The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1902, Page 16, Image 16

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    ftf y v v rirt v r" 'iW'ip 1'" ' v
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Absolutely Pure;
I Wftll Street Bevlew.
Now York, Dec. 19. Today's stock mur
lut showed tho mutual Interest of the
elimination yesterday ot a very Inrst:
Bliort Interest and tho consocnient latk ot
an important sustaining iulluence. les
torday's upward rush of prices also led to
considerable realizing. Tho professional
iradeis on tho lloor, appreciating this
Htate of affairs, worked for a lonctlon all
Juy and wero rewarded In tho latter part
of tho day by a sharp break in price,
which carried most of tho market leaders
Ri-nerally below last night. Somo re
newed anxiety was l'elt over tho Venezue
lan situation, owing to the provisional
jinturo of tho reply from Great Britain
nnd Germany to llio proposition for ar
bitration. Tho forecast ot tho weekly
bank statement did not promise as good a
showing as was counted upon in tho mid
dle of tho week and there was some sell
ing due to disappointment mi that scoro.
3-ondon also turned seller in this market
today, reversing tho position of yesterday,
atost of this selling, however, was purely
arbitrage business, tho advance hero go
ing ahead of London and allowing oppor
tunity to cover sales here by buying In
London. Published reports of a heavy
flotation of railroad bonds of the Vandur
bllst system in London nttracted consid
erable attention this morning and con
tributed to a sharp rise in New York Cen
tral. This development .promised such
Important results in tho exchange situa
tion that It was accepted with avidity by
bullish traders. Unfortunately the rumor
jmst with denials from authoritative iiuar
teis, and this helped to turn thu mar
ket downwards. St. Paul was a conspicu
ous center of strength with continued iu
mora of an early Issuo of the new stock
authorized. Tho advance was accompa
nied by evidence of manipulation and tho
gain was almost entirely wiped out. The
continued eager demand for anthracite
Eustalned tho Coalers. Gleat Northern
preferred rose sharply without explana
tion. Tho sharp ad,vance in the price ot
ropper In London helped Amalgamated
Copper. These apodal points of strength
served to sustain the market during the
early part of tho day In face of the realiz
ing, which was In evidence from tho start
and most notably so in thoso stocks
which havo led tho week's advance.
Southern Pacific, Misouris Pacific. Sugar,
Manhattan and Louisville and Nashville
were all sufferers on this scoro. There
was some check to tho selling before the
close which was llrm. Total bales today,
796,300 shares. Tho bond maikct was bet
ter sustained than stocks, reflecting some
Investment demand In anticipation of the
January coupons. Total sales, par value,
J.1.930,000. United Stotes bonds wero all
unchanged on tno last call.
Tho following quotations are furnished
The Tribune by Huight & Frecse, 312-
315 Mears Building. W. D. Runyon, man
tiger. Open.IIlgh.Low.Closo.
Ama!. Copper 57',i ns r.T'fc B7U
Am. C. &F 34'', lil't BlVi 34U
Am. Cot. Oil 41(11 4I'(, 11 41
American Ico 10, W;U 10r-i lu;
Am. Ice, Pr :is"j :;u usit. ssv-
Am. Locomotive .... -'7?j 2S Wa TiZ'a
Am. S. & R. Co 40 40'1 H'J'k 40
American Sugar ....124A I'-'.VJa 3Jh llfl
Atchison S-: M! XJT S-3i
Atchison, Pr no !, w4 nsa4
Bait. & Ohio Wi. SMs !'7'.', !7'
Brook. R. T CPg Wi tB'i Kli
Canadian Paclflc lis ',12S?iliti"& 1L'71,-
Ches. & Ohio 4i!i 47U in- 4i'!ji
Chicago & Alton .... :u!5i xv- ::j 32
Chic. & G. W 2.1 2'i'ii 2 Hi UV.
:., Jf. & St. P 172TJ 174',i 172'.-j 173S
'ol. Fuel & Iron .... 77 .SOU 77 7fcVi
Col. & Southern 27?i 27:li Wi 2iii
Col. & South., 2(1 Pr. 42 42'j IJ'.i 42'.
Den. & R. G Pr .... SO'J 9uS flu 90
Krio :S!9a 34'.i :i3'i 8.11
3:rlo, 1st Pr til GP 4
i:rle. 2d Pr 45 4VS1 41',- 44'4
3 locking Valley 90 W 9!) " 99"
Illinois Central 113'illl li.i im
Iouns. & Nash Z'2 lit 122 122V&
Manhattan 147 147 14."iai llfl
Met. St. Ry 139si 140't 130 13971
IMoxlcan Central .... 22 'i 22 22 22
Mo., K. & Tex SPk 2.V; 2.1 21U
Mo., K. ft. T Pr .... Wi. ni'i ns r.3
Mo. Pacific 10.1,'. iohj ltwv,
3s. Y. Central 1.1214 lm'i i:ayH jmia
Norfolk ft West .... 71 71 ',', -,ti lo
Out. & West 2871 29 2S;i 2S'!,
Pacino Mall 10 40 40 40
renna. R. R l.H'4 15.1',J 133i 1,14V
Pooplo'a Gas 101'i loll, 101 oi'"
Tressed Steal Car ... Ri'.i (0 ra'i rou
Reading il'.i W1K i!l'i ciijj
Reading, 1st Pr .... SOU Mi'f Riim K0V1
Republic Steol 19i8 J0:, lay io4
Jlock Island 40 tut :W)i -ml
st. l. ft San v c,97fi ray iwi 091;
St. L. & So. W 2G3, 2n8 2(IVi 2CU
Southern Pacific .... G3; Kin, r.:'i, n.1
Southern R. R 31?r 32'i 31U ilia'.
Southern R. R., Pr.. 9",i ), l u-i
Tenn. Coal ft Iron... SOU W'i rU fi.i-T
TexnH P.iclilc 41 41s 10 lyii
Vnlon Pncino 9S'S po 97'i '.isi'f
Tninn Pacllle, Pr .... 92 92 9Hi 91"
IT, S. Leather 12 12U lliJ in!
IT. S. leather, Tr... S7U W S7Vi S7J
IT. S. Steel 3ljS illTJ ill 1141?
V. 8. Steel, Pr SI Slli S1VJ K
Waabash 27W 27i 27 27U
IVnbahli, Pr 41I 42 41 4u.
Western Union .... ss'S ssu apt, R71'
Wheel, ft L. B 2374 23'i 2.15! "37J
.Wis. Central S3 ' 23J 2h1 2.1'i
Kx-divldend. " ' '
Total sales, 778,700 shares.
WHHAT Onen. High. Low. Close.
Slny 7014 77 70 7T
July 1ifa 71 73!i 74
Jy" T t f
Chasing the turkey Is almost as warm as though you had ona
of those svaters that have just been received at Florey & Brooks
'522.524 Spfuce St., they have the greatest line of Sweaters, Jerseys!
Athletic Goods and Game Boards ever shown,
I Boxing Gloves, Striking Bags, Skates, everything that boys and
girls want,
Open Evenings,
Florey & Brooks,
Ja-S jriKe Stt&b
May 4.!''. 41"1 43 4.1"!
July 42U -Mt l-'i J-'i
Mny S2',i S.Vk 32'.i S.1"j
January 10.30 16.43 10.30 lfi.4..
Hay 15.57 13.70 13.53 I0.1O
Open. High. Low. Close.
Jnnuary 8.4.1 &.07 S.I3 8.B1!
March S.2S s.::s 8.2s S.S3
May S.27 S.37 h.27 8.30
July S.29 S.37 fc.29 S.37
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Etd.A3ked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... CO
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co 200
First Nat. Bank (Carbomlalo). ... B0J
Third Uatlonal Bank 550
Dlmo Dep. & Dis. Bank 300
Economy L., H. & P. Co 4$
First National Bank 1300
Lack. Trust & Safe Don. Co . 193
Clark & Snover Co., Pr 123
Scranton Savings Bank 500
Traders' National Bank 225
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 133 ...
Scranton Packing Co 05
Scranton Passenger Railway,
first mortgage, due 1920 115
People's Street Railway, ttrst
mortgage, due 1911' 115
People's Street Railway. Gen
eral mortgage, duo 1921 113 ,..
Scranton Trac. Co., 6 per cent. 115
Economy L., H. & P. Co 97
N. Jersey ft Pocono Ice Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 103
Scranton "Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.)
Butter Creamery, 3&i2G-'.; dairy, 23a
Cheese 13Ual4c.
Kggs Nearby, 30c: storage, 22e.
Marrow Beans Per bushel, J2.S3.
Onions Per bushel. 73a90e.
Potatoes Coc. per bushel.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Philadelphia, Dec. 19. FlourQuiet but
steady; contract grade, December, 7i'4a
7CHc. Corn Was steady nnd In fair de
mand; No. 2 in export elevator, Kl',2a52c.
Oats Quiet but firm; No. 2 white clipped,
3S',a39c. Butter Firm, good demand; ex
tra western creamery, 31c; do. nearby
prints, 33c Eggs Steady but quiet; freh
nearby, 2Sc: do. western, 2Sc; do. south
western, 2fia27c: do. southern, 23c. Cheese
Firm, fair demand; New York full
crenms, prime small, lSic: do. do. do. fair
to good do., 13al3'jc; do. do. prime large,
13',ic; do. do. fair to good do., lSalil'&c
Reiined Sugars Quiet but steady. Cotton
Five nolnts higher: middling uplands.
S.Oc. Tallow Dull; city prime in tierces,
Gati'.sc; country do. do., bnrrels, lie: do.
dark. 5?sc: cakes, (rise Llvo Poultry
Steady, fair demand; fowls, IOV&uUVSc;
old roosters, 8aSe.; spring chickens, 10a
lie; ducks. 13al3'2C.; tuikoys. 13al4c;
geese, HHul2l&c. Dressed Poultry Firm
with a good demand; fowls, choice west
ern, 13'c: do. southern and southwestern,
13c; do. fair to good, 12al2Ve; old roost
ers, loc.j roasting chickens, nearby, liiolSc;
western do., largo, lac; do. small and
medium, I3al4c; turkeys, choice neat by,
18a20c: do. fair to good, 15al7c; do. com
mon, 13al4c; western turkeys, choice, ISa
19c; do. fair to good, 3al7c; do. com
mon, 13al4c; ducks, nearby, 16al7c; west
ern, llaltie; geese nearby, llalilc: western
do., 10al2c Receipts Flour, 3,000 barrels
nnd 1,842,000 pounds In harks; wheat, 1,000
bushels; corn, 51,000b ushels; oats, 5,000
bushels. Shipments Wheat. 17.000 bush
els; corn, 85,W0 bushels; oats, 4,000 bush
els. New York Grain and Produce Market
Now Y'orlc. Dec. 19. Flour Firm again
but quiet. Wheat Spot firm: No. 2 red,
SOlJc. elevator; No. 2 red, 75c f. o. b.
alloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 53?jc f. o.
b. atloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. MHSe. f.
o. b, alloat; options were llrm all day, es
pecially in tho afternoon when export
business alarmed shorts. Closed firm at
'iiiV&c. net advance; May, MIT-Ac; July,
7b',ic Corn Spot quiet; No. 2. 02c eleva
tor and BOVic f. o. b. atloat; No. 2 yellow,
59',c; No. 2 white, COe.; option market
opened steadv but rallied and was llrm
thereafter. Tho closo was 9ia&o. net
higher; January closed Slflle.; March, 51c;
May, 4SVc. ; December, GOc Oats Spot
llrm on white; No. 2, 37c; htnndard white,
39Uc; No. 3, 30'Sc; No. 2 white. 39Uc;
No, 3 white, SSiic; track mixed western,
nominal; track white, 37',ia43c: option
market developed unusual activity and
closed 38'tc Butter Steady: extra cream
ery, 30c; do. factory. liilSulSc; creamery,
common to choice, 22a9c; held cream
ery, 2.,a20c; stato dairy, 20a2Sc; reno
vated, 17a22e. Cheese Firm; state full
cream, small colored fancy. Hepteniboi.
13iil35i: lato make. 13,il3"io.: small
white, September. 13VJal3i;c: 1-ito make, 13
nlSUn ' luring inlAfo,l Uant.tmlii i, .. .
best, 2Sc; ivfrlgeratcd, lSa2lJ4c; western
fancy graded, 2tic; western, ioor to
prime, 20.i23c.
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago. Dec. 19. There was llttlo of In.
terest lu tho trading on tho board of trado
today. Both grain and provision mar
kets wero dull but closing prices wero
firmer. May wheat being up iao.; May
corn, c higher and oats aTsc. higher;
January provisions wero unchanged to 5c.
& Brooks
'Athletic Goods
lato make, lSaWUo.: Urge white, Sciitem
ber, 1J?4C. lato make, 13aiaUe. Kkkm
uluul; huilu iiiui I'cuiiHVivnniiL nvi
higher. Cnflh quotations wero on follows:
Flour Dull and Bteady; No. S, 75n76c.;
No. 3, raj&iGOc.j No. 2 rod, 73a7.1Uc; No. 2
corn, 4Ge; No. 2 yollow. 4Cci No. 2 oats,
3l',4c: No. 2 white, No. 3 white, 31',c;
No, a ryo, 4S'4c.i good feeding barley, 37a
41c.: fair to choice malting, i43a4i;u.: No. 1
Max seed, JUG; No. 1 northwestern, $1,23;
mime timothy seed, $.1.05: pork, J17.0O;
lard, J10.20n10.2r: ribs, JS.U2; shoulders,
JS.23il8.50! sides, 18.75.
Buffalo Iiivo Stock.
i:ast lluffalo, Dec. 19.-Cattle llccclpts,
300; demand light, barely steady.
Veals Hecelpts, 45; sctrong, 50c litghcr;
(oj)s, J9.i9.23; fomtnon to pood, J."Ip0aS,75.
Hogs Itcccljits, 13,lX)J slow, lOainc. low
er; heavy, Jfi.33a0.50: mixed, Jli.25aU.33;
Yorkers, Jtf.15a0.23: pigs. Jti.15aU.20; roughs,
J3.50a5.S0! stags, Jl.75ar.,2.".
Sheep nnd limbs KuccIiiIh, 17,000: sheep
15a2."c. lower: lambs. llinlSc, lower: top
lambs, J3.70a.".73: culls to good, JI,i5.C."ij
yearlings, Jl.75al.75; owes, Jla4.25: sheep,
top mixed, I ; culls to good, Jl,75a3.50.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Dec. 10,-Credlt balanooH, 151;
certlllcntes, no sale; shipments, 81,903 bar
rels; average, 93,375 barrels; runs, 102,325
barrels; average, 70,531 barrels.
The following Is tho make-up of th
D L. & W. board for todny:
Kxtrns East 5.43 p. m., Case: C.30 p. m
Swartit; 7.30 p. m Abrams; S.30 i. tn Mc
Doimclli 9.30 p. in., Ketcham: 10.15 p. m
MtLnnc; U p. m., William ailllgan with
Jrthul(iniew's crow: 12 midnight, Baxter
with Steven's crew.
Summits C.30 p. in., J, J, Aturray (east):
10 p. in., M. Glnlcy (east).
i-ixtras west 5 p. 111., Dennis; 11 p. 111,,
Extras Eeast 1 n. m Gllllgun; 2 a. m.,
Blsblng; 3 11. m., Klngsley; i a. m Ilag-
gerty; S n. m.. Bush; 7 n, m., Dunn; 8 u.
111., Wallace; 9 a. in., Costello with Doher
ty's crew; 10 a. in., Carney; 11 a. m Mc
Cann; 12 noon, Devlno; 1 p. m., Iluegg; 2
i). 111., Singer; 3 p. m., Gordon; 4 p. 111. ,
llallet; 5 p. m., Cnrmondy.
Sunimlts 0 a. m., Frounfelkcr (west); G
a. m., Currlgg (east); S a. m Nichols
(west); 11 n. m Golden (west); 1.30 p. in.,
Thompson (oust); 3.30 p. 111., J. lleunlgun
Pushers 2.30 a. m., C. Bartholomew
(west); 7 a. m., AVldncr (west): 7 a. m,
FInnerty (west): S n. m., Ilouser (east);
11.45 a. m., Sloran (eait); 1 p. m., Mc
Donnell (west); 7.30 p. m., Murphy (cast):
9 p. m,, W. II. Bartholomew (cast).
Helpers 1 a. m Magovorn; 7 a. m
Gaffnoy; 10 a. 111., Secor; 3.15 p. in., Stan
ton. Extras West Second 51, Seanlon: 4.30 a.
m., Brown; 8 a. m.,-Warfo! (Ilallstead);
1 a. in.. Lord; 12 noon, John Gahagan
(Ilallstead); 3 p. in., Lindsay.
Spencer Trask & Co.
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New York Stock Exchange.
No S7 Broadway, New York City.
k r K . K l l K l fe t H X H
Scranton I
House I
Finest Oysters and All
Kinds of Game in Season.
Hot Heals
Cold Lunches
Servad at All Hours.
Tho Bed Rooms mo largo and
well ventilated, nnd arc heated
by steam. Electric hells nnd
electric lights in every room.
'4 'A " 'A "A A 'A "A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A
h n . k , r. h tg v. v. t tn v. n k k
J Best j
v The
Always reliable.
i Mill & Grain Co J
tl Scranton and Olyphant.
Novelties in
Of Every Description
Right Up-to-Date
G. W. Fritz, Jr.
41 Q Lackawanna Ave,
Regular Meals Served.
Sinner or Supper, 35 cents.
The coziest dining room
in the city. Everything up-to-date.
Service first-class
in every pnrticular.
X 125-127 Franklin Ave,,
Will 1
ikWk 4-
w vu
I "VWVWWwsfWWvg Ary-v"V-v-wvv-ir0 w vwAiVvvvwvi WVWWWVWW (-vvvvvrtV,w-w-VVVwO tWMrwN-WWWVl
Ijl&iiils To Every Adul4 Wh.0 Visits Our Store for the Next 5 Htpafl 1
Ten Days We Will Present $2 Worth of Blue Stamps.
13 W
This Offer Will Cost Us Hundreds of Dollars
But expense is not considered if we can convince you what it really means
if you collect BLUE Stamps from merchants, on your cash purchases.
B 11
i iwvvwvwi
article is not perfectly satisfactory, it may be returned after Christmas
and exchanged for whatever is right.
Men's Suits, - - $10 to $20
Men's Overcoats - $10 to $22
Boys' Suits, Overcoats $ Reefers
In a tremendous variety of styles, fabrics and patterns.
Smoking Jackets, $5 to $10.
Fancy Hosiery, 25c and 50c.
Headquarters for Good Clothing.
3!S Lackawanna Avenue.
That wou'd not be sincere in her appreciation, if she were presented with a
handsome IYbrris Chair, or a beautiful China Closet, a polished finished Rocker,
a Quartered Oak Table, an elegant Couth, a large bovded-plate Mirror, or a
hundred other articles of similar value for home adornment. , And that is practi
cally what our offer means to you if you will ask for BLUE Stamps when you
make a cash purchase.
Are m ERa!9ty a Fe3fa of Oi&c&sfiif: fi asfaa
The wholesale merchant is only too glad to give the retail dealer a discount for
cash, and the dealer who appreciates your patronage can give you BLUE Stamps
as a discount for your cash trade and still maintain the same margin of profit on
his goods, for he is only the discount to his patrons in BLUE Stamps
that he gets from his wholesale dealer in cash.
This is a Man's and Boy' store and the
proper place to buy their Christmas gifts.
Wives, mothers and sisters and daughtors
who are in doubt about what to got for the
men and boys, come hero and see how easily,
how satisfactorily and how very economically
you can supply your Christmas needs. Nearly
every article in our store will be found adapt
ed ior gif t-makins? and at the same time sensi
ble and useful. Every article will give perfect
satisfaction and is absolutely correct in style.
If the size is wrong, or if for any reason the
Linen Handkerchiefs, up to 50c.
Suspenders, 25c and 50c.
Rich Neckwear, 25c and 50c.
Umbrellas, 75c to $1.00.
Mufflers, Gloves, Jewelry, etc.,
In a magnificent variety. "We invite
you to call immediately and if you
desire to malce your selections now
they will be delivered on Christ
mas morning.
iiunr sTAgw
- -
to you