The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Ca bondale.
Splendid Programme nt St. Rose
Church The Mozart' Oichestra to
Assist Choir Music at Trinity.
Sunday School Exercises nt Berean
Baptist Church Other Program
mes. The tidings of "Clloiy to Hod una
Peace on Earth to Men ot Clood Willi"
will bo proclaimed with joyful music .In
the church of HI. ltose und Trinity
Episcopal church to morrow. While the
spirit of the day will, of course, be felt
by every congregation, It Is only these
two churches which will have Bplondld
religious services In observance of this
meat feast ot Christendom.
At St. Rose Chuich.
In the Catholic church, Christmas Is
the greatest fenst In the calendar. The
services, therefore Will be in Keeping
with the day's importance. The only
day in the year on which a high mass
Is sung at an early morning hour is
Christmas day. In accordance with
this custom, si solemn high mass will be
sung, commencing at U o'clock.
There will lie special music at this
service, as well us the chief service,
at 10.:10 o'clock. The Mozart oichestra
will supplement the church choir, which
will be directed by Prof". J5. V. Stockman
und Prof. William P. I,ynotl wilt ditect
the orchestra. Mozart's seventh mass
will be sung. This will olso be the pro
gramme at the 10.20 muss. The only
change will be In I lie opening chorus.
"Holy Night," will be sung at the open
ing mass and Vorollo's arrangement of
"The Adeste Fidells," at the 10.K0 serv
ice. The strmon at the late mass will
be delivered by Hew Father Bader, of
the order ot KertemptorlBte.
At Trinity Church.
Christmas is likewise one of the most
Important feasts in the Episcopal
church. The services will begin at 8.a0
o'clock in the forenoon. As customary,
there will be special music. Llewellyn
13. .Tones, the director of music, has ar
ranged the following programme, which
will be rendered by the choir:
Voluntary, Violin and Orgnn.
deste Fidelcc
yilo Hjiu
9Ioiia. Tlbl Kvio
Nlceno Ciced Tucker
Offertory, "The Clnlftmns Star,"
Sursum Coida. Eyie
Sanettis Wyre
Agnus Eyre
Gloria Mozait'r. Twelfth Mass
Postludc, Violin and Organ.
A Christmas Tree.
The Clnistmas entertainment of the
Sunday school of Trinity will "be held in
the parish house this evening at 7.P.O.
A play will be given under the direc
tion of Miss Peuckert. At its close the
tree will be lighted and the candy and
presents distributed.
At the Berean Baptist Church.
The Berean Baptist Sunday school
has made elaborate preparations for
the presentation of a Christmas can
tata, in which one hundred of the mem
bers of the school will participate. The
cantata is entitled "Santa's Surprise,"
and in its rendering there will be
"Dollle Girls," "Fairies," "Icicle Boys,"
and "Sailor Boys." The invitation is
Keneral and most cordial. Thcte will
be no charge for admission, notwith
standing the large expense involved,
but a silver offering will be taken, that
all may have an opportunity to express
their appreciation of the school's effort.
The exercises will begin promptly at
ti.oO o'clock.
committee on tickets, Edward Carroll,
Joseph MUirln, Charles Flrtli, Thomas
Huddy; door committee, John Peel. Al
bert ituddy, William Ileuley, Isaac
Wrlghter; entertainment committee,
Frank D. H, Collins, .T. ltussetl Jones,
John II. JJurke, Albert II. Crane, Joseph
Murrln, A. U Sahm: committee on ball,
Joseph Murrln, Arthur Thomas; com
mittee on music, Edward Carroll, Ar
thur Thomas, Joseph Murtin.
Tho Woman's Auxiliary Board Has
Planned an Entertainment and
Festival to Cheer the Depressed,
Sick and Wounded.
In accordance with tho happy custom
established last year, the woman's aux
iliary board ot Emergency hospital will
provide an entertainment tonight that
will help to make the unfortunate sick,
who can not spend the blessed feast
with their loved ones nt home feel less
the distressing fact that they are de
prived in a way from participating In
the Joys and pleasantries oMhe day.
There will bo the usual Christmas
tree with its gifts for either the pa
tients or the attaches-of the hospital, us
the occasion is intended for all. Mer
chants who have anything to offer or
any person who cares to send a remem
brance, are requested to bring or send
them to the Leader niriec not later than
'J o'clock tomorrow morning.
There will be an entertainment with
many pleasing musical numbers to
cheer the patients. It Is expected that
Itev. IS. A. Sawyer will deliver the ad
dress. The exercises will take place in
the afternoon in one of the large wards.
Only the niembcts of the staff nnd the
board can attend the exercises, sis there
might he too much excitement for the
patients of the invitation was genera!,
and a largo number responded.
The women of the board earnestly ap
peal to the thoughtful generosity of the
public in providing for the Christinas
dinner. The gratitude of the patients
and the thought of having brightened
this fenst for them ought to bo due
compensation for the charity lptowcd.
William J. McDonougli Appointed
Collector for Krantz Brewery.
Sheriff Charles Armbuster, of Wayne
county, who has filled the position of
collector for the Krantz brewery In this
city, for the Pennsylvania Central
Brewing company, resigned Monday
preliminary to removing from Hones
dale to Mauch Chunk, where he will
manage a hotel, which ho conducted
some time ago.
The genial sheriff's successor is Will
isun J. McDonougli, a well known Car
bondallan, whose hustling qualities fit
him well for the position. Mr. McDon
ougli has represented the big Bartel
Brewing company, of Kingston, In tills
city for six years and was u big factor
in making their product unlvcisally
popular hereabouts. The Bartel people
were loth to let him go suid offered him
tempting Inducements to remain. The
position here, however, was too good to
set .aside. The Krantz brewery will, it
Is safe to say, feel tho effect or Mr.
MeDonough's influence in this territory.
Ho will conduct the business of the
Crystal Lake Ice company as heretofore.
He Rescues a Companion fioni
Drowning in Powderly Mine by
Displaying Rare Presence of Mind.
A hid about In years old, named Car
dun, of the South Side, engaged as driv
er sit the Powderly mine, fell yester
day from his cars and fractured a leg.
The boy dropped into a pool of water
and would soon have been drowned but
for the quick action of his companion,
another lad whose name could not be
learned, who grabbed Cardcn and held
his head above water, but wus unable
to pull him out. The boys wore in u.
part of the mine far away from the
men. Carden's companion did not dare
leave him to go for help nnd it was use
less to call.
With rare presence of mind he un
hitched the mule which was pulling a
trip of cars and startea him loose down
the gangway. When the mule appeared
at the outer workings without car or
driver, the men realized that something
was wrong and hastened to the scene of
the acciaent, where they found Garden
and his brave rescuer and brought them
to the surface.
Claim again this year for the boys,
through Its offer to give to them free
nil tho copies of Tho Tribune which
they can sell tomorrow, Christmas day.
This offer, of course, lncludDH Car
tiondalo boys, for whom the bert Is
none too Kood, Tho youngsters of the
town who want to earn additional
spending money Will be supplied with
nil The Tribunes they can sell tomor
row forenoon. Papers will be given out
from the branch oillco In the Burke
building between 7.30 and 9.30 o'clock.
Ninth Annual Statement of Vital
Statistics of That Borough Sub
mitted by Secretary Buckingham.
Secretary George Buckingham, of the
hoard of health of the borough of May
field, lias submitted ills annual report,
the ninth yearly statement, or that
Tho report shows that the number ot
deaths during the year was 29, and the
number of births, SS. There were 4
deaths from rontagious diseases. Ac
cording to the health officer, Dr. Hard
ing, who Is also president of the board,
the health of the borough Is good.
Tho report Is as follows:
Ninth itlinunl report ot tho Mayflclil
Board of Health, for the year of HH2:
Deaths In tho boiough, 20; males, 15: fc
males II. The causes of death: diph
theria, t'i bronchitis, 3; aheess, 1; pneu
monia, !; apoplexy, 2; pernicious nucmlii,
1; burns, J; peritonitis, 1: blood poisoning,
1: water on thu brain, 1; cholera infan
tum, 1: enteritis, 1; convulsions, 1: ty
phoid fever, 1; cancer of the stomach, 1;
itigroiis oi birth, 2; acuto coincstls, 0;
membraneous cioup, 1. Births, SS: mulos
K9. females -til; contagious diseases report
ed for the year, 14; diphtherlu, 3; scarlet
fever, G; typhoid fever, 2: membrano
croup'. Deaths from the above contugloim
diseases, 4: diphtheria, 2; scorlut fever,
1; membrane croup, 1. Burial permits
and transit permits given for the year:
Burial permits. 31; transit permits, 12.
Cash received for buiial and transit per
mits, flO.00. Nuisances reported nbatcd
lor tho year. 21. Dr. Harding, health of
ficer repoited the borough in good healthy
PH. HARDING, President.
George Buckingham, Secretary,
Young Lady Workers of M. E.
Church to Sell Handkerchiefs,
Thtf.youns lady workers of tho Meth-odtst-church
had a good many hand
kerchiefs. JeftfruuL their sale of last
week 7ind""luvVe"Kls(r"'receIvcd several
moro since the sale closed. They would
llko to dispone of them and will have
.them for sale nt tho Box building on
Church street this afternoon nnd even
' ing. The snle offers Inducements to
eet-kers of holiday girts.
The Young Men Who Will Hustle
., the rnlr Details.
The personnel of tho committees of
'flio Hendrlck Hook und Ladder com
plany fair enterprise, now hustling tho
.lUTangements, Is as follows:
-maeneral manager, A. I Sahm; gen
eral secretary, John H. Burke; assistant
'general secretary, William Mcllale;
Keneral treasurer, J, Russell Jones; ad
vertising committee, A. L. Sahm, Wal
lace Hlstcd, Joseph Gllmartln, James
Campbell; soliciting- committee, Frank
D, s. CojllnB, Albert H. Crano, J, Bus
tiull Jones,. A, L. Sahm; committee on
jlecoratlone. Joseph Murriu, Joseph
Carroll, John II. Burke, Frunk D. &
Collins; reception committee, Richard
Malone.Joseph Gllmartln, Frank Nealon,
John IJ.- Brown; press committee, John
II. "Burke, Frank D.S.Collins; fair Jour
nal committee, Joseph Murrln, George
j. Denton, William Ilealey, John II.
Burke; floor committee, James Galla
Bhy, A. JI. Crane, Arthur Thomas, Will
lain Mcllale, James Healey, John De
yaney, Joseph flllmurtln, Elmer Broken
tdii'i. Beit W. Collins, James Campbell;
"At Atlantic City" Was Funny.
Frank Wills, of the old Wills-Hen-shaw-Ten
Broeck combination, and his
company of comedians opened at thp
Grand last night with the skit "At At
lantic City," to remain for three more
performances, including a Christmas
Last night's piece was quite frothy,
and was productive of a good deal of
mirth. Wills' funny antics were the
best thing of the night. Next to him
was "Skates," the bellboy, who was
quite funny. Numerous specialties were
introduced, which contributed greatly
to the night's entertainment. Those
who enjoy a laugh and .who doesn't?
will be kept busy wliile at the Grand
tonight or tomorrow afternoon or even
ing. "Two Old Cronies" Is the attraction
this evening; "At Atlantio City" tomor
row afternoon, and "Jolly Hooligan"
tomorrow night.
Tho Diagram Opened.
The diagram for Miss Mildred Hol
land's new production at the Grand on
Friday evening, opened last night.
Miss Holland Is to hi Ing to this city
for her annual engagement her mag
nificent new pioductlon, "The Lily and
tho Prince," which was specially writ
ten for her by Cnilnu. Jordan, nnd in
which she appealed in Buffalo last
April with such signal success. A large
amount of money has been Invested In
scenery, costumes, furniture and elec
trical effects, the period of tho play ad
mitting of fine possibilities in tills re
spect. Our theatre-goers will no doubt
extend to Miss Holland a royal wel
como on this, her first appearance in
her new production here,
Can Earn Christmas Money by Sell
ing Free Tribunes,
Tho Tribune is going to bo Santa
Meats 300 lbs.
Milk 240 qts.
Butter,., , ." 100 lbs.
k'ggs , 27 doz,
Vegetables . . . , ,500 lbs,
This represents a fait ration for one
man' for one year, .
But some people eat and eat
and yet grow thinner, This
means a defective digestion
and unsuitable food. To the
notice of such persons we pre
sent Scott's Emulsion, famous
for its tissue building. Your
physician can tell you how it
does it.
We'll tcid you a Hide to tiy l( ou lite.
ECOIT & UOW.Ni, , Perl otietl. K York.
PKTBK M'DONALD died yesterday
afternoon at .1 o'clock, at his home on
Fallbrook street.
Tho deceased was born in Carbondale
and lived here all his life, where lie
was highly respected and esteemed by
his .neighbors and friends. Ho is sur
vived by the following daughters und
sons: Mis. Edward Dempsey, Mr.".
Patrick Walsh, Miss Bridget McDon
ald, of this city; Patrick McDonald, of
Philadelphia, and Frank McDonald, ot
this city.
The funeral will take place Friday
morning. A solemn high muss of re
quiem will be sung In St. Kose church,
beginning at 9.30 o'clock. Burial will
be in Ht. Hose cemetery.
Geoige S. Dunn and M. J. Eagan, the
committee appointed two weeks ago to
secure subscriptions to secure the lo
cation of the cut glass factory here, are
meeting with much success in their ef
forts and up to the present have suc
ceeded In obtaining the following: A.
F. Gebhnrdt, $30; II. D. Carey, $50; G.
S. Dunn, $25; At. J. Eagan, $23; S. D.
Davis. ?23; Willman and Baker, $100;
Paul W. Harris, $10; Alfred Griffiths,
$10; F. W. Mills, $10; Wm Merrick, $10;
A. F. A. Battenberg, $25; W. O. Hill,
$23; E. K. Mason, $10; Richard Hock
ing, $10; Wm. P. Bray, $10; M. J.
Shields, $15; David Allen, $10; Michael
Kouch, $10. The committee would be
obliged if any one upon whom they have
not called who are willing to contribute
if they would leave their subscriptions
either at the store of George S. Dunu
or M. J. Eagan.
Another heartless case of robbery oc
curred Monday night when tho rear
kitchen at the home of James Mann,
on Fourth street, was entered and a
pig weighing about 150 pounds, killed
Monday afternoon was carried away,
not a vestige being left 'behind. So
far no trace of the perpetrators have
come to light but it Is the general
opinion it was done by some one resid
ing les than a mile fromtthe street.
Frank Jackson, of Dallas, Is visiting
his brother, Dr. Byron1 II. Jackson, of
The Christmas exercises at the First
Baptist church will be held Thursday
Mrs. M. D. Fuller is confined to her
home nt the Methodist Episcopal par
sonage by illness.
Lyman McCurty was arrested and
taken before 'Squire Kelfer a few days
ago for refusing to send his son Fran
cis, a boy 13 years of age, to school. He
was fined ono dollars and costs, $3.47,
which he paid.
... . m i. . -
The dltfeient churches ot this bor
ough will hold interesting Christmas
tree exercises tills evening. Excellent
programmes have been prepared for
tho occasion,
The pupils of all the borough Bchools
held closing exercises for tho holidays
yesterday. Delightful programmes were
rendered, after which refreshments
were served by the teachers.
Tho following excellent programme of
Christmas music has been prepared by
Chorister T, U. Davis and choir of the
St. Joseph's church, at the 6 n. in. mass
tomorrow (Christmas) morning: Pro
cessional, Christmas hymn, "Glory to
God;" solo and chorus, Miss Fitthenry
and choir; Kyrle (Einner), solo and
chorus, P. J. Fltzhenry; Gloria, solo
and chorus, Miss Mary Fltzhenry;
Credo, choir; offertory, "Adeste Fide
lls?' Miss FiUhenry and choir; chorus,
"Ranctus," choir; "Benedlctus," choir;
"Agnus Del," fcolo and chorus, Miss
Mary Muck and choir, 10,30 a. 111. mass
Processional, "Adeste Fidells." solo
and chorus, Miss Mary Fltzhenry nnd
choir; Kyrle, "Gloria" (Mozart), choir;
Credo (Hiving), solo and chorus, Miss
Mary Mack and choir; offertory, "Gar
den of Eden," Miss Nellie Cook; "Sane
tus" (Millard), solo and chorus, Miss
Kate Kinney and choir; "Benedlctus,"
duet, Misses Fltzhenry nnd-Mary Caw
ley; "Agnus Del," solo and chorus,
Mrs. McDonald und choir; recessional,
"Adeste Fidells."
The punlls ot Misses Van Busklrk
and Morris, of No, 1 school, held a very
Interesting exercise, entitled "Christ
mas Eve," yesterday. A very enjoy,
able time was spent by the touchers
and pupils. Following1 the programme,
refreshments were served.
Emblem dltislon, No. 67, Sons ot
Temperance, nominated the following
olllcers at their regular session on Mon
day evenings Worthy patriarch, Ed?
ward Hooper and David Pugh; worthy
associate, Miss Maggie. S, Thomas;
Dr. Da.vid Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy the Acknowledged King of
Medlcino for the Kidneys,
Liver, Bladder nnd Blood.
No reader ot
the Tribune can
have any excuse
for suffering from'
any disease of the
Kidneys, Llvor,
Bladder or Blood,'
when they can
test that remark
able medlclncDIt.
VOIUTE 1113 M-
nbsolutely FIIEH nt our store.
you are under no obll-
Slmply present the
No. 000.
Every reader of
The Trlbluio can
have a trial bottle ot
Br. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy ab
solutely KIlElj, by
presenting this cou
pon at our store.
Wtn. II. McGarrah,
.T. II, Phelps,
H. H. Ilcnwnod & Co.
Matthews Bros.,
Scranton, Pa.
gutlou to nurcluise,
nbovo coupon nt our store nnd a trial
bottlo ot this famous specific will bo
given to you absolutely free. We con
sider this an unusual olfer and our
supply of free bottles cannot last long.
chaplain, Mrs. Norma Evans; conduc
tor, David K. Hpese; conductress, Miss
Mary Jones; treasurer, Isaac Davis;
financial secretary, Evan It. Davis; re
cording secretary, Richard Roberts;
assistant, Miss Surah M. Ilowclls; in
side sentinel, Harry Schrivc; outside
sentinel, Thomas Gotts; trustee, George
The funeral of tho late Isaiah Thom
as will occur from the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas,
of Main street, this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Services will be held at tho
house. Interment will be made in tho
Forest Homo cemetery.
The following players will compose
the Beds' base ball team for the season
of 1M3: Catchers, Glynn nnd Stone;
pitchers, Welsenlluli and Shilds: first
base, Cf. Morris; second base, J. Mor
ris; shortstop, Hayes; third base, Will
iams; right field, Evans; centorfielders,
W. Stone and Powell; left field, Day.
Manager, T. J. Powell; captain, James
Morris. ' '
Mrs. Tallie P. Jones, of Wllkes-Barre,
is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Thomas, of Railroad street.
The funeral of Hurold, tho little son
of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lewis, tok place
from the family home in Blakely yes
terday afternoon and was attended by
many friends and relatives. The ser
vices were conducted by Rev. George
Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna
street Baptist church. Burial was made
in Union cemetery.
The programme for to-morrow night
at SU Patrick's church fair Is as fol
lows: Overture, Olympla orchestra; tho
Holy City, by twenty-five voices, con
vent scholars, a beautiful tableaus;
symphla waltzes, Olympla orchestra;
duet, Jessie Brlstley and Tommy Mur
phy; solo, Lucy Moonoy; Dutch recit
ation, Master Joe Cooney; "Old Time
Medleys," Juvenile Character band; St
Patrick's orchestra in all the latest se
lections; solo, Mnstcr James Loftbs;
remarks by Rev. J. J. O'Donnell;
"Nearer My God to Thee," by twenty
five voices; tableaux.
The Juvenls dancing class will hold
their Christmas social In Mahon's hall
to-morrow night. The music will be fur
nished by Lawrence's orchestra of
Miss Lucy Gardner, who has resided
here for the past three years, has re
turned to her home in Plttston.
George E. Jay, yard manager for ttie
Peck Lumber Manufacturing company,
left yesterday to spend? the holidays
with his family at Afton, N. Y.
The Wilson Fire company held a reg
ular meeting at their rooms last evening
when nominations for officers were
John Day has bought out the interest
of William Frear in the grocery busi
ness. Hereafter the firm will be known
as Locklin & Day.
E. W. Squire, who has been seriously
ill, is now rapidly on tho mend.
Mrs. William Marfleld, although still
very ill, is considered out of immediate
G, J, Reese is quite ill nt his home on
South Main street.
Mrs. Mason Pickering returned yes
terday from a week's visit with rela
tives at Schenectady, N. Y.
The Jessup business places are again
illuminated by electric lights. The
current being furnished at the Peck
vllle plant.
Miss Lena Gendull, or Philadelphia,
Is homo to spend the holidays.
Frank Benjamin, who Is taking a
course at the Dickinson school of law
at Carlisle, is home for the holidays.
There is another large cave in of the
mines In tho Central school yard. Em
ployes of the Lackawanna Coal com
pany are busy filling In the cave hole
with culm.
Mrs. Andrew Campbell was a caller
in Scranton yesterday.
Miss Margnret Kane, of Towanda, Is
visiting relatives in town.
Tho Christmas exercises of the Pres
hyteilan Sundny school will ho hold in
the church, Thursday evening at 7:30.
An interesting programme has been ar
ranged. Miss Dora Llnermau was a callor In
Jermyn, Monday,
College students, who aie homo to
spend the holidays are; J. A. Foote, of
Georgetown College; P. J. MoDonnoll,
of Wesleyan university; Joseph Miller,
of St. BonavoirTuro's and John Gilpat
rlck, of Laurel Hill Academy.
Thomas and Joe Rlelly, of Jersey
City, N. J are homo to spend Christ
mas with their parents on Laurel
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tuke Laxative Bronio. Quinine Tablets,
This signature Jtttu . on
every box, 25c. V jtj&mrtj "
Scrantora's $hppiir&gj Center.
The hardest gift to buy is
usually the last--you put it off
because it is the hardest.
Come where there arc thou
sands of suggestions it won't be
hard at all.
Come early.
And stay late.
Keep to the right.
And see that your name and
address are taken down correctly.
Ve'll do the rest.
All tbe Holiday
Ribbons You Need
To give a Christmassy
air to your bundles are at the
regular counter, right center.
Satin gros grain, 10c a
piece of 10 yards; up to 4
inches wide, 25c a yard.
Satin Taffeta, 3 inches,
20 cents. ' (
Plain Taffeta, 4 inches
15 cents.
Best grade of narrow'
baby ribbon; No. 1, 2 cents
a yartf ; No. 1'-, 3 cents a
Wallets, Card Cases
and Bill Rolls for Men.
All the new leathers, as
well as American seal, which
is toughest for wear. $1 up.
No gift more lasting,
none more universally accept
able than an umbrella. The
stock has been replenished
with some new ideas in
quaint handles at $5, $6,
$7.50 and $10.
Many kinds of Women's
Eiderdown Robes and SacqUGS
can be bought now at a sav
ing. Do you know anybody
who needs such a cozy
Christmas present ? ' $1 up.
Useful Gifts for Men- -
Evening Dress Protectors,
Mufflers, Silk Suspenders,'
Sweaters, Hosiery, Bath
Robes. Almost every man
expects one or the other at
Christmas time. The selec
tion is still good, we have pre
pared for late comers.
Clmstmas Handkerchiefs
A few years ago when the
tariff changes were made,
handkerchiefs began to grow
smaller. Today if you com
pare them you will find that
Connolly &. Wallace's are
nearer the old size than any.
This is a little thing, but
it is just such little details that
make one store better than
another. . .
The linen threads are closer
in our handkerchiefs than in
others at the same price. And
no store in the city carries
such a variety. No one has
so many fine French Hand
kerchiefs, either.
A little thought, a little
looking around and you'll
know where to buy your
Christmas Handkerchiefs. .
lit, uili.
y xjoa v u airw ii w
EssrasrastKES 'mmESMzmmA
Tlie Christmas tree und entertain
ment will ba held in the Methodist
church this evening.
Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Hornbaher ten
dered a reception to their daughter,
May, Baturhay evening, in honor or her
eighteenth birthday. Tho evening' was
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
for children teething. Is tliu prescription of
ono of , tho best .female phytjlcluua aim
nurses In the United Btutea, and has been
used alxty years with never-falling auo
ccaa by millions of mothers for their chll.
dren. During tho process of teethlny its
vulue is Incalculable. It relieves the ohlld
from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tho
bowols, and wind colic. Uy giving health
to tho child It rests the mother. Price,
livertty-llyo cents a bottle.
spent In tho usual social divisions,
after which delicious refreshments were
served. Miss Jluy was tho recipient of
many beautiful presents. Among the
Kuests present were: Messrs. Fred De
I'ow, Clair Pelton, Lloyrt Travis, Kny
Hinds, David Roberts Iweon Erhardt,
Joseph Vnn llrunt, John Van llrunt,
Misses Kllzabeth Kolb, Ruela Hrown,
Kllza Roberts, Pearl Prentice, Nellie
Shoemaker, of Moscow; Harry Horn
baker und tho Mlfcsen Mary Yeuger,
Doazella laimley nnd Mary Hornbaker,
of Scrnnlon, und Mibs Flossie, Swurts,
of MadisonvlllP.
Arthur aardnoY, a student at Heaver
college, 1h spending his Christmas va
cation with his patents, Mr. una mv.
F. 13. Gardner.
Christmas exercises wore held by tho
pupils of tho High school hero yester
day afternoon.
Miss Agnes 'Watts returned home
Monday from Sterling, where she at
tended the funeral of Herman Howe,
son of Mr. Adelbert Howe.
Give me
Santa Claus 1
Como to the fair at tho Baptist
church tonight (Tuesday). A fieo. en
tertainment with phonograph, und ten
cent supper. After tho entertainment,
the things that have not yet been sold
will bo auctioned off,
Clarence nnd Geitrude Pease, of
Chinchilla, visited Mrs. George Vosburg
one day last week.
Mrs. Mlua Capwell, of Daltou, is vis
Itlng Mis. Annie Co)vln and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson nml son Noi
muu and daughter Klslo were In Scranton
Attorney Vokolek returned homo Satur
day after a week's business tilp to Pitts
burg. Mrs. Rrlggs and Miss Kiel wcro in
Scranton Thursday. (
Miss Muy Farrer spent Saturday In
Mr, nnd Mis. G. . Simpler, MJss
Jennie Chamberlln, Miss Muy Farrer and
rl i. jT"!
YSpf I1 ' I
Santa Is Out,
But Here's Hh
Florey & Brooks
Where you will find gifts suitable for everyone. Ping Pori
Sets, Burrow's Portable Billiard and Pool Tables, Gamp
Boards. In short, everything amuseable, at Santa Claus
Supply House.'
Opan Evsnlngs.
522-524 Spruca Street,
Mis. S. O. ltlel wcro riitcrtalueil at tho
homo of l G. Schoonnukcr Filduy even
ing. Games and music and other amuse
ments wcro Indulged in and refreshments
wcro served by Mrs. Urlggs, aulatcd by
hr daughter, Addle.
.. It. Williams bus returned homo af
ter spending several dajs In Now York
ltov. W. I. Sleaus occupied thu pulpit
i.. !.. l..Bltnihti ntuit'nli Kmiflnv mnvn.
l( 1HCT . I.BWJ twi ..... ....... ....-...,, ...-
lug and preached the funeral tcrmon uf
11 young man nuiueu unimusuu in uiu
Uaptlst church In tho nfteiuoon.
it... T.ilm l.? Hum in kiinMiHiu" tlu Intl.
Ways with her parents at Wharton, N. J,
iliss jemu'i ijimiuvviiiii is oiiBiiuiiii, my
holidays with her parents In Harford.
Ml..u Mm' Vnrrnp 1.1 Mt,imlltt hu. Vlipn.
tlou with her parents in Nicholson.
Airs, uogers ituu miss i.ou uogers ot
Harford, mo guists of Piof, and Mrs.
J. If. Rogers In -town where they will
fcpend tint holidays. i
Mrs. Ada Lnriie, who has been a ty
phoid fever victim Is Improving slowly,
Tho Christmas exercises of tho Bap
tist chuich held last night were well in
tonded and enjoyed by all
Mr. and Mis. William Heller aie uoV
residents of Scranton, having taken quai
ters on Adams uvenuo.
Miss Irene Snook has accepted a pod
Ifeiu with the International Correspond
euco bchcsls and cntoied upon her duties,
on Monday last.
Mr. J. W- Mullluex is eijously !1 fro.m