The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    H, '" '!1 l'n-w V- 'Vf JPiMI .,;,
nr miv. nonunn. y. picnoii, d. d.
(From Anllior' Nolcs In "TIio Sundiy School
Lcton llhutralor," 1'iiblUlinl by V. II.
llccl (s Co., Clilc.ico, 111,
Tho "dlail tiding1) o srcut Joy" 13 the
gospel news to a lost world. Tho heav
enly unthem rnroled by tho nngel choir
on tho first Christmas mornltiK, us tho
sweetest music over heard by "mortnl
pnr. In tho midst of the moid daik
nes'3 oC tho world, thcro ghouo a light ns
brlRlit an tlio glory oC God. This mystic
ll(jl)t encircled thu earth and lilted the
shepherd wnlclicrs llrst with four and
theh with holy joy. Not only with tho
vision of heavenly llRlit find hrnvenlv
indhsensers, but with the volco of heav
enly music must tho Messiah bo pio
clalmed. Tlio nncols' sons v,aa entranc
ing, tho themo of their t-ons is oteinal.
Xlio in list and sculptor will spend
jnemths and car(t upon thejr work, be
cntiso tho llKhts and shadows lrom tho
brush, or, tho chisel mafks upon tho
stono, aro to livo In tlio world of ait. It
Is 'said that Handel spent time jnifa
amidst tho harmonica of liln ".Mesilah,"
befoio that masterpleco of caith-boin
imtslu was kIvoii to the world. Oh, how
long must God have boon pieparhifr tho
Brand "Hallelujah Chorus" of heaven and
earth for an nriKcl choir to sins for tlio
World when JesUs was boin!
No other song e'er "uins for earth was
half so swcot, so puic, ? tine, bo Rood.
If tho angels could sing with rapturous
praise, '.'Peaco upon eaith tjood will to
men, when Jesus was born, how- great SSOolatc tho child with Israel's hopes,
I". Hcslde.1", they Intel pi cl tho prophl
ules conceinlng tho Messiah ns drscrlp
tlvo of a 'temporal prince, and they will
not rccclvo ns such ono of lowly birth.
Tlio dignitaries In church and utato will
ond diiy unlto to put tho eon of Mary
to death. (Ltiko xxlW!). Just outstdo
tho city nro floclu feeding on thoso samo
pastuio lamia which wcro used centuries
ngo, Ilumblo men wero thcro watching
tho Bhcon. possibly thoso who wero tho
descendants of Jcbsp, when Samuel enmo
to annolnt tho new king. (i. Sam., xvl.ll).
Thoso BhephordB shall firBt Know of tho
advent. They liavo not been corrupted
by tho scenes and customs or tno court,
nnd they nro best prepared to hear the
message. (Psalms xxxlv, 2.)
ANGHTz-Who shall tell th story to
tho shepherds? Shall It bo tho porter
(.John x, 3), who koops tho gate, who ad
mitted tho travelers from Galilee? Ho
cannot lcavo his post of duty, and it is
doubted If ho knows anything of tho
manger and Its precious occupant, Shall
Joseph go7 It Is probablo that tho young
mother needs his company (Matt., II, '1).
Shall somo ono from tlio vlllngo be sent?
Tho Inhabitants nro nslcep nnd know not
tho dignity of tho llttlo Btranger. An
angel shall bo employed. Ho knows
what no mortal then understood, for his
homo Is tho eternal habitation whence)
Jeans camo (John xvll. G), where, through
countless ages, the inexprcssablo glory
had been displayed. On other errands
Angels had to como to mortals (Gen.,
xxl, 5). Suddenly descending from tho
skies, the- celestial visitor stood among
the shepherds. Tlio effulgence from tho
world above attended him and- lighted
up nil tho plain shedding nn unearthly
splendor over tlio face of nature. A sim
ilar visitation was granted to Saul, of
Tarsus, on his way to Damascus (Acts
ix, 3.
TIDINGS 'What will the angel say to
tlio shepherds? "Fear not," were his
lirst words. Tho supernatural exhibition
had ovorpowcicd them. Tlielr vision must
have been disturbed by tlio bight (Acts
W, S). Strong men though they were,
accustomed to danger, they trembled with
nlaim. Besides, It had been undei stood
that anv ono who saw a celestial being
must dio (Judges xlli, 22). Tho angel
thereforo assured hl.s hcareis that no
harm was Intended. Instead ho brought
them good tidings. "A Saviour is born
unto jou this dav," ho said, fullllllng tho
piomiso mado to Joseph (Matt., I, 21),
declaring the natuio and mission of tho
child, human bocauso born, divino be
cause a Saviour. Tho angel went on to
dor ot palaces nnd retinues, milted to
pour contempt, on all human grandeur.
Tho (list gospel proclamation Illustrates
tho truo method of, making Christ known.
Hegtin, by an nngcl, repeated In ehoruii
received by shepherds, moving them to
notion, retold in tlio city, awakening won
der; rehearsed with rclolclng; Whosoever
heats let him Rpcnk (Hev xxtl, 1") until
tho world Is full of his praise.
phquld bo our song of thanksgiving lor
our saviour and King.
Jov to tho woild, tho I.oid has come;
I-et eaith rccclvo her King;
Let every heart prepaio Him loom,
Aand heaven and nature sing.
But wo must not lest In our songs of
praise, wo must accept Jesus as King
and treat Him truly as I-ord of all. He
locating him in the city of David, calling
him Christ and Lord, the first tho Gicek
enulvolent of Messiah, King, tho latter
tho samo ns Jehovah, tho covenant-
making nnd covenant-keeping God (Gen.,
Elm Paik Molhodlst Episcopal cnurch
Itov. Dr. C. M. Gllilti, pastor. Prayer nnd-
pralso meeting, 9:30 n. m. Christmas ser
mon by pastor at 10:30:Sunday school at
2 p. m.j Senior I,caguot 6:30 p. m.! nil
olaborato program of vlhrlstmas rnusto
at 7:30 p. m. Strangers aro welcome.
Simpson Methodist Episcopal church
Itev. II. C. McDermott, D. D., pastor.
Preaching nt 10.30 a. tn. and 7.30 p. m.
Mornlnar subject, "Tho Birth of Christ;"
evening subjoct, "Saving His People from
Their Sins." Sunday school at 12 m.5
Junior league nt 3 p. m.; Epwortl, league
at C.30 p. m. .Prayer and olnsB meeting
at 9.30 a. m. All nro welcome.
Asbury Metliodlst Episcopal church,
Delaware street and Monsey avenue
Itov. Charles A. Benjamin, pastor.
Brotherhood at 9,30; preaching at 10 30
by pastor. Christmas sermon and special
music. Sunday school at 2 30; lenguo at
0.30. In tho evonlng at 7.30, fine pro
grnmmo of Christmas music, anthems,
duets, solos, quartettes and address by
pastor. Seats free.
Embury Methodist Episcopal church
Itov. James Bennlngor. pastor. Preach
ing at 10.30; subject, "Why tho Angels
Sang;" class meeting at 1180; Sunday
school at 2 p. m.; Epworth loague at C80,
Bcsslo Dlehl, leade.'. Evening preaching
servlco at 7.30; subject, "Tho Sinners
Saviour." Scunons appropriate to Christ
mas time. Special music by tho choir.
Provldcnco M. E. church Itov. Gcorgo
A. Cure, pastor. Tho customary services
attending Christmas Sunday will bo held
at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. The pastor
gives more than tho usual tlmo to music,
giving short addresses, and Prof. J. II.
Cousins, tho chorister, has picpaied a
very attractive servlco of song. Tho
Brotherhood of St. Paul meets at 10 a.
m. Sunday school at 2 p. m., Epworth
League at GM1, topic: "Christmas: Its
Mossngo and Motlvo." Peail Wntois
Ash Street Methodist Episcopal church
Rev. J. R. Austin, pastor. Pleaching at
10.30 n, m. Class meeting at 11.30 a. m.,
Charles Croop, loader. Sunday school ot
i. m,. E. w. Stone, superintendent.
Epworth league at C.43 p. m., Miss Katio
Snyder, loader. Preaching at 7.30 p. m.
by tho Rev. Joseph Madison. A coidlal
Court Sheet Methodist Episcopal
church Rev. G. C. Lyman, pastor.Clnss
:13 a. m., O. D. DoWItt, leader: preach
ing 10:30; Sunday ' school, 11:11, G. R.
Clark, supeilntcndent, Young Christians'
class, 3 p. m.; Epworth League, 6:30, E.
AW Claik. leader: preaching. 7:30 n. m.:
Class No. 2.,Tuc3day. 7:30; piayer moet-
pulplt nnd wilt prench In English. Sub
ject, "Tho Ulrth ot Christ." All seals
aro free. Come.
Shlloh Baptist church, comer Mulboiry
street ami Adams avenue Hov. J. B.
Boildlc, pastor. Preaching nt 11 a, m.;
subject, "Not Ashamed ot Jesus;" 12 30,
Sunday school; 7.45 p. in., pleaching;
subject, "Sowing nnd Heaping." The
public Is invited to all our services.
Weekly notices! Tuesday evening, Deo.
21, literary entertainment; admission
fiee. Clirlslmns morning, fi o'clock,
preaching- and prnlso service; Christmas
trco Thursday evening; Friday evening,
prayer meeting.
Memorial Baptist church, Church ave
nue Itov. W. F. Davles, pastor. Service
lumorrow nt tlio usual hours. Tho pas
tor will preach spoclal Clulstmas ser
mons In tho morning nnd evening. Blblo
school nt 2 p. m.
.Flist Presbyterian chutch "Tho Holy
Child." nnd "Ills Holy Mother," will bo
tho topics of Dr. McLcod's discourses to
morrow. Tho ovcnlng sermon on tho nl
logcd "Mother of God," should Interest
non-Prcsbytcrlans In vlow of tlio lectures
delivered In Scrnnton this week for tho
special benefit of non-Catholics.
Second Presbyterian chinch, Jefferson
(ivcnuo between Mulberry and Vino
sheets, Rov. Joseph II. Odcll, pastor,
morning worship, 10:30 n, m.; Sundny
school, 12 m.; V. P. S. C. E. GilO p. m.;
special .Clulstmas music and Christmas
seimons by Rov. J. H. Odcll.
Provldcnco Presbyterian church.
Christmas services at 10 o'clock a. m.,
and 7:30 p. m. Rov. Dr. Guild will havo
charge of tho services. Special musio
morning nnd evening. Sunday school
12 p. m. Young Pooplo's Society Christian
Endeavor service, 6.30 o'clock.
'Green Rldgo Presbyterian church Rov.
I. J. Lansing, pastor. Rov. N. G. Paikc,
D. D., will preach nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.; Blblo school nt 12 o'lciock. En
deavor Socloty meeting at 0:30 p. m.;
spoclal Christinas music. A welcome to
Washburn Sticot Picsbytcilnn Church
Rev. John P. Moffct, D. D., pastor. Sci
vlces at 10-30 a. m. nnd :30 p. m.; Blblo
school nt 1.' m.; C. E. Juniois at 3:30 p.
m.; C. H. Y. P. S. at 6:20 p. m.; no prnver
meeting this week. Blblo school Christ
mas servlco with delightful program, or
chestra present, Fiiday ovcnlng. Chi 1st
rans music nnd sermons morning nnd ev
ening. All welcome
Sumner nvcnuo rrcsbvterlnn church,
corner Sumner nvcnuo and Prico streets
Services to-moirow ns follows: Morning
servlco at 10:30, Sabbath school nt 2
o'clock: evening soivice at 0 p. m. Tho
Rev. Mr. Nvo will occupy tho pulpit
Scats nop, nil welcome.
No One Can' Afford
to miss seeing the 0
display of goods 4
suitable for Xmas 4
Gifts at the Modern Store. We've been planning for Christmas a long timebuy- '
inn new eoods. loadintr shelves with useful articles and arranplncr tn sprm hprNr
our ever increasing patronage. .
P A glance through tho list bolow may save you hours of shopping.
Tea and Coffee Pots
Mado of coppor nlckcl-plated. All tho
newest patterns. 65c to $4.00
An Ingersoll Watch
Is a persistent hourly reminder of tho
giver for ten years.
$1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75
Aluminum Watch Chains 25c
rianicure Sets
Fn neat leather cases. Prices.
$4.50 to $22.50
Delay won't get you anything come early.
Crumb Trays and Scrapers v
A gift that would please any housekecpor. &
Prices 30c to $.3.00
Carving Sets
The kind that would make father's Xmas
moro pleasant. Prices 50c to $17.00
Military Hair Brushes J
trices 3z.zo 10 $.ou
We will look after goods purchased now
and deliver Xmas eVo, lfudoslrcd.
Open Evenings Until Christinas.
Washington j
Avenue. jjf
iii. r). Saviour. Chi 1st, Ijord-this wa3 nff( Wednesday, 7:30: Christmas exer
Is to sit upon tho thiono of our heaits
and wo nro to bo loyal to II im "In nil
things at all times." Tho first act of
woiship Jesui ever receded was in tho I'owcrs of darkness (Matt x, 31), but to
tho complcto message
ANTIIEM-What is tho importance of
the event Just anonunccd? The shep
hcids might have known In part, for the
synagogue schools had taught tho Scrip
tures to all. Tho doctors might havo ex
plained moro fully had not a veil been
over llieir eyes. (3 Cor 111, 11). It Is de
sirable that tlio shepherds, and that af
ter centuries, should know even from the
beginning, what tho coming of Christ
signified. Immediately there was with
tho angel a multitude of tho heavenly
hobt. (Mint xxvl, fil). They filled tho air,
and their -oIces rang out full and clear
In the silence of tho early morning.
"Oloty to God In tho highest," was tho
flist strain of their song. Tho mercy,
tho wisdom, and the ricrhteousnci."? of God
vero to bo unfolded by tho advent. This
was tho consummation of a plan laid in
tlio ages past (Gen III, 15). "On eaith
pcacn" to men of good will, so the words
should bo translated. Christ's coming
lnleants irrepressible conflict with the
thoso w hoo heaits are changed it meant
jov and satisfaction. Ho had a godward
and a manwaid mission (Isa II, 1).
VISIT How will the sbepherdi recelvo
tills wondertul message? win it fall on
dull eais and hard hearts? Will thev bo
Indlfieicnt to the fulfillment of prophecy
islt of tho wise men, a ' their nioscn
tatlon of rich gifts of "go.d and finnkin
censo an myirli." T,ut us biing our
richest gifts of T1MI3, and TALHNTS,
nnd TRIJASUItn, and lay them at tho
feet of our Lord and King.
Mary sang with holv Joy "My soul
tlolhmngniry tho T.oid.". wlion her llfn
enslaved ttho Christ. Hut listen now I nml t,m reillAitlon of national hopes?
ThoJl'IIeaven's nio ttllinir" in l.inturlnna (Gal i. V,). Scaicelv had tho angels do-
l-uiu(i lieu uiry coiuerreu concormng
what they had hoaid, and icsolved to
lit tho new-bom child. (Isa lv, C).
Hastening over the plain, up "tho ter
inced hill, tluough tho moonlight gur
detiM," Ihev entered the town. Their
Bcaicli was not lon. Having been told
that .Icsus would bo found In a manger,
they proceeded to tlio public inn, where
stiangois find accommodations, and wero
dliectid to tho plnco whero tho beasts
wcro kept, because there was no room
oHewhore. Tho fancy of p.ilntoia and
poets has lovealcd in tho scene as tho
Miepheids enteied mid behnld Joseph,
Sliuy and the child. Hut tho Inspired
penman with honest simplicity has not
attempted to describe tho inteivlevv.
VONDI3R Wlmt will tlie shepheid3 do
after their IMt? Will they retiro In
silent disapolntment? Rccnuse of tho sur
loundings and tho humiliation will they
conclude that they fnlled to find Him of
whom tho angels spoke, or that tho mes
sage was mlsundeistood? No, they were
men of faith. Going foith Into tho streets
of Bethlehem, they reported with glad
ness tho doings of tho night. (1 Cor lv,
13), Tho birth of a babo always awak
ens woman's sympathy, nnd when It was
told that In tho manger lay an Infant, It
Is altogether probablo thnt hospitality
soon found a more agreeable place. But
tho story of the angels, retold as It must
havo been, Invested tho llttlo ono with
lur grcnter Interest. As tho tidings
spread from Up to Up, from homo to
prai-s, ny the giand chorus of tho
skles,ho mnrvolous story of tho Sav
iour'rftblifli. Boftpld the moining of tho woild
dawi tho clouds aio i oiled back; hear
tho jfrumpet notes of vlctoiy, and the
angoTs carol. "Glory to God," ns tho
nrstThpams of tho Sun of Righteousness
fall upon tho oai th. Hear tho .swelling
of tl chorus ns tho deep diapason btop
of (SUth's organ is touched in tho sec
ond sliain, "Good will to men." Oh s
tenllsioii! Shall wu not ciy, wonder
of tWuders nnd huibIc of the giandist,
ns tlivginnd oigan of otornlly penis foith
tho sWalns, "The I'rliiLu of pencoV"
tf'.Toy to tlio world,
Uyiu T.oid is come,
t eaith lecelvo her Kins."
Scitfnton, Pa.
Luke, 11:8-20.
Becrotary of Ameilcan Society jf Re-
llglous Kducation.
cises, a cantata by tho Sunday school
Friday at 7 o'clock. All are welcome;
seats free.
First German Methodist Episcopal
church, Adams avenue and vino street
G. Bobllln, pastor. Divino services, 10.30
a. m. and 7.S0 p. m. Sunday school at
noon, and at 2 o'clock p. m. In tho Taylor
avenue chapel. Epworth league meeting
at 6.45 p. m.; prayer meeting on Wednes
day evening.
African Methodist Episcopal church,
Howard place Dr. D. S. Bentley, pastor.
Preaching at 10 30 a. m.; subject, "Tho
Birth at Bethlehem." Sunday school at
2 30 p. m. Preaching nt 7.43 p. in., sub
ject. "Apostasy or the Sins of Unbelief."
Christmas exercises by tho Sunday school
Thursday evening, Dec. 2". A coullnl
welcome to all.
INTRODUCTION.-Tho book fioni
hlch wo study bears its nuthoi's mm,.
s tho companion of Paul (Col. Iimi.-.v h
K.i , , , . . . . --' " . .... ... ' ,. .. -. .
iu suun Kiiuwieuga or tno eiuly years nome, mo viiiugn was greatly excucu, ine
v,iiiiaiiuiuiy iv;n i:iij, nud Jio was in l'puiniuii w-unucring ana curious, nsit
irty sympathy with tho miHMinn.iiv Ing nnd answering miestlons. It may be
nil It which carried tho gosnol wosiunrii that some doubted, but tho greater Dart
to Homo. Master ot Greek lcirnimr ho believed, nnd nil felt that a notablo event
ninplpys his scholarship to glvo finish to lln(' occurred In their midst,
his writings. Jaiko begins his sketch ot
.Te.suiby ifcoidlug what tho other ovau- I'ONDERING-And what of tho Virgin
gellsts omit tho enunciation to Zaclin- mother7 She had passed tluough strange
lias, i Elizabeth nnd to Mary; tho hit- experiences during tho last nlno months.
tcr'H Visit to Ellmbeth nnd her Insplied '-Them was tlio visit or tho mighty
soiiKMlip.lilrllj and Infnncy of John tho Oabilol nt her homo In Nazareth Ch 1,
Raptls.vno explains nlso how Jesus -fi) when alio bowed In humblo Bubmis-
camo to bo bout in Betlilohrm. ns tim hipn; thoio was the Interview In the hill
piqnhct declined ho would bo (Jllcah, I fountiy of Judah, with the mother of
v:2j, Tho decio of Caesar has com- John; there was tho lapse of time in
oiiscutity, roiiowcu by tho journey to the
nnolont homo of her family, a period full
of expectation: thero hnd boon tho moth
ers joy, All this was calculated to lend
her mind along ninny lines of bobor ic
tlcctlon upon tho problem of llfo and Its
Issues. And now theso plain men of the
pelled Joseph, tho foster father, accom
panied by tho prospoctlvo mother, to go
thither to bo cm oiled nnd taxed, The
passago for tho day relates events follow
ing tho bit th.
SHEPIIERDS-Tovhom shall it !,
first announced thnt Christ lias como? flel'l linvo como to report tho nlglit vision
wiinit it bo to ilciod nt Jerusalem? Nn.
ho Is Jealous of power, and will seek to
destroy tho babo. (Matt,, 11,11). Shall it
ho to thu nrlests and seilbes? No. tlmv
nro haughty and bigoted, cstecminir their
lutTogmivea mote man tno c.iuso of
righteousness, peisccuttng any who turn
win peopio uwny fioin them, (Matt,, xxvl,
To'-'bieuk up" a Cold, t take Br,
IHumil)rjys' "Heventy-Seveu" nud some
foun of gentlo exercise or work, until
Inspiration Is Induced. "77" pi events
ieunionla and cuies La,
nnd to worship, and tho peopio havo tak
en up tho story with amazement. Sho
finds herself thus suddenly tlio subject of
publfo attention. Highly favored umong
women (Ch I, 2S), sho seemed not fully
to comprehend, but pondered In her
lunrt tho things that wore told to her,
PRAISINa-IlavIng published tho news
In Bethlehem, what will the shepherds
do? "Will tho Impression bo shoit-llvul?
Wore they excited? When they havo bo
come calm will they dismiss) the subject?
No; they went foith moro strongly con
vinced than when they came. Finding
nil ns it had been promised, perhaps In
fluenced by tho appearance of the child
and Us mother, probably retaining the
spit It's power upon their hearts, they re
turned to their Hocks, praising and glor
ifying God. Their hearts wero full of
the theme; they were not ashamed to
utter their convictions. They wore tho
first human (ivangeliuts imitating' tlio
angels In their spliit and words. They
ovldently felt u puibouul interest, for the
ono who spoke to them had said, "born
to you."
CONOIUSION-If tho birth of Jesus
was attended with circumstances nt nr.
I tenia! humiliation, It was also marked
with the dignity and majesty far sur
passing the pomp of kings, and the uplcn-,
renn Acnuo Baptist Chuich, I'enn
avenue between Spruce nnd Linden
streets Reception committee of business
men welcomo stiangers. Preaching morn
ing at 10:30 and evening at 7:30 bv the
pastor, Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
Morning prayers in tlio lower templo nt
.0:13. Thomo of tho morninir sermon,
"Tho Clulstmas Hope." Special Christ
mas music by tlio grand choius at nil
of tho services; Sunday school at tho
homo church at 2 o'clock, with special
Christmas programme. Sunday school nt
tho Amerman mission nt 3:30; Y. P. S.
C. E. at C:"0. Themo of tlio evening ser
mon. "Clulstmas Every Day." An evan
gelistic seivico will follow the sermon in
tho lower temple.
Jackson Street Baptist church Rev.
Thomas do Gtuchy, D. D., pastor. Morn
ing seivice at 10.30: pleaching by tho
pastor; topic, "Christmas Joy." Sunday
school at 2 p. in., John Lloyd, supeiln
tcndent. Evening seivico at 7 shaip.
Pi also and song seivice. A short ad
dress by the pastor, with special music
by an augmented choir. The music this
year will suipass any heard befoie. Spe
cial pains havo been taken to make this
a glorious day. You nio invited.
Green Rldgo Paptist church Tho pas
tor, Rov. Henry Sterling Potter, will
pleach nt both set vices. Morning sub
ject, "The Glory of Bethlehem;" evening
subject, "Life's Pi Use." Blblo school nt
close of morning worship,
Flist Welsh Baptist church Rev. D. D.
Hopkins, pastor. Bervices will be hold at
tho usual hours. In the morning nt 30
the pastor will bo In charge of tho ser
vices, and will pi each in the Welsh lan
guage. Subject, "The Consecrated Life."
In tho afternoon at 2 tho Sunday school
will be held In tho lectuio room of the
church, Fourth Ward and Bryn Mawr
street. In tho evening at C, Professor
James It. Hughes, A- M., will occupy tho
St. Luke's Parish Rev. Rogeis Isi.acl,
D. D rector; Rev. Edward J. Haughton,
senior curate; Itcv. Robeit E Roc, junior
curate. Fourth Sundny in Advent.
St. Luke's chuich 7.30 n. in., holy com
munion; 30 30 a, m., morning praver and
sermon; 7.10 p. m., evening prayer and
seimon; 0.15 a. in., Sunday school and
Blblo classes.
St.'s, Dunmorc S a. in., holy
communion; 10 30 a. m., morning prayer
and sermon; 7.30 p. m., evening piayer
and sermon; 3 p. m Sunday school and
Bible classes.
East End Mission, Piescott avenue
0 30 p. m., Sunday school and Blblo
classes; 7.30 p. m., eeulng prayer and
South Side Mission, Tiff stieot 2 30 p.
nt.. Sunday school and Bible classes.
St. George's, Olyphant 2.30 p. m., Sun
day school and Bible classes; 3 30 p. m.,
evening prayer and sei mon.
St. Jnmea, Nicholson 30.30 a. m., morn
ing prayer and sermon; 0.1 a. m., Sunday
Will be fatal to the sleep-walker. Will
be draw back or will be take the final,
fatal step? A great many people are in
peril Ilka the sleep-walker. They are
diseased. The disease is progressing
day by day. The time comes when one
mora step away from health is fatal,
Th man who has suffered from indi
gestion or gastric trouble
Sos some Bight to a
dinner and returns homo
to find be has taken that
last step from health
Tyblch can never be tak
en back.
To neglect the euro
of indigestion or some
other form of stomach
trouble is dangerous. It
is also inexcusable. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
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jlJI f
Grace chuich, Wyoming avenue, be
low Mulberrv sticet. Pr.ner and praise
seivico at 9:30 n. m.j divino worship at
10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.j Rev. Cha.
W. King, who has just accepted tho call
to tho pastorate of Graco church, -v III
preach at both services. Thcro nill bo
Christmas music lendeicd bv tho choir.
Sunday school nt 12 m.; Young People's
society of Christian Endeavor at G-20 p
m. ; prayer meeting Wcdensdny evening
at 7:45 o'clock; seats fico; everybody
Reformed Episcopal Biauch church, House, Tilpp Paik. Services at
10:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Hemy Cnrdew
will preach at both .services; Sunday
school at 12 m.
Emanuel Get man-Polish Lutheinn
chutch Rov. Ferdinand Sattclmcier, pas
tor. Serlco In tho Polish language at
10.30 a, m. Sunday school, 2 p. in.
Evangelical Lutheran Chinch of tho
Holy Trinity, Adams nvcnuo and Mul
berry sticot Rev. E. F. Hitter, A. M.,
pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. nnd 7.30 p.
in. Morning subject, "Tlio Gieat Art
ont Question Answered;" evening sub
ject, "Tho Bcncdlctus, tho 11 urn of
Kecharlnh." Sundny school, 12 m.; Lu
ther lenguo, 0 i p. m. Matin service,
with ppeclnl music and sermon, at t) a.
m. on Christmas Day.
Giaco Evangelical Lutheran Church
(Gonoial Synod), corner Mulberry stieet
and Prescott avenue Rov. Luther Hess
Waring, pastor. 0.30 a. m., Sunday
school; 10 30 n. m., divine worship; 7 p.
m Young People's Society of Clnlstlan
Endeavor; 7.30 p. m., evening service,
with sci mon. In tlio absence of tho pas
tor, Rev. William M. B. Glnndlng, of
Newport, Pa., will occupy tho pulpit
morning and evening.
Evangelical Lutheian Fourth Sunday
in Advent. Gospel, John, I, 19-2S; epistle,
Phlllpplnns, lv, 4-7.
St. Maik's, Washburn street Rev. A.
L. Ramcr, Ph. 13., pastor. Services at
10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p, m. Sunday school
M m.; Luther league, 0 p. m. Catechet
ical instruction, Fiiday, 7 p. m. Scivlcf
on Clulstmas day at 7 a. m. Festival
of Sunday school ot 7.30 p. m.
Christ church. Cedar avenue and Bitch
stioet Rov. James Witke, pastor. Ser
vices, 10 30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday
school, 2 p. in.
St, Petoi's, Prescott avenue Rev, John
Randolph, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in.;
Sunday school, 2 p. m. Wednesday even
ing service, 7,1". Catechetical instiuetlon,
Wednesday and S.ttuiday, 7 p. in.
Plymouth Congregational church T. A.
Humphrcjs, pastor. Pleaching at 10 30 a.
m. and 7 p. in. Tho Lord's super will bo
administcicd in the morning, befoio
which there will bo a short sermon on
"Tho Covenant of tho Church," being the
fifth on tho subject, "The Church." In
the ovcnlng there will bo a Christmas
sermon and music. Sunday school at 12
m., nnd at 2.1 at Sherman avenue. Seni
or Endeavor at C p. m. Junior Endeavor
at 4 p. m. Monday.
First Chilstlan church, North Main
avenue Pi caching by tho pastor, Rev.
It. W. Clymcr, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. ;
subjects, "A Christmas Thought" nnd
"Man's Dual Nature." Sunday bchool, 10
a. in., II. F. Babcock, superintendent.
Clnlstlan Endeavor, 0.15 p. in. All aro
Fiist Chuich of Christ (Scientist), C19
Adams avenue, Scinnton. Sunday bci
Ices at 10.30 a. m., and 7:0 p. m sub
ject: "Is tho Universe, including man
evolved by atomic foico."' Testimonial
meeting Wednesday at S p. m. All aro
cordially invited tu attend these meet
ings. Calvaiy Refoimed church, Monioo
avenue and Gibson stioet. Rev. SI. E.
Fit or, pastor. Sci vices 10:30 a, m., 7:30
p. in.; Sunday school, 11:30 a. m.; Chris
tian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Gospel Tabernacle church, Jefferson
avenue, Dunmoie Rev. James Loishman,
pastor. Preaching at 10 30 a. in. and 7.10
p. m. bv tho pastor. Blblo school at 12
noon. Young People's meeting at C 30 p.
m. S.ttuiday evening, 8 o'clock, study of
tlio Sunday school lesson at tho pnstoi's
home, 1010 Madison avenue. Tuesday,
meetirgs of tlio Christian and Mlsslonaiy
lllanco. Sessions at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m.
All Souls' Unlvcisallst Church, Pino
street, between Adams and Jeffeison ave
nues. Rov. Thomas B. Pajne, pastor.
Divino seivico, with seimon, at 10:30 a.
m subject: "Tho Song of tho Angels."
Sunday school ot 12 m. Scats fiee.
Stiangers coullally welcomed. Evening
seivico at Guernsey Hall.
Gospel Hall, COl Lackawanna avenue
Sunday school 12:15 p. in. Sir. Ah loll will
pi each at 7:30 p. m. and nlso conduct a
blblo class on Monday at 7:lu p. m., for
tho study of tho lesson and tlio Book of
Romans. All aio welcome.
a t
Or millionaire upon whom exorbi
tantly priced gifts had been lavishly
showered, you would enjoy Christ
mas not one bit more than will the
many recipients of gifts selected
from our stock.
It matters not whether you
choose a diamond ling, or a very
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pensive sterling silver novelty, you
get the very best of quality and
good quality incites instant admira
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
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i pa
A'i V. t . ? tg t. . t t vt fc t; t an v, t; t v. n e, fc t, v. t . . s
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For this week only, we will allow each cash buyer a
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Merchant Tailoring- g
Are you tired of the patterns of cloth so J?
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J We have the other kind Exclusive JJ
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W. J. DAVIS. ?!
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The report
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the report of
isisvskv .;
That sells regularly for $3.00 and $3.50 each. Our reason for this ex
traordinary offer Is simple. We are compelled to vacate the basement
which runs the entire length of the building, on January 1st next, and as
we vill have no room to store them, previous to our removal, to our new
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Bargains in Rockers
and Fine Honis Chairs
Now on view in the basement, You can buy the finest fjoods In Scran
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JO ajl I r
419 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, 8?a-.J
U U 'A U 'A A "A 'A it 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A 'A 'A'A 'A 'A A cl 'A 'A A 'A 'A "A "A "A "A A "A "A A "A
the strike com.
mission, kicks
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You will not kick as hard as the gun at not being able to find a
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524 Spruce St., you will find Air Rifles, Shot Guns, Target Rifles,
Skates, Polo Sticks, Game Hoards and everything in the sporting
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plies, Albums Cards, Poster Boards etc. Some great bargains in up.
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Open Evenings. ,
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mm?pc "&v mrMrflrraQiPC "
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an '?
Our store presents a brilliant array of most excel- .?
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idlings f
Gold Jewelry, Gold Handled Um
brellas and Cut Glass, Sterl
ing Silverware, Etc., Etc.
And all at prices that are sure to meet your approval.
133 Wyoming Avenue, Hotel Jermyn,
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