pn t' & - ; 41 f' ' f 1 7" 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUJfB-THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1002. ONLY 7 DAYS MORE In Which to Take Advantage of This Phenomenal Offer. The Orat Quaker Physician Will Treat All Persons Applying Before January 1st for the Nom inal Sum of $5 a Honth, medicines Included. Many Cases Are Cured In One Jlontlis Time. This Offer Positively Expires on the 31st Day of This flonth and Will Not Be Extended Beyond That Date Under Any Circum stances. Doctor Byer's Power Over Disease, an Inborn Quality Which Few Possess. Doctor Chui'chiniiii Dyers wishes to bIvo lollnlto notlco that his famous J3 offer positively expires on Wednesday, Dec. :il, It 8 p. 111. All porsonn who wish fo bo irenled fiii 3 per niontli must cnll be fore tlint time, us this oftor will not ho Ixtended under nny circumstances, if foil wish to hes cured for u nominal sum, aw Is your opportunity. Doctor Uydis tvishes to stuto that most caws uro cured h ono month's time. If you 1110 suffer )ig from any disease, If you havo tiled loclor after doctor without success, If j-ou havo given up hopo mid havo con Mudcd that lhero was no relief this Bldo )f tho Brave, call on Doctor Dyers. Uo jvlll glvo you tho most careful X-ray el imination known to science, llo will toll foil exactly what -your trmihlo Is, and It your case is curablu ho will agi'eu to treat j-ou at tho nominal sum of $3 a month, mcdlclno Inrhulcd, providing you stall treatment with him on or beforo tho 31st flay of December. This Is positively lour last opportunity, us this rate will Hot bo extended after tho date mentioned Under any circumstances. ASTHMA, Mis. Charles Miller, Petersburg, Jays: ".My llttlo daughter, Lena, hud buffered from Bronchial Asthma since a tmall child. Tho attacks wero very so lere and she would havo to Rasp to got her breath. Sho could not sleep tit night Slid it was pitiful to seo her gradually Wasting away. As a last resort I took her to tho offices of Doctor Byeis, and the Improvement under his treatment was (imply wonderful. Today sho sleeps well, fats well niul is n different child in every tvuy. God bless the Great Quaker Phy sician for rostoihig my llttlo child's health." FREE X-BAY EXAMINATION. Doctor Byeis never accepts a case un less ho knows to a rerlalnty tho cause of tho trouble, and this can only bo deter- ?nlned by a scientific X-Rny examination, lis X-Itay outlll is tho most elaborate Mid complete in this country. 15y his spe cial Fluoroscopic attachment ho Is ubln to cxamiuo all parts of the body and find nut to an absolute certainty tho rntiu of the patient's affliction, ''omo and be ": tinlned; it Is absolutely fice. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA PITTSTON. Special to tho Scranton Tillmuc. Pittslun, Dec. 2-1. A tramp who gave 5ii& name as Michael O'liiien; losldenee, New York city; profession. :i ilreus ac robat; was captured last night while at tempting to burglarize Gllboy's saloon nt Duryoa. About 12 o'clock members uf tho family who weio down stairs in :i bide loom, heard a frcieum and calls for help from an upstairs bod room oc cupied by a servant j;lrl. Hurrying to the place. I'n trick Gilboy found the tramp In the girl's room. The man was placed under .arrest and this morning 'Squire Gilboy committed lilm to the county jail to await the notion of tho grand jury. O'Brien had been about the town all day doing acrobatic stunts for the drinks. Later injlhe evening when Chief Cosgrovo retired to his room at the hotel lie discovered that his re volver had been stolen. An artesian well has been sunk on tho ICxeter Machine works property, find a lino quality of water has been found. Harry MacFarlane, a well-known young machinist of "West Pittston, who has been working of late at Mononga licla, Pa., was brought home sick yes terday, and it Is feared ho will have nn attack of typhoid fever. Burgess Forttr's young son was ar rested yesterday afternoon for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk of West Pittston borough. The lad was given a hearing- by his father at the town hull and fined the usual nmount, ?3. A slight case of varllold has been dis covered at Exeter borough among sonic Polish Immigrants who recently ar rived from Buffalo. The board of health of the borough has ostubllshPd a strict quarantine of the case, and hare placed sunids tut duty night and day. Dr. Fleming Is attending; the case. A case was also discovered at Duryoa, but proved to bo so very Might that the quarantine was lifted today, Tho Miners' Gloo flub of ten voices from Edwardsville and vicinity, which jnadc a tour of tho big cities of the cast during the recent strike, havo ar ranged to give a concert In tho Welsh Congregational church of this city on January 20. A slight lira broke out In tho Rod Ash leln of tho Clear Spring mine yester 3ay, but was extinguished ueforu any material damage had been done. A bad wreck occurred on tho Lehigh Valley Main lino near Falls a few ev enings ugo. A south bound freight train crashed Into another train uu a siding nml several cars, Including a cargo of sugar, was thrown down nn embank ment into the river. Fortunately no ono wns injured. At the Coxton yard of tho r.ehlgh Valley lust evening a fi eight car on a nldlng brnko aivny and moving to tho main line was struck by tho went bound locul passenger train which leaves hero tit -1.50. Tho cur and tho engine wero slightly damaged but tho passengers es caped Injury, .liaison Davis, who resided here somo twenty-live years ago, died Inst Friday nt Hampton, W, VC'a., and tho remains were brought hero yesterday and taken lo tho home of H. W. Hozelle, nt Mill City, from whence the funeral took iilacc today. 7 M, V, Coons, who secured tho lease of Millie hall, Intends making extensive Improvements to the place before tho beginning of next season, Among the changes will be the changing of tho How Ui Avoid the Dangers of n Cold, Everyone must realize tho dangers attending), a severo cold, and that it Is ulways pr'udent to remain In-doors un til Jho dagger Is passed. Many, how over, do mot feel able to Jos the time and will to Interested in knowing that ii severe ctSltl may be broken up and nil danger (avoided by the prompt use uf Chanibe luin's Cough Remedy. It not only curies, but cures quickly and counteracts olny tendency towurrt pneu monia. For tulo by all druggists. BI-OHEMIC TREATMENT. Tho different tissues of tho body are mado tip of mlnuto colls, and when theso colls beeomu disarranged, dlseiiMir Is tho result. IJy Htipplylnic ! proper nutri ment to liio cells, perfect health can bo obtained. All diseases, no matter how chronic, can bo cured by bringing t ho cells back to their normal condition. Tho treatment used by Doctor Byei-H Is not allopathic or homeopathic. It Is a treat ment based upon nn exact ncleneo mid cures with tho certainty of a llxed law. Dr. Byer's Record, Doctor Byers -was born of Quaker parentage and received his early edu cation under the influence of that re ligious denomination. He graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical College of Phila delphia, 1872. Full course attendance Pennsylva nia Hospital for Acute and Surgical Diseases. late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. late of Prof J. Soils Cohen's Clinics Diseases of the Throat. Xate Examining Physician Knights Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid As sociation of Cincinnati, O. a. old fashioned seats for up-to-date ones, ill". Coons takes nossesslnn .Tnnnni-v r. and the people will be offered some flrst-elus. attractions for the -balance of the season. It was expected that tho new opera house would bo opened by the first of the year, but numerous delays have boon met with and It will hardly be opened until Feb, 13. A num ber of the bookings for the new house for tho month of January and February will be transferred to Music hall. Announcement has been received hero of tho death at Bristol, England, of Thomas Bush, who a few years ago conducted a tailoring establishment here. HONESDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Dec. 21. Tuesday after noon the Honesdale schools closed for the Christmas vacation, which will last until January C. A quiet wedding took place .at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Richmond Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock, on Church street. Their daugh ter, Miss Carrie E., and Henry A. Tlngloy were united in marriage by Rev. C. Ii. Percy, of tho Baptist church. After a wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Tingley left by tho Erie train for New York city, to bo absent about one week. They will reside in Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Rowley of Scranton, are spending Christmas with Mrs. Rowley's relatives. About forty couples invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mantle, on High street, Saturday night, and spent a pleasant evening. The occasion being tho fifteenth marriage aninver sary of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mantle. On Friday and Saturday night at tho opera house the Wills Comedy com pany, In tho laughable farce, "A Trip to Atlantic City." Honosdalo merchants havo done an unusually largo holiday business in all kinds of mpiehnndlso. Tho capacity of all tho shops and factories havo been taxed to their utmost and tho em ployes have money to spend, which de notes a prosperous Honesdale, The llttlo ones of tho Presbyterian Sunday school, as Is their usual cus tom, with their Christmas exercises, made every ono happy with their can tata and llttlo brownies, which was pleasantly given. Tho chapel was crowded with old and young, Every scholar received a gift from tho school. C. II, Annbruster, who has so ctllcl ontly filled tho office of sheriff of Wayno county for tho term now clos ing, will, about tho fith of January re move with his family to Muuch Chunk whero ho will engage In tho hotel busi ness. The Carroll brothers and It. M. Doran of tho Black Diamond Minstrels will go to Binghnmtoii to tako part in an en tertainment to bo given in tho latter city by the Vance Minstrel troup on Now Year's eve. Mr, nnd Mrs. Herbert James of Lanesboro aro spending Christmas with Honesdale relatives. Captain N. K. Blgelow and Attorney Hermun Jlarmes will eat Christmas dinner at their former home In Niagara and Pleasant Mount. Miss Grace A. Cory, who has been teaching In the Heffloy school, Brook lyn, N, Y Is spending tho holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Corey, -..i.i ii. i.i OLDFOllGE. The schools of the boroughs closed on Wednesday for the Christmas vacation. They will reopen on Monday, January 5, l'J03. Master Bruce Dawson Injured his shoulder on Saturday, whllo playing with some companions. Fortunately no bones were broken. The official board assisted by the la HE WAS PARALYZED. . Mr. John Jenkins, Dunmore, Pn.( says: "flovon years ago I foil down nn clovator shaft and injured my splno. find as a result my legs bocamo completely parnlMicd. No ono can appreciate i tho tcnlblo condition I was In oxcopt thoso who havo Bono through tho samo ordeal, From a hIioiik, vigorous man I had been transformed into a helpless cripple, l could only walk by tho aid of crutches, and only then with tho greatest difficulty. Having read about tho almost miraculous cincs that wero being performed dally by Doctor Byeis I concluded, as a lost re sort, to try his treatment. I begun to Im provo almost Immediately, and this im provement has been so rapid and my pres ent condition Is so satisfactory that I feel It a duty to mankind to niako a public statement of what tho Great Quaker i Phy sician has dono for mo. Surely a doctor that Is able to do such wondors must bo possessed of moro than human power. I shall never cease sounding Doctor Dyers praise wherever I may bo." HEI WAS DEAF. Mr. John E. Haley, Carbondale, Miys: "I had been deaf for a long while. I could not hear In church. I shunned 'my neighbors because I could not understand what they Bald. I had noises In my heart and my whole nervous system became af fected. T lost flesh rapidly and In six weeks I lost over 20 pounds. I tried three of tho best doctors in Carbondale, but without any result. Something seemed to tell mo that I ought to try Doctor Byors Treatment. I went to his offices and placed myself under Ills care. That was live months ngo. My hearing bus been restored. Last Sunday I went to church niul hoard overv word the preacher said. I now meet with my friends and converse with them, and I assuro you I will novor ceaso sounding tho praises of Doctor By ora' nnmo for restoring my hearing. Ills power over dlseoso comes from a Higher Influenco than human. God bless tho Great Quaker Doctor." DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYERS Chief Consulting Physician of tho Bl Chemic Treatment. PERMANENT OFFICES, Entire Second Floor. 412 Spruce Street, Scranton Pa. Office Hours, 0 a. m. to 12; 2 p. m. to 4. Evenings, 7 to S Dally. Sundays, 30 n. m. to 12 m. dies of the church will hold an enter tainment and supper at the Brick church on New Year's eve. Tho ad mission to the entertainment and the supper will bo 23 cents. Everybody is cordially invited. Olln Jacobs, of Syracuse University Is spending Ills vacation with his par ents at tho M. E. parsonage. The funeral services of the late Thos. Coxe were held in the Primitive Meth odist church on Tuesday afternoon. The Revs. Wm. Paul and G. C. Jacobs officiated. Master Don Edwards has been taken to the Lackawanna hospital to he treated for rheumatism. BROOKLYN. Special to tho Scianton Tribune. Brooklyn, Dec. 24. W. D. Sterling and daughter. Miss T-elah, .spent Tuesday in Montrose. Airs. W. If. Eldrldge went to Scran ton Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Quick. Ernest A. Sterling, of Washington, D. C, is spending his vacation with his parents heie. Miss Ethel Sterling, who has been teaching at Johnsonburg, Is home for her vacation. M. Ij. McMillan, esq., of Nicholson, spent a short time with his sister her last week. G. I. Giles has returned from a visit at his sons' in Scranton and Pittston. Earl AIney, of Keystone academy, is home for the holidays. Mrs. G. I. Gere is quite ill but im proving. Mr. and Mrs. M'tUter H. Ely and daughter spent a few days with rela tives in Scranton Inst week. The purty of excursionists return from Washington today after a short stay in Philadelphia. Our three Sunday schools will have Christmas trees and appropriate exer cises Christmas, eve. Rev. J. H. Colbourne has accepted a call to tho pastorate of the Universallst church and will move hero in the near future. Leon Stephens, of Keuku college, Is homo for vacation. Leon Russell, of Rome, was the guest of Brooklyn friends over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Bond, of Great Bend, are spending a few days nt Dr. AIney's. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Tewksbury tiro en tertaining her daughter, Mrs. Ilnldc man, of Scranton. Mrs. S. F. Breed has returned from a visit with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. I. W. AVrlght. MOOSIC. Miv. Oram Lytoll left Tuesday to Join her husband at Lowlstowu, Tho entertainment given by tho pri mary department of the High school Tuesday afternoon was a success in every way. The exercise "Shlnytop" by the little boys and girls deserved es pecial mention, A goodly number of tho parauts and friends were In at tendance, Mr, and Mrs, A, O. Storms are spend ing Christmas In Oraeedale at the homo of Mr. F. II. Johnson, Miss Lena Barrett, of Susquehanna, visited Mlsa Verbio Dlx, this week. Uov. and Mrs, Edwurds aro spending Christmas in Wllkes-riarrc. The employes of the Greenwood nnd Spring Brook collieries received their ray yesterday. Tho announcement has been made that all employes of tho MoohIo Powder company aro to recelvo an advance of ten per cent, to begin with January 1, 1303, The President A Slave to Catarrh. Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder K lieve in It) Minutes. D. T. Sample, President of Sample's In stallment Company, Washington, P.i., writes: "For yeais I was afflicted with Chroulo Catarrh. Hcmedlcs and treat ment by bpeclallsts only gavo me tem porary relief until I was induced to use Dr. Agnow's Cutanhal Powder. It gavo almost instant relief, Pr. Agnew's Hetrt Cure Is for the Nerves, Heart and Blood. 6 Sold by William O. Ciaik nnd H. O. Suuderson- THEATRICAL. "Our Wow Minister" To-day. It Is Impossible to unalyzo tho elements of success hi tho now play of Denman Thompson and Clcorgo W. llycr, which was seen hero for tho first llnio lat sea son, and which comes ngaln to tho Ly ceum this nttcrnoon nnd evening, and it is difficult to descrlbo tho pleasuro It af fords, Tho principal clement of success Is tho heartiness with which It is pre sented by tho excellent company, laugh tor Is novor forced, and it is novcr court ed by nn. approach to vulgarity, but Is won by tho droll humor which Is deeply Ingrained In tho Yankee clmraclur. Tho company seeni to enter completely into tho fun of tho thing and to enjoy it ns much as tho nudloucc. Tho spirit Is unllngglng and their perception of tho possibilities of ovory position complete. If It be truo that a good hearty laugh saves a man a doctor's bill, "Our Now Minister," will enable every playgoer to ndd a long list of credits to his medicine account, Andrew Mack Friday Night. That talented young comedian, Andrew Mack, Is to present his now play, "Tho Soger Hoy," at tho Lyceum Friday night. It Is qulto tin Interesting study to watch tho career of this famous player and it Is with considerable prldo that tho dra matic writers of America speak of his and his work. Wo havo not had but a few Irish com edians In tho past twenty years, Mack is onslly tho leader and tho only ono that has been complimented by an engage ment upon Broadway, Now York, which is In Itself qulto an honor. Of course, his volco will bo heard In tho rendition of many now songs which wo shall hear for tho first tlmo also. Seats on sale. Seats For "San Toy" This Morning. It may bo truo that an Englishman has no sonso of humor, that his country is tho land of tho fearful and malevolent pun, that a map should go with every real joko when told to ono of King Ed ward's subjects, but it must bo admit ted that Englishmen can nnd do write nnd compose the best musical comedies. Under tho head of ono of tho very best of theso musical plays will undoubtedly bo placed "San Toy," tho work of flvo of theso writers, Edward Morton, Sid ney Jones, Lionel Monckton, Harry Greonbank and Ardlan Ross. Tho old adage that "too many cooks spoil tho broth" has not como truo In this case as "San Toy" is conceded to be as nearly a perfect specimen of tho musical comedy ns has yet been offered to tho public. "San Toy" ran for months and months In London, eclipsing tho runs of all fho other plays of Its class, leaving even that much vaunted "Florodora" away behind la tho race for popular favor. In tho company presenting "San Toy" aro Samuel Collins, Georgo K. Fortesquo, Hobart Smock, Barony Lambert, Nagle Barry, Joseph Canto, Nellie Lynch, Norali Lambert, Isabel Hall and a Inrge chorus, tho organization numbering In all over slxty-flvo people. Tho company's orchestra will bo combined with tho local orchestra, the whole to bo conducted by John Braham. "San Toy" will bo pro duced at tho Lyceum Saturday matineo and night. Seats on sale this morning at 9 o'clock. At the Academy To-day. This will bo a gala day at tho Academy of Music. Tho Chester Do Vondo Stock company will present two great plays which have never been produced here be fore. For the matineo tho attraction will bo "Silver Creek Fort," and to-night, "A Drop of Poison." Wine, Woman and Song Company. "Wine, Women and Song," which opens at tho Star today, it an organization that has lined up to its promises in the past. So when wo tiro assured that tho two burlesques aro new, that the scenery has been specially constructed for this per formance and the costumes aro magnifi cent, the creation of Madame Montoll, of tho Frohman forces, it is reasonablo to epect a performance pleasing to the ra tions of that class of entertainment. Bonita comes aftaln with tho show, bringing with her tho Cuban and African mldgots, In whom sho seems to havo in fused somo of her own charm and vigor. There aro several singing nets with spe cial scenic effects, club manipulating, musical artists, and a variety nppeallng to every taste and constituting nn olio of unusual interest. Owing to today being a holiday, tho regular evening prices will prevail at tho matlneec. SOUTf I SCRANTON. Fully three hundred persons, former residents of this side, now located in Buffalo, arrived here on a special Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western train yesterday, and were accorded a hearty welcome. The visitors have come to spend tho holidays with friends and at the same time take a look at the old homestead, for, ns ono of the visitors said last night, "Buffalo Is all right, but there's no place like home." The excursion train will leave for Huffalo Sunday afternoon, so as to get the toll ers back in time to resume their labors on Monday morning. The funeral of Mrs, Michael Shea took place yesterday morning fiotn the family residence, 73 1 liver street, and wns very largely attended. Services wero held in College hall at St. Peter's cathedral, and interment was after wards made in tho Cathedral ceme tery. The pall-bearers wero Henry M'. Coyle, Owen Walsh, John Roche, Myles Powell, John Mawn, Patrick McGrnll. Tho funeral of Mrs. Peter Mo ran took place yesterday morning from tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Mary Gannon, of Mluookn. Services wore held in St. Jo seph's church, Mlnookn, at O.SO a. m,, and Interment wns made In tho Mln ooka cemetery. Tho pall-bearers wero Michael Foivster, John Luby, John Forester, Michael nurke, Michael Kelly and Joseph O'Malley. Joseph Fueller, of Camden, N. J a former resident or this side, is hero to spend tho holidays with his mother and friends on Cedar avenue, A game of basket ball Is scheduled for Now Year's night at St. John's hall, and as it will bo butween the St. Clairs and Defenders, the two strongest teams In tho fctatc, It will bo a game worth seeing, Another nuw coach has been received by the Cannon Rail railway manage nient, making twenty-fivo In nil. A meeting of the Knights of Malta Is called for tonight at 7,30 o'clock. Captain Joseph Helriege), who is studying at the Philadelphia Dental hospital, Is homo for tho holidays. Dr, Schley's Lung Healing l!alsam la guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay," For salo by all dealers. GREEN RIDGE. Mr, and Mrs. E. Stanley Ulxler, of Easton, are guests at thu homo of Mrs. M. It, Kuys, of Sanderson avenue. G. F. Whlttemore, chorister of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church, has so far recovered from his recent bevere illness as to be nble to be up and around the houso again. Machinery for tho new textile tilk mill, corner of Larch street und Mou sey avenue, bus arrived and Is being put in position. It is expected that the company will bo able to begin work the first of the year. Oram Carr, a student at the Stevens Technical bchool, at lloboken, Is spend ing his vacation with his1 parents, Mr, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" MIS. 1 RENTS. FOR Mil Only Half a Cent a Word. For Ront. li-ntl TM.IMTPnllvtllnht IIoUSC. WllkCS Dane. Is in No. 1 order, contains 40 rooms, has laigo basement, and barn for W) horses. Rent tVa per month. Ilessol & Co., no Ueniiott Ilulldlng, Wllkos-Ilarro. J18-For Itont Ton-room liouao; excellent neighborhood: nil modern Improve ments. on nvenuo. Apply to It. P. Ham ilton. KG Spruco street. Wanted To Bent. WANTED TO HENT A furnished hoiiBoi no children. Address A. 11. C Tho Tribune. WANTED Small furnished house. Ad dress Box COO, city. Itooms and Board. TlTETlNDENPiiOO Linden street, hns a number of dcslrablo vacancies; light rooms find cholco tnblo board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or flvo young men. Inquire S33 a3h- Ington avenuo. Furnished Booms for Kent. roit KENT A furnished room on second floor front, $1.50 week. KS3 Adams avo. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. S. M. Hlbbard b Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 41 und 46 Broadway, New York. Established 1SG1. Long Dlstanco 'Phono 2388 Droad. Lost. LOST A memorandum book, red cover; finder will recelvo a liberal reward by returning tho same to M. II. Carpenter, 013 North Main avenuo. Beal Estate. $1,800.00 buys twenty-two-room no tel, newly furnished and saloon business, including elegant bar fix tures; centrally located. Address, HABBY WILSON, 51 Genesee Street, Buffalo, N. Y. LEGAL. IN RE: Application of William R. Hughes, for llccnso to act as detective In tho Court of Quarter Sessions of Lack awanna county. No. , February Ses sion, 3S0J. Notico is hereby given that tho peti tion of William R. Hughes for the ap pointment to act ns detective is now on lllo In tho otflco of tho clerk of tho Court Quarter Sessions of Lackawanna county. That tho healing will bo had on said pe tition on Saturday, January 10, I'M, at 9 o'clock a. m. in open court. PALMER L. WILLIAMS, Attorney for Petitioner. IN RE: Estate of William W. Van Dyke, lato of tho City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna, deceased. Letters of administration on tho above named estate having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons having claims or demands against tho estate will present them for payment, and all persons in debted theieto will niako Immediate pay ment to W. F. VAN DYKE. Administrator, Scranton, Pa. H. M. HANNAH, Attorney for Estate and Mrs. W. F. Carr, of Green Ridge street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fuller, Miss Maud Fuller and Frank Elwood left yesterday for Downsville, N. Y where they will spend a few days with friends. The young men's club of the church of the Good Shepherd has sent out cards announcing their third annual basket social, to take place in their club rooms Saturday evening, January 10, 1903, at 8 o'clock. Miss Flora Slmmrel, of Dickson nvo nue, left yesterduy for a ten days' stay with friends at Port Jervls, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. Duncan, of Brook lyn, N. Y., and James Kays, of Wash ington1, are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and airs. S. P. Hull, of San derson nvenuo. Harry Connelly, of Washington aven uue, came homo from Princeton yos teuluy. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Tunkhaimoek, Dec. 21. airs. John Turn and son, Raymond, of Ruffnlo, N. y aro the guests or relatives at this place. Prof. Frank Simpson, of Uuokuoll university, at Lewlsburg, is spending tho holidays with his parents, air. and airs. George Simpson, on Warren street, The Presbyterian Sunday school held their usual Christmas treo and exer clses on Christmas eve. Tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school and ISaptlsts will hold their this evening, airs. O, Smith Khmer was a visitor at Wllkcs-Rnrru on Tuesday. T. W. Hillings, of Nicholson, and J. W. Coleman,1 of Dlnghamton, wero among tho old soldiers who appeared before tho pension examining board on Wed nesday. John S. Ilraco expects to open a law offico In tho ilenick building about January l, aiiss Ruth Rlulf, a student at Syru cuso university, is spending tho holi day vacation with her parents at this place, air. and airs, ailller Culver are visit ing friends at Wllkes-U.irit'. ailsses Sophroula nnd Gortrudo Luck- onblll, of East aiaiieh Chunk, nud.ailss Etta Luckenblll, of Kingston, spent Christmas iith their parents, nt this place. ailss Elizabeth Klefer visited her sis ter, airs. Frank Hewitt, at tho Wllkes Hati'o city hospital on Tuesday, Tho J. W. Reynolds Women's Relief corps held their regular election of officers on Tuesday evening, airs. II, L. aicKown and aiiss Jeun etto Hughes, are entertaining thulr brother from Pittston. Judge Hurvey Slckler is spending Christmas with relatives at Dushore. An Old and Well-Tried Bemedy, aiRS. WINSI.OW'S SOOTHlNOSYRUP for children teething, la tho prescijptlon of ono of tho beat femulo physicians and nurses In the United States, and bus beon used blxty years with nover-falllng suc cess by millions of mothers for their chil dren. During thu process of teething Its value is Incalculable. It relieves tho -mild from !uln, eures dlurrhoea, gifplng in tho bowel;j, and wind colic. Uy giving heulth to the child It tests the mother. Price. Itueuty-llvo cents u bottle. No Order Accepted Tor Less Thnn 10 Cents. Branch WANT Office Want Advertisements Will Be Boceived- at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ, corner Mul berry street nnd WeJstor nVo. GUHTAV P1CHEL, CM Adams nvenuo. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South ataln avenue. South Scranton ' FRED L. THRIVE. 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North ataln avenuo and Marltot street, Green Bidgc CHARLES T. JONES, 1J07 Dlclt- son aunup. F. J. JOHNS, SCO Green Rldgo street. C. LOKEN5, comer Washington avenuo and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenuo. Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Wanted. DESK ROOM WANTED-In centrally lo cated building. Address, stating con veniences, location and rental; must have both phones. W. R. H., Tribune office. Help Wanted. ANY PERSON who will distribute Sam- pies lor si uany slioulil address 'Stand ard" 1 Wells, Chicago. Steady position, No canvassing. XEADING- broad silk mill in Greater New York wants a good twister and enterer. either mnk m -fomnlo. Address F. D. L., Cnll Office, Pater- son, JM. 0. WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof feo to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Exnerlenced flrnirirlst. nml pharmacist to tako interest in busi ness; a grand opportunity for tho light party. Address, Pharmacy, Trlbuno of fice. WANTED Young bright office bov; only boy of good family needs to npplv. Dr. Baer, 3J1 "Washington avenue. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State nge, experience, references first let tor. Address, Suito 572, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. WANTED liy a good, girl a place to do nnusewoi'K m a piivato ranilly pre ferred, at. E., Trlbuno office. JOBBERS SALESaiAN (Grocery) holding trade in this vicinity, desires to make a change Jan. 1, I'JUJ. S. J., Trlbuno office. SITUATION WANTED-Uy a young man who is willing to do any kind ot woik. Address L. K., Tribune office. Miscellaneous. RHEUMATISM vanishes when forced to contend with Taylor's Vegetable Com pound. Experimenting is post. If It falls get a piano or organ. Consultation free. Call or address J. E. Taylor, Guerusoy Hall, main lloor. I FOUND it knocks Rheumatism overy tlmo; it is J. ij. Taylor's wonder of tho ago Vegetable Compound. It cured my wlfo and a friend flvo yours ago; two years ago my daughter and flvo neigh bors. Now I keep it for sale. Two dol lars VI oz. bottle. James 11, T.nwls, an IhrncltO miner, 'JUM Smith's place, corner Deacon street, Scranton, Pa. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAUl.DJNG. C. P. A.7m Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 18U Architects. FREDERICK" L. BROWN. ARCH It.,' Real Estate Exchungo Bldg., VX Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineers. 11, L. IIAItDING, 813 CONNELI. BLDO. STEVENSON ii null building. KNIQIIT, 7SU CON- Dentists, DR. E. C. EU.ENBEUGEH. PAUL! building, Spruco street. Scianton. DR. U. C. LAUJjACil. 115 WYOMING avo Plro Insurance. SCIILAGEU & CO,, -101 ConnoU Building. Patent Attorneys. "irA "TC tl"TTC InallcoiuUrles The only lironsed und equipped paler c solicitor in tho city- No charge tor 111 torrnniion on patentability; oyer ten ycaiV experience Ueplojrle &Co Alear lUtig. HotelB and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 120 rrruri.'7 FRANK llu avenue. Rales reasonablo. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. & W. Passenger depor. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. 15- BRiatlS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used, A. Jl. lliJggs. proprietor. Leave ordeis 110 North Main avenue. or Elcke'H drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Roth telephones. Who Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR Ml LACKA, ave., Scrunton, nifis. of Who fecroens. Miscellaneous. StEGAROEB BROS.. PRINTERS' SUP pnes, envelopes, puiwr bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO VuHlilnpton avenue. THE WILKE3-UARRE RECORD CAN bo hud In Scrunton at tho news stand of RelKinan Bros.. M Spruco und t03 Linden; M. Norton, 322 Luckuwanna ave.; I, S. Schutzer, ','li Spruce btrect. UAim DIRECTOR?. i iia ki- x . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REHL ESTHTE. ft J . 1 ! Onlr Halt a Cw i wrl.,J",K "T Money--to Lbah.'' ' ANY AMOUNT OF JfONEY TO LOAN- Qulclc, straight loans or Rultdlng and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call oe N. V. Walker, 311-315 Council building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo procured nt Mrs. A. II. Stnrkoy's Employment Offico, 1.10 Wiishlngtuii avenue,' looms 2 and 4. Tako elevator. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and 'Western. IN Effect June 1, 1U02. Trains leavo Scruhtpn for New Yoik At 1.60. 3.20, 0.05, 7.G0 and HU0 u. in.; 12.40, 3.10, S.U3 p. in. For Now York and Phila delphia 7.G0. 10.10 a", in. i anil 12.40 nnd 3.35 p. m. For GoultHboro At GJO p. m. For Bitrrulo-1.1.-, c.22 and !UO a. m.; 1.55, ii.50 and ll.lo pr m. For Blnglmmtoa. Elmlm and way statlons-10.23 a. u 1.0S p. m-I-or Oswego, Syracuse and Utlcrt 1.15 and C.2J a. in.; 1,05 p. m. Oswego. Syracusu and Utica train at 0.22 a. m. Uaily, except Sunday. For Montroso-0.00 n. .in.: 1.0 and I CM p. m. Nicholson accommodation -1.00 and U.15 p. m. . Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at fl.33 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.K5 and tf.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40 and D.n.'i p. rn. Sunday Trains For Now York, 1.30, 3.20. 5-0.. 10.10 n. m.: 3.-10 nnd 3.35 p. in. For Burfalo-l.r. nnd C.22 a. in.; l.K. G.G0 and ii 'I- f1, "' For Elmlra and way statlons J02.1 a. m. For BInghnmton and way sta tions, 3.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Dlvislon Leavo Sctnntoii, 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In Effect Nov. 10, 1902. Trains Leavo Scranton . For Philadelphia and Now York via D. & II. It. R., nt i. II, through Parlor Car nnd Day Coach Carbondalo to Now York and 3.17 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Cnrbon lalo to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4.ST. (Black Diamond Express), nnd 11.49' p. m. Sun days, D. & H. r. ., i5s p. m 9.38,a. m. I; or AMiito Haven. Huzleton and princi pal points in tho coal regions, via D. & I,1'..1-,,?'- 7-11. 218 and 4.33 p. m. For Pottsvillo,' 7.41 a. m. i'or uothloheni, Easton. Reading. liar rjsburg and principal lntarmedlato sta tlons. via D. .t II. R. R.. 7.41. 9.17 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.3j (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p. m. Sundays, D. Sr lTi R. R., 9.38 a. m. and and 9.17 p. m. I'or Tunkliannock. Towanda. Elmlra, xtiiaca, Geneva and principal Intermediate stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 0.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. m. For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D; & II. It. R 12.03 l. m..;. 3.2S (Black Diamond Express). 10.11, 11.49 p. m. Sun days . D. & If. R. R 12.03. 9.17 p. m. , Pullman parlor and sleeping 'or Lehigh nl'ey Parlor cars on all trains betwoen Wilkes-Barro nnd Now York,- Phlladel phlo, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt.. 2(3 Cortland streot, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Passu Agt. 2". Cortland street. Now York. . A. W. NONEMACHI-IR, DIlV. Pass. Agt, South Bothlehfm. Pa. ' V , For tickets and Pullman reservation ap ply to city ticket 'offlce'.-GO' Public Square. WIlkes-Barre. Pa. - BEADING "SYSTEMr- Central Bailroad .of New -Jersey. In effect Nov. 10'.. 11)02. . . Stations in Now York,- foot "Liberty street and South Ferry. ,N. R. Trains leavo Scranton for Noy York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen town, Mauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, Wilkes-Barro and Pittston fit 7.30 -ii, in., 1 p. m., and 4 p. m. Sundays.' 7.13 tCT in. nnd 2.10 p. in. Quaker .CttyirExpiess leaves Ser.inton 7.30 a.- m.. with through solid vestibule train with PullmahBulTot Parlor Car for Philadelphia -with only one change of cais for Baltimore and Washington, D. .'.. and all points south and west and- has-throU3h roach for Now York. For Avocn, Iitjtstou, ana WHkcsrBarre, 1 p. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday," 7.1 J a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Ilanlsburg via Alleutown nt 7.30 a. in., 1 l. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7;15a. in. and 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua itnd Pottsvillo at 7.30 a. m.. 1 p. in. and A p; m. Sunday, 7.13 n. in. For iates and 'tickets apply to ag?nt fit station. ! i W. G. BESSLER. General Manager. C. ar. BURT,-Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailroad. Schedule In Effect Jtmo 10, 1302. Tialns leavo Scraaton (1.3S a. m., week days, through vestibule train from wilkp'-llane. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vlllo' btops at principal Intm mediate sto rlons Also connects fur Simbury, Hai ls luiK. Philadelphia. Baltimore Wnh iiicttin and for Pittsburg and tho Wrsl. 0 17 a in., week days, for Simbury. Ifui il'simr s. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash- iiirtoi and Pittsburg and thu West. 1 I? n in., week days. (Sundays. 1.SS p. m.).' for Sunhuiy. Ilanlsburg, Philadel phia liallimoio, Washington and Pitts- 1V.' "l,Um?V '". tlirmudi vcs.lbul., , train fiom Uilken-R.irie. Pullman ImlTnt - parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via t'ottsville. Stops at principal iiiteiwdi- U4 ffi p.'mfweek davs. Tor Mrulelnn . Sttn biiiy. Ilarrlsbuig, Philadelphia and Pitts- ,m"r' J B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Jlgr. j', IJ. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Efftct Nov. 10, 1902. ri'mitiK for Carbondale leave Scrunton at nt 7W. . l-1:l " rn. :. 12.05. U2. 2.J1. :M. C.S9. '. 7.22. .!!. 3.3-1. 1UM p. m.! rVimoi-dale-C.II. 10.13 a. in.; 2.11 and 0-!9. u' ,.,?:ni,.Tliirvo-i;.!lS. 7.11. 8.11. 11.17. 1:.'.".. " . V- i 1.12. 2.1S. B.IK. 1.33. U.l. ijh ii. ".,, in , '" tV.WY. ! in. una '"ujd.vy TRAINS. For f'arhondnlc-S.rA 11.81 a, -ii it' nnd 11.17 p. m "'For WIIU.'s-lliio-9-3S a. m: m.; Ml. 12.03, 1,33. ...-. i i nun -J li i'i mi Erlo Bailroad Wyoming Division, in Effect September 13, 10").'. ... Trains "lcr v Bcrniiloii for Now York, v.iwbursh and Intermedlalo points, a bio in- llawli-y and local niatlous at 7.W it. "VwuiiwJdntaand Whlto aillU at'l.S'. l''Tialns anlvo at Scranton at 10 OS a. m. und 9.13 ! " New Yoilt, Ontario and Western? !, tublo in effect Sunday. Sept. 23, l?).'. Time "UvV-rn nuUND TRAINS. '- Leavo Leave Aiit'o u..,iiiii riii-imtiiin i. rviiineiu ' 1 ,.w.w) n. in. H-hi ' l-w P- ro O0' -f " li.iu p. rrr.Ar.Car bundalo 0. b.'tn No, 7 uiViTii ltnirvn. Y M leavo i.ea o Arcrrs , u ... s.30u. in. u.ion. iii. 10.43 aim. v. ' n ".... 7.00 p. ui.Ar.C.iibomlalo 7.13 p m no. u .. u-avo Leavo Anlto 'I'l-iiiM Cttdoala. Caibondale. Scmritou. No c 11.60 a. in, 7.23a. m. No 1U .... 1-30 p. 111. U pi p. 111. Ii. lip. 111. Trains No. 1 fa week days and 9 or Sundays connect for Now York city. Blld. dlutown. Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os. Soaml all Points vest. TruiS No. 0. with "Ouakcr city Ex. press" at Scruirtoii, .via Ul. R. of N. J ror i'iiiiuu."iuj' "t"n"v 4 jmiiiiiiiui.' Waslitngtou' trrul IJeiujj-yjMTnla htal 1IU1I1V0. ... V oints it r See timo'tablo andiconAilt t (fleet ugentj or connections lthotlicr Hues. . C. ANDERSON. CI. P. A.. Now Yoik. &vnit! 3.17 a.m.; " !? " pSmmivm-'la "r. .n. Polnta-MS, .i i , iii I 12, 3-2S and 4 3o p. rn. , , , Ml : V i.n nvand ull point-! north-7.31 a. 1 n'r llo c" labW nV inV; 352 p. ni.'? JW lJl'RDlCIf. G P. A.. Albany. Nl W.L. I'RVOR. D. P. A . Scranton. Rfc. ...... iiiki nninis inn 1M.J K"i I'tfiu V.- .. U.5UH. in. 7.23 11.71'. 0,u.' " ' . 2.13 p. m. 4 00 p. in. 4. II p. in, JsiiNl) VVB ON1.V, NORTH BOUND.' UnKiiiiiiti f'ni linmlfilA PmlnuU , . JiiiiriJtri.'wiii nun jli.iii J. E. WELSH, T,, P,.A.4 ScMiiton. Pa. '. .V- ''.J..?. , it,