i7lL' "" I- ' " Ji ttA??'- " " J1 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902. ". .' K. WEST SCRANTON Rev. J. S. Wrightnour Welcomed to First Baptist Church Societies Elect Officers. Accidents and News Notes. Tin1 woh-otnc find recognition services ;or Hov. J. S. Wrightnour, D. D pas tor ot .the- First Baptist church were held lust evening and were participat ed In by a good-sized congregation and u number of clergymen of different di liomlnatlonH. Iluv. W. CI. Wnlklns pro- r VCI sst ;,-v's irt "iTW1?1J mr?!K t wW(P .' V v-W , ? x ;MSHImj ... '. ' vW- JKvi ?SKS 1'UAKBU'. -U.-3 Vi.'t8 ? " iSlKWP I . - ) g$SvVimKi m-tm ",:'' 'B S .SKSk ' BH PiraHHI u, fhj; ;V,J . ? .. ..s;-: J.. V V .? 'Avsi '03ic hJMKi nu'. .i. s. w hksutnui it. itflcil and .iftt'r a hymn, l!r. Thomas dntil'lirhv. I. 1.. T " "" 'C tlio Jnrk-i-nii piivri li.iptlHt cluiii'h, read llso wrintnio Ji'.t(in. t'r.iyor Man offered by Ttov. T.i id Spi'iu-or. ". T.. of ra.ilu-ly. Tin' nd (iri'Srt of upU-omip wii.m made by Tli'v. .1. I'. Moffat t. i. )., of the Washburn s-tivot Pronh.vtiTi.in church, and 111" i-haw In tho I'huri'h was ilidlvoroil by Hov. "!. IX. Smith, nf K.nMnryvlllf. Con Kralulntnry roinnrka vitu mado by Jicv. drCiruchy. Nov. II. S.'l'nUor. or (iroen ItidgR, and Nov. T. A. Humpli lpys, nf Hip Plymouth fungi positional i-huivh. TIip li.ind of wli'onip was given by IJpv. Albert llatchi.T Smith, of North Scrantim, ami Dr. Wrightnour le .uponded fpidlngly. Jli'inarkn appro prlalf to Ihc ocoahion wore also mado by !v. Jiilwurd Howoll, Kpv. V.. K. Wells, Kov. .lames ISennitiger. and I'r. Sppncrr. Officers Nominated. The Hippie1 division. Pons of Tcmpor inee, met in Ited Men's Hall last even ing and nominated- Hip following oHic urs: Worthy patriot, George Davis; ft- E! f FRM Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufour'a French Tar G. W. JENKINS. nanclal Bccretary, Thomaa Thomas; re cording seerctury, Charles itoss; con ductor, JoHhua Kllusj imslHtant record ing secretary, Henry Jenkins; Inside dentinal; David 11. Jones; assistant conductor, Frances Beccluuuj outside sentinel, William E. Evans. Tho election will take place next Monday evening. The Christmas ex orcises for the Belleviie l.oyal Cru saders will he held In tho mission school next Friday evening, and for the uptown Crusaders In Bed Men's hall Saturday evening. The admission will be frecand a lively time Is prom ised the children. First Baptist Church. Tho cantata "Tho Sacrpd Prlucp of Pciicp," which was given Sunday even ing was most beautifully lpndered. ,lt would br Invidious to mention individ uals when till did so well. The solos were nil very good as well ns.th'! chor uses. The following Is the programme icndered: Introduction Oigan. PABT r.-'t'IIU I'ltOMISK. "Sing, O Heavens" (ohiiins) Choir Snlo. "The HiMvenly King". ...13. H. Lord Quartette, "l'Var Thou Not" (mio and i-horuM) Wm, W. Kvans and choir ''ontrallo solo, "Hull Hctblehem" Miss Until Urddoo. PART tf.- T1IR ri'IiVM.l.MENT. fiouliip fpinrtPttp. "O Holy Nlghl' M"ssis. JViiny. Wllllains. Scnder Ihig, Hviiiia, Junuu, Heddoc, James and T.oul. "There Wpio Shpphcrdit," chorus with foinano solo. Mis. 1,. Osborne; bai Jtono solo, Willis Johps; duct, Mli-s Ada Wiightnoiir and Cliailea Pen ny. Uuet, "Bright Slnr of Hope"-- Jlis 1, Osborno and Mips ticdiluo. Mtilo phoriis "Murrh of the Magi". Solo, "O. Plrsscd Lord". .Mrs. T. Jenkins Pinal choiiif, "Blessed He tlio Loid Uoil'1 Choir. On Christmas night thp Sunday .school will hold Its exercises, beginning at 7'0 d'pIopU. A new feature will he an offering from each oUism for the Baptist orphunago In Philadelphia. Tlio iillVrli.g will he accompanied by s-onie appropriate pxerebe by each chits, or some nifinher thereof. Money, cloth ing, ttnued goods, or anything elre of value in a household will bo acceptable. After thi.-i, the usual treat will follow. Tho pastor may usually be found in liis study in tho church from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. each day, except Mondays. Ills residence Is -Jll South Main ave nue. He was the recipient on Saturday of a flue seal ring, and a calendar with a lino picture of his former church in Oil City, from members of his recent congregation there. Division. 15, A. O. H., Elect Officers. A regular meeting of Division Xo. 13, Ancient Order of Hibernians, was held Sunday afternoon in T. M. I. hall, and the following ottlcers were elected for the ensuing term of two yeats: President, J. B. McConnon; vice- president, J, If. Uranahun; treasurer, Only Two Days More I and Then lis I Merry Christmas . . . I -2 0" 3 But there's a lot to be done in these three short days, as the rush of business at the store will attest. Thousands of People ?: a a a a Have put off buying their Christmas Gifts till the last moment, as usual, and the major portion of them will find their way to the GLOBE WAREHOUSE be tween now and the closing hour Wednes day nighl. You naturally ask how we know it. The answer is easy. In these days the people are pretty apt to go where they get the best selection and the best values for their money. I All Departments a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Still shows fine assortments of the most attractive Holiday Lines ever seen in in Scranton, but it would be advisable to visit the Glove, Hosiery, Handker chief, Leather Goods, Perfumery, Men's Furnishings and Art Department as early in the week as possible, A word to the wise should be sufficient. ST. Open Evenings Till Christmas Glob? Wapebolis?, M, F. Wymbal recording secretary, T. O. White; financial necretary, Peter J. Cosgrovej trustees, Thomna Cosgrove, Thomas Kane, Thomas Hnrt door keeper, Hugh McOraw: standing com mittee, P. Kerrigan, P. Whisteil, John Campbell, Daniel Collins, Patrick Bhev lln; sergcaht-at-nrms, Klchard Kelly. Primaries Tills Afternoon. The Republican voters of the Fifth ward Will hold their primaries nt the usual polling plnces this afternoon, be tween the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock, for the selection of nominees for tho of llccs of common councllmcn, register of voters, election boards and vigilant committees. Three candidates are to he selected for council, four for register, one In each district, and tho vnrlous district of ficers. Of tho six applicants for conn cilmnnlc honors, live have registered, and three of thc3o aro tho present In cumbents, K. K. Robuthon, John James and Albert Lewis. Tin other two aro Renjamln Orlfllths nnd George Jones. William Wright, of Division street, did not register us ex pected. There Is a lively Interest mani fested in the selection. All are capable men with plenty of adherents. Threo are to he voted for. The Sign of a Watch Case Thin ICeyitono Is tho identifying aln of i the heat watch en so innde no matter what it costi. It stand for north nnd wenr for beauty equal to an nil-gold case, at a mucii (mailer prlco. xne MS. BOSS Stiffened GOLD Watch Case Is better protection than n solid sold case, urcuuno of Its fltlfTOcsn nnd strength. Uettor than any other enso, bocauso It will Inst for 2ft years with out wenrlntr thin or lonltie Its be&ntr, A reputation of K years proves the vnuia oi luouni, jjoii i;mic. Conmilt the Jeweler. Writs in for a booklet, THE KEYSTONE WATCH CASE COMPANY, Philadelphia. BMMHBlMOT-aM.KMMaMMM , H Four Accident Cases. John Jj. "Williams, of Fourteenth street, a minor In tho Arehbald, had his leg fractured and received other In juries yesterday by a fall of roof. Ho was taken to the Moses Taylor hos pital. John I.ukas, a laborer In Uriggs' shaft, had his finger lacerated while at work yestprday. Ills injury was dressed at tho West Side hospital. DomlnleU Callagher, of MS Fourth stiopt, was kicked by a inulo In the Dodgu mine yesterday and had several rib fractured. Ur. O'Dea Is attending him. Anthony O'lTmo, aged (IS years, of Ml Emmet street, fell near Scranton and Seventh slreels yesterday and .struck against the curb, fracturing sev eral ribs, lie Is in a critical condition. New Officers Chosen. At a hugely attended Hireling of St. Pivndan'K council, Young Men's Insti tute, held last night the following of ficers were elected for the ensuing year. President, P. F. Duffy, jr.; first vice president, Frank McLain; second vice president, Win. K. Ryan; financial sec retary, Joseph Carey; recording seerc tury, Thomas Judge; marshal, Thomas MeOraw; executive committee, M. J. Fitzsgibbons, Fdward McLain, William Xeville, Thomas Mcllugh, Edward T Tears t; chaplain. Rev. J. R. "Whclan; inside sentinel, Sylvester Kuhua; out side sentinel, John McNulty. Order of Eastern Star. Olllcers were elected and installed last evening in tho Order of Eastern Star In Masonic hull by Worthy Patron A. B. Holmes. The list is as follows: Mat on, Miss Julia Jong; associate matron, Mrs. Horace Cosier; secretary, Mrs. Ryion Buckingham; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Lanning. NOTES AND PERSONALS. The Electric City Wheelmen will con duct il niathipo dnnco ot their club hou&o on Now Year's afternoon. Bauer will fur nish tlio niusle. 13. G. Morgan and Georgo Carson, of Soutb Main avenue, will le-ive for New York to-day on a business trip. The members of the First WoNh Bnp tlfcot church have accepted the resignation of their pastor. Rev. D. D. Hopkins, to take effect tlio last Sunday in Febiuary. Mrs. J. J. Brennnn, of South Main ave nuo and sister, Miss Gcrtrudo Cannon, of Jackson street, have returned homo from a visit with Wilkes-Banc friends. Mli-s Myrtle I.aRue of Falrvlew ave nue, Is still critically ill at) her home. Ruth Thomas, aged 5 years, child of Mr, and Mrs. Oeorgo Thomas, of 131S Wash burn street, had her arm fractured In a coasting accident recently, Mrs. Catherine Moffatt, of 130 Rnllroad nveiiuo, bllpped and fell down a flight of stairs recently and fractured her left thigh. She Is CS years of ago and Is very feeble as the result of the accident. Tho official board of the Simpson M. E. church will meet this evening after tho prayer meeting. Rev. Edward ITowell, the local preach er, officiated nt tho fuenral of the late Chniles Parry yesterday afternoon. Tho service was held at tho houso on Jack son street, and Interment was mado In tho Cambria cemetery. The pallbearers were selected from tho members of tho Knights of Pythias, Briggs Shaft Fund and Red Men In attendance. ' Oscar Jones, a student nt Bloomsbing stato normal school. Is visiting his broth ers, Tj. II and Wnlter Jones. Ralph Pease nnd Chester Hughes, of Keystone Academy, liavo arrived homo for Christmas. William Hughes, ot New York, will spend the holidays with his father, W. J. Hughes, of North Hydo Park avenue. Tho Colonial Club wilt hold a meeting In Washington hall this evening. Electric City rustle. No. 12S, Knights ot tho Mystic Chain, will meet In Co-opern-tlvo hall this evening, confer degrees and elect officers. DUNMORE. The younger generation about town were much Interested In the appearance on tho streets last night of a real Santa Claus riding in a much-decorated "de livery wagon of IT. 13. Spencer, drawn by two prancing steeds hitched tandem nnd ridden by miniature Uncle Sains. They traversed the principal streets and afterwards distributed gifts at the store on Chestnut street. Letters remaining unclaimed during the week ending December 20. Persons calling for same will plenso say adver tised: Robert Make, K, R, Depuy, Mrs. Bud Dixies, Mrs. Minnie Dcnns, caro Will Corklns; Miss Maud Fiske, Stlf Koesls, Johfu Norbuts, Rox G71; Oaud onzlo Penallo Fwefollc, Gulseppo Pral no. Box 73; Mike Roskavlc, W. Q. Rob ertson, James Scanlon, Miss Maine Tresehe, William Welsh. Francis Herring, of Orangevllle, Is spending tho holidays with his sister, Mrs. John Nichols, of West Drinker street, Edward Snyder, who has spent the past seveial months in Duliith, Minn., Is visiting his parents on Dudley street. AT uJrjLV4A fill i A wx PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND HEY AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. ilf doctor it not" cently vu lbs stomach. liter ad klduj and II a ileint Unlive. Tills drink it mid from herb,, and it prepared (or me at etlllf at tea. It l called 'J.aue'ei Tea" or LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE AlldruirgUuorbrmallSSeti.aiidoOctt. Uuitto ft J. J.uuu'w Jr'uuilly .llvdlriiiB uiuvr tlio bowcW curb iluy. In order to b bralihr tbbiit livcvmr?. Iddtou, liul 3UO, L IWj, N. Y, James CI. Cttllcn, of the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania, 1st spending tho holiday vacation with his parents on Grove street. Miss Lucre t la Snyder, a student at Rticknell college, Is nt her parents' home, on Dudley street, for the holiday varatlon. The Christmas exercises of thn Pres byterian Sunday school will be held In tho church parlors tomorrow night, when the public Is cordially Invited. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Funeral of Richard Nnpo Was Ono of the Largest Ever Seen in This Part of the City. One of the largest funerals ever seen on this side took place yesterday after noon when tho remains of Richard Nape were laid at rest. Dig delegations from Hip Masonic societies, the Brother hood of Railway Engineers and the Am erican Locomotive works were In at tendance, besides hundreds of sorrow ing neighbors nnd friends. The mourn ers gathered shortly after dinner at the resldencp, 111 Maple strent, and took ;i last view of the dear, peaceful remains as they lay encased in a massive me tallic casket In the flower embowered parlor. At 2 o'clock the immediate relatives assembled around the bier, nnd listened to an elnmtont oration and sermon which was delivered by Rev. F. P. Doty, of the St. Paul's Methodist church. The remains were I lien placed in a casket hearse and borne to the Dunmore cemetery, where temporary interment was made in the Miller vault. The Ma sonic fraternity had charge of the obse quies which were according to tho ritual, following tho service for the dead at the grave by Rev. Mr. Doty. The lloial emblems were many and costly and Included a lodge emblem by the Masons, a pillow inscribed Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, by tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and a magnificent floral piece repre senting a broken rail, inscribed "Our Shop Mate," by the employes of the American Locomotive works. Another large wreath was inscribed "Brother," while the casket was almost hidden from view with natural flower bouquets. The Masonic rites and ceremonies were given by Worshipful Master Fred Sykes and members of Union lodge, No. 291, Free and Accepted Masons. Tho pallbearers, all Masons, were as fol lows: Ellory C. Thornier, R. W. Cose, Robert Harris, David Coxe, John Cooper, Edward L. Barzler, David Brown, C. E. Reese, George Pfelffer, William Wrigley, John M. Beaumont and II. L. Burdlck. The flower bearers, chosen from the Cliff works employes and tho railroad engineers, were Fred Schunk, Adam Freuchtel, Malln Frounfelker and Hay den 13. Eldrldge. The funeral arrange ments were In charge of G. A. Miller. slty, has returned to spend Christmas with his parents on Steele street. Domlnick Gannon, of Notro Dame un iversity Is spending his Christmas holi days with relatives here. Edward Collins, of North Main ave nup, Is slightly ill. The North Srrnnton Rowling alleys will open at S o'clock Thursday (Christ mas) morning. William Lynott, ot McDnnmigh nve nup, was the winner of tho suit ot clothes chanced off by the O'Malley Suit club hist evening. Tho Cracker Jacks and North End Stars will play basket ball at tho au ditorium this evening. The basket ball game which was to bo played last pvonlng between the Shamrocks anil North End Defenders, was postponed. ' Chrlslmas afternoon -lite- Pott&vlllR Business college basket ball team will lino up against tlio North End Stars at the audltotiuui. Ivor Danvers, of Chun'Ii avenue, spent Sunday night In Olyphant. Final rehearsals are being held by the Crystal Literary and Dramatic club for tho beautiful drama entitled "My Old Kentucky Home," which will be produced at the auditorium Christmas night. 7SSSZSMS Goldsmith's Bazaar Open Evenings Until Christmas. a a a b. Open Evenings Until Christmas. OBITUARY. .lOSEt'II LYNCH, son of Mr. :iml Mrs. John Lynch, ami grandson of Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick Flaherty, died yrstrduy aged thirteen months. Tlio funeral will bo held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from tho residence, 415 Phelps street. In terment in Cathedral cemetery. WEBSTER M1TTAN, nf Aliel. filed Sunday morning at 7 o'clock, aged M years. Funeral services at M. E. church, Waverly, nt 1 o'clock. Services at grave will bo conducted by Electric Star lodge, I. O. O. F., of which deceased wan n member. AU members are lequestcd to be present. mints to Gift Givers. Wonder if these won't interest you: Women's Dressing Sacques, from 50c to 2.98. Women's Bath Robes and House Gowns, from 3.49 to $7.90. Women's and Misses Jackets, from 3.98 to $19.98 Women's Tailor Made Suits, from 6.98 to 24.98 Women's Electric Seal Jackets, from 22.98 to 59.98. Women's Velour Coats, from 19.98 to 85 00. Women's Siik Monte Carlo Coats, from 19.98 to 24.98. Women's Mercerized White Waists, from 1.49 to $2.98. Women's Flannel Waists, from 98c to 4.98. Women's Silk Petticoats, from 4.98 to $24.98. Women's Mercerized Petticoats, from 98c to $3.98 Women's and Misses' Night Gowns, from 49c tn P4-9?,-, . ...... . . women s Lace mmmeci orsec uovers, trom 29c to 1 98. Fine Rues of all kinds, from $1.98 to $4.98. Handsome Lace Curtains,-from 39c to $19.98. Chenille and Tapestry Curtains, from $1.98 to $9.98. Tapestry Couch Covers, from $1.98 to $8.98. Men's Silk SusDenders, from 49c to $1.49, Men's and Women's Umbrellas, from 49c to $10. AMUSEMENTS. Gutlieinz, Weisser & Xrayer Will have a choice lot of poultry for the holidays; also a choice lot of meats and sausages always on hand. G1S-20 Cedar avenue, and 4?,1 Penn avenue. NUBS OF NEWS. A special meeting of St. Irene's so ciety was held In the old St. John's church basement last evening. John D. Qulnn, of this side, a student nt Notre Dame university. Is homo for the holidays. A well attended session of Camp 430, Patriotic Order, Sons of America, was hold In Pharmacy hall last evening. Peter Kuhner nrrlved home last week with twenty pairs of rabbits, which will be served for lunch at 112 Plttston ave nue tomorrow. Michael Flaherty, a student nt the University of Pennsylvania, has arriv ed home to spend the Christmas holi days with his parents on Plttston ave nue. At Beldrle's hotel on Prospect avenuo last evening a rafllo was held for a pig, a turkey nnd a goose. The pig was won by Evan C. Evans, of 90S Oxford street, ,the turkey by Mrs. Leutes, of 1B0G Pros pect avenue, and the goose by John Byron, of 150 Crescent street, Dunmore. The proceeds of the rafllo were given to George O, Delsel, who Is blind. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay," For salo by all dealers. NORTH SCRANTON. Davhl Gravel entertained tho mem bers of his Sunday fcchonl class of tho Memorial Uaptlst church at his home on Durkln street last evening, Tho guests were pleasantly entertained with tho usual party diversions until a season able hour when refreshments wero served. Mr. a ravel has recently return ed from a several months' visit in Eu rope. He presented each member with a beautiful present. Those present were Mrs. William Evans, Mrs. Edward Smith, Mrs. John Weeks, Mrs. Wllllum Porert, Misses Esther and Lizzie Jones, Tydvll Iteese, Esther AVllllams and An na Wheeler. Turkeys aro high this year; you can get ono ut the Notth Scranton Howl ing Alleys free, providing you make tho highest score. The Father Whltty society will have their second annual military ball at tho auditorium January 7. Tho following stand first In tho con test which Is now taking place at tho bowling atley; High score, Arthur Davis, 245; second high score, David Jones, 210; high "average, William Davis, 202; most strikes, Max Feldman, IS; most spares, Albert Longmorc, I'J. Full lines of perfumery and Lowncy's candles for Chrlstmus at Davis" drug store. Tho Amity fcpclul cub conducted a well attended social In tho auditorium last evening. Tho St, Mury's hall fair will throw open Its dooi-3 for public patrouuge on Christmas night, December 25. Steven Gavin, of Notte Dame unlver- Lyceum Theatre, M. ltels. Lessee and Manacer. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager Christmas Matinee and Night, Dec. 2j. MILLEK AND CONYERS' Beautiful Production of the Gieulest of All Pastoral Pin vs. "OUK, NEW MINISTER." Bv Penman Thompson and Gcorgo W, Ryer, authors ot the "Old Homestead." Ono of tho Biggest Hits Ever Known in tho History of the Stage. The Original All Star Cast. Tho most stupendous scenic production over given a pastoial play. PRICES Matlncee. 7,"c, Guc, 2.",c; boxes, $1.00. Night, J1.0U, 73c., fjOe., 23c; boxes, fl.30. Seats on salo Tuesday at !) a. in. Matinee begins at 2.'J0 p. m. Friday 0NE0tyHT Dec. 26. Our Own Favorite Comedian, Andrew Mack, In His New Play, The Bold Soger Boy I!y Tbco. Burt Tayrc. Management of Itlch &' Harris. Excellent supporting company. Splendid scenery. Hear Mack's now songs. Prices ?1. 7."c. 50c. 2,1c; boxes, $1.30. Seats on salo Wednesday at 9 a. m. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Neckwear, Fans, Perfumery, Toilet Cases, Work Boxes, Glove Boxes, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Shaving Sets, etc. etc Burnt Wood Novelties, Handsome Pictures, Decorated China, Picture Books, Tuck's Calenders, Pocket Bocks, Chatelaines, Wrist Bags, Fancy Garters, Sleeve Holders, etc., etc. Is If A 1 M-il m 1 4- U nil W - v L7 m a vs. .a a J n iaisc a. iuuj at uui nuuuuy uquijjuient. fcS2HaEEE3HEU Academy of Music M. Itc!s, Lessee nnd Mnnnger. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager, One Solid Week Dec, 22, Starting Holiday With Special Matlnco Monday. Chester De Vonde Direction Phil Low. Tuesday Matinee, "Tho Bleeding Sapphire" Tuesday Night "Tho Monster" PRICES (except Clulstmas)-Mntlnee, 10c, L'Oc; Night, -10c, L'Oc, SOc. seats on sale, SPECIAL li TWO CHEAT PLAYS. Xraas Matinee "Silver Creek Fort." Xmas Night "A Drop of Poison." 4 Additional Specialty Features 1 PltlUUS-Miitllieu, 10. I'D. HO cents, Night, 10, 20, SO, to centh. Seats on salo Tuesday at 0 a, m. The Dixie Theatre HKNBY FARNSWOTtTlI D1XIL Lessee and Muuuger. "Meny Christmas nt the Dixie." AGRfcAT BILL, PATRICE. GARDNER & VINOENT, FIALKOWSKI, SAUNDERS, STETSON & CHRISTY VEHNUN. PRANK O'BRIAN. BROWN & NEVARIO. General Admission: I.udies. 10 cents: gentlemen. 20 cents;, best leburvvil seats, '3 cents. Telephone .'so. jy.x aueut'o seuts. STAR THEATRE ALF. a. HEimiNGTON, Manager, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, DliCliMHKU '.'.', 23 and 21. BON'lOiNBURLbSQUERS MATINKU EVERY DAY. BATTLE ON THE MAT. McMillan MT Dwyer Tho two gladiators of tho mat will mfcot In a mixed mutch In Music Hall, Monday Night, Dec. go. Glad tidings for Christmas Shoppers. ,H,'l, 4, ,i'4,4, 4i Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel- lent Christmas Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of quality. Watches, Diamond Pendents, Rings, I Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Urn- I brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl- ing Silverware, Etc., Etc. And all at prices that are sure to meet your approval. C. LUTHER, 133 Wyoming Avenue, Hotel Jermyn. ESTABLISHED 1857. .!. ... .J. 4. Our Store Will be open evenings from now till Christ mas to accommodate purchasers of Gas and Electric Desk and Table Reading; Lamps, Pho nographs and Elecrrical Novelties ----- Special Line for the Holidays. Chas. B. Scott 119 Franklin Avenue. . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Recognized Everywhere as the Best Ehret's Slag Roofing. Guaranteed 10 Years. j WARREN-EHRET COMPANY, 321 WASHINGTON AVE. 4'44'4'4'4j 4'4'4'4'4'4'4' iratUi r " -, v