aineilea, No. M197J
und Cii!C35J?" In this ibsue lot I.tzotta
Rosa stand as philntiff, and August K.
Schneider, executor undor tho Mill of
Elizabeth Zlegler, deceased, stand as de
fendant. It Is fuithcr otdeicd that all
proceedlngf, In the matter ot tho dis
tribution of tho estate ot Elizabeth SCIeg
lor, deceased, bo stayed until tho final
determination of tho tiucstlon thus sub
mitted to tho couit of common pleas lor
tho finding of a Jury; but this older !j
not to atfect the hearing of exceptions to
tho executor's account, except as to inat
tera involved In this lssuis
It beams piopcr to stato In tills con
nection that August r. Schneider tho ex
ecutor has acted in poifect good faith
and with tho utmost pioptloty so tar ab
tho evidence goes, hi cailng for tho In
terests of this estate lor c.ttofully at
tending to his duty In tho collection ot
this instil auto and in claiming It lor tho
estate. In no aspect of tho caso tlieio
fmo can ho bo hold liable lor any of tho
costs ami espouses Incident to this con
tioversy. When tills issue shall ha
been finally delei mined in tho couit of
common pleas and cei tilled back to or
phans' couit, let tho p.nttles in Inteiest
bi lug tho matter befoio Iho oiphans'
couit for final doleimluatlon.
Ill the estate of John Mason, Judge
Vosbuig handed down nn opinion dis
missing and nver-rullng tho delimiter
filed to the answer of tho c.ecutius,
and inuilo un onler fixing Monday,
December 2th, at 10 u. in , fur the hearing.
Hnuinge Licenses,
Ohmles Di"
Miuy A. McCiltti
Hutus ('. White
f'atheiluo Jenkins
Amu om' Uedunr
Susan 1'ovmiI
lliimm Veh
Mai la AhiuAlu.i
PetclVIll R. Law
Ada E Miibdii
Nelson Kclsncr-
l.lzzlo Di ink
Luke Ilniau ,,
Knto lluglifs (,
Colli, mil
Sei , lutein
Set anion
Cloaks nnd Fins
J.ull oer Milt bo sold at half ptlce,
M. D. Hiescholl, the lellablo funler, VII
Wyoming avenue,
For the convenience of their custom
eis, tho Lackawanna' Trust nnd Safe
Depoblt Company will bo open this
evening from 7 to S o'clock.
MJISNL'R-HWXK.-At the Coutt Slicot
MethodlKt patsonago, Doc.
ii, JOoJ, Nelson Kdsner and Mias LUzlo
Hi Ink, all of SeiJiiton, Pa.
STQNn-RAHHEH.-In Scianton. Pa.,
Dec. SI, JWJ, by Rev, Chailes A. Benja
min, William O. Stone, of Noith Muln
nvenue, und Miss Ilttella Itaiber, of
Wyoming ucnuc
Books of Travel nnd History, Liter
ntuie, Fiction, Sociology, Educa
tion, Science, Useful Arts nnd Fine
Arts They Constitute nn Import
ant Addition to tho Fine Collection
of Books with Which the City's
Public Libraly Is Supplied.
Dining tho month of December tho
following books weie added to tho
Scrnnton 1'ubllc Lllnnry, and are now
ready for the iibo ot leaders:
Hut ton, J. n.-Scot abroad 911112
L'ltiBtcIn, Lewis Italian unalssanco in
England !i 12 OS 13
Hall, J. K.-lIlstoiy of Atlantic City
"07I.U II
t'latk, S, 11. Handbook or best lending...
Llnthleiim, 11, Rest leellntlons, readings,
declamations, and pltos SOS.G L5
Randolph, L. V. K Sin Ivals (poems)....
Ware, E. r.-Rhymes of lionnuill.Sll AV10
Miller, J. IT. Jlld-olghtcenth century
Winston, Helen Al. Llteiary Roston of
tndnv MS W.1
J full. .Iiiiiks Legends of tho west. .818 IU
Robins, Edv mil Romances of eaily
Ainci lea SIS 1X3
Divtin, W. M. Tennyson pilmer....l T19
Lounsbuiy, T. R. Shnkespe.uo and Vol-
tulic S22.HL!;
Seaman, Owen P.ouoMcd plumes, .. .S27 Sil
Plcrko, E. M. Pablo unit song In Italy.,
Leo XIII, pope Pectus, charades, inscrip
tions nnd l evlscd compositions 8,11 L
Rread-Mlnuets: a uoclal study .XJ.l
Glasgow, Ellen The Descendant O10J
Hi-gnn, Alice C. Mrs. Wlggs of the cnb
bugo patch HoJ.l
Rus-jiI, W. C Wieck of the Grosvenor..
Coole-y, I'. II iluman niiluio and the o
clal older Ml CI
Cross A. L Anglican episcopates nnd
tho Ameilcan colonies "OS IIvU
Ussbor, Eicinrd Neo-maltliuaianlsm
Snldct, D. J. The Stale, especially the
Ameilcan state; pschologic.dly treated..
320.1 S
Snow, A. II. Administration of dependen
cies 32.-i S2
Ronodettl, Vincent Studies In diplomacy.,
227 B2
Howell, Gooige Labour legislation, move
ments, and leadeis 331111
National cllc fedeiation Conferences on
ludtistilal conciliation, Now York 1901..
:,)! N2
Rolen, G. L Plain fucts as to the tt lists
and the t.tiifl, etc 33S S ill
Case. Nelson Emopcan constitutional
history 312 CI
Firth, C. II. Cromwell's army: m history
of tho English soldier 3.", Fl
r.irley, J. P. West Point in the eailv
sitle, Mlth incidents of the war.35' K2
Wisser, J. P. Tactics ot coast defence....
3.--, WO
W1iIIom.iv, A. It. Reci nt obje-et-lessons
in pen il science 3d V
lf.ill. Hiiliorl L'ntiit. Mo under llio Plmi-
tagenets 391 IIJ
Hall, Hubert Soiiety In tho Elizabethan
ago 391 HI
Cmlv, Jennie C History of tho Momau's
chili movement In America 3'n; CS
riiullnj,, J. J. rilneiples ot class teach
ing 370.1 v:
Render, W. H. Teacher at work 171 I!S
Allison is I'erdue Stoiy In ptimuiv In
bti action 172 A2, J. R. V. Commeiclnl histoiy..
0.S3 M2
Thorpe, F. N. Government of tho people
ot tho United Stales., .,, ,,t.,.ii,0KI T
aclsc, W. F.-First Spanish book nml
render ., ..., .t,.,i,i,..i..tu,4G3 O
Franklnud, W. R.-Story of Euclid. ..S13 F
Hllbert, David Foundations of geomolry.
, ,,tii. ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, it,i,,ilU3 112
Lodge, Alfred Differential calculus for
bcglnneiB , ,,.517 I,
Turner', W, H. Modorn astronomy.. 520.9 T
Duncan, J. Applied moohanlcs for begin
ners '.,,.,i ,31 D
Walker, Frederick Aerial navigation....,
",t C33.8W1
VanderpoDl, Emily N. Color problems,,,!
Thorpe, T. E. Essays In historical chem
istry ,510.0 Tl
Ctltle, J. H.-Cold mines of the world....
G33.4 C
Oliver, T.-Dangeroua trades ttl.1.6 O
Hopkins, B. A. Cnro of tho teoth..Cl7.0 II
Raker, 0. I!. Economic loeomollvo man
agement 021.1 Rl
Nellson, R. M.-Htcnm turbine 021.1 K2
Llvormoro & Williams How to becomo a
competent motormau (,21.3 L4
Homuns, J. E. Self-propelled vehicles....
021.4 HI
Islcr, C Well-boring for water, bilne,
and oil 022.2 I
Mnssey, W. F. Cropgrowlng and ciop
Feeding 0.11 Ml
Mlnll, L. C. Injurious and useful Insects..
032 M
Rcckett, Edwin Hook of tho strawberry.
031 R5
Rudd, J. L. Amei lean horticultural man
ual 031 Bt,'
Young, E. It. My dogs In tho Noithland..
Hogiiu, Loulso E. Children's diot In homo
and HChool ,...U19 HI
Adams, C. C Elementary commercial
geogiaphv 00 Al
Laird, A. J. Syllable shorthand 053 IJS
Altsop, F. C Practical electric bell fit
ting 051 A2
Baldwin, T. S. Practical telephone hand
book and guide 034 Bl
Edison, T. A. Telegraphy self-taught....
054 H
aottsgoigcr, Fiimcls Arcoiinlant's guide
for executors, ndmlnlstnitors, ctc..CJ7 G3
Flower, Sydney Mail-order business
.C3S V
Salcy, M. L. Realmof the (lumber) re
taller C59 S
Loltner, Slgnnmd Ink manufacture
007 4L
Wilson, E. R. Cyanide processes. C99 2 W
Smith, A, W. Materials of machines
071 S2
Ilmm-in, W. L Toxtllo fibres of com
merce : 077 II
InBklp, G. D. Mathematical and graphi
cal roof framing. 2v 6911
Popplewoll, W. C Prtvcntatlon of smoke
097 P
Jennings, A. S. Paint and colour mixing.
Btown, Glenn European and Japanese
gardens 710 111
White, II. H. Rook of orchids 71 WJ
Headlam, Cecil Poter Vlschcr 739 II
Hawkins, N. Self-help mechanical draw
ing 714 113
C.idncss, Henry Decoi.ttlvc brushwork
and elementary design 745 C3
Walker, Louisa Vailed occupations In
siting work 710 W
Blackburn, Henry Ait of lllustiatlon
Taylor, C. M. Why my photographs aro
bad 770 T
Upton, G, P. Musical pastels 7S0 4X1l
CroMest, F. J. Story of the ait ot music.
Ranlster, IX. C Musical analysis.. ..7&1 P.3
Upton, G. P. Standutd light operas
Cadogan, Adelaide lllustiatcd games of
patience.- 795 CI
Woodrufl , Ttotting horso of
Ametlea 79S W
Singleton. Esther Famous, paintings as
seen and described 1 famous Mrlteis..
77J SI
Kcollnc,, Elbod Sir Johua Reynolds
759.2 IC
.Malison, J. A.Sir Edwin Landseer..i0 2 M
Maithi, AV. Gonud Don ... 7599 M
Cloaks and Furs
Lett over will be Fold at halt pi Ice.
M. D. Brcsehell, the i (-liable funler, 121
Wyoming aenue.
sWnton Bicycle Club Will Probably
Finish on Top in the Bicycle Club's
League Race Kicks at tho Fre
quency of Postponed Games Are
HeardWharton's Score of 278 Is
a New Record for Hampe Alleys,
Max Graf, of Buffalo, Makes a
Score of 300,
With only six more games to be l oiled
by tho teams comprising? tho Wcyelo
Clubs' league, It would seem as If the
Scranlon Bicycle club team will finish
on top, with the Electric City Wheel
men cIofc seconds. The Green Ridge
Wheelmen have been bowling In better
form of late, however, than they did at
first and they may come out second
best even yet. The Suburban team,
which haa done tho most remarkable
team work over seen In this city, has
played up n gainst all kinds of hnrd
luck and linn no show for cither first or
second honors.
The loeul admlicrs of bowling uro
kicking at the frequency Mlth which
games are postponed In the City lengue
und the members of one or two of the
teams, which have not permitted tilvlnl
Inconveniences to inteUctc with their
playing, are also sore. There were no
less than three postponed sets of games
hist week, nnd as a consoauence It is
impassible to tell just what the stand
ing of the tenins is. There are only
six more games 1o. bo rolled by each
team, according to the schedule, befote
the first series will bo over.
The captains nf at least two of the
teams in the City league- propose to
protest in the future if tho rule pro
hibiting players bowling with any ex
cept their regular teams is not lived up
to. One player in the league has al
leady bowled match games with no less
than four teams, and there aro several
who have bowled with thiee teams.
The captains of the two teams In ques
tion say that if this thing Is attempted
they will insist that substitutes be
played, or else they will refuse to bowl.
it Jr u ii
Captain "Bobby" Wharton, ot the
Huinpo team, has broken Hopkins' rec
ord for tho Hampe alleys by making n
scoie of 27S a lew dajs ago. In the
game before that he made a. total of
209. The iccoid for the city is at pies
ent held by Mux Feldman, of Noith
Scranton. who made 2S7 on the Audl
toiluni alloys. It is alleged by some,
however, that in the contest in which
ho- was lolling no attempt was made to
stilctly cnfoie-o the rules.
Max Graf, of Buffalo, lp.ule a sioie
of S00 on the Iroquois alleys In that
city last week. This Is the highest pos
sible scoif; which can be made at bowl
ing, and thougli It has been made De
fine, it is so seldom tolled up that
Oinf's feat Is deseiving of moio than
passing mention. It lequlres twehn
straight strikes to make a total scoto
of 30ft, but Graf's lecord Is moie wnn
deiful still when it is nndei stood that
he made seventeen sti .light Mi ikes, the
other live being on the tall-end ot an
other game.
German China Pieces.
More good news I
Here nre somo splendid values in little odds and ends that
every housewife will be interested in
All are of very fine make and in every way perfect simply
"tf4rle tirl mnAm "
'odds and ends.'
Cups and Satlceis,
Cretim Pitchers,
Ont Meal Dishes,
Tea Pot Stands.
Syrup Pitchers,
Mustache. Cups and
Latgo Cups nnd Sau
cers, Cuns, Saucers and
Chocolate Pols,
Cracker Jots,
Tea Pots,
Comb nnd Btush
Salad Dishes,
Cake Plates,
$ Geo: V. Millar & Co
Are Invited
to transact your banking
btiBineaa with ua, and every
courtesy will be extended,
whether your account is large or small.
Third National Bank,
Il8 Wyoming Ave., Setanlon, Pa.
Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000.
.'5 per cent, intorest paid ou Savings Accounts,
nnd tho interest is compounded Jan. land July 1.
Accounts can bo opened by mail.
QA Trading Stamps
Ov Given Away Free 1
With a Dollar Purchase, vSaturday and
Monday, Dec. 27 and 29.
Clearance Sale
Will Commence Saturday Morning'.
With every purchase amounting to one dollar or
over. This offer holds good until January ist,
and includes all classes of goods, even those
whose prices are cut deeply.
Our First Annual
Cloak and Suit Sale
Begins this morning. Every garment has taken on a new
price, a'nd every newly priced garment is new, and posi
tively ot this season's production. The styles are therefore
the very latest, while the tailoring and quality of materials
is the very highest piocurable. We have no trash in stock
nothing here but goodsof guaranteed quality.
Ladies' and Misses' Coats in ail the latest
cuts, made from American Woolen Mills Ker-
sey. Genuine 7.50 garments, are now 5.UU
Our regular 10.00 Coats, in all styles and -.
colors, .are now , . JJ) .5 j
Our Famous $12. 50 Coats, in a fine range
of styles, that have won the favor of all who
have seen them, are now ty VO
The High Class Coats and Jackets that
sold for $ 16. 50, arc reduced to '. . p 1 2.u9
Other High Class Coats priced up to and in
cluding our magnificent line at $20.00, are & 1 qx
now marked for choice, Jp 1 4.0V
All Lille Velour Coats are offered at exacr
Iy cost price.
!t The Balance of the Fur Stock :
3 Suits for Ladies and Children g
Children's Coats
Ladies' Walking Skirts &
etc., at prices not approached anywhere else in Scranton, &
and you have choice of the only entirely new stock in this tP
city. &'
f Ladies' Storm Coats
Dress Goods
Sl.00 Heavy Double Fan Slttrtlngs.69c
Tweed Sltlttlngs, nil wool, urey
mlxtm cs 39c
?1,00 Vouetluus, o(Mnch, good lino
of colois 75c
&0c AlliutrobS, 40-IiicIi nil colois.. 39c
GOu millinnls, UiMnch, small He
mes 19c
73o IIcmluttuB, 40-inch, evening
shades 59c
75c Walbtlngs, in many &tylps....50c
DOc nideidown, yonl wide 39c
Uuc lZUlei down , . . . , , 25c
7So Coiduioys, extia wide, nil
.similes , , , . , , , , . , ,63c
G5u Cardmoy, all colors , 49c
Lot of $1,00 Tnffeta Sillm 59c
Trkob WnlatliiRS, now shades,,,, 25c
ISn Vast Near SHU Dross Lin
ing 123c
lVtC l-'ust niaclc Perrallue..,.,,10c
15c Kast Black Poicallne,,,.,,,,12c
0(i Fast Illack Porcallno 15c
Eellnao Drets Flannolettes, new
spring styles ISe
12 j Huavy Dark Percale 8c
New Spring Ginghams, 13c goods.. 10c
I Case Bates' Seersucker (short
lengths) c
FIno Heavy 80 Outings or Glc
Good Heavy 10a OutlngH for W2c
Best Apron Gingham . . , 6c
Best Indigo Blue Prints 5c
Best Simpson Sllvov Grey Prints., 5c
Poreale Prlnta, yard wide 8c
Good Shaker Flannel 4c
Best Hill Bleachod MuBlln 7c
Holiday Goods,
and Comforts,
At a Big Reduction.
Cut Prices in
Cloak Department
Children's $10.95 Coats for 9 8.50
Children's $12.50 Coats for 9,75
Chlldien's 115.00 Coats for,.... 11.50
Children's S7.50 Gibson Coats.. 5.00
Ladles' $10.00 Coats.,., 6.95
Ladles $12.50 Coats 9,95
Ladles' $20,00 Coats, .,..,,..... 15.00
Ladles' $25,00 Coats 19.50
Ladles' $35.00 Coats 25.00
and Hosiery
Men's Fleeced 50o Underwear. . 39c
Men's Flooced 75c. Underwear... 50c
Men's Fine Natural "Wool Under
wear 51.00
Mon's Heavy Natuial Wool Un
derwear $1.00
Ladles' Fine Fleeced Undoiwcur. 25c
Ladlos' Egyptian Fleeced Undor
wear 50o
Ladles' Natural Wool Under-
wear , 75c
Ladles Fine Wool Underwear. , , ,$1,00
Ladles' Fine "White and Bibbed
Underwear ..,.,,..,...,...,, $1.00
Ladles' Maco Black Hose,,,,..,, 25c
! reduced.
A complete line of the best makes only at prices greatly xi
9 m--.!! JSm r
1 lCWUlIlfll Ml WU.
400 and 402 Lacka. Avenue.
Cut Out This Coupon,
Present at our office,
purchase $1.00 worth of
goods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps.
December 26, 27, 29.
Hears & Hagen
415 and 417 Lack&vaooa Ave,
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