THE SCRANTON TlltBUNE-TDESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902. w I I IXXXXXXXXXXXj The Modem llardwaro Store. FOR CHOPPING FOOD of any kind In Meats, Fish, Vegetables, Fruit, etc., use SARGENT'S GEM FOOD CHOPPER It saves time, trouble and Btrcngth. PRICES: $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 Foote & Shear Co. tl9 "Washington Ave. boooooooooooc Wishing Yoti fl Merry Christmas Wo suggest that the eiy best holiday gift is a bank book with one dollar ($1.00) or 8 nioio to the cicdlt o the fortunate net ton lccclvinR your gift. Every now depositor 10 coives a homo savings bank fi ee of charge AT THE Dime Bank Comer of Wvomlng Ave nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, PA. few shaicB of Title Guaiantv and Tuist btock at a baiguin If called for at once. I. F. Megargel & Co. Bankers and Brokers, Both 'phones. Connell Building. Register Now For the New Term In The flardenbergh School of Miisic and Art Carter Building. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE THE BABY? . . . A lmml Knit Cap, a bnml Unit Jtickut, a h md Knit Hlmiket. a hand Knit Afgan, a hand Knit l)i tab. For the Little Man or Woman Dolls, all hlf In cloth; Klmo nas in Kiencli cicjiu; Cosy Bath Gowns, of lamb's wool Also a d ilnty lino of Ladles' KImonn") 'ilio U.ibv 'tVndci for baby. BABY BAZAAR I cmie. IIS Washington Avon CIGARS FOR Christmas FINEST ASSORTMENT, FRESHEST STOCl, LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN SCRANTON. E. C. Dean, il4GoimollBlflif. OPEN EVENINGS. Laigest distributor of fine clgais in Noitheostem Penn sylvania. r THINK OF THE FUTURE NOW and the past will ever be a pleasant memuiy, Yuiu ne- k count with THE PEOPLE'S BANK will nouilsli join happy re llcctlons. Dr, Llndabury, Burgeon, diseases of kvomen a specialty, 215 Connell -bulldlnff. Hours: 11 n. ra. to i p, m.j 7 to 8.M p. m. v J WHY BALLOTS WERE WATERED EVIDENT THAT IT WAS TO CON GEAL A FRAUD. Six Boxes That Had Their Contents Soaked Gave Howell Abnoiranlly Lai go Majorities Two Other Boxes Stored with These Boxes Had Dry Contents In Theso Districts the Vote Appeals to Have Been About Normal Possibility That the Dnik Schome May Have Failed. Theie is consternation in Duninoie nnd not a little among the Democratic party leaders over the disclosures of the evident hold attempt to destroy the proofs of the fiaud by which ovor-zeal-ous friends of the Dcmociatlc candi dates ran up inajoiltlei in that boiougli. On Satuulay, when the ballot boxes weic found to have been filled with water and the ballots tiniiKfoimcd Into masses of pulp, Justice of the Peace .!. THE NEWSBOYS' CHRISTMAS. Hvery Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn sylvania Will Be Given All The Copies of The Tribune He Can Sell on Christinas Morning Absolutely Free. The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity to make some extra money on Christmas morning, and with this object in view will furnish them with all the copies of the paper they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies to carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they are sell ing The Tribune now or not. The bovs will be furnished with papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and will be kept supplied from the business office until o'clock in the morning. Carriers out of town will be supplied with extra copies upon request. Tlnvs nut of town should send their requests for extra copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," stat- ing how nianv copies they expect to be able to dispose of. t Carbondale bovs will be supplied from the Carbondalc of- ! f, frnm 7 tO tn !).'0 a. ill. All local carriers and newsboys who wish to lake advantage 4 4 r ii,: ..-t.....'f,- .vine comirn flipir nnnrrs frntn Tlir Tribune. ui una upj-zui utiiiv niiui ,-fc.. ...... jj-... ..w... - jf office personally. No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following day. Returns of Wednesday's papers will be accepted on Fri- dav morning. ,. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 Bainey Cooney, in whose custody the boxes had been left, declated that the collar In which they were stored was neer flooded. Yesteidav the 'squlie avrted that after an ln estimation made yebtoiday disclosed to hint that part of his cellar contained sK inches of water. The boxes aio of galvanized lion, well made and in six Inches of water their contents would suffer little damage, ceitainly no damage to the papers near the top of the box. As jet no attempt has been made to explain how six boxes from districts giving Howell remaikably big major ities weie water .soaKcd, while two fiom other disttlcts In which the vote was about noimal, and which wetc stmed with the six water-soaked boxes weic peifcotly dij. Two things are 11101 ally cfitain: Filled With Water. Firt." the s-lx boxes from dlstilets Mispeeted of having made ftaudulent returns weie tilled with water, the water was allowed to remain In them until the ballots and other papers were 1 educed to pulp, and was pouicd off only a shoit time before the boxes were, brought out of the cellar to be opened by the commissioners appointed by the couit to collect and preset ve the con ten K Second, the only leasonable motive for tampeilng with the ballots Is to hide a ftaud. That theio was giound for .suspecting fraud in fcome, at least, of these dls tilets, Is shown by a comparison of their 1 etui 11s In the last and preceedlng elec tions. In 1000, Mr. Connell had as his opponents. M. F. Corny. Deni., who was natuially strong in these paitleular dls tilets, and Ft .ink M. Spencer, Ind. Rep., whose home was In Dunmore. In the last election, Mr. Connell's opponent had neither of tho elements of strength pos sessed by Conry or Spencer In the terri tory In question, "Wltheso facts In mind the following tabulations ate significant: 190-'. Connell I'list wuid, riist district .... 93 Kltat waid, Second dlstiict,. ?rt Second waul, Hecond district 3J Thlid waid, Second dlstiict.. SO Thlid waid, Third dlstiict. .. 71 SiMli waid, Hist dlstiict,,. S3 Ilowtll, 103 111 in 57 llMi Si 29C W7 Com y. so 78 in r.j 83 70 1000. Council. Flint waid, Fltst district, ...I'.'-. Flist waid, Second dlstiict,, it Second waid. Second dlstiict ,12 Thlid waid. Second dlstiict .11:7 Thlid waid. Thlid dlstiict.. tr Slsth ward, Fltst dlstiict.. .10) &19 Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 17 AND CONTINUING VNTIl. Thursday, Dec. 25 1 1 III To ull Pmchuseia of Teas Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder and EMiacts, u laige monthly COJIIC PAD CAI.UNIMIt handsomely lithographed Jn many colors; elzo 10x11. Don't miss them, only a lim ited number THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Go,, m I.ackawanra avenue, 331 North Main avenue. Tltona 78-3. Prompt Delivery, Now 'Phone 1. Aims Carter Building, In 1000, although tho Independent Re publican candidate had 133 votes, pie Humably for tho most pait Republican vote, Mr. Council led the natuially stiong Democratic candidate In the vote of these six dhtilctB, by 33. In 110.', against a. candlduto of less strength In these districts he Is defeat ed In the districts in question by 141. There Is Just a possibility the pur petiators of this desperate Hchetnc have not succeeded In their put pose. The b.illotu weic In such sbupo the com missioners would not risk an examina tion of them, but, while their casual obseivntion led them to the belief that 4 4 the ballots were destroyed beyond ic demptlon, it Is not impossible they wete mistaken, they admit, and that after they aie dried they can be sopai ated and made to expose the fraud which the water soaking was Intended to cover. This will only be known when tho congressional committee comes to open the sacks into which the contents of the boxes weie tiansferred Oxford Bibles at Rejnolds Bros. Call at McClintock's, For holly, holly wieaths, giound pine wteaths, roping, and other Christmas greens. Both 'phones. Christmas tices. Fine cider for the table. Coursen's. City and School Taxes 1003. Tho above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasurer. ' Go to Reynolds Bios,, to day. r FOLLOW the crowd and you will land at n u I for everything good to eat. ORDER TODAY E. G. Courson, HEADQUARTERS i 420 Lackawanna. Ave. II II 0P A PIANOFORTE SCHOLARSHIP In tiie Conservatory would be a present worth having. Full particulars at the Conservatory office. 604 Linden St. EMPLOYEES TO BE MADE PARTNERS John T. Poiter, Scinnton's Successful Wholesale Mei chant to Show Ap preciation of Faithful Service. John T. Poiter proposes to lcllie fiom ncthc business on the first of the year and tut 11 ocr hla stoic to his employes. The business will bo lncot pointed with a capitalization of $150,000. Some six or seen of the oldest employes, in cluding Thomas 1'. Loftus, David P. Williams, Thomas Isiael, Mr, Godftey and Miss Drowning, mo to be taken In as members of the corporation. Mr. Porter, It is mulct stood, will retuln a gooi sized block of the stock that he may bo In a position to direct matters, If nocessaiy, and Insure a continuance of the "ueeess that lias all along jnatked the business. Mr. Porter conducts the laigest wholesale fruit and pioduco store in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Ho has been In business twenty-five s and has been so eminently successful that he can, even now, when not out of his fifties, give up the arduous duties of a busy merchant's life. Mr. Porter, it Is understood, w ill hereafter concern him self chiefly with the affalts of the Traders' National bank, of which he Is president. . GETTING THEIR PRESENTS. Successful Contestants Reap Reward of Their Labors All Satisfied. A number of the successful boys and girls called at The Tribune ofllco and secured the Chilstmas presents they had won In The Tribune's Junior Education al Contest. All seemed pleased with the result of the contest and while perhaps regretting that they ovei looked one or two words that might have made a materlnl difference to them, not a mur mur of dWcontent was heaid. During the day a number of those who had submitted lists, but did not obtain piies called and asked for the pilvllege of comparing their work with that of the successful ones. This was readily granted and the disappointed authors were shown why each nnd evciy erasute was made. In not one single instance whoio this was done was an en or found on the part of the Contest editor and each one admitted that no blame could be attached for commission or omission. The list of words ptlnted in csteiday morning's Tilbune had, unfoitunately, a number of typographical enors among them being "Kpopes," Instead of epopee, "moth" Instead of math, "me trope" instead of metope, "mohan" in stead ot moha, "therm" Instead of thein, "th" Instead of the, nnd "per meat" Instead of permeate, "thertna" Instead of thermal. This made quite a little woiry and tiouble, but n sight of Miss Tlllinghast's list, whcie these words were conectly written, was. suf ficient to settle all doubts. A communication signed "A Sub scilber," piotesting against the giing out of the pilzes on account of alleged mistakes, was received eaily in the day, but as tho Avi Iter neglected to sign his name and address, the letter met the usual fate of anonymous communica tions and had to be dlsiegauled. This was the only cloud on an otherwise happy ending of a contest that has pioed benellclal in many ways to tho p irtlclpants. All lists will be pieseived until noon today. PERSONAL. Mis. Han let MoKoeby Is cutlcally in at her homo 12J6 Mulberry stieot. Hon. W. I.. Connell and J. H. McAnuIty loft for Now York jcstciday afternoon. Senator Benjamin K. rocht, of Lovvis buig, waB In tho city yestetday on a business trip. Mrs. Calvin Urjnnt and sons, ot Notth Eighth street have loturncd from a visit to BInghamton. Sol Bachaiach, of WIlUes-Baue, cxecu tlvo clerk to Governor Stone, was among yesterday's Scianton vlsltois. Miss Jesslo L. Wolsh, of Wilson col lege, and "W. J. Wolsh, jr., of I.afaotli are spending tho holldajs at their homo In this city. Miss Cecelia Swift and Hon. P. A. Phllbln, of Aichbald, will bo mairled in St. Thomas' church, Aichbald, Wednes day, Jan. 7. The Misses M. Bl.un.lio Kennedy, Au gusta Polhamus nnd Buhl Wtlglov ot the Coitospondcnco school wont to 1'uctory vlllo last Friday night to attend pilzo hpeakluc McNnlr A. Phillips, bon of Supeilnten dent of Schools G. W. Phillips, and Colo B, Price, son of Attorney S. B, Ptlco, stti iipnts nt Princeton, aio spendlnsr tho Chiistmus holldajs with their patents. Jamts Cooney, a member of tho bonlor class nt Phillips Exeter Academy, Is homo for tho holldajs. He will graduato not June. Mr. Cooney is ouo of the best loot ball pluyera that over woro an E.elcr uniform. Thomas McKeon. of Hatilsbuig, foi meily ot Houosdalo, who was opeiatcd upon for appondlcltls by Di. It. II. Gib bons and Dr. Hoiaco millions, at tho Scranton Pilvate hospital, Is inpldly con valesclng. Deputy Sheila Finnic 1J Ryan Is suit oualy 111 of pneumonia, consequent upon an attack of quinsy. Dr, I.. M. Gates and Dr. R. II. Gibbons, his attending phjslclans, have Btioug hope. of his ulti mate iccovory. Rlchnrd JpilOB, of Loudon, England, cousin of County Cautioner E. A. Jones and Edvvnid S. Jones, of Olj pliant, Is visiting the hitter, Mr, Jone3 la an em inent English mining engineer and has just returned fiom a prospecting tour Into Africa. PAINTS AND VARNISHES Gold Seal Ready-Nixed Paints. rialoney Oil nanufacturing Co., Ill to HO Meridian street. Old ThQiie-G2-2, New 'Phone 2581, BUILDING TO ' BE DEFERRED POOR BOARD AOREES TO REJECT ALI PROPOSALS. Will Walt Until tho Spring, When It Is Expected the Price of Building Material Will Have- Considerably Declined Board Contemplated nn Expcndituio of $160,000 and tho Lowest Bid Was $175,000 Lowest Bidder, It Is Understood, Is Well Satisfied with the Decision. Tho election of tho new building nt the Hillside Home has been deferred. This was decided upon, last night, at a joint mooting of the home and finance committees ot the poor board, compris ing a majority of tho members. The board contemplated a building that would cost $100,000, exclusive of heating, lighting and plumbing. The lowest of tho bids received nt the last meeting of the board was $175,000. The committees were of the opinion Hint this was too much money to put Into the building, and as there Is a ptobablllty of building material be coming cheaper, It was concluded to wait until the spring before entering upon a contract. The committees decided to recom mend to tho board that all bids be re jected and the forfeit checks returned to the blddeis. This, It is understood, is highly satis factory to tho lowest bidder, M. J. Ruddy, as some of the sub-conti actors giving him estimates had by miscalcu lations put In llgures which were so low as to be unprofitable. Deemed Inadvisable. The committee did not deem It ad visable to scale down the cost of the building by levlslng tho plans and specifications. The drawings of Archi tect U. H. Davis, it was agteed, met the ideas of the board as to the kind of building that should be erected, and none of the membeis would consent to having the construction cheapened by changing the plans. It was on the suggestion of Dhector Buiko that the plans were retained, with a view of advertising again in the spiing for bids. Cement, he said, will go dow n in price 23 per cent, in that time, and Iron will also experience a considerable decline. All kinds of build ing material, ho thought, would bo much cheaper three months hence than it is now.1 During the discussion it was brought out that It costs anywhere from 15 to 23 per cent, more to constiuct a build ing at Hillside Homo than It does In Scianton. Additional freightage and haulage accounts for this. Building Is Needed. The ptoposed new building is abso lutely needed, the board claims, and r whether or not prices of building ma terial go clown, It will have to be con stiucted this year. The capacity of tho present buildings Is gieatly overtaxed nnd It Is impos sible to give to tho dlsti let's indigent and insane the caie they should have. A Favorite Store. The store of M. II. GiIfTln, SIS Lack awanna avenue, is a popular matt, In deed. Young men, old men and tho lit tle fellow b In kne,c bieeches are being fitted out complete. It is a comfoit to trade with a store where the styles aie unlfonnly coucct, the quality as sured and the patterns- and prices sine to bo light. Mr. Giiflln's display of hats, caps, neckwear and specialties for the holiday tiado is extensive and up-to-date, as is evidenced by the brisk tiado ho is enjoying. If you want any thing in the lino of clothing or men's furnishings, be sure and visit this store. Chiistmas at the Dixie. Tho management of this theatre have decided lor Chrlstnuib and New Year weeks, to icserve four boxes containing six seats for any paity wishing: them at the pi ice of $3 00. An j one seeming a box in advance can be as.suied that it will be the piiichuser't! exclusively. Two of tho other boxes, each containing ten sents will bo sold for $1.00 a seat. These seats will be sold sepaiatelj", or other wise. This statement Is made because of a nilx-up in tho sale Thanksgiving night w hlch the management regretted, Anvr ono wishing a box for Christmas will notify the management as soon as pos sible. Indian heads and all soi ts of novel ties fol the den at Reynolds Bros. Kodaks From i to 28 Dollars Pocket Poco's Calendars Albums Horn baker, 211 Washington Ave. Tho Men's Gifts Stoic. O'llnrn's cigar Blore, 431 Spruce sttecr displays a most tempting an ay of gifts for men. Thete nio souvenir boxes ot fine Havana clgnrs, tnecfihiiuiii pipes' btlur pipes, cigar oases, ash tiajs, cigar and elgaiotto holdout, to bacco anil cigar Juts, 'I'm Irish pipes nnd till oits of novelties for the den. Mr. O'llaia has made n special elfoit this season nnd not only Is his stock much latger, but lie has looked cntcful ly Into the chninctoi'ft of the goods; everything Is guainnlecd and a woman or 11 non-smoUer can buy them with absolute iisinance that she Is getting Just the quality she asks for. Thete Is a comfort In that assurance when It comes fiont a store with the enviable reputation O'Hitra's cigar stoic enjojs In this city. I.aigest lino ot stnllouety 11 1 Itej nolds Bios. The sale of goods damaged by water at O. AV. "Watklns' atoie will be on sale Tuesday morning and for the bal ance ot tho week. Watci man's fountain pens at Rey nolds Bios. The Kej stone ales, porter and lager beers nro enjoying a vciy extensive sale throughout this dlstiict. Fnncj- ink stands at Reynolds Bios. Handsome Chiistmas Ptescnts. Largo flowers and palms nt bai gains. Both 'phones. Morel Bios. As a Xmas nun Nothing is more deshable than an Umbrella. We have just lecelved the most magnificent lino of Umbrel la Handles ever received in Scianton. Nothing later, nothing elsewheie. Our prices aie dollais below otheis. THE SCRANTON UMBRELLA fflTG CO. 313 Spruce Street. M. SILVERMAN, Pi op Git A Simple Matter - A stock of Men's Fine Furnishings so thor oughly complete and so well displayed as we present it to you, makes "gift choosing" a sim ple matter. The great quantity of Furnishings leaving our store the past few weeks, have not made noticeable defections in our stock, owing to our surplus stock, and we are in a position to take the best care of late buyers. $3.00 SILK UMBRELLAS, $2.50. As fine a chance as could conic on these last das before Christmas. 2(i-iuch Umbrella, covered with htrong silk serge, and a variety of handsome natural handles; steel frame and steel rod. HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS Silk Suspenders, plain or fan cy colors, gilt buckles, leather ends, in handsome boxes, COc. Other good .sorts, $1.00 and $1.50 ; cither gold plated or sil ver buckles. Way's Mufflets, 50c and 75c Suit Cases Travelling Bags F If Established 18GG iU 3rWASIilNGT0y55i. v AVE e SPRUCE ST Y It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to tje able to make their own selection of skins for garments We are nov In the exdusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf the fol lowing high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. F 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 BE UP-TO-DATE By having your horses shod with a good Removable Calk We have both the NEYERSLIP and . WILLIAMS CALKS Bittenbender & E 4 4 126-128 Franklin Ave. . .j. 4 44 4 4444444444 WB552K9B33 Buy your Shoes, Eubbcrs and y Slippers at 3 NETTLETON'S and get a key to the Eed Box i i which contains !?au.uu. The right key gets the $20.00 He Gives "Trading Stamps 134 Washington Ave. Opposite Connell Building. :jMi',iaaWrJH TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS HOLIDAY NECKWEAR, 50c to $4 Now is the time for buying Christmas neckwear, and this is the store. The broadest slock we ever had is complete though we have sold a great many more than vc did a year ago at this time. MUFFLERS FOR CHRISTMAS We bought an entire line of "Drummers" .samples of fine Alufller.s at an enormous reduc tion in price. Euouuh for all comers, today and tomonow", about L'."5 per cent, under priced, $1.00 to .00. Bath Robes Gloves Canes High-Class Furs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA POX SABLE POX WHITE POX BLUE POX BLACK POX BEAR Cash Paid .for Raw Furs. iwiio? who?! 1 1 eZBHEB -I V 1 r