H 4 v i ' ' . ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1902. 3K (9 Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder tJsod by people of refinement for over a G,uarterof;ii.qojatury. J lego; F. S. Clark nml William Jennings, of University of Pennsylvania, nro spending their vncatlons here. The funeral of Mrs. John Burke took place on Saturday afternoon. Inter ment was made In St. Mary's cemetery. D. Tj. Sanders, of Delta, Col., has presented his daughter with an Ivors & Pond piano, It was received on Sat urday afternoon. - m WAVERLY. i i Tho largo number of people who at tended the concert at tho Baptist church last Wednesday evening wore highly pleased with the entertainment. It was a success In every particular. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" DIRECTORY. No Order Acrepled lor Ixsss Thnn to (Jcnts. BUSINESS 0PPJRTUSIIIE3. REE ESTATE Onlj- Half a Cnt a Word. Onlr Half i Cwt i Tirt. J (y I Don't Forget l--l Toyland Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday Then Christmas ARE YOU READY? Moments are precious the Big Store is the center of attraction. No better test of its ability to handle large crowds thoroughly than was displayed on Saturday. COME TODAY-VISIT THE The Furniture Department OV THZ FOURTH FLOOR. COME TODAY-VISIT THE Picture Gallery, Rug and Carpet Department ON THE THIRD FLOOR' COME TODAY VISIT THE ToySand, Also the Fine China, Cut Glass and Handsome BncaBrac Department IN BASEMENT. Every Department Holiday i Kid Gloves for Women's Our perfection; all j sizes and colors, black and white. Pair .... Jj 1 ,U0 Golf Gloves, pair Toy Department Magic Lanterns, 35c to $5.00. Steam Engines, 35c to $5.50. Child's Roll Top Desks and plain at 75c to $6.50. Mechanical Toys in a large variety, 35c to $3.00. Glad tidings Christmas Shoppers. Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel- lent Christmas Gifts. Gifts that have the stamp of quality. " Watches, Diamond Pendents, Rings, I Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Urn- ! brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl- ing Silverware, Etc., Etc. And all at prices that are sure to meet your approval. C. LUTHER, ! 133 Wyoming Avenue, Hotel Jermyn, ESTABLISHED 1857. fr.!...!... ' H ft & ? It It It H t fc H It It t K Want Sensible Presents We have never been as well prepared for the holiday season as we are now. Our assortment of high class Morris Chairs, handsome Parlor Rockers, etc. ; Joint Willow Chairs, in new and artistic designs; Jardinier Stands, etc., is matchless in its, completeness, Parlor Rocker, Upholstered Seats $LnO to $10.00 Large, Willow Rocking Chairs 3.00 to 9.00 Morris Chairs, Solid Oak, very heavy, hand " V tt r x K X a u a tt tt V tt tt a it ' V ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft" ft' ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft' ft ft ft' ft' carved, with hair cushions 0.00 to Solid Oak Tables, highly finished 155c. to Jardinier Stands, anany styles, (to close) ... Hassocks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Tapestry Portiers, etc., at specially low prices, With everv S20.00 FREE ', . -'-' - cuoice oi any i at from $15.00 to on Wednesday evening. J. Scott 419 Lacka. Ave., 5 'A " A A 'A "A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A "A 'A A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A Is Full of Interest for Shoppers. Hosiery , Women's Fine Black Lace Hose, brilliant lisle lace, 75c to $1.50 Holiday Gifts Women's The Trefousee, so well known and cheap. . All colors and sizes; pricejp 1 ,50 25c to 50c in the Basement Pool Tables, $8.50. Toy Furniture, 25c to $4.98. Dolls in wagon lots. Special for Saturday, Jointed and Kid . Body Dolls at ioc, 35c and 4vC Drums, Sleds, Horns, Air Guns, Balls, Jack-in-the-Box, Games, etc. for t t It It It H ? t It It It It It It It It 20.00 si.00 0c mirdmso nf Cnrnpts. vrmr -" , , , "i, i - ft ft ft ft ft ft ,X ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .trior KocKcr in stoci:, marked ?!$.50 each. This offer closes Inglis, 1 HI K Scranton, Pa 'A 'A 'A A 'A 'A 'A ' 'A 'A 'A "A " A 'A "A 'A a MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Dec. 21. Charles Beck, of Scranton. Is vlsltlnc- relatives In town. lllland 15. Kstabrook returned Satur- nro (l- wor on tno Simpson property, day morning to his homo In Harford, Work upon tho house Is being pushed after spending a short tlmo In 'this ns rapidly ns possible. Mr. Simpson place. llaa nIso purchased tho rink property. Biggs Brewster, a student at Prince- To address of Dr. Mackey on "Prac ton college, arrived here Thursday to tleaI Sanitation," at the Baptist church spend the holidays with his parents, 'nt Wednesday evening, was .one of Attorney and Mrs. D. T. Brewster. tllu ln08t Interesting that has been de- Mr. and Mrs. William G. Jordan and Hvcred here, daughter, Mildred, left Friday evening George Warner has purchased tho lot to attend the funeral of Mr. Jordan's ndjolning the Baptist parsonage, on father, Delos Jordan, who died nt his Mtlln street, and Intends to erect a late home In Athens, Bradford county, dwelling there tho coming summer. Thursday afternoon, after a long 111- Rev. . Charles Garner, who has been nefls from that much dreaded disease, thc minister here for tho colored people cancer. for several years, has gone to Danville. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. B. Hendrlck, of He wna well liked hero and a popular Hnllstead, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Preacher. S. M. Wilson, tho latter part of lust week. G. Carlton Shafer, who Is attending Pilnceton college, Is expected to arrive in town tins week to spend his vaca-, Tunkhannock, Dec. 21,-Mlss Ethollnc tlon at the home of his mother, Mrs. Blakesleo Is spending a few days with N. II. Shafer, on Church street. relatives at Nicholson. Misses Fannie Deuel and Margaret Miss Martha Lobeck, of Scranton, Is Glllen were guests of Miss Bessie Coyle ylsltlnu her sister, Mrs. Mario Frear, at at Scranton last week i her home on Second street. Unoii ii vto Line tnknn It wi do- Tho llcen3 for tho Beaumont Hoiibo Upon a oto being taken t v,as rtc-'nt ueluImont wll, bo transferred from oldeil to hold the Presbyterian prayer -villnrd Race, tlio present proprietor, to meeting as usual Chrlstmus night. Uenjntmln Doll, who expects to conduct A shower and needle bath Is being thu placo henceforth. Tho Lehigh Valley placed in Company G's now armory, House, at Mchoopany station, has also Village Hall, for the use of the com- changed hands, having been sold by pany, nnd it is probable that a gymna- Leonard Champion to Charles Smith of slum will also be started. The com- ThnGaylord, proprietor of thc Gay- pany stands second in the Thirteenth ,or(1 lrousey at' Meh,anj.( WBB ln t0vyn regiment, nnd Captain Dennis and his 0n Friday. men will make a strong tight to secure Alvah Melhulsh, tho painter. Is suffcr tlrst place, their percentage being 97, Ing from lead poisoning and is in a dan only one-half percent lower than the serous condition. highest. i Mrs Bradley Wakcman visited friends Photographer I.. G. Tltman was In at,rW" ?"al on, Thursday. Scranton on Thursdav He Is dolnnr , Mra: Waltor Cassidy, of Lake Carey, aci anion on inurscia. tie is aomg ms bccn ppon(llng tho week wlu, M some excellent work in the photograph- ail(1 Mrs Wllllatn noaaicy on Second is line. street. Mrs. K. P. Mungor, Miss Mary Van Nono of tho town newspapers will Issuo Gaasbeok and the Misses Llndermann any edition next week on acount of the were in Blnghamton Friday. i Christmas holidays. Arthur B. Fancher arrived here Fri- ' A. T- Adams nnd J. M. Palmer, of tho day evening from Dickinson collece r. I. i V irom uicKin on college, Carlisle, to spend his vacation with his mother at her home on Bank street. HOPBOTTOM. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Hopbottom, Dec. 21. F. W. Tennant, of Clark's Summit, was a caller in town Thursday. Mrs. O. D. Roberts and Mrs. W. E. Brown spent Thursday in Scranton. Several people from this place at tended the funeral of Gilbert Smith at Brooklyn, Wednesday. Mr. Roberts Is on the sick list. Mr nnrl Mrq A T. Tllna will onon.l jur. ami Mrs. A. L. iitus will spend Christmas with relatives in New Jer- sey- Mrs. H. E. Bertholf and Miss Daisy Smith were callers In Scranton, Friday, Mrs. Fred Kenner, of Dimock, visited her sister, Mrs. D. W. Wright this weej; ' TU.- w T csinriin- p nm,M . Mih W.L.Sterling, of Bjooklyn, was a caller at the home of W. E. Brown, I' rlday. The remains of J. P. A. Tingley, of Carbondule, were brought to this place for burial on Friday. Services were ; held In tho Universalist church. Christmas exercises will be observed ln the churches on Christmas eve. NICHOLSON. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, Dec. 21. On account of tho new church not being completed, the ladies of tho Methodist Episcopal wnno neany me same nas ueen strength church have postponed the Christmas cne(1 b' a few changes that havo been dinner until inter. Mrs. John Bailey, of Harrlsburg, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Black. Mrs. B. B. Blakesley and daughter, of Tunkhunndck, are spending a few days with her husband, Mr. B. B. Blakesley. Mrs. V. C. Decker spent a few days In Scranton last week. Mrs. F. C. Driggs was a caller in Scranton, Saturday. AVOCA. John Robinson arrived homo from the Eastern penitentiary on Saturday even ing. The funeral of Thomas Healey tor place on Saturday morning. A requlc mass was read by Rev. William . Healey, a brother of tho deceased. Ue P. F. Loughney was deacon; Rev. 3 F. Cawley, sub-deacon, and Rev. J. J Morrison was master of ceremonies. L the sanctuary were Rev. J. J. McCabi J. J. Curran, P. F. Quinnnn and J. V Jordan. Interment was made in St. Mary's cemetery. Charles Druffner, Patrick McNultj and Patrick Heston, of Baltimore col- An Old and Well-Tried Bemedy, MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething. Is tho preset Iptiou of ono of tho best femalo physicians and nurses In tho United States, nnd hua been Uied sixty years with novor-fnlllng sue cess. by millions of mothers for tholr chil dren. During tho process of teothlng Its value Is Incalculable. It relloves tho child from pain, cures diarrhoea, gilping in tha bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to tho child It rests tho mother. Price, twenty-tlvo cents a bottle. An Impossibility You might just as well try to lift yourself in a tab as to try and get your list ol .hrutmas Prcbcnts complete without first calling at Florey & Brooke, Camera and Codai department, 532 534 Spruce St., everything in the photographic line,Albunis, Calendars, Poster Boards etc. We have just recoived in our Sporting Goods Department o shipment of To boggans at all prices, all other lines are now complete. Come and see, Open Evenings. Florey & Brooks, 533-524 Spruce Street. A. number of carpenters and laborers TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune, enfB" ""llding & Supply Company, were hero on Thursday, settling with tho mb nssnr,,nMnn Tnv tho now L building, recently erected here. A Melghload of eight young couple en joyed a sieighrlde to Meehoopany on Thursday evening and took supper at Gaylord's hotel. THEATRICAL. Christmas at the Lyceum. "Our New Minister," Denman Thomp son and Georgo W. Ryer's new comedy drama of New England life, which Scran- i ton saw for tho first tlmo Inst season, Is """" """' """ "vur Willi lliu amusement-loving public. It wilt bo seen again at tho Lyceum Christmas afternoon and evening. "Our New Minister" is, lirst of all, nnd above nil, an American play, racy of the solI Tho scene is laid In a small New Ens'and village, called Hardscrabble, and its Yankee flavor is pronounced and un- mlstukablo. "Our New Minister" has no llorso play but on the contrary c7ory character and situation is natural, and a strong current of humanity flows through it all. A magnificent scenic production will bo seen. Scats on salo Tuesday at J a- " Successful Comic Opera. Dainty music, pretty girls, magnificent costumes and clever comedians are tho elements which have mado tho musical comedy "San Toy" so popular with tho theater-going public. It Is claimed that this season It will bo found that "Snn Toy" is mounted in oven better shaoo than ever before and that tho company A now feature this season will bo tho orchestra, which is carried by the com pany and which Is to bo combined with tho houso orchestra, making an en larged one, such as is not often heard outsldo of tho largo cities. In tho cast of "San Toy" arc Samuel Collins, Georgo K. Fortoscue, Hobart Smock, Naglo Bar ry, Sarony Lambert, Joseph Cauto, Elglo Bowen, Nelllo Lynch, Norah Lambert, and a chorus of sixty. Tho orchestra will bo directed by John Braham. "San Toy" comes to tho Lyceum next Saturday, mat lnco nnd night. Seats on salo Christmas morning at 9 o'clock. Special Matinee Today. The Chester Do Vondo Stock company II open a week's engagement at tho ademy of Music, commencing with a leclal matinco today, presenting, "Ten on Door." "Tin Ton Door," was tho bill adver ted at tho Lyceum Inst night by tho hester Do Vondo Stock company, snys ho Elmlra Advertiser, "and it was wit icssed by ooe of tho largest audiences hut over wltnes&cd a performance at tho Lyceum. Tho play 13 on tho way to be-.-omo a great piece. It furnishes plot, ncldent, situation, humur, sentiment and devotion nlong with a wholesomo dash of llfo and color." Tho attraction tonisht will be "Tho Bond of Honor." For Chilstmas two unusually fctrong plays will bo presented. Matlneo, "Silver Creek Fort"; night, "A Drop of Poison," Prices, matinee, 10, CO and 30 cents; night, 10, 20, 30 and 00 cents. Seats on salo Tuesday at 9 a, m, Andrew Mack Coming:. An Iilsh comedian us a lieutenant In tho American army will bo a new chnractor to tho stago, Andrew Mack will bo tho actor who will Impersonate tho character Don't Try it. For Bent. FOIl ItENT-Courtrlght House. Wilkes- uaric, is in mo. i order, contains iu rooms, Iiiib large basement, and barn for CO horses. Bent $150 per month, HpbsoI & Co., 30 Bennett Building, Wlllccs-Uarrc. , $18 For Bent Ton-room house; excellent neighborhood; all modern improve ments, on avenuo. Apply to II. P. Ham ilton, 420 Spruco street. For Bale. FOB SAtiE Christmas trees nt wholesalo prices; church trees a specialty. Now 'Phono 1003, corner Nay Aug avenuo and Green Bldgo street. B. K. Duvls. OYST13B and dining room doing nice business, will bo sold cheap if sold this week. 207 Lackawanna avenuo. Wanted To Bent. WANTED TO KENT A furnished house; no children. Address A. B. C, Tho Tribune. WANTED-Small furnished house. Ad dress Box 300. city. Booms and Board. THE LINDEN, -'SOO Llndon street, has a numoer or ucsiramo vacancies; ngnt rooms and choice tablo board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or five young men. Inquiro 332 Wash ington avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Writo for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. M. Htbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange. -II and 46 Broadway, New York. Established 1S04. Long Distance 'Phone 238S Broad. Beal Estate. FOR SALE Thirty-two acres of land in city limits, $3000 per acre, one-half down, but on time; an opportunity for business site; railroad running through premises. Address A. M. O'Donncll, For est City, Pp.., or James Moonoy & Bro., Moonoy Building, Buffalo, N. Y. Lost. LOST A white bull terrier pup, answers to name of Bob. Reward if returned to 02) Qulney avenue. SE LED PROPOSALS; SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In the ofilco of the City Recorder by tho Director of tho Department of Public Works at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, tho 12th day of January, 1MB, tor tho con struction of a viaduct upon and along West Lackawanna avenue, from Seventh avenue to Ninth avenue ncross and over the tracks of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, in ac cordance with plans and specifications on file ln the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering. Each bidder shall enclose with his pro posal, cash or certified check, ln the sum of ono thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, as a guarantee to execute a contract If award ed the same. In case the bidder to whom the contract shall havrt been awarded, re fuses or omits to execute a contract for tho work in accordance with the plan's and specifications therefor with in ten (10) days from the date of the award, tho enclosure accompanying his proposal shall bo forfeited to the use of the City of Scranton. Bidders are requested to mall their pro posals from the postoflice of tho city or town in which their main office Is situ ated. Bidders will bo furnished with proposal blanks at the Bureau of Engineering and no others will bo accepted. All proposals shall be mailed to tho City I Controller of tho City of Scranton and snail lie marked on tho enveloDO "Pro posal for West Lackawanna Avenue Via duct," and must be received in said offlco not later than 2.30 p. m., Monday, Jan uary, 12, 1903. ' Tho city reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. JOHN E. ROCHE. Director, Department of Public AVorks. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 1C, 1902. G4jL. CLERK'S NOTICE in Bankruptcy In tho District Court of the United States for thc Middlo District of Pennsylvania. C. P. Slack, of Scranton, Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of July 1, 1&9S, hav ing applied for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said act, notlco is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons In In terest, to appear before tho said Court nt Scranton, In said District, on tho 5th day of January, 1003, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to show rnuso, If any they have, why tho piayor of tho said petitioner should not bo granted. EDWARD R. W. SEARLE, Clerk. In his now play by Theodora Burt Sayro entitled "Tho Bold Soger Boj." Mr. Mack will present his now play nt tho Lyceum Friday night. Scats on salo Wednesday at 9 a. m. Bon-Ton Burlesquers. Brightness and snap, together with a slight tlngo of "spice" are tho predomin ating features of tho "Bon-Ton Burlesque company" that Is booked to ajipear at the Star today commencing with tho usual matinee. Two particularly bright travesties, "Tut. tl Fruttl" and "A Daffy Shop" aro tho mediums used to present the company iu n;i amusing and entertaining mixture of song, dnnce, snappy dialogue and humor ous Incident, Botween "Tuttl Fruttl" and "A Daffy Houso" thcro will bo seen a morltorlous olio of specialties by Hoey and Lee, who aro considered to bo tho best eccentric IHobrow comedians iu America. Miss Graco Leonard, a hnndsomo woman with a rich contralto volco; tho Barrett broth oks, Irish comedians, Inimitable story tellois and real jig dancers; the Navotto sisters, a pair of beautiful song birds and ncrobatic soubrettos; Frank Byron nnd Louisa Langdon in their jovial furcu, "Tho Hound of tho Baskervlllos"; tho Simpsons, talented musical artists. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Iinkewood, Queen of Winter Resorts. Of all winter resorts where people congregate for social pleasures and outdoor sports, Lakowood easily lends. It is but fifty-nine miles from New York and In the heart of tho great pine region of New Jersey, proverbial for its sandy soil, light, resinous nlr and a perfect climate, The resort Is a suni tariuin only as ono desires to make It, and the Idea should be dispelled that none go there except for recuperation. On tho contrary, Lakewood is n great social centre for all that wenltli can conceive In the way of Indoor and out door pleusuies and sports, and has a reputation us such which Is world wide. The delightful outdoor sports, goir, the hunt, skating on Lake Cura saljo, polo, driving, riding and cycling, uro kept up from October until May, and no moro healthful courses or roads exist anywhere. Lakewood is leached only by tho New Jersey Central in fast, vestlbuled parlor car trains that de part at convenient hours from stations in New York at foot of Liberty street and South Ferry. Lakewood booklet on application to C. M. Burt, general pas senger ugent, New York city. Branch WAN r uffi'Hi, Want Advertisements Will Bo Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing; Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHULTZ, corner Mul berry street nnd Webster avo. GUSTAV PICHEL, 6G0 Adama avenuo. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenuo. South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenuo and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo street. C. LOREN55, corner Washington avenue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONE & SON. Help Wanted. WANTED-Agents to sell tea and cof feo to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANTED A shoe salesman, for Lacka wanna county, for a line of well Known mining shoes. One who is well acquainted with tho trado and can see them often. Address Box 31, Milford, N. J. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for this county. No hooks, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and mnnu factuiers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State age, experience, references first let- L.r- T&?,ar? SSl. Sult0 C72- No- 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. WANTED A situation as nurse; ago 15. Addres- J. R., P. O. box 113, Scranton, WANTED Position as bookkeeper, fully (nullified to handle either single or double entry set of books; three years' experience. Am employed at present but wish to como to tho Lackawanna Val ley. Can furnish references. Address K Tribune office, Carbondale, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-By a young man, willing to do any kind of work. Address 820 Fifth street, Dunmore. Furnished Rooms for Rent. FOR RENT Furnlsl J rooms, heated with steam, at 5U Mulberry street, near Washington avenue; prices reason able. FOR RENT Front furnished bed rooms for gentlemen. 312 Washington avenuo. FOR RENT A furnished room on second floor fiont, $1.50 week. G35 Adams avo. LEGAL. MY WIFE, Florence M. Shifter, having loft my bed nnd board, 1 hereby glvo notlco that I will not be responslblo for any debts contracted by her. (Signed) JESSIE SHIPPER. West Seneca, Dec. 17, 1!)0 RESOLUTION authoilzlng n tax to llqui date tho principal and interest of bonds Issued by tho borough of Mooslc, Pa. Whereas, tho borough of Moosic, through Its town council, at a meeting of the Bamo held on November (!, IDOL", au thorized on increase of its Indebtedness in tho sum of J2.000 and that bonds to that amount be Issu d in denom. nations ot $1,000 each, b.iid bonds to matuiu in five nnd six years, respectively. Bo It lesolved that a tax of 2 mills be levied and collected each and every year on tho assessed valuation of said borough to proviuo tor the payment of the prin cipal and Intel est of tho said amount at tho tlmo of maturity. Passed Dec. Sth, 1M2. W. L. ANTHONY, President of Council. THOMAS SUTCLIFFE, Clerk. THOMAS GEMMELL, Burgess. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A., 53 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 18!H. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCH B., Real Estate Exchange Bldg., 120 Wash ington avenue. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CON nell building. Dentists. DR. E. C, EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 113 WYOMING avo Eire Insurance. SCHLAGER & CO,, 401 Connell Building. Patent Attorneys. PA rENTSLnAccs Tho only licensed and equipped patent solicitor Iu the city. No charge for In formation on patentability; ovor ten years' experienci Kcploglc & Co.. Mcars Bldtr. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and lil FRANK lln avenuo. Rates lensonable. P, S51EGLEH, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D L. & W. Piibst-ngcr depot. Conducted on tho Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch, Propilotor, Scavenger. ATBTmuGas CLEANS privy vaults and cess pools: no odor; oaly Improved pumps used, A. B. Brlggs. proprietor. Leave ordeis 110 North Main uvenue. or Blcko's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. ave., Scrunton, mfrs. of Wire Screons Miscellaneous. MEOARGEH BROS., PRINTERS' SUP. puts, envelopes, paper bags, twlno. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenuo. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN be bud in Scrunton at the news stand of Reismaii Bros., 400 Spruco and CO Linden; M. Norton, 322 Lackawanuu ave.; I. 8. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, straight lonnn or Building and Loam At from I to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 311-315 Council building. Employment Agency. RELIABLE help can bo procured nt Mrs. . ;, u,-, Stnrkoy's Employment Of nco. 130 Washington avenue, rooms 1! and 4. Toko clovntor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and We3torn. IN Effect Juno 1, 1U02. Trains lonvo Scranton for Now York i.13,80' c-03t 7,co "nd 10.10 a. m.; 12.40, 3.40, 3.35 p. m. For New York nnd Phila-dolphla-Y.GO. 10.10 a. m., nnd 1LM0 and ii.33 lV,.m,i p"r Qouldsboro-At U.10 p. m. For il'P"!01,15' --2 m,d D0 tt- '": i-K. tno ami 11.10 p. m. For Blnghamton, Elmira, and way statlons-10.25 'n. m.. 1.05 p. in. For Oswego, Syiucusu and Utlca-1.15 and ; i ?;.im,, M" '' '" Oswego, Byracuso and Utlca train at fi.22 a. m. dally, except i?"ldnft For Montroso-9.00 a. m.; 1.05 a Jin ,":. .T- Nicholson accommodation -4.00 nnd 0.15 p. m. inS i onjshi'Jg Dlvlslon-For Northumber nii ai,c-35 nml 10.10-a. m.: 1.55 and fi.10 and 9.0,, p. m. r 8-,!!Z rralns-For Now York, 1.50, 3 20. S'JJralo-1.15 and G.22 a. m.; 155. 0.50 and II. In n m T? ti-i , ' ' i. n ; ' J i j'.iuuru uiiu way Bullions tlnnn om For DnThnmton and wny sta- tt. ?.'w '" " "loomsuurg uivision Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Vnlloy Railroad. In Effect Nov. 10, 1902. t. ,,. Trntns Leave Scranton For Philadelphia and New York via D. ILK. B-. at 7.11, through Parlor Car ""'J Pjy Coach Carbondale to New Yorls JiSi 9;47JJ;.m- w'th L. V. Coach Carbon n!. t0 Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4.35 (Black ?,i?,L"l1 Kspress), and 11.40 p. m. Sun- ?A V,. ; R- 15S P- m.. 9.3S a. m. ! , '"? Haven, Huzlcton and princi pal points In tho coal regions, via D. & Pottsvllle. 7.41 a. in. I'or Bethlehem, Enston, Rending, Har nsmirg and principal Intermediate sta tions. Vlfi Tl A IT T T 1 tl n rr . I n ip . .. ,V. ' 'i U. 'v.. 1.11, j.m u. 111,, 1S, 4 3j (Ulnck Diamond Express), 11.49 p. and l.DS and 9.17 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towandn, Elmlra. uiiaca, Ocnova nnd principal intermediate Si1?".? vin D- L- & W. R. R., 6.35 a. m. anil 1.55 p. ni. o,?I0ir-. 9,cnevn' Rochester. BufTalo, Nlag ?J i'alla- Chicago and all points west via fJi. ", ,u- n- '"Ol p. m.: 3.28 (Black ninmond Express). 10 11, 11.49 p. m. Sun days . D. & u. n. R., 12.03. 9.17 p. m. v 11 mJ,n Parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh J5 y Parlor cars on all trains between WIlkcs-Dnrro nnd Now York. Philadol P,U?'TIlffnI ,ln1 Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 28 Ootland street. New Yorld CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt., 23 Cortland street, Now York. o WA NONESTACHER, Div. Pass. Agt, South Bethlehem. Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservation ap WrW0 city 'lekot office. C9 Public Square, Wllkes-Barro. Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 10, lUuJ. Stations In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia. Easton, Bethlehem, Allon town, Alauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, WIlltes-Bnne and Pittston at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m., nnd 4 p. in. Sundays, 7.13 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves cramon i.m a. m.. witn tnroii'-ili solid vestibuio train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only ono change of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, and all principal points south and west and has through coach for Now York. For Avoca, Pittston nnd Wilkcs-Barro, 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday. 7.13 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 7.30 a. m. and 1 p. m. For Rending, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown nt 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p. m. For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle nt 7.30 a. m.. 1 p. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. RESSLER, General Managor. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. . . Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule ln Effect Juno 10, 1902. Trains leave Scranton 0.3S a. m., week d.ivs, through vestibuio train from UKCS-IJ.H 1 U. XUIIIllllll MllltUl 11, 11)1 Ulll and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts ' vlllo; stops at principal intermediate sta 1 tions. Also connects for Simbury. Har risburg, Philadelphia. Baltlmoro, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. a .m n...r.l. iln.'i. , A.. C.,l. ,, TTi-im. y.1!! U. 111.. n-li uBp vji tntm.,. J . -inii- risburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington nnd Pittsburg nnd tho West. 1 42 P. m., week days, (Sundays. 1.5S p. m.), for Sunbury. Harrlsburg, Philadel phia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and tho West. 3 S p. m., week days, through vestibuio trnfn from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor rar and coaches to Philadelphia- via Pottsvlllu. Stops at principal lntermedl- 4.35 p. m,, week davs, for Hazloton, Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-. bUlir' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt. Dolawaro and Hudson. In Effect Nov. 10. li)02. Ti-nlna for Caibondale leave Scranton n. G41 730, 8.3S. 10.13 n. m.I 12.05. 1,12. 2.U. Siso: C.29. OS, 7.22. S.33, 9.50, 11.20 p. m.; 12ForaiTmiesdalo-0.l4, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and D'k0?" Wllkes-Barro-CSS. 7.41. 8.11. 9.47, 10 53 a. in 12.03. 1.42. 2.1S, 3.23, 4.33, 0.10, 7 4S 910 10.11. ll. P. '" For L V. PoInls-7.11. 9.17 a. m.j br4 3pSnnsylvaa'la "r. . R. Points-0 . n 17 n m 1.12. 3.2S nnd 1.3u p. m. For Albany and ull points north-7.38 u. ,. and a-50sP-N- AY TrtAINg, For Curbondalo-S.ro, U.3J a. m.; 2.11. 3-W. C.C2 and lhl7 P. in- 3-28. 0 32 and 9.17 n. in. .. -, For Hoi e" lale-sro 11. m.; 352 p. m. - j w BimDICK. a. P. A.. Albany. N. Y. W ' L PRYOR. D. P. A., Scranton. Pal' Erie Railroad Wyoming Division. In Effect September U, 1902. - nvnlns leave Scrunton for Now York, 1 ram" ,"-"'., i,.i,.mn.llnln ntlla fl an Srilawley "Una local stations at 7.20 a. "iVonesdaio'and White Mills at 1.33 'VriUns arrlvo at Scranton at 10.33 a. ra. and 9.15 p. m. New York, Ontario and Western. -rimo tablo In effect Sunday, Sept. 23, 1903. ilm0 X NORTH BOUND TRAINS. Leave Leavo Arrlva. Trains Scrunton. Cnibondalo. Ciidosin. vn 7 ...... U.io p. in.Ar.Carboudalu 0. It p.m- o, 1 mi" Knii'i'ii linirKD ' ,H Leavo Leavo Arrive -1... fadosla. Caiboudalo. Scraninn. No 0 C.50U. in. 7.25a. in nS' 2 ..... . 2-13 ! nl- -1 W P- "I. 443 P. ra SUNDAYS ONLY, NORTH BOUND.- fiu"" Leavo Leavo Airlva Trntns Scianton. Cnibondule. Cadosla, N if K-S0a. in. 9.10 u, in. 10.13 a. tn.v No 5 ,.,.,. 7.W p. m.Ar.Carbondalo 7.45 p.m " Leavo Leavo Arilvu Trains Cadotla. Carbondale. Scranton. No. 6 K u- m- T-25 m. No 10 ..... 1-S P- '" !' " P- m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, nnd 9 on Sundays connect for Now York city, Mld dietown. Walton. Norwich, Oneida. Os wego and all polntB west. Tiuln No. C. with, "Ounkor City Ex. press" at Scranton. via C, R. R. of N, J., for Philadelphia, Atluutlc City, Baltlmoro. Washftigton and Pennsylvania statu points. Seo tlmo-tablo and consult ticket agent for connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A-. New York. J. E. WELSH, T, P. A., Scranton. Pa.