The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Christmas in the Schools and Churches.
What is on for to-day other news
Notes and Personals.
Christmas exercises In the nature of
cantatas, entertainments, etc., were held
In a number of the public schools yes
terday morning, after which the pupils
were given a vacation until Monday,
January B. A number of the Sunday
Bchools hold their Christmas tree festi
vals last evening, at which largo crowds
were In attendance.
The grammar A grades of No. 13 school
gavo a good programme, under the di
rection of Prof. David Owena and Miss
Wutklns, the synopsis of which follows:
Hong "Christmas Clrcetlng"
Itecltatlon, "Mother Clooso Party,"
Gladys Jones
Dialogue, "How to Brcnk Had News."
Jtocltatlon, "Boys" Alvln Jones
Kong, "I Thing I Hear the Sleigh
bells Hinging."
Dlnlosue. "Tho Mothers' Club.
Itecltatlon, "Tho Waifs,".. Murgaret Noblo
'.Mnloguo, Temptation."
tecltatlon, "Sunta Claus In Morocco,"
Daniel Morgan
Itecltatlon, "A Letter to Santa Clans,"
Hong, "Christmas Wells."
I.Ida Wells
Ulalogitc, "Tho Gossips."
Itecltatlon, "Santa Claus and the Mouse."
lilancho Watklno
Song, "WcVomo Santa Claus."
'.Recitation. "Kris Krlnglo's Surprise,"
Ethel Nichols
Itecltatlon, "Santa Claus on the Train,"
Ueulah Hlglilleld
Song, "Slctehrodc."
Dialogue. "How the Money Goes."
Itecltatlon, "Bo Kind to the Poor,"
Margaret Walsh
Itecltatlon, "Christmas".. Frank Llewellyn
Dialogue. "Why Wo Ifavo Christmas."
Song, "Hark tho Christmas Bells."
lulogue, "Poor Little Itlch Boy."
Recitation, "Tho Itcason Why,"
Margnret Jones
Song, "Santa Claus."
Dialogue, "Mr. Cross and Servant John."
Itecltatlon, "Wanted, a Minister's Wife,"
Ella Nolan
Dialogue. "New Year and Old Year,"
Song, "Good Night."
'Che pupils taught by Miss-es Helen
O'Malley and Nellie Richards rendered
the following programme:
Song, school: recitations, Tillio Donorall,
Itoba Williams, May Jones, Kitty Gil
l)rldo, Willie Morgan. Mary Haskow, Ber
tie Pry, Bertha Hommler, John Judge,
Harriet WalsUi, Viola George, Eva Jones,
Isabel Klcrnau; song, Miriam Morgan.
"Christmas Secrets" Dorothy, Plor
enco Ronshaw;, Ruth, Annie Jones: Mollle,
Mabel Otto; Jtose, Elizabeth Richards,
Joe, Bennle Morgan; Ralph, Arthur
Schwin: Frank, Bertie Pry; Harold, Rees
Richards; Sally, a waif, Margaret Mor
gan; Christmas fairy. May Phillips.
Cousins Mary Brennan. Annlo Col
burn, James O'Malley. Edwlna Gyr, Jo
seph Orr, Helen Monahan, James McDcr-
Five stanrps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
We Wish
Many Friends
and the
Public in
fl Merry C
and Many
Happy Returns
1 Globe Warehouse.
mott, Vcma Jones, Sarah Harris, Clar
enco Woodhouso, Aldlo Francis.
Hanta Claus Raymnod Stephens.
Urownles-Elmor Jones, Haydn Sam
uels, Garllold Richards, Mlchuol Hughes,
Curtis Newell. v
Christmas Carol Marguerite Jbiics,
Kathcrlno Bateman, Isabel Ratchfoid,
Bessie Evans, Wllllo May, Ruth Burke,
Albert Troup, Tlllle Donoval, Leona Rob
erts. A cantata entitled "Santa Claus' Ar
rival" was performed last evening by
the young people of tho Bellevue Meth
odist Episcopal church when the fol
lowing programme wus rendered:
"He's Coming," opening chorus; expec
tation, solo and chorus; "Wo all Believe,"
solo nnd chorus; "Where Bantn Lives,"
solo and chorus; "Tho Boys' Parade,"
march and chorus; "The Christmas Bird
Sone." solo: "Tho Little Esoulmeaux,"
flvo boys; "Songs of Jay," duet; "Tho
Plan for a Surprise," solo and chorus;
"Christmas Fairies," solo; "Tho Brown
ies," by the boys; "Newsboys," by quar
tette; " A Queer Old Fellow," solo; San
ta's Warning," solo and Invisible chorus;
"Tho Children's Delight," solo and chor
us: "Santa Claus," solo and chorus;
"Good Nlsht," solo nnd chorus.
Tho following, was the cast of charac
ters: Muade, Ruth Francis: June, Belle Da
vis; Llla, Mugglo Francis; Nellie, Stella
Jones; Nanlne, Ida Williams; Judith,
Annlo Jones; Nora, Amanda Morgans;
Tot, Ollvo Heath: Molly, EIIlo Brown
ing; Teacher, May Jones; Fairy Queen,
Edith Davis; Attendant, Ollvo Bowen;
I,en, Tom, Bill. Joe, Ellsworth Williams.
Allen Davis, Elhis Jones, Moses James;
Santa Claus, Kris Krlngle.
The performance was given under the
direction of Prof. Reese Samuels, direc
tor. Tho following programme was given
at No. 14 school:
Song "Ring, Bells, Ring." School
Recitation "Rich on Christmas Day,"
Pearl Jenkins
Violin Duet Love's Dreamland Waltzes
Theodore Bauer, Call Loucks
Song "Tally Ho!" School
Recitation "Omens and Signs,"
Corltmo Collins
Solo "Two Little Shoes." ..Arthur Beck
Violin solo "Hearts and Floweis,"
Theodore Bauer
Chorus "Stay In Your Own Back Yard."
Piano solo "Star of the Sea,"
Eugene Delhi.
Solo "Choir Celestial,".. Corlnno Collins
Recitation "How Ole Mose Counted tho
Eggs P. Jenkins
Song "Sleigh Ride, School
The primary A and B pupils at No. 31
school, taught by Misses Poole and
Durkln, rendered the following pro
gramme yesterday morning:
Song, school: recitation, Anna Chook
alowchak; recitation, Jerome Fagan;
song, school: recitation, Helen McNulty;
recitation, Georgo Quinn: song, school;
recitation, Cora Motzeubaclter; recita
tion. Mart Flynn; solo, Emma Rlchter;
recitation. Patrick Heffron: recitation.
Myrtle Woodward: song, school; recita
tion, Lizzie Petherlck; recitation, Eugene
Clifford; doll's drill, sixteen girls; recit
ation, Anna Kelly; recitation, Hilda
PorBlllottJ nnd Nervous Dlsorderf, iuch
Wind and Pain in the Stotnach, Hick Head
ache, Giddiness, I'utneis and Swelling after
weals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills
Flushing of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Short
ness of nreatli, Costlveness, Dfotches on the
6ltln. Disturbed Sleep, I'tlirhtfut Dreams,
and all Nervous and Trembling Sensation.
fftiifff IPK1 WB" SHHJi
Kvery sufferer Is earnestly Invited to try one
Box of these rills, and tlior will he aclc.
novlcdKcdtobo WITHOUT A RIVAL.
IIEKCHAIU'S r ILIS taken as direc
ted, will quickly restore Females tocompteta
health. They promptly remove any obstruo
tlon or Irregularity of the system, for
Weak Stomach,
Impaired Digestion,
Disordered Liver,
they act like manic a few doses wilt work
wonders upon the Vital Organs; Strengthen
ing the muscular System, restoring the long
lost uonipiexion, Bringing u.ick inc seen
edge of appetite, and arousing with the
nnantmd of llcnltll tho ivliolo nliv
alcal energy of the liuman frame. 1'besa
are "facts" admitted by thousands, in all
classes of society, and one of the best guar
antees to the Nervous and Debilitated is
that BEECHAM'S PILLS have ths
Largost Sale of any Patent
Modicl nes In tho World.
Itocrlimn's Fills fiavo been beforft
tho public for Iinlf a. rcntury, andt
nro the most pnpulnr family nitdlclno.
No testituonlnls nro published, n
Dccchnni's Fills
Prrpnrod only by Thoman Iteeclintn.St
TIolous, ng,, and 300 Canal St,. Ncir
Sold everywhere In boxes, 10c. nnd 2Cc
Clifford; song, school; recitation, Esther
Moran; solo, Kthel Hopkins; recitation,
AUco Lavclle; exorcise, six children; rec
itation, Anna Judge; recitation, Fred
Kolbra; solo, Myrtlo Woodward; song,
school: recitation, Emma Itlchter; reci
tation, lnoro Stall; song, school; recita
tion, John Ktenan; reel tu tlon, Olga Kull
borg; song, school.
Prof. W. II. Williams and Miss Mar
garet R. Davis' pupils, In No. 31, s.-uig
the cantata "Santa Claus' Defenders,"
with Miss Norma Williams as accom
panist. Tho characters and parts were
its follows:
Harry, Fred Beynon; Amos, Arthur
Gray: Edith, Genevlevo Casey; Hermon,
Joseph Cannon; linker, Gerald Doud;
Chairman, Georgo James; Mr. Discontent,
Herbert Lobley.
Spinsters Helen Staff, Emma Fletcher,
Grace Lambert; Loretta McAndrow;
Grlmmy, John McLlernan; Amelia, Esther
Dolls Stella Davles, Jennlo Douse,
Kntlo Shroeder, Lizzie Williams. Sailor
Boys. Danlno Evans, Evan Jones, Ger
ald Doud, Eddie Campbell, Abe Seal, Gub
tle Guennel, Michael Moran.
Sewers Mabel Singer, Maria Beynon,
Maud Evans, Katie Benge, May Douse;
Nila, Maud Armfleld; Maggie, Kegcna
Fairy Sylph. Beatrice Evans. Tree
Song, Mary Dillon, Martha Fagen, Mar
garet Davles, Anna McHugh, Mary
Benge, Esther Davles, Maud Armfleld,
Loretta Necdham.
Good-will. Mary Benge; Peace, Emily
Seymour; Love, Elizabeth Prclsscl Wel
come, school. Society. Fred Beynon,
Arthur Gray, Joseph Cannon, Gerald
Doud, Genevlevo Casey, Esther Dnvios.
Georgo James, Loretta Necdham, Maud
The primal y exercises in the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church were thor
oughly enjoyed last evening. The fol
lowing programme was rendered:
Song-, "Jewels" By tho School
Address ot Welcome John Parry
Ilecltution, "in a Manger Laid,"
Harriet Acker
Itecltatlon, "Uessie's Question,"
Ruth Chaso
Motion Kecltatlon Ten Little Girls
Song, "Merry Suowtlakes" School
Itecltatlon, "Sing a Song of Christmas,"
Carl Obordorfer
Kecltatlon, "A Shining Star,"
Irving Brown
Christmas Lullaby Nino Little Girls
Talking to Santa Over the Telephone,
Olga Koberts
Appearance of Santa Claus.
Distribution of Presents.
The cantata "Mine Host Santa
Claus," was given at the Sumner ave
nue Presbyterian church last evening,
under the direction of Bezaliol Davles,
with the following programme and par
ticipants: Sailor's ohm us, "Wo Sail the Sea,"
William Davis and ononis; song of wel
come, "Tho Committee," tho Misses Es
ther Davis, Lizzio Griffiths and Helen
Davles; song and chorus, "Jolly Print
ers," David Davis and chorus: Artists'
chorus, "In Lcuguo with Santa Claus,"
Annlo Davis and chorus of girls. Solo
and chorus, "Who Dresses tho Dolls?"
Annlo Price and chorus; solo and chorus,
"Candlo Makers," Annlo Price and
chorus: solo and chorus, "As Sure as
Christmas Comes," Hulda Green and
chorus by Popcorn and Candy girls.
Trio. "Song to tho Holly." Misses Ks
ther Davles. Lizzie Griffith and Helen
Davles; Llttlo Tots' chorus, "Hunting for
Santa," Beslo Davis and chorus. Finale
A Christmas welcome by Santa, wife
and children, with all tho guests, Miss
Annlo Evans, Thomns J. Matthows and
tho wholo chorus.
Tho nbovo numbers wero Interspersed
with recitations and dialogues by tho fol
lowing: Misses Dolly Morgan, Lottie
Green, Jennie Gilbert, James Morgan, Da
vid Lewis, William Armstrong und B.
Christmas exercises were held nt the
FJrst Welsh Congregational . church,
South Main avenue, last evening. The
exorcises wore under the direction of
Mrs. G. W. Powell (Marfudd), assisted
by Miss Norma Williams, organist, and
tho Misses Lizzie Jenkins, Anna Poors,
Helen Jones, May Jones, Jennie Will
iams und Alice Phillip-, Following is
the progrunmie;
Hinging, Mrs. 1). Urower nnd chorus;
recitation, Elslu Craig; recitation, Mas
ter Bonluo Davles; song, Miss Gladys
Jones; recitation, Miss Mary L, James;
recitation, Miss Viola Evans; recitation,
Miss Marguret Evans; singing, Miss
Phillips and chorus; dialogue, M, Davles
nnd A. Phillips; recltutlon, Elizabeth
Jones, singing, duct und chorus, Sarah
Daxies und AUco Phillips; sliming. Fe
male rhorus, conducted by Mis. G, W.
Powell; lccltitllon, Miss Florence Ren
shaw; bong, Miss AUco Brunduge; dia
logue. Address by tho pastor, Kov, David
Jones; Christmas exercises by nine young
ladles; recitation, Miss Gladys L. Jones;
solo, Miss May Edwards; recitation. Miss
Notta Hughes; recltutlon. Master Ben
jamin Uavlesj recitation, Master Arthur
Davles; duet, Miss Lizzio Jenkins and
Mrs. O, W. Powell; dlaloguo; singing,
Mlsa Ruth Thomas und chorus.
Deaths and Funerals. t
An infant child of. Mr, and Mrs. Fer
dinand Derby, of 123 South Main ave.
. nue, died yeBterday.
An Infant child of Mr, and Mrs. Ed
' ward Glnader, of 332 North Rebecca
avenue, died Tuesday evening. The
funeral will occur at 2.30 o'clock this
afternoon, with Interment In tho Wash
burn street cemetery.
Tho funeral services over the remains
of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Grlttlths will
bo held tit 3.30 o'clock tomorrow after,
noon at the house, 131 South Garfield
avenue. Rev. V. V. Hopkins, of tho
First Welsh Baptist church, will offlcl-
nfp, and Interment will be made In the
Wnshbnrn slreet cemetery.
The funeral of tha lato Mrs. ISdwnrtl
Farr will take ptticc this nfternoon.
Services will bo held at thu house, 1021
West Lackawanna avenue, at 2 o'ctock,
by Rev. David Jones, or thfi Vital
Welsh Congregational church, und In
terment will bo made In tho forest
Home cemetery at Taylor.
Tiro Yesterday Afternoon.
'A defective fluo in tho houso nt 100S
Eynon street, occupied by William
Orlflltha and family, wus responsible
for a slight flro at 1.30 o'clock yester
day afternoon. An alarm wus sent In
from Box U2, South Main nvnntio and
Hampton street, and several companies
There was considerable smoke, but
comparatively little fire, und the trouble
wus overcome without Incurring much
damage. The house Is occupied on one
side by cx-1'utrolinan Thomns V.
Events This Evening'.
The members of the Jackson Street
Baptist church Sunday school will per
form a cantata this evening, entitled
"Santa Claus at Home."
Tho annual Christmas exercises of
the First Welsh Baptist Sunday school
will bo held this evening, with the
pupils of the Bellevue and Fourth ward
missions joining in.
The Enlumlne club of St. Paul's Pio
neer corps will hold a ping-pong social
in their hall this evening.
The intermediate and adult depart
ments of the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal Sunday school will give their can
tata this evening.
There will be a shooting match today
at the Pyne, between the Athletic and
Excelsior clubs.
The Salvation Army will distribute
basket dinners to tho poor today.
The Sunday school of thu First (Eng
lish) Baptist church will hold their ex
ercises this evening.
"The Old-Fashioned Santa Claus"
cantata will be given at the Sherman
avenue mission this evening.
Christmas services will be held this
morning In St. Patrick's, St. Lucie's
and St. David's churches.
Mrs. Joseph Guest and daughters,
Lillian and Alice, of Philadelphia, are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Malott,
of 542 North Lincoln avenue.
Mrs. Jane Jenkins and daughter
Elizabeth, of Pittston, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hughes, of North'
Bromley avenue.
William S. Mears, of Joplln, Mo., Is
here to spend the holidays with his
William E. Evans, of Storrs avenue,
a driver in the Bellevue slope, was
kicked In the face by a mule, and had
his nose fractured.
Mrs. Mary Reap and daughter Cath
erine, of Leeds, North Dakota, are
guests of Mrs. Allen, of Jackson street.
Alvln Armstrong, of Luzerne street,
is confined to his home by an attack of
typhoid fewr.
Chester Thomas, of 137 South Lincoln
avenue, gave a birthday supper to the
following friends Wednesday evening:
Robert Reynolds, Floyd Coons, Arthur
Beck, Thomas Jones, Will Stephens.
Misses Harriet Ellis and Esther
Hurlow will spend Christmas in New
ark, N. J.
Mrs. D. W. Howe, of Gilbert, Pa., Is
the guest of Mrs. C. S. DePuy, of North
Lincoln avenue.
Mrs. Sorber, of Shick&hinny, is visit
ing Mrs. Kingsbury, of South Bromley
Mrs. Eliza Judge, of Great Bend, is
visiting Mrs. N. C. Mayo, of Swetland
Mrs. Ellsworth and daughter Maude,
of Dorranceton, are, guests of Mrs.
Schooley, of North Lincoln avenue.
Miss Bessie Daniels, of South Main
avenue, Is home from Bioomsburg for
the holidays.
Dr. Philip J. Davier, of Philadelphia,
is visiting at the home of his father,
Henry P. Davles, South Main avenue.
John Phillips, of South Everett ave
nue, and Miss Lizzie A. Marchant, of
Morris court, were united in marriage
at 6 o'clock last evening at tho parson
age of the Plymouth Congregational
church by Rev. T. A. Humphreys. They
were attended by Miss Margaret Phil
lips and George Williams. After tho
ceremony tho wedding party were en
tertained at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Marchant.
The election of officers In Court Ethan
Allen, Ancient Order of Foresters of
the World, which was announced for
last evening, was postponed until tho
first meeting In January. The member)
held an impromptu banquet In Enoch
Evans' hotel after last night's meeting.
Daniel Haines, of Dalevllle, and Miss
Katie A. Beff, of i!34 North Sumner
avenue, wero united in marriage at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon by Rev.
Jacob Schoettle, at the parsonage of
tho Chestnut Street German Presby
terian church. They were attended by
Miss Anna Beff and Walter Getz. After
the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Haines went
to New York, and on their return will
reside In Taylor.
A midnight service was held last
night In the St. David's Episcopal
Mrs. H. W. Evans, of North Sumner
avpnue, is 111 at her home.
Walter Neeley, of Shamokin, will
spend Christmas with his relatives
Mr, nnd Mrs, John Thomas will spend
today at Nicholson.
Compromise with the Lord.
Booker T, Washington, talking what ho
rails "hard sense" to a gatheilng of his
race, was trying to explain tho shades of
difference botween self-help und tho tno.'o
moral obliquity of self-interest. Ho told
them that there Is little or nothing to bo
obtained without work, nddlng:
"Thuro was an old negro professionally
pious, who wanted n IumiiIous Chilstmos
dinner and night after night ho prayed to
tho Lord to send him a turkey. The dnyu
passed; Christmas approached and tho
old fellow undertook to compromlso by
asking tho Lord to send him to a turkey.
He got ono that very night." Philadelphia-
My doctor mm It acts ent1 on lb tomich. llii-r
end kldociiaudtiaiileaunt UMtit. Till drink. It
made (mm berlia, and ii uianirtd for iu u ettlly a
kj. nijclld',l,iiuou Tea" or
All dnjlitorLruiallS3eti. andsOcti. Bur It t"
Ur. l.anc'n I-'uiully IHrdli-Inu laoscn tbt
bowels cat-li day. In ordtr to b b;ltby tillab
ue&eawrj, A donas, itox Stn&. I Vba. H. Y.
nrwj i f ; ku
With People you know, with
Scranton People.
No evidence can bo stronger than tho
direct testimony of people you know.
The public expression ot friends und
neighbors Is the proof of merit we ofTer.
If you still remain a skeptic talk it
over with tho testator.
Mrs. II. W. Williams, of M03 Luzerne
street, says: "I had a dull aching pain
nil the llmo right In the small of my
back. There were times when I was
qulto comfortable, but If I did any
work to amount to anything tho uclilng
began. I was always worse when I did
washing, Ironing or heavy housework.
Every morning I was stiff and lame
when I got up and It hurt mo to
straighten after stooping. I got Doan's
Kidney Pills at Matthews' drug store
and used them regularly. In a short
time I noticed an improvement and con
tinuing the treatment was soon entirely
For sale by all dealers; price BO cents.
Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.,
sole agsnts for tho United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
Christmas Exercises Held in All De
partments of No. 25 School
Christmas exercises wero held In all
departments of No. 25 school Wednes
day morning. Several of the classes
combined and rendered Interesting and
appropriate programmes. In all the
rooms were evidences of preparation for
the glad holidays. Many beautiful col
ored chalk drawings ornamented tho
blackboards and evergreens and mot
toes were to be seen in every room.
The pupils of Miss Atkinson's room
made a special effort. Here the curtains
were drawn down and with the aid of
the clusters of electric lights, and the
numerous lighted candles, the tinsel
and gilt decorations of a Christmas
tree glistened and made a brilliant spec
tacle. There were many exchanges of
tokens of love and respect. Cards and
books prepared during tho drawing les
sons were presented to the children, and
all teachers received some gift as a
loving reminder of the joyous festival.
During the morning Controller Wal
ter B. Christmas addressed the pupils,
complimenting them on their work and
wishing them a pleasant time during
the holidays.
The pupils of the grammar grades
met in Principal Martin's room, where
they had as their guests the pupils of
Misses Evans and Jordan. All did ex
ceedingly well. The solo by Thomas
Morris was superbly sung. The man
dolin selection was also loudly ap
plauded. The following programme
was rendered by the pupils of the gram
mar grades:
Song, "Christmas Eve Lullaby". ...School
Recitation, "Christmas Story,"
Sadie Jones
Violin Solo... Annlo Lowrie, Oswald Jones
Recitation, "Tho Nativity,"
Elizabeth Buchta
Song, "Christmas Carol,"
Grammar C Pupils
Recitation, "Tho Star of Bethlehem,"
Emily Thomas
Vocal Solo, "Tho Best of All,"
Thomas Morris
Reading, "A Christmas Angel,"
Blanche Moroy
Recitation, "Tho Threo Kings,"
Bessie William's
Song, "Tho Song of Christinas". ...School
Recitation, "The Three Wise Men,"
Jennlo Williams
Mandolin Duet, "Fencing Song,"
Hilda Nyhart and Maigaret Chuppcll
Recitation, "Christmas at Home,"
Mary Kelly
Reading, "Santa Claus' Wheol,"
Thomas Jay
Recitation, "At Christmas Time,"
Margaret Wutklns
Song, "Jinglo Bell3" School
The programme for Miss Atkinson's
room was as follows:
Tlmy Tim Lillian Powell
i Empty Stockings Emlyn Davis
Violin Selection frank aicuuio
Merry Christmas Herbert Armstrong
Christmas Song School
Jest Foro Christmas Arthur Munn
Good of All Creation School
Willie's Clulstmas Lois Iteeso
Violin Selection Frank MoHalo
Tho Missed Blessing AUco Powell
Winter William Thomas
Tho Stocking Annctto Slmms
Duet Hattiu Davlos, Sophia Davles
Recitation Wllllo Hill
Recitation, "Do Fiddler and do Coiner,"
Hattiu Davles
Santa Claus In Morocco Uwen Powell
Violin Solectlon Frank Meilalo
Song, "Now the Day Is Over" School
Recitation Ilusslo GUer
Tho Dear LUllo Baby of Long Ago,
Robert Munn
Phonograph Suh'ctlon Edwuul Knight
A Pretty Wedding.
A pretty wedding occurred nt the
homo of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Ed
wauls, of Wayne avenue, last evening,
when Miss Stella Williams was united
iu wedlock to David Wutklns, of Wales
street. Tho ceremony wus perfnnni'd nt
!S o'clock by tho Ruv. it. S. Jones, of
tho Welsh Congregational church. The
bride was attended by Miss Mary wut
klns, a sister of tho groom. AVllUain
13o wen acted ns best num.
Tho hrldo wus attired In a beautiful
gown of moussellne-de-sole, trimmed
with duchess luce and chiffon, Her at
tendant was similarly attired. Mr, und
Mrs. Wutklns were recipients of many
beautiful und costly presents in rcinem
branco of this niemorablo event.
After an extended wedding tour In
New York city and surrounding places
of interest, they will take up their rcsl
dunce on Wales street.
Bowlers Win Turkeys.
The bowling contest for turkeys at
the uudltorlum ulleys was decided last
night Arthur Davis, with a high
scoro of 'J43j David Jones, second, with
n ecoro of 2M: David Samuels, with
20 strikes in three consecutive games
and J. Vaudermurk, with the most
spares in three consecutive games, each
received u gobbler.
The lifth prize tu be awarded for tho
highest (average was not uwurded be
cause of a dispute, It will be decided
1 II I
Academy of Music
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
One Week Starting Monday Dec. 82.
Chester De Vonde
Stock Co.
Direction T'hll Lew.
Xmas Matinee "Silver Creek Fort."
Xmas Nieht "A Dron of Poison." Siioclnltv Ventures 1 v
XMAS PRICES Matinee, 10, 20, 30 cents.
Night, 10, 20, 30, CO coats.
Scats on sale.
N.irU-i.-il-.V'fc'il-ivrf .t-ltr.tVrVv-.tV.tilrrt'cV'lvtUiVnj:
What Did It
The perfection of quality in
Is what struck the taste, ap
preciation and approbation
of the American people.
It Is now everywhere the first
sought and the first bought.
Soli! at "II fli't ' rods nil bj Jobbers,
WM l.ANAllA.S .v bo.s, UU!mort,Ma.
Murk Uullsteud, an employe of the
Intel national Text Book company, ut
Altoona, has i (.'turned to spend thu holi
days with His parents on "Wayne ave
nun, The llrm of McMulIen & Brown Juis
onlarBod Us establishment on West
Market street und moved into tho an
nex on Tui'sduy,
Burton Mcuss, of New York Military
school, has returned to spend the holN
days with his parents on North Muln
Miss Lillian Hughes, of fit. Chtlr, la
visiting her brother, Bert Hughes, on
West MuiUut street.
Uavld Williams, of Beckvllle, Is yisU
liiB friends on North Muln avenue,
Archlu Martin, of Jcrmyn, bpent the
week with his brother, Principal B. II.
Martin, of No. 25 tcliool. During tno
Season , .
A Merry Christmas
's Bazaar.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. Rels, Lessee and Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Business Manager.
Christmas Matlneo and Night, Dec. 20.
Beautiful Production of the Gieatest
of All Pastoral Plavs,
By Denman Thompson and George AV.
Ityer, authors of the "Old Homestead."
Ono of tho BigKest Hits Ever Known m
tho History of tho Stape. Tho Orlglnnl
All Star Cast. Tho most stupendous
scenic production over given a pastoral
PRICES Matineee, T3c., Mc., 23c; loxe,
$1.00. Nit'ht, ?1.0U, T3e., COc, 25c; boxes.
Seats on sale Tuesday at 9 a. m.
Seats on sale.
Friday 0Nr6NNLYHT Dec. 26.
Our Own Favorite Comedian,
Andrew Mack,
In His New Play,
The Bold Soger Boy
Bv Theo. Burt Tavre. Management o!
Blch & Harris. Excellent supporting
company. Splendid scenery. Hear Mack's
new songs.
Prices $1, 75c. We,. 2ic; boxes, J 1.30.
Seats on walo Wednesday at 9 a. m.
Saturday Mffi$B Dec. 27
Mutlueo :',00 p. in. Night S p. in. shaif
Tho Auguslln Daly Musical Co.
In Dainty, Tuneful
Tin: opkra
That Has Broken All Itcfords
At D.ilv's Theater London,
At Dalv'H Theater--Now York,
s.min ( as Lust Season.
PUICBH Matinee. Jl.M. 7'n'.. fnc ,
NlKlU. I.W. l.uf. 7."c Me., -'5c. Siats
.sulo Ninas at 9 a. in.
The Dixie Theatre
Lessee utal Manager,
"Merry Christmas nt the Dixie,"
BROWN & NEVARIO. Admlhs-lon: ladles, 10 cents;
Keiitlemvu. 'M cents; best i e.served seats,
cents. Telephone No. 1SS9. Secure seats.
Thursday, Frlday'nnd Saturday,
DEC. 25, 20, 27.
McMillan ZT Dwyer
Tho two gladlatoro of tho mut will ruecti
In a mixed match iu
Music Hall, Monday Night, Dec, 20.
Sunday service In the Methodist church,
Mr. Martin aided the choir in the ren.
deriuir of the kiw0"i tUirliUnas
, I