Fn&RFrvf$- ''""; k,'1 5' ' "'-j-&$ .tttw't "i is"" ' V""!" "' FTjfPsf ""v"fcf VftP'y ij ''-!'"(" 'B THE SCRANTON TttXBPtf&-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24', 1902. ffl rcxxxxxxxxxxx; Thu Modem Hardware Store. ' FOR CHOPPING FOOD of nny kind in Meats, Fish, Vegetables, Fruit, etc., use SARGENT'S m X GEM FOOD CHOPPER It saves time, trouble and strength. PRICES: $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Foote & Shear Co, U9 "Washington Ave. DXOOOOOOOOOC Wishing Yoli fl Merry Christmas Wo suggest that the very best holiday gift is a bank book with olio dollar ($1.00) or more o the credit of the fot lunate person receiving your gift. Every new depositor to ceives a home suvingfe hank free of charge AT THE Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, FA. Bs.aftJA&iSagSia A few slimes of Title Guai nnty and Trust stock at a liargain If called for at onto. 43W On Bankers and Brokers, Hoth 'phonos. Conncll Building. Register Now For .the New Term In The flard?nbergh School of Miisic and flrf Carter Building. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE TriE BABY? . . . A hand knit Cap, a hand knit Jacket, a hand knit lil.inUet, u hand Knit Afean, a h'ind knit Di es.x. For the Littls Man or Woman Dolls, all slzc'i in doth; Kimo nns in Krenih crepe; Ciwy Hath Ooivn", of lamb's won!. Also a dainty lino of J.adle.s' Klmonns. 'i'ho llahy Tender for b.iliy H BABY BAZAAR US 'Wasjlilnslon Avenue. N322SQEiSK3 tomy&izrKsmiKaszmx'Tasxsnmm. FOR FINEST ASSORTMENT, FEESHEST STOCK, LOWEST PRIUES EVER OFFERED IN SCRANTON. E. C. Dean, I AU Coimoll BUlg. OPEN EVENINGS. Largest distributor of fine & ln.. In KTtl. I Tt r.l viKtuD i aiua wigudiviu jrenii' sylvonia. "Cranki . it Uecauso sonio pcoplu know Juat what they want and their luundiy'b aiu uiuilil.) to deliver tho high Krado woik demanded, thoy io turned "cinnks," We llko to Hcrvo this class, as our offoitH aio moie Hiiro of uiuecIatloii. LACKAWANNA Tun" LAUNDRY A, . WAIiiWAIN. fmKmm&saammnifKmNfwa m Pj1. Llndabury, Burgeon, diseases o: women a specialty, 215 Council building, llburs: xi p. m. to i p. m.; 1 to S.30 ? . CONTESTANTS ALL PLACED THIRTY-THREE WINNERS HAVE MADE SELECTIONS. Each of the Leaders in Tho Tribune's Recent Educational Contest Have Boon Rownrded In Accoi dance with the Promises Made In Most In &tances tho Fortunate Young Men and Women Have Entctcd on Their Studies Some Scholarships Exten ded. All the winners in The Tribune's re cent Educational Context, which came to on end on October 23, have now made their solcctloiiB of scholarships and it cun now be announced what every one of the thirty-Unco successful young men and women have won as it result of their summer's work for Thu Tri bune. In a few cases the contestants havo not entered upon their studies at tho THE NEWSBOYS' CHRISTMAS. Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn sylvania Will Be Given AH The Copies of The Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas Morning Absolutely Free. The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity to make sonic extra money on Christmas morning, and with this object in view will furnish them with all the copies of the paper they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies to carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they arc sell ing The Tribune now or not. The boys will be furnished with papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and will be kept supplied from the business office until 1) o'clock in the morning. Carriers out of town will be supplied with extra copies upon request. ' , Boys out of town .should send their requests for extra copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," stat ing how many copies they expect to be able to dispose of. Carbondale boys will be supplied from the Carbondale of fice, from 7.80 to !U!() a. m. All local carriers and newsboys who wish to take advantage of this opportunity must secure their papers from The Tribune office personally. No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following day. Returns of Wednesday's papers will be accepted on Fri day morning. .g.2..2......3,.$4 various institutions which thoy selected, in each case an urrangoment having been made to extend the time of en hance until next year and even longer. Tliis has, in each case, been done at the request of the prospective student, so as to enable them to prepare for a successful examination. In most in stances, however, tho young people who proved to be so ambitious and hardworking for their own advance ment along educational lines, have started their cniecrs in the various academies, business and musical insti tutions of which they made a choice. Following is a recapitulation of what was chosen by each of the thirty-three contestants: 1. A. J. Kellerman, Scianton. Key stone Academy, Factoryvllle, Pa. I. Maxwell Shepherd, Carbondale WHHnmsporl Dickinson Seminary, Wil- liamsport, Pa. 3. Oscar II. Kipp, Elmhurst. Dickin son Collegiate Preparatory school, Car lisle, Pa. 4. f'hniie.- Burns, Vn mil In jr. Xewton Military Academy, Newton, N. J. fi. Herbert Thompson, Caibondale. School of the Lackawanna, Scranton. I!. AVlllijin T. S. Hodrlguez, Scranton. Huckneil University, Lewisburg, Pa. 7. William Sherwood, Harford. Syra cuse University. Syiacuue, X. Y. 5. Albeit Freedman, Bcllovue. Wash ington school for boys, Washington, D. C. 0. Fred K. Clunsler, Green Ridge. Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 10. J. A. Havenstrlte, Moscow. Brown's rollege Preparatory school, Philadelphia. 11. L. K. Stanton, Scrunton. Scranton Business College. 12. Charles W. Dorsey, Scranton. University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y, 13. Hondrick Adams, Chinchilla. Ilardenbergh School of Music and Art, Scianton. II. Henry E. Collins, Klzers, Scran ton Business College. 15. A. L. Clark, Green Grove. Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio, Scranton. 10. Lowls Bates, Scranton. Scranton Conservatory of Music, 17. Harry Madden, Scranton. Scran ton Business College. IS. Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge. Wllkes-Barro Institute, Wilkes-Barre. 19, John Mackle, Providence. Inter national Correspondence schools, Scran ton. 20, Homer Kresge, Hydo Park. Scranton Conservatory of Music. 21, Miss Jano Matthowson, Factory- Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 17 AND CONTINUING UNTIL Thursday, Dec. 25 it hi m To all Puichabera of Teas Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder nnd Uxlracta, a largo monthly COMIC PAD CALENDAR handsomely lithographed in many colors; bfzo 10x11. Don't miss them, only a lim ited number THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co, 411 Lackawumxu avouuo, Ml North Main avenue. 'Phono "J-2. Prompt Delivery. New 'Phono 13. B FiiMMinfi rl Carter Building, vllle. Lackawanna Business College, Scrunlon. 22. Elmer Williams, Elinhurst. Lackawanna Business College. 2tf. Miss Beatrice Harper, Thompson. International Correspondence schools. 24. Fred Klbler, South Scranton. In ternational Cortcppondencc schools. 25. Frank B. McCreary, Halistead. International Correspondence schools. fi. William Cooper, .Prlecbura In ternational Correspondence schools. 27. Louis Gore, Brooklyn. Cotult Summer school, Co.tult, Mass. 28. Don. C. Capwell, Scranton. Scranton Conservatory of Music. 4 l" S 4 4 4 f S 4 "t1 4 4 fr 4 4 4 C 30. Eddie Morris, South Scranton. Hardenbergh School of Music and Art. , 31. Mis3 Edna Coleman, Scranton. Hardenbergh School of Music and Art. 32. Walter Halistead, Scranton. Har denbergh School of Music and Art. 33. Arthur J. Thayor, South Scranton. Alfred Wooler's Music Studio, Scran ton. Oxfoid Bibles at Reynolds Bros. Call at McClintock's, For liollv. hollv wreaths, trrnnnrl nliif. vreaths, roping, and other Christmas greens. Both 'phones. Christmas trees. City and School Taxes 1903. The above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, " City Treasurer. m "Handsome Christmas Presents. Large flowers and palms at bargains. Both 'phones. Morel Bros. ' Go to Reynolds Bros., to day. tiHiAK SPECIAL TODAY Fresh Imported Cigars, Fresh Key West Cigars At Factory Prices HUYLERS Special order to arrive tonight 6.50 p. m. Coursen's Bons 60ns and Gbocolates 50c in handsome special Christmas boxes, ORANGES 20c to 50c $3.00 to $5.00 per box E. G. Coursen, ISO Lackawanna Ave. urn 111 H OF A PIANOFORTE SCHOLARSHIP in Iho Conservatory would be a present vorih having. Full particulars at iho Conservatory office. 604 Linden St. TAKEN BY THEIR. FATHER. Thompson Children Ate to Go to New York with Him. A pathetic tecno was witnessed In the ofllcc of tho Hoard of Assqclated Char ities yesterday afternoon, when James Thompson, of Now York city, mot his two little children, who wore recently taken from their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klofer, because of the cruel treatment of tho latter. Mr. Thompson was separated from his wlfo at tho time of Her death last spring, and tho children, Floreitco nged 14 years, and George, aged 9 years,, were taken charge of by their aunt nnd' uncle. When tho latter were arrested at tho Instance of Mrs. Duggan, -tho children were taken from them and wero placed temporarily in the Homo for the Friendless. Their father was notlllod, and ho camo on here yesterday for the purpose of taking tho children back to New York. He burst Into tears when he mot them and heard tho story of their suf fering. He declared that ho wrote no less than twcuty.-t.wo letters to the Keifers during the last eight months, Inquiring for the children, but received no answer. Some of these letters wero written to the girl, and she said yes terday that her -aunt would not permit her to reply to them. The little boy, who denied 'on the stand that the Injury on his arm .had been indicted by his aunt, admitted to Mrs. Duggan yesterday that It had been, nnd said that ho told a different story at the hearing because he was afraid or Mrs. Kolfer. The children will go back to New York with their father todav. Prang's Calendais at Reynolds Bros. 80,000 Will Buy the Finest Residence For the Money on "The Hill." This house is beautifully situated, nicely planned and finely finished in hard wood. The street is paved, and, if VOU desiro' moro lnfnrmntlnn nnd mean business, see W. T. Hackett, the broker. To the Republican Voters of the City of Scranton. A Republican primary to elect a Re publican candidate for the office of city recorder and ward vigilance com mittees will be held on Thursday, Jan uary lii, 1003, at the regular polling places between the hours of 4 and 8 p. m. Candidates for the nomination for city recorder must register their names with C. K. Chittenden, G19 Lackawanna avenue, on or before Dec. 20. 1902, and pay the assessment levied on or before December 27, 1902, if their names are to be placed on the ticket. The city committee earnestly requests that all nominations for ward and election of ficers be held at the same time and place, the vigilance committee running a separate box. C. E. Chittenden, Chairman Republi can City Committee. m Christmas Ice Cream. Although we nre very busy, all Christ mas Ice cream orders lecelved by 7 o'clock tonight (Wednesday) will be taken care of. will not nccept order's later. J. D. Williams & Bro., 314 Lack awanna avenue. . Butcher Business For Sale. One of the best located and best pay ing meat businesses in the city is of fered for sale on account of owner go ing to Europe. For price and particu lars seo W. T. Hackett, the broker. Largest lino of stationery, also the best line, at Reynolds Bros, Gibson Calendars at Reynolds Bros. The sale of goods damaged by water at G. W. AVatklns' stole will bo on sale Tuesday morning and for tho bal ance of the week. Prang's Posters at Reynolds Bros. YOUR LAST WILL. In selecting ah , administrator, guardian, or trustee, weigh the permanency and responsibility of a corporation against the possible disabilities of an individual. Furthermore, a trust company is or ganized for just such duties, nnd represents the com bined wisdom of men of large experience. Expense no greater than for individual executorship. THE TITLE GUARANTY & TRUST CO. OF SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA. PAINT AND Gold Sea! Ready-nixed Paints, fialpney Oil Hanufacturing: Co., HI to 149 Moridinn Street. Old Thoiic-G2-2. New Thone-2581, SERVICES FOR CHRISTMAS . --I" " ""! PROGRAMMES THAT WILL BE OBSERVED. Mntln Seivlce In Holy Tilnlty Evan gelical Lutheran Chuich at 0 a. in. and in tho Evening: tho ChrUtmao Festival of tho Sunday School Will Bo Hold At St. Luke's Episcopal, Zion Lutheran, and St. Patrlck'3 and St. Lucia'n Roman Catholic Churches. lit the Evangelical Lutheran chinch fo the Holy Trinity, Christmas day will bo ushered in with an early matin serv ice at C n. 111., ut which tho pastor, Rev. 13. F. Rlttor, A. M., will preach the festal sermon. The following will bo tho order of tho service: Hymn, "Joy to tho World." Vei oleic. Invltatory. Venlto. Hymn, "Good News from Heaven tho Angels Bring." Psalms 79 and S3. Gloria Patrl. Lesson. Hymn, "Come Yc Falthul.' Sermon. Offertory. To Dcum. Prayer. Salutation. Collects. Benediction. R. E. Ward will preside at tho oigan. At 7.30 p. m. the Christmas festival of the Sunday school will bo held, R. H. Brader, lay superintendent, presiding. Miss Llda Garragan, the organist, hav ing charge of tho music. The carols to bo sung will be from the festival music of "The Christinas Manger." The titles of tho selections and recita tions to bo rendered by tho children of tho school are "Happy Christmas Time," "Is He a King?" "The Bible." "The Night the Shepherds Watched," Continued on Pago 10. JOB I I I 1 1 Nothing is more desirable than an Umbrella. We have just received the most magnificent line of Umbrel la Handles ever received In Scranton. Nothing later, nothing elsewhere. Our prices are dollars below others. .HE SCRANTON UMBRELLA M'F'C CO. 313 Spruce Street. M. SILVERMAN, Prop. From 1 to 28 Dollars Pocket Poco's Calendars Alburns Hornbajker, 211 Washington Ave. As a ams eini Kodaks WiSHES For the convenience of their custom ers, tho Lackawanna Tritst and Safe Deposit Company wilt bo open this evening from 7 to S o'clock. Walornmn's fountain pens, tho new est styles at Reynolds Bros. aggtii!aa5saaajK;ia Just Received a n A Big Shipment of Extra Fancy York ii State u Bring All the Little Folks to See the Real Live M All Cars Transfer to -5. xhv .. . r.ivi:i .lf.,..iii..mi.....-.i...,..i... -dP ufldeftc pi to HAlWjfflfe JBBy &$s. jfiS&rcor. ne ii&Sak. KWASHINGTONg AVE O JPCUCE ST T A Simple Matter ' A stock of Men's Fine Furnishings so thor oughly complete and so well displayed as we present it to you, makes "gift choosing" a sim ple matter. The great quantity of Furnishings leaving our store the past few weeks, have not made noticeable defections in our stock, owing to our surplus stock, and we are in a position to take the best care of late buyers. $3.00 SILK UMBRELLAS, $2.50. As fine a chance as could come on these last days before Christinas. L'li-inch Umbrellas, covered e, and a with strc silk sert variety of handsome natural handles; steel frame and steel rod. HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS Silk Suspenders, plain or fan cy colors, gilt buckles, leather ends, in handsome boxes, 50c. Other good sorts, $1.00 and $1.50; either gold plated or sil ver buckles. Way's Mufflets, 50c and 75c Suit Cases Troveling Bags w Established 1866 r. H 0 ILc0 HANDJp It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able to make their own selection of skins for garments. We are now In ths exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf tho foli' lowing hlgh-grsde furs ; ALASKA SEAL SERBIAN LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue.' 4 BE UP-TO-DATE J By having your horses shod with a good Removable Calk We have both the NEVERSLIP and WILLIAMS CALKS t t Uittenbender fi t 126-128 Franklin Ave. j. .j. . '. . 4 "VJirayM'jgg who? wmi Buy your Shoes, Itubbcis and Slippers at . t. NETTlETOr? and pot a key to the Red Box F which contains iksu.uu. The right hey gpts the $20.00 He Gives Trading Stamps 134 Washington Ave. Opposite Connell Building. H TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS agvME HOLIDAY NECKWEAR, 50c to $4 N"ov is the time ,for buying Christmas neckwear, and this is the store. Tlie broadest stock we ever had is complete though we have sold a great many more than we did a year ago at lliis time. MUFPLERS FOR CHRISTMAS We bought an entire line of "Drummers" sample-; of line iMiifllcTs at an ei.ormous reduc tion in 1 ncc. Iuioiigh for all eor.urs, today and tomorrow ; about -" per cent, under priced, $1.00 to $(i.00. Hath Robes Gloves Canes lYhT High-Class Purs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA EOX ' SABLE FOX WHITE rox BLUE 1'OX BLACK POX BEAR Cash Paid for Raw Purs. I? l - I ft pBHETJj r CORNKIi 5iV U V JPP.UCE iTV I m V .