IT It F l,r -n- . v i- - H" f)V ' 'u "' t jv : vri .v...,- --' ' "-'v,'' - i aVf - ' " ' v - ' t 5 '' THE SOIUNTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902: Putting Off Glasses Ordinary falling eyesight Is ofton treated too caroleS3. All eyes begin to fall at 40 years of age some have trouble a year or two before this time, the ma jority not till after. Ninety per cent, ol oye troubles are duo to "putting off" the use of glasses after failure begins, or to the wearing of wrong ones. DR. B. A. BAER EYE SPECIALIST. JWANUrACTUItlNa OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave. Coiinty Savings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and and pays 3 per cent, in terest thereon. Xj. A. WATB.ES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win. F. Hallstead, lEverett Wnrren, K. P. Kingsbury, August Tlolilnson, O. S. Johnson, I Jos. O'Brien. L. A. Watrcs. -pSf- We Lead in the Race Wo are ahead of Old Santa Claus Even In CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS Our lino Is most attractive it is .1 Brand display of beautiful urt goods in all styles of Pictures and Trames. -v Burned Wood and Leather Novelties. A fine, colluetlon of oriKhinl Water 'Col ors from the brush of Thomas S. J laser man, of Wllllamsport, now on exhibition at our store. OPEN EVENINGS. Jacobs & Fasold 209 Washington Avenue. LACKAWANNA ICE CREAM 'BEST! IN TOWN." is the kind you should have for your Christmas Dinner. All flavors, any form. THE DAIRY 325-327 Adams Ave. I Cigar Prices : That are Right i Win L'iiu box. box, Morris' Porfeeto ll.ii Sc 4. 4. Pathfinder 1.75 !"u . T Counsellor 1.73 una f Tom Kcono 1.73 lo Louis Muim 17j !Jo 4. j. Morris Magnet 1.7.1 l'c . T Capaduut US , ? Owl Urand 1.7.1 ' Cubanola 1.75 4. 4. G. W-. Clillds 1.73 . 1 Junn.R Poiiuondo I.i3 y Lillian Riihsc-I 1.5ii Robert Horn's -.75 Cora Tanner !i.5u 1.75 4. Langsdorf Perlecto 11.50 ll.iu Z fMirnv rmelciMl -VI in Ijok at 23u t. -:.::. ----- -- and &yo per liox, ,-li1 lt oli.ld ,Hrir.tttu Tin 00 lllueli Kid Clluioots. Sweet; Capoinl Cigarettes, 6 packs for 25c .5. BUY HIM A PIPE. 4. Our line of Pipes is the talk of 4, the town.' 4, X j, flu Bmolttug and Chewing Tobaccos. "T 4. nnnlre. frf OXn J. Florodora Cigars. 4. Muttneo Cluars. 4, 1 "Match It" Chetoots. T Turkish Trophies. J 3 packs for 25c, J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. For Cash Only. ! E. C Morris Cigar Han. Leader of Cut Price. X 325 WASHINGTON AVENUE. t4. 4,4,4.4' 4' 4. Cut Flowers, McCllntock'a la the place to set rood tresh stock of roses, carnations, violets, Up, Both 'phones AT THE CATHEDRAL. Hours of tho Masses to Be Celebrated Christmas Day. At St. I'dlcr'fl pntliedrnl there will ho inassC8 ut C, C, 7, S, B mid 10130 o'clock Christmas tiny. The lust liinfs will be a iionllilcnl IiIbIi innBO, colc bratcA by nt. Rev. Hlshop Iloban. The othes" otllcers oC llio mass will be: Arch liilcst, llcv. J. A. O'llellly; deacons of honor, How Dr. J, W. Mnlolio and Rev. V. E. Lavellc: deacon of tho iiiups, Row Dr. J. J. Lotitihrnii; witb-dcucon of the mass, Rov. Lalor McLoUghlln; master of corcnio'nlrH, Rev. John J. arimn, preacher, Rev. Vnlhor Albert, C. P. JJaitcr'H full orchestra will accompany the choir. A speclnl proBfummu of ap propriate muslu Is beliiB: rehearsed by Prof. "W. P. .Schilling, the cathedral chorister. A fealuro will bo a rendi tion of "Adesto Pldele."," by throe fholrc ono In tho organ loft, one In the choir gullery and ono In the sa cristy. They will sins different parts of the selection In turn and ofticr patts In unison. Harmony among the sep arated choirs will be insured by an ar rangement of minors by which stib lraders will transmit the time to the three choirs. The Interior o tho church and sanc tuary will be uproprlately decorated. An nlloRorical representation of "The Stable nt Bethlehem," with life-size figures will bo a feature. The pro gramme of music for the 10.P.0 n. m. mass Christmas day follows: Processional mass Orchestra ....Klesler Kyrlo (from 12th mass) quartette nnd Chorus Mozart Gloria, (from 12th maps) quartette and Chorus Mozart Credo (from Pastoral Mass) solos, quar tette and chorus I.amblllotto Offertory, Ycnlte Adorcmus, trlplo cho rus Ollsln Benedlctus (from St. Cecilia's mass, chor us Gounod Agnus Del (from 12 mass) alto solo and Chorus -x Mozart To Deum (Gregorian) chorus. The solo parts are suns' by the follow ing: Soprano Miss B. A. J-avelle. Mrs. M. J. Leonard and Mrs. James Payton; alto Miss Laura Rafter; Tenor Mr. Gus tav Repert: bass Messrs. V. O. AValte lee and W. R. Bradbury. Musical Director, W. P. Schilling. Organist, "W. R Bradbuiy. Conductor of choir in sacristy, Miss Margaret Kane. In and About JtJtM The City Installation To-night. Instillation ceremonies of Lackawanna Chapter will take place at Masonic templo this evening. Meeting of Teachers' Association. There will be a meeting of tho Teach ers' Mutual Beneficial association in the board of dontiol rooms this afternoon at 1 d. m. Leader to Be Sold. January 2, 190?, was yesterday fixed as the time for selling tho Wllkcs-Barre Evening Leader, which has gone Into bankruptcy. Christmas Dinners for the Poor. Donations of poultry, provisions, etc., for Christmas dinners for the poor will be received today nt St. Luke's parish house, rear door, T,2 Forest couit. City Employes Paid. All the employes of the city, Including policemen and firemen wore paid yester day for the month of December. The school teaehets are to receive their pay to-day. Misbehaved at Station, lienine Blanco was arrested yesteiduy afternoon at tho Lackawanna station tor being drunk and acting In a disorderly manner. Ho was committed to tho coun ty jail for thirty days by Alderman Rud dy in default of a line of J,". . D., L. & W. Pay Days. The employes of the Diamond, Mauvlllo and Storrs mines were paid yesterday. The employes of the Hnllstead, Wood ward. Pettlbone, Avondale, Auehlnclohs and Bliss mines will be paid to-day. This will completo the pays for the first half of December. His Condition Serious. The condition of James Flynn, who so badly Injured by falling from a scaf fold on Saturday, was reported to bo very serious at the Moses Taylor hospital last night. John Durkln, who was In jured with him, already shows signs of Improvement. A Slight Eire. A slight fire In tho basement of Cou ncil's hardwnro store on Penu uvonuo yesterday morning caused damage to tho extont of about S-OO. Tho blaze started in a heap of waste paper near tho foot of tho elevator shaft and was easily ex tinguished by tho uso of chemicals. Putting Up Street Signs. Tho work of putting up tho street sign nt the Intersection of all public thor oughfares has been commenced and will be. completed within two weeks. Tho posts liavo already been erected at near ly all tho slieet intcisectlons and tho work of putting the f-lgns on them was begun yesterday. Christmas Services at St. Luke's, On Christinas, morning In St. Luke's church thero will bo tho celebration of thn Holy Communion at 0 a. in., S u. in., lljuO a, in,; morning prayer and sermon at 10;l'(l , in, Friday, St. Stephen's day, holy communion at n a. m. Saturday, St. John's day, holy communion p h. in. The offerings at all Chilstmas hervjees will bo for the aged and Inllrm clergy of the dloceso, New Omceis Installed, Pastmaster (Jinnies S. Seamaus last night Installed thu following newly elected officers of Oieeu Rldgo lodge, Free and Accepted Masons In Masonlo Hall on DlcUhon avenue; Worshipful Master, Geoigo Haycock, Jr.; senior war den, John V. Hopewell; Junior warden, Jonas M. Walker; tteasnrcr, R, A. Zim merman; .secrotury, Elbeit tl, Stevens, Tho l)dge proposes to elaliirately celo bratft Its tenth anlvnrsary with special exeiclses and a baniiunt on January itt. Officers of Branch 35, C, M. B. A, Blanch M. C. M, 15. A., has elected (ho following officers for tho year 1903: Presl dent, H.'P. Mitchell; first vlco.piesldeut, T, F. MoDonough; second vice-president, J. W. McLean; recording secretary. J, C McAndrewiij assistant secretary, John T. Phillips; financial neciolnry, John J. Maghruu; treasurer, John J. O'lloyle; marshal, M. V. Brown; guard, Thomas Carney; trustees: It. J. Murray, Beraurd Potter, P, AN". Stokes: representative to grand council, John J, Mugliranj alter nate, D. J. Campbell. Tho officers will be installed Friday evening, January 3. i i i Christmas Flowers at Bargains. Cut flowers and blooming plants. Roth 'phones. Morel Dros. Leather novelties at Reynolds Bros. IS SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD ANNIVERSARY OF ST. JOHN'S SOCIETY OBSERVED. An Elaborate Banquet Was Served in St. John's Hftll on Capouse Ave nue, nt Which Addresses Were Made by Rev. P. J. McMtmus, Dio cesan President; Rev. J. J. Grif fin nnd Others Growth of the Society Since 1885 Plans for Al tering Building Prepared. The seventeenth anniversary of the organization of St. John's TdtalAbstln nnce society, one of the largest nnd most prosperous In the Scrapton dio cesan union, was celebrated last night In St. John's hnll on Capouse avenue with a dance and banquet. The largo hall on tho ground floor wns beautifully decorated with vari colored bunting and potted palms and dancing wob here enjoyed by upwards of a hundred couples from 8:30 to 10 o'clock, at which later hour the ban quet was served In the prettily decor ated meeting hall on the second floor. An elaborate repast had been prepared and at the conclusion of Its discussion a number of informal toasts were re sponded to. Timothy Burke acted as toastmuster and the first speaker was Rov. P. J. McManus, pastor of St. Paul's church, Green Ridge, and president of tho Dio cesan union. Father McManus, who was one of the temperance pioneers of this diocese, spoke briefly on the neces sity of keeping closely united in the light ngnlnst intemperance and was followed by Rev. J. J. Griffin, the so ciety's spiritual adviser. Among the other speakers were: Domlnlck Demp sey, W. H. Lavelle, M. J. O'Toole, and M. .T. Rnfferty. Mr. Rafforty Is the present president of the society and Is about to leave tho city to take up his home in Plttston. When he had concluded his address, Toastmaster Burke sprang a surprise on him by presenting him with a gold fountain pen, the gift of his fellow members of the society. Mr. Rafterty responded briefly and expressed his heartfelt thanks for the gift, St John's society was organized in 18S5, with a charter membership of seventeen and Us growth has been so steady and sure that it now has on its membership rolls two hundred and twenty names. The organization is in such a healthy financial condition that plans have been prepared for extensive ly improving and remodelling the build ing. A brick wall is to be built on the outside of the building and the interior is to be considerably altered. Among the improvements contemplated is a gymnasium with baths attached. The alterations will cost betweeni $3,000 and $4,000. The present officers of the society are as follows: President, M. J. Rafterty; vice-president, Timothy Burke; finan cial secretary, M. Ruddy; recording secretary, John Damson; treasurer, M. R. O'Malley. HUGHEY WAS HIT HARD. HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE. By Some Hook or Crook, However, the Hit Wns Not Effective. If you have never been struck by a Delaware, Lackawanna and Western express train as it goes down Pocono mountain, you can not thoroughly ap preciate the experience of Thomas Ilughey, furmer, of Devil's Hole, Para dise Valley, Monroe county, Pennsyl vania. Admitting that those who read this and who can thoroughly appre ciate it are few indeed, the story Is nevertheless told. Mr. Ilughey Is 67 years of age, to be gin with. It is necessary to say to those who will learn of his experience, that, for his years, he is somewhat of a hearty old chap. Hughey was walking along- the track with a basket of eggs on his arm. He stepped out of the way of a coal train, and directly in front of the flyer. Tho engineer put on the emergency brake with all possible haste and brought the train to a standstill. Old man Ilughey was down a. forty foot em bankment, half imbedded In the snow. The crew and passengers by joining hand formed a life line and reached GRAIN-O J THE PURE V 1 GRAIN COFFEE Even children drink Grain-O because they like it and the doc tors say it is good for thorn. Wlty not? It contains all of the nourish ment of tho pure grain and none of the poisons of coffee. TRY IT TO-DAY. At groceri orer;nuere ; 15c. nd. 23c. ptr ptckige. Symptoms of n Very Common Trouble. There Is no dlsonpo so common In the United Stales as catarrh, because It appears In so many forms tuul at tacks so many different organs. It It a common mistake to suppose Hint catarrh Is confined to the ndso and throat. Any lullnminatiou of tlj.o mucous membrane wherever located accompanied by abnormal secretions, In catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or bladder, or Intestines Is nearly as com mon as nnyal catnrrh and much more serious although It Is true that stom ach catarrh and catarrh of other In ternal organs Is the result of neglected nasal catarrh. A new remedy has recently appeared which so far ns tested seems to bo re markably effective In promptly curing catarrh, wherever located. Tho pre paration is sold by drug-gists generally ttnder name ,of Stuart'B Catarrh Tab lets, and In addition to being very pal atable and Convenient, possesses extra ordinary merit, In many cuses giving Immediate relief from tho coughing, hawking nnd constant clearing of the throat and head, those symptoms with which everyone is famlllnr who has ever suffered from colds In the head and throat. Catarrh Is simply a continuation of these symptoms until the trouble be comes chronlo and grows gradually worse from year to year. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are com posed of Blood root, red gum and simi lar antiseptics and catarrh specifics, from which It will be seen that no secret is made of the Ingredients and also that no mineral poisons arc used, ns Is the case with many well known catarrh medicines. For catarrh of the nose, throat, bron chial tubes, for catarrh of stomach, in testines or bladder no preparation is so safe and gives such rapid and perma nent results ns Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets. All druggists sell thein at 50c. for full sized package. You can uso them with assurance that you will not con tract the cocaine or morphine habit as the results from this catarrh cure aro apparent from the first day's use. Ilughey at the foot of the embankment. After much effort the old man was landed on tho track and much to every body's surprise he was practically un injured. A slight cut on the nose was the only apparent hurt he suffered. His basket of eggs was found with the handle of the basket about the plow of the pilot and not a single egg was broken. Tho pilot' had caught up the basket and slid it along the snojv. The crew of the train will furnish affidavits. MITCHEL LEAVES FOR HOME. Departed Yesterday to Spend the Holidays With His Family. President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, left yesterday afternoon for Spring Valley, 111., to spend the holidays with his family. Miss Morris, his private secretary re mained behind to attend to the mass of correspondence which accumulated during Mr. Mitchell's stay in Scranton. For Xinas Flowering Plants, Ferns and palms, call at McCllntock's, Jefferson and Electric. Both 'phones. Christy Calendars at Reynolds Bros. TURKEYS ARE VERY SCARCE IN CONSEQUENCE THE PRICE IS UNUSUALLY HIGH. , Wete Selling in the Local Market Yesterday for Twenty-two Cents n Pound, nnd Thero Is n Likelihood That tho Price Will Go Up to Twenty-five Chickens Are Almost ns Scarce as Turkeys Oysters Are Also Scarce nnd Dear. The Christmas turkey Is a'ara nvls, not only in this city, but throughout tho country and those who may wish to servo him for their hollduy dinner will havo to pay a very high price for him. Turkeyn were selling on the local market yesterday for twenty-two cents a pound, nnd there is a likelihood that they will go up to twenty-live cents today and tomorrow. The high price Is directly attributable to the scarcity of supply, which is In turn nttrlbutnbl to the cold, wet season, according to poultry men. Young turkeys nil over tho country havo died during the early fall and conditions seem to be the same In the far west as in these parts. It is estimated that only one-third of the number of turkeys generally received In this city at this season of tho year have boon received so far this year. They generally bring from sixteen to eighteen cents a pound under normal conditions. Chickens are almost as scarce ns tur keys and are selling at from sixteen to nineteen cents a pound. They gener ally sell at from thirteen to sixteen cents a pound at this season. Ducks nro so scarce that the price Is already up to twenty-five cents a pound, and will probably go higher. The only other adjunct of the Christ mas dinner which is higher priced than usual aro oysters, which aro rather scarce and which are retailing at from ten to twenty-five cents a gallon higher than the normal price. There are many luxuries to bo found In the local markets for those who can afford them. Among these may be mentioned new Bermuda potatoes, which can be had for fifteen cents a quart or $4.50 a bushel. Choice hot house lettuce can be had at from twelve and a halt to fifteen cents a head, and there are fresh radishes also for sale. For tho first season in many years thero are no strawberries on the mar ket. This fruit is bringing $2.50 per box in New York city, and tho quality Is not of the best. Oranges are on the market in ample plentltudo and nre selling at from twenty-five cents to fifty cents a. dozen. These include both the California and Florida varieties. The shopping place of the town to day is Reynolds Bros,, Hotel Jermyn. R. C. Wills is making a specialty of XXXX Keystone Whisky for the holi day trade. This Is a very fine blend of mellow and palatable ryes. To intro duce the more widely, Mr. Wills will give a sample bottle free with every purchase of one dollar's worth of goods at his store. 1 Gold pens, pen holders and all tho best ideas in stationery at Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jermyn. REISMAN BROS' BOOK SHOP HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY BOOKS. , AVe have in stock tho largest assortment of copyright books in Scranton. From 75c. up. Tho following, are the best sellers: I Abroad with tho Jimmies Bell. Audrey Johnston. Banner of Blue Crockett. Barbara .Ladd Roberts. The Buttle of tho Slums nils. Tho Battleground Glasgow. Bclshazzar Davis. Black Rock Connor. The Blazed Trail White. Blennerhassott Pidgin. Tho Blue Flower Van Dyke. Captain Mncklin Davis. Tho Captain of the Gray Horse Troop Garland. Cardigan Cbnmbers. A Carolina Cavalier Egglcston. Castlo Craneycrow McCutcheon. Cecelia Crawford. Confessions of a Wife Mary Adams. Tho Conqueror Athcrton, The Cri&ls-Churchill. Tho Diary of a Gooso Girl Wlggin. Donavan Pasha Parker. Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall Major. A Doublo-Barroled Detective Story Mark Twain. Down the Lino with John Henry Mc Hugh. D'rl and I Bnchellor. Kngle Blood Creelman. Eben Holden Buchellor. Eternal City Theater Edition. The Fortunes of Oliver Horn Smith. Francezka Scawell. Fuel of Fire Fowler. Gabriel Tolllver Hanls. Glongarry Schooldays Connor. GtHUstark McCutcheon. Hearts Courageous lUves. The Hound of tho Baskervlllt Doyle The House with the Green Shunters Douglas. The intrusions of Peggy Hope. ., . 407 SPRUCE STREET, New Phone 4'fc. It's Up to You-McHugh. Just So Stories Kipling. Lazarre Cathorwood. Tlio Leopard s Spots Dixon. a Letters from a Self-mado Merchant to H His Son Lorlmcr. The Little Will to Blrd-Barrlo. Lives of the Haunted Soton-Thomp- son. Tho Mald-at-Arms Chambors. Tho Man from Glengarry Connor. Marietta Crawford. The Master Chrlstlun Corclll. Tho Millionairess Ralph. Tho Misdemeanors of Nancy Hoyt Tho Mississippi Bubble Hough. Mrs. Wiggs of tho Cabbago Patch Hcgan. An Old Sweetheart of Mine Holiday Edltlon-RIIcy. Pines of Lory Mitchell. Qulncy Adams Sawyer Pidgin Hanson's Folly Davis. Richard Carvel Churchill. Richard Gordon Black. Tho Right of Way Parker. Tho River-Phlllpotts. A Speckled Bird-Wilson. Tho Spenders Wilson. Stage- Confidences Morris Temporal Power Corolll. To Havo and to Hold Johnston. Tmth Dexter McCall. Tho Two Vumevels T.arklngton. Tho Girl Proposition Georgo Ade. Those. Black Diamond Men. Tho Virginian Wister. Tho Vultures Merrlman. Wanted: A Chaperon Ford. When Knighthood Was In Flowcr- Malor. Wooing of Judith Kennedy. AVo ulso carry a completo lino of Children's Books. Opp Dime Bank. GRIFFIN ART SHOP 211 WASHINGTON AVENUE. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE A BETTER TIME THAN NOW-TO BUY Pyro Etched Novelties Each piece ready for your card, the tissue and ribbon, The most satisfactory and popular yifts. Everybody buys on sight. holiday Pictures A very choice collec tion, nicely grouped and displayed artistically to aid you in choosing. ALL REAL PICTURE, BCAUrirUL LINK Of QOJ.O ANO SILVKK PHAIIUM, flTTKO Uf OH 9HOHT NOTIOK, THK DtfAHT' MEfvr ii counter ron niio wok, , , . . Tiffany, Royal Bonn, Creta Art Ware Vases, Bowls, etc, A lavish display. Gl FTS Ranging in Price ' Prom 29c to $2 Puff Boxes, Cronm Boxes, Bon-Bon Boxes; Jowel Trnys, Candlesticks, Jardineres, Cologne Bottles, Hair Pin Trnys, Ink Stands, Manicure Trayn, Paper Cutters, Paper Weights, Ring Trays, Ten Bells, Fruit Dishes, Pin Dishes, Fern Dishes, Candle Shades, Hair Receivers, Tea Spoons, Oyster Forks, A. D. Coffee Spoons, Butter Knives, Olive Dishes, Here's a short list of inexpensive gifts that are very popular this season. Some are suitable for Father, some for Mother, and others for friends and Brother and Sister. All are of superior quality. "Meet Your Shopping Friends Cigar Jai, Tobacco Jnrs, Cigarette Jars, Pipe Rocks, Ash Trnys, Match Holders, Bitters Bottles, Shaving Mugs, Card Trnys, CuBpidors, Beer Steins, Salts, Poppers, Knifo Rests, Spoon Trnys, Celery Trays, Brlc-a-Brac, Vinegar Bottles, Mustard Pots, Oil Bottles, Cocoa Ladles. Berry Forks, Sugar Shells, Soup Spoons. Hero." CViVnWVV, Geo. V. Millar & Co. Open Evciilturs. 134 Wyotnliiff Avenue. ; WALK IN AND LOOK AROUND. You Are Invited to transact your banking business with U3, and every courtesy will bo extended, whether your account is large or small. Third National Bank, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000. .'$ per cent, interest paid on Savings Account3, and tho interest is compounded Jan. 1 and July 1. Accounts can bo opened by mail. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:30 TO 8:30. Don't Overlook That Kodak Gift Yon Intended Making! Wc still have some very good ones. Come today and you will have a better line to select from than will the man who "lags back." Also a fine assortment of Cases and Frames for Photographs. ftirj -itAiAtiraMw 3 a a a a a ' a a a a a a Just a Word No time for more these- busy, days. Late Buyers of Christmas Gifts Will get the benefit this week of the most remarkable Christmas Gift Sale ever held in this or any other city. Nothing in our stock, as you know, but is new, clean, pretty and of the best quality; but - ' Prices Have Been Cut Deep for the three remaining days of the gift-buying season. This applies to every department where goods especially designed for the Christinas trade arc being offered. We Give Trading- Stamps 'And accept the yellow ones in pay ment for any purchase. a a a a I flcConnell & Co. I Dry Goods, Cloaks and Man's Furnishings, 400 and 402 Lacka. Avenue. a a a 1WMW(MW1W eg. v. & fe ir ;g,7"