The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1902, Image 1

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    A- r jyfi
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6elieved That His Answer to Pro
posals o! the Powers RegardlnQ
Venezuela Has Been Received.
Stiictest Seciecy Has Been Main
tained Regarding the Negotiations,
"but It Is Believed That President
Roosevelt's Answer to the Request
of England and Germany Has Been
Favorable By Wednesday, Unless
Some Unexpected Complications
Arise, It Is Believed That Negotia
tions Will Reach a Stage That Will
Assure a Definite Arrangement and
Obviate Further Hostilities with
By Eclcuivc Wire from The Ascutcd Vic.
Washington, Dec. 20. England and
Germany have asked President Roose
velt to be the arbitrator or their dlfll
cultlcs with Venezuela.
This is their tesponse to President
Roosevelt's request that they icier
their case to The Hague tribunal.
Venezuela, if she stands by her selec
tion of Minister Bowen as her medi
ator, will agree to the pioposltion ot
the foreign powcis.
President's Answer Received.
London, Dec. 21. It Is believed that
Piesldent Hooscvelt's answer to the
pioposal made by the- allied powers
.vestcrday that ho arbitiate the Vene
zuelan issues had been received in Lon
don. The stiietest secrecy with regaid
to every phase of the negotiations Is
pio.Drrd, however, and IL is impos
sible to make a disunite statement, but
such indications as are obtainable point
tu President Roosevelt's acceptance of
the ofliro ot arbitiator.
A constant Interchange of cable
grams is ptoeeedlng night and day be
tween the United States embassy hero
nnjl the state department at Washing
ton. it Is believed that the president's
answer will be submitted formally to
the foreign office tomoriow. By Wed
nesday, unless some uncxprctcd compli
cations ailsc, it is believed the negotia
tions will i each a stage ussuiing a dell
nitc an.uigenient and obviating hos
tilities. Jt must be said that tin- acceptance
of the ollico of arbitrator by Piesldent
Uoosovelt would gieatly suupiise the
foielcn olliuc. which lias always been
doubtful of the Issue of the arbitration
negotiations on account oC the belief
that President Roosevelt or the United
States was not willing to undcituko
tho responsibility thereby involved.
Judging fiom piivatc Ameilcan advices
vvhtch have been jeceived in London,
President Itooscvilt, as subitrutnr,
would bo favoiably disposed tow aid
the tempoiary adoption of some such
method, as was at ranged with tlio
Venezuelan sccict mission and com
municated to the state depaitment by
Isaac Sellgniali. With President Roose
velt acting as aibltiator, tlio seiloua
objections in tho matter of guaiaiitoes,
which lrequcntly have been mentioned
at tho foielgn office and in these dis
patches), would disappear. Tho loieign
nllleo has lopealedly s.iid that the si oat
difficulty In its weeing a way to agree
to a pacific settlement of the Venezue
lan tiouble was its inability to ascer
tain to what extent the United States
was willing to assume responsibility.
In spite of tho fact that Sunday Is
usually sucied to lelsuro In London's
diplomatic clicle, today has been sup
planted by activity at all the embassies
and especially the Ameilcan, wheie
work was In pt ogress all last night.
Tho piomptness with which Washing
ton deals with those vital matters con
cerning which prolix pour parlers have
been Intel changed In Europe, nstonishes
diplomats heie and founs an Interest
ing phase of an engiossing situation.
Answors of Gormany and Gieat
Berlin, Dec, 21. It has been learned
here thut tho governments of Germany
and Great Britain have adopted de
tailed answeis to tho pioposal to aibl
trato tho Venezuelan Issues.
These communications will be handed
to Ambassador Tower here and to
Chnigo d'Affulies White In London, to
moiiow, Tho couespondent of tho As
sociated Pi ens has learned further that
the Herman answer agrees In all sub
stantial effects with the Hiltish answer
and makes no separate leservatlons In
behalf of tho Gciman case.
Allies Object to The Hague.
Rome, Dec. 21, It has been earned
hcio that not one of tho allies piesent
contemplates submitting tlio Venezue
lan difficulty to Tho Hague court. The
Venezuelan situation was fully dis
cussed by King Victor Hmmunuel and
Foreign Minister Piinettl at their semi
weekly conference this morning, and
much satisfaction with the more peace
ful turn of events wab expressed.
Ptesident Castro Accepts.
Curacas, Pec. 21. President Castro
has signified acceptance of the appoint
ment of Piesldent Roosevelt to arbit
rate tho Venezuelan difficulty
Bilef and Simple SeivifWere Con
ducted in the Mausoleum by
Bishop Andrews.
nyi:.luhe Who from Tlio Associated l'rtss.
New Yoik, Dec. 21. In the mausoleum
on ltlveisldo chive, brief and simple
services were conducted today over the
remains of Mis. T'lysses t. Grant. In
addition to the members of tho Grant
lamllv theie weic piesent, among the
live hundred pei sons to whom invita
tions had been sent, Governor Odell,
Mayor Low, Secretary of War Hllhu
Root, Rear Admlial Baiker and stuff,
General James Grant Wilson, Geneial
Granville Dodge, General Horatio C.
King. General Charles P. Roe, New
York National Guaid, and stair, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Andicw Carnegie, and many
federal nnd municipal officials and otll
ceis of the unny and navy stationed In
the cltv.
Geneial Fiedcrick Giant and tho
other membeis of tho family occupied
seats ovei looking the erjpt. The ser
vices, conducted by Bishop V. G. An
diews, of the Methodist Episcopal
chuich, and the Rt. Rev. Alexander
MacKay-Smlth, Protestant Episcopal
bishop coadjutor of Pennsylvania,
opened with the hymn, "Lead, Kindly
Light," after which the biulal sei vices
of tho Methodist Episcopal and the
Protestant Episcopal churches who
lead. The services wete closed with
tho reading of a poem, "The Land 13c
yond the Sea," which had been a favor
ite of Mrs. Giant, and the singing ot
tho hymn, "Abide With Mo."
Commissioner Lindsay Makes an En
couraging Report Regarding
Schools of the Island.
By Exclusive W uc from Ihc Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. 21. The annual ic
port of the commissioner of education
for Poito Rico, Samuel McCune Lind
say, says the pool est schools there
arc as good and in some respects bet
ter than the pooicst of the same giado
In very many parts or the United Stjiles,
although the evciy day output of the
elementary schools cannot he compared
with tho best city schools of tho same
grade in tho Slates. An American lice
public school now exists in cciy mu
nicipality in Poi to Rico.
The school year closed last June with
57I school, open, 10,841 pupils cm oiled
and SUi teacheis employed, an incicaso
cif nineteen per cent, in, the number ot
sellouts, twenty-one per cent, in enioll
meiit, and twenty per cent, in number
ot teuchois uer the pi e lous jenr. The
high water maik during the year in the
entailment was, in the ordinal y public
schools, &9,0, to which should he- ad
ded 2,7l7 pupils (in oiled III the Jllgli
nm in, il and special schools, giving a
giand total ot lil,Sh3, or nineteen per
cent, of the total population ol school
age and our si per cent, of the total
population (if, the Island. The lepiiit
sajs these llguie.s show that under
Aineiican civil gin eminent the educa
tional advantages ofteud fieo to the
masses of the people as compared with
th maximum facilities piovlded by the
Spanish government have neatly
Marconi Announces that Communica
tion Is Established Between
Cape Bieton and Cornwall.
IJy Kvcluslve Ire from 'the Associated l'rr".
New Yoik, Dec. 21. Tho following
despatch fiom Marconi, dated Ulace
Bay, N. S Dec. 21, has been lccelved
by the Associated Piess:
"I beg to Inform you for circulation
that I have established wireless tele
graphic communication between Cupo
Rreton, Canada and Cornwall. Eng
land with complete success. Inaugur
atoiy messages, Including one from tho
governor-genet al of Canada to King
Edward VII. have already been trans
mitted and foiwaided to the King of
England and Italy. A message to tho
London Times has also been trans
mitted in the presence of its special
coi respondent, D, Parkin, M. I.
(Signed) "G. Marconi,"
Services Over the Remains Held in
St. Bartholomew's Church,
lly Exclusive W Ire from Ihc Associated Vtea.
New Yoik, Dec, 21. Funoinl services
over the leinulns ot General Wager
Swuync weio held to-day in St. Bar
tholomew's chuich, tho Rev, Dr. David
II. Gtcer, rector of the church read the
Inula! service, Tho pall-beat oisvvvera:
Dr. Andrew II. Smith, Colonel Robeit
B. Tyler, Geoigo II, Browning, Justice
Udward Patteison, Geneial O, O, How
aid, General Ileniy L. Burnett, Chuun
cey M, Depew, General Granville M,
Dodge, General Ripley, Judgo John F,
Dillon, General Daniel K. Sickles, Dr,
Klpp, Heeietary of War Ellhu Root and
Colgate Ilojt.
Delegates from tho Loyal Legion of
Honor, of Ohio boclety, tho Bar Asso
ciation, the Republican club, the Delta
Kappa Epsllon boclety, the vaiious
Grand Army posts and religious and
missionary societies with which the
general was connected weio preseut.Tha
remains were taken to Washington, D.
C, for Intet meat to-morrow at Aillng
lon cemetery.
It Is Not Thought That Delehnnty
Will Bo an Issue Preventing
Peace Negotiations.
Bj Eieltislve Wire from Tlic Aswcliteil rrmi.
Now Yoik, Dec. 21. As tlio Ameilcan
League baseball club owners and iep
lesentutives will begin their annual
meeting at Chicago tomoirow, the fol
lowing official statement was lsued to
day by Seeretaiy Fred Know let, of the
New Yoik National club:
"The New York club has a three year
contract with Dclelianty and has paid
him a large amount of money upon that
contract, and expects him to lcport to
tho club when It goes soulh In March,
and we do not believe ho will become an
Issue In any peace negotiation betwen
the two leagues. If there Is to be any
retroactive action regarding playeis
who have left one league to Join the
other, then It will have to go back to
the beginning of the conttoveisy. We
would most certainly resist nny sing
ling out method and do not believe they
aie contemplated or Intended. The ics
olutlon by which the confeienco com
mittee was created only calls for an In
quiry on the pait of the National league
as to the position to be occupied by the
Ameilcan league and terms upon which
the baseball war might bo terminated.
Tho National league will find lis voice
when the negotiations begin and will
take pioper action,"
Due to Floods and Failure of
Crops 400,000 are
Without Food.
Dy Exclusive Wire from the Assoriited I'resi
St. Petersbuicr. Dec. 21. Tho avenge
gialn ciop gatheied in Finland U vat-
ued at .;u,uuu,uuu. a no uiiiii.ih- ""
of the 1U0J crop Is ?20,000,000. While this
loss is gencially distributed throughout
Finland, It is almosL totally In the
northern thhd of the countiy wheie
aie the pi evinces of Plcaboig, Kiiopio,
Vasa, St. -Michael und poitions of VI
boi g.
Peas nnd beans gencially have failed
and the potato crop has not been gath
cicd; tho hay has lotted or been swept
away by Hood-. The disaster is due to
the late spilng, the newly continuous
chilly rains and tho early fiost, which
was lecouled August 10. In tho noith
there have been only half a dozen days
when It did not lain. The lams also
spoiled the fishing. So complete was
Urn failute of vegetation, ueaii
birds by the luindicds have been found
In the foic-ts. The piesuiL ciop t.iil
tue is the wni st that has been exper
ience il for the last fifty yens. 11 is
hoped, liowevei, that bettei methods
of lommuiitcatioii will facilitate the
woik ot relief and avoid wholesale
deaths by hunger and tjphus. Tlieic
aie all told about r.CO parishes in Finland,
101 of these pniishes are now neaily dea
lilulc. The agilculturnl board has n
i elved tepoits from 110 ol the 1U1 p Ir
ishes, showing that 10H hae food sup
plies which will sullice them until
Christmas onlv. The uiuipe lye and
barley which the people ate fnmd to
use inalvis a bitter lucid which even
tho hungry hoises lefuse to cat. In
some pans of the tommy Inoiid is
baked fiom bailey husks and stiavv,
inKcd with ,i little Hour and is pun bas
ed by the needy people with their ho.iul
ed savings. Such bund contains veiy
little nutrition and is oMiemuly un
wholesome. Tho peasants have expend
ed all their money for flour and conse
quently aie unable to buy clothing.
Tho dangers of tumble -was le.illzed
early by the public. Count BobrioKoft.
governur-geneial ol Finland, has Issued
an appeal for help in Russia and a vol
untary relief committee- bus iitcn or
ganized by Flulandeis with blanches
thioughout the country. Tins Anglo
Ameilcan chuich heie nfllllatcd with
this committee.
The scnatu has decided to constrict
public wotks: at an expenditure of
$.175,000 and It has allotted JJOO.OOi) for
the purchase of grain which will bo
sold to the ppople at cost. Sovunty-flve
thousand dollars will bo used to en
courage cottage Industries. The prov
inces and certain cities of Finland have
voted vurious sums for relief woik,
amounting In all to half a million dol
lars. The voluntary tellef commltteo
has tecelvetl $125,000, but It Is under
stood that all this sum has been already
expended. Pastor Kllburn, ot St. Pet
ersburg, has just returned from a
sledge journey tluough Kuplo piovlnco.
He found 1,800 school ehlldicn, who were
in need of food. Of this number, 1,115
weio totally destitute. It Is estimated
that 100,000 will bo without food after
Christmas. Business In Finland Is suf
fering In sympathy with the extreme
conditions, but no failures have yet been
recorded. Tho banks have- not raised
the rates of discount.
Immigration from Finland Is increas
ing constantly. Up to November 17,
20,155 pei sons had left the country, via
Hungo, while unknown numbers of Fiu-
landers huvo ciossed the Gulf of Koth
nla to Sweden nnd hnvo taken passage
from theie. The effects of tho ciop fail
ure on emigration, however, will be felt
more stiongly In 1003.
Dy Eelusbo Who froiullio AsjocUtcd Trees.
Hammond, Ind, Dec. 21. Chillies F,
Ciiiriln, foi mer secjotat y of btato, who
last week was stilckcn with paiulysls,
died at his homo hero tod ly.
Jlaltlmoie, Md, Pec. II. Rev. Dr. Al
phonso Mugnlcn, picsldont emeritus of St.
Mary's scmlaai-y, died at that Institution
today of kidney and heart disease. Ho
was C3 years of ago.
Pittsburg, Va.. Dec. '.'l.-Chailes T.
Neale, ono of tho ploneeis in tho Iron
business In Western Pcnn&lvanlu, died
suddenly at his homo lata Satuiduy night,
at tho ueo of 70 ycats. Since lb."S Mr.
Kealo has been pionilaeiit In tho lion
Industry In this country.
The Enolnc ol the Stodaon Fluer
Plows Into the Rear Goach ot
the Los flnoeles "Owl"
Passengers Who Escaped Death Aie
Hurled to tho Forward Pait of the
Coach, Ciushed in a Mass of Debris
Flagman Gnve the Stockton Train
Warning, but the Speed Was Not
Checked, Though the Signal Was
Observed Relief Comes Quickly to
Injured Paosengeis Who Aie Taken
to Byron Springs.
llv i:clu-H c V iri? fiom Tlio Anjrl (led i'"M
Martinez, Cil Dec. 21. As a lesult
ot a i ear-end collision between the
"Stockton Flyei" and the "Owl" train
on tho Southern Pacific at Byron last
night, sixteen deaths ahcidy have been
lecouled and there are fears that the
total will leach twenty. Most ot tho
wounded passengers, who wore too se
verely liijtlied to be taken to their
homes, were taken to tho Southern Pa
cific hospital at San Fiancisco to-day,
and on tho v ay to that place five vic
tims died, Twenty-two of the Injtued
leached the hospital wheie it was an
nounced to-night that R. Post, of
Powier, Cal., unci Leo Sou, a Chinaman
of San Francisco, would probably suc
cumb. Ot the twenty-two patients,
only tluoe weie poimlttcd to leeeivc
visilois, so sciiously weic they suffer
ing. Then persons weic killed nultiguc
nn,j tne other two succumbed to their
Intiiries to-day. Seven ot the dead
have been lileiitifitd as follows:
ELIZABETH L. SMITH, I'tcsuo, Cal ,
aged OT
CLARKNC'D D. OLa'KTS, Fresno. Cal.;
aged -'-'
MISS UIRDir: KLLIOTT, San Puinclsco,
aged .
MAI51JL VB.P.V. ModiSto Cal ; aged 10.
GCORC.n SUSSIONF. Oakland, Cat;
aged r,.
CHARLES OWI3NS. Ficsno; aged :
MISS M1DRS, l'lcsuo
The uuidcntillcd dead iiullldt
white man, picsumnbly a sailor
Chinese, one JupancM
woman and a
Japanese child.
The dead were brought heie. Most,
of the eoipses arc teniblv mill Hated.
This made tho work of identification
veiy difllcult. The injuied who inim
bi red twenty-live weio taken lo Oak
land. Most of them ute icported le-
(o-vtiing, and no further casualties .uc
It ivas a tcni-cnd collision, the en
gine ol the local plowing Us way
into the tear coach' of tho "Owl,"
which was HUed with Fresno peo
ple. The p.issengeis who escaped death
wcie bulled to tho luiwaid part
of tho coach, ciushed In the mass ot
debt Is. Their suffenngs and tlangtr
were Intcnslllcd by the clouds ot scald
lug hleain that pouted out liom tho
shattered boiler of tho Stockton en
gine. After tlio "Owl" left Oakland mole
It was noted thcio was a leak In the
Hue of the engine. Thin increased to
micii an extent that it was deemed ad- j
visable to stop hole and take a 1i eight
engine for icllef. The tialn olllclali
knew that the Stockton tialn was fol
lowing a half hour behind and a flag
man was sent back along tho track lo
give winning of tlio piosenco of this
It Is said that tho Stockton tialn. in
chaige of Engineer Mugulio and Fiie
nuin Joyce got tlio warning signal In
due time and gave the usual lespon-c
with whistle blasts. Why tlio tiaiu
was not checked, however, is not ex
plained thus far, tho men w ho t ould
glvo tho facts being- among the badly
liijuied. So foiclbly did the lotal meet
the tear of tho "Owl" that the end ot
the second car. tho dining far, was
smashed In nnd the thrco tooks weio
seilously hint. The honor of flto was
not added to tho disaster and tlio
penned up victims weio spaied fiom
flame, ns the oil burners weio extin
guished when the einsh came.
Relief Comes Quickly.
Relief quickly came to tho Injured
passengeis, uxes and saws being
brought Into play. Messengers weio
pent to Byion Hot Springs, a slioit
distance away, and physicians camo
quickly to the station, r.veiy effort
was made to ailovinte tno suiiering,
and those who weio unable to procee.d
on their Journey were taken either to
tho Spilugs Hotel or tho chinch In
Byion, which tempoiailly was tians
fotmed Into a hospital.
Hj- r.uluslvc W ire from 'I lie Associated Pre.
Now Yoik, Dec. 21. Tho Ninth CJer
mnn Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wllhelm der
Giosso nj jived today fiom Hietuen,
Southampton and Cherbouig, after a
stormy passage ot six days, eleven
hours and twenty-thico minutes. In
tho exceedingly tough weather the sets
hoarded tho ship and caused sotno
damago to tho fittings, Tlueo seamen
were (nluied.
Among the pussengeis weioi Countess
do Castelluuo and children.
Tlie Duke of New Castle anlved on
tho steamship Minneapolis fiom Lou
don. Vandejbilt Impjovine;.
Uy h(IuitB Wire frojn J lie Anoclatfi! l'risj.
Now Yoik. Die. 2l.-Coiuehas Yandor
bllt's condlllou showed conaiduiublo in
piovviuviit toduy, theio being a i eduction
of ono dcgiep In bis teiiipeiatuio dining
tho ovcnliigV hoiiis. lie rooted well
tluougliuut tho day.
DJ2CI3MI313K 22, 1002.
Mayor Samuel M, Jones' Opinion of
the President.
H.v i:rlmlvc Ire from Ihc Wcllled l'ios.
Chicago, Doc. 21, "Theodoic Roose
velt as a man is gicatcr than the gov
ernment ho lopiescntH, While the gov
ernment of the United States was un
able to testoie peine In the anthracite
legion, Itoopcvcll, not as pi evident, but
an it man, suggested a uitlonal way to
settle the tumble. Tho nun tilltmphcd
and the piahlcm was solved."
Thus spoke Samuel M. (.Gulden Rule)
.Tones, mayor of Toledo, before the Chi
cago Ponce society today. Ho sought
to show that foiee of arms was futile,
that war was Inexcusable and that kill
ing In battle was intlidtr.
Mn.vor Jones declined, however, that
he was an optimist, and In spite ot ie
cent wnte, he said, the world was better
oft' than It was 100 jaus ago and was
continually Impiovlng. That lit ought
him to tlio late coal sttlke In Pennsyl
vania and caused the lc'leieiice to the
Mayor Jones ciltlelzed Major General
Young, who. at a banquet In Cleveland
on Satuiduy night, spoke ot the neces
sity of'inllltniy force to maintain the
supicniacy of the nation's cnmireice.
"No one w 111 accuse ine of being un
natilotlc," said Major Jones, "but 1
would not taise u boy to go Into fho
m my or the navy to suppoit commcice
of this kind."
Remarkable Evidence Renardlna the
Tlieosonhlcal Institution Con
ducted btj Airs. Tinoleij-
U) nluMTc W ire from '1 lie Associated I'ress.
San Diego, Cal. Dec. 21. The fotnml
evidence was tinned to what purports
to bo a lem.ukablc levelntion ol the
Inner workings ot tho Theosopiticnl in
stitution at Point Lomd at jestci day's
session of tlie pending tiial ol an action
for libel, in which Mrs. Tlngley, head
of the Univeisal Brotherhood, is plain
tiff against the Tlme.s-Mluor company,
of Los Angeles. This evidence Is In tho
lot in of a deposition made by Louis S,
L Filch, of Hiirtfoid, Conn. The depon
ent said ho was emplojed as a book
keeper by the Univeisal Brotherhood,
of which he became a member, and
bad ptlvilcges neeoidcd to few others.
Ho .stated that Alls. Tlngley was le
gal tied as a ptophet In line ot succes
sion, including Buddha, Christ and
Mahomet, find that she had told de
ponent that man luge relations, as
known to the? woild, in her belief were
wholly false and perverted, and that
peoplo who livid the Iifo at Point Loina
would evolve so as to teach a stage
wheiu matiiage would not be neccs
sai y.
Mr. Filch said he livtd at t-Njiut
l.oma fiom August, 11100, until Match,
11)01 .
Ho said the pledge of the Hsotulc
society of theotophy was -very binding,
with membeis taking oath to obey tho
hatleis in nil things, the leader being
Katlieilno Tlngley. Mis. Tlngley bail
abiolute contiol over everything and
cveiybody, and she eeieised this In
tho minutest detail. She decided wheie
every member should lodge, what ho
should cat, and where ho should eat it,
whom he should h.ivo i onveisatlou
with, whom be should walk or talk
with and whom lie must not speak to
or look at.
Ghost That Haunts "Spot."
Deponent testllled thai Mrs. Tlngley
had a dog named "Spot," and liulher
"Mis. Tlngley told me that 'Spot' was
;i great deal mure than a pet. 'I be
llevu 1 know,' said Mis. Tlngley, 'that
Mr. Judge's spliit entcied Into Spot at
his death. Mr. Judge gave Spot to me
at the time ot his death and at tho
tlino that I assumed the leadcishlp ot
tho Biotlteihood as his suc
cessor.' "
Tlio deponent testified further that
Desperate Effort to Hide Suspected Election Frauds.
Ballot Boxes from Six Districts Are
Filled with Water.
What Is almost uuiiuestlonably a des
peiato attempt to hldu an election
liaud. was disclosed, Putin day, when
tho coiiuuls.soii In the congicsslonal
election contest pioceeded to gather
In tho Dunmore ballots.
Uy pouilng water Into tho hoses and
allowing It to stand for weeks, the con
tentsballots, blanks and duplicate
Biiras.-weio transfoimed into a mass
of pulp, with the mat kings jendeied
undecipherable. How successful the
scheme has been can not bo definitely
stated. Tho comnilssloueis would not
tako tho lesponslblllty of moto than u
casual examination. Tho contents of
each bos weio catetully jemoved,
tiansfetiod to a sack, sealed and dc
llveietl to United States Cletk Senile,
Fiom tho casual examination the com
mission pei milled itself to make, It
was appaient that It will not ho pos
sible to, separate and decipher tlio bul
lots. Tho hoses weje In tho custody of
Siiilio Harney Cooncy. When the
eonimlsbloneis called for them tho
b(uljo bi ought them up from his cel
lar. Not oven a scmbluoco of an ex
planation of how tho destruction of tho
ballots came about could bo jlven by
the. 'siiilic Ho not only did not claim
that his cellar was ever Hooded, or
even damp; on the contiary he Insisted
that his cellar is and always wus ex
cept loitully dry.
A bystander asked the 'sriulie how It
would bo If the Duumoie letuins weio
tin own out as t eonsetiuenee o the
Mis. Tingley's supervision of the In
terior com so of members extended to
Inlet ferenco of lelatlons between the
membeis ot the same faintly; that she
did not allow Mr. and Mrs. Anson, who
wete Inmates, to speak with their own
ehlldicn; that the colony was pati oiled
by armed guuiils and that restilctlons
wete placed upon the cntiance of visit
ors. Mr. Pitch says fiuther that Mis.
Tlngley vvus a veiy hard vvoiker and
that although her olllcltil title was
"leader," she was fioqueiitly nddiessed
as "puiple" by her oillclal cabinet and
oftentimes as "P" and frequently as
"Mother," unless -ho lequested that
the latter be stopped. Mi. Fitch af
firmed that, to ills own knowledge,
women membeis of the colony wore
employed at haul woik in the gardens
anil fields.
Matter Destined for the Philippines
and rijl Islands Dsstioyed.
Il.i Kclnlp Who frmi Tlic wichtcil Pic"..
Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 21. Otllelul rc
lioi l ot the burning of a cat load ot
Clulstnins mail en loute for the west
was made here tliU afternoon by the
ctow of mall cleiks art King heie Horn
New Yoik on the fast mail No. :i on
the New Yoik Centiul, which left New
York at S.l". a. in.
Only twenty or thirty out ot seven or
eight bundled pouches wcie scL-vcd, the
but nt d riiiull being for Chicago and
points fuitliei west. Some of the mall
was destined for the Philippine and
Fiji islands. The null sacks were in a
stoingo car, which can led no cleiks.
The cicw was on I he cat behind, and
dlstovcied the Hie between Peeksklll
and Highland. Tho car was left burn
ing at the latter station.
He Fails to Win Points in a Four
Round Contest with Jack Monioe,
an Amateur Champion.
Bi hvclushe Aire, fioinlin Aswcutid Pica
Butte. Mont.. Dee. 21. Champion .Tef
iiles last night lost a deeisioit in a
four-toillid tontest with Jack Munioc.
after a foui-iound bout ol tlie uercest
fighting IJutte lias seen tor soine time.
At one time the champion went to his
knees and a knockout looked possible.
JefCiles and his inamiui r bad posted a
foifelt ol S2.MJ foi any one to stand
against Jelfiics Tor lour lounds and
Mum ne accepted the challenge. At the
end of the fouilh lound Munioe was
still icady lo light.
Mum oc is amateur champion ol iuc
Pacllle ( oast. Fll.simiroiis has posted
a foileit ot S.'OO tu put Munioe out in
four lounds.
A Laigc and Fashionable Seminaiy
for Young Ladies Destioyed.
lly t.vcliMw Wire fiom 'I he niiiUd I ro-.
New Miltuid, Conn.. Dec. 21. Ingle
slde sthool, a large and fashionable
seminaiy for jniing indies, conducted by
Mis William i. Black, was p.tiliy ue
stioyid by n fhi' of unknown origin,
today and caused damage estimated at
The seivants weic the only prisons In
the building when the Hie btoke out,
the oung luillM ot the soinlnaty being
away Lit tin Ir Chi Mums vacatlom as
wcie tlio instiuctoi. Mine than ono
hundicd students wete teglsteted at tho
n'hool and thu damago to the articles
in their looms, all ot which wete ex
pensively decoiated, cannot be esti
mated. "doctoilug" or tho ballots. Tho 'suubo
declated that whatever happened it
was no fault of hK In fairness to thu
squlio It should bo said ho was evi
dently as much surpilsed as anyone at
the dlscoveiy.
Theie aie eleven dlstiltts In Dllii
moie boiough. I'nder the law the bal
lot buses aiti to bo dellveieil to a jus
tice of tlie peace for keeping between
elections. Hlght ot tlio eleven boxes of
Duniuoio boiough weio dellveieil Into
tho .iistodv of '.Siiuiio Cooncy, The
boxes from tho fiieen Itldge, Spin t
Hill and Hunker Hill dlstilcts are .-still
In Jhe possession of the lospectlvo
lodges of election. Six of the eight dis
tricts lepieseuted by the boxes deliv
ered to 'ritiube Coouey gave Howell cn
ceptlciuully large majorities. six
bases weio tho six that weio doctoU'd.
There was only half or tlnee-fiuar-tets
of an inch of wuter in tlio bottom
of each box. livery particle of oveiy
thlng In eveiy one of the six boxes was
dilpplng water when taken fiom the
box by tho coiniulssloneis.
Tho hoses were In all llkllhood filled
with water up to the tlmo thu eonunls
bloueis weio expected.
It wus then chained off. The half or
tlneo-iiuarters of an Incli of water
found In tho bottojn of the boxes was
whut was distilled by perspitatlon from
tho muss of pulp Into wlilcli the paper
had been transformed.
In three of tlie s,lx districts In which
tho ballots were thus tampered with
the contestant's repiescntativcs espec
ially suspected frauds.
Mine Strike Commission fldiourm
Over the Holidays toReGonvens
Jan. 6 1903 In Philadslptill
Some Fow Moia Witnesses to B Pre
sented by Attorneys O'Brien an
Lenahan, Among Them. Sheriffs
Schadt and Jacobs Commissloa
Again Urges tho Companies to
Hurry Up the Filing of Theitf
Wage Statistics Father Whltty;
Eociety Denies Joseph H. Duggan's
Statement Commission Amused at
a "Mob" Picture More Stories of
Strike Disorder.
The mine sttlke commission adjourned
Saturday morning at 11.45 o'clock over
tho holidays. It will reconvene In the
com t loom of the fcdeial building at
Philadelphia, Tuesday, January 6, 1903.
The non-union men will present a few
mot c witnesses to tell of tho treatment:
they weio accorded during the strike
and show that union men, and soma
union olllcera, were responsible for this
tieatment. Amonff the witnesses will
be Shoiire Schadt of this county and
Shcilff Jacobs of Luzerne county.
Attorneys Joseph O'Brien and John
T. Lonuhan have called sixty witnesses
so fur and they have summoned a
hundicd more, but believing the com
mission has been thoroughly convinced
that "tho malienabla constitutional
light" ot selling one's labor when, how
and to whom one chooses was seriously "r
questioned during the strike, they will
t output themselves with a very few
moie illustrations of tills questioning.
The independent operators will prob
ably he heard when tho non-union men
concluded but this has not been def
initely settled. Much will depend on
which p.uty finishes Its statistics first.
Uefoic adjourning Saturday morning,
.ludsre. Oray made another urgent, re-
iiuesl that the companies present their
statlstlts at once. Ho said ho wanted
to lmpiess on the lcpresentatlves of
the companies the urgency of their
statistics being filed at once. He trust
ed they would all be put in during tlie
(itil pait of the recess so that those
who' have In hand their examina
tion may nsceitnin whether or not they
aie satisfuctoiy. and in what, if any,
fe.itiue they should be amended or sup
plemented. There Was Timo Enough.
"With all duo defcienee," the Judge
lemaikcd in meaningful tones, "thero
has been tlmo enough for all these stat
istics to be piesented. Unless there Is
bettir co-opeiutlou this hearing will
duig itself out interminably. Wo want
to get at tho earnings of tho mlneis.
The only way we can get at them is
tluough tho books or. tne companies.
We tiust these figures will bo forth
coming w Ithout further delay."
Tn announcing the adjournment Judgo
Cray, in the name of tho commission,
wished all the parties a. happy Christ
mas, and expressed the hope that all
would bear in their minds the messago
ot the season, "Peace on earth; good
will to men," and return to tho hear
ings imbued with this spirit.
All those from out of town wilio wcia
in attendance at tho commission, with
thu exception of Piesldent Mitchell and
his headquarters force, have left for
their homes. Bishop Spalding and At
torney D.urow went ou the Lackawan
na cstci day afternoon. President Mlt
iheil will remain over until tomorrow
to straighten out his correspondence.
Tlie commissioners aie well pleased
with their stay in Scranton and felic
itated themselves on the fact that this
cltv was selected for the sessions. Ono
of 'them said to a Tribune ipeorter ns
ho was leaving for his train that they,
could not have asked for more delightt
ful envlionments. Tho peoplo could
not do too mucii tor mem, no smu, in
tho way of hospitable treatment, the
luweis anil others participating in the
healings, and tho newspapers In deal
ing with the commission and Its woik
weio one and all most courteous and
eoiiHldeiate. "It our experiences con
tinue to the end as It has In Scranton,"
said Hip commissioner, "we will have
nothing unpleasant to look back to."
One Adverse Criticism.
Only otto utterance of adverse cntl
Vlsnt of the commission has us yet been
lieuid. A New Yoik paper, which It
seeking self-udvei tlsement by institut
ing a legal light awtnst tho alleged coal
tiust, took exception to the action of
tho commissioner In refusing to go Into
this question. It wus a great disap
pointment to the ii iper In question not
to bo able to print in glaring ijeaaiirrc
Mine Stilko Commission Joins Hands
w Ith the In Exposing tho Coal
Tiust." The existence or non-existence
of a coal trust, the commissioner ue
llavo, has nothing directly to do-wWh
the questions at Issue before them, nd
It Is u matter ot great doubt If it can
have the slightest indirect bearing. Vha
louimlsslon has deolaied It will assunw
the opeiators aio abla to pay -bettei
Continued on Put'O 3.
Wushltigton. Dec. 21 Forecast for,
Monday und Tuesday: Eastern
Pcrtnsj Ivunlu. Cloudy Monday,
piobably lain In the morning; cold
er In eastern portion. Tuesday,
fair, loldoi; fiesh to bilsk south
west to northwest winds.
, -r -r ttttttt tnl
igjaSte-..' - i k