The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Week's Social News
H!5ttU IS nn unusual tttnouiit nt
enthusiasm over tho lliicheloifl
Hall UiIh your nnd tlml Is say
ing much, fur It Is n
fad to bo enthusiastic over ouo
of the notable, social events of this
country. Tho reason for the exception
al Interest thin season Is ellillmilt to
troco nnd yet there me many nttotid
nnt Incidents which lend to the appar
ent delight of tho rommlttcc. There
are to be any number of lsltois till)
j, ear who have not intended previous
balls In this city. Tt In unnoted that
many of them tue superlatively beauti
ful. Everybody known that the pretti
est git Is within a rndluH of one bun
dled and fifty miles bavo been een
here nt tho Uaolielois' Hulls of the past.
If any lovelier ones aic to be In evi
dence thin year people want to nee
them and consequently tho tiukuls ute
being- Bold at n iiiplil rate. There are
only a few ileslralilc boxes left which
can be seemed on application. Among
the box holders mo: Colonel If. M.
Hole". Major IjVcrett Warren, Slwsi".
T. H. WntlciiiH, 33. Ii. Fuller. V. Ii.
Stuige. Cleorge CI. HrooltH, A. U. llliilr,
P. M. Vundlltig. a. B. Smith. W. I..
Council. W. J. Toney, T. C.Von Store)),
A. N. Walker, W. D. Siehfcdur. T. F.
Penman, C. It. Connell, P. r.. VocU, r
i: Ulnir, C. D. Simpson. F. B. Piatt.
Henry Bella, jr., W. W. Scr.inton, J.
HenJ. Blmmlck.
The music will be n.u tlculailv good.
Bauer's band' will be very large and
will contain :i number of otlt-nl-town
niuslelens. The decorations arc to be
unusually lavish and the scheme of
io!or will bo brilliantly beautiful. Ar
rangements have been made for extra
heating facilities and i is certain that
the armory will be warm and comfort
able. The boxes are to be richly tilted
up and will bo arranged most eonvonl
cntly for guests.
The c.ilcndnr lor tin- week Is eiy
full. Alls. F. i:. J'latl will give a
lunelieon lor Aliss Alarjoile I'l.ilt at
the Country club today. Mr. and Mis.
J. Benjamin Dlinnilck will have a dinner-dunce
tonight at their home, on
North 'Washington avenue, for their
daughter. Miss Jeanne. Mr. and Mis.
1". B. Fuller will enter tntn sit cnrd.s on
Alonduv night, and on Tuesday niglit
Mi'-s Coinelid Gulpln will have; a huge
. card party. On the afternoon of that
day Mis. William Matthews will have
a tea for the younger set. The B.iehel-
, ois" ball will bo on Wednesday niglit.
and on Thursday night Mr. and Mis.
Everett Warren will have a dance- at
the Bicycle club for Miss Wan en. The
Hist assembly will be on Friday night.
Mr. LaMotte Belin vvtll give a stag din
ner on Saturday niglit.
Major and Mrs. Everett Wan en will
entertain charmingly tluring the com
ing week in honor of their daughters
and their guests. The membeis of
their house party will be friends of
Miss Wan en. Miss Marjorle Barslow,
of Summit, N. J.: Miss Ella Stanton,
or Brooklyn. N Y.; Messi. Arthur
Collins and Joseph Woodward.or Hart
ford, Conn.
On Thursday night Major mid Mis.
W.uren will have n dance at the P.i
ovele club for Miss Warren. Bast night
they gave a dance at the Country club
lor Miss Dorothy. Tho guests weie:
Misses Florence Nyeth, of New Yoik;
Elizabeth Blchmond, Evelj n Jones,
Gertrude Loel, May Clarke.
Watkins, Boulso Smith, Elizabeth I
Storrs, nuth Hand. Helen Boies, Edith
Pendleton, Edith Holland, Frances Jer
myn, Helen Parke. Jessie, Natalie and
Helen Connell, Evelyn Tiuey, Elizabeth
Blchmond; Messis. Mux Jessup, Law
Watkins, Charles Shaffer, of Chicago;
Marion Nyeth, of New York; James
fallen . Cuttls Piatt. Kenneth Welles,
Bouglas Toirey, William Matthews,
H.uold Welles, Taylor Foster. Wamei
Hayes, Edgur Coursen. Ulehinoml
Tracy, Esson Taylor, Harold Connell,
tirlor Parke, Francis Sherroiel, Milton
Tlierc will he a bowling contest at
the fount i y club today, when special
ptizfs will be offered to junior plajejs
tor the highest nvciage of ten cauls
handed in by mi one under IS years of
The Countiy club lias been purtiou
laily ntti active dining the Chilstma.s
festivities, with the billliant Intel lor
ilecoiations of lam el, with red berries
and blossoms.
Mi. and Mis. B. B. Fuller will enter
tain a week end patty at their eountiy
house In B.ilton over net Sunday.
They have as their guests for the Bach
elors' ball Mr. and Mis. Uyon, of Potts
vllle; Miss Edna Schuyler, of New
Yotk; Mis-, Detwiller, of Enston; Mr.
A. II. Atlm, of New ink, N. J.
Mr. and Mis. Benjamin F. Wyl, Jr.,
formerly of Atlanta, who have recent
ly taken up their residence In this city
and who me occupying Mrs. S. G. Bar
ker's houso on Madison avenue, kept
open house on ChilstmsiH day, after tho
hospitable fashion of tho South.
Lieutenant Walter Citinstor, of the
regular nimy, Is at homo on a six
weeks' leave of nbsence. Lieutenant
Ounstei's leglmeut Is stationed in San
Mr. and Mis. E. B. Fulei and Mr.
Mortimer Fuller will obseivo n do
llghtfui old custom on New York's Bay
In keeping open house. They will u
celve their friends fiom -1 until 7 o'clock
and, ns no enids huvo lieeu Issued, tho
v announcement thus made, In today's
Safe Keeping- for Valuable
Christmas Gifts.
Should be a matter of concern to the fortu
nate recipients of diamonds and other
costly jewels, because they are exposed to
danger if kept in the house. Our safe de
posit system perfectly solves the problem.
An individual box in our steel vault, cost
. ingS.ooa year, will make them access
ible at all times, yet absolutely safe,
jlerchants and
Tilbunu 'will bo understood as being
peronnlly Intended for nil the ft lends
of Mr. Fuller uml his family.
Mis. II. F. Dixie, of this oily, will
leave lor Now Yotk Jan. 1', whoie, In
tlnee different cities she will piodueo n
Kinnd Bpeetacular porformnnco ut "The
Yentuun of tho Ouard," a minstrel per
formance unci an opera carnival. Ue
tuinlng she will take up the woik In
Plltston, as she did last year.
There seemed to bi few Institutions
in the city without it. bountiful Christ
mas dinner thin year, but doubtless
many ft lends of the Florence Mission
will legiet to know that the family In
that Institutions was not well remem
beied on tills happiest holiday of tho
your, and the dinner was lather meagre.
Mrs, a, I). Blaoklngton gave a chat til
ing luncheon lust Saturday for Iter niece
little Miss Floience Smith. The guests
wore: Misses Mildred Murple, Marguer
ite Baiker, Allto Ulalr, Maiguret Con
nell, Elizabeth Stuns, Mnry Isabel
Kays, Mury Hullstead, Mary MeClave,
Elizabeth Jermyn, Luicna I.aBar Mar
lun Howarth, l.olln fusion, Floience
' Mis. Blaeklngtou unlet tallied at a din
ner on Tuesday night, her niece, Miss
Boulso Smith. Tlie others present weie;
Misses Janet Stons, Maijoiiu Plult,
Doiothy Warren, Glairs Watkins,
Fiances Jeimyn. Elizabeth Dickson,
Helen Boies, Helen P.u ke, Marlon
Tracy. Messrs. Baw W.ttklus, fuitls
Piatt, James Blnen, Douglas Toirey,
Kli'hmond Tiney, Kenneth and llaiold
Welles, filer Parke. William Manlleiis,
Edgar foui--en, Wainei Hayes.
Colonel and Mrs. Boles will entei tain
a company of their daughter's friends
lining holiday week. The membeis of
the pa'lty will be Miss Ada Copeland,
of Boston; Miss Simpson, of New Yoik;
Miss Olmslead, of Bikevillc, Conn.,
Mis Mootmiii, of Orange. Messis.
f lupus, of New Yoik, and Il.iUlwIn cif
Mr. and Mis. H. 11. itiady will enter
tain informally Tuesday nlgliL in honor
of their guest, Miss Beiferts, of New
York, who will su i he e.uly in the week.
Mrs. William Matthews will liae a
lea for the ounger set on Tuesday at
tcrnoon, in lienor of Iier son. Robeit.
Mis. John B. Galpln will ontertaiti at
a luncheon on Wednesday next, in hon
or of her guest, Miss Giaro Emmy, of
Rockland, Me., who will aulvo on
Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Galpln will
also have Mi. B A. Smltth, of Rock
land, as a guest for the Bachelor Ball.
Mr. and Mis. A. D. Blaekinton are
entertaining a house paity for Miss
Galpin. who Is to give a card paity
on Tuesday niglit, in honor of her
guests. They ate Miss Elsie Street
and Mr. Fiedeiklc Stieei, of Darlen,
Conn.; Miss Julia Mi Gee. of Jeispy
City, and Mi. Funk Dobbins, or Jer
sey City. A member of the party to
airive later Is Mr. Edwin Ten is, of
New Yoik.
Mr. Ra mond Fanrtoisou will haw
powral holiday guests al his home on
flay avenue, among whom will be;
Mosi. D. B. Tobev and Peabody, of
Pouglikeepsie; N. B. Biooks, of Now
aik Misses M.ugueiito and Emma Bar
ker, the two little daughters of City
Treasurer and Mis. RatKer, tilled twenty-five
fancy stockings with It nit, mils,
candy and games tor the children of
the Eackawanna hospital. When the
little tots opened their e:es Chilstmas
moining and saw the stockings on
their beds they thought they had suro-
i ly not been foi gotten by Santa Claus.
The Mss(.s Not ton, of Mulbeny
si i eet, have issued Invitations to a
i. nil paity on Tuesday next, in honor
of Mis. Bewis Parry, of tho city of
Mexico. Mis. Pair, as Miss Bola
Judd, foiniorly of tills city, has many
liiends In Scinnton.
Ml.i. V. R. Godfiey will Ollteitain
cards this afternoon nt tho Jeimyn.
A dinner was given List night at tlie
Scianton club, in honor of Denning
Hiiight, of Lebanon.
Some superb gowns mo woiu by the
women of Chniles Fi oilman's Empire
Stock company, which will piesent
"Tho Wilderness" at the Lyceum next
Wednesday night. Not only me Miss
Anglln's gowns dimming, but the cos
tumes of Ethel Hoi nick as Edith Cado
gun, who hns little to do except to ap
pear well gowned, nnd of Kate Putti-.son-Selten,
its Mrs. Buckley Weston,
nie dreams of beauty. Mis, Thomas
Whlffen, as Bady Mllanor, is (list soon
In a reseda gieon silk brocade, with a
wondertul shaded pink find gieou chif
fon boa; Billlan Thurgate, as Ethul
Glyndon cames on for a single scene in
an uiiy pink confection of silk nnd
But to toll of Mnigarot Anglln's
gowns nnd of couiso thoy aic tho
most Important. In thu Bond sheet
tea-room, where she has a meeting
with thu loer she Is destined not to
many, her costuino Is a frail dia
phanous affair of How mod silk mull
over palo plnlc sill), tho bodice a hlousei
nnd mudu with a luco beithe, the skh t
a trailing thing of beauty. A pink silk
girdle, a Ilowei-tihnmeil hat Ub well ns
a pink silk parasol which now and
Mechanics Bank
then changes place with a pink feather
boa ns something lo toy with, are some
of tho fair aceessoties of thu fair Ma
bel's get-up,
. In the second act, ns a lsltor to the
failles' ring In the woods, whet is a
marriage pioposal from the lilted and
wealthy suitor Is oluveily brought
about by the young woman herself,
she weais n simple pongee silk with
plaited skltt. walking length. A Inoad
ecru loco collar and ttlmmlngs of mby
icd silk complete a bow Itching llltlu
fiock. White embroidered crepo decol
lete nud trimmed only with while lace,
Is lesoivcd for tho last act.
Miss Hot nick's whites cloth gown,
made with u loose coat of heavy cream
lace, Is one of her most elfootho cos
tumes, although an evening gown worn
In thu last act Is an elaborate pale
green satin made ptlncc,
Miss Opttiudc sjpinyue Is lKltlng fi lends
In Buffalo.
Mr. mid Mi. C. V. Conn me In Concord,
Mass,, foi the holidays.
Miss Bindley, of Newbmg, N. Y Is tho
guesl of her sister. Mis. F, M, Spoiled.
Ttov. and Mrs. John Mlhttnti, of Putin
vllle, are the guests of Sernnton fi lends.
.Mis. Muiy B. VleKer. of Haw ley. Is
visiting her daughter, Agnes, i the Hoi
laud. Mis. P. Y). Mcflowiin Is eiileilalning her
parents, Mr. and Mis. Slsson. of Ithaca,
N. Y.
Miss WiUeiinau, ol Southpnit, fotiu., Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence
MNs Klbabelb Cooke, ol .TaCksonxllle,
Till., will he the guest ut Mis. T. F. Pen
man next week,
II. AY. King, of Tho Ti Ihiinc business
olllce, Is spending the holidays at bis old
homo In Ni w England.
C. TI. Kelchuni, siipcilntendenL ol the
I.aekawanan rutliiiiid, nt Hiilioken, N. J.,
was In tho city veslenlnv..
Mis. Alice M. Wlnton anil Mis.- Blsbeth
are spending tho holidays al Di. Mur
rav's, 4V, AYntning ncnue.
Miss (iiailolto Hullilg. of Hast Oimwe,
N. I., Is tho gurst of Ml"s l.evlu.i
Schnell, of West Lackawanna avenue.
Joseph Grubb Alcxnuder, who has been
attending TJifayctto college. Is speiullng
ills vacation nt his homo on Clay avenue.
Mr. and Mis. inlng McCounlek nud
family attended thu llftleth unlnversary
of Mr. and Mis. J. W. McCoiniack, ot
l'eckvllle on Tuesday evening, Dec. 21.
Pi auk Koch, ol the Casadella school,
Tthaca, and his sister, Miss Ciurin Koch,
of the WIIKes-Itarie sunlnaiv, nie spend
ing the hollila s at their homo on Madison
Chiulcs P. Phi eo, of the credlL de
pat ttmrnt of the John W.ammakir llrm of
New Yoik, Is spending the ho!li1as at
homo with Dr. unci Mis Tt P. V. Pierce.
Mr. and Mis. Chailes W. House, of Now
ioiIc, me alsn stlntf Bi. and Aim,
Pieioo Mr. flotisn s tho uinnugei ot thu
transfer system of John W.iiuunaKor's
THERE is a fhiistmus cheer whlc
all can enjov and dlftuse, whethe
they aio lieh or poor. It costs n
poor, it costs no
money, il entails no small jealousies
and leaves no regiets. It will biing
more return than a xast expendituie of
gold and effoit, and can all bo accom
plished while sluing at homo by the
U Is a sou ol dealing house affair,
this Chilstmas cheer, and it woika
hugely through icllex action. It isn't
su much a Now Year's custom to be
established as for Christmas, since by
the time New Year an Ives we aic not
in tlie piciper fi.ime of mini! to eairy
out tlie details. The only time in the
wuild lo aiiange it oonectly Is at the
Yuletide of the
Pei haps j on have been doing It light
along. If not, this Is a good time lo
begin founlng the habit, although It is
nutliing new and oilglnal, but some
thing as old as the songs the shephoids
sang on the plains of Bethlehem. It Is
the idea of dismissing the giieani'e
committee of the biain and dealing the
lmait of the dismal accumulation ol the
ear, in the shape of snubs nnd slights
and offenses and injuiles, and staitlng
all over with no Incumbrances.
Theio Is no incumbrance in the woilel
so utteily cunibious as a gilevanee. it
can bin den one liko tlie Old Man of
the Sea. I should not be suimised If
tlie real Old Man of the Sen was a
grudge in tlie beginning. He was piob
ably a big, old hateful Grudge, that
sat down nt the flieside like a Cue Cat
and camped out on one's pillow at night
and clung about one's neck when ouo
walked tihioad, ami poureel hitler
wateis in one's cup at dinner and whis
peied evil things when ono would have
had lovely day dieams. Christinas Is
such a good time to diown the Giudge.
Ono will be too busy at New Year
making lesolutions that one bus no in
tention of keeping, and planning out
thlity-slx horns' woik In every du of
the three bundled and sixty-live, to
bother about the exlei initiation or hist
nui Giudge. It is better to attiiid to
tho matter right now. lie will lie haul
to kill, lor ho will mutter ovei mul over
again: "You aio such a fool: Why
under tho sun do you want to foiget
that Mis, Snlpplc snubbed uu? It
Isn't fair to jotuself to Ignoio tho fact
that Tom Shuip tiled to do ou In Unit
business matter, ft Is tho sweetest aim
In the wuild to keep In mind that you
want to get even with the glil who
said that you wuc oimle. You owe It
to your dignity to icsent these slights
that joii have been receiving lioin peo
ple not at ul youi equal."
But one will never In a whole twihi -month
teei like chasing the giudgo
awity fiom one's heutlhstnue If t is
not attempted now In tho little pain-o
befoui tho New Year stundh on tho
tlilesholel; now when the Cluistinas
spirit Is In the tilr and the bcait Is
softened with tender ineiuoilcs of ihe
ek-a 1 1 nud tho waini liilulsuullons of
tho living. Yet ho has such a habit of
staying about with Ills mlsetnbli) cloak
ing to make a eliscoul In tho meirlest
mil lb, lhat it Is dltlicult to dislodge
The oddest tiling about It all Is that
ouo seldom leall.ea that the only pti
sou whom lift makes really uucoinfoit
ahlo is never anybody tint one's own
sen, Onu semis mm loith to wiouk
harm against another who has duno
thei wiong, but with a propositions
scuta of justice he never stlts ou his
mission but ciouthes llnuo ut one's
own door to nnnoy and tortuio tun
keeper of the home. It is only when
one. ronvlpceb him that thero Is no least
crumb left of the loaf of usentinent
for hlb eating una no last chop of tho
heart's blttemesa for his chinking-, no
coriodlng thoughts for his dimming,
that ho vanishes, Now Is a kooiI time
to make him Miuhh.
The gill who can do peedlowoik has
her Innings this Chilstmas as shu mcr
had before. She hasn't been wasting
her time on doylies unci centre pieces
almost everybody has doylies and cen
ter pieces enough but she bus betn
mpklng all soils of bcautlfjlng acc-cs-sotlc'H
to dies-). Theio was never n tlmo
Avlthln the recollection of the modem
woman when so much handwork went
Into tho details of feminine npparcl. It
Is u poor sort of gown 'which has not n
hit of dainty uccdlcwotk In the shape
of French knuls or fancy stllches ut
least, and there Is no end 16 the grace
ful little tntiohcH that mo added by
thepo hand embelllshmeiits. Thus It Is
Hint tho gill clever with Iter' uuedlo
hi ought gladness to the heart a of her
f i lends on GJnislmas moinlug. She haa
been doing the prettiest things turn
over collurs find sleeve pieces In old
fashioned cross-stitch In tho Holiest of
Ollontul coloilug. These will make
belts, collars mul bnnds down the fronts
of cloth shltlwulsts. Then she has bren
ombroldeilng yokes of white cloth In
huge designs of grapes and tholr leaves,
all done In white. Tho girl who found
one of these In her ChrMmns stocking
was a happy girl,
One young woman wanted to show
tangible proof of her appreciation to
watd a lrlenrt who gave her a delight
ful outing Inst summer on u mountain
tilp. So for n long time she has been
einbioldeiltiff little while silk medal
lions which are to bo lnci listed with
lace. Tlie work Is exquisite and con
sists of a spray of rosebuds and leaves
in natmal color. They will give the'
lasl touch of elegance lo the richest
costume, and will bo priceless In value.
"Homo-made" gifts ute ccitnlnl in the
nsccndaiicy this yeai.
It was a beautiful Cliilstnias I hope
you liked it. There are so munv kind
people in the world and their hearts
aio bo big at Christmas time. One won
deis perpetually how they find time- or
Inclination, not to mention means, for
their geneloslt.. It is tho sttipilcs
that adds much zest to tho duy; the
unexpected leiuombrance, tho little,
lovely gift out of some one's meagre
stoie, the lleli and costly thing fioin
nnu aloof In her plenty, jet beat t-nuar
and dear hi her gracious kindliness.
Saucy Bc"-s.
Among the noticeable features ot The
Dlliucator for Januaiy Ih Its tine eoer
tho lb st of a seuies that will continue
throughout the year. The scope of the
iniigiiphio has bun geiieiallv widened,
and new and Milualile in iterlal has been
lnti educed Into all the departments. Clatu
1.'. I.mifjillu begins a s(its of papers
entitled "Mlhidl." in which slie considers
tlie problems and pierogutlvcs of woman
hood. Cvius ToMiiseud Uijdy Is repie
sentcd b one ut bis lomotis bishop
stories. lnteii ( Is heightened In .Mis.
liarr's powciful loe sloiy, Tbyra Yai
ilck. and the novel develops along dia
matle lines. In "Homes of the Past and
Piesent" Ella Itutler Bvatis lnteiostlngly
destilhos two iamous colonial houses.
Meadow Gal den anil Chateau e Vert.
John D. Baiiv w i lies on "The Stae as
.i Caieer foi Women " and the nrtliie Is
strlkiiiglv illustrated. Piank Pieiieb
gives the -.eeeind and last p-nt of his en
tertaining "Kemlntsecnccf. of New Bmr
land T.lfe." "Track Athletics for Women"
bv Christine Terlume TJerrlek. presents
some noel fea lines of sports in which
women aie interested. Mrs. Theodoie W.
Bbnev discusses "Childhood." a subject
concerning which she Is cmincnllv fltteel
to write. The tashloin are presented ill
their usual ntttactlve and timely lorm.
nnd the hollilav display in the shops Is
Illustrated and, deseiibcel. "The lair: Its
Caie and Dressing" should e lalm the at
tention of women. Tor the childrn there
appears the Mist of the "What Happened
Then" Stones, by Grace MacGonan
Cooke, the usual pistlmes, a. natural hls
tor sketch, etc. The pages of illus
tiated cookery pnitrav n decided novelty
In a Chinese dinner. Mis. Mitigairt Ball
begins, in this number a sorl, s of "Pino
Ileal Talks to Young Houspki'ipeis. and
the depat tinents piesore their usual de
gree of Intel est and excellence.
c'oinmodore Hubert B. Pc.m tells at
some leuglh of IlnnUne," on the Great
ii a In Leslie's monthly for Januaiy. Bis
renlai knblo photogiaphs of the Ihlng anil
dead Polar anlmuls ghe a unlipie Interest
to the nitlcle. Theio aie eight short
sloiii's in the magazine-, among them ono
by Robert llarr and another Glengarry
stniy by llalpb Connor. An aitlcle talleel
"The Gloat Amoiloan l!.uii.aid" deals
with tho enormous poultiy Indii'trv of
tho United States; there is a study eif
.losepli Chambeilain bv an liish member
ot paill.iment, and n sketch of the celo-
btateil Br. I.oreiu. The mvstety of Anna
Katheilne Green's detecllvo stoiy Is
made clear In tho last Installment of that
seilal, which appeals this month.
The llrst World' Woik of tho new jenr
contains a wldo nilty of subjects wiilttn
about In the concise, optimistic manner
which is charactiTlstio of this magazine.
Perhaps tho most important article Is
llobtrt II. Montgompij's story of the
American invasion of Canada. Illustrated
with many striking ploliues and pen trails.
Lewis Nlson's piophecles of the "Battle
ships eif the Puluip," and Mr. Moselv's
lews of American eondlllons
as ho has sei-n them dm lug ills recent
Hip ibtoiigb this countiv are also ery
The ft atlm of the Jiinuuiv Bvuij body's
Is a new "Aiablaii NlKbts" story tunnel
recently by Dr. Heyhold, of tho Pnlveislty
of Tubingen aiming the Aiablc inaiiu
seiiptH of tho late Consul Wetzsteln, of
Bamascus. Mis. llevlee Van Voisl di"
seilbi-M her nspeunnco In faetoiles hi iil
cago, being the last ultlcle of the seiles
of "The Woman That Tolls." Jullol
Wither Tiiiupklus coutiibiitis a most iu
liuestlng stuily of ''The Personality of
Helen Gould." tu "Tingedli'S of Site .un
bent Illsioiies," O. W. Ogden tells honio
duiinatlc stoiles of life on the Mississippi.
"M:tK. Ba71edlck's at Home" the ildrd
of tho "Pntniployeet Btch" si'ile.s, cb -scribes
the tpieal New Yoik sociity wo.
man on the seuich for entei
talument, Thero Is a -lld account of
tho personality of Andrew Jackson and
the siene at Calhoun's supper party nt
"Tho Indian Queen" In Washington, hi
"ill eat !as in Gnat Cureeis," by Al
fred lloni Lewis, Bavlil (Jiuhiuu Phil
lips ele.-oilbes "Bow Uonstvclt lJecurno
Piesldcut " Thero rue a nuiuber of gi.od
llnl sheiit stoiles of ical lutenonl
The Ceiituiy for Junimij will have the
distinction of ,v fronllspU'in by fnle,
auotbeir cut ill his sfiles of wood-engius-Ings
of the obi Hpaulsh masteis, the sub
Jict being tho bi-auliful poiliail of Kl
Cueo bv himself Mi, feilei'H bine k, us
III all ids leproiluctloiis of the old mas
tut, bib been engraved afti'r wiy euie
ful study hi fiont of the oilglnal, whleii
lu this ciho Is in the museum at. Seville
The poi trail lepiescnts the piiluti r in n
bioail 1(111 collai, Willi the matniluls of
his piofe-ssdor u bis bniiils, ami is note,
worlb.v as showing thai ho nse'd a ..iy
small oldmi" palutto mid small brushes
mounted In epulis
Country Life in Aineilc.i foi Jaituaij
stands ilrst among tho Ian," and beiutl.
fill nuig.'uliu's of tho month. It has to do
with many things Unit inteiest tho coun
try lover at this season, and loading ar
ticles aio about "Crocodile and Alliga
tor Hunting," "rollowlng tho Hounds,"
"Camping In tho Snow," as well as
timely matters of tho gieonhouso and
counti y home. making, all Illustrated with
luigo atlil superb pictures.
The .Mn 111 UKiicidtiuul bu
reau lias just Issued what Is seemingly u
valuable bulletin on tilt) subject of cci-
leal hicukfiiHl foodii, which contains much
lufoi matloii (.ouccinlng the ellffeicnt fonils
un the muikit .it puscnl, It Ii gnttity
lut; tu K'.uu that neatly nil of tho best
ailvoillscd ones me of puio ipmllt).
A delightful ptORrainmc, under the ill
rootloti of Tom lllppct, has been arinugrd
for tho concert In tho Washburn Btroel
Prcahytoilan church, Tuoidny evening.
Bee. To. Miss Boiothy Johnstone, the
dimming harpist, appenieddu tho city a
year ago and the press was most lavish
in Its praise of tho work of this young
uillsl. Willi Miss Johnstone will be
heard Miss Cdua Cnryl. violinist; Miss
lCdlth Hcs?kcl, sopiauo; Tom nippel,
tenor, and Charles Boorsam, aceoinpanlst.
Miss Caryl has Just rotlirncd from a
conceit tour in tho southern part of the
slate ami has added new buireds to her
reputation as n cluver violinist. Mis.
tleckol Is especially happy hi concert ami
hns selected snob songs as will daman
stiute her niaikcd ability. Mr. Glppel Is
well known us ono of the llnest tenors hi
this vicinity, while Mr. Boerotn. ns
Bcrantoti people well know, Is till that
can be desired as an accompnnlst. Alto
gether, tho. concert promises to bo ono of
the musical ovcuts of tho season.
Chailes H. Boeisnm will give an uigun
recital in the Plrst Methodist Bplccopal
church, Wllkes-Iiuiro, Jan. 27. Mr. Boor
sam will be osslsted by Miss Grace Hppn
cer, Mhs Grace Duncan ntui Arnold Boh
ma mi.
The folowing selections will bo
used at tomorrow's woishlp In tlie Sec
ond Presbytcilnn church:
Oigan Prelude, "Amlanto hi A Muloi,"
Anthem, "Glory to Goel," fiom tho
Cantata of Naz.neth.
Offertory. Solo. "Bending O'er the
Ciaello Low" Maizo
Miss Saltnoii.
Oiguu Pielude Salome
At the evening woishlp the choir num
bers will consist of old Bngllfth Christ
mas raiols,
Organ Pi elude. "The Shephcid's Song."
Wagner. Shelley
Caiol, "At Last Thuu All Come Lit
tle Saviour"
Chant, "Our Pathei" Giegorhtu
enrol. "Good Chilstlan Men Bejolce."
Offeitorv. Carol, "l'east of Stephen"
Oignn Postluele, Mai eh Tiluniphant,
Mr. J. SI, Chance, oiganist and director.
Blecla Glfford. soprano, well-known In
this elly. will slug the rolo of Queen hi
"Los Hugennts." Bee. CO. in Philadelphia.
Miss GUfoid will take Mme. Sftiibilcb's
I i '
Ono of the most pleasing piogrninnies
of Chilstmas music u-udered hi the city
this jcar was thu of the Tripp Avenue
Christian Rlblo school, under tho leader
ship of Miss ltoberlson, assisted bv STr.
Stanton, coinelist. and Sir. Nailer, pi m
ist. U 1'
The chmi h choir of St. Mark's Lu
theran chutch, under the direction of
Sllss Clara Sander, will render the fol
lowing Christmas selections at tomonow's
Ant herns
"Sing. O Heavens" Bmersou
"Pear Not" Gabriel
"The Birth of Our Savior Bleb
Duel "Glorv to the Lamb" Jackson
SIlss Margaret Sippol and SIis.
A. B. Itamor.
Trlo-"Th.rt Song of Old."
Kiank Schroeder, William Kreiiu
btrg. Bred Schroeder.
'I 'I II
Mr. Watkins begin, the now jvar with
a large list of students enrolled at Ids
studio, among whom are many excellent
voices. The compliment paid STr. Wat
kins bv Br. Horatio W. Parker for Ids
high ability of interpretation gives confl
'elence to his pupils.
Tom lle nun. osslsted by the tenonned
baritone. (tVvII.viii Allies, and Clement ft.
Ciale, eiisanlst and dhoclor of the Cnl
lur1 llcfoimed church. Xevv York city,
wilt slvc a recital heie in the fu
ture. M i
......UI.W Y.ll .Fl- L.I. t3I..IMU l.IUJ4
which tho membeis of the Kirst 1'iesbv-
Tomonow will be the last Sunday upon
edifice on WashliiKton avenue. A sneclal
nerviee of s-acred music will he rendered
at the inoinlsr servico by a double tu,ir
tctte: Sopranos, Jllss Jlartha Mathews,
Mrs. W. A. Ilarvev; contraltos, Mis
James and Mi.s. W. II. T.osau: tenois
V. Ti. Jones, T). A. Jones; bassos, Will
AW WntUins and J. T. Watkins; violinist,
Itichard Wclscntluh; cellist, Uarvey
lll.ickvcood; oiganist. Miss rinruuct
IJIclimond. The piowanimo follows:
Te Ueiini In It. NV. T Dudley Duck
Soorano, Alto unit Hiss Solos
and Chorus.
Anthem, "In Thy Hallowed 1'iesence."
K. O. Carter
Miss Matthews and Choir.
Alilhcm "How Down uml Hear Mc"
W. IC. liassford
Sopiano and li.iss Seilos and Choir.
i' ii :
Air. W. If. I-ivvton, the cilibr.eteil tcnen
and author 01 that iamous book, "Thei
Slimlnt; Voice and Its 1'iactlcal Cullivu
lion," who-e UnowkdKei of tho education
of the voice, both sell utlllrally nnd vo
cally, lias received such tlatteilng en
dmsctneiits from M. Jean do Itcske and
the pi ess, and whom KUKone Sandow
speaks of as the highest uuthorltv on
hte-nthlns. announce, four free leeltal lee
tuies on Tuesdav nlteriioons In Jfinuaiy,
let " o'clock, at his new studios, !M0 West
I'liiiy-seeond stieet, Now Yoik city. Tin
subjects to bo discussed will bo very in-
leicsiinir lo tin musical proies-ion. us
I hoy comprise. "Bieathlng," "The
l.ainy.v," "The Artloulatlug Organs," uml
"Vocal Piodiiotlon." liv eiieloslnn' n
stumped nddiYbHiMl envelnpe, Air, l.'iwtnn
will mall tickets eif invitation to riienibets
of the profe sslem nut of town,
The Clirlstmius inuslo In the Washburn
.Street 1'iosbyteilan chuich, under the ell
ici lion of Tom tJIppel, elioli muster,
eieated n. very favorablo linpiesslon, Jn
icsponso to uumoious reeiuests. both
liiornlnK: nnd oveulni; piograinuus will he
Uientcd tomorrow.
'I I
At the Chtlstuius scivices In the '.Urn
liUthciait cluircli. ou Aliflllu nveuttic, of
which Itov. A. O. Oalh nltinnp Is pastor,
the fnllnwliiu" piOKiitinmo wns given:
Oigan Impromptu ... l.oschotltzky-1-ddy
Choir ".Slug, Heavens ,..i:nieisori
choir "The Star of llopo". , ..i.oieu.
Choir "Tho Annuls' Song" . . ,.(uhi! I'astoinle., I, S Uach
Tho niemliers of the choir uie: Sopranos
Alius Al. Ilraiii-r, Alls, thilleiikamp, AIlss
P. Grt'lner. AIln Al. '.olelltr; ultoi Alts.
1 Ulein. Alls, U, dloor; tcuots, 11, Doiu
helm, John Uriiunei , basso I.ouIh Pulls,
Jolur Galin.
"Tho Alocklng Illid," thu lute si opvia
hv UoiC'iileld anil Slnam coiilliiues to III)
tho llijou theater, in Nnvv Yoik, and
-.of-m.i dostlucd lor a phenomenal mn
The imislii by Air. Slimnet Is the most
ambitious that lus eveir npep.unl from
hl-i pein, and has placed hlin In tho fiont
innk of coiniioseis of llnht
1 !' ,'
All, Aiiftiifsl Snautli. the (ier
muii pianist, and the crltli ot the New
Yoik Stutts-tfeliung. will kIvo ic. rrcliiil
In tho New Youpg .Men's ChiUllun asso
ciation hall, Mm eh 21. 1KU. Air. Spanuth
will bo ussHted by Airs. Sp.inuth In
She siiiiUet upon Ids suit,
Oh, lucky, lucky lad!
She smiled upon his suit,
Anil jet ho was not glad,
His coat was ull .uirj,
ills tioun'U bagged, tu boot;
And Hurt's tho leut-ou why
She smiled upon Ills suit!
-I'.uil Uiuiencc Dunbar lu Suuiit tfct.
C. (IBfiBMrl
424-426 Spruce Street,
Between WantthiKtoii and Wyomlnir Ave,,
Sale of Ladies'
t tvery garmeni in siock nas Deen marwea to one-
half and one-third their regular Value. If j'ou are in
' need of a first-class garment, at a ridiculously low price.
we would advise you to avail yourself of this rare op-
$20.00 Coats now
18.00 Coats now
17.00 Coats now
12.00 Coats now
10.00 Coats now
A few Raglans, were
Given with purchases of one dollar or more on vll
tV Friday, Satuiday and Monday, Dec. 26, 27, 29. (Ll V
f resent
Triumph. Brand
Are prononnccd by connoisseurs to be the moat
delicate blend of liquors, bitters and cordials extant.
If you would gain a reputation as an expert
cocktail mixer, buy the "Triumph Brand." They
are ready to berve.
Martini, v.
Holland Gin
Ottfline Studies
of fltiman Nafiire
When the Diplomat Was Fooled.
Tho lecent cpeiicnco of an Or
atiKc clergjmnn whoso wife bi ought a
woman over tiom Geimany with her this
K.U1 with tho object of ninkltii; J. domes
tic servant out of her, only to lutvo the
woman fall Into the dutches of an "1m
mlgiant misslonaiy," lecalls the espti
ieueo ut n m.m connected with the United
States diplomatic service.
Tho In eiuestion, after a, long
atay In n German town, had losolved. to
1 .v...u '..v.k &.... ww...... ...... ....
lly, width Included Ids wife nnd two
como baclc to this eountiy with his lam
It was thoiiKht desirable to have a Ger
' mnn governeis accompany them to Amei-
leu. anil after a short seaich, un exceed
ingly nreitossossliig yountr woman was
found, who, upon seeming tins promise of
a large salurj to compensate) her for leav
ing the tathcrland, consented to tutor the
young womem
Kraulein, as slio was known, was a
most clmimlng young ladv, and befoio
tho voyage) was half over tho entlro fam
ily had become much attached to her, and
she had apparently become very loud of
lur beuefactois; sho was full of ovp.c
tatlon nt what sho was to see In tho
stiango now country, and hcemed most
eager to aulvo.
At lost Saudv Hook hovo In sight, and
ere long the steamer was plowing her
way up the North River. Knguily Frau
lciu scanned tho crowd that Htood on the
wharf to welcome the vovngcis. A young
mini stooel out u little proiuliienlly fiom
ono giouii. and soon Fniuleln saw him.
Out eaiue her hnndkei chief, and soon sho
was throwing Kisses to tho young man
and ho was inanlltstlng tlw utmost de
light ut see-lug hoi.
Almost the thst one tu puss UnouijU Ilia
gato after tho customs olllchils had pass
es! tho Imggagn was Kraulein, and toon
her emplowis saw her clasped In the
nuns of thu young man. Tho diplomat
was nonplused, but ho allowed the two
lime to talk things over, nnd then gently
suggested to tn voung woman that it
was time for her lo aceompaiiy the p.ntj
in tholr hotel.
"Oh, but that Is Impossible," said tho
ouitg woman, with u suspicious gliMiu In
her eye.
"Impossible!" gusped the astonished
man. "Wh.v, ri.uilelii, what do jou
"Oh, iiothlug, sir, mil) this this gen
tleman Ii my llaiiee, and 1 huvo come
over to many him. I am most grateful
to you for bringing mo over," icplled the
gill, with the utmost calmness.
Por a few moments tho situation was
loo ovei povvci lug for tho duped man to
say anything, but ut last ho managed lo
gasp out that he vvoiilel sue tho glil lor
tiii.Meh of contract.
"You will do nothing of the kind," re
sponded Piauli'ln "Vou emiplojcd mo
abroad, and you, us a luwyor, know veiy
well that under the alien labor law you
have no light to Inline mo to thl- eoun
tiy under any tlrcuinstiincc."
Tho dlplomut thought eleeplv for a few
moments, and at lust concluded that It
was easier to say nothing, nnd ho went
hack to his slilolu.u iiuully Now Yoik
Not the Same Taylor.
"Hear Admit al Jluur C. Tavoi," said
u Celluvv olllccr. "Is u. man of lutlnllo ca
ll iclty lor haul woi1., nud his ubsorbed
attention to Ids duties nt thu head of tho
liiiicau of Navigation Is lu keeping with
his long e ai em of uitlvit)
Ills strenuous manner of woiklng
mains it iieecssaiy to) him to taUo vaca
tions occ.esleiually. Shottlv utter his pir
tlclpatlou lu the ilesliuetiou of ('orveia's
lloet ho sought asylum Horn ntlleial cmc
tlous, uml, uccuidiugly, made Ills wiry
epilotly .one S.itirday night to a resell
which, thiiugh fashionable, was not, ho
felt confident, patinnled b navy people,
It was lather a favorite icudezvous for
lltoiuiy culcbiltlts and Admiral Talor
believed thai lie would ecapu iittcuitinn,
"To avoid being associated with tho
mivy, and thus spaio himself elloctisslou
coni!Ciidug tho Spanish war, tho admit nl
icglstered mcioly as 'II. C, Taylor, Wish
Insloii.' "It seems that llobuit Chatneld-Ohut-llelcl
Tnlor, thy iiuthor. hud been esj
pectcd. raid the .idmlral had scarcely 10
slgncel himself we'atlly to u vciuuda
chair when two joiiiue women np-1 iau
Coats and Jackets
. . .".7;. . $12.98
$15, now. . . 7.50
tins coupon.
Vermouth A Bottle.
k Phone,
1&LtxDa4mEffrA 2974-
Hodgman Rubber Co's
Storm Coats
$5 to $25.
Ail Spruce Street,
309 Lackawanna Avenue.
" 'Is this Air. Ta tor I' they asked
"Tho admlial had lo admit that much.
" -We'rei jolly glad you've come.' said
ouo of the girls, 'tho wliclo hotel line
hi'em talklmr about NOU.'
"'Indeed,' icspoiidcd tho admiral.
" 'Arid to think j ou camo in so mod
estly anil toned down your fine namo lo
frugal,' aiugle-d tho other glil.
Tho admiral, whoso baptismal name Id
lleui.v Clay, .smiled amlablv.
" Tell us,' tald ouo of tho young wo
men, 'what jou consider your greatest
"This was a poser for tho modet sail
or, but befoio ho could evado tho Issut
tho other tot mentor said:
" 'I think jour llnest -work was hi 'Tim
Land of tho Castanet.'
" 'X will admit,' responded tho man who
commanded tho Jndliina at Santiago, that
1 had a hand lu abridging tho land ot tho
"'No, indeed,' laughed tho admiral. lt
was tho woik of tho Hoard of Stratogj,'
"It was plain that the young women
went somewhat dazed, hul, douhtlesn
concludlne; that tho answer, If fully un
ilerAtontl, would disclose pltturescpi
methods of tho author's work, ventmed
tuither comments.
" 'In my estimation,' said the second
young wonuin. 'your gicutost triumph
was In 'Two Women npd a lo),'
'"Two Women nud a Pool,' repeated
thu iidmlral, be'liovliig tliat lie was thu
hapless victim of elating, though lintm.
Ic-s, hummer icsoit badinage. "l'vo AVo
lncn and a Fool! Yos, tliat'.s Just about
It, j citing l.rdlos'
"IJxcuslug himself, nb well as ho might,
ou tho scoiu ot being gte.Uly latigued,
tho ndmlrnl letlicd, llnly tho next
moining ho lied
" 'What a pity Air. Tavior has roiih so
soiiii,' sighed one ot tho oung women to
tho piopiletor. 'Ho talkcil so poillc.ily
ulioilt Ids wotks.'
"'Ves,' assented tho otlur. MIo sav
us such a clear Insight Into tho motif of
tils louiiineos ' ' Now VoiU Tribune,
It Wns a Hopeless Case.
A balky hoisu Is an uunoylus; ci emtio
under any circumstances, but tho sjmy
of mi Incident which happened dijilpg
a lecliiH'iitul dtlll raises the question
whelhcr biich a hmso may not blmply bo
Tho sun blamed down ou a Held at, iot,
lll-cd lioibcu and o.Nclted men, all wall
lug for a bis raw-boned unlinal to tuio
cuiiiti lu tho uiginss of tho HtnrUr ami
get Into Hue.
"Ihlng up thai liorsc," shouted one of
tho o flU ois ut last, his patience havlu,i
given out. "You'll got Into tiouble If yu i
Tho youthful ildor of tho rofiauory
Jiorso looked ut his officer despairingly.
"I'm as tired of it as you nru, sii," hu
said, with dull resignation, "nut I can't
help It. He's a cab hurst, sir; that'tr
what ho Is. lie won't start till he heais
tho door shut, sir, and 1 luvtn't got any
door to shut " Voutlis' Companion,