pwv. ?i-z"v-fmr' WW I O It . ... " '. r" '". j.. 1-- , ,S r - ' t ,'1 . t ; ii " l Ji 1 4" v. ti ! H ', 'Vi' ". A S "ill rv THE SCltANTOtf TlUBUNE-SATUBDAlf, DECEMBER 20, 1902. V$, rT-" l i Symptoms , ol Weak Eyes Itching Headaches Dizzy feeling Eyepaln at night Things look double Sight dim or cloudy Winking a great deal D,oslro to rub the eyes Dropping of the eyelids Eyes water when at work Watering when In the wind Eyes smart when using thorn One eye sees better than the other. DR. B. A. BAER EYE SPECIALIST. MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN 331 Washington Ave. SCRANTON. PA In and About 'JtxHiM The City A Beautiful Calendar. Krcd 11. Stevens, malinger of tha 9cmn ton ice company, In dlBtrlliutlim tin nx rcptlonnlly beautiful calendar for l!KKt. Meeting Night Changed. St. 1'otciH liranclii Ct!, Ladles' Callio lie Benevolent association, will hold next regular mooting- Tuesday evening, December El, lnttteud ot Thursday even. lllHT. .s" We Lead in the Race We are ahead of Old Santa Claus Even in CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS Our lino la moat attractive it is a proud display of beautiful art Roods in all styles of Pictures and frames. Burned Wood and Leather Novelties. A. fine collection of original Water Col ors from tho brush of Thomas S. Hagcr man, of Willlamt.port, now on exhibition at our store. OPEN EVENINGS. Jacobs & Fasold 209 Washington Avenue.- Election, of Officers. At a lucent nicotine ot the Consume! .V Ico eompuny tho following oflleern were elected: President, Griffith T. Davis; mniiiiger. Charles II. Bclmdti secretory and treasurer, A. 1). Hlaclclnton, D., L. & W. Pay Days. The employes ot all the local Delaware, I.nckiiwannu. and Western collieries, with the exception of tho Diamond, Jlun vlllo and Starrs, will be paid today. Tho employes at tho three places mimed will ilown tlie valley on Tuesday next. This I HI XflmilUn fill. ..., fnli lOT'l ' 1,111 ,.v,,im.;,.j i..v tDjn jj, jv FIVE WOMEN WERE ON TRIAL THEY ARE CHARGED WITH AS SAULT AND BATTERY. It Is Alleged That Thoy Threw Stones And Bad Eggs at John F, Butler In Village of Simpson Men Charged with Rioting at Holden Mine Were Acquitted Other Cases Heard Yesterday Doings of Or phans' Court Suit Against Erie and Wyoming Valley. For False Pretense. Michael Do vine yesterday caused tho arrest of Thomas Connell on a charges of obtaining money under falso pretenses, llo claims that Connell accepted money lor n. certain number ot tons ot coal mid delivered Hhoit weight. Connell waived u hearing and entered ball in the sum of ;r,no before, Alderman Ruddy. Sermon on "His Holy Mothex'." "Ills Holy Mother" will bo the topic rtov. .fames McLeod, D. D., will discuss in the Klrst Presbyterian church tomorrow night. He announces that this will be a sermon of interest to non-Protestants in view of the loctuics to non-Catholics de livered during tho week. It is a subject seldom discussed in the pulpit ot Evan gelical chinches. An Important Witness. Andrew Conltn, (superintendent uf Hue9 of the Scranton Railway company, left yesterday for Boston, vhero he will tes tify in the BUlt brought by the Westing house Electrical company against an other electrical company for an al leged infringement by the latter cor poration of a Westlnghouse patent. Tho patent is for an Invention known as a sec tional insulator which permits tho power being shut oft on one line and not on others. It was invented by Eail P. Wet more, who superintended tho construc tion of the first electrical lines built in this city and was first installed here. The question of time enters largely into tho case and Mr. Conlln's testimony will be particularly valuable for that reason. Ohio Capons dressed to order for Christmas, at aiarberger's, 515 Lacka wanna avenue. Guernsey Hall Offers special inducements this winter to purchasers of pianos. " Before Judge Newcomb, Mary Thom as, Mary McAvoy, Nellie Moron, Sarah Moran and Mary ailmore were tried yesterday for committing nn assault and battery on John P. Butter, on July L3 last, Butler was employed as n night watchman at tho Northwest colliery, near the village of Simpson above Car bondale, during the strike. On the morning of July 23, as he was returning home from work, he was at tacked by a crowd, who threw stones and. bad eggs at him. They1 promised him more in the evening-, and though lie drove through the village that even ing at a good pace ho was overtaken and stopped, and after being assaulted and Jeered was sent Back to his home. He alleges that even threats to lynch him were and. a rope produced. The defendants, most of whom aro married, denied, having1 participated in the assault on Butler, but admitted they were in the crowd. The jury went out just before adjourning- hour. Verdicts of not guilty were returned yesterday in tho cases charging; John Coombs, John Basham, Jacob Reese, Benjamin Jones, David Harris and Seth GiifTlths, charged with riot, and Seth Griffiths, charged with discharg ing firearms. The cases were tried Thursday, Joseph Curl, a foreman at the Holden mine, being the prosecutor. The trial of Michael Kearney, charged with the theft of milk bottles, was con cluded yesterday afternoon. The de fense was a denial of the entire charge. A verdict had not been returned at ad journment. John Zalewski and Joseph ZalewsUI wore tried together, the former for as sault and. battery and the latter for aiding a prisoner to escape. Special Officer Thomas Kranlck was the prose cutor. Judge Newcomb directed a ver dict of not suilty as to Joseph, and at adjournment a jury was out -wrestling with the question of John's guilt. A nol pros., on payment of the costs, was entered in the case ot Patrick O'Malley, charged by Michael Corrigan with assault and battery. Cotinfy Savings Bank and Trdsf Company, 506 Sprue Street. Receives -d and Deposits H I Up in Sums of K wards and pays ? per cent, in terest thereon. If. A. WATRE8, President. 0. 8. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. Orphans' Court Matters. Judge A. A. Vosburg handed down an order fixing terms of court for 1903 as follows: Now, Dee. 19, 1902, it in ordered, that the terms of the orphans' DIRECTORS: Everett Warren, Wm. F. Hallstead, E. P. Ivlimsburv. O. B. Johnson, iJos, O'Brien, ti. A. Watrei. August Robinson, court for the year 1903, shall bo as fol lows, to wit: Jan. 13, 1903, continuing- three weeks; March 10, 1903, continuing threo weeks; May 11, 1903, continuing three weeks; Sept. 14, 1903, continuing three weeks; Nov, 9, 1903, continuing threo weeks. Also the last Saturday of each month, except July and August, which shall be return days. Also a special session on Aug, 3, 1903. Audits nre also heard tho first week of ench regular term of court, and at such other times as the court may designate. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. WW. Attorney Fred C. Hanyen was yester day appointed to audit tho accounts of tho officials of Lackawanna county for tho year 1902. A rule for a new trial was granted yes terday in tho case of Harry Williams, who was convicted a week ago of receiv ing stolen goods. Today court will adjourn until Monday, January C. It is probable that a number of divorce cases In which papois wero bubmltted dm ins: tho week will be dis posed of today. Mrs. Jennie M. Lango and her husband, Fred W. Lange, yesterday entered suit against the Erie and Wyoming Valley latlroad to recover damages sustained by Mrs. Lango on that railroad. The plalu tifts aro represented by Attorneys Dunn & Dunn. A wilt of alternative mandamus was yesterday issued against Frank R. Carey, justice of the peace of Scott township, to compel lilm to grant an appeal in tho caso of Michael Tellup or show causo why ho refuses to do so. Tho rulo is re turnable on Monday, January 1L Arguments on a rulo for a now trial were made yesterday before Judgo Dun bam in the trespass case of II. S. Gorman & Co. against John S. Miller. Tho case was tried before Judge Dunham at the last term ot common picas court ana a verdict returned In favor of Gorman. Tho rase was argued by Attorney 3I. J. Mar tin for the plaintiff and Attorney I. IT. Burns and H. D. Carey for the defendant. STAMPS With a Dollar Purchase, Saturday and Monday, December 20 and 22. !30 ! Great Christmas Sale m i of Holiday Goods! Musical Gossip. Manager Rudolph Aronsou has ar ranged for Jaroslav Koclan's appearance at Air. Bagby's musical morning at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, Monday, Dec. 2.2. Koclan's programme includes compositions by Sutnt-Sacns, Tschaikow sky, J. S. Bach, Svcmdsen and Wlenlaw skl. On Jan. S and 10 Koclau will per form at the Auditorium, Chicago, and then follow recitals in tins principal cities ot the west. II II II Mine. Rogcr-Mlolos, tho French pianist, has lately played at the Colonno con certs. This was her last public appear ance in Paris preparatory for her depar ture to this country. Sho is to be heard first with the Damrosch orchestra in February, in New- York, then at several recitals. After that she begins her tour of the principal cities, extending to the coast. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Select Stock of Novelties for Christmas presents. Suitable presents for everybody. : : Holiday Goods .50c 75c Beaded Chatelaine Bags.... $1.00 Beaded Chatelaine Bags... Tic Hand Purses In Seal, Sea Lion, Morocco, Levant Llzzard, etc 25c to $3.00 Wrist and Chatelaine bags, now mountings. 2,ic to T.'.OO J Necli Ruches, SHU and Chiffon, $1.23 to $10.00 -Wow iliin Tvrotnl T?p1f "Pint! nnri RrnfV1iAg lfln. lr,n. ."w Rings, Brooche?, Belt Pins, Bracelots, Chains, etc. 5c to $5.00 Beads, Coral, Pearl, Jet, Boxwood, eto ..'. r.0o Elegant Cut Glas3 Pieces, ..$1.00 to 57.D0 A Pretty Separate China pieces ...r.Oo to $S.00 J Bisque Figures, Heads, and Statuettes ..$1,00 to $5.00 Gold or China Clocks S5a to $5.00 X Ebony, Silver and Gold Ink Wells, 25c to $2.00 y Pictures, new frames andsubjocts 25c to $5.00 '!y Gilt, Sliver, Biuntwood mid Leather Photo frames '$ 23o to $2.00 fr Burnt Leather' Novelties, ,' Coif and Den Calendars. v.BJftVingA .Smokjng aud T.olletjStit. 50c to.$io.00 'liigTiT'Art printed or emDrofdered' Cushions, 25c to flO.OO Ctnfltnf Rllvon 7avpUIoh. tnllnt nl'HMns. tn 'Hand and Standing tnrors) 25a to $5.00 Leather Combination Toilet Traveling Cases, $2.50 tu $10.00 perfumes and Toilet -Articles. '' H Si t Useful Presents Special display of elegant SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, CHILDREN'S COATS, MISSES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES' SILK WAISTS, LADIES' SWEATERS, LADIES' CAPES, SUITS AND SKIRTS, PURS, PURS, FURS. Glove Department GOLF WOOL GLOVES for ladles, gents', children, nil shades and.nlzes 25 and GOc Ladles' Fine Glasseand Mocha Kid Gloves $1.00 and $1.50 Gents' Fine Glalse and Mocha Kid Gloves, $1.00, $1.50 Handkerchiefs Children's Handkerchiefs in Juvenile boxes 18 to 25u box Gentlemen's) Handkerchiefs, linen or sillc hem stitched, cnibroldored( initial or fancy borders 10a to $1.00 each LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS Plain Hemstitched 10c to 25a Pretty Laco nr Embroidered ,...25o to $2.00 Fine Real Duchess Lace, .,.; ; $1.50 to $10.00 Umbrellas Fast Black, mercerized, good frames, ...,S9c to 50c Fast Black, line metal or pearl handles ...,75c to $1,00 Ladles and Gents' close rolling, Taffeta, beautiful handles, silver, gold, pearl or ivory.. ..$1.25 to $7.50 Under this heading short letters of lr terest will be published when accom panied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Trlbuno does not assume re sponsibility for opinions here expressed. Deny the Truth of Mr. Duggnn's Statement. Editor of Tho Tribune. Sir: The Father Whltly society ot North Scrantou desires to contradict tho statement made by Joseph II. Duggan beforo tho anthracite commission today to tho effect that he was a member of the society for twelve years and was ex pelled therefrom because ho worked dur ing the recent strike. Tho facts aro as follows: Mr. Duggan was a member but six weeks and was expelled from the soeloty because ho vio lated his pledge of total abstinence. We desiro to state that no member was ex pelled from this society for tho reason given by Mr. Duggun. (Signed) P. J. Mulherin, president; George J. Loftua, M. J. Coleman, secre taries. Scranton, Dee. 19, 1902. rfl - V Linen Sets, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Ladies' Fancy Hose In Great Variety. ff ' " ' to" "' ') " I I I Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchnie $1.00 worth of goods or more and: you will receive 30 atampe, Dec, ao and aa - j MpARS & HAQEN, Mpflrs Hflirpn 410 iDd 417 Lackawiooi Ave :. CLARK'S SUMMIT. The fair which has been in progress at the Baptist church during tho past week, has proved to be successful be yond the expectations of those who so ably planned and conducted it. The basement of the church was transform ed into a veritable fairyland, where 0110 could buy nearly anything desired for the holidays. On Wednesday and Thursday even ings an entertainment was also held, in which tho choir from tho Methodist Episcopal chinch, of this place, Messrs. Moore and Harrison, of Scranton, Misses Saxo of Hydo Park, several from the Baptist church nt Waverly and Mr, Brickie, of Kingston, assisted. The pond Is again frozen over suf ficient for skating but too rough for much enjoyment. Tho Sunday school of tho Methodist Episcopal church will render a Christ mas service next week, tho exact date of which has not as yet been decided on on account, of tho unavoidable delay in securing the programmes, Mrs. S. Rico and daughter, Frances, will spend the holiday season In the east; visiting relatives In Connecticut, Massachusetts and other locations, PECKYILLE. The condition of Mrs, William War field wa3 slightly better yesterday, Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Quest, of Worces ter, N, Y are in town, Presbyterian church, Rev, S. II. Moon, D, D pastor. Christmas ser mons next Sunday, Subject in morn ing, "A Man with Many Titles; " even ing, "God with Us." All welcome, Peckville Baptist church, Rev, J. S. Thomas, pastor, Services tomorrow nt 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Morning sub ject, "Christianity and Gladness;" ev ening subject, "Who Was Jesus of Nazareth?" Everybody welcome. The Baptist Sabbath school will hold its Clu-Istmaa entertainment on Christmas night. An interesting programme will be rendered. COURTS ALONE HAVE POWER OPINION RENDERED T3Y JTJDOE M. W. AOHESON. In tho Caso of Dickson Manufactur ing Company Against tho Ameri can Locomotlvo Company Ho Over rules tho Xatter's Dofonso and De clares That Courts Alono and Not Arbitration Hoards Havo Power to Interprot Contracts Case Will Be Tried Again. An opinion was yesterday filed by Judge M. W. Acheson, of the United States Circuit court, in which ho over rules the defense set up by the Ameri can Locomotive company In tho suit brought against it by tho Dickson Manufacturing company of this city. It will bo remembered that tho Dick son Manufacturing company sold Its locomotive works to the American com pany and that a dispute arose over the payment of $57,000 by the latter cor poration. The amount in question was claimed by the Dickson company as tho cost to tho vendor of the locomo tives In process of construction nt tho time tho transfer was made. All Items ofgeneral shop expenses, such as light, heat, fuel, insurance, etc., were In cluded. Suit was brought in the Circuit court to recover the amount, and the defend ant company in its defense did not go at all Into the merits of tho claim, but contended that under tho contract be tween the two companies all- disputes arising as to Interpretation or carry ing out of the contract wero to bo re ferred to a board of arbitration. The plaintiff should have sought to have such it board appointed, It was con tended, instead of having recourse to the court. Judge Acheson, in his opinion, takes nu entirely contrary view and holds the arbitration clause of the contract to be illegal. "Plainly," he writes, "the stipulation for arbitration relied on to defeat this notion is an attempt to oust the juris diction of the courts to determine the rights of the parties. " Tho stipulation for arbitration follows after an express promise to pay and Is there fore distinct and Independent." The judge decides that the dispute which has arisen between the parties does not concern a matter of mere valuation, but involves an interpreta tion of the agreement entered Into be tween the two parties. It requires a determination of the meaning of the words "cost to vendor of materials, supplies and product, finished or In process," and as to whether general shop expenses are to be taken as an element of "cost to vendor." The judge declares 'that such an interpretation should be made by a court and not by a board of arbitration. Tho defense based on the arbitration clause Is overruled, and the case will now go to trial again so as to give both sides an opportunity to argue as to the merits or demerits ot the claim for the amount In question. WJz 'fir (mm I KX'-sr ' Sf'i (! NTVYV. f V Hrk? ForXtnas 1 IVi Dinner 1 ,f r i 11iW xLKw Leschetizky Method of Pianoforte. Miss Clare Horan, for four years a pupil ot Tlieodor Leschetizky, will ac cept a limited number of advanced pupils, after the first of January, in her studio in the new Y. M. C. A. THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE Tho coffee habit is quickly over come by those who let Grain-O take its place. If properly mado it tastes like tho best of coffee. No grain coffco compares with it in flavor or hcalthfulness. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grocen evcrjwhero ; 10c. and 25c. per package. What's boen done In the way of preparlnf for Thursday's family Catherine? Below we enumerate some very fine Tabto Ac cessories that make most excellent gifts gifts that that will cause Mother's or wife's eyes to sparkle. In giving these gifts you kill two birds with one stone besides giving a token of affection, you materially assist with the dinner preparations. Not at all bad, is it? TADLE SILVER 0 Tea Spoons, Dessert Spoons Tabic Spoons. Knives, Porks. Oyster Porks. Berry Forks, Sugar Shells, Cocoa Ladles, Etc. CUT GLASS Spoon Trays. Celery Trays. Fruit Dishes. Berry Dishes, .Icily Dishes. Tumblers, Salts. Peppers.. Finjrcr Bowls, Etc. C UNAWARE Dinner Sets. from S7.00 to S19O.00. Steak Sets. Berry Sets, Ice Cream Sets. Game Sets, Salad Sets. Chop Sets, Etc. . We've the largest and most varied line of Platters, Pudding Dishes, Carving Sets Cnnl, delabras and like necessities , J in the City. u&&- Geo. V. Millar & Co. 134 Wyoming Avenue. 'r1VfJ"ffVg'1 Open Evenings. WALK IN AND LOOK AROUND'. nmgw!TgnaMifaw.a ttiraffiaamai You - . to transact yonr banking Are Invited business with us, ana every " courtesy will be extended, whether your account is large or amall. Third National Bank, JJ8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000. .3 per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts, nnd tho interest is compounded Jan. 1 and July 1, Accounts can be opened by mail. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 7:30 TO 3:30. fwasexsKRJEEFmtimw'Msm eisman tros. k Shop. Why Not Make the Present a Book I It is very acceptahle for lady, gentleman, girl or boy. Wo have all tho latest copyrights, and, above all, at moderate prices. We carry a full line of Children's Books the largest assortment in the city. Special sets of all the famous authors. Step in and look over our Holiday Books. 407 Spruce Street, I New Phone, 437. Opposite Dime Bank JMWwaiMtgit;-rAHiMS-jin?rgg3siP " 1 1 MMMEB &ft DON'T postpone buying that KODAK you Intend as a gift; come while the stock Is at its best. If you prefer you may make your selection now and have it set aside until later we'd be very glad to do it. vr, and Tables in Pyro - Itched WorL Also Desk Fittings, Dressing Table Sets, Hook Racks, Picture Frames, Handker chief and Glove lioxes. m GRirFIN ART SHOP, 211 WASHINGTON AVENUE Cigar Prices fi That are Higtit 60 In is In box. box. Morris Prfccto.......l. 90a Pathfinder ....... ........1.75 B0o Counsellor ............... J.T5 wo Tom Keens ......-... J.76 , 0o l.ouiH Manu 1-76 Jgo Morris Macnat.. ...... 1.75 Wl Capaxlura ...-. ....... 1.7s Owl Brand J.75 Cubanola . l.TO G, W. Childe l. Juan F. l?ortuondo ..- 1.7b Lillian RubsoI ...... .l-MI Robert Burns ... -f.JS Cora Tanner 3-0 , J.7S Lanssdorf Perfccto J.M J-00 Cisars packed 1! in box ot .'oa mid GOo per box. BUY HIM A PIPE. Our line of Pipes is the talk of tho town. Be Bmolclntr and Chewlntr Tobaeeoti. Old Virginia CherootH. Throo Black Kid Cheroots. Kweot Canoral Cigarettes. 6 packs for 25c. 'If H H -1 Florodoru Cigars. Matinee Cigars. "Mutch It" Cheroots. Turkish Trophloa. 3 packs for 25c. WHOLESALE AND BETAI&. For Cash Only, E. C. Morris i Cigar Man. Leader of Cut Prices, 385 WASHINGTON AVENUE. C Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reaienably at The Tribune office. i f f 1 LteetA. A a-'. (4--v i i- tr ,e, fcau afe, jfc ii.JU.-m, uilrw . . -li-fci Jjli if. ,t fa.1 nW"w-j U. m,