- .Vp, ltf4J ' " 1 V TTfHU 1 tTCT MS ''7. ' -M -OjptK' ;"J' 'V"i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAV, DECEMBER 25, 1902. 8 - . 1'araivt' tt i nin Poo Eyesight of Children Is not often noticed until tho child Is sent to school, when tho defect becomes more pronounced by reason of close work. In this condition study becomes a bur den on account of eye-strain and headache, and Is a constant drain upon tho whole nervous system. I will examine children's eyes with the most progressed meth ods, and proscribe glasses only where absolutely needed. DR. B. A. BAER EYE SPECIALIST. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave, Coiinfy Savings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and and pays $ per cent, in terest thereon. L. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pros. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: tVm. P. Hnllstond, (HvfiettVancn. K. P. Kingsbury, (August Itoblnson, O. S. Johnson. I .Jos. O'Brien, It. A. Watres. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our many friends and patrons who have visited our store this season. Jacobs & Fasold, 2 0?) Washington Ave. Gigar Prices that are Right .'n in j lu bos. bo. .$!.". tWc ..1.75 MM . 1.75 lKl . 1.75 Wis . 1 4.1 Wo . 1.7.1 Vic . 1.75 . 1.75 . 1.75 . 1.75 . 1.75 1.5U . '.'.Ti . 3.M 1.75 . R.M !i biiK at -Jo Mori is' I'oriccto IMthtlnclor Counsellor Tom Kim'iio l.ouli Mnnn Morris' .Magnet L'cipadmu. Owl llnind Ouuanol.i (i. V. ChilclH .limn l rortuonUo .... I.Illlun Hiinh.1 llobert Hums Cora Tunnor LaiiKsdorf IVrfocto .... cismst p.ioki'd IS In and Mo pur box. BUY HIM A PIPE. Our lino of Pipes is the tnlk of the town. So Hivtoltlns mid drawing Tobaccos. Old Vliulnla Clicrnnt. Thicu Uluck Kid Choiuntb, Sweet caponu uisurtiiioH. 6 packs for 25c. l'loi-4idora (.'learn Matinee CIbhi-h. "Mntch It" fihm-oots. Turkish Trophies, 3 packs for 25c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Tor Cash Only, E. C. Morris Cigar Han. Leader of Cut Prices. 325 WASHINGTON AVENUE. L and About The City UttJtUt More Examinations. It mi.iry S7 civil acrvlcj e.uitiluu- , uo coimul-iou in the uovernmeni lor piattii aa malo disciplinarian um bv'i'rlcv, uotaulu clerk, (jual" Mctl to ppenk tho .Scandinavian language, In tho linmlgiatloii bureau. On Jnnuary 27-23 nit examination will bo conducted for n plarfi an domestic hcIchco teacher In tho Indian department. Christmas Treo Exercises, Tho annual Christmas trco exercises of tho Hcraiiton Llcdcrkrun will bo hold In their hull on Lackawanna avenue Hun day nlelil. Funeral of John Martz. Tho funeral of tho late John Marin will tnltn placo at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon from bin I'l'plilrncr, 7I0 Mi'K'onna colli t Jntiumi'tit In Dunmoiii oomotoiy. Married in Court House. John Tliomus Uiinlolo, of Taylor, and MIbh Mary Jenkins, of Lincoln Iti-lghtx, worn married yosliTilny aftiTiioon In the coilrl house by Magistrate Hoivc. His Skull Fractured, Lorenzo Harrison, tif I.ackewann, sum taln4d a fractured skull by a fall of roof at tho Council mlno yesterday. Ho was removed to the Lackawanna hospital. At the Army Barracks. A sppclol entertainment l to bo rIvpii tonight In tho Salvation Army barracks on 1'rlco turret under tho mmplcrH of r'up tain and Mrs. Mar, of 'VVIilto I'ltilmi, New York. Civil Service Exam. A Civil Service examination will bo conducted In thu government bullillnfr on January 27 for tho ponltlon of assistant bioloRlnt In tho department of agriculture at a salary of $1,200 per annum. Injured at Johnson's Mine. Patrick Brady, aged 17 years, of 113 Stono avenue, sustained a fractured pel ls yesterday by a fall of rock while working at Johnson's mine. Ho was taken to tho Lackawanna hospital. Lackawanna's Heavy Traffic. livery passenger train In and out of Soranton on tho Iiokawannn railroad yesterday had extra coaches attached. Tho crush at the .station all day was tre mendous. Similar conditions existed at tho Delaware and Hudson station throughout tho day. Special Excursion Train. A special train from Buffalo, over the T.ackawanan railroad, arrived -yesterday morning curly, bringing 250 people hero to spend Christmas with their relatives and friends. Nearly all of th.em aru em ployes of the Lackawanna Steel company and former lesidents of Scranton. Mail Wagon Struck Ly Car. One of tho mall wagons was struck by a Green Rldgo People's car at "Wyoming avenuo and Spruce, btreet on Tuesday night and Charles Oreig, the driver, was tin own to the ground. Ho was badly brul.sed and was tendered unconscious by tho fall. Altar Carved from Coal. Just before bis departure for home, lit. Rev. Bishop John L. Spalding was pre sented with a miniature altar caived fiom a pleeo of anthracite coal by Peter Conway, of Hollow stieet. In front of the altar a pi lest attendeil by two aco lytes are shown, also carved irom coal. Was Robbed of 31. I'tarl Johnson, of Vilkes-Barro, was arrested yestnday at the Instance of Wesley Hiehardson. of this city, who charges her with robbing him of $31 in a dlsordeily resort in this city on Tuesday night. She was held under $500 ball by Magistrate: Millar lor her apeparunco In court. Both Held ill Bail. Ansollo ntz. aged VI yearn, and Tony Gerald, aged 27 years, were yesterday held under $300 ball each, by Magistrate Howo on a chargo of discharging fire arms in Little England, Tuesday after noon. Ono of tho bullets fired irom onu of tho revolvers slightly wounded Ai thur Rozelle, of Mark street. Address of Robert Bittner. Dilliam W. Poole, late of Company B, nievenlb Pennsylvania infantry, but now an Inmate of the National Military Homo of Kansas, la dtsirous ot obtaining tho addiess of Kobeit lilttntr, also a mem ber of that companv and of any other member vho may live In this part of Hi. state. Mr. Poole's addiess Is bo .', National Mllltaiy Home, of Kansas. Two Bankruptcy Petitions. Gcorgo W. Yettcr, of Calawlssa bor ough, a baker and contectloner, yester day filed a petition hi bankruptcy in tho T'nitPd Slates District Court. His debts are IH.CT.OS and his assets are $21. An other voluntary petition in bankruptcy was tiled by D. Frank Wagner, a mill foreman, 11 In? at Watsontown, North umberland county, ubo has liabilities amounting to $rj..ri50.9S and assets of only 5l4 to meet them. Officers for Dental Society. At a meotiuif of the Lackawanna and Luzernu County Dental society held on Tuesday night In Wilkes-Barro tho fol lowing oflioeiH wi-ro elected: President, Ir. N. Tl. Myers, of Plymouth: vice pres ident, Dr, C. C. Laubaeh, of Scranton; secretary, Dr. C. K. llllenborger, of Soranton; corresponding secretary, Dr, Melxcll, of WilUes-Bairo: trcasuicr. Dr. Georgo C, Knox, of Si.r.inton. The next meeting of tho society will bo held in Wllkes-Ilarro lu January and will bo tol lowed by the annual bnnquot. STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Eugene Washer's Horse Was Killed, His Wagon Demolished and Hio Own Ann Cut Off. I.ugeuo dasher, who lives at 110 Cirme street, Dunnioro, was driving a horse atliiched to a single wagon last night and attempted to news the LucU awanna tracks near Nay Aug In fiout of a fast freight train. Tho horse sbucamu frightened at the approaching train ami stood .still on tht; tracks. Thu truln struck tho outfit sriuarely in thu center, Instantly killing tho horse, demolishing the wagon and throwing V.isher to tho ground In such a position thai his right aim fell un derneath the wheolu and was ground Into a pulj), Ho wna brought to this city and tak en to tho Lackawanna hospital where thu arm wus amputated. Ills, left leg was also badly lacerated anil It Is pos sible that this member ulso may have to bo unipututed. ' ' To tho Republican Voters of the City of Scranton, A llepubllcun primary to elect a Re publican cundldato for tho olllco of city recorder and ward vigilance com mittees will bo held on Thursday, Jan uary 13, 1003, ut thu regular polling places between the hours of 4 and S p. m. Candidates for the nomination for city recorder must register their numes with C. 13. Chittenden, 51'J Lackawanna avenue, on or before Dec, 20. 1002, and pay the uestssment levied on or before ' December 27, iw., ir tneir names are to bo placed on the ticket. The city committee earnestly requests that all nominations for ward and election of. fleers bo held at tho same time und place, the vlgllanco committee running u bepuruto box, C, K. Chittenden, Chalrmrm HepublU can City Commit tea EXERCISES AT HIGH SCHOOL i. ii. .. . I. -n THEY WERE PRESIDED OVER BY PRINCIPAL JOSLIN, After tho Rendering of an. Interest ing Programme by tho Pupils, Ad dresses Were Mado by Superintend ent Phillips, T. J. Jennings and tho Principal Prof. Eugeno H. Pel lows, Who Coached the Foot Ball Team, Was Presented with a Silk Umbrella and a Seal Ring. Tho pupils a't tho ycrauton High school were let off yesterday with two recitation periods, nt tho conclusion of which they gathered in the auilUorium, which had been decorated with" greens for tho occasion, unci participated In PROP. EUGEN13 II. FELLOWS. speclul Christmas exercises which hail been arranged. Vr. J. C. .Toslin, tho principal, pre sided, and after tho Hinging of a song by tho school an interesting essay on "Christmas Celebrations" was read by Miss Margaret Stone, and was followed by a violin duet exquisitely played by the Misses Cure and Hill. An essay on "Christinas Customs," by Miss Loulso Connolly; a piano solo, by Miss Jennie Kynon; a spirited oration on "William McKlnley," by Charles Tobey; a banjo solo, by Gilbert Kdgar; a mandolin duet by the Misses llussell and Stro hecker: a recitation by Miss Claro Brewster, together with a selection by the Mandolin club and oiehestra, com pleted the programme. Addresses Made. At the conclusion of the formal pro gramme appropriate addresses were made by Dr. Joslin, Superintendent G. W. Phillips, and T. J. Jennings, chair man of the high and training commit tee. A pleasurable incident then followed. It was an expression of thunks to the foot ball coach, Prof. Eugene II. Fel lows, by the team and tho athletic council and the school. Manager Daw son, on behalf of tho team. In a brief but graceful speech, presented Mr. Fel lows with a handsome silk umbrella, and Dr. Joslin, on behalf of the athletic council and school, with a beautiful seal ring. Mr. Follows, although greatly surprised by the suddenness of the at tack, rallied in true foot ball style and thanked the donors fur the gifts and for tliu kindly sentiments expiesstd in the presentation. Mr. Fellows was graduated from Cor nell university last June, and was ap pointed ono of the ins-truclnrs at the High school in September. During hi.s brief experience at the High school, he lias been able to mould tho raw ma terial which lie found there into a suc cessful foot ball team, because the playeiH were willing to take his diicc tions and imptuve by his coaching, and because thioughout the season the most pleasant and friendly relations existed between the coach and his team. Pinnnces Improved. The finances of the Athletic associa tion have also been greatly improved. A deficit left over from last year has been paid, current expenses, which were unusually heavy, met, and a very considerable balance remains In the treasury with which to commence the next season. This Is due to the excellent manage ment of the principal and ulhlellc coun cil and of Manager Dawson, and also because the team has played foot ball lu a manner to make It popular, tho attendance on Thanksgiving day being the laigest ever seen at a toot bull game lu this city. LITTLE TOTS MADE HAPPY. President Mitchell's Office Force Re member Silk Mill Girls. ' i'our of the happiest little ones In Dunmorn borough, today, me There sa McDermott, Annie Dcrnko, Helen Sls.ich and Kosle Husen, the chlldien vio were on the stand before the mine strike commission, giving testimony in corroboration of tho miners' claim that because uf their low wages their children were forced Into tho mills lu dellance of law at an unnaturally o.itly nm. 1'ach was the recipient of ii big, bounteous Christmas box from Miss r.llzuboth Morris, private secretary to John Mitchell and Misses Leltuer and Keed, of the V. M. W. headquarters' foiee, who, with Miss Morris, uvo ie mulniug over 'the holidays In Scr.uiton to straighten out tho headquarters' corrcspondenco. Sweetmeats, hoods, mittens, flewe llned rubber boots and games vero among tho things thu boxes contained, Tho four llttlo silk mill girls will be tho envy of all their mates when they come to display their treasures. iSPs?. ,& ' t"' '', '''V'1' ' POSTOFFICE HOURS TO-DAY. Order No. llXl; Thursday, December 23th, IMS (Christ mas Day), will bo observed ut tho Scran ton, Pa,, postotllce, us follows; Carriers will make one delivery In the morning. General delivery and stamp windows will bu open from 9 a. in. to 12 noon, Registry and money order v indaws will bo closed all day. Collections will bo made at 1);15 a. ni from boxes on Main avenuo btwceu Lack awanna avenuo and Washburn street, also West Lackuwunna avenuo and Lack uwunna avenuo to Adams avenuo, Adams avenuo to Mulberry street, Mulbeny street to Franklin avenue and from all boxes between theso points. Carrier No. 20 will make- tho 2 p. m. collection, und tho usual evening collec tions will ulso bo niudu by Curriers Xos. 9, IS und 19. Ezra II. Ripple, Postmaster. GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Graln-Onnd coflco remember that whllo tho tasto is tho same Grnln-O gives health nhtl strength wlilio coltco shatters tho jiorvottn system and breeds disease of tho digestive organs. Thinking people prefer Gruin-O and its ben efits. TRY IT TO-DAY. At groccra everywhere ; 15c. and use. per package. CHRISTMAS eve. Didn't Dream of Santa Claus. Llttlo D-ycnr-old Fred How ells, of Houesdale street, was forced to spend his Christmas eve In the Centre street station house lust night, Instead of In his bed at home, dreaming of Santa Chilis like nearly every other llttlo child in tho city. The little boy's mother took him to the central city lust night to do sumo Christmas shopping, but Instead of do ing what she originally Intended she strayed Into several saloons. The llttlo boy and herself weio picked up by a policeman and brought to the station liouse. Thu woman sprawled on the floor of the cell Into which she was thrust and us she lay in a heavy stupor her little, big-eyed boy sat In a chair outside the Iron barred door and finally fell asleep wondering, no doubt, what more un happlness, Instead of pleasure, was in store for hint on Christmas day. Leo Russell Wanted Candy. An Indescribably dirty and altogether forlorn looking little lad about H or 9 years old, was seen rolling what ap pealed to be a pail of candy along Wy oming avenue by Patrolman William Morgan, who brought him to the Cen ter street police station. "Me name is Leo llussell," he said In response to Inquiries:, "and I live wld mo mudder on Prospect avenue. An udder kid told me Hint youse could get all do candy you'so wanted down at Connell's on Franklin avenue and so I just got a pall. It ain't no good. Hon est It ain't and I wants to go home." Investigation of the contents of the pail revealed the fact that there was nothing inside but a .sticky valueless mass of candy, which had been subject ed to Intense heat. The dirty-faced youngster presented such n pitiable ap pearance that Lieutenant Feeney's sympathies were aroused and he sent him home. City and School Taxes 1902. The above tax duplicates are now in my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasurer. 30 STAMPS 30 With a Dollar Purchase Friday, Saturday, flonday, Dec. 26, 27, 29 Great Leftover Sale OF HOLIDAY GOODS, Silks and Dress Goods, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Capes and Furs. A Big Reduction in Prices. Dress Goods ?1.00 Heavy Double Fan .SkIUlns...ii'Je Tweed Skirtings, all wool, grey mixtures 33c $1.00 Venetians, 50-inch, good line of colors """2 JOo Albatross, -10-lnch, all colors.. ,.3Ue 'Ma Drllllants, Sti-lnch, small llgures.Wc Too Henriettas, lU-Inell, evening shades Wo 73c AVtiLstings, In many styles 50u SUo Eldeidown, yard wide 39o 35o Eiderdown -5u ilic CordurOys, extra wide, all shades Wo GJc Cortluioys, all colors 19o Lot of ?1,0 Taffeta Milks o'M Trlcobt AVaistlngs, new similes !.-.o l&o Fast Ulael; Near Silk Dress Lin ing Klio l'J'jo Fust Ulaek l'eivallue lOo 15o Fast Uluck l'ercaline K'o Mo Fast liluclc Pcrculine 13o All Blankets and Comforts At Reduced Prices. Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1,00 worth of goods or moro and you will receive 30 stamps. Dec. 26, 37 and 29 HEARS & HAG EN 415-517 Lackawanna Avenue. HAVE NOT DONE THEIR DUTY CHARGE MADE AGAINST? OLD POROE AUDITORS. i Court Asked to Compel Hen 17 Nncgli and Michael Wclsscnfluh to Per- form the Work tho Law Exacts from Them James Lako Is Re leased on Bail Shot and Fatally Wounded Thomas Allen Dec. 3, Application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. Attorney John II. Bonner yesterday aaked for a writ of alternative mandam us directed ugalnst Henry N'aegll and Michael "Wolssenrtuh, auditors of Old Forgo township. In the petition for the writ It is nl lcged that on May 21, 1899, when the borough of Old Forgo was erected out of the township of Old Forge, William Koehler was treasurer of the township. It was mutually agreed by tho two municipalities that their assets and lia bilities should bo divided In the follow ing proportion: the borough to take elghty-IKe and the township fifteen per cent. Though It was the duty or Nnegll and Weissenlluh, as auditors, to com pel the treasurer to submit his accounts to them for inspection and approval, they have fulled to do so though often requested to perform this duty. A rule was granted to show cause why a writ uf alternative mandamus should not be Issued against them and was made re turnable January 5, nt 9 o'clock. Lake Released on Bail. James Lake, who on December 3, shot and fatally injured Thomas Allen ut Marshwood, was yesterday released on J.iiOO ball, which was entered before Judge E. C. Newcomb. The sureties on the ball bond are John O'Connor and Ralph L. Lake. District Attorney Y. It. Lewis went to Marshwood Tuesday and examined all of the eye witnesses to the murder. Ho concluded that it was not a llrst degree crime and consented to allow Lake to be released on ball. Writ of Habeas Corpus. Dr. A. H. Stevens yesterday obtained a writ of habeas corpus directed against Mrs. Eva M. Histcd, of Carbondale. Dr. Stevens lives In Wayne county and has a daughter who was 10 years old on February Iti last. This girl has made her home with Mrs. HIsted for some time and the latter now refuses the father's request for the custody of the child. A writ of habeas corpus was granted and made returnable December SO, at 10 o'clock, before Judge Edwards. ' ALL Gut Prices in Our C oak Department Children's $10.95 Coats for $8.50 Children's $12.30 Coats for l.75 Children's $15.00 Coats for 11.50 Children' $7.30 Gibson Coats 5.00 Ladles' $10.00 Coats li.'.rj Ladles' ?12.r.O Coats O.'J.-. Ladies' $20.00 Coats U00 Ladies' $25.00 C'oatb 19.60 Ladies' $33.00 Coats 23.00 Wash Goods Eclipse Dress Flannelettes, new Spring styles 12 lie I2'te Heavy Dark Ferealo io Xew Spring iJinghanis, 15u goods, ,. 10c Case Hates' Seersucker (short lengths) te Finn Heavy Se Outings for CJ30 flood Heavy 10c Outings for ny3a A1EARS & HAUEN. 4 rry- srsrwss O ! PSHAW I never anticipated so-and-so's making me a gift of this sort and atn not nrcnarod in rfclnmhAtir ' 'toh.it' nn rth shall I do ? -Join the "Don't Worry Club" ' and come to China Hail tomor- -row and select a New Year's sift that will outvie the one received. Chinaware, Cut Glass, Pottery, Table Silver, Bric-a-Brac. 134 Wyoming Ave. You Are Invited whether your account is large or snmll. Third National Bank, J 18 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000. 3 pi-r cent. iutore3fc paid ou Savings Accounts, itndjho interest is compounded Jan. 1 and July 1. Accounts can be opened by mail. s OPKX SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:30 TO S.30. vMtinMAfcttt 3 us -5J 3 -a 3 3 1 flcConnell & Co. Dry Goods, Cloaks I 400 and 402 (fMWIMO Punctuality Arcucs well for one's reliability. Trjiiiff to bo punctual lipct timepiece in a most cllft'OuraKlng proposition, wj-'USS A sclei-tiou from our niaguillcunt lino of dependable . w,-! WATCHES "Will faullltnto matter.0, anil open tlio Way for a most worthy Now Year's resolution that jou'll lip more punctual in IWi. "Everything that is best Mercereau 123 WYOMING AVENUE BOOKS 1 .. . i t ' Of AI! Descriptions. in tne uty. REISMAN BROTHERS; mvmm OPPOSITE DIMfc' BANK. ' '" s.il tt$$JJ$tt$$iS 1 ,t .. v. cl - ySywTVi HI ' ' & Geo. Y. Millar & Co., 1 I Walk In and look around. to transact your banking bU9f!iess with us, and every courtesy will ho extended, We s , Extend the Compliments of the Season to All ani Man's Furnishings. T Lacka. Avenue, g without tlic assistance ot a PS-.tSTR. in Diamonds and Jewqlry." & Connelj 1 it 'm j . .4 i 9 !- Our Assortment the Best ' j upen aii uay. l of 4 8 is f I: g. 4g. I &E.rizjt' ..u- . . .. ,'J