The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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p-isnn 1 1 mi in mi;- jii iii Mi.i i tan
THE good cheer or ClirlHtnms must perforce include mince pie nnd plnm pud.
ding. Their pungent ortora nre the lure, which hrlng Snnta Clntu peeping down
your chimney. They go with Clirlstnms is closely linked as the burning of the
yule log or the lighting or cnndlcs on the yew tree. To he sure or mlnco pie nnd plum
pudding "like mother used to mnkc" there Is hut one reclpo use NONE SUCH
MINCE MEAT. Millions or women In the kitchen have found the merits or this fa
mous brand ofinlncc meat, nnd millions know or Its incomparable taste. NONE
SUCH Is tho perfection orprcpnrcd foods clean, wholesome, zcstrul and delicious.
Ten cents a package (enough for two pics, a plum pudding, a rmlt cake or
n batch oriicrmit cookies.) All grocers. Mcrrcll--Soulc Co., Syracuse, N. Y. i
Smells like None Sucli
Special to the Scrnnton Tribune.
...-urtit. Dei. ?-. There will be
special Christmas services in Hip Pres
byterian church next Sunday morning
and evening.
The third- floor or the building form
erly used by the Wayne County Herald
lias been rented by the Maple City
band for a meeting place.
Asa Bryant, who has been suffering
with a dislocated ankle for several
weeks lias recovered sufficiently to go
on' the street with the aid of crutches.
Miss Edith P. Torrey will have as
guests during the holidays Miss Helen
Savage of Railway, N. J,, Miss Helen
Soper, of Chicago, and Miss Madeline
Bromley, of New York city.
Workmen have been engaged the past
few days, opening a channel through
the ice in Park Lake, from the bulk
head up to the Main street bridge.
K, Dynamlto was used for removing the
Ice". The work was completed before
the heavy rain on Sunday, which was
fortunate, as the Ice which had ac
cumulated at the bridge was allowed
to pass without Injury to the bridge,
which was fn danger.
The Sunday school Christmas exer
cises of the Honesdalo schools will take
place during the week as follows: The
Presbyterian on Monday evening, thu
Methodist on Thursday evening, the
Baptist on Friday evening, the Episco
pal will have carol services Christmas
night and Sunday school exercises Fri
ll day night.
Among tho students, who nre enjoy
ing the Christmas vacation at their
Honesdale homo are Miss Mary Mum
ford, from tho National Park seminary;
Mr. Kenan II. Russell, Bustleton, Pa.;
Charles W. Porfllnger, Garden City,
I.. I,; Louis U. Nielson, University of
Pensylvanla; Miss Sophia D, Riofler,
Brooklyn, N. Y.i Charles Thompson
and George Butler, Philadelphia.
On Friday tivenlng, Dec. 20, for two
nights, the Frank and John Wills re
fined comedy company In "A Trip to
Atlantic City," will lappear at tho
opera house. A funny, musical farce
comedy company of twenty pooplo
elaborately equipped,
Special to the Scrauton Tribune
Forest City, Bee. 22. Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
J. Kelleher were at 'Indian Orchard
Friday and Saturday, called there by
the death of the hitter's father, Michael
Gillespie. The deceased was about
Dr. Agnew's
Catarrh a I Powder
isu Cu'itrrh Cure that Cures
Colds and Cutnrrli,
Actually, positively, Indisputably. Irrofu
ably, Cures Colds and Catarrh!
Not always with first application, al-thoug-
even that Invuriably brings relief
l)i 10 minutes.
Hut it Cures, It Cures Colds and Catarrh!
r. Agnew's liver Fills cure Xlver
Ills. 40 doses 10 cents. 5
Bold by William a. Clark, and II. C,
I'aluable jiiemium list of
stlteiuaie enclosed.
&L tS2"fak. itheiuaie enclosed. Ml
seventy yeais of age and leaves two
.sons and three daughters.
I). 33. Harris, of New York, Is spend
ing two weeks with his parents here.
New Liquor licenses ate being sought
this years by M. Hendler and L. J.
Mesdames T. C. Mnnsser and G. K.
Moroy and Misses Minnie Riley, Isa
belle Johnson and Carrie Gregory, are
at Washington, sight-seeing.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Hortnn,
a daughter.
Joseph Jennings is home from Lafay
ette college for the Christmas vacation.
Rev. C. A.. Spalding spent the past
week visiting friends in the south.
Rev. John Kuras, of St. Anthony's
church, who has been ill is improving
and will probably be able to take charge
of the Christmas services In his church.
Miss Kathryn gently, who has been
ill, is again out.
Miss Sarah Freedman Is visiting In
New York city.
Beginning January 1 the school board
will enforce the compulsory education
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Dec. 22. Report comes
from Waverly that S. G, Zeigler, who
formerly lived theio and held a posi
tion as stenographer in the Lehigh Val
ley offices nt Sayre, had disappeared
from his boarding place In New York
city. Ills wlfo and four small children
are staying with her parents in
Miss Mollle Pratt, of West Burling
ton, has been awarded damages
amounting to $7,730, for Injuries re
ceived In Brooklyn, N, Y while riding
in a carriage which was demolished by
a trolley car.
William Cheeeney, of Orwell, who
served In tho Spanish-American war
with Company M, has been grunted a
pension of $11 per month, with nrreur-
Inges amounting to $G0O.
J Mrs. W. S. McLean, of Washington,
1 D, C, has arrived in Townnda to spend
' tho holidays with relatives,
j An order hns been posted In tho Le
high Valley locomotive repair shops at
Sayro for tho employes to work thrco
hours and twenty minutes extra tlirco
evenings each week until further
orders. This moans a considerable
amount added to tho nlrcudy largo
pay-roll, us tho workmen will bo al
lowed live hours for tho extra time,
Cornell W. Black, of Canton, was
struck and Instantly killed by a freight
train on the Northern Central last
week. lie Is survived by a wife and
A correspondent of Stull, u. little htn
tlon on tho Bowman's Creek branch of
the Lehigh Valley, relates the follow
ing; "Over forty years ogo, when this
country was all a wilderness ami dif
ferent hunting parties had their cabins
up Bowman's Creek, George Tut ton, an
attorney at Tunkhannock, bought n
tract of wild land about threo miles
from Stull. Ono Joseph Blossom came
Into tho country from New York stato
nnd bought the tract and settled upon
It, being some 'distance Into the wilder
ness away from any other habitation,
and lived there until his death, which
occurred a. few years ago. Mrs. Patience
Blossom, his wife, had a cancer that
ate her nose off even with her fuco.
She cured the cancer and lived to u
"181,7 Rogers Bros."
good old age and died some years ago,
after tho death of her husband. The
remedy she used was one quart of old
rye whiskey, into which she put a
piece of blood root about four Inches
long, cut up fine, then filled the bottle
with nil the burdock root she could get
in, and took a tablespoonful of the
mixture three times a clay before
meals. She must have lived twenty or
thirty years after the cancer had eaten
her nose off."
J. R. Leahy, of Towanda, has been
elected president of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians of this county.
Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, bishop of
Central Pennsylvania, confirmed a
class at Christ's church in Towanda on
Friday evening. He since visited the
parishes at Sayro and Athens, where
he held similar services.
The county commissioners on Satur
day awarded contracts for the building
of a new bridge across the river at
Sayre. Wyncoop, Brawley & Lane, of
New York, were given the contract for
the superstructure for $31,999, and the
contract for the substructure was
awarded to II. Rebels, of Mauch
Chunk, for $7,950.
Tho barn and sheds on C. B. Strick
land's farm in Wysox were destroyed
by lire on Friday evening. Several head
of live stock were also killed. The loss
is quite heavy, with an insurance.
Tho Towanda corps of the Salvation
Army are preparing to distribute din
ner baskets on Christmas to the poor
of tho town.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
New Milford, Dec. 22. Dr. Merrll. of
Hallstead, was In town on professional
business Sunday.
Dr, A. E. Snyder spent Friday Jn
Rev. Charles Smith has returned to
New Milford and will again take up
his duties as pastor of the Methodist
Mrs. S. V. Trumbull Is confined to
her homo by Illness.
J. V. Axtell, of Juniata College, con
ducted the services nt tho Presbyterian
church Sunday morning.
Mrs. William Von Cott and Mrs.
David Shay spent Monday In Blnghnm
ton, Miss Gusslo Smith Is visiting friends
In Montrose this week.
The following officers have been
elected for tho Y. 1'. S. C. K. for the
ensuing six months: S, V. Trumbull,
president; L. W. Brundago, vice-president;
Besslo Bradley, secretary; Hua
McCon'enll, corresponding secretary;
Kutherly Moss, treasurer; Ina Aldrlch,
organist; Maud Trumbull, assistant or
ganist; Ellery Aldrlch, collector,
Special to the Hcrnntan Tribune.
Nicholson, Dec. 22. Mrs. C. II, Mac
Connell, of Harford, spent Sunday with
her son, Mr, C. II, MacCunnell,
Mrs. Georgo Snyder spent Thursday
with her parents at Factoryvllle,
Miss Ruth Drlggs Is spending her
vacation with helutlves in Scranton.
Miss Edna Miller, who bus been
How to Avoid the Dangers of a Cold.
Everyone must realize the dangers
attending a severe cold, and that It is
always prudent to remain In-doors un
til tll( dnncrpp Ih nnsop1 Vnnv !,..
over, do not feel able to lose the time
ana win uo interesieu in knowing that
a severe cold may be broken up und
all danger uvolded bv the nromnt us
of Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy. It
not only cures, but cures quickly and
counteracts uny tendency toward pneu
monia. For sale by ull druggists.
Attending some lime with her brother,
Dudley Miller, returned homo to-day.
Speclnl to tho Scrnnton Tribune.
Factoryvllle, Dec. 22. There will be a
Christinas tree nnd entertainment
Christmas eve at the Baptist church.
All are welcome.
Sheriff-Elect E. S. Hinds and wife are
spending a few days with their daugh
ter, Mrs. George Trnnsue.
Luman Reynolds, of Waterbury,
Conn., Is out here spending the holidays
nt the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. n. II. Reynolds.
Some property owners have complete
ly ignored the cleaning of their side
walks from snow and Ice and mnny
complaints have been made to the bor
ough authorities. The sidewalk ordin
ance No. .19, will be enforced and peo
ple who have sidewalks fronting on
their properties will be notified to clean
the same In twelve hours. If they fall
to comply, the ordinance provides tho
penalties, either of which may bo en
forced. Said pnrtles can bo arrested
nnd taken before the burgess and fined
with costs, or tho proper authorities can
cause tho sidewalk In question to bo
cleaned and Judgment In shnpo of a
lien for the cost of cleaning, with pen
alty attached can be entered against
said property.
Tho graded school will close Wednes
day for the holiday vacation and will
reopen on Janunry 5.
W. H. Capwell, of Dallas, Pa,, was a
pleasant caller in town Inst Saturday.
A. A. Brown and Andrew Kehrle at
tended tho banquet of the Electric City
Rifle club nt Scranton last Friday night.
They both brought homo prizes that
they had won In the summer match.
Canton Factoryvllle, No. 37, will hold
an Important special meeting at Odd
Fellows' hall this, Tuesday, evening,
and all members are expected to bo
The prize speaking for young men of
Keystone academy took place at tho
Baptist church last Friday nlgbt. Tho
church was filled with an appreciative
audience, to greet them. Each young
man that contested had his little piece,
and had It well, and delivered it with
much energy and enthusiasm. Tho
music furnished for the occasion by the
Misses Watkins and Mathewson was of
high clnss, and a feature of the even
ing's entertainment.
We herewith print tho programme for
Mie benefit of those who are interested
In the young men of Keystone and were
not fortunate enough to be there.
Mr. Elmer Adair was awarded tho
prize, and John Strain received honor
able mention. The programme was as
Invocation. George Kubina, Im
peachment of Hastings; William El
sesser, King Robert of Sicily; Hoyt
Pease, Uncle Bige's Creaking Heart;
momise, C. Zebulka, Misses Watkins
and Mathewson: John Strain, Dismem
berment of Mexico; Elknnat Hulley, jr.,
Grattan vs. Corey; 'Till Wo Meet Again,
Bailey, Misses Watkins and Mathew
son; Elmer Adair, Tho American Re
public: Donald Walte, In a Sleeping
Car; Good Night, Beloved, Lobr; An
nouncement of judges; benediction.
Olyphant, Dec. 22. The bazaar to be
held In the Father Mathew hall under
the auspices of the congregation of St.
Patrick's church, will open Christmas
night and continue until after New
Years, A large number of useful and
fancy articles have been donated and
will be for sale at a reasonable price.
Everything will be done to make it
pleasant and enjoyable for those who
attend. A musical and literary pro
gramme will be given each evening.
The remains of the late John Pritch
ard, who died at Green Ridge on Sun
day, were brought to this place yester
day by Undertaker D. G. Jones. The
funeral will take place from the fam
ily home on Fern Hill tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be
made in Prospect cemetery.
The following programme will be ren
dered by the pupils of the B interme
diate department, First ward school,
Miss Jennie C. Patten, teacher: Song;
recitation, "My Stocking," Mary Lear;
recitation, "A Christmas Dilemma,"
Frances Casey; recitation, "Santa is
Coming," Rose Lyons; solo, "Tho
Christmas Tree," Winnie Bannon;
"Messages of Christmas," four girls;
recitation, "The Old-fashioned Stock
ing," Sadie Gorman; song, "The Holly,"
eight girls; recitation, "When Santa
Claus Comes," Jane Richardson; reci
tation, "The Time for Christmas,"
Gertrude Norton; recitation, "What I
Want Santa Claus to Bring," Lillian
Casey; solo, Alico Woolen; recitation,
"Jack Frost," Elizabeth Richardson;
solo, John Fadden; recitation, Mollle
Fadden; recitation, "Just Before Christ
mas," Alice Maunder; motion song,
nine girls; recitation, Alice Woolen;
"Merry Christmas," Thomas Casey,
John Quinnan and Joseph Kennedy;
solo, Anna McCormlck; recitation, "An
Address to Santa," Margaret O'Boyle;
recitation, "There's a Grand Day Com
ing," Lizzie Williams.
The exercises will be held this after
noon. Friends nnd parents are cordially
Tho Excelsior hoso company's ball,
' which will be given on New Year's
! night, promises to bo one of the most
delightful events of the season. A
largo number of tickets have been sold
' and many visitors of out of town nro
Misses Mabel Edwards and Jennie
Ward, of Blakely, students at West
chester Stuto Normal school nre home
for the holidays.
Invitations have been Issued for the
marriage of Miss Agnes M. Hull, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Hull, of
Blakely, and Charles V. Benn, of Port
Allegheny, N. Y to take place at the
home of tho bride, Tuesday evening,
December 30.
The public schools will close for tho
The funeral of Harold, the little son
of Mr. and Mrs, M, D, Lewis, of Blake
ly, will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock. Burial In Union cemetery.
ine ennstmas tree exercises of tho
Blakely Baptist Sunday school will be
held tomorrow evening.
Considerable damage was done the'
Methodist church property by the high
water on Sunday night.
Charles Law, of Scrnnton, was a call
er In town yesterday,
Messrs. Charles nnd John Robertson
are home from college to spend their
holiday vacation.
Mrs. Aubrey Williams left yesterday
for her home In Denver, Colorado, after
a visit of several months at the home of
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Hutch
lngs. Miss Murjorle Robertson Is spending
her Christmas vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson.
Owing to the damage done the Meth
odist church by water the remaining
practises and the exercises Christmas
, i ran, FOR SUES
0s! Half a Cent a Wort
Tor Rent.
FOn nRNT Cniirlrleht limine. WIlkeB.
Barre, is In No. 1 order, contains 40
rooms, has largo basement, nnd barn for
B0 horses, Rent 130 per month. Hesacl &
Co., 30 Bennett Building, WIlkcE-Barrc.
$18 For Rent Ten-room house; cxcollcnt
neighborhood; all modern Improve
ments, on nvenue. Apply to It. P. Ham
ilton, W) Spruce street.
For Sale.
OYSTER and dining room doing nice
business, will bo sold cheap if sold this
week. 207 Lackawanna avenue.
Wanted To Rent
WANTED TO RENT A furnished house!
no children. Address A. B. C Tho
WANTED Small furnished houso.
dress Box ZOO, city.
Rooms nnd Board.
THE LINDEN, 800 Linden street, has a
number of desirable vacancies; light
rooms and choice table board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or five young men. Inquire 332 Wash
ington avonuo.
Furnished Rooms for Rent.
FOR RENT A furnished room on second
floor front, $1.50 week. 033 Adams avo.
Business Opportunity.
$1,000 WILL BUY half Interest In business
established ten years; a paying In
vestment. Opportunity, Tribune office.
out delay. Wilte for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
Hlbbnrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchnngo, 41 and 40
Broadway, New York. Established 1S64.
Long Distance 'Phone 23S3 Broad.
LOST A Boston terrier, one Injured front
leg; reward If returned to 909 Mul
berry street.
LOST Brown nnd whlto bull terrier, col
lar on, marked Stub. Reward if re
turned to 100G Linden street.
LOST A memorandum book, red cover;
finder will receive a liberal reward by
returning tho same to N. II. Carpenter,
615 North Main avenue.
eve will be held in the auditorium op
posite the church.
The Presbyterian Sunday school will
hold their Christmas exercises In the
church Wednesday evening.
John S. Clarkson sustained a painful
wound in the hip from a kick of a
horse on Saturday.
Attorney A. A. Chase and Master
James Barrett, of Scranton, were try
ing the sleighing hero Saturday after
noon. Skating is good on the numerous
lakes about here.
Rev. Van Cleft, of Dalton, Is conduct
ing a series of revival meetings in the
Methodist Episcopal church here.
Chester De Vonde Stock Company.
At tho Academy of Music yesterday af
ternoon tho Chester Do Vonde Stock com
pany opened a week's engagement by pre
senting "Ten Ton Door," a stirring melo
drama, that scored a big success. Last
night tho company was seen in "Tho Bond
of Honor," a southern play with strong
dramatic qualities, but an abundanco of
genuine comedy ns well.
Mr. Do Vondo In tho 'role of Bruco Van
Dard scored heavily. As the lalsely ac
cused young northerner he did some su
perb acting. A good company supports
tho star.
During tho action of the drama a num
ber of entertaining specialties aro intro
duced. This afternoon the company will
present "Tho Bleeding Sapphire," and to
night, "Tho Monster."
Bon Ton Burlesquers.
Ed. F. Rush's Bon Ton Burlesquers,
who claim to bo 305 duys ahead of the
standard, certainly demonstrated their
ability as leading entertainers at tho
Star theater yesterday, at tho beginning
of a three days' engagement. Tho pro
gramme presented by tho Bon Tons has
scarcely a dull number. Funny acts,
tuneful musical turns and artistic dances
follow each other in rapid succession.
Frank Byron and Louise Langdon aro
funnier than over In their sketch, "Tho
Dudo Detective," and kept tho audience
in continuous laughter; nnd tho wonder
ful xylophone and glockenspiel perform
ance of James Simpson was among tho
best nets of tho show.
Frank Byron was assisted in the fun
making by tho Barrett Brothers; Chnrles
Hoey nnd Harry Lee, who also won much
applause in tho olio. Tho performance
closes with a lunacy concoction named
"A Daffy Shop," In which many of tho
popular choruses of the day nro Intro
duced. The Bon Tons appear at tho Star.
today and tomorrow, afternoon and oven
ing. Xrnns Sale Tliis Morning.
Sun, moon and htnrs will all shine bright
on "Our Now Minister" when It comes
to tho Lyceum, Christmas matinee nnd
night, for Its annual engagement. Tho
play Is sustained by Its own real merit,
not depending upon nuy clup-trup or
scenery to please the audience.
It is Impossible to witness "Our New
Minister" without picking out prototypes
in real llfo of the characters that are
depicted on tho stago. It bus been
termed "tho quaintest play of Vankeo
land," and bears out to tho lotter this
description. Diagram opens tills moiulng
at 0 for both performances.
Andrew Mack, Friday Night.
Andrew Muck, tho sweet singer ns ho
Is aptly called, Is announced to nppear nt
tno Lyceum l-ililay night, when lie will
present his new play for tho first time.
It Is from the pen of Tlicoduro Hurt
Sayre, a clover writer, to whom Mr, Muck
Is Indebted for his past successful com
edy, "Tom Mooro," Tho new ono is en
titled "Tho Bold Soger Boy," and as Us
title would suggest it is of a military as
pect, such Is tho cuso.
The locale Is at Fort Wadsworth, Stuten
Island. Andrew Mack will bo seen as a
young llcutonaut In tho Aiuoilcau army,
a young Irishman lilted full of chivalrous
Inbtlucts and handsome, ns soldiers are all
needed to bo. While there Is nothing of
tho military manoeuvres In the play It
tells a strong story of love and self
sacrifice to his sweetheart as well us to
his country. Scats on salo Wednesday at
0 u, in.
Seats for "San Toy."
Tho bulo of seats for "San Toy," (ho
comic opera success to be presented at
tho Lyceum, Saturday mutlneo and night,
opens at the box ofllco Chrlstmus morn
ing ut 9 o'clock.
N Order
Accepted for less
Than 10 Cent.
Branch WANT bfflsis,
Wont Advertisements "Will Ba
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
berry street nnd Webster nve.
West Sldo
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenuo.
South Scrnnton
FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo and Market
Green Ridge
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Orccn Ridge
C. LOREN55. corner Washington
avenuo nnd Marion street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
J. Q. BONE ,fc SON.
Help Wanted.
WANTED-Agcnts to sell tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka
wanna avenuo.
Help Wanted Male.
boy of good family needs to apply.
Dr. Baer, 331 Washington avenue.
WANTED A shoo salesman, for Lacka
wanna county, for a lino of well
known mining shoes. Ono who is well
acquainted with tho trado nnd can seo
them often. Address Box 34, Milford, N. J.
Agents Wanted.
LAROE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
Stato age, experience, references first let-
ae.r' TA.Mdri!s.svSu,te 572 No- !M1 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Situations Wanted.
JOBBERS SALESMAN (Grocery) holding
trade in this vicinity, desires to mnko
a change Jan. 1, 1903. S. J., Tribune office.
who Is willing to do any kind of work.
Address L. It, Tribune otllce.
WANTED A situation ns nurse: ago 15.
Address J. R p. o. box 113, Scranton,
WANTED Position as bookkeeper, fully
qualified to handle either single or
double entry set of books; three years'
experience. Am employed at present
but wish to come to the Lackawanna Val
ley. Can furnish references. Address It,
Tribune office, Carbondale, Pa.
THE ANNUAL MEETING of tho stock-
noiuers or me uunmoro Electric Light,
Heat and Power company will be held at
tho office of the company, GOD Linden
street, Scranton, Pa., on Wednesday, Jan
uary 21, M(X!, at 2 o'clock p. m for tho
election of directors for the ensuing year,
nnd such other business as nuiv come be
fore them. b. m. STACK,
Dec. 20. 1902. Secretary.
CLERIC'S NOTICE In Bankruptcy In tho
District Court of the United States
for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
C. P. Slack, of Scranton, Lackawanna
county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under
tho act of Congress of July 1, 1&3S. hav
ing applied for a full dischnrge from all
debts provable against his estate under
said net, notice is hereby given to nil
known creditors nnd other persons In in
terest, to appear before the said Court
at Scranton. in nnltl niifrlof nn th. r.ti.
lay of January, 1903, at 10 o'clock in the
lurcnoon, 10 snow cnuse. If anv thev have,
why tho prayer of the said petitioner
should not be granted.
MY WIFE. Florence M. Sniffer, having
left my bed and board, I hereby glvo
notice that I will not bo responsible for
any debts contracted by her.
West Soneca, Dec. 17, 1902.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1851.
Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash
ington avenue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
nell building.
& KNIGHT. 720 CON-
building, Spruco street, Set anion.
Fire Insurance.
SCIILAGER & CO., 401 Connell Building,
Patent Attorneys.
PA rENTSftffiftVffiS"
Tho only licensed and "equipped patent
solicitor in tho city. No charge for In
formation on patentability; over ten
years' experleiici
Hcploglc & Co., Alcars Hltlg.
Hotels and Restaurants.
lln avenue, lutes reasonable.
P. iSiECiLUit. Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
ropean plan. Victor Koch, Pioprlotor,
and cebs pools; no odor; only linpioved
pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, propi tutor,
Leave orders 110 North Main avenue,
or Eicko's drug store, corner Adams und
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
avo., Scranton, mfrs. of Wire Screens
pues, envelopes, paper bugs, twine
Wurchouse, UO Washington avenuo.
bo had In Scrauton at tho nuws stand
of Relsman Bros., 406 Spruce and 003
Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanna
eve.; I, S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street.
Pnlr Half a Cent a Worl
Money to Loan.
Quick, straight loans or Building nnd
hoaVr A1 .from 1. to ncr cnt- -'txll on
N. V. Wnlkor, UU-315 Conncll building.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE help can bo procured nt Mrs.
. A;. u, Stnrkoy'a Employment Ofllco,
m Washington uvonue, rbums 2 and 4,
Tako clovntor.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
, IN Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Trains lea vo Scrnnton for Now York
At I'M. 3.20, C.03,,7.50 nnd 10.10 a. m.; 12.10,
3.40. J J5 p. m. For Now York nnd Phila-Uelphla-7.50,
10.10 n. m., nnd 12.10 and 3.35
!V..m', pr. Gouldsboro-At 0.10 p.m. For
'.Flfc1-15- "u 9'0 a. m.; 1.G5, CM
n .J.'1?. p: IV For DliiKlininton. Elmlra
and way statlons-10.2T, n. m., 1.03 p. in.
For Oswego, Syracuso nnd Utlca-1.15 nnd
nnti ?f.iln's. .' '' " Oswego, Syiaciiso
Sn ,iV.l.lca Uuln nt " dally, except
SrU'wfc For Monti osc-9.00 n. m.: 1.0
unci g.go p. m. Nicholson accommodation
-4.00 and C.1G p. in.
tnl i00,1sl,)lli'f Divlslon-For Northumber
, & "r. "-"Vi f1'"' 10.10 n. m.; 1.53 and (UO
P. m. T Ol P VIMniltll rt. C 1n n .. n Aft
and 9.05 p. m. ' ' " .'
r,lm'a,y Trnins-For Now York, 1.50, 3.20.
ii n "'"-I'land C.22 a. m.; 153. 6.50 nnd
HJ P- "! For Elmlra nnd way stations
J;""?..'1, JL Fo1' Blnuhnmtnn and wny sta
tions, 900 n. m. Bloomsburg Dlvlslon-J-eavo
Scrnnton. 10.10 n. m. nnd 0.10 p.m.
"Lehigh. Valley Railroad.
In Eltect Nov. 10, 1902.
, Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
nmi r,n' J?" I1 7l1, through Parlor Car
rt". Pil,y Coacb Carbondnlo to Now York
2ni ;17 Tn:,m- '" I V. Coach Carbon
T?rJ J Ijllndelphlo, nnd 2.18, 4.35 (Black
?n?-mo(1AxPr,PS3' nna n'in P- n. Sun
Tv?,'. n. H-.Jt- 15s P- " -ss n- m
r,rti !. i1"'" ""von. Hiizloton nnd prlncl
pal points in the coal regions, via D. &
P,ottIsV!e;'7!il1n.--!n.nnd','::3 P" m" Fr
.i!01" Betn'ehem, Easton, Rending, Har
r.Hur(f,an Principal Intermediate sta-
.-18, 4.3j (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p.
nrt iSr0nda;s'n & " R- R- 9-3 a- "I.
and 1.5S nnd 9 17 p. m.
T.i;? Tunkhannock. Townndn. Elmlra,
itnaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermediate
stations via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m.
nna, p. m.
,E. ?,enSya- Rochester. Buffalo. Nlng
nia Falls, Chicago and nil points west via
rnnrtl1,- ,? R- v1"01 P- m,: 3-w (Black
Diamond Express). 10.11. 11.19 p. m. Sun-
tJh;. " & H- n- R- 12.03. 9.17 p. m. .
triiV""1?," Parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Tift., y Paror cars on all trains betweon
T IIItos-Brtrre and Now York. Phlladol
&m.?viH.ffnl0 !lnrt Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 28
r,??S!ana street. New York.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Ast.. 2d
Cortland stieet. New York.
c W. NONEMACITF.R, Dlv. Pass. Agt,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
lor tickets nnd Pullman reservation ap
ffi city ticket office, 09 Public Squaro,
Wilkes-Barre. Pa. ;
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
In effect Nov. 1G, 19u.'.
Stations in New York, foot Liberty
street nnd South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Scranton for Now York,
Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Airon
town. Mauch Chunk, While Haven, Ash.
ley, Wllkcs-Barre and Plttston at 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m., and 1 p. m. Sundays. 7.15 a.
m. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express
leaves Scranton 7.30 n. m.. with through
solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet
Parlor Car for Philadelphia with onlv
una cnango oi cars tor uammoio anu
Washington, D. C, and all principal
points south and west and has through
conch for New York.
For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barro,
1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday. 7.15 a. in.
and 2.10 p. m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at
7.30 n. m. and 1 p. m.
For Reading, Lebanon nnd IIarrlsbur3
via Allentown nt 7.30 n. m., 1 p. m. nnd 4
p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. m.
For Tamnqua and Pottsvlllo nt 7.30 n.
m., 1 p. rn. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m.
For rates and tickets apply to ngent at
W. O. BESSLER, General Manager. ,
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schcdulo In Effect June 10, 1902.
Trains leave Scrnnton 0.3S n. m wcok
days, through vostibulo train' from
Wllkes-Baire. Pullmnn buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vlllo; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har
llsburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg nnd tho West.
9.47 n. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr
risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg nnd the West.
1.42 P. m., week clays, (Sundays. 1.5S p.
m.), for Sunbury. Hnrrlsburg, Phlladol.
Ehla, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
urg nnd tho West.
3.28 p. m., week days, through vcstlbulo
train fiom Wllkes-Barro. Pullmnn buffet
parlor car nnd coaches to Philadelphia via.
Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal intermedi
ate stations. , ,, , . o
4 35 p. m week davs. for Ilnzleton, Sun
bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia nnd Pitts
burg. J, B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. .
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Nov. 10. 1902.
Trnlns for Caibondalo leave Scrnnton at
0 44 7 30. 8.31. 10.13 n. m.: 12.05. 1.12, 2.U.
Mil: 0.29, 0.25. 7.22. b.33. 9.55, 11.20 p. in.;
For'ilonesdale-fll, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and
C'po?' WIlkcs-Barro-CSS. 7.11. 8.11. 9.17.
10 53 a. mt 12.0.1. 1.42. 2.1S, 3.2S. 4.33. 0.10.
7 910 10.41. 11.49 p. m.
For L V. h. R. Polnts-7.41, 9.47 a. m.;
nii .135 and 11.49 p. m.
"For Pennsylvania R. R. Polnts-0.3?.
0 47 n in.; 1.42, 3.28 nnd 4.33 p. nt.
For Albnny nnd nil points north-7.36 a.
m. and 3Vj)jXY TnAINS.
For Carbondnle-SXO, 11.3J a. m,; 2.11.
31?brwllk?s"iarr9!3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.53.
i "9 n S" and 9.17 p. nt.
For Albnnv and points north-3.50 p. m.
For a. m.; 3 52 p. in.
J W IHJRDICK, G. P. A., Albnny, N. Y.
W L PRYOR. D. P. A., Scranton. Pa. ;,
Erlo Railroad Wyoming Division.
In Effect September 15. 1902. , .
Trnlns leave Scranton for New ."York;-
4 ' . i Ininhmml nln ittin ta nlon.
''Trains nrrlve at Scranton at 10.3S a. m.
nnd 9.15 p. m.
New Yorls, Ontario and Western. ,
rlnio tnblo in effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902
Lcavo Loavo Arrivor
rpmlns. Scrnnton, Carlioiulnlo. Cadosla;'
No "..,.. 10-M u. '".. "i "J- "l; 1.M P. m
No 7 ...... "i-10 P- niAr.Carbonda o 0.10 p.m
Leave Leave Arrive
m..c,i. Cadosla. Curhondalo. Scranton..
roFornHoncs'dao,ana Whlto Mills at' l.sT
No 0...... 0.50 a. m. 7.25 a, in,
No 2 ...... 215 P. m. 4.00 p. 111. 4.43 p. in'
Leao Leave Arrive
Trains. Scranton. Carbondale. Cadosla.
No. 9 ...... S.30a, m. 9.10a.m. 10.43 a. ia
No 5 ...... 7.00 p. m.Ar.Carbondnlo 7.43 p.ii
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadosla. Carbondnlo. Scrantoiv
No. 0 ...... 0 CO a. in, 7.2T, u. ni."
No! 10 ..... 4.30 p. m. 0.00 p. in. 0.43 p. m.
TralnH Nos. Ion week days, and 9 on
Sundays connect for New qrk city, Mid.
dletown, Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os,
wogo und ull points west.
Tialn No. 6, with, "Quaker City Ex
piess" ut Scranton. via C. R. R. of N. J..
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore,'
Washington nnjl Pennsylvania etnti
points. v.
Seo tlmo-tablo nnd coMult'tlc!tt agenti
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. G. P. A..' New York.
J. E. WELSH. T. P. A., ScrantonT Pa,