The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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I J V . " '
n. . i -ft - t.
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H' ' ,
Absolutely Pure
r -
Ho Ih Supoiiatondcnt of tlio Cnr
Service of tho Lackawanna Rail
road and Represented That Com
pany at tho Be cent Meeting: of tho
New York Railroad Club Im
provement In tho Return of Cars
That Has Been Wrought by tho
Now Method of Charges.
f Andrew Mack in His New Play.
At the Lyceum nlsht Aiultexv Mack
nppeared In Ills n'xx- pluv, "Tho Hold
Roger Boy." lieutenant Ailutr Is the titles
by which Mr. Mnck Is known in the pl.iy,
although this Is nn alias. Ho linil tioublu
Mltli his father in tlio "old countiy" and
enmo to Amcilca. and went west. Ho
feels that ho killed n Rambler out tlioro
nntl chniiRCS his name, culMs in tho
United States in my, and at tho begin
ning of tho piny, he is on Cut lough at
Koit "xY'uilsxxeutli, In New Yoik harbor,
ixhero he is the delight of nil tho ludlos
nud tho stiong Minpoit of tho bi other of
llceis, while with tho chlldicn ho Is a
veritable find, ire falls In low: tho joung
J.nly being an adopted daughter of a elld
lant relative of his. She. ellffe tently. does
Jiot seem to care for him, but he dors
not give up his suit. One of his bt other
olllccrs In league with ait enilfMiiy of the
German go eminent is trying to buv a
(lvnnmlto gun. and Adair lights all their
nt tempts, becomes involved In a lot of
tiouble through their machinations but
eventually frntinten all their attempts
and mm lies the gill ot his lic.ut:
Jt is a itoiy that elofs not .stlrk clo.o
1o Uie probabilities and its development,
while novel at times, leaves a good deal
to bo deshed. Jit. M tele Ins been seen
to much better advantage In some of his
other plays. Ho wa.s In good voice last
night and his "Lullaby," "Mttlo Tommv
Murphy" and "We'll Thirty to Chuieh
and Bo Mauled" woio leeched with
great favor.
Miss Frances King was the fill
joung woman that Lieutenant Adair
made Iovo to and Mxron Calico and Hugh
Cameron were the Mains tint Adair had
to foil. They all acquitted themselves mo-Jt
cieditably. Maggio Fielding did un Irish
eliaiacter rolo eei llentlj. The three acts,
of tho diama ate located at l'oit Wnds-
vortli. Stattut Ihlnnd, and aie well stnged.
An audience that crowded the Lvceum to
Uie douta taw Mr. Mnck and his com
pany. "San Toy," Today.
There aio twenty-six musical numbers
In "San Toy" which will be presented at
The Lvtuum this afternoorr and evening
by tho Augustln Daly Musical Comedy
(ompany and each of theso numberb is
nald to be a "gem" as the expression
goes The music of "San To" was wilt
len prlmarilv by Sydney Jones with some
assistance from Lionel Monekton, while
lire lxiio are by Harry cjreenbnnk and
Adrian Koss, and tiio book bv IMxx.ud
Morton. A plethora of 'cooks" it would
pecm; "enough to spoil ttV broth" would
naturally be paid, but such htih not been
the case, as "San Toy" has pi oven to bo
one of the most s-uc esfirl ol all tho Hrrg
llsh musicnl oomedks and enjoyed won
derfully long "runV in London and
Is'ew Tork
"San Toy" la being nix en on tho load
In tho same complete manner that clrar
iicterized Its appeaianefs at Daly's both
us to costuming, scenic equipment and
rcellenco of cast, lit tuet tho company
Is practically tiro wnno as that hucn in
tire motiopolls and in oidut tlrat tho por
Jormamo may be absolutely perfect an
oiehcstta is canted bv and Is a part of
the organization.
Meijtlueo begins this alter noon at 2
O'clock sharp and the evening peiform
nneo at S o'clock.
Empire Theater Company.
Chut kit l'"i oilman's Umpire Theater
(umpniix headed by Charles Itlchmtn and
Mntgaiet Anglln, will appear at the In
terim on Wednesday overling. They will
present a new play, entitled "Tho "Wll
tlcrucss," bv II. V. Esmond, tho author
of "When Wo "Weio Twenty-One." This
latest effort horn the pen of Mr. Esmond
inn. with tho exception of a, lew weeks,
clrulng the entire engagement of tho com
pany ut tho home" theater last seas-on, and
nJoyed a rrur of an errtlro seasmr when
originally piodiued at George Alexander's
theater la London.
'Jltls eiy excellent company Includes,
besides tho two principals aliendy men
tioned, tho following well known nctoia
mid attiesses: "William Courtlclglr, "W. II,
Ctomiiton, U y. llackirs, i.uwrenco
H'Ois.15. George Osboirrne, jr.. Kinnk
Jltownlee, Miss Ethel Jlorulck, Mrs
Tlromns Whltton, Mrs. "W. Q, Jorres, Kato
Vanttlsorr-Selten. Mlhs Lillian Tlungate.
Ml&s Grate Gallagher, Miss Anry Meets,
Miss Kittle Barrlsenlo and Master Donald
(Jttllughot, Seats oiin sale Monday at
9 a. m.
"The Total Kiss."
The e'hisier De Voudo Block company
will uiivent "The Krtul JCiss" at tlto
Acadun.v of Mtit-lu this afternoon und
lll iloi their tngUBUrrent tonlglrt with
"Tim tin. t Wido "West."
All Next Week, The rjibneys.
Stiuirlon's riopulur piiced play house
VIII to diiitbt bo filled at oveiy perform
iuiim ut t ueik, un which occasion the
Cllljuey Stoek company will hold the
liun d.f. this Is tho recond breaking show
ut'i thu scaion ut all cities they have vis
lluil, and thu) will duplicate their oner
iroij sum.-. Iimij. Tlioy will open their
vtuU'a cinsateinent on Monday afternoon,
Rppt.wlng lit tlr beautiful drama, "Hearts
Aie Tiump!.," and at night with their big
hil, "The Woman in Black." The Qlb
ncs me tiro only popular prlercd company
that have the exclusive light to play this
1'leee bpeeiul scenery Is carried, which
mills imitoiinlly lo the production. High
dins vaiiilinlllii ue it. will bo Introduced
Vetwecn the acts, inn!. lug u continuous
Monday night "J'lie Worn m In Black."
The sale of tiaU for Now Year's matinco
ninl night opens at the box office) Tucs
dn at 9 a m
management of Mcsms. 'William A.
Brady and Joseph Hurt. Al. Leech Is to
appear in tho title rolo and the three
Iloscbuds will havo Important parts.
Miss Eleanor Kobson, who Is stairlng
In "Audiey," nt tho Madison Sinmre
theater, New Yoik, has a dainty, pretty
pluy with many situations of enthralling
Interest and dramatic force. Miss Rob
son Is a comedienne who has ndeared
herself to the theater-goers of New York
on several occasions, but never more
fully than as Audiey.
David Belasco's notable artistic success,
"The Durllpg of tho Gods," crowds the
Belasco theater to the doors at each pet
formauce, and It Is necessary to engage
seats well in advance. The CMiuislto
charm and nijstic power of the play hae
made it the one sensation of the ear. In
support of Blanche Bates, tho star, such
notablo artists ns George ArlNs, Robert
T. Haines, Eleanor Morettl, Ada Lewis,
J. Harry Benrlmo, Albert Burning and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcot a&slst In
bringing out all the forcible and deli
cate shades of this quaint Japanese
di a ma.
Everything is in readiness fur the re
hearsals of Georgo Ado's new musical
comedy, "Peggy from Paris," -which
Henry W. Savage is to produco at tho
Studebaker theater, Chicago, in tire near
future. Tho date of tho production Is set
for January M. Theio aro but two acts
in "Peggy from Paris," and theso aio
dIUeled into two scenes each. The first
scene of the llrst act will show tho big
gest room in the Commercial Hotel at
Hickory Cieek, Intl., wheie on "old folks'
party" is in progress for tiro beneilt of
some locat charity. The second scene of
tho act Is placed upon the stago of one
of tho Chicago theateis, and It is heio
that tho star Is introduced. Tho first
scene of tho second act will be as close
,a reproduction as Is posslblo to put upon
the stage of the llnest suite of apartments
In the Auditorium Annex, and tho last
scene of the play takes placo at Honey
moon Terrace. The last scene Is devoted
to the production of a. comic opera, so
tho gamut of the costuming will be very
Chatles Frohmnu's productions in New
York for the balance of the present sea
son will include tho following plas:
December 29, at the Gairlck, Mis. Lang
try, irr "The Cross-Ways," a drama bv
herself and her leading man, J. llaitley
Manners; December 10, Guides theater,
E. II. Sothein In "Hamlet"; January 12,
at tho Bijou theater. "The Bud in tho
Cage," by Clyde Fitch, in which Eelwaid
Ilanigan will mako his reappearance on
Broadway; January 13, Empite theater,
"The Unforeseen," a new play by Robert
Marshall, author of "The Second In Com
mand," "A Roal Famllj" and "His Ex
cellency tho Governor," with which tho
Empire Theater companv will begin its
regular season; January 11, Gar lick thea
ter, Annlo Russell tn "Mlco and Men";
in February, "Ulysses," as presented at
His Majesty's theater, London, also dur
ing tho season a now play In live acts by
Paul M. Potter; a new play by Jeromo K.
Jerome, author of "Miss Hobbs"; "Tho
Dirt." a new play by Cbdo Pitch, with
Jameson Lee I'lnney and Jessie Busley.
Miss Amelia Ulnghiim, In talking oxer
her coming production of "The Prlskv
Mis. Johnson" al the Princess theater.
New York, lVbruary V, suid: "Mr. Pitch
lias been at xvork for neatly txxo xear.s
on this play for me. and is confident that
It xxill be one "of tho biggest, If not tho
biggest, birecesses which haxo como from
his pen, I am moro than enthusiastic
over the play, anil my eiwn pait especial
ly, as It xx 111 glvo my di-amatlu talents a
comulete tost."
Tho folloxvliifr InteiestlnB paper on
"The Operation- of the Per Diem Sys
tem of Settlement for Car Hire," was
lead recently by M. D. Cnsey, super
intendent of car service, of tho Laek
nxx'nnna rtilhoad, nt the mectliiR or tho
Now Yoik Hallrond club In New York:
In accepting tho Invitation of the Now
Yoik Railroad club to ptescnt a paper
at this meeting on "Tho Operation of tho
Per Diem System of Settlement for
Freight Car Hho" I did so with tho
knowlcdgo that owing to tho short time
tho system has been In effect tho maxi
mum benefits claimed for it by Its strong
est supporter a would not havo been ac
complished. This holds good moro par
ticularly In the territory of tho arrthrnclto
coal carrx-lng l otitis by reason of tho coal
sttlko being In effect from tho Inaugura
tion of per diem up to October SI, within
xxhlch period thcro was comparntlx'ely no
demand for conl car cetulpmcnt, and tho
suit of pr diem, Is to a certain extent In
directly so for tho reason that xvlth tho
Inauguration of er dlom, car sorvlco ro
colveel an impetus and support by all
linos that enabled It to soeuro a much
moro prompt releaso of cars than hereto
fore. In addition to this, our lncronscd
facilities ut largo terminals havo reducod
delays to equipment by reason of being
nblo to releaso moro cars per day; fur
ther, tho abolishing ot Intel medlalo tialn
terminals, or, In other xvortls, reducing
tiro number of points nt which trains stop
for shaping up, etc., has correspondingly
reduced tho opportunities for delays,
xxhlch In turn assists In decicnslng tho
detention to forclsrn cars on our tails.
Tho foiegolng shows that dining tho op
oration of per diem tho Lackawanna rail
road had a greater proportion of Its oxvn
cars and a less number of foreign cnitj
on Its own road than untlor mllengo set
tlements; thus owners aro enabled to haxo
a larger amount of their oxvn equipment
at their oxx-n command, which Is very de
sliablo nt all times and which Is tho main
object desired by tho operation of this
Matter of Earnings.
Nett In lmpoitnnco Is tlto matter ot the
earnings resulting lroin freight car him
by foreign lines, In connection xvlth which
1 deslio to stnto that tho amount carnoel
by foreign equipment on tiro Lackawanna
intlroad for tho months of July, August,
September and October this year, Is two
and one-hnlf per cent, less than what xx-o
xxould lrax'o paid on tho samo equipment
had wo settled on tho mlloaco basis. Wo
aro unabfo to give tho figures for tho
month of Nox-embor ns they hax'o not ns
yet been compiled. Wo nro also unahlo
to furnish a llko comparison regarding
tho earnings of Lnckawuun cars on for
eign roads, for tho reason that the mllo
ago has not been furnished us.
However, notwithstanding that xxo had
on foreign roads for tho months of July
to October, inclusive, of this your, sixteen
and orre-ejunrtor tier cent, less Lacka
wanna cars than for tho col responding
months of tiro prexMous year, our cain-
flptlllintl e"n. Imv ntil nnnlnmnii U'nii rn. I
duced very materially, this latter class ln3 for lllcso cars aro only seven per
of equipment being used to some extent , nt" ,c,ss under per diem. Tho llgures for
In tho handling of arrthrnclto coal.
My efforts to sccuro from lines In dif
ferent sections of tho country tho nctual
results of the operation of this system In
their respective territories hax'c. I regret
to stale, been without nx-all, tho prox'all
lirg Impressing being that It Is prefeinblo
to glx-o the working of it a llttlo longer
test before judgment Is passed. I nota
also that tho American Rallxxny associa
tion has not published tho replies to their
circular No. 4C3, showing tho operation of
the per diem on the rnlhoads, members
of tho per diem agreement, for tho rea
son, ns I understand It. thnt tho replies
furnished xvcto incomplete. On this ac
count I enn only give the operation of the
system ns It applies to the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, of
which I am car serx'Ieo leprescntatlx'e.
Purpose of It.
Primarily, per diem is for tho purpose
ot stimulating and ncceleiatiug tho load
ing, foixxnicling and release of cais, and,
xvlicn released, the leturn of foreign cais
to ownris. In this connection I beg to
call your attention tei tho following state
ment .showing the dally aveiage number
of Lackaxxaunn cars on their home rtiad
during the months of July. August, Sep
tember, October nntl November, 1901, as
computed xxith this jeui:
Your. Year.
Month. lull. I'm.'. Inciea-so.
July 'M,iC7 21.IH1 .1,371".
August IO.IJs w r.7H ::.2i7
Septcmber .... IV !1 12.S7I ",r,IO
October 1S77I 21.3(51 ?.r.lO
November .... I'MlM 2e,17.1 1,120
It On
Who Remembered
Following aio donations lecelxed by
the Luekaxxanna hospital, In addition
to those announced as rccelxed tliioiiglj
Mis. I. N. "WIHaiil;
Mrs, William Mutthows, nuo ft ate or
anges; Margatet and Hmrrui. Barker, ll
Clulstmas stockings filled xvlth fruit,
candy, toys, otc; Mis. C, S. Weston, tour
do.en bananas; Claiko Bros,, onu pull
nuts, one pall candy, one pull popcorn,
nno pall ornnges; Mrs. Unity Simpson, $1;
Frank Rnbllng, $.!; Mrs. W. F, Hullsteud,
nno turkey; Mrs. K. N. Wlllnrd, one tur
key; Mis. John Jurmyrt, onu tin key; Mis,
J. L. Council, ono turkey; Mrs, Itlchard
O'llilerr, one turkey; Mrs. F. S, Godfiex-,
ono turkey; M. I'. niin, one turkey; u,
E. Bono, one turkey; D, E. Mnrbotger,
onu tin key; Victor Koch, ono tut key; Ev
ciett Bios., ono turkey,
Tho children's Chilstinas tieo and tnjs
fund blepcUlngs filled with tei.s, latiely,
jiuts mid trult), wuto glxvn, as usual, by
Mis. W. T. Smith,
This shoxs.s a daily nxcrugo number of
Lackaxxanna cars on Its oxxn line for tho
pcrloel mentioned In 190.2 ox'er and aboxo
that of the corresponding period of the
year lSul of 2,773, e-qual to a tlnllx
axernge increnso of fourteen antl one-fifth
per cent., thereby giving our company tho
use ot tills increased equipment for the
handling of local business,
Another featuto that Is strongly In evi
dence is the fact that ns tho busy season
approaches tho number of Lackawanna
cais on its oxvn lines decreases, clenrly
Indicating thnt as tho demand for equip
ment on the lines having Lackawanna
cars increases this equipment Is elelayed
moro sotlously, and. I might add, in a
legitimate xxay, (for the le.ison that thero
is a certain amount of delay incident to
tho placing and loading of cars xvhlrh
would not bo encountered by the samo
ears If they xxere to be teturncd empty to
their oxx ners.
Notxvlthstantllng tho fact that for the
period mentioned under per diem theio
was a duly average of 2,771 less Lacka
wanna cars on foreign lines as compared
xxith the same period In 1901, I find that
business from lines having Lackawanna
equipment has Increased practically 20
per cent., ilcmonstiatlng, to my mind,
that the per ellem svstem hns generally
lmpiesscd all concerned xvlth the valuo
of equlpme'iit, antl thnt by reason of this
better appreciation of x-aluo tho fexx-est
posbiblo number of foreign cars haxo been
ordered by tho lines borrowing equipment
coiiMstent xxith taking cnie of tho traf
fic offeied ptoporly and in tho minimum
amount of time.
Case of One Railroad.
Corroborative of this, I noxv have in
mind one rnllioud that in previous years,
under tho mileage settlement, detained
Lackawanna equipment in lots of one
hundred or moro cars an nverugo ot np
xxatds of foity days per car. This same
ralhoud this jear oulers equipment In
gioups of flx-o cais each, none of our cats
haxlng as jet enrued ono day's penalty
on that line. If the practice In x-oguo on
that lino prior to the Inauguration of per
ellem xvere still in cftect, xxo xvould have
aveingisl a penalty of ten days por car
on all l.acltawanna cars dollxered them.
November uto not furnished for tho samo
reason thoy were omitted ngove. If I am
correctly Informed, tho Increased earnings
aro not the result of cxcosslx'o por dlcm
charges; it Is understood thut the ptescnt
rato xvns very largely dctet mined on tho
ground that it was practically the general
avcuigo exii nlng per day per every freight
car under tho mllengo basis of settlement.
Aside from tho results shown, tho jus
tlco of settlement of freight cnr hlro for
an agreed amount per each and very day
a car Is on a foreign lino should appeal
to ovciyono having tho proper conception
ot property lights, for tho reason thut
tho oxx nor of any pioperty should cer
tainly bo entitled to an accounting for tho
uso of his piopeity and this result Is ob
tained under this sjstcm; under tho mile
age system there was no check what
exer, tho owner having no alternative but
to accept as being correct the ngurcs ren
dered him by the borrower as tho earn
ings of his ears. Thero is noxv a sjs
tematic check being kept In ex'ery cur
serxico or accounting otflco of all com
pany cms oft tho lino and the car owner
at tho end of each month knoxvs definitely
tho earnings of his cars while on foreign
lines, which Is not only busincss-llko but
more satisfactory.
Some Other Things.
There aro one or two other things which
tho system has brought about xvhlch I
wish tn present. It has awakened tho
ll-cllcst appreciation in all the tlepatt
ments of railroad xvork of tiro imnortance
VpH) i of the prompt handling of equipment and
mo money x-niue incincnt tnereto; in a
general way it has resulted In closer rela
tionship between tho car serx'ico officer
mid tho other departments, first, xvlth of
ficers in charge of freight traffic, relatlx-o
to tiro application of Per Diem Rtrlu'No.
o tcgaidlug icelnlms on switching sor
vlco; accond, with tho car department In
regard to tho application ot rules 7 and
S regarding exemptions from per dlcm
owing to disabled cars, etc., and in llko
manner xx-lth all other departments which
is decidedly beneficial to the car service
officer, such association being conducive
to his enlightenment as well as broaden
ing his xdexxs.
Taking the piopositlon in Us entirety
wo can but bo impressed with the suc
cessful manner in which It has been ap
plied, moro particularly In view of tlto
many obstacles that It was anticipated
would bo encounteied before Its success
could bo nssurcd. There Is a prex-alilng
Impression that some few of tho lules
might bo modified or changed for tho
betteunent of the scrxlcc, possibly In tho
elimination ot rule No. 5 regarding re
claim and tho adjustment of a switching
chaigo so as to protect tho switching
lines to tho extent that leclutm noxv does.
Perhaps a penalty for tho dlver&ton of
cais xvould bo beneficial. Again, there
are some who feel tlrat rule No. 3 could
bo changed so ns to xx-alxo tho necessity
for penalty notices, establishing Instead
an automatic penalty to be applied In
tho absence of adxice from tho oxxner to
tho contrai y.
In conclusion, I xxlsh to say that not
xx Upstanding the many lntorosta' affected
by the change horn mileage to tho per
ellem basis of settlement, tho chnngo has
been made with piactlcally no interrup
tion, showing concliislx'ely that tho f rum
ors of the rules had not only studied oveiy
phaso of the matter, but haxo applied a
set of rules that aio decidedly easy of
execution, for which thoy aro entitled lo
the thanks of all car serxico men.
Wall Street Review.
, Now York, Dec. 2(5 Tho notlvlty of the
buoyant tone developed In tiro stock mar
ket today camo ns something of a sar
in lsc. Tho market started oft In ns dull
antl listless a manner as poBHlblc. It xnts
taken ob a matter of courso that tho rem
nant ot tho week deft titter tho Christ
man holiday would bo Idly spont In Wall
street, ns many brokets loft toxxn on
Wednesday ovenlug to bo gono until Mon
day morning. Tho tightness ot tho money
maikct xxits locked to as un additional
factor to repress speculation und this xvus
tho case caily In the day at which time
tho call loan into toso to 11 per cent,
xxith loans leported at IS por cent. Later
In tho day It dox'olopcd that lemlcis xvero
ox-er supplied und xxoro left xxith consld
crublo miittds on their hands ns a result
of holding out for rates. Tho grounds
of tho animation In tho stock nuiiket xxcio
not entirely plain. Tho cniiv stages ot
tho movement wore congested tn a foxv
Stocks nntl tho lirliietiml Inivinir In tbena
shares xvns by biokci-s otten cmplojcd
by lingo nntl xvctl known speculative In
terests, Including the so-called xxestern
rontlngont. This was notably tine of the
buying of Erlo xvhlch was continued up
to tho closo of tho marliet, sustaining the
genctut list by sympathy. Tho giound of
the buying xvns not stated, but claims
xx-ero circulated ot largo earnings In pros
pect. Otlicr stoclcs xvein Rtinnir nil liull-
lduul causes. Rumors persisted of a
"melon cutting" for great Nor them stock
holders. A Montana judicial decision In
a copper case gavo Uso to tho usual
claims of udvnntago by both contending
lacuotis, nntl Ht. I'aui'H use was accom
panied by jonewed claims that eatly ac
tion xx'us to bo taken on tho nexv slock
authorized. St. Paul inn off sliniply tit
tho closo when the directors had ad
journed their regular monthly meeting
xxithout action. Tho movement In Peo
ple's Gns xxits attributed to tho leports
that Amcilcan Gns magnates mo to em
bark In tho Pails Hold. Tho upxx-nrd move
ment became too geneial, hoxxex'or, to bo
attributed to a merely sympathetic effect
from tho stiengtlt of individual stocks.
Low pi Iced stocks camo Into special fa
x'or and many of them were takcrr up sue
ccsslx'eiy and sparsely advanced. The
market closed firm and actlxc. Total
bales today. (535,700 shines. Thero xxas
some lnx-estmeiit demand manifest for
bonds, especially among somo of the
well secured Issues. Total sales, par
x-aluo, $2,200 000. United Slates 2s and noxv
4s advanced H and tho 3s coupon ",i per
cent, on the lust caU.
The following quotations are furnished
The Ttibuno by Halght & Frcese, .112
315 Meui 3 Building. W. D. Runyon, manager.
. r.9 co'i 5s-'i r.97
. am 3i'i itvi :n
... 11 ll'
. 95 9",
. 40 W,i
.12-I ISO
. 99 goi
... 97?i frtU
Amal. Copper ...
Am. C. & F
Am. Cot. Oil ....
Am. Locomotlvo
Am. Loco.. Pr .
Am. S. & II. Ce
American Sugar
Atchison, Pr ...
Bait. & Ohio ...
J3lUlll. li, J' till 'i 'A 'lOl
Canadian Pacific ....130'i UI'i 1J0
Chcs. & Ohio I7'i li.U
x.incugo A: Alton .... 32'i IKI'h
Chic. & G. W 21'h, 2.'U,8
i-., .ni. e r. i' liii l.'i
Col. Fuel & Iioii .
col. & Southern ...
Col. & South., 2d Pr
Erie, 1st Pr
Etie. 2d Pr
Hocking Vallex'
Illinois Cen tin I .
Louis. Ac Nash .
Met. St. Tty ....
Mexican Central
mo., K. & Tev
.... (55
.... WA
.... 97
1 Ii.-ft
i '.a
145 "
Broken lines in Holiday Novelties
will be closed out at special prices
Fur Special Saturday Second Floor
Rug DisplayThird Floor
A Saturday Bargain in Furs
Fifty Sable, Oppossutn and Stone Marten Fur Scarfs,
trimmed with six marten tails, regular price $7.50. Sat
urday at
Twelve Misses' and Children's Muff and Fur Sets,
Oppossum. Fox, Chinchilla, Beaver and other furs, regular
value, $7.50. Saturday
.... 25?i Lb'a
Me., K. & T., Pr GJ! 5b
Mo. Pacific
N. Y. Ctntral
Norfolk ft West ...
Ont. & AVcst
Pacific Mull
Fenna. It. R
People's Gas
Pressed Steel Car ..
Hepubllc Steel
Republic Steel, Pr .
Rock Island
St. Louis So. W ...
Southern Pacific ...
Southern R. R
Southern It. R . Fr.
Tenii. Coal & lion.
Texas .i Pacific
.l.'i'.s r.j'i
. 71 7J5
. Mi's 5il
. .Tl :.o
.lolH lVi'A
.101?,, '10PH
. tfl'A (,i)7;
. lil'.s tVj
. TIK. 11'f,
Ut'n 'i'2
. Wi K.'i
. 2c.f. 2'i's
Itf-K III -4
115 141
12-iis 121
117 IJ14I.14 117
lint; ip.stfc un
i"s -.'i M
i to4
r. i
101 104
Ml" a iW'i,
Union Pacilic 99
Union Paclllc, Pr ,
u. a, i,oatncr ..
V. S. Steeel ....
F. S. Steel, Pr
Wabash, Fr ...
Western Union
Wheel. & L D
Wis. Ccntinl ...
! st'4
, 4JVi
. S7?r
92' i
1(10 "
41 li
1.1 li
11 2?
Onen. High. Lnxv. Close,
Januaiy ....
Jnnuuiy ....
Women's Shoes
For stormy weather, a Box Calf Shoe, heavy welt
soles and Cuban heel, at $i.oo, $2.00 and
Women's Rubbers, all styles and sizes, at
Men's Storm Rubbers at
Jooas Long's Sods
1(5 70
10 JO
32 ii
16 70
1(5 30
1 1 '4
7 Us
9 43
Open. High Loxx-. Close.
January MM 8 11 J50 f50
Murch s ll Sit fill SiU
Muy s.l( h ti, sit SIM
July S35 SJ5 835 $35
Ono far-reaching result of interna
tional Importance of tho recent steam
ship consolidation Is outlined In a spc-
ln reply to our urgent appeals and tlio f clal article xviltten for the Munufac-
x-eiy snonest prcssuie xx'e xx'eto able to
bilng to bear on them for tho return of
our cars, xxo were continually adx-Ised
that business for theso particular e-uis
xxould ilorelop In a foxv days, at xvhlch
time they xxould bo Immediately placed
In serx-lio and letuuied to us. I know of
no leason for tho chnngo In method of
tillers' Recoul of Baltimore, by V. K,
Suxvntil, the coul expert, In which ho
"The production of coal In Fiance Is
about IC.000,000 tons less than the utel
requirements of thut country, and tho
main source of Mipply for the deficit
handling foielgu equipment by that road has been Gieat Britain, and everyone
other than the operation of per diem. knows that thero Is no great affection
i?UI,,e,!e,.,iio rl ,th0 1,ul'1lln? of f'-lbetxxeon the peoples or the t roun
elgn ours em the Delaware, Lnokaxxitniin tries Ti.imed ami with nnv nil...,. wM
and Western tullioail, your attention Is triea named, anel xxith any other sourco
culled to tlio statement below, showing ui ,'l "'"" l" "" l,"lt l"u "
tho dally u vein go number of lorelgn c.-iih els ot' the Brcat Industries of Ft unci
wouiu ouiy too quickly seek
on the Lackaxxanna inllroud during tho
months of July, August, September. Octo
ber and November, 1901, ns compared xith
this jear:
'i' w niufcje-ul imcf, entitled, "Sunny
Dim, ' It soon lo go on tour under tUo
Both Hen Ai-e Bepoited to Be in
Fine Condition.
Prof, ai, J, Dxvyer, of New Haven,
Conn., who Is matched to meet Dunl?l
A. McMillan, of Mllxvaukce, AVIs., at
Muslo hall, Monday nleht, says thut
He xvill arrive in the city Sunday after
noon. McMillan Is already heic.
The Nexv Haven Dispatch says that
Dwyer la In fine condition and Is xxork
Ins hard for the match heie, McMillan
Is xvorklng out at the Hicycle club,
If McMillan wins this match with
Dxvyer, he proposes to clmllengo Dan
Mel.eoel, tho nexv American champion.
McMillan ami McLeoil niet onco bo
fore, when both men secured n. full. All
efforts to bring them together again
Tho match Monday night will bo In
mixed style wrestling. Catch-as-cateh-can,
Graeco-Uonian and Cornish style,
best two falla out of three.
Yen 1,
Month 1901
July l.Tt'i
August 1,1:0
September .... 4,220
October 1971
November .... c.819
Fioni this joii xx 111 boo thnt the nx-enmo
dally number of fotelgxi cms on tlm Lack
nxxunnu luiliond for tho. sumo peilod In
19HJ as against 1901 has dectiMsed 2WI
cuts, or nbout II per cent. This Is due
to three special reasons, us 1'oIIouh:
source and ax'ull thenihelxvs of it, und
leave 'perfidious Albion' In tho luich.
At the sumo time tho coal-owner of
Great Britain finds that theio Is a ele-
2. IS.'
2 897
Special Hensons.
Plrsl The luiliojils haxlng Lnckuxvann.i
i-qiilpment located same nml plure-d ears
for loading home, thus minimizing their
ON'ponso for ear hlie,
Secouil Tho mniiufnetiirlusr indiisttles
located on our lino xxoro forced, by rea
son of tho coal stllko, to 1 educe vciy ma
terially their output, reeprlilng cone
spondlncly less mateilal coming to us In
foielgu cuis for their use.
I Third In piovlous years thoio xxms an
hnmense demand lor foreign cais at our
Uuffulo terminal in xvhlch to ttuntfer cnal
for movement via xxestorn lines, for which
theio bus been no demand up to Decem
ber 1, this our,
Tho decrease in the iix-crago detention
per cur or toielgn cus on our rails Is 1.0
days, or 27 per tent., as per folloxvlng
Year. Year.
Month, 1901. 190J. Decicnse.
July ,. 6.lilas 4 I days 2. daa
August delays 3 (days 1.7das
September .. 5.U das 43dns l.Oelajs
October .... C.Udas 43das 1.3dus
Neixenrber .,(5. das IGelays l.ldajs
This decieuso, xxhlls not dlicctly tho ic
3 317 1 41S muncl f01' a" tne uoal h0 ea" PlOilnco to
2.012 2,' sucl n dogtee thut ho puts a x'liluo on
It such as somo of his customcis aio
loath to pay, und that Is another ten
son why those customers xxould, If
they could elo so, iix-ull themselves of
other sources of supply, it is lor tltese
jeusons that theio has latterly been 'a
look across the bea'; theie havo been
liuiuirles for American coals, und theio
xxoie shipments ut ono time thut gax'o
tho Idea of what could be done,
"Within a few dujs it hus been stat
ed thut a gentleman xvus In Puils as
tho agent for tho Morgan shipping
trust, tho steel trust and tho Pennsyl
vania ralltoad, negotiating1 a huge deal
for tho exportation of American bitu
minous coal, This Is a plan that has
been contemplated for some years, for
tho reasons nbox'e stated tho short
ened output of Fruuco us compared
xxith her requirements. The coal to be
sold Is expected to displace thut now
sold by "Wales along tho Mediterran
ean coast and In France. Welsh coal
Is u good steam producer, but tho Nexv
River and Pocahontas pioduct Is a
close second, the latter being used by
the Aineilcau nayy, Tho negotiations
look to the expoitutlon of this coal
next spring, as the strike has so In
creased tho price In America that It
cannot be sold xvlth profit noxx-. Tho
Rothschilds und the Ciedlt Lyonnulso
xx ll uct us fiscal agents hi Kuiope In
tho enterprlso when It Is curled out
in Its completeness."
Scrnnton Boaitl of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Lnckuxxanrra Dulty Co., Pr.
Countv Sax-, liank & Ttust Co 3in)
First Nat. Bunk (Cnibonelalo).
Thlid National Bunk
Dime Dep & Dls. Bank
Ilconomv L, II. & I. Co
Flint National Bank
Lack. Tiust iV- Sale Dep. Co...
Clark & Snover Co . Pr
Sciauton Saxings Bank
Tiadeis' National Bank
Scranton Bolt ,: Nut Co
People's Bank
Sciauton Packing Co
Sciauton Passenger Itallxx-ay
ill. st mortgages duo 192n
People's Sttefto Kullxxuy, fltst
mortgage, due 1919
People's Street Railxx'nx, Gen
eral inuitgitge, duo 1921
Scranton True. Ce., n per cunt,
Kconomy L. II iX P. Co.. .
X, Jorsejy te I'ocouo Ico Co. ..
Consolidated Water Supply Co
... CU0
12.5 ...
2J5 ,
JoeJ a .
b. afloat; No. 1 noithern Duluth, 8b'ie. f.
o. b. afloat: options had a sloxv unevent
ful dav but maintained a stench- to. Ilrm
temo. The maiket closed e. net higher.
May closed S1"iC, July, 78"ic.; December,
Sllc. Corn Spot tlim: No. 2. b3u. elexa
tof and 59c. f. o. b. atloutj No. 2 ylloxv,
69lic.; No. 2 xxhlte-. dOc.; option .1 u.Ket
openeu easy, ueeuinuer uiu.seu o-u. ...w
higher and Max- ic. up. Januaiy cioseu
MKc: March, .il'jc; Jiuy, ?'&., uji;
ber. Lie. Oats-Spot linn; No. 2. 3Sa38'ic.:
standard xxhlte, 39',ic; No. 3. 3.V..C.; No. 2 I
white. SfliAo No. 3 xvhlto. 3Sl4n3Sa4f.: Hack
Scranton Wholesale Maiket.
1 tally, 25a
U i 5,
(Conocted by H. ti, Dale, 27 Lacku. Ave)
I'lOlll ! 4'J.
Butter Ci euniHt x', 2 i"sa2ii(
Cheese M's-'iUe.
12ggr Nembx'i 0c.; htoragi1
Mm low Hi 11 ns Pur bushel
Onions Per buihel. niuuve.
l'otntoos d5e, pi r bushel
Philadelphia Produce Maiket.
Philadelphia, Dee. 20 -Whent-cjulct but
sti-ud; cinitiiiet guule, Di'ctniber, iiiljii
iO'iC, I owl mill .lll'i iiiuiiuiiHeii, ". -
hi fSipuii eleiviitin, M'snUc o.uh-Hiiii,
lulr iluiiiuml; No. 2 xxhlto 1 lipped, lOo
Piiixlsloiis-iiulel. Buttoi M1111. good
ilemiuid, exttu xvesii-i-n erennu'ry, uOe ;
elxxo, neutby iirluts, 33c, Ilggs-riim and
1e hlghoi; liesh iteiilby, '.'He-.; do xiestein,
Ac,: do. southxx ostein, :ia.'7c; elo, south
eip, 2'ie. Cheece l'"lnu but uulot; oxv
Yoik lull cti'uuiH, pi lino small, loliiille.j
do tali te good, do,, UiH1'!'.: elo. prims
1 ill go, li"o,i lo, lull to rchiiI. do., lUU'ie',
Rellueil Siigina-Qiilut but sti'.ulx-. Cotton
-I'neliaiigeil T.Ulww null; elty priuui,
In tletce.s, u-piMci eounliy do., banels, r.'.j
afisio,: de. elaik, 0l45?e.t eake, hle.
Lixo Pnultl Steady, lair demand; teixxls,
10litil2lic,i od loosteis, .S4ti9n ; bprillK
ehfckeiib, 10'iallo.; tiukuxs, llulSc.; ducks,
Hallo,; geese. L'ulJe. P.csseel Poultiy
Htcudx lair eleinitnil; foixls. ehole'e x.est
em, lll-allo; do. soutnein and south
xxestfitn." lie., do, fair to good, l.'aUl'.o ;
old roosteis, lOo.; uastlnj elrh kens, ue.11.
by, lJalSe.; xxestern elo, luige, 15al5ljc.,
do, small und iiieeliuni. ISallu.i till keys
oholru neuiby, UjIVo.: do. lair to gooel, U
al7u,; do. conrrnou, llallc; xxestern tur.
keys, elrolce, lwl9c: do. fair to goeid. ISa
17c; do. common, 13a Ho ; ducks neaiby,
liiilhc; xxostein do, 15ul7c-.: gecso iieuuby,
12aUe.; xvesturn elo., UiiUo. Receipts
Flour, 1.S0O buiiels and 1.251 000 pounds In
suiks: wheal, 13 Out) bushels; com,
bushels; oats, S.ukI bushids. Shipments
Wheat. 3,000 busheils; coin. 107,Wk) bush
els; oats, C.OvO bushels.
New York Grain and Produce Market
Noxv Yoik. Dee. 20. Flout Film xxith
modeiiitu trade. Wheat Spot stonily; No
2 led, 81c. ulovutor; No. 2 led, 71c f. o.
inlvod umtprn. nominal: trnck xxhlte. 3Sa
43c; options ciulet but gcneially tlim on
light offerings. December closed 39';c.
Butter Steadv; estia cicuneiy, 2Sc;
factory, HilAaiS'-c.; ci earner y, eonnnon to
choice, SlaJiKu.; hehl citamcry. 21u2i.e.,
state duirx-, liiaJiic; ronoxatcel, 10l;a22lte.
Cheese Finn; state full cieim, fancy
small coloied. fall made', lie.; late, ll'.c;
small xxhlte, full, lie.; dute 13a13'.c; largo
colored, fall, lie.: late. ll'Jc.: lingo xxhlte,
fall. 14c; date, 13iUl3VSc. Kgg Steady;
axerago best, LSc; relilgerated, IKnSlc.;
xx-estem fancy, graded, 2i;.; western poor
to pilmo, LOalMc.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Dec. 20 Trading on the. board
of trado xvas extremely dull, but wheat
held about steady, May elo.-lng a shade
higher. Slav com xvns also up u Unction
xvlrlle oats xvere alie. higher; Mav.pio
xlsions closed TH-tl'i'- to 27'j.c. hlgliei,
Cash eiuotiitlous xveio us follows: I'lour
Dull but stoiul; Nn. 2 spung xxneui. mi
7514c; No. 3. Wif.: No, 2 nil, 74'liil753se.;
No. 2 com, 4'iUi1.; No. 2 jelloxv, -Hi.; .No.
2 oats, .;-!til.:'iO.: No. 3 xxhlte-. Jil'Laile;
Nn. ' rvn. 4M.'i'.: mioel letelhnr hallux. 35a.
l.'e.j fair to i-holco multliig. lln.kJe ; .No 1
llii seed, fl.lll: No, 1 1101 thxxstci n, ?1 2".;
pi Imo tlniothv seed, M.75: mess poik. l"a
1710; laid, M0 l") un 30; slroir rib. $ .Ax
S75; dry salted shouhlors, 5 .'"as .mi; slum
clear steles, ?; S7"ia9,
Buffalo Stock Maiket.
Uust Bufl.ilo. Dec. 20 Cattle ltee.-'lpts,
2iW; quiet Veala Stiadv; tops, $s,uj!;
Cuiniucin to gooil, t".50 18.25.
Hogs Ren-lpts. IJIXK1; ihiWu. hlghei; ac
tlxi on light und sloxv em heavx ; heavy.
WSnaiiTi; iiiKed, ti. lOaO.GO: Vol keif, und
pigs, ft! 30.U5. 10; toughs, ?j.5"a5.iO; stags.
$1 50ii!5.
Sluep und L imbs Receipts, 9.,'iIhI; sheep,
film; liuulis, stiong, 2Ue. hlghei ; lop
liliubs. $5d0a3 9."; culls tn gooel, .J.'iOar.r,;
ye-nilliigs. Jl.l'Vil.rJi; oxxes, cepott, SI2ia
I Hi; sluep, top mlsed,' WCori,7,'i; mils lo
good, Jl,i5al,10; eonnnon to 151101I, J.!.li'aJ73
Cliicngo Live Stock.
Cllle.if,o. Dec. .'(! Cattle I'lCelpts. ,(W,
sloxx ; goeid lo pi fine steirs, Siruuii u; poor
to nu-illum, !u3; blnekeis linil ttedeus, .'a
4Suj coxes, l.25u4iiii: helleis, J.'u"31; can
ners, Jl,2i"a2 In; bulls, f-'ul.ln; culxcs, ?3u
7; Teva.s fed stoeis S.ll'i.1.'..
I loj,s Receipts toelu, 19,fil; lott oxer,
3.00H: :..iPk. huhi'i : mised und biltehe'is.
I f Oilii. I'j; gooel tn ibeiliM tuav.x, Id 4 iiiU;
lougn heavy, v mail rr, iikiu, )s-it;,
bull, of sales, $0 lf.iiO M
Oil Market.
OH Cll.x, Dee. 2t;-ClCillt baluiues 151;
eeitlllcalcs, no sales; shipments, 105.9i,u
banels; uxniigo, 'M,Vi bittuls; inns, 197,
ii7 banels; uveiage, "S.b.'l banols
The following is the make-up of th
D,, L, & W. board for today;
i:lrus Knst 7.S0 p nt., J Lilule , S30
p. in., FlUbeiuld; 9.30 p. m., Iiisblns; 10 to
p. m., Mullen; 12 midnight, Louglruey.
KMras West 11 11, m., U Dull) xxith
Willi's cioxx1.
ll.stras Kast 1 u. m Caiue.x, 2 11. in.,
Rogers; .1 a. 111., Randolph; 4 30 u. m
Roxxe; 7 u. in., Ilullct; 9 u. in., MeCarth;
10 30 u. 111., J. Oeirliy; U noon, lluikluul;
1 p. m, Ltuktti; 2 p. 111., M. J. lleniilgou;
1 p. m., Doxluu; 5 p. in., Mosler.
Suninilts 0 11. in., I'loiinfelker (xxest);
ij u. 111, Cart leg (east): 930 u. 111. Nich
ols (west); 11 a. 111., Uoldcti (xxcsl); 1.30
p. m., Thompson (east); 4 30 p. 111, J. Hen
lilgun (east).
Pusheis 2 30 u. in., C Bartholomew
5&enlIteiglsrNo poison
c IwSSs i"io'ixiM9ln'
ViiiSHS' HINDS kai.JW,
Has ever teen found
in the enamel ot
Agate Nlcfcel
Steel Ware.
l'rolpctpel by
Pe-i Iklon eir t'riitfd
.Suns I uurl, pasted
on eiery piece,
It subMttntPs nre of
ferM, write us,
Ncvr Booklet Free,
. Aftatf AwltUSteel
note ts joW bv the
feadwp Deportment
nut Iloutcfurnuhy
wo Stores,
iAlance & Orotftut
2Kj Co , Nw York.
loatoiB, Chicago.
L. & G. flgafe Ware
Always in Stock.
110-112 Washington Avenue.
cdafw goal
1 Satarday 1 Bargains
1 s . 1
f . r J . J
Men's All Wool Hose 20c value, (or, a pair.... 15c
Men's All Wool Sweaters Plain red and blue,
also fancy stripes, at $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and 42.50
! 1--. -... , ,. .... -.- , ,,
Boys' Clothing
Boys' Fine All Wool Suits in Serges, Cheviots,
Plain Blue and an assortment of mixed materials, 8 to 15 ,Q
years, double-breasted. 54.00 and $4.50 values, at p3.4o
Children's All Wool Toques in plain and fancy col- .
ors, value 25c, now '. .- 1 5C
Boys' All Wool 3-Piece Suit Good heavy materials, .
in serge and mixtures, $4.50 value, now P3.4o
Boys' Norfolk Suits In all wool mixed materials, two
plaits each front and back, and belt of same material. The
usual $2.98 value, at 2,2iO
Boys' Sailor Blouse Suits Trimmed in fine all wool
materials in blue, 3 to 8 years. Brown, red and fancy col-
ors, $5.00 value, at P5. 5
Spencer Trask & Cor
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
Nn 57 Uruueluii), (New York City.
"The One Way" 1
K Olvlnu full imrtlculurs how to nraka g
m xour inouoy earn a rt'RUlur inontnly 5
income xxithout rl-t. or lots, xx a jiaro
nex-er hwl n UlMSutlsfloel customer, We
urako gooel lneonres out of luodest In
MONEY, Write ut onto to
112 Wall Street. New YewV.
(xxebt); 7 11. 111, Wiilner (xxesl); 7 a. in,
Klnuerty (xxcsti; 6 n. in. llouser (eaat),
ll.l'i n. 111., Moruu (,0, 1 p. m., McDon
nell (xxeHt), T.Je p. in., Jlurplty( e'ast); t)
p. 111., W, IJ. Uiutlioloinoix- (east).
IIclpoiK 1 11. 111.. M.ifc'civern; 7 n. m ,
(liilCiiuy; 10 u. 111.. Beeot'i .'i t p. in., Stun
UMlin West See oriel 51, l.oiU; 130 11.
m View, xx Uli Lindsay's crew; S a. m ,
Muhou xxltli Wuifel's croxx- (lliillnieHili,
11 u. in , 1'eel; 1.' noon, John OaliURau
KllallaU'iul); 'J j in., Knteltum; 4 p m t