twiV V m 1HE SCRAOTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1902. v WEST SCRANTON m i Christmas Music in the Churches Many Officers Elected News Notes and Personals. Tho Inclemency of tho weather th terduy Homuwhut interfered wltli tlio attendance at the churches, but Iho Hpcctul programmes of music prepared were given, nnd In every Instance reach ed the standurd usually aimed ut by U'ost Scranton choristers. This was particularly true of the nervloo In tho Washburn street Presbyterian, the Jackson street Baptist, Embury Meth odist Episcopal church and Flist Welsh Congregational churches. Chorister Glppel, of tho Presbyterian church, was ably assisted by the IJIblo School orchestra, under tho direction of George Waters, Mrs. Edith HccUcl, so prano and Miss Bessie Stnckhousc, vlo llnlstc. Four anthems were sung to gether with a number of appropriate holos and duets, and at the evening service the choir rendered the Gloria fiom Mozart's Twelfth Mass. At tho Jackson street Baptist church nn augmented, choir sans three an thems and the male chorus rendered ef fectively "Star of Bethlehem," and "Tla Midnight." Miss Boddoo sang a solo, "Wondrous Story," and the ser mons of the day were appropriate to Christmas. The choir of tho Embury church sang three anthems and tho duct and solo parts wcro given by David Bcccham, Laura Stubbleblne, May Lewis and Bessie Dlehl. Rev. James Bennlnger preached In the morning on "Why the Angels Sang," and In the evening on "The Sinners' Savior." The cantata, "Star of Promise," was rendered by tho juvenile choir at the First Welsh Congregational church, and the singing was of a high order. Ttecliatlons, ducts and solos were givpn by Margaret Jenkins, Viola Evans, Margaret Griffiths, Mary Davles, Eliz abeth Bowser, Ruth Thomas, Blodwen Lewis, Cromwell Davis, Sarah Davles, Alice Phillips, Gladys Jones and others. The primary department also took a prominent part in the services. St. Leo's Battalion. Tho annual election of officers In St. Leo's battalion occurred yesterday, when the following selections were made: President, John Shaughnessy; vice-president, Edward May; financial secretary, Frank McHale; recording secretary, Harry Moninger; treasurer, V. H. Buckley; sergeant-at-arms, Pat rick White; directors, Joseph McDon (iiigh, Thomas Hart, Thilip Hughes, John O'Toole. Investigating committee, James Mc Donough, Frank McDonald, M. F. Monahan; tellers, Tljoihas Gllroy, Ed ward May, Frank Hughes. John Camp- REfy-fKE! FREE! Fit' stamps given away with eacbbottle of Dufour's French Tar (f O. VT. JENKINS. bell, Frank McDonald and James Deg nal were appointed a special commit tee to nrrango for i "Watch Night Party" at tho rooms New Your'a eve. Christmas Exorcises. The members and friends of tho Bible school are Invited to attend tlio Christmas exercises, "Welcoming tlio King," which will be held In tho church next Friday evening. The prlmury and mission schools of tho First Welsh Baptist church will hold their Christmas exercises In their respective Rchools next Wednesday evening and tho Joint annual Christ mas feast of song will bo hold In tho mother church, South Main avenue, Thursday evening. "Santa's Surprise," Is tho lltlo of tho cantata, which will bo sung at tho Simpson M. E. church Christmas night by tho Sunday school children. It Is said to bo the be3t they have ever un dertaken to present. Plymouth Congregational. Officers of tho Plymouth Congrega tional Sunday school were elected yes terday, as follows: Superintendent, Ellas E. Evans; as sistant superintendent, Miss Martha Vaughn; superintendent primary de partment, Miss Elizabeth A. Evans; secretary, J. H. Oliver; assistant secre tary, Daniel Harris; treasurer, Dr. T. A. Eynon; chorister, Eben Evans; pianist, Miss Stella Evans; assistant, Roy Williams; librarian, Evan F. Da vis; executive committee, Miss Hannah Evans and D. D. Evans. The Christian Endeavor society elect ed the following officers last evening; President, Daniel Jones; vice-president, Thomas E. Evans; secretary, Miss Ara bella Thomas; organist, Miss May Evans; chorister, J. H. Oliver. The officers of the Sherman Avenue Mission school were also selected, as follows: Superintendent, John R. Thom as; assistant superintendent, Caleb Taylor; secretary, John L. Jones; chor ister, Richard Phillips; pianist, Gar Jield Davis; treasurer, W. A. Jones; assistant pianist, Miss Alice Williams; librarians, Evan Hopkins and William Hearno. The recently elected officers of the church are: Deacons, A. B. Eynon. William J. James, John Phillips; trus tees, W. E. Watklns, John R. Thomas; recording clerk, Miss Elizabeth A. Evans; financial clerk, John R. Rich ards. Standing committee, S. B. Powell, John T. Jones, Hy. A. Parsons; ways and moans, Mrs. J. A. James, Miss Jen nie Lewis, John Phillips, John R. Rich ards, John R. Thomas; auditors, Ever ett Davies and Daniel J. Evans; music committee, Ebenezcr Evans. Events of This Evening. Tho new pastor of the First Baptist church, Rev. Wrightnour, will bo re ceived and welcomed by the pastors Only Three Days More and Then lis Merry Christmas . . . But there's a lot to be done in these three short days, as the rush of business at the store will attest. a. : niUivyOvvv;VlOviyWUii; as a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a : a a a a ' a a a Thousands of People Have put off buying their Christmas Gifts till the last moment, as usual, and the major portion of them will find their way to the GLOBE WAREHOUSE be tween now and the closing hour Wednes day night. You naturally ask how we know it. The answer is easy. In these days the people are pretty apt to go where they get the best selection and the best values for their money. or. 6 I All Departments U3 a Still shows fine assortments of the most attractive Holiday Lines ever seen in in Scranton, but it would be advisable to visit the Glove, Hosiery, Handker chief, Leather Goods, Perfumery, Men's Furnishings and Art Department as early in the week as possible, A word to the wise should be sufficient. a a a a a a a i Open Evenings Till Christmas Si a a a a a & ?f(01(1H)$m(t(1(t(0 Glob? Warehoiis?.! It Cure Holds, Cotishu, Soro Tlirnnt, Cronp, Influ enza, Whooping Coui;li. Bronchitis and Antlima. A certain euro for Connuniptlon In flrst Biases, nml n mire relief In mlvnnccil tRCs. Uco nt once. You will aco tho excellent effect nftcr tnklnj; tho Ami iloao. Sold hy dealers everywhere, farco bottles 25 cents nnd SO cents. and members of churches this evening. An enjoyable programme will) bo ob served. A regular meeting of 9t. Brendan's council Y. M. I., will bo held this even ing, when oillcers will be elected for tho coming year. There will bo a meeting of Hippie Division, No. in, Sons of Temperance tills evening, when oillcers will bo elected and a luncheon enjoyed. Keystone lodge, No. 37, Loyal Knights of America will meet this evening and nominate, and elect oillcers. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The members of Ilydo Vnrk lodge, Xo. 30t!, Knights of Pythias, are re quested to meet at their lodge room at 1::10 o'clock this afternoon to attend the funcrnl of their late brother, Charles Parry. Tho services will be held at tho house. Interment will bo made In the Cambria remctery. Notwithstanding the heavy rains and general thaw of the past few days, there are any number of sidewalks left uncleaned and scarcely a crosswalk in West Scranton has been touched since tho heavy fall of snow over a week ago. Court Ethan' Allen, Ancient Order of Foresters of the "World, will hold a meeting In morgan's hall Wednesday evening, when officers will be elected and other events will occur. Owing to a pressure of church work, Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, pastor of the Jackson street Baptist church, has been compelled to decline the invita tion to lecture at Pan Yan, X. Y. St. Peter's branch, No. G19 L. C. B. A., will hold their next regular meet ing on December 2S, instead of Thurs day evening. Division No. 1, Ladies' Auxiliary of tho A. O. II., held their regular meet ing yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. G. O'lloro, on Chestnut street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. and Mrs. S. K Mathews, who have been away for over two months, visiting relatives In St. Louis and Syracuse, returned Saturday evening. Mrs. Jl. J. Hughes and granddaugh ters, Ruth Chase and Elizabeth Hughes paid a visit recently to relatives and friends In Pittston. R. Forest Dershimer, of South Main avenue, Is home from Bucknell uni versity for tho Christmas holidays. Miss Georglana Corbln, of Pottsvillc, Is the guest of Mrs. Eugene Vosburg, of Tenth street. Edgar Powell, of Jackson street, a student at Lafayette college, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Powell. Miss Grace Williams, of Lafayette street, is spending a few days with friends at Miner's Mills. Mrs. Charles DePuy, of North Lin coln avenue, Is slowly recovering from a protracted illness. Miss Jane Williams, of Jancsville, Is the guest of relatives on South Hyde l'aik avenue. William, Henry and Adolph Bruning have loturned from C.irbondale, where they attended the funeral of their sis ter. William Thomas, of Uydo Park ave nue, and Thomas Jenkins, of Tenth Mroct, have gone to Pittsburg to reside. OBITUARY. MRS. MARGARKT ft HAY, wife oC Michael Shay, of 71 River street, died yphttid.iv. SJic Is survived by tho follow ing chlldien: Michael, Mis. C. F. Ilr Jlugh, James, William, Thomas and Rich aid, TATIUCIC irAGGlSRTY, of IJO Rail load avenue, tiled Saturday afternoon at 2.'.!0 o'clock alter an Illness of several mouths. Mr. lluggurty was CO ycuis old and for over foity jears was a i evident of this city, lie Is survived by his wKo and two daughters, Mrs. Neil Mulliorln. of this city, and Mis. Gem-go Siekler, oC Buffalo. Tho funeral will take place to morrow morning from tlio at 0 o'clock and from tho Holy Cioss church nt l).i!0. Inli'inicut In Cathedral cemetery. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Rets, I.cssoa and Mnnngor, A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. Christmas Matlueo and Night. Dec. 27. Mil. 1. PR AND CONYI-llS' Beautiful I'lodiii'llrm of Hie (lu'.itcst nr All I'lihtimil Pl.iVx. "OUR NEW MINISTER." 11 lViunim Thompson nml lionrgo W. liyer, authors ol tho "ultl Homestead." uiu of tho Mggi'st Hits liver Known In the Jllstor. nl' the Slugc Tho Oilgiiuil All Star CnM. Tho most tUtiiicnilous mciiIo piodiicllon ever given a p.ihtmal i'UK'HS- Mulllieoe. 7.'e . r.0e 2:,e.; buses, SI mi. Night, $1.W. V'i.:, I'lie., ".,; boxes, 31 'i. Heath nu sain Tuesday at '1 a, in. Matlnco logins at ".ui)i, pi. Academy of Music M, Rcis, Leswro and Manager. A J, Duffy, Biifeliioss Manager, One Solid Week Dec, 22, Starting Honday Willi Special Matlnco Monday. Chester De Vonde Slock Co. Dhcellou Phil Levy Monday Matlnco,,,, "Ten Ton Door." Monday Night, .."The Bond of Honor" PRICKS (except ('lirlBtmau)-Matlnee. 10c, :ue.; Night, lUe., Jc., IWc. Scuts on Kulc. ( SrBCIAL 1CEIEIT TWO GUL'AT PLAYS. Xmas Matinee "Silver Creek Fort." Xinag Night "A Drop of Poison." I Additional Specialty Features! PJtIUBS Mutlneo, 10. 31, :ti) cents. Night, 10. SO. U0. Co cents. Seats on sale Tuesday ut 'J u. 111. NORTH jfCRANTON OFFICERS OF 2IIRAM LODGE INSTALLED. Exercises Wcro Followed by n Smoker Ofllccrs Chosen for tho Father Wliltty Society nt Yester day's Meeting P. J. Mulliorln Re elected President Surprise Party for Miss Rita Gerrlty Result of tho Examinations Conducted nt No. 22 School Told In a Few Lines. The recently elected ofllccrs of HI mm lodge of Masons weio Installed In Os torhout's hall, Sntutday night. Past Master C. B. Soamans was the Install- T THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Sum Wisely Spent Will please most people if voti go about it in tho right way. It's the pleasure derived from the use, not the cost of an article tint determines its real value. Whether your Christmas fund be large or small you will find gifts here that will insure a lasting and pleasant remem brance. You will have no trouble Relectlnir uso ful Bins hero Wo sell no other kind. Skates Mcci'f?!: .?.T. .ll.n.d..?,..,. ."I?? T.0.?.0"" 60c to $2.63, to price We've rtbout 150 pairs CLUB SKATES which we bought at a bargain, by taking all sizes. 8tf 11. Their regular value $1.50 and 82.75. Our selling; rv omj d Cf Mvvf utlVl ni.UU All the new patterns. Prices complete Thermometers "fancy 10 Cents to $3.00 Gas Lamps $2.85 Upwards When you buy hero you got what you neiievo you aro gctiiiu;. Chafing Dishes Sirt $4 to $18 "Wo wllli look after trondM nurchased now and deliver them Xmas ovo If do-slrud. DAVfD v. m;i:si:. New Worshipful Master of llltam J.uduc. Ins oflleer and he was assisted by Past Masters 10. G. Stevens and K. L. Buck. Other past masteis present were John Fldlnm, of Green Rldf?e lodge, and John B. Glllispie, Dr. D. II. Jenkins, Evan Morris, Daniel Jones, 'Walter Simpson, Samuel Swingle, Joseph K. Sllkman and C. J. Gilllsple, of Hiram lodge. The oillcers installed were: David IT. Iteeese, worshipful master; George "W. Benedict, jr., senior warden; Alfred Johns, junior warden; Thomas S. Mor gan, secretary; Charles Zelgler, treas urer; C. H. Von Storch, John B. Gll lispie and A. L. Francois, trustees. Tills makes the twenty-fifth consecutive year that Mr. Morgan has acted as sec retary. After tho Installation there was a social session. ? t FOOTE & S m$ o$$ oo& & ooo $$ z Washington Avenue. X Open Evenings Until Christmas. ' 119 HEAR CO. fMJI&iSSEEZSmSZ la Election of Officers. The Father Whitty society held a regular meeting at their rooms on West Market street yesterday and elected of ficers for the coming year. The ofTlreis are as follows: Piesideut, P. J. Mulherin, re-elected; vice presi dent, Thomas Foley; recording secre tary, George Loftus; financial secretary, -.??-" -. Y&XT . ' . .. ; u-. ! ' . " .-.&, 2 ;,,s''1 s jt3 i s J Diore vv i. i Sold on Its e S This store's claim to the patronage of Scranton people is based solely on its being a good place to buy Clothing. No other inducements are offered. We seek to interest clothing buyers in the Vdlues we offer, and we know they will interest any person who comes to our store. Our unusual advantages in buying and select ing goods, combined with our modern idea of small profits, have resulted in our giving to this city better clothing for the money than it ever possessed before. Special Holiday Reductions $8.oo Overco.its $6.25 2S.oo Overcoats $20.00 1S.00 Overcoats 1.1.0') 1 5. oo Overcoats 12.00 10.00 Overcoats S.OO Boys' Coats 3.00 to S0.00 Men's All-Wool Suits SS.Oi) to $20.00 soo pairs B. B. Extra Quality Pants.. S3-50 to 8 Our Custom Tailoring Department SSiSS. "m$$&St'!22& can place lha Union Lal)2l on evarv garment sent out from its 'Iailorincr Department. Suits, 525.00 to 60.00 Overcoats, $25.00 to 60.00 H i j. Mi'LiinniN. Hc-olcclcd riesldout oC Father "WhlUy Society. Thomas Riley; Fergeitnt at arms, James Itlley; hoard of Investigation. Thomas Hlglln, Charles Stewart; auditing com mittee, James Sultry, Michael Xeary, Patrick Ilaggorty; captain, Charles Stewart; first lieutenant, Thomas No lan; second lieutenant, John lluddy. A Surprise Party. Miss Rita Genlty was tendered a sur prise party by a number of her jouug friends at her home on AVayno avenue, on Saturday afternoon. Uiimns ami other amusements were indulged in until about 0 o'clock, when refreshments were served. Those present were tlio Mls.-es Mary Ciibk'k, Mary Martin, Matg.irot Har rington, Anna O'Uoyle, Mary Mullen, Rehi'fca. V.idden, Henrietta l.oftus, Kathleen Nooue, Mary Xoone, l.uurdes (lerrlty, Margiuet Martin, and Messrs. Murtlii Cerrily, Herton l.oftus, AVIIIlaiu l.oftus, lioniluick (lenity, Hot ton Thomas nml Raymond Orrliy. School Examinations. Tho report of Iho second cMimlnatlnn of grammar pupils of Is'o. i't school ol iow h that twenty-eight of tho thirty-t-ovcii pupils iuad( an average above ninety per cent, Tlio names of tliuso together with their uvunigeH uro lis follows: Kdwnrtl Clark. H9; Delia Me Nulty, Oil; Thomas Jay, US; Jennie Huff man, !7; Ksthor lion on, U7; Ba ron, U7; IJvtui W. Uei'M, 07; Tlionias Riley, Ml; Stol;i Andeinu, V; Slell.t Jaiue.H, 05; Thomas .Martin, ; Alice Dopahoo, 01; Lena Ulsbj, 01; Robert Frentonby, 91; J.lly Dauvurs, 01; John Ciilltln, 01; l.uur.1 Malsley, 0.1; Mary Saltiy, OJ; Arthur ('hauiplain, OJ; AnUo Urlggs, OJ; Mury Huehta, 0.'; Mary Kel ly, 02; Anthony i:arly, 01; :ilss.ibetli lmehta, 01; Iruiio Wlllluiiiii, 01; Mary Woyshmar, 01, Ida Ulsbing, 00; Kinlly Archer, 00, lieforo closing for vacation Christmas pxerulseH will bo held In all tho rooms. A piogrammo of Hpeclul Chrlhtmiis music, recitations and readings will be tendered by tho grammar guides Wed-ncbday. Christmas Gifts in the Aliri'FLliRS Large assort ment of the popular quilleil Muf flers; also the plain silhc kind.... NECKWEAR New holiday creations in J lows, Tecks, Strinjrs r fiiwl iri-,nr.iiil I fimlc Have you seen the "New Once m uvt'r j e : Jt is me laiesi. aim w is fniuid lii're in now nnltorns of i rich colors to 50c 50c to $1.50 25c to 75c 25c Furnishing EAXCV SHIRTS, all the new stripe and figure patterns; special ly good values ' UNDERWEAR All sizes in fleece lined and all wool garments ; per suit ROYAL S ILK-PLUSH LINED UNDERWEAR. These are very fine garments, and can only be seen at, our store, and must he seen to be appreciat ed ; per suit IIOL'SE COATS AND HATH KOBES. erv larse and choice assortment, in colors, stripes and plaids. I louse Coats, Ualli Robes, $5.00 to $8.00 $5.00 to $10.00 m r CLOVES Dress Cloves and working-; a very large assort ment EANCY SUSrE X DKRS One pair in a box ; fanev and plain 50c " to $1.50 50c (mil 411 .1 l.., umv .in.. I'iiiih colors " i,,uu UANDKliRClLIEl'S Fancy Silk liandkercliiefs, with wide fancy hem J 'lire Trih Linen Handkerchiefs, plain or initial .'style; wide or nar row hem 25c to 75c 25c to 50c 50c to $1.50 $2.00 to $5.00 $3.00 plain CM li RLLLAS You may choose from a hundred different slyles of handles, while the quality of the frames and covers is super ior in every respect 5$B Morchmt Tailors and Nbi's Outfilters IjfopEynxmgrEg" HONAN & SO $1.00 I to $5.00 1 M, I 220 Lackawanna Avenue. Told in a Tew Linos, Miss Viola Williams, of Manslleld State Normal bchool, has returned In bpond tho holidays with her parents tin William street. Miss Wllhelmlna flrinin, of Ulooms burg State Normal school has returned to spend the holidays with her parents on Summit avenue. The following out-of-town persons at tended the funeral of laje Mrs. Cham bers; Mrs. James Chambers, of Mil waukee; Mr. and Mis. Charles Ilelmes, of Carbondale; Mr. and Mis. Hpenvsr Courtwrlght, of Nineveh, N. Y and Mr, and Mrs". Corey, of Moscow. Thomas I'owell, of Summit avenue, has returned to Miend the holidays with his parents on .Summit aenue. The Taberiuu'lo Shirs basket ball team and tho Young Wlde-.VwuKes play basket ball In the Tabernacle ur New Year's ufternoon. The members of tho North Main ave nue Dnptiat Sunday t-chool donated $50 us a GlirMiima gilt to u family of Or phan children who reside at Ulmhurst and wcro formerly members of tho church. DUNMORE. Mtu TtTuiiel nihbons. who has bpeut tho past year with llu' fclater, Mra. V. M. Smith, at Ncwpoit, Is siiondhig thu d.iy with her biother, Itov. W. 1 Uiblionii. Sho will h'.ivo tonight for her' old homo at Kiilcsvlllo, Mo. MIbs i:uio CUh.0 Is spending tho holiday vacation at her mother's homo on lilni street. Mit.l llebKfccn Ivuue. of Noith Ulaltely stieet, bus letmned fiom a week's stay ut l'lillailulphla. John uud Kuthciinu Urown, of Uilukcr htrot't, havo k turned fiom thetr respecl Ivo places ot utudy for tho holiday m.a tlou. Tim last ielic.ual of tho Christmas t.inlitla, to bo t,lLit hy the I'leshyteiluu Mmiiliiy fi'huol mi Weilnehd.iy night, will In) held In tho cliuieh p.n Una tonight, when It U hoped every onw iututeateil will ho present. Miss Kdjih Oalo Imn i etui lied from n slt with Mewl III New Yoilt. Miss Ihuma Suthcrluud, of lliooUyii. 1h at tho homo of her ulster, Mrs, lloyal T.itt, on North lllukely btieet, wheru blio will spend tho coming fuw weeks, Mis. ltueliel Clearwater, of I'nliiey avo niie.liiiH retuuied t'lum a visit with fl lends ut Corn. ffomu mndo mlnco meat, 10 cents per pound. Holiday week only, ut F. Hall Uoacrt's meat market, " Tho Knights of I'ylliluM will hold an liiipurlunt meeting tomoirow night, when tlio nomination of nflleers for tho ensu ing year will tuku place. Kvery member Is especially mged to bn picscut. Mrs. John I'ahuor, of Cherry btieet, has ictmned fiom a short stay fu New YiuU. Miss Murgery Iewis linsVctuined to her homo in MtUtou, after a sliort stay with 11 Us Coiuclla Ualphi, of X.'liu btieet. The Dixie Theatre uuNitv lwn.vswoRTir dixib, l.csseo and .Munager. "Merry Chrlstnias nt tho Dixie.' AGRr-ATBILL. PATRICK. GARDNER & VINCENT. FIALKOWSKI, SAUNDERS. STETSON & CHRIST VERNON. FRANK O'DRIAN. HROWN & NEVARIO. ficiu-uil Adnilsi'lDn: 1-ulles, 10 cents; gentlemen, "u I'enlu, best loserved heals. L'j cents, Telephone No. 1&."J. Sucuto i-eals. 5TAR THEATRE AL.F. G. HBItRINOTON, Manager. Monday. Tuesdiyund Wednesday, t)i:ci:.MUi;u ::, a and -u. BON 10iN BURLbSQUERS MATINUK 13YEUV DAV. . . .; . .