The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Catfcondale
How tho Day Can Bo Observed In a
Soelnl Way Work -Will Be Sus
pended. Tho first general holiday hi the mine
slnco the Fqtttemcul of tho strike, ox-
oeptlnjr'MltMicIl - day, will ho today,
' Christmas day. There? will he no work
today In nn j" of thq workings hero-
auotits. Thtf TnnldrlpiC or couise, Ailll
be Idle, stores will bo closed, thus Hiv
ing almost everybody nn appoiluully
to enjoy th'l 'great fennl.
There Is'iio public Boclnl affair Hchrul
uied for today, the theatre helm? the
only attraction. 'It has hueti a ciiHtom
In this city to conduct u danclnj? inatt
licio arid a QOtjhil In the evening pn
"'Christmas day. However, this Is grow
ing less a custom each year. The ob
server cannot help but he Impressed
with this growing change. Tho people
ro observing, .the feast and holldnyH
with lens display nnd ceremony. The
iiulet enjoyment of home hns a iitinngor
hold on tho people and tho past tew
years these occasions ate truly as ijulel
ns a Sunday 'afternoon. Humes that
are marked by absent ones dining tho
year are cheered, today by their pirs
enco. It has been a matter of treiieml
comment that more rainier lesldents
are home this year than In several sea
sons. The attraction at the Grand this af
' ternoon nnd evening Is Frank Wills'
, comedians. "At Atlantic tjity" will be
the matinee bill, uiul "Jolly Hooligan"
' will bo produced this evening.
, At Emergency hospital this afternoon
there will be an entertainment for the
' patients, followed by an addtess by
, llev. It. A. Sawyer and the distribution
of gifts.
The religious services of the day w 111
be In St. Rose church and Trinity Kpl
copal church. Splendid programmes of
music, as published yesterday, will
mark the observance of the past. Sun
day school exercises will take place in
Trinity parish house and at tho Betean
Baptist church In the evening.
Postoffice nnd Express Companies
Have Enormously Large Receipts.
The holiday trade since Monday has
been carried on with a rush that ha3
not been witnessed In several seasons
in Carbondale, and shows that a. new
era of prosperity has been ushered in
since the settling of tho coal strike.
Last year thp street car strike mili
tated against a good season, but this
year there wtre no obstacles to speak
The opening of holiday trade this
year was somewhat backward, but
commencing Monday of tills week, It
has been brisk enough. At the post
office the receipts were exceedingly
light, the lightest In years, until Mon
day. Then theie wus a rush of Chiist
mas gifts, destined to friends abioad,
that fairly carried the clerks oil' their
fset. On that day the receipts were tho
hlgheit of any day In at least six yeais.
There has since been a daily increase.
The Increased business of tho express
companies is additional evidence of the
.free spending of money for Christmas
gifts. The managcis of tho companies
which have agencies here say that this
holiday season will be the biggest in
their experience in Carbondale. Tho
employes, though there is additional
help, are worked nigh to exhaustion,
and expect little or no relief before the
beginning of next week.
Among merchants there Is a feeling
of satisfaction and gratification that is
refreshing ns compared with the past
several Christmas seasons. Tho ctowd
ed streets and stores are evidence that
theie is a good deal of money being set
free. "All's well that ends well," so
even after tho trying times of the past
six months everybody has reason to be
Bacteriologist Pitfleld Sends Word to
the Board of Health.
The board of health expects to hear
in a few days from Bacteiiologist Rob
ert Pitfleld, of Germantown, with re
spect to the samples of water and milk
he took .from this city lust week in con
nection with tho investigation Into the
typhoid fever epidemic.
Secretary Shepherd was yesterday in
formed by Mr. Pitfleld that he would
eend on the results of his bacteriolo
Blcal examination on Fild.iy of this
,week. In the meantime, the board Is
anxiously awaiting this greatly desired
It will be a source of great satisfac
tion to have the water that supplies
Carbondale submitted to a bacterioio
'i , , '" . .
" "When I can't see danger there is no
aaneer." Hint's the lotne of th naimVi.
, which hides its head and exposes its'.
wujr w mc ounier. incre are not a
few people who seem to have goue to
the ostrich to learn logic. The most
S dangerous enemieji of humanity are the
Z enemies which'can't be seeu, the disease
t breeding microbes which infect the
f Mood. It is harder to get the microbe
n out oi uie oioou than to keep it out. but
r,. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
noes Dom, uy purl
fying the blood
and then keeping
it pure.
If there are
eruptions ou the
skin, boils, pim
ples, sores or other
; signs ot impure
blood, use Doctor
Pierce's Golden
Medical Discov
ery, which will
Inunfv tho hlnrvl
'Zt.- i -- and nur. tl.
eruption which come from it,
"My mood wa all out orordtr, and I tid to go
the doctor.1' writes Mrs. Tame. tt. Mm, v--
Q4o.iLjilnly Co.. K.C, "He rove me raedi-
flMltie which helped mo for a hort time. In the
jKfhmtMixA Ularid and my neck on
U oatof ahape; wr throat waasore and I could
IMicutJi. juy miinna warn rer lue doctor,
hut he nn ait n acuragetent. lie helDed
fPM$BBWK.lMtU4idatUllaiig. BeHttcuaed
aw foe twelre atoatht. nhca I heard of a lady
; whotccmdjtUo wit Jik mlue, -nUo w taking
; your tMldas ond wu setting welt. So t e
VuliiS2i? tl,c wt3,c'aj Rd Cran taking it.
ataa tmimmm flaw uuwt WUVIUt ndCU
JbiaFukidg tht Btedidae I could alfua oaly
cuVMUtMrvtiile at i taatc. Uv throat waa ao
ore at times I could Dot crea luaUovr tweet
hnlllc, and uiytonilU were full of little cttiog
corat. M left aide w wlen dut f hape
kod I cculd hardly set my Wtath. The doctor
Mid I would sot get well, imt three hottlti ot
, Br. rlercc'i Golden Medical SUcnrery, Urce
I bottttof bU 'Pelteta.' three bottleaof Dr. 8e'a
Catarrh Remedy and the un of aalt water did
I the work and cured tae.v ' j"
lir.-JHen-e's Ptea.ifl: Telltli cure con-
jtijiation ond its consequence. . ',, r
0mmK OaaV'aTf?
Uwr . atflv-aaF flu
w-j. i rtf-'wt ml
(Vr m ml
r vJ Hi ml ,
,. m W If
a..-re, Ha '.imm
mr m
fflcal test, From llmo to time there nre
cotnpliiltilB ugnlnst the purity of tho
supply, nnd though there have lieen
chemical analyses, this Is the first tlmo
that we have hail tho ixitlsfactlon of a
bacteriologist making mi examination,
Public School Children Give Enter
taining Programmes.
Among thu 'nubile school exorcises
Tuesday afternoon, when tho schools
closed for tho holldnys wore the follow
Chorus, "Holy Night" Bchuol
ltecltatlon. "Night llcfoie Cliilsttniis,"
ll, Itturoll
Chtlsltnas Stniy , Savage
Chorus. "ChilftimiH Cniol."
li. ltiirrell. n. AVolls. It. Knapp. T. Con
iirton. .M. lllloy, 1$. Dimwit. .1. lie
Olbe, M. aiiimilon, M. Hurhe, O.
Sampson, M. Mill", Jt. Arthur.
Recitation, "Night After Christmas,"
A. Jmlwlli
Select Rending, "l.lltlo Will". ..At. Arthur
Chorus "Do Vou Know the Song."
Rerlt.ulon, "Poor Utile Teddy unit
Rich Little Tommy" M. Riley
Recitation, "1'oiilrwister'H Ktoiy,"
T. Conn t ton
Choi ns "nvcnhis Rills,"
M. Rily, M. Mooio, R. Shaw, M. Ktfnrns.
L. Rrandow, V. Nolun, '. Penwni den,
A. Suvldge, M. Ruike.
Recitation, "The Children's Telegram,"
L. 'lingley
Recitation, "CJrnmlnui's Mistake."
IX. Knnrm
Dolsnrte Drill,
T. Comirlnn, U. IJImock. V.. Wells A.
Recitation. "When ft.mtii Clansi Comes."
R. Wells
Chotus School
Mother (tooo M. Thompson
Miss Moppet M. Althui-
Rmwn Retty V. Wills
Jilt T. C'onaitnn
Jack L. Mills
Tom Tucker O. Nicholson
Jack Homer O. Jamus
Chorus, "LSood Night" School
Opening Chorus, "Happy Rethleheni."
Recitation, "Word of Welcome,"
Oertrudc Oallaghet
Recltallon, "A Chtistmns,"
Anna Itlurle lltiiko
Recitation, "Nobody's Child,"
Maiy Scott
Song by School.
"Da You Know the Son?? '
Recitation, "Tho Wise Ruildcis,"
Clare Mot i hum
Recitation, "A Most Obliging Sister,"
Lucy Cooko
Song, "Holy Night" School
Recitation, "Anna and Willie's Prayer."
Llllic i'
Song Finnk Maunlon
Itccitatlon, "New Veai's Deed,"
Gcitruilo Gallagher
ltecltatlon, "The Roy AVho Didn't Pass."
Clarence Robinson
Dialogue, "Castles in tho Air,"
Mary Judge, Alieo riannoiy, Llllle Ur.'n
nan. Mary Scott and Gortiudo Hag.
Dialogue, Frank Nolan, Andiew Nealon.
Closing Song ..ScIiaoI
Members of High School Faculty Her
Miss Saia Swlgert was hostess at an
enteitainment which she piovided lor
her associates in the High School facul
ty, at her home on Spring street, Tues
day evening.
The looms were bright with illumina
tions and decorations of evergreen and
holly. The programme of the evening
was delightfully given. A turkey din
ner was enjoyed, and as the guests sat
down he or she was pieseiUed with a
ildlculous gift, an incident that was
fraught with much nieirlment. Later
each one was presented with a book nnd
a, box of confectionery. In the Inter
esting guessing contest, Pi of. V. D.
Iiryden was successful, being awarded
a handsome pictuie. Tho serving of ico
cream and enke concluded an evening
of delightful and profitable social inter
course among the instructors.
The guests present were Prof, and
Mrs. W. D. Btyden, the Misses Lucy
Joslln, Harriet Hutchins, K.ithryu Pace,
Angola 13irs and Coia. Kstabrook, and
Messis. Loftus and A. V. Geary. Prof.
C. M. Leshcr, the only member of the
High school faculty who was absent, is
In St. Louis.
Yanno Is Better, and His Assailant
Released on Bail.
Joseph Yanno, who was in tho Italian
mix-up in the Dundaff section on the
night of December 11, and in whose
condition dangerous complications trom
brain contusion were thieatened, is le
gal ded as out of danger. Dr. Dixon
and Dr. J. A. Kelly examined Yanno
Tuesday and felt s-nlisfled that he was
out of danger. On their representa
tions, Louis Pirrie, Yunno's alleged as
sailant, who was nnested and jailed
Monday night, pending developments,
waB'released on ball, In the sum of $S00.
Only One Dellveiy on Christmas Day.
No Money Order Business.
Postmaster Thomas has issued tho
following notice giving the houts at the
postolllce today:
Christmas day, Thursday, Dee. 23,
1002 (legal holiday) Postolllce lobby
open for general business fiom 7 a. in,
to 12 o'clock, nnd from 3,S0 p, m. until
C.30 p. m. for lock box owueis only.
Ono general delivery of mail by rar.
riers. No money order or registry luii
Iness done on this day, J. H, Thomas,
Two Performances Today.
There will he the usual Christmas
matinee and evening performance nt
the Grand today.
Frank Wills and his company of
comedians will provide many rt laugh in
tho two skits which w'ill be presented;
"At Atlantic City" this afternoon ond
"Jolly Hooligan," tonight, Comedy is
what Carbondale theatre goers seem to
like best ond In theso two performances
there will ho little else to do but laugh.
Last night "Two Old Cronies" plcabed
a good-sized audience.
More Christmas Visitors.
Patilcl; Munly, formeily of the West
Side, roturned home this weok fiom
Butte, Montauni to spend tie Christ
mastlde with his relatives in Carbon
dale. Tills Is his fltat visit to the east
in seven yeais. Mr. Munly, it will be
recalled, sent to James and Will F, Lof
tus, propiletois of the Elk cafe on
South Main street, the magnificent elk's
head, the finest specimen hereabouts, t
measuring oyer nine feet. The elk waa
ehot by Mr. Munly himself In Utah.
Joe Roster, tho peerlfios left fielder of
I f wLw SL
H mmmmmmW mmmmW
There's sweet tooth in every mouth.
NONE SUCH MINC13 MEAT finds It In the
ond. Of all prepared deserts It's the datntl
OBt, vrhethef in pies puddings or cakes,
for it's ns delicious in ouo form as another.
NONE SUCH is tho famous mince meat
"like mother used to make." It's home
made in all essentials clean, toothsome
and economical. In each 10 cent package
(air-tight to keep in summer or winter)
enough for two large pier), or 25 pounds.
Add tho water and it's ready for tho oven.
All Grocers Havo it. Mcrrell-Soule Co.,
Syracuse, N. Y., make it.
last season's C'roscents, is receiving the
hearty greetings of his friends theso
dns. He returned Tuesday from St,
Michael's college, Toronto, Canada, to
spend tho Christmas holidays with his
John Uronnau, who Is a prospector In
the western part of the state, Is spend
ing Christmas at his former home in
Misses Kthel and Hilda MacMullen
arilvod from Philadelphia yesletday to
spend Christmas with their paients on
S.ilem avenue.
Miss Mlna Frank has reached home
from Syincue university for the holi
days. Mildred Holland Friday Night.
Mildred Holland, a great 'favorite
here, conies to the CI land Friday even
ing, December 26, for her annual en
gagement. Tills tlmo &he will bo seen
in her new sumptuous pioduction "Tho
Lily and the Prince," written by Car
ina Jordan, nnd whicli was produced
In liiifl'alo last April, where it scored a
brilliant success. Manager Edward C.
White has spared no expense ill the
lavish manner with which he has
mounted the play, and it will likely
prove to bo one of the most satisfactory
productions that has been seen In this
Miss Holland has a part in this play
well fitted to her talents, and wilt give
her, if anything, a far greater oppor
tunity for the display of the same, than
she had in "The Power Behlng the
"Our New Minister" Monday.
Denmnu Thompson and George W
Ryer's best of all rural plays, "Our
Xew Minister," more popular now than
over, and brighter and more attractive
than befoie because of its new m.isblve
scenic environment, Will make Its an
nual visit to the Grand on Monday ev
ening next. There isn't much us in
saying anything about "Our New Min
istet" nowadays its many merits are. so
well known, save to advise everybody
to go and see it. The .management
wisely retains the entire company seen
last season, thus John Terriss, Charles
Barker, John P. Biawn, Henry It. Scott,
Louis Furce, Grant Foreman, "W. C.
Tanner, Ethel Biooke Ferguson, Phila
May, and Mrs. George W. Barnuin will
again appear in their favorite loles.
W. M. Lathrop, editor or the Water
bury (Conn.) Republican, is here to
.spend Cluistmas with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Lathrop, on Garfield
Frank Nlles, of Kansas, will spend
Christmas with his uncle, Dr. John S.
Nlles, on North Main street.
Miss Grace Simrell, of Scranton, is
spending Christmas with her parents,
Mr. -and Mrs. George Simrell, on Clarke
Word has been received that John
Dougherty, a former Cnrbondalian, who
Is now employed in San Francisco, is
critically 111 with pneumonia.
Robert Mathews, a former employe
of the Evening Leader, now employed
In Philadelphia, is in town to spend tho
The Jeimyn schools closed at noon
yesterday until January 5. The morn
ing was devoted to exercises which
were held in tho high school building,
riof. Barrett was presented with a silk
umbrella from his pupils. Several of
tho other teacheis were similarly re
membered by tho pupils. The pro
gramme of tho exercises was as fol
lows: Recitations, Bessie Jones, Eloiso
Shields, Goorgo Hill; essay, "Cuba,"
May Spettlgue; recitation, "Santa
Claus," Loretta Irving; "On tho Follow
ing Day," Susie Davis; "Christmas
Morning," Samuel Harvey; "Merry
Christmas," Helen Gavin; recitation,
".Santa Claus," Genevlevo Murphy;
"Rider Lamb's Donation," Preston
Badger; essay, "The Development of
the Steam Engine," Flora Depew; rec
itations, "The Patter of the Shingle,"
Leland Stone; "The Christmas Spy,"
Ida Baker; "Santa Claus," Willie Mor
com; "The Census," Inez Stone; "No
Room at tho Inn," Alico Jones; essay,
"The New Paciflo Cable," Nellln Blg
lln; recitation, Mary Feoney; tecltatlon,
"How We Spent Christmas," Agnes
Christmas will be observed with the
usual masses ut Sacred Heart church
at C, S and 10 o'clock. The 6 and 10
o-ciock masses win ne nign masses,
which will be sung to Battman's music.
The solos will be sungr by Mary Ken
nedy, AgneB Flanlgan, Alice Henry,
Elizabeth Roche, J, E, Sullivan and
Frank McAndrew,
The children of St, James' Sunday
school had their usual Christmas exer
cises last evening at the conclusion of
the short carol service; each of tho
scholars was given a pipstn, They then
retlied to the bafemeut where they were
served with sandwiches, cake and cof
fee, The usual Chrlstmus service was held
in the church at midnight and a cele
bration of Holy Communion will take
place at 8 o'clock this moinlng.
The Primitive Methodist Sunday
school children had their, exercises last
evening. Tho children had been care,
fully trained by Mlsa Emma Roberts
and they acquitted themselves with
much credit to themselves and their
Instructor. Tho programme was ns fol
lows: Overture chorus, "Welcome,
welcome," scripture reading, "Prophe
cies of tho Messiah's Coming;" chorus,
"Shine Out O Star of Beauty," unveil
ing of the star; chorus, "Hall Thou
Heavenly Herald;" prayer of Christmas
thanksgiving, pastor, Rev. Garretaton;
lecitntlon, "One Holy Night;" song,
"Beautiful Star;" Asia (represented In
dialogue by four characters); chorus,
"God is Love," Africa (represented by
four characters); song and duet, "Af
rica Arise;" chorus, "Peace to Earth."
The Christmas exercises at the Meth
odist Episcopal and Bnptlst churches
will take place this evening.
The funeral of the lato John Prich
ard, of Fern hill, was held yesterday
afternoon. The services wcro held In
the Congregational church at 3 o'clock.
Rev. George Hague officiated and de
livered nn able funeral eulogy. At the
close of the service the icmalns were
viewed by the many friends and ac
fiualntances of the young man. Later
the cortege proceeded to Prospect
cemetery, where Interment was made.
W. R. Evans, Charles Charles, Gwllym
Jenkins, David Edwards, Henry Will
lams and David R. Davis were the pall
bearers. Christmas tree exercises were held in
the Susquehanna Street Baptist church
last evening. An Interesting programme,
which had been previously arranged,
was given by tho scholars, and at the
close of it presents, candy and oranges
were distributed. .In the Presbyterian
and Primitive Methodist churches ex
ercises were also held. At each church
excellent programmes were rendered,
and Christmas gifts were presented to
teachers and pupils. The exercises were
enjoyed by a. large gathetlng of friends
nnd parents of the children.
The Eureka commandery, Knights of
Malta, are making preparations to hold
a watch-night service New Year's eve.
John Doherty returned home yester
day from the University of Pennsylva
nia for the holidays.
St. Patrick's church fair opens to
niirht. The postoHiee hours today will bo
from 10 to 12 a. in.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Berry,
of Blakely, returned to their home In
Unlondale yesterday.
Mrs. Lavinia Patten has returned
home, after spending two weeks in Mill
The home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Heffer, of Union street, was the scene
of a pretty double wedding last even
ing, when Mrs. Heffer's sisters, Misses
Gertrude Alice Wheatcroft and Jane
Ellen Wheatcroft, both of Stroudsburg,
became brides of Messrs. Everard
Seese nnd Charles E. Bush, respectfully,
and also residents of Stroudsburg. Tho
ceremony was performed precisely at 7
o'clock. Rev. Dr. H. H. Harris, pastor
of the Calvary church, was tho offici
ating clergyman. At tho conclusion of
the ceremony the newly wedded parties
received the hearty congratulations of
their friends. A sumptuous lepast was
afterwards sorved.
A very pretty wedding ceremony was
performed nt the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas Rogeis, of Union street, Inst
evening, when their daughter, Miss
Edith, was united in marriage to Mr.
Garfield Hunter, a popular young man
of Old Forge, Rev. H. H. Harris, Ph.
D., performed the ceremony. A wed
ding supper waa served nrter the cere
mony. Tho funeral of the late Isaiah Thom
as, the young man who mot death on
the railroad a few days ago, took place
Trom the home of his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. George Thomas, of Main street,
yesterday afternoon. Services were con
ducted nt the homo nt 2 o'clock by Rev.
D. C. Edwards, pHStor of tho WelMi
Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Edwards
preached a very touching sermon.
There were numerous floral offerings
given by friends and relatives. At the
close of the service tho remains woio
conveyed, to their InBt resting place In
the Forest Home cemetery.
Tomorrow evening thero will be two
games of basket ball nt Welsenfluh'H
Auditorium, Tho opposing teams will
bo tho Taylor Sturs and the Avora
teoin, and Scranton Victors and the
Taylor second team. Both games can
ho witnessed for one admission,
Tho Ceptury Hose company, No. 3,
will attend the ball of the Eagle Hoso
company, at Prleeburg, on New Year's
PostofUce hours today (Christmas)
will be from 9 to 11 a. m. J, w. Reese.
II. J, Cooper, our prominent towns
man, has been drawn as a juror for
tho January term of tho United States
court, which will convone at Williams
port. This Is quite an honor to have
one of our citizens ftmorisr tho jurors of
this court. " '
Interesting Christmas tree exercises
were held at nearly all of the churches
In town last; eyenlng. Delightful pro
grammes were jendeied previous to the
distribution of the presents.
Masses will be Bung at the Church of
Immaculate Conception at T, 8 and 10.30
o'clock this (Chilstmas) morning. The
choir, under the leadership of William
Murphy, has prepared special music for
the mabses-
f a bbbbbbI
9 I
9 ' I
i i
rJ bbbbbbI
i i I
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 2jrd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 4th ave. direct
to hotel.
ltooms with Uath )
$2.00 f
JBults with Bath
1 53.00.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cer. 6Utmth bt. and Ir ne Plc,
American Hn, $3.60 Vtr Dty tnd UpwtiUi.
European I'lut, $1.00 ttr Day and Upwards,
Eptcial Batea to FamillM.
-t- L'- Ih.nlnnoif linn T
-f In the heart or the wholcsalo dis
I For Shonneri
-f 3 minutes' wallc to Wanamakera;
T 2 nilnutM to Uleeel Cooper'a Ills
ntnin KriNv nf flcceHa to the irreiit
T lry Goods Stoiea.
For siarhtseei'i
X One block from B'way Cais, elv
I inp easy transportation o all
T nnlnlH nf Interest.
Only one Block from Uioadwuy,
Tl... 0 II- UI'HlAllUANr
IlUUUlJ, yl UJJ. prlce KcaionabU
H-H-f-f-H-f-f ""- --4--f-f-f
Merry Christmas
To All.
Connolly & Wallace.
Glad Tidings
o -a fit
iy Shoppers.
Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel-
lent Holiday Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of
Watches, Diamond
Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Um
brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl
ing Silverware, Etc., Etc.
And all at prices that are
t 133 Wyoming Avenue,
Avoid all trouble by putting'on
Ehret's Slag Roofing.
Guaranteed 10 Years,
' 'r'" " B
"""" bY
Pendents, Rings, i-
sure to meet your approval.
Hotel Jermyn.
, Tir.r -i -