;, i 'V . ," '' ' --t ,.if!f"!f5i?f'';VWtU'. "'S'S.A-Wf,' ."jlpiw.'CT W THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1902, u BICYCLE CLUB STILL LEADS ' i VTS BOWXING TEAM WINS THBEE MORE OAMES. Took. Tliem from tho Orange and Blacks last Night ond a Tighter Grnsp on First Placo Is Thus Se curedSuburban Team Drops Its Hard Luck and Does Somo Fine Rolling Only One Set of Games Played in tho City League Stand ing of the Teams. The bowling In the .Scranton Meyele club league last night was uniformly food. The beat work of tho night wuh iono by tho Scranton Bicycle club tram which won three funics from tho Or nnge nnd Blacks and made a Brand to tal of 2.647, thus taking a leap 8tlll higher than before. The score: SCltANTON IUCYCI.K CMJIJ. O'ConncIl US L'M 1S2 K0 Column 1.7! Is" 177 3li, Mltrholl 107 1111 ins 4(K 'Jtnprr IPO Wt 17357.1 VVntdell 1.7! ino 1S3-607 SIS SJ7 89.1-2&I7 OHANCSn AND BLACK. J.llt 172 111 1."..-.- Ill Xnrthriip i:il w-2 i: ir, SlmpHon 177 170 1.7 Ml 1'lnrko I.0 K9 178- 17B Stair , US Vr, IIS-177 SM 7SI 70-li':i3 lllch score. OTonnell, SWi high nvcr iiiio. Roper, 191 2-:s. Thu Suburban team also rnllrrl In ti most superior manner and took three straight from tho Klectrlo City Wheel men's team by good-.slzcd margins. The score: SUHURBANP. Jtonlhon ITT, I .Ml 1116:5 J'oml ISO 140 1H3-KIS Hitchcock 311 1! 1J.0 571 tlicrmnn 1W K VY! K7 vichoi i3j isi n;o- r2 Sii3 s9o-:6:o 77.3 Ml High M'orc. Davis, MS; high Hitchcock, 1W1-3. S3C liLUCTBTC CITV AVIIKKLMEN. .itfCrnckcn 117 V.3 113-Wt "Williams nn r,t 143- ITS Davis liW IS!) SOS .V,5 Coons i:i7 r.i ir.r,itt IVottllng H! 171 16'i- M SSrt 2120 average, : Tho Cfrren Ridge Wheelmen's team didn't have a very hard job In taking three games from the Arcadians on Hie Klectrlc City Whcolmcn'h alloys. The score: ARCADIANS. Jiepilo 133 HO Jlorgan I'll VK I'hatflrld H'.'? I'.'2 (wens 1.30 137 Stover 132 Hi! THE PRENDERGAST STORE. X. fc H . U It . . . H It K l I It It It It It t . . t t It It It It It K It tt K D tttt , . t It t.V. l':' ttVe. l i tt i ' . . . . ,- I ) Hill Palr.ni Gibson Calendars and Drawings late- We received a new lot yesterday- and now offer them at little $150 i Just 25 per cent, less than usual They ought not to last over toda$. Perhaps You are late in your gift buying? We have been the busiest store in our line this year, as always, but we buy for your interest and convenience and have been reordering every day, so as to keep our stock full of the best things. We have Calendars, Handy Boxes, Bibles, Foun tain Pens, Desk Pads, Desk Sets, Leather Goods, Ink Stands, Prayer Books, Ther mometers, Seals, Sealing Wax Caskets, Drinking Cups, Razor Sets, Jewel Cases. Box Papers, 25c to $10.00 Al . . ""' J OUR SPECIALTIES ft' PURE TEAS, FRESH ROASTED ' COFFEES, GRAND UNION BAK " ING POWDER, GRAND UNION FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WHOLE, M ti it K Our Christmas Greeli The accompanying cut gives you "8 but a iaint conception' o( the exquis ite beauty of our' . . PANEL CALENDAR size 14x28, in ten printings,-which J we will present from Dec 19th to 24th, inclusive, FREE to each purchaser of goods amount ing to twenty-five cents or more, addition to the regular number of uciiets given. Special in x f m (U-m I rii aLirv:sL 207 Washington Avenue, Scranton. CDC3cri.ircrBZDr acti SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS With one pound of Baking Powder we are giving you choice of the following : A i.arire Rnnffr. Boy's Xoastcr, Girl's Sled, China Salad.Tore Lii' Hose Story Book and many other equally good premiums, A WORD OF CAUTION.-Don't wait until the day before Christmas to bring In your tickets. A much better assortment and better attention may be had earlier. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lackawanna Aye. litt-118 S. Main Aye. Caroondalc Store 60 Salem Are. Pittston Store 1G tf. Main St. llrIUMlll'llal'all li.r. .. H. H.f. . .. 1. a. a. a. i. . .. . -" ')tiiiiit)i)mi(uii'-(j,nni,-(-(,-(,i,-(,lm-1,jm, GROUND AND MIXED SPICES, POULTRY SEASONING, CELERY SALT. 131- I0D is ,vw K1- I3:i 1.32 -I3!t 13 17J 781 71!) 7G9-23(C GREEN RlDGtWIIEi:L5IEN. T.iylor 17S 171 191 r.tu AVedeman 132 1 17 122 121 Mason 181 131) 1.31 mi Jlooro 1l 201 130-521 Welcliel 184 119 17ii-513 Si S.'7 7K)-24Si; UIkIi hcoie, Jloore, 201; high average, Taylor, ISO. The standing of the teams In this league is now as follows: Won. Lost. P.C. Scranton Bicycle club 10 r .782 Klectric City "Whoolmcn ...13 8 .('..'3 Green Ridge Wheelmen ...11 10 ."S!l Kuuurbans 13 11 .342 Arcadians 7 17 .292 Orange and Black 4 20 .107 CITY BOWLING LEAGUE. Only one set of games was played last night In the City Bowling league, the other three sets having been post poned for various reasons. These games were played between the Backus and Cambrian teams and the former won all three. The score: BACKUS. ruhronholt 131 130 K',7-4CS Moore 139 170 139-4SS Vogelsang 141 Id 172-4SI Peckham 1X5 1.19 160-472 Hopkins ISl 171 170- K!l 791 70.3 S3 1-2 1 10 CAMBRIANS. A. Davis 140 J19 120 SS3 Jehu lift 12! 139-122 Feldman H3 11! IK)-401 Bonner 1H5 132 1)7 113 Gillespie 1S7 l.'.l 103 4S0 71S nil 730-2109 High score, Gillespie, 1S7; high nvur jige, II pkinf. 177. M'MILLAN GETS A MATCH. His Wreqtliug Challenge Accepted by Prof. Dwyer. McMillan, tho wrestler who came into prominence in this section two weeks nan when lie wus defeated in a handi cap match by Prof. Dwyer Is to meet Dwyer again. The challenge Issued by McMillan Iwh been accepted by Dwyer, and the latter yesterday telegraphed from New Haven, Conn., that he would meet McMillan in a mixed match here on December 29. Arrangements have been made to hold the go in Music hull. At the last, match MoMillnn agreed to throw Dwyer three times within an hour and succeeded in throwing him twice in half the time. However, when the men went on the mat for the third time, Dwyer got the better ot his op ponent and secured a fall. The match is for $100 a side, the winner to get 73 and the loser 25 per cent, of the gate receipts. Gibson Calendars at Iloynolds Bros. SHOT BY SON-IN-LAW. by Sebato Lodesco Badly Wounded Marco Mamchiello. Sebato Ledesco, an old Italia:;, was shot and seriously wounded on Sun day evening at Old Forge, by his son-in-law, Marco Mamchiello, who is be ing held at tho county jail to await the lesult of his victim's injuries. The shooting occurred on Sunday evening at 1 o'clock at the home of the injured man's brother, Louis Ladesco, who lives on Main street. A number of men were In the house playing cards, when Lodesco and his son-in-law got into a wordy war. Tho elderly man said something which annoyed Mam chiello, who pulled a revolver from hia pocket and fired three shots at him. ) One of the bullets went wild, a sec ond passed through Lodesco's shoulder and a third grazed his skull. The in jured man was attended by Dr. Tim lin and Mamchiello was arrested by Chief of Police McKenna. He made no offer of resistance and was committed to the county jail by Justice Holland without bail. Lodesco's injuries are serious but it is believed that he will recover. Prang's Calendars at Reynolds Bros. ARIEL. D. W. Mittan died Sunday morning at 7.10 o'clock, of cancer of the liver. Ho wns &2 years of age. Tho funeral will bo held at "Waverly, Pa., on Wed nesday, tit 2 n. m. Mrs. Lewis Benjamin, of Dalton, has gone from this place to Hawley, where Mio Is visiting friends. Prang's Posters at Reynolds Bros. II of AH Kinds for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. They come in all the most popular and very newest styles and shapes. In the best leathers, as well as cloth and felt. The assortment is large and you can not help finding just what you want. w V! CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS- a Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescnf Gas Lamp. i GunslerJForsylli 3'2.327 Perm ATcrnie. fXn'.f27T UM Bewitching Perfumery The purest extracts from fresh, fragrant flowers, re taining all' the delicacy and penetrating sweetness that scented the air over the fields ani gardens where they were grown. These delightful perfumes have been pre pared of such celebrated makers as Chrlsts', Lazell-Ually, Lundburg And others; also the choicest Imported perfumery, In cluding one or two new and enchanting odors. A lady Is In charge of the Perfumery Counter this week, and the store will be open all day on Chr Istmas. Bottles of Perfumery in handsome boxes from ioc to $4.oo each, or you may bring your own bottles and have them filled. Call and get a Free Sample of "Mel'Lotus" and "Hyonga," the newest of high class perfumes. JOHN J. LOFTUS, Dggist 237 Wyoming Ave. LADIES' SLIPPEBS Juliet Stylo, In Alfred Dolgo Folt (tho best felt made), all col ors to select from; trimmings in fur to match J1.00 nnd $1,23 Juliets, in vlcl kid, w!h p-itent tip or plain too $1,23 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Folt Juliets, In all color-', fur trimmed U1 to 51.00 EVENING SLIPPEKS Queen Patent Leather H.imi.tl, 3-button stiap stylo; bead tilm nicil $.',23 Same style. In ilel kid J.'.uo Vlcl Sandal, with fancy motul trimmed silk bow strnp $1.00 Vlcl Kill, ci oss-strap style, bead tilmmed J.,50 P.itont Leather Sandal, u-uow Kvoretls. blnck and tan vlcl, velour calf, Donnola and Ilusslsin plain or fancy tilmmed..,. 73u to $1.S0 Bveiotts, crocodile effect, In blaek.tun and wine shades. "Do to $l,:o Itomeos, high cut In front and line;, clubtlu sides; blnck ami tan. In Dongola. vlcl kid. velour and IliisMuu leathers $1.00 to J2W 75 pairs Men's Embroidered Velvet Slippers, with patent leather trimmings. 75 pair Im- . Itatlon crocodile slippers, patent leather trimmed, per pair,.., 4oC straps, ornamented with cut steel buckles $2,00 Colonial Slippers, In patent leather, lnncy bucklo ornament. ,$3.5u Patent Leather Oxford, with cloth top; Lo'ils heel' $1,00 Patent Leather Oxford Tie. French heel, luce style $1.00 Patent Kid Strap Sandal, bow Mrap with jewel sot buckle $1.00 MEN'S SLIPPEBS On the Bargain Table Collect Yellow Stamps CUT THIS OUT Double Quantity Coupon. Present this coupon and we will make you a present of as mauy stamps free, in addition to those you receive with your purchase, as your purchase entitles you to. Lewis, Ruddy, Davies & Murphy. Good for Tuesday and Wednesday, Decem ber 23 and 24. Sto re Open Evenings till Christmas. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY i 330 Lackawanna Avenue NEXT DOOR TO THE NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING n ? n t. : K . , v. r. . it r. r. t it s DICKSON'S f X s Best J I PATENT FLOUR The Celebrated SNOW WHITE; Always reliable. Dickson it X i Mill & Grain Co J X j," Scranton and Olyphnnt. g NEW YORK HOTELS. jjLDINE SJOTEL .lTIIAV.,IIUrVKi:NUOTIIANl):iOTUSfd. NEW YORK. EUROP!MNV PLAN. NUW. IVEPROOR Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town cars and transfer at 4 tit ave. 'direct to hotel, Iloowi with Ilatli (Suit? with IlatU 92.00 I I $;i.oo. W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTEK HOTEL Cor. SUtccntli St. and Ir Viz I'Uco, NEW YOHK, American Han, $3.50 I'er Day and Upwards. European J'J.n, $1,00 I'er Vty and Upwards, Epecial Kales to t'amlllca. T. THOMPSON, Prop. -h t lor Business Uoa f f hi tho heart or the wholesale dls. f U'let. f For ahouiterii I 3 minutes' walk to WanamaNers; L' minutes to Slegel Cooper's UIk t Store. 10a a v of access to the irreat T Dry Ooods Stores. For siKlitscew One block from II' way Cars. glv. Insr easy transportation to all polntu o( luleieat. HOTEL ALBERT xrwiir -rittir . i imit luiuv. r t Cor 11th BT. & UNIVERSITY PL. f T Only one Mock from UroaJwny. i X Rnnm. SI lln. A4?".4ani- I lUMVANx Price Reductions. Plan as best we may for holiday shoppers some lines of goods are sold out unexpectedly soon while other lines re main complete and iu excessive quantity. It's these latter we want to tell you about. After Christmas we take our annuaL inventory and have no time for special sales then. Besides, the less stock we have the quicker we can finish inventory and o on with next year's business. For these reasons we have determined, on a radical Reduction Of 25 per cent in price on the following lines of holiday merchandise. Candy Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Lined Work Baskets, Unlined Work Baskets, Fancy Scrap Baskets, Fancy Thermometers, Regular Thermometers Bronze Ornaments, Ornamental Pitchers, Ornamental Vases, Decorated Oil Lamps With Globes to Match. As we are too busy ( to go over this stock and change each price you will un dorstand that the discount will be figured at the time of purchase on the regular price of the article yoii select. This dis count will apply only to purchases mad,e December 22, 28 and 24 The goods are so arranged and marked that you can tell just which ones carry the discount. OPEN EVENINGS. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. SI8!3Ste3gfe Oriental Rugs - Mftif nnrahlA Ikfifnl nnii Roaiitifnl HOUDAY GIFTS MIOHAELIAN BROS. & CO., 134 Washington Ave, M it n X .X . .X X ai r A fi