t .."? HE SCRANTON TRltit?Nfc-MONf)AY DECEMBER 22, 19Q2. U4 mCmAi s Wishing Yod fl MeprChPisfmas We sURgcst tlmt Iho very best holiday Bltt Is a bank- ( book with 0110 dolliir ($1.00) or more to the credit or the fortunntc person receiving your BlfU Kvcry new depositor to eclves a homo savings bunk free of chnrso AT THE Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue find Spruce Street, SCRANTON, TA. A few shares oC Title Oiiaj-nnty ntul Trust" slock nt ti unrgaln It cnllca for nt onco. I.F.Megargel&Co. Bankers and Brokers, r.otii 'phones. Comiell Building. r Register Now For the New Term In The flardenbergh School of Miisic and flrf Carter Building. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE THE BABY? . . . A hand knit Cap. a hand knit .Tucket, a hand knit Blanket, a hand Unit Afgaji, a hand knit Dress. For the Little Han or Woman DolK all sizes in cloth; Kimo nas in French crepe; Cosy Hath Gowns, of lamb's wool. Also a dainty line of .Ladles' Klmonas. Tho Baby Tender for baby. BABY BAZAAR US 'Washington Avenue. FOR FINEST ASSORTMENT, FRES EST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED IN SCRANTON. E C. Dean, 414 Connell Blflg. OPEN EVENINGS. largest distributor of fine cigars in Northeastern Penn sylvania. BfBtJMMmJIMMBIBgWBBigPEa New flown Hay Is an odor very much like that which permeates cloth ing cleansed hy LACKAWANNA ..Tlin.. LAUNDRY A. B. WARMAIN PERSONAL. Carroll Miiloncy.oC Villa Nova, Ih spend ing tho lioliduys at his homo on Madison avenue. Mrs. Henry Youmr, of South Bromley nvcmie, is tho Biicst of relatives in'AVeat Xnntlcoku. Mrs. A. M. Dershlmer, of South Main nvenuo, is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. lhn ery Remington, of Vosburg, X'a. Mr. and Mrs.'AVlll Morgan, ot Vinton dnlc, nra visiting tho Jattor'B parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. "William Carpenter, of Xoith Rebecca avenue, Miss Doboi.ih Boone, of Washburn street, secrulnry of tho West Sldo Young Woman's u,nnt.ii association, will spend Christmas nt ..it homo lu Reading, Thomas V. liviuin, of Lafayette col lege, Is Hpomllu'.' th" Clulstnias vacation at tho homo of hU patents, Mr. nnd Mrs. ileoigo l- Kynon, of South liromjoy ave line. William Murich, son of Mr, and Mrs. 1'Yed Munich, of Plttslou avonuo, pri vate in tha Thirteenth rejrlment cav nhy, United .States army, stationed nt Kotth Keath, Montana, is conl hied at tho leglinental hospital with typhoid lever. Itov, John P. Duggan, of this city, was on Saturday oidalned to tho pilesthood ut St. nonavcntmVs seminary, Allegany, N. Y by Rt. Itov. James B. Qulgloy, of Iiuffalo. Father Puggnn will celebrate bis flist mass la St. Peter's cathedial next Sunday. Dr. Llndabury, Burgeon, diseases ot women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. 7 to 8.S0 i CS1MS Christmas 40HIOrT(Mgggi SPOKE ON THE CONFESSIONAL CLOSE OF THE MISSION' . NON-CATHOLICS. FOR Rev. Father Valentino, C. P., Pre sents What tho Eomon Catholic Church Puts Forward iw Authority tntlon of the Charge- That It Is nn for Aurlculnr Confession and Refu Inventlon of the PrlestG Bishop Hobnn Declares That a Common Christianity Must Combat a Com mon Enemy. The mission for non-Catholics, which hn." been In progress at tho cathedral during' the pnst week, closed last night with u lecture by Rev. Father Valen tine, C. I, on "What Authority Is There for Auricular Confession?" Christ, ho said, gave authority for forgiving or retaining sins to Ills apostles. All Hiblo Christians will ad mit this. In John, twentieth chapter, THE NEWSBOYS' CHRISTMAS. Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn sylvania Will Be Given All The Copies of The Tribune He Can Sell on Christinas Morning Absolutely Free. Tim Tribune desires to give T l ..in1- enmn nvffn tlintlPV nil i this object in view will furnish them with all the copies of the paper thev can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies to' carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they are sell T ing The Tribune now or not. 1 The bovs will be furnished with papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and will be kept supplied from the business office until 9 o'clock in the morning. Carriers out of town will be supplied with extra copies upon request. Bovs out of town should scud their requests for extra m in "nrr.ulation Manaecr, Tribune, Scranton, Pa., stal- inrr how manv copies they expect to be able to dispose oj. t Carbondalc boys will be supplied from the Carbondale of fice, from 7.:!0 to 9.30 a. m. .1, i i : -...1 .,..,ttirT 11 local carrieib ami in-nouw.. " ... -- -- -- - , of this opportunity must secure their papers from the tribune n ofhec personally. No returns of unsold copies day. Returns of Wednesday's day morning. 10-23, wo read: "As tho father hath sent me, I also s-end you. Receive yo the- Holy Ghost " whose sins ye shall forgive, they are forgiven; whose sins ye shall retain, they are retained." ' There is no loom for doubt that Christ gave this power to .his apostles, haid Father Valentine, and it is unrea sonable to doubt that He Intended this power to pnss awny with the passing or the apostles. Christ's church was to last for all time; therefore it is against reason to say that the power was not to descend to their successors, tho min isters of His church. But, Father Valentine went on to say, it is poinetd out by thjcr critic tnac not a word is said about confessing one's sins, as a preliminary to obtain ing forgiveness. Why could not one go to tho priest and say: "Forgive me my sins?" Tho answer, said he, is found in an analysis of the words of Christ. Twofold Power. He gives to His apostles a twofold power: To forgive sins, ana xo retain sins. He made them judges. A judge can not pass upon a case until it is laid before him. Ho can not use this awful, this divine power arbitrarily. How can he exercise this power justly in any case unless that case Is laid before him? Thero are two ways of a case being adjudged. One Is n trial by jury; tho other where the party Is a belt-accuser. A trial by jury is quite undesirable and out of tho question, it will bo generally admitted. Tho plea of guilty Is the only alternative. Tho penitent must go to tho judge, lay his case bare and accept tho judgment. If a priest is to loso sins or retain sins, it Is not sufficient that ho knows that the penitent has sinned. He must know what tho sins arn. Those who charge that the confes sional Is an invention of the priests, said the speaker, must show tho au thority on which they base their asser tion. Such an extraordinary act could not well have escaped historic recoid. Whoro Is this momentous Invention xe corded? am to tho nllpsration that tho confes sional Is an instrument of tho priests, used to get men, and especially women, in their power, Father Valentino gave Indignant refutation. It was only a foul mind nnd a bad heart that would con ceive nnd contain such nn idea, and a worse than blackguard who would give utterance, to it, he said. If anyone could for u moment harbor such an idea, ho would refer such a ono to those who mndo a practice of going to con fession. Commencing Wednesday, Dec, 17 AND CONTINUING UNTIIj Thursday, Dec. 25 1 To all Pmcliascrs ot Teas Coffees, Spices, nalilns Powder and Hxlrocts, n lareo monthly COMIC PAD CAI.KNDAIl handsomely MUogianlied in many colors; bIzo 10x14. Don't miss them, only a llm. iteci number THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,, 411 1.aekawa'nru avenue, 321 North Main avenue. 'Phone 73-2. Prompt Delivery. New 'Phone 123. II KENT I 48k A (SHI HI WsLjBrJKr Carter Building, Ho closed ills lecture by picturing how' great must bo the consolation of tho confessional when It Is so eagerly sought by millions, day after day, nt tho cost of scir-confcsslon and humili ation. It surely, said ho, Is something to hear tho words of a successor of the apostles: "Depart in peace; your sins are forgiven." At tho conclusion of tho lecture, Bishop Hoban spoke a few words, say ing, among other things, that he hoped at least that Father Valentine's mis sion had swept awny some prejudices, misinterpretations and misunderstand ings. The world was full of absurd conceptions, and tho Catholic church Is the newsboys an opportunity Christmas inormnij. unu wu This - c M-lin mmcIi lnt:ik-o. advantage , will be allowed the following papers will be accepted on Fn- . not the least of the sufferers on this account. The reuniting 'of Christianity in one fold with one shepherd must come, he said. Tho enemies of Christi anity can onlj; bo vanquished, ho de clared, by a common "battle of united Christendom. Father Vincent announced that the inquiry class for non-Catholics would meet in tho basement of St. Thomas 1 college hall tomorrow night. The Best Place. The Christmas shopper should cer tainly go to John D. Boyle's popular clothing and furnishing goods store, 416 Lackawanna avenue. Tho finest, most stylish and up-to-date goods are to bo found there and tho prices are right. " Call at McClintock's, For holly, holly wreaths, ground pine wreaths, roping, and other Christmas creens. Both 'phones. Christmas trees. City and School Taxes 1902. The above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasure Imported Cigars from the Back & Co., Caro lina, Figaro, Kden, Es ception, Carvajal, Henry Clay and other fac tories. Key West Cigars Couchas, $2. 2 j to $3.75 for 50. Finest Pauetelas, $3,90 box. Domestic Cigars, $1,2 to $2.0, box of 50. E. G. Coursen, J 4S0 Lackawanna Aye. L Ti I I pointed lato corners; more flags than Rlllll B Please order Hon- 5 3 XiytoV"' ut they ar " Sliiii 1 day and Tuesday. I I nUlLbtlOj I II J0orJm&, 1 3 IIHIII Unit I ill Igf'WASrllNO.TOrTCjK? Hi I H HI ti lull nil II j im,,, R WHIIIH "Z - Fine Confections at 1 W'B&f 1 H moueraic tusv, m 'Mlffl2StoX T3Rijb? ICittirc 1 Catch tc' - r a iiiiuiri "v 5j-a OP A PIANOFORTE SCHOLARSHIP In tho Conservatory would bo a present worth having. Full particulars at tho Conservatory office. 604 Linden St. SCAFFOLD BROKE AND THREE MEN WERE HURT Two of Them Taken to tho Lacka wanna Hospital One of Them In a Serious Condition. Juntos Flynn, nscd 30, of West Scran ton, and John Durkln, aged 28, of South Scranton, wore Injured Saturday after noon by tho breaking of a scuffold on which they were worklns at tho Lacka wanna car shops, Flynn has concussion of the brain f and his condition Is very serious. Yes terday It was Impossible for the doc tors at tho hospital to say whether or not ho would recover. Durkln's Injuries consist of a fracture of tho right ankle and a number of bruises. Ho will bo laid' up for some time. Flynn, Durkln and a number of other men were working on a scaffold erect ing a largo Iron stack, when a portion of tho scaffold broke and Flynn, Dur kln and another workman were thrown to the ground. The third man was only very slightly hurt nnd was able to walk home. H0RSESH0ERS' DEMANDS Union Men Wont a Uniform Wage Scale nnd a Nino Hour Say After January 1. The members of Local union, No. 78, Journeymen Horscshoers' Association of tho United State's and Canada, de cided at a meeting held yesterday morning to prepare a formal list of grievances for submission to tho master 'horscshoers tomorrow. The union will demand a fixed wage scale, as follows: For firemen, $2.50 a day and 35 cents an hour overtime; fqr Moormen, $2.23 a day and SO cents an hour for overtime; for journeymen al ternating as firemen and floormon, $2.40 a, day and 32'i cents an hour for over time. Another demand is for a nine-hour day and for a half-holiday between March 1 and November 31. Horscshoers are at present working ten hours a day and there is no fixed scale of wages, tho amount paid in various shops dif fering largely. The members appointed on the griev ance committee, which will lay the de mands before tho master horseshoers tomorrow, are as follows: Richard A. Maloney, J. G. Cawley, John Deitz, F. P. Weyandt and Michael Buckley. Tho formal proposition is that tho demands shall be granted on or before January 1, 1003. Christmas Flowers at Bargains. Cut flowers and blooming plants. Both 'phones. Morel Bros. I Flags, II I All Cars Transfer to L 50c J I dlflrtftRM ' I SfenarfP' It I VlUX JUW1. f Kf V j I Silk stitched flags in a nedt de- It II nent colleges aro represented; also BUI' mgBBtggSMHKE32E85BKtBKB2W&332Z3. IH eift. Some years we havo disap- HI D Chasing the turkey will keep you almost as warm as though vou had one of those sweaters that havu just been received at Florey & Brooks', Di'D-Wi Spruce St. They have the greatest hue of Sweaters, Jerseys, Athletic Goods and Game Boards ever shown. Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags, Skates, everything that boys and guis want. OPEN EVENINGS, florey & Broods, 532-521: Spruce Street. PAINTS AND VARNISHES Gold Seal Ready-Nixed Paints. Haloiiey Oil rianufacturing; 141 to 149 Meridian Street. Old Theme-62-2. AN EPIDEMIC IS THREATENED SMALLPOX HAS BROKEN OUT IN m ARCHBALD. A Slav at the Rldgo Discovered Suf fering from tho Drend Disease and Thero Is n Fear tlmt It May Becomo Widespread Becauso H.0 Failed to Call In a Physician Until tho Ninth or Tenth Day John. King, of Bloom Avonuo, This Cloy, Is a Now Victim. """"""" A case of smanlpox has been dis covered In tho borough of Archbald and thero Is Rravo danger, according- to Jjr. Houscr, of a serious outbreak of the disease in that place. Tito case was discovered on Friday last, by Dr. Van Dorcn, who was called to attend a Slav, llvlnff in thnt part of tho borough known as tho nidge. Ho found tho man surterlngr from what ap peared to bo smallpox and at his re quest a quarantine was ordered estab lished by the council and Dr. 'Houscr, of Taylor, tho local smallpox physician, was summoned to mako a diagnosis. Dr. Houser visited Archbald on Sat urday afternoon nnd discovered that tho man was suffering from a most malignant form of tho dlsenso and that ho was In the eighth or ninth day of tho eruption. There are upwards of a dozen boarders in tho house in which ho lives and this is situated In a most congested district. All of. these boarders and many of the- neighbors camo into close contact with tho diseased man before quarantine was established and went to thoir work and walked freely about tho town. Dr. Houser Is inclined to the belief that tho danger of a spread of the disease may bo slightly lessened by tho fact that all of the men living in tho house havo ar rived in tho country within a few years and have thus been recently vaccinated. Kodaks From i to 28 Dollars Pocket Poco's Calendars urns Hornbake 211 Washington Florey & Brooks Athletic Goods 53 Cfnnv 0 w Co., New Thone-2581. ' I I Ave. j I J ' . - This being ono of the prerequisites ftff admission, Another new case was discovered In this city on Saturday when John King, of Uloont nventte, North Scranton, was found to be BUlTerlng fiom tho disease. Ills house was placed under strict quar antine, To tho Republican Votera of the City of Scranton, A Uepubllcun primary to elect a Re nubllcatt candidate for tho ofllcc of ,(:lty recorder and ward vigilance com mittees will be item on Titursaay, Jan uary 15, 1303, nt tho regular polling places between tho hours of 4 and 8 p. in. Candidates for tho nomination for city recorder must register their names with C. K. Chittenden, G19 Lackawanna avenue, on or before Dec. 20. 1002, nnd pay tho assessment levied on or before December 27, lsoi', ic tiieir names aro to bo placed on the ticket. Tho city committee earnestly requests that nil nominations for ward and election of ficers bo hold nt tho same time and place, tho vigilance committee running a separate box. C. M. Chittenden, Chairman llppuull can City Committee. TTp-to-Dntc, Nobby and Stylish. It you want a nobby, up-to-date suit or overcoat, an extra pair of pants or anything In tho lino of clothing, go to John D. Boyle, 41G Lackawanna ave nue. Ho has the llnc3t to bo hud, and his prices aro right. Handsome Christmas Presents. Lnrgo flowers and palms at bargains. Uotlt 'phones. Morel Bros. HHaiamaHGKEZKZEIBi AIMS Groceries Cleaned Currants Thoroughly cleaned fruit, 3 one. pound pack ages 25c Seeded Raisins Extra fancy, 1 pound packages ioc California Seedless Raisins, pound ....ioc California Muscatel Rasins. nound ioc Choice Figs Pound ioc Extra Choice Layer Figs, pound 14c Fancy Leghorn Citron, pound. .I2jc Choice riixed Nuts, pound I24c French nixed Candy 3 pounds , 25b Cocoauut Bon- Bons, pound 12J4C Fancy Florida Oranges, Doz 25c Bring all the Children to See THE REAL LIVE SANTA CLAUS n TITLE INSURANCE Real estate has always been the most steady and certain investment to be had, but it lias been shunned by many because they were hampered in dealing' with it. Many mortgagees, when they have attempted to collect their loans, have found that their security was worthless because of prior liens or defective title. A Title Com pany, in issuing its policy to the owner or the mortgagee, assumes all risks. If there have been any mistakes, the loss does not fall on the owner or mortgagee. THE TITLE GUARANTY & TRUST CO. 135 WASHINGTON AVENUK, OFSCRANTON PENNSYLVANIA igaBiBmffyMBmiRWJi Established 18GG fl 9 It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchae(s$o ?q s.9 to make their own selection of skins for garments. Wo are now In tha exolusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line c tho fol lowing high-grade furs : ALASKA SEAL SERBIAN" LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. Ht .Mo3 .$, ;. l-. vt?:'id. BE UP-TO-DATE 51 By haviug you horses 'j a. -1.-J .-.'it. - A V? - auuu win i K", 1 ! t- Removable Calk ( We have both the f'-NRVERSLIPand ' WILLIAMS CALKS j Bittenbender & E 126-128 Franklin Ave. , .j. $ i ! 4" AHBIiCi.K5Efl -&r,yiS?J B r-S N, Buy your Shoes, Rubbers and Slippers at NETTLETON'S and get a key to tho Red Box which contains -fp20.0D. The right key gets the $20.00 He Gives Trading Stamps I 134 Washington Ave. UppUSHU WUU5U i.u..v..b. mv!msas,:1!;sJ!W'K!k' aSjob 1 1 1 i bBsI jaw lZifiKthAKOrtr alias Nothing is more desirable than an Umbrella. We have just received the most magnificent line of Umbrel la Handles over received in S.cranton Nothing later, nothing elsWherr Our prices are dollars below otltoxs.'- -- If SCOgHION REUS 1TC CO. 313 Spruce Street. M. SILVERMAN, Trop. TRIBUNE WANT ADS., BRING QUICK RETURNS EEEgsgfeffi'BfflaKiafflaigsBraaB I. Hlgh-Clns5 rurs i V BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA FOX SABLE FOX WHITE FOS f BLUE FOX BLACK FOX BEAR, Cash Paid for Kav; Furs. CtIO TQ rf iTh .' : 'W N. fedi5afeMBSMy i- ..