i ' i ' , ... ' u 1 s-. n: ' ) . -- i ; ; THE SClUNTON TJIIBUNE-SATUUDAY, i DECEMBER 27. 1902. 2 'V The News of CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT CHURCHES TO-MORROW Attinctive Pi6gininmo3 Ananged for the Services nt Berean Baptist, Trinity Episcopal nnd St. Paul's Lutlieiuit Chuiclies, ,, In seveial oftho rlmrLlins tomonow attractive intislcnl pioginmines apro pos oC Christmas will be tendered. Thin special music will bo heard lu Berean Baptist, Tihilty Episcopal, Flist. Pres bytcilan und St. Paul's Lutheran I'lmrches. Owing to Hit! Methodist con gregation not occupying Its own home, no specially piepmod prom. inline will lie nlferrcl. Beiean Baptist Chinch. At the 10..M sit vice In Uic Hi turn Baptist ili'urch the choir wlil dmr thu anthem. "Sins, o Henvonf," by Chile; and n dttyt, mil It led "Songs of PinlsO tilt Angels Si'iia,' will be lendeitd by (i .Mr?. Whalun and Hugh William. The ' juitloi, Rev. Hr. Whnlcu, will ptoneh a senium nppropihilu to the festal sea son. In llii' evenlns a soiled c.intata, "J'lio Pi line, of Ponei-," bv.iln. t:. L. AMifoirl. will hi' tendered In two p irl". i wi.T i rrni: pnositsi' I'llOHI"-. ' Slllg O licit Oil", ' Hnlo putts, illus fliucc Stone, Miss Ch.ti- lntt Villiov and W. I.. Veil illusion. i:i-s Snlu Tin- IliMkOiilv Klnp, " Jmms illlums ('bonis. 'And Then Hli.ill i'o'iic I'mth.' I'lioms, "Pcai Sut," Sold put, ill- II .1 Ii il "i Ciititi'iltn Snlo, II dl Bethlehem.' AIlss (.' ii.i ldiihuiol: i'aki' .- mi: ivwiMinNT. fjimili tti, ' o ilolv .Mgnt" Mali- Volt i e Silo. Jn n l I to i, nil Choi n 1'heii. Wain .ihcolii'iiN JUKI, liiinlil St a nl lloiii ' All ' Win lun, Mi Wllllui.u Choi in. 'Mnili il tilt AI i;l ..Mi-is Uluil' l'lli il riniliM. ' l!I" . ij Up lh l.oid (-.oil " Tlio hob uiul ! tllP dhi'itlo'l of the rllk-Ii'iH ilioi!lci, Hugh Williams will (orsMnl tiist -ni- volns Si)iano-'. Mrs. Whilrn, il. Blmei, Mis. Yat liiigton, MlfFf- Stone, Hium!, Hull, Hr-i"-" and Ben; ALns, ills .Stanton, ifis Mllligllll, Mis Guuim, Misses Ks Inbioolc. Wllio j Hi I JIubbaiil: Tcnoi', iluhbi.. 'iiulliKlDll, Stoddiitd, Willlan.s, Tlioin h and W'.uKIiis: 15 is-, -Mpisi--. Wllli'ini". HstaluooK, l.ewsle:', Thco-j jilillus and Jione. Hiss Cii.ii" Hall will lne'l.li' at the oman. i A cut dial invitation to all who .11 not iiKtilar .tltunilunto upon the othoi seivlce.s in tlio ilty to attend both the 1 nun nint; nnd evcmhm; seivkc-. Tilnity Chuich. The lmisie at Ttlnlty ijn be nicisuied Mlth the hlih slamlatil at thts-e s-ei-Icck Among tlio numbers will be two toloH by ills ailna Frank. The proKianime tor both s-ili'0s i! as lollops; MCm.NlNU AT ill. .11 Pi.iyi.1 and Boimon on "Tim I'lad- of Clirist in ifodein TlioiiHlit." Vcnlto JJnck To Deum Htidnrr Jubil.uo ,llali Olfcitoiy Sopiano Snlu. "O fi.dip 1"I- Inu. -Mlr-s illna J'l.uiK HVHNMXO AT 7 ill I'laior, and Seinion on 'Tin; XUKilj. ' il.ignilkMt in i) 1'ield Nmip DinntlN In 1) Held Solo' St.ir of III tlilelioni." i1ls 1 ouNu Sloenni Solo "Tlio fhilstinas Star." illss llln i 1'iaiik Oneitmj "JI.iI1lIiiJ.iU Chorus" ..ll.iinlnl St. Paul's Lutlieiau Chuich. For Sunday after Cluiitui.is thtie will be a se:le of IntcrestiiiR ficlt-os. At i1 .!i a iv. the u'aial elunch firvlee; at 10 Jt' a. in, Pabbath .chool. In the cnliv; th" u'BUlai Chilstmas lelelna Uon will btsm it 7. :u it'ilorlc. I'ollov. linj .in Invoi'itlon and shoi t aldiesS Ijj. the iiaitui, tluie will bo a inosiainine of oe.il mil iii-.iiii'nnitnl iiuipIi. t:iah f.f the Sinid n .iiiiool (lass.(.rt win ion-' tlllmto thtdl shuio Km aid niakins tlio ov.'iit aiid and lilteii -thu;. After a colkctlon tlio C'lirl-tiu.is nee will i' rii atti'iitlon Tlio imblle is i oi ill illy invited tn ulUnd -ill soiiic. Ple.is?d with Caibondile. TMwuid i Wliitf. oi Nrw oih, who Is o ..'i ol "The I.lly and the 1'iiin.e," and uncial othfi duuilfillc huiutslul piuiliK'tlini ', as lu ilio ilty vistt'id.tv with iiildnd llnllnuil and lit r toni pmy lb' camo Ipio spatially fiom llltifihaniton, wneie the company plajid I'hilstiuas, I'cPiun-o of the Intou -t and lulml'ailon shown .inioiu I'liiboniliillnns loujld Hls-i Holland ill. Whl'e appierlali s th. i lUlllislas tit appiuMil gien the piodiiftlon lu STARTLED ' By some sudden so'iiul she dropn the v.tbu upon the lloor. Hhe is uenous and iayt be told that ueivoiibiiess is a luxury w hich only u , .. i rich woman cm ( r" ..ITnnl Im.I.,!. -&- '.""" s- lii. Xmoiibiiess lias tost many a woman her po cittou. Somf n times when wont cn run mncliiu ery the price of ncrousiic83 is mutiltttion, a Sfmger lost or per 1taps the whole Sh.iuil crushed. H Nervoubiiesf. in ivromen is com Sinonly but a wkyuiptom of womanly disease, i'.lt is useless in f,sucli c.ibes to """doctor" for the '.nerves alone, , Cure the diseases which attack the . delicate w6nian My orgauibni and nervousness will be'cured.also.i 'raJr, Pierces Wnvnr1tr Prh Iscriptlon makea tftwk vrotneu strong, "sick vtotueu vrelL It elUblUhes regular- ity, dries weakeuing drains, heals inflam- ,v uiation aud'-ultraUou, nd cuies female veakne; Jt truiquiUiet tb nerves and induces refreshing lf p. , lu tbc fill of 1 107, J u UouWtd with uerv. euinew, beadache, Ititti trouble nd feuntle wctVncM.v write Ml BUncb M. Brucy, o( aU, Oswego Ca. J. Y. Ut eammcr I wrote 1 iou ind you adviicd me to try your ' Fixorite T Vrncriptloa1 and 'OoUeu Medical pUcotery.' ' l did o aud I U'gett to improfa rapidly. Coo tinued tkme the lacdldne, ball a 4on ach of 'l'aorite PreKrtption' and ' poldaa. Jledical Uitcorery' for the peeiol"8v M9tk. and ia Ic, thiu year )iad regained my lonriealtb. , Or. Pierce's Plessaut Pellet clear thf Muddy complexion. 1 jt' Carfcondale, Which Mtarf lfollnnd apppeaiH, fot he anlil yoHterduy. "1 am uhvu.s Bind to have illis Hot land play Carboiiilale, oven though hoi comliiR' heia is an rxuenslvc trip to nialte n plngle town. The Inlcicst In her has Blown each yo.u, and this It worth a Rood deal aside, fioni the money vnlltti of a perforinaiice. MIhh Holland, I know, nppieclates the reception sour people rIvd her and we will always be pleased to eoino here, so loni,' as con ditions aio favotnble. TOO MUCH 'CELEBRATION-. four West Sltlo ltesltlents Get Into a Heap of Tioublo. OverllovvltiK with oiilrlls, not uaotly the product of the day, lour West "Ship tesldents calcinated Clnlslnias ton well, but not wisely. Patilclc Tlghe, .lames C.llboy, illchael Chnko and illchncl I.ottrmtity ato the tituirtetto They entered the home of I'Yank Wayman, on Hhell avenue, were ejected and en deavored to lc-cntci.' The pecond time they made an assault on tlio household, breaking' In n door with a elothosiiole. Tlieio was (.onsldoiable excltemint and dttilnrr Its wnrmust stage, ilic Waj iiiau was struck In the face with a stone. The uiini telle weie anesled by P.i tiolman Caidcn, and were given a hear ing betoio Aldetinnn Atklnton esttr day foienoon. They weie held In ball, il.nCW In all. All provided thu security and wine itdeascd with the exception of Loughncy, -who 1. still lu Jail. Thero au- four ehnrges against them: Malicious mlFchlei, assault and bal lny and maUIiig tin oats. The men camo to the Wayman lesldeaeo before inlil lilglii. nnd weic elected. They were all iuioIcated. The leturned aftc mid nlglit, and when lelused admission they inoceeded to roue the!) company on lb- famllj P'oiiulny a ilothes line pole they battered one of the doois, Knocking It Into not ninth nioie than Mndltiift wood. One or Hie partv thie-v n stone sti Inking ills, Wayman In the fine. They al-o made tin eats to an nihilate the family. Patiolman Caideu wa notllled and apptehonded two of the n-'aultlng paity about :J o'cloil: esteidav moi nlng. The oIIicim weie niieted later in the iliiv. MAHBIED ON CHRISTMAS. Wedding of Miss Eloience Delia Mil ler nnd George Nelson Marsh. Christmas day will be tilled with hai-py lemenibtances In the home of Mi. and Mrs. Fi.uilc Milloi, of Tenth avenue, foi on Thuisdny evening their daughter, Miss Floienee Delia, was wedded to CJeoige Nelson ilaish. Tho ceremony was .solemnled by Hev. A. P. Coffee, pastor of thu FhsL Meth odist chuich. The joung couple wtie united in tho p.ulor, which was bright with dccoiatlons and llllod vith vell wishhig li lends. Tho bride and gioom stood beloie a bank of palms, while ov pi head was an aich of eei green. The bilde was attendetT by her sis ter. Mis. Fuller I.avinan. and the gloom's best man was his brother, Frank Miller. The bilde vas most be comingly gowned in blue silk with trimmings1 of lace. She catrled white tainatioiu'. ills, Lmniiiii was atthed likewise and oiuiied pink and white carnations. The leiiption and wedding supper followed, ilr. and Mis. ilaish will 10 slde lor a time at Uip hoire of the biide. Mr. ilaish Is employed by the Kast Side Coal company. Doth have a hoht of lriends In Caiboadale. Among tht guests v.tre: ill. and ills. William .Tames, ills. Chauncey Ames and son. Chatles, ills. Miutli.i Simons, of WilUes-llano; James Kim ball, of Susqitchanua, Hlchntd Davis and illss Com, Uoodwln. of Jeimyn, MILDRED HOLLAND'S TRIUMPH. Best Audience of Season Gieets '"The Lily nnd the Pilnce." Mlldied Holland has had ample dem onatiatlon oL the appieiiatlon of Cai bondale tlii'alie-goei.s of her ait and the beautiful plays that she has pie se'n(d heie, but It lemalned until last night for bpr to stoic a si eat tiiumph in the dianntic hlstmy of the town. In her new play, "The lllv and the I'llnte." ill-s Holland vmis gteeted by tht l.uget and most lepresentative audleni'i1- that lias filled the Gland, not onl this s".isoti but In many seasons, It was ,L. magnltlcent testimonial to the earnest, luu d-w inking, t onselentlous little woman who bow won her way into Hi" wuini plan's of the hearts of tho p.itions ol the drama In this cltv. She was fully appreciative, too, of tlio evi dences of Incic.ihed admiration for her nnd hraitlly expiessed heiself to those about betwern the acts. Tlio enthusi asm of the audience that Indicated Its appt eolation could not be mistaken. Curtain calls followed each net; four alter tho third. "Tho Lily and the Prince," as It Is now presented, Is, candidly, uulto an other piece than when given in Set un ion several weeks iiro. Like most new plays, alter tho Mist tow presentations It has been subjected to tho pi unlus proefsw, mid what caused the action to li" weak has been most jnofltably dls cauled. The Hist and second ncis uic notably Impinved, as well as tho last act. The thin! act needed no atten tion, it Is out' of the most poweitul situations Unit could bo devised, Tlio pleto Is aitlstictlly staged, and tlieio weio rate pletutcH of light nnd tolor. The veidct as liutwtcu "The Power Dehlnd tho Throno" and "Tho Lily and the Pi luce" will unmistakably, it issnfo to say, lie 111 I'nvoi of tho new play. Unclaimed Letteis. List of letteis jemalulng lu the (j, bondalo pnsioillcu December .'titli, 100.', for persons unknown: U A. nils, Geo. TUown. II, V. Coutor, Mut Could, Wil liam Jones, Samuel Pence, William Williams, Miss rllslo 13. Ciainplou, iris, 13. il. Gardner, Mis. Hnrnii, Mis, Amanda, il. Snyder, Ideal Cooking ware Co , Koystone Supply Co., Antonio No. velll, Tonncci aiov.inl, J, II. Thomas, Pobtm.mti'i. Able to Be Out. John Mu.o, of Canaan stiei.t, iiiu bobbin woiks emidnye, vvlio sustained a bad scalp wound a few days ago by falling fiom u tilp of cars, Is able to be out. Tho wound, however, Is qulto painful and will kee) hlni from work for ji week or tun days. Is Maria gev Now, Victor Harmon, of New Yoik city, whu was press agent last year for 31 IN dred Holland's production of "Tlio Power Uehind the Tin one," was a wel come caller at The Tribune olllce yes terday, Mr, Harmon has been advanced since last season nnd Is now manager of the production of "Tho Lllv nnd tho Pilnce" which Miss Holland's company pro duced at the (hand last night. Ho has a most engaging personality and Is sure to make friends of those with whom ho lias business relations. The fact Unit 13daid White, who owns the produc Hon, litis advanced Mr. Harmon since last season, Is no small compliment lo tho tatter's ability, AMUSEMENTS. A Splendid Play ABBUrcd. "Our New Minister," Which Will be nt tho (J wind Monday night, seems to bo belter produced this year than last season, its first on the toad. This play vvus nt the Lyceum, Scranton, Christ inas nfteinoon nnd evening. A few of the press oplnlonn are as follows: "The characters wcio all well cast and the pioductlon was thoroughly cn Joyed. It Is a strong play, full of Inter est and excellently elaborated." "Tlio company is tho same us when It appealed hero on Its second coming and Is well chosen." " 'Our New iUMatci,' which was seen by delighted audiences nt tho Lyceum yesterday afternoon tind owning, Is a piny of character studies, vcty fnlthful ly di awn, and piesented with a realism ti uly startling nt times." A Visitor from tlio West. Michael il. Cuslck, fotmetly of Mlnuoka, now located In Toledo, Ohio, was In Caibondalc yesterday calling on itcttialntancc4 In this city. Mr. Chstck Is well situated lu the hustling city on Lake Hile. He Is assistant supeiliiten dent under the Piudcntlal Insurance company, having been promoted from Set anion two yenis ngo, and Is mak ing substantial pingiess towaids the position ol superintendent. Mr. Cuslck was thu guest duilng his stay heie of assistant supeilntendents John O'Mnl ley and illchncl Haggerty. of Caibon dale dlstiiet of the Piudcntlal. Greeley Sent to Jail. -Pi uuk Gieol, of tho DuudnfC section, was .sent to jail yosteiday by Alder man Jones, In delimit of 4300 ball, on a chin gu nude by the wife of the accused. Criooly, she says lias been ex tiemoly abusive and cruel and gave her a beating this week. He was also li.nsli to other membeis of bis family. Constable Neaiy aricsfed Gietly yes tctdav aiid took him lor a healing be fore Aldeimau Jones. Can Eain Matinee Ticket, llach child selling one book on the Vi in gold to be chanced oif at the fair of the .Hendilek Hook, Ladder and Chemical company at one cent a num ber will leoehe a icserved seat for the lii st Saturday matinee at the Giand opeia house, after the close of the fair. Itooks can be had at loom 10, thhd lloor of Leader building, Filday, between the hums of 1 and G and 7 and S p. m. PERSONAL MENTION. Mis. II. P. Contad, of Mlddletown, Conn., spent Chilstmns at the home of Mr. and Mis. John Masse, on Canaan stieet. Misses Mary Filzheniy und Mary Loughney and brother, John Louglmey, of Mlnookn, are tho guests of Misses Tetesii and Maigniet Tlghe, of Pall biook slicet. Thomas Nolan Is home fiom St. Don aventuie's college, Allegheny, N. Y to spend the holidays with his patents in this city. Mr. Nolan gained consider able fame on tho baseball diamond this year. He plajed in tho Connecticut league last summer. illss Genevieve Blis, teacher lu the Fell township schools, who has been unite ill at her homo on Washington stieet, is manifesting slow but giadu al Iinpioveinent. Miss Kate O'Boyle, ot Brooklyn, N. y is spending1 tho holidays with her paients on Dundalf stieet. Chmles Oi chard, of Homestead, passed Christmas nt the home of bis mother, ilis. Thomas Oichaul, on John StlOf t. ilr. and Mis. John Bowers and ehil dien, of P.usons, took their Christmas dinner at the home of Mis. William Bow eis, on Canaan street. John C. Davies came down fiom Al bany, whi'io he Is at piesent employed, to spend Chilstmas with his lamlly. ilr. and ills. Chailes Kralg. ol Man own, Allegheny county, ilr. and Mrs. Chailes Kngler, and daughter, Martha, of Prompton, and Miss Gertiudo Kialg spent Chilstmns at tho home of their mother, Mis. Maltha Kinlg, on Arch bald stieet. TAYLOR. I'lulstmas and New year's seniles at th" Calv.uy Baptist chuich will be ob served with an elaboiato piogianune Uunoiiow evening. Choilster D. K. Jones has caiefuliy trained his choir for tho occasion, and that a dellghtuil treat is In stoic is beyond a doubt. The following piogr.unmo has been pic paied: Prelude: hymn (Page 1), "Wo Lovo tho Place, O God;" prayer; hymn (Pago 15), "Wo Plough the Fields;" oifertoiy; pastoi's Chilstmas greeting; ntiitn, "The Coming of tho King" flUdlr;. Muck): sopinno solo, "Tho Pioplieey;" ehoius, with soprano and alio ilnt, "The1 Advent;" alto and tenor solos with chums; "The Annunciation," iiialo chorus with trio and solos; "Acioss tho Diseit," ladles' ehoius with tenor solo; "Tho Plains of Beth lehem," sopiaiio and bass solos; "Tho Depaiture or the Shepherds; hymn (Page 7, (list nnd thlid stuuzas) "Chils tlans, Awako" (thu eoiigiesntlon Is in vited to join lu singing this hymn); alto solo, "Tin Vligln's Lullaby;" bass solo nnd chorus; "The ilugl," ehoius; "Adesto Fidells;" lijmu, "Diadem;" "All Hall tho Power of JesuV Name" (Baptismal hymnal. No, 10); benedlr tlon. Pi of. D, li. Jones, chorister and oigaulst: pastor, Bev. H. II. Harils, Ph.D. All nio coullally invited to tho sunlLo. Tho choir of the Methodist Hplscopal chuich, under tho dhcctlon of Choilster It. W. Wntklns, will render a special musical piogranuuo at tomouuw even lug's seivlce, tonimeiiclug at 7.S0 o'clock beautiful piogramuio of musk luvt liocn piepaied for tho occa sion, 'Hit iioiiuiii schools will tcupeu on Jamiai Hon. P. L. Dunn, of Wllke.-i.Dni re, will addriss the mepibeiB of the local "77" JJmiks up Colds and cures the GRIP Younrr Men's Christian association at the Calvnry Baptist church tomorrow. Superintendent and Mrs. Vf, It, Jones, of Carbondatc, spent Christmas with tho latter's mother, Mrs. It. W, Reese, of Main street. Obedlah Day, of the First ward, do sires tn announce himself as a candi date for school director, subject to the Republican primaries of the ward, John Klchards, of New York, spent Chilstmas day with his father, Will iam Richards, of Taylor street. Mrs. Thomas llowells, of South Tay lor, Is recovering fiom her recent Ill ness. , Washington camp, No. 402, Patriotic Order Sons of America, elected olllceis for the ensuing teim last evening. ilr. and Mrs. John Steele and daugh ter, Ethel, and Mr. nnd Mrs. ClinrhB Curtis, of Washington street, spent Christmas as tho guests of relatives in OlvphnnL George Phillip's, of Hnzleton, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. William J. Williams, of Grove stieet, on Christmas day. illss Martha Williams, of Washing ton street, Is spending' a few weeks as the guest of her sister, Mrs. McHcnry, ut East Liverpool, Ohio. JERMYN MAYFIELD. ilis. J. H. Wh6elrr, a well known and highly lcspected lesldent of this boiotigh died nt her homo on Second stieet at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening after a long and painful illness. She wus to years of age and previous to coming to this borough eight years ago was a lesldent of Tompklnsvlllo. Her death Is generally lpgtetted by her many ft lends and Ir a severe blow to her grief-stricken husband nnd childien to v bom she was nn Ideal wife and mother. Sho Is survived by her hus band and live childien, Mis. Charles Snider, of Port Jei vis, N. Y., - Mrs. Grant LBell, Scranton; Rnlph, Morton and Miss Verna, of Jeimyn. The fu iioi til will take place at 10 o'clock to mono w morning. Set vices will be held at the house nt 10 o'clock by Rev. Mr. D. Miller, D .D., and the remains will nttei wauls ba taken to Tompklnsvlllo lor imminent in the family plot. In addition to yestei day's list tho fol lowing spent Chrlstmns heie with rel atives: Miss Mary Timlin, of Bing hamton, N. Y.j James Merrick, ot Phil adelphia; Peter Martin, of New Yoik; George McGoif, Altoona and Clarence Blakcslee, New York. ilr. and Mrs. John Mellow and daugh ter Mmjorle, and Henry Hemelrlght spent Chi lstmas day with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crawford, of Scranton, Mr. and Mis. C. A. Battenbeig spent Chilstmas day with his parents nt Aichbald. Prof, and Mrs. Jenkins, of Taylor, ai'e spending the holidays here with rela tives. Rev. John Gairetson of the Primitive Methodist chiucli will preach to-morrow morning on "The New and the Past." This evening subject will be "A Young Man Among Men." Rev. John Pennington, of Missouri, vvlll officiate again at the First Baptist church to-morrow. At the Methodist Episcopal church the special Christmas music vvlll be repeated to-morrow. PECKVILLE. Homer English has returned fiom Los Angeles, Cal. ilr. English, since his dcpartuio some nine months ago, has visited many places In New Mexico and California. When leaving Los An geles only a few days ago, roses weTe In bloom and vegetation was luxuriant. Mr. and ilrs. Jewct McCormic cele brated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary on Tuesday evening. They were man led in New Orange, N. J., on De cember 23, 1S53. After living at New burg, N. Y., for the period of two years, they moved to Aichbald and for tho past forty-eight yeais Archbald and Peckvlllo have been their home. Eight children have been born to thcin. Two are now living, Irv Ing, of Scranton, and Herbert, of Pcckvllle. ilrs. McCormic Is aged OS years, while Mr. McCormic parsed his eightieth milestone onThuis day last. None but relatives weie pies ent at tho anniversary. Mr. and ilrs. McCormic wcio the recipients of a beautiful china tea set. Mr. and Mrs. ilcCornilc tiro held In high esteem bv the whole community, and nil Join in congratulating them and hope they may live to see many moio years added to their lives. Peckvlllo Baptist chuich, Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor. Set vices tomotrow at 10.30 a. 111. and 7 p. m. Morning sub ject, "Things Which Cannot Be Shaken;" evening subject, "Where Art Thou?" All me welcome. Tho Peckvllle Baptist Sunday school held Its Christmas exercises Christina's night, ill.-. Gtlfllths' class rendeied a delightful piogramme, utter which fol lowed the distribution of presents. Tho pastor and his family, as usual, wcio very kindly lomenibeied. The pastor's class piesented him with "Gelklo's Bible Helps," thirteen volumes. OLYPHANT. Tin liitaut son of Mr. and Mm. James Rlchaidson, of Dunmoie street, died yesterday, ntter a bilrf Illness. The funeial will take plnco tomorrow after noon nt 2 o'clock, Intel ment will be in Dunmoro cemftterv. Last night was A. O, II. society night at St. Patrick's church ' fair hi the Father Mathew hall. A good pio gi.mimo was leudeied and enjoyed by tho laigo gathering present. Tonight will bo A. O. II. nulliary, L. C. B. A., Legion of Honor and Blessed Vltglu sodality night, Hplscopnl services will bo held ut 3..10 o'clock In St. George's mission rjn Scott stteet, Dlahuly, tomonow afternoon, Services villi be held ut tho usual lima In tlio Primitive Methodist church tomonow morning and evening, Rev. Jijnii'S Hey, pastor. ilrs. C. 13. ilniicy and son, Raymond, of Cuibomhile, and Charles Bono, of Phllndelphli, are visiting ilr. jnd Mrs. Chailes Lowsley, of Del.iwuie stieet, Mr. and ilis. T. L. Williams, of Sits, riuehnnnu stieet, spent Chilstmas with lelatlves at Wllkes-Baiie. Misses Kathoiliio Flnnegan and Joti nlo McCornilck, of Mt. St. Mary's semi nal y, are visiting lelatlves on Dun mote street. S. J, Evans, of Newmk, N, J Is spending tho holidays In town. ilis. Alaigaix't Evans, of Durea, who has been visiting lur son, D. C, Evans, returned homo yesterday, illss Anna. aibion, of Green Ridge, is the guest of relatives In town. ilr. nnd Mis. Thomas Haltry, of Ptovdonce, visited Mr, and Mrs, P. J, Unban, of Dunmoie street, jesterduy, Charles Hoban, of PotUvllle, Is spending the week at his home here. DALTQy. The Chilstmas exercises weie held this week in the different chinches of tho town und a very enjoyable timo was had ut all of them. On Tuesday fiiMytat Connolly & Wallace, Scranton' s Chopping Center, There is a time for all things. This Is the time for bargains, and Connolly & Wallace's is the place to get them. The people know it, too. Handkerchiefs Lett over from the Christmas soiled and counter-mussed, embroidered and scolloped edges; real values are from 15c to 20c each.;' They were sold previous to Christmas for gc each. Now 5c Each . Cloak Department We announce that every Jacket and Coat, short or long, loose or tight fitting, is reduced in price. This means something in the Connolly & Wallace coat room, where regular prices are always the lowest. To those who have not already bought a winter coat, here is a chance to save anywhere from $2.50 to $10.00 on a garment. A store doesn't make money alt the time -it must clear out its odds and ends at a loss. Connolly & Wallace 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave. evening the mission band of the Six Piinclplo Baptist chuich rendeied a pleasing programme. A very unpleas ant, and for a time exciting part was the burning of Rev. Mr. Peikiss, who was Impersonating Santa Glaus. The cotton about his face and clothes cnught fire from tho candles on the tree and burned him quite severely about tho hands. On Wednesday evening the Methodist Sunday school heldj their Christmas exercises and on Thursday evening the Baptist Sunday school rendered their Christmas piogramme. Mr. and ilrs. S. E. Finn are moving to Clifford, where they will make their future home. ilrs. E. Palmer Smith spent Christ mas at the homo ot her sister In Wilkes-Barre. Samuel R. Shoemaker has gone on a vllt to New York for a few days. MOSCOW. The following programme was len deied In the Methodist chuich, Chilst mas eve; Ptocesslonal; invocation; le sponslve; song-, "Gluistmas Greeting"; address of welcome; exercise, "Calen dar"; exercise, "Three Secrets"; song, "Sing and Rejoice"; motion song; ex orcise, "Looking Forward"; song, "Christ Was Once a Little Babe"; lec Itation, "Clean tho Chimney": icclta tlon, "Stolen Stocklug"; exeicise, "When Clnlst Was Bom"; song, "O Christmas Bells, Ring Out." Guy Hwarts, of Buffalo, is spending a few days with his parents, ilr. ana Mis. Philip Swarts. ilr. and Mis. Warren Btnber, of New Yoik, are visiting relatives heie. James Scanlon and Miss Catrlo Swails were mairled last Tuesday by Rev. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Frank Cam eron, of New Yoik, spent ChrlstmnH at the home of If. B. Gardner. Mrs. B. J. Schenek, who has been veiy 111, is slowly Improving. ilr. Fred Van Brunt, of New Yoik, spent Chilstmas with his paients, Mr. and Mis. C. P. Van Burnt. ilr. nnd ilrs. Milton Brown, of Ban gor, worn among tho Chilstmns visit ors in town. AVilliam Pylo, of Punxsutawuey, has been spending several days among fi lends in towm MOOSIC. illss Edna Luvan Is visiting her cousin, Miss Nelllo Stout nt Douance ton. Mrs. Alt'icd Smith and diiughteis at tended the exercises at Ehn Path chinch Chilstmas night. ilis. Jeremiah Williams, of Dunmoie, was a caller In town yestei day. ilr, Gainer Davies of West Sci.inton was a business caller In town yestei day, Miss Josephlno Twining has retained to her homo In Scianton, nrtein spend ing a tew days at tho home of Mis, Ben Hauls. illss Llln Ostrauder entei tallied a number of fi lends nt the home of her aunt, ilrs. Jennie (liovoi on Friday ovpntnsr. ilr, Eugene Hike leaves to. day for Munch Chunk, vhoro ho has accepted u position with the Centwil Rallioad of Now Jeisey, OUR HIGHEST MOUNTAIN, Mount McKInley, Alaska, Visited by Geological Survey Pnity. Mount McKInley, the highest mouu- taln on the Nmth American continent, was visited last season by Allied II. &&A 3339 A general clear-up sale will be the order today and Saturday. Will you avail yourself of this opportunity ? This is a money-saving time for everybody but store-keepers and makers. It's the time for them to get stocks ship-shape, no matter at what cost. Biooks and his paity from the United States geological siuvey, of which D. L. Reabuin was topographer. As far as is known this is the 11 ret time tlio slopes of the peak have been reached by white men, though in 1S98 its alti tude and molstiuo were determined fiom a distance by Robert Muldrow, of the same snivel. The mountain is located near the western lnatgln of the Alaskan l.mge, the genetal name given to the kugo mountain mass which sepaiates the Yukon and Kuskokwlm wateis fiom Cook Inlet diainage. It is a great dome shaped mountain, formed of inti uslve lock, toweling to an elevation of over 20,000 feet above the sea level. Though Its summit leaches so high an altitude, almost four miles above tide, it piob ably is not as dltllcult of ascent as some other Alaskan mountains, for example, Mount St. Ellas, hecauso of Its rela tively high snow line. As the season was well advanced, as much of his it inera! y had still to bo can led out, and as it was no pait of tlio original plan, ilr. Brooks lld not attempt to pass the snow line, though this point was leach ed. Now that the location und height of the mountain have been established by the exploration of the geological sur vey, Wavelets und individual explmeis will doubtless soon attempt to leach Its summit. In anticipation of these at tempts, ilr, Btooks Is prepaiing a de scilptlon of the country, giving loutes by which the mountain may bo i packed nnd other information valuable to those Interested in its ascent. His paper will appear In one of the leading geogiapblo magazines. The nioie elaboiale and extended lepoil of the explointion will be published by the geological siuvey at an eaily date. BLACK DIAMOND PROGRESS. Plgures Which Show How Anthra cite Production Has Grown. The total output of anthi.icito ioiiI from Pcnsylvanla In 18.20 was 365 tons. This coal was taken entirely fiom tho Lehigh Valley legion, and It was not until seveial ye.us afterwaul that min ing was commenced lu the other anth racite regions of the state. The ihst shipments from tho Schuylkill teglon wuio lu 18J2, and tho Ihst tioin tho Wyoming dlstiiet In 1S29, when 1,180 and 7,000 tons, lespcetlvely, weio shipped fiom theo sections. Tho giowth of oal mining fiom that tlmo to tho piesent foinis an InteieHting commentary on tho ludiistilnl develop ment of lite country. "With but slight variations tho Ihciease In tho antlua clto coal production has been lemaik ably steady, until the Inslgnllliant out put In the first quarter of tho last cen tury has been swelled to the enoimous pioductlon lu 1D0O of 45,107,-ISt long tons. It Is Inttiestlng to nuto the sources fiom which this output conies. At tlio beglnlng of mining operations tho Le high region, that Is the uelghboi hood of Munch Chunk and Hurletnn, furn ished tho entli'o output. Soon after, iiial was mined in tho Schuylkill legion to the south, with about -10 per cent, of the total output, followed some six or seven jema later by tho Womhtg legion, Willi but fi 1-1 percent. At tho cud of 1800 the AVjoniing region, In which nio located (he centets of Wllkes-Baiie, Plttston, Scruutou nnd Caihoiidnle, had forged ahead to tho llr.st pluco In pioductlon, with an out put of about 51 3-1 per cent. Thu Schuylkill camo second, with a ship ment of nbout SO per cent, and tho Le high section had fallen to the last place ThU dgifiitureii orTeWy bBx'tSTTKe gefiltlM I ivgilvo Rrnmn.fiiiinineTibnu 4feA in f t 4v Sale, some slightly in both hemstitched NEW YORK HOTELS. ldTne .uotel. A 4TH A V..BE rVVKHN iMII'H AN D 30THS I'd NEW YORK. EUROPHAN PLAN. INCW. FIFEPROOP Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct to hotel, . Itoonm with Bath J suits with BMi S'J-00 f t?tl.oo. 1 W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. VVESTM 1JVSTER JIOTlfii ii... 'i Cor. SUtccutU St. and Ir Ins l'laco, ZZ. NEW YORK. American Plan, 3 0 Per Day and Upwards. European I'Un, $1.00 Per Day and Upward!. Special Patca to Famllief. T. THOMPSON, Prop. - For Business Men t in tho beart of tho wholesale ilia- -- trlct. 1 Vov aliuppei's .t ' :: minutes' walk to Wanamakers;7 2 mluutcs to Slegol Cooper's UIk-T Stoie. Easy of across to the gieat-it Diy Goods Stoics. r For SlRlitscetvi - Ono bloek lrom B'way Cats, glv- k. lug easy tinnspoitiitian to all jjuima nt WI4W4 t-ai. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOKK. 4 f f cor nth st. & UNivnnsiTy pu - T Only 0110 Block fiom Bioattway. L t Rooms, $1 Up. pM,, i -H-f -H--H- f -H- with only 1.1 1-2 per cent, of tho whole output. Tho tlgiues thus lepiosented appear in 11 recently published table aud cliait Issued by the division of mining and mlueial tesotirces of tho United States Geological Survey. Tho flgtiies, which Include) the yeaily output for elghty 0110 years pilor to 1001, aie accompan ied by n diagrammatic plot of the ship ments, which shows with great clear ness tho lelatlvo output of the vuilnns regions and tho ieiuaiknbl6 Incieaso In the total pioductlon of tho tuel. TX'e. lointlou nnd sUo ot tho different niith i.iclto llelds, so otteu pnufiisid lu tlio public mind, uro also tle.uly shown on a sketch mai) ur eastern Pennsylvania which founs part of tho publication," "illneial Resources" tor 1D01 shows that the pioductlon of anthi.icito coal last year was W.MS.COt long tons, of which tlio Wyoming legions piodticed l!i.r,7 per cent., tho Schujlklll legion .'U.11 per tout, and the Lehigh region 17.0J per cent. California. Fully desi lined and lllusii tiled InAtii attistle.illy ananged and beautifully pi luted book Just issued by the Chi cago and Notthwesteiu lallway. It ee. sciibes fully Its conmietclal, Jndustilal and tinnspoitatlon advantages, nnd 1)10 delights of out-door lllo In the beautiful cllniato of tint const; of special interest to those contemplating a tilp to tfiW wondeiful state. Send four cents In postage to W, B. Knlskern, passenger tralilc munagei. '-'2 Fifth avenue, ChU i (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers