The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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Week's Soc News
JTf IIHANGEMKNT.S for tlio iiucli
, , elors' bull arc complotctl, ns
T"" 1 fnr us they possibly can bo at
ml thin time. It will unilmibt
oilly bo the most bciititlful
event 'ver licltt hore, notwithstanding
the brilliant huvochhIuii of Now Year
eve balls In the history of tlio orgim
Issatlon. The commit tec lias retuenetd
that tho patrons order carriages from
Hi S. Gorman, and announce that this
Id not Intended ns discriminating
against any liveryman, but Is planned
simply to facilitate matters on the
night of the ball, when Gorman will
engage all the iwilages In the city,
and guests can thus take the (list that
comes, Instead of awaiting a number
call when they wish to go home.
The decorations arc to be more elab
orate this year than last. A special
feature will be the floral effects In the
supper room. Extra heating urrnngc
incnts have been made and the spec
tators arc assured that the armory will
be as comfortable for tlietn as for the
Uno of the most elaborate afternoon
receptions ever given In Scranton was
at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Fenwlck
L. Peck, Wednesday, when their daugh
ter, MIsh Jessie, wns presented to soci
ety. Their beautiful colonlul bouse, one
of tho most artistically correct In the
country, was exquisitely adorned for
the occasion. Tied was much In evi
dence, brilliant polnsettas being em
ployed In lavish effect. The young de
butante received quantities of (lowers
and these were' ranged In the recep
tion room, where many pink roses
were also placed. The dining room,
whose piedomlnatlng tint Is yellow,
had as a center-piece for the table a
towering moss of yellow roses, whose
warm hue was repeated In the inner
silk curtains. The library and its
charming alcove Avas most effective In
red, and the living room and balls were
adorned with many palms, flowers and
Asparagus ferns. In nn upper room,
whose prevailing color is violet, quan
tities of violets were employed as a
Miss Peck, attired In white chiffon
and lace, received with Mrs. Peck in
the front leceptlon room. Others who
assisted in entertaining were Mrs. J.
Seidell Blair. Mrs. J. W. Coolldge, Mrs.
Twltchell, Miss Helen Hand, the Misses
Gllmore and Miss Florence Peck. Re
freshments were seived by Hochreider,
of Wllkes-Barre. Marvin & Mulr were
the decorators. Bauer's orchestra pro
vided music.
Mrs. Everett "Warren has Issued invi
tations to a dance at the Bicycle club
on New Year's night.
Miss Peck has just been entertaining
Miss May "Winter, of Indianapolis, who
was one of the young ladles assisting
Miss Stone at the executive mansion on
Thur&day night.
For the first time since the death of
Mrs. Scranton, in October, 1900, Mr.
Juseph A. Scranton opened his house
on Thursday evening and entertained
at dinner, covers being laid for ten, in
honor of General John M. "Wilson, chief
of engineers, United States army, re
tired, member of the anthracite com
mission. Theie are people who do not have a
Christmas no, not the very poor, but
people who have all the comforts and
most of the luxuries of life. I should
Ihlnk they must hnte themselves. How
horrid It must be, even when you are
n hundred years old, not to waken up
a little earlier on Christmas morning
with u little thrill over what you are
going to find awaiting you, anil not to
feel oven a warmer thrill at the
thought or what somebody dear to you
will llnd.
How lion Id It must be not to rush
about hysterically the last moment to
finish something or buy soemthlng for
somebody. How horrid It must bo not
to remember a single person with the
least little token and not to be glnd to
be remembered, If ever so modestly.
How horrid it must be not to look back
over a succession of Chrlstmases like
a succession of fair white stones num
bering the years. How forlorn it must
bo to look forward to no glad Christ
mas day with Its greetings and its
home joys. How must one be wearied
with one's self who wishes to lgnoie
the holiday, and how very hard It must
be to get away from It;
There are those to iwhoni 11 must be
a mockery, because of the absent and
unforgotten, but even to these must
come some small cheer, because of the
fond affection, surrounding and sweet.
Even these who avoid with miserable
eyes the jjlace where one sat at last
year's table, cannot be quite ns deso
late as the one who desires to shut out
the Christmas snlrlt utterly from the
heart, who wants no gifts and gives
none, who wishes to be unrememberpd
and solitnry In a self-centred existence.
It may not bo very wise to rush
through life breathlessly, doing special
acrobatic feats about Christmas time,
leaving undone the things that should
have been done and doing a large as
sortment of things that shouldn't. It
may not be a comfortable thought to
rellect that ono has given almost
everybody the wrong thing or has for
gotten some friend that one wouldn't
have forgotten for the world, but it Is
a whole "lot better than to wish there
wasn't any Christmas and to go around
looking surly and injured because other
peopio are happy. The next best thing
to having a really "good time" is to
make believe earnestly that we are
having it. Some'tlmes the pretense
comes true with the effort, we are such
easily diverted creatures.
The decorations at the executive
mansion in Harrisburg. Thursday
night, on the occasion of Miss Stone's
debut, were the most attractive that
the guests bad ever seen. Every detail
was with the Christmas idea predomi
nating. The state reception room,
which is hung in red damask and wns
used fnr dancing, was bewllderingly
beautiful. It is an enormous room, and
depending from the centre and run
ning to the outside were festoons of
Christinas bells In the red Immortelles,
which are now so much In vogue.
They were six or eight Inches In length
and they made an Indescribably charm
ing effect. High above the dancing
floor was a mass of mistletoe, which
was the subject, of merry badinage
among the dancers. Christmas trees,
bravo with glittering ornaments, filled
the corners, and over wnlls and about
pillars hung quantities of hotly, gleam
ing from which were myrlnds of tiny
red eleetrlo lights. The whole Idea was
planned by Architect Huston, who Is
the builder of the new capltol. The
famous model of that magnificent
structure, which will ndorn Onpltol
Hill, was a centerpiece of the dining
room, where, too, everything, from bon
bons to Ices and decorations, was In
Miss Jean Stone Is n slngulurly beau
tiful girl, of the Du Marnier type, very
tall, very willowy nnd exceedingly
gracious. She wore the loveliest gown
of while chiffon, covered with endless
frills and exquisite applique lace. The
reception room looked like a florist's
shop, with every conceivable Btyle of
bouquet basket and cluster of flowers
which had been sent to her. Many of
these tributes were orchids. She had
the most remarkably pretty group of
girls about the rooms that have bren
seen together recently. Mrs. Stone
wore u. gorgeous white gown, with In
set decorations twelve Inches deep of
mother of pearl paillettes, and the rich
est lace. She hod a coronet of pearls,
and looked ns If she might be her
daughter's sister.
Among the Scranton guests were Col
onel Hippie, who Is a member of the
governor's staff, and Deputy Attorney
General and Mrs. F. V. Fleltz.
The whist tournament at the Scran
ton Bicycle club last Saturday after
noon nnd evening was the most Inter
esting and successful yet given there.
It is proposed to have these open
matches for mixed pairs once a month
during the winter, as ladles are taking
much interest In the game.
The entertainments for holiday week,
with but few exceptions, are for the
younger set, the members of which wilt
certainly have, as they express It, "the
time of their llve's."
Mrs. M. K. Kays gave a beautiful
luncheon on Wednesday. The guests
were: Mrs., of Buffalo; Mrs. Van
Bergen, Mrs. H. H. Brady, jr., Mrs. "W.
M. Dickson, Mrs. C. C. Rose. Mrs. J.
P. S. Galpln, Mrs. H. W. Kingsbury,
Mrs. George Sturges, Mrs. Everett "W.
Tolled, Mrs. Tracy, Miss Clare Rey
nolds. Miss Martha Kracht, whose beautiful
embroideries and painting attracted so
much notice last year, has had another
studio exhibition and sale the past
week, even more fascinating than be
fore. The many friends of Mrs. Clarence B.
Sturges have been shocked to hear that
she has typhoid fevor.
Mrs. Frank Silllniun, jr., enlei tallied
the Thursday Afternoon Card club at
the Jennyn this week.
Charles "W. Rodriguez, of -I2S "Webster
avenue, came homo from Wyoming sem
inary yesterday for his Christmas vaca
tion. Samuel G. Barker, of the Cascadilla
school at Jtluieu, Is". Y is spending the
holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. (. Darker.
11. Xj. Hungetford, of Wllkes-Barre, rep
resenting tlio Northeastern Pensylvania
Car Service association was in tho city
yesterday, calling on Lackawanna rail
road ofllclnln.
Mrs. I., P, Weilcmnn and .Louts Wcde
man, Jr, are spending the holidays with
frlrdn lu llronktyn,
Mlsi Elizabeth Pttlnnm Blinekteford,
daughter of tlio Into Rev. Dr. Bhnckleford,
of Saratoga Spring, K. Y., Is the guest of
Ml9 Yewons, on Myrtle street.
Miss Gertrude Guild returned last even
ing from Whenton Seminary, near Cos
ton, to spend tho holidays with her par
ents, Rev. Dr. nnd Mik O. E. Otillrt.
4303 Tlientro Oont, 32 ro 40 bust.
Woman's Theatre Coat. 4300.
Loose fitting wraps for theatre, even
ing and reception wear are among the
smart features of the season nnd be
come necessities when the fashionable
waists, with their big sleeves and filmy
materials, are worn. The very satis
factory model shown Is adapted to all
the uses named and can be made elab
orate or simple as the material chosen
becomes one or the other. The orig
inal Is of white broadcloth, with revers
and bands of heavy linen lace over
white silk and is stitched with cortl
celll silk, but all cloths, zebollno, cash
mere, peau de sole and tho many cloak
ing materials of the season arc appro
priate with lace, embroidery, fur, or
plain silk for revers.
The coat- is in Russian style and is
cut with a loose fitting back and loose
fronts that close in double breasted
style or turn back to form the revers.
The sleeves are circular In shape nnd
fall In graceful folds at the lower
edges. The neck can be finished plain
or with tho strap collar, as shown in
the small sketch, and the coat can ho
worn open, or closed and held by but
tons and loops.
Tho quantltv of mateilal required for
tho medium size is S yards '21 Indies, wide
4 yards -11 inches wide or 3 yards r2
inches wide, with 2Vi yards of alt-over
lace to trim ns illustrated.
Tho pattern 4003 is out in sizes for a 32,
SI, SS and 10 inch bust measure.
A Complete Line of
Our Christmas Greeting K&
S The accompanying cut gives you S
t but a faint conception ot the exquia-
g ite beauty of our .
u size 14x28, in ten printings, which J
rf we will present from Dec. 19th to 5
5 24th, inclusive, '
to each purchaser of goods amount- J
5 ing to twenty-five cents or m re, in S
J- addition to the regular number of
a Qrtprinl With one pound of Bnhlns Powder we are giving Z
PC"1" you choice of the following: A Large Roaster,
Boy's Coaster, Girl's Sled, China Salad, Pore LIP Hose Story Book '
and many other equally good premiums,
A WORD OF CAUTION.-Don't wait until the day before 2
Christmas to bring in your tickets. A much btio assortment and n
better attention may be had earlier. .
, m
Grand Union Tea Co.,
311 Lackawanna Ave. 116-118 S. Main Ave. i
Caroondale Store 66 Salem Ave.
Pittston Store 16 N. Main St.
Buy H andkerohiefs or Gloves
Either of these two, Handkerchiefs or Gloves, as Xmas
Remembrances, Lace, Silk, Linen Embroidered, or Plain
Hemstitched, Handkerchiefs at all Prices,
From 10 cents to $5.00
GLOVES In all leading shades, Self Stitched, New
Fasteners, Double Stitched finger, Also a full line of
Evening Gloves, and an especially dainty stock of Silk
1.00 to 2. 50 pair
4 X Bgld rS&fl
jjtr V lllTir TTuCTTT TMLrii"9TL-AibSu.
JSr SJ 5E5M?ti AP Mm
4f Sfl?
Only four more shopping- days, and so much to be accomplished, so many things to buy so do not delay. Each day
the crowds will grow larger and the assortment more limited. Our diversified display of useful Christmas Footwear is
unequaled. The sizes are unbroken, but we cannot tell how long they will remain so. You are well acquainted with
the high quality of our goods, so we do not feel that it is necessary for us to dwell on that point. We know your time is
limited, just now, so we will briefly note a few holiday suggestions.
Ladies' and
fleiVs Shoes.
Tho ladles' Hat 1b led by the L R., D. & M. Shoe,
which Ib hand-made, solid leather shoe for tho dressy
woman who appreciates good value ,.$3,00
Goodyear Wolt, Hox Calf, I.ace Shoes, extra heavy
soles, both dressy anil serviceable $2.00
Ladles Vlcl Kid Shoes $1.50
You can mako no mistake in selecting tho STET
SON or JOHNSON & MURPHY. They nre tho recog.
nlzed best Men's Shoo values In the world.. $5.00 and $6.00
Next in lino tomes tho h R. D. & M. Shoo, I?y
far tho best medium-priced Man's Shoo in Scranton,
All the new shapes and leather styles $3,00
Men's Working Shoes ,' 900
Men's Medium Weight, ,,...., $1,25
Men's Box Calf $2.00
Leggins and Overg'aiters.
Pino All-Wool Jersey Leggings, extra long, but
ton clear to tho top , ,,,.,, 75c to $1,00
Boys' Fauntleroy Leather -egglngs, tan, light and
dark shades, fasten with buttons and 3 straps,.,,.., $1,25
f Overgalters that protect your shoes and your
health; 7 and 10 button styles ,....,, 25c to 75c
Slippers of All Kinds for Men, Women, Boys and Girls.
t t
They come in all the most popular and very newest styles and shapes, in the best leathers, as
well as cloth and felt. The assortment is large and you can not help finding just what you want.
.Tullot Stylo, in Alfred Dolge
Folt (the best felt made), all col
ors to select from; trimmings In
fur to match $1.00 and $1.25
Juliets, In vicl hid, with pat
ent tip or plain toe , . , , ,$1,25
Felt Juliets, in nil colors, fur
trimmed 65c to $1,00
Queen Patont" Leather Sandal,
it-button strap style; head trim
med $2.25
Same stylo in vlci kid $2.00
Vicl Sandal, with fancy metal
trimmed silk bow strap. , $1,00
Vlcl Kid, cross-strap style,
bead trimmed $2.50
Patent Leather Sandal, 3-bow
Btraps, ornnmonted with cut
steel buckles v .$2.00
Colonial Slippers, in patent
leather, fancy buckle ornament. .$3.50
Patent Leather Oxford, with
cloth top; Louis heel $4.00
Patent Leather Oxford Tlo,
French heel, laco stylo, $4,00
Patent Kid Strap Sandal, bow
strap with jewol set bucltlo... .$4.00
Everotts, black and tan vicl,
volour calf, Dongola and Russian,
plain or fancy trimmed.. 75c to $1.50
Everotts, crocodile offect, In
blnck, tan and wlno shades, 75c to $1.50
Roraeos, high cut In frout and
back, elastic sides; black and
tan, in Dongola, vlcl kid, valour
and Russian leathers. .,.$1.00 to $2.00
On tho bargain table 75 pairs
Men's Embroidered Velvet Slip
pers, with patont loather trim
mings.. 75 pair imitation croco
dile slippers, patent leather trim
med, per pair ,....,. 50o
We Give Yellow Stamps
Because we believe them to be the best.
They are as good as cash to you and to us,
Men, women and children collect Yellow Stamps. Come
In and we will tell you more about them.
.S o
Double Quantity Coupon.
Present this coupon and we will make you a present
of as many stamps free, In nddltlon to thoe you receive
with your purchase, as your purchase entitles you to.
Lewis, Ruddy, Davles & Murphy.
Good for Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, Dec, 10, 20, 22, 23 aud 24,
Misses', Youths' ZL Children's.
Mlases' and Children's Shoes Winter weights that
represent "real honesty" on tho part of the manufacturers.
8 lees UVi to 2, $1,00 to $130
Siees 8& to 11, 75c to $1.60
Sizes 4 to S, 50c to $1.25
Boys' and Youths Shoes Shoes that are selected And
as carefully made as the men's sizes, and will wear like
Boys' School Shoes $1.00
Youths' Sices 90c
Little dents' 75c
A large line of the cutest lit
tle shoos that you have ever
Soft-soled Shoes with patont
leather vamp and fancy top, In
blue, pink and white.
Soft soles, with pretty colorod
vamp and top ornamented with
little bow aud buckle; either
25c to 50c.
Rubber Footwear.
Mcu'a Women's and Children's Rubbers. Rubber Boots
and Arctics of such well known makes as Mishawaka Ball
Brand, Goodyear Glove and Woonsockef
Evenings Till
Lewis, Ruddy, Da vies & Murphy.
LacKa. Ave.
Next Door to New Flit National
Bank Building.