,oV" r-a-t-!i st. J f.-f $:?w s . a. y , &n THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1002. X.JfSfr.rir W I? letf If Experiments with, Eyes, The testing of eyes Is not a matter of guess work, nor Is It a matter of trying on pairs of ready-made glasses. It Is a science governed by principals which none but a person who has studied the anatomy of the eye can'understand. You are Invited to call. I de light In showing my methods and equipment. DR. B. A. BAER GYE SPECIALIST. AlANUPACTURlNG OPIICIAN 331 Washinirfo.i Ave. m scran ion, ia. tmmatw I I Coiinty Savings Dank and Triisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. ,$1 Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays j per cent, terest thereon. and 111- TJnltett States court nsUltif? tlml lie ho declared a bankrupt and iiIIorIiir Unit lie showed prefcicnco to one oicdltor to the detriment of others, Didn't Want to Go Home. The mother of little 4yent-nld Freeman lilKhup, (if Tllchel tf. who wandered uwn.l flom his Riitmtmotliei'H homo mi Wed ncmlny, iiml who wais jilckcit U bv tin1 police, wound up her twculv-four bouts' HPinoli foi him Mntrdiiy iittctmmu nt police lienilimiutun-, whrlo It hIuHiIiI bale Ik Him. The Itltlo olinp didn't Want to lie taken nwny liom Heiftmnt Ttecpn lone, whom lie called his "new papu " t4ii(.l hud to lie loiclblv token nut of the bulldlm? liv his mother. ti. A. WATRES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: AVm. F. TIallstead, Ik P. Kingsbury. O. S. Johnson. L. A. inverett Wan en, I August HoMnson, M03. O'Brien, AVattos. In and About 1MMX The City Xectuie on Japan. D. B. Sturjjes delivered the second of Als delightful lectures on liis tt.ivels 1n Japan In Y. M. C. A. lin.ll last night. lie v as listened to by a. good blzed audience. The lecture was Illustrated -with many iows of the places visited by Mi. Stui- t,Ch. Bankruptcy Petition. Jobn Lucas & Co., of Philadelphia, and other creditois of ll.iuy Ji. Kiifjlo, of Hickory Coine'.s. Xorthumbeiland coiiii- ty, yesterday tiled a. petition in the Sale Wns a Success. At ,", lloiiin nntl con Antrew, of t'u potise iiU'inio, unit l'. C, Diikkuii, of HIIpk street, hnvo left for AtliRhenj, N, V. to ttttepd the ordination of the Inller's ',011. itolin I' DURun, which it to take place Saturday mnrnliiK. The Hale of nci'dlowolk made by the Ladles' Sowing iliilu of tlio Adams ave nue chapel, or which Ills. IIurIhs Is picMtlent, innurt an uiuiiiallllf d sun cm, iisultliiR hi si handsome mini of money lo lie h iniled our lo the tieasuier ol UiIh mission 'I'lie chapel lias recrlveil one 1 tin! of p. ilnt, null wilt Ret iiuolher as Hooli art tile wentllir liellillts, 'I lie a pL'.uante of this phieo of worship has been cousldeinlih luiptnWit itltcadv and 11 Rood wmk Is beluir done hero 1 the l!e. James Hushes and his eu-workus. Tor the Home for the riiondless. The nmnUKi'lH of the Home for the riluulless ackuowloilRo Rifts fiotn (lie lollowlnR donois and epns' their luurft slncne Kintltude: l.iiRe p.ieKilcc of 1 lotlilnR. No. :;s school; three pills itoel: Iiirs. Jlit., JI. 11. ('nine; JIi.s. William P. Kennedy, i lothlnir: memhcis Si. Mur- Kiiiot's Rtilltl. null, c.iudv; Jllssis Jlur Raiot Million! mid Anna Hand, of Jlont- u iso, two banels iipplts: Gerald It. Will iams, paclcuRO clothiiiR; .Mis. 12, Mnisli, packaRo clothlliR, shoes, sllppuis; Mis. , 1. Spencer, Imr flour, 11 pounds kurji, ccieal, coffee, ten; Jits. C It. Llnds.n, ttothhiR; II. X). Ciane, two co it, one lady's milt, two .skh (h, one waist, all new Raiments; ladles of the NoitU Main Ave nue Baptist eliuich, beautiful autogiaph quilt; Sliiinl: & Spencer, dozen pulrs rub heis; JIis. John Gunster, banels apples; -Mis T. MrCllntoek; cainallons; r. r. I.lndnii. buns, erulleis; IT. Kelnll, me.it; Mis. V. V. KeniifMly, meat; Tliom.is Mooie. chicken; Mis. A. W. Sclnnder, load kindling wood; J. D. AVillinms ti !ios, quunlily pioilsdons; Dr. Duunell. medicine; ('onsumeis' Ice companv, lee; Mis, i:. A. Webb, Mis. Geortru llaive, clothing; Mis, ll ,a. Knapp. bauol ai pics, tending matter; 3k t. Fuller, tlneo banels upples; W. AV. Stianlon, JO pounds cantlv. Desseits were futulMicil by an unknown filend and Mis. J. Jj. Council. Dr. Newton and Dr. Hoilner (onti United attendance. The Satuiday ulglit donon weie: Miss Zcldler. AV. J. M.uvil, the I'lerco companv, II. 1). Pweet, Ik G. Couiscn, X). 1Z. M.uberirer. T-. :oii, Cooper k C.istoi; C. K. Hone. If. A. I'ieice, Rolnwass,er"s liakeiv, V. V. Lind ner. Delightful teis wtie seied lo the old Indies by vaiious fi lends. Handsome Christmas Piesents. LniRe iloweis and palms at bni gains Roth 'phones. Morel Bios. ' Ohio Cupons rtiessed to older foi Cluistni.is, at Maibeiger's. 31,", 1-ucka- intia avenue. ' ,v TRYING THE RIOT CASES THEY ARE THE OUTGROWTH OP THE LATE STRIKE. Joseph Ciut the Prosecutor in a Case Hoaiti Befoie Judge Newcomb A Number of Men Charged with In teifeilng with Workmen at the Hohlen Other Cases That Were Heard Dutlng the Day in the Oi phans' Com t Many Tax Collectors Pile Their Bonds. The iiiKtiiiK'iil list having been dis posed of Wednesday, .JuiIru Xow coinb went on the bench In No. 2 yes terday and assisted Judge Dutihnin In disposing nl the cases on the special uilinlnal list for tin week. .lolm Coomb.-!, John Huhuitm, Jm oh lleese, IImi.ImiuIii Jtmefl, D.tvld Iltnilrt and Heth lillllthn weie tiled befoif Judge Niiwiomb loi liot mid Gilllltlis was also charged with ills charging fite arnis. Joseph Curt, foreman for the Uoluwnte, I..iekiiwunnii and Western foiupanv ut the Holden mine near Tay lor, was the piosoculoi. DuiIiik the week beginning September !, last, while the mine stilke was on, It was alleged that tliu delendmils lutet fered gieatly with the men who wotked ut the Itol den. On one occasion Curt swore that (lilflllhs iinliited a levolver at him and tiled. The men denied the liotlng and riilf lltbs said he meiely pointed a child's toy pistol at Curt to scale hint. He inodueed what ho alleged Is the weap on he used. The jmy wenL out nt 4."0 to make up its vet diet. Thomas Williams, Richard Wnluli, JMwuid Irving, Kugene Thomas, John Uegan,' nntl Sanderson living, were ac quitted of the chaige of committing an assault on the little mmi of Mis. Kale -Mulheiln. The alleged assault was committed on Boulfv.ard avenue in this city. Otto Staub, Adam lb own, Joseph Thompson .and Thomas Miller weie in dlcttd lor felonious wounding. When the ease was called yesterday it ap pealed that jthey had bioken the wood en leg of Mai tin Longan. They agieed to piovide Mi. I-otigan with a new ar tificial leg and a veidict of not gntlty wns taken. Hefote Judge Dunhain the f.ie ot Michael Mastno, Joseph Rose, I.ouK Kaler, iJaines Mash, John Klal, Angelo Tliomlu, Fiank Kammgorski, Angelli rieini and I.ouis Ptirkas, charged Alth llot and cairying concealed weapons, was lesumed jesterday morning. They weio acquitted of riot, but Mastno, Uose and Kafer eie convicted of cairing concealed weapons. William Atkinson, Meade Beelie and Robert Saulsby weie tiled lor commit ting an aggiav.iled assault and bat teiy on James Gianvllle. During the WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Pew People Realize the Importance of Good Digestion Until It Is lost. Many people RUffer fiom dyspepsia and do not know It. They feel menu, out of sorts, peevish, do' not sloop well, do not have n good keen appetite, do not lmo tlio Inclination nnd energy for physical or mentul woik they once had, but at tlio name time do not feci any pattlctilar pain or distress in tlio stom ach. TLet till this Is the lcstilt of poor digestion, nn insidious form of Dys pepsin which can only bo cuicil by a remedy specially Intended to cuio it nnd,tnnko the digestive organs act nat urally and propei ly digest the food eaten. Ullteis, after dinner pills and tieivo tonics will nevur help the tiotibie; they don't reach II. The now medical discovery docs. It is called Sluatt's Dyspepsia Tablets and is a specific for dyspepsia nnd indigestion. It cities be cause It thoroughly digests all whole some food taken into the Htomach, whether the stomach Is In good wink ing ouler or not, Sltiatt's Dyspepsia Tablets by digest ing tlio food, Instead of making the worn out Htomach do nil the woik, gives It a much needed lost and a cute of dyspepsia is the natural result. AA'hen you mo nervous, run down and sleepless, don't make the common mis take of supposing your nervous system needs treatment and lilt your stomach with powerful nerve tonics which make you feel good for a little while, only to fall back farther than ever. Your nei vca me all light, but they aio starved, they want food. Nourish them with wholesome eveiy day food alid plenty or It, well digested, and you coji laugh at nerve tonics and medicine. But the nerves will not be nouilshed from a weak, abused stomach, but when the digestion has been made per fect by the use of liH remedy, all ner vous symptoms disappear. wno ever neara or a man or woman blessed with a vigorous digestion and good appetite being troubled with their nerves? Good digestion means a strong ner vous system, nbutukmee of enetgy and capacity to enjoy the good things of life. Htuat ts D.s.spepsia Tablets will cer tainly set your stomach and digestive organs right; they can't help but do it because they nourish the body by di gesting the food eaten, and rest the stomaah. You get nouiishinent and icst tit one and the same time, and that is all tlio woin out dj.speptlc needs to build him up and give new lite to eeiy oiriui and an added zest to oeiy plensuie. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ;ue a god send to the nrmv of men and women with weak s.toinneh, weak neives, and justly merits the dalin of being one of the most worthy medical diseoeiles of the time. WRECK AT . GEORGETOWN FIREMAN BATES WAS TERRIBLY INJURED. t . 3 I AJVIh-'iD 30 With a Dollar Purchase, Friday, Saturday and Tlonday, December 19, 20 and 22. 30 Great Christmas Sale of Holiday Goods! Select Stock of Novelties for Christmas Suitable presents for everybody. presents. Holiday Goods , ..SOe .$1,01) to V .."tic in S ,0c '.SO 00 75c Beaded Chatelaine Baas $1.00 Beaded Chatelaine Bags. T.'io Hand Purses in Seal, Sea Lion, Morocco, Levant Lizuid, etc -Tjc to $J00 Wilst and Chatelaine bags, new mountings jo to $".00 Neck Ruches, Sills and Chltfoi $1.21 to $10,0a Now Gun Mctnl Belt Pins and Bloodies, 10c, l,"c, 2e. Rings, Btooclies, Belt Pin", Bracelets, Chains, etc. 2."c to $: 00 Beads, C'ouil, Pe.nl, Jet, Boxwood, etc Dlegant Cut Glass Pieces Pjotty Separate China pieces Bisque FJguies, Heads, and Slatiiettes Gold or China Clocks Ubony, Silver and Gold Ink Wells, Pictuies, new frames andstibjeots 2.hj to V Gilt. Sllvei, Buintwood nud Leather Photo names :'5e to f-'.UO Buytt Leather NouMtles, tiolf and Den i'nlendni-,, Shaving, Smoking nlid Toilet Sets r,un to $!0,ua lllgh Ait printed or embioldeicd Cu.shlons, :Tio tn $10.00 Sterling Silver Novelties, toilet ui tides, etc. Hand and Standing Mluois r,( to $."00 Leathyr Combination- Toilet Ti.ivcllinr c.ues. Peifumes and Toilet AUkles, .jil.Oii touOO ..S.lc lo fjOQ . ,i:."c' to fj.oo UK) $'.'.G0 th $10.00 Useful Presents Special display of elegant SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, CHILDREN'S COATS, MISSES' COATS, LADIES' COATS, LADIES' SILK WAISTS, LADIES SWEATERS, LADIES' CAPES, SUITS AND SKIRTS, rlJRS, FIRS, FURS. Gloye Department GOI.r WOOL GLOVIkS for ladles, gents', ihildien, all shades and sbes "J" and Mc Ladles." Fine UkiM-eand Mocha Kid GIoes $1.00 and JI.60 'Gents' Ij'Iiip dlalt-f and Mnclia Kid Gloves, $1.00, fi.r.o Handkerchiefs i'hlldiuir Handkerchief:, lii Juvenile boxys IS lo Jjc box Gi ntlcmen's lliiudkeiclilt'ih, linen oi silk hem stitched, einbioldeiedC Initial or fancy bordeis 10c lo $1.00 eaili I.VDIKS' HANDKnitcilllorS Plain Hemstitched 10c to 25n Pielty Ij.iio or Ihiibioldeicd ,.230 to $.1.00 Pino Kenl Duches.s l.ato, , $t.f;0 to $10.00 Umbrellas I'ust Hl.ul. liielci'iUed, good finines, .,, li'jc to 50c Past Bind,, line metal or peail handles ,, ,7iic to $1.00 Ladles' and Gents' clos.o tolling, Taft'ota, beautiful handles, Mlvor, gold, peail or loiy,,..Vl,S5 to $7.50 I late stilke Gianvllle woiked at thp Mnivin jtnd one day in September at the Cast Muiket stieet ciot-sliig ot the Delawaie and Hudson, the assault up on him was, made. Ho could identifv only Saulsby. The latter was totiiid guilty af iisbanlt and balleiy and licpho and Atkln-on weie acitultted. Cariio McDonnell was airiiillt'd ot n charge of assault and liitteiy pie loned by Mis. Ann Hughes and the county w.ib diiectcd to pay the io.s(s. Mis. Hughe-, occupied one nt Mu Mc Donald's houses in Xoith Scianton, and was tour months In anears fot luit. McDonald went to serVo n landlotd's wan-ant and he had some kind ot dif ficulty with Mrs. Hughes. Mrs. KUen Hmtel, of Luzetne htieet, was convicted of being a common scold and lecommended to the mcicy of the couit. The prosecutrix was Mis. Mai ion Jlurray. Judge Dunham decided to suspend entente. Charles Rlppa was aciiultted of a charge of laiceny by Inilee, piefeued by John P.uqnaieido AYhen court adjoin ned Michael Ke.u ney was on trial before Judge Dunham, chained of larceny and tecelvlng, by Kugene Biown. Piston Rod of the Engine Was Potced Through the Upper Part of His Leg nud Pait of the Limb Had to Be Cut Away Befoie Ho Could Bo Relieved Was Pinioned in the Wreckage for Seven Tenlblo Hotns Three Engines Badly Dam aged and Ten Cars Deatoyod.. The little town of Genigctown on the i'rlo inlltond was rudely awakened nbout 11 o'clock on Wednesday night bv the shrieking of engine whistles nnd the crashing of breaking tlmbois when nn east bound loaded train of slty-Ilvo cars crashed into a long train of emp ties coming west. Tlio train ctews saw their danger in time to jump and escaped with only slight injuiles. With the exception of Ph email Bates, of Poit Jeivls, who was caught and pinioned In the wreck age for seven hours befoie ho could be lelensed. Ho was suffering fiom a bioken thigh bone, the piston rod hav ing crashed clear through the upper pai t' of the leg and boforo he could be released it was necessaty to cut awny n part of tlie leg that the lod might be removed. He was taken by special tuiln. to the L'tle hospital at Port Jcr vls. Tlneo engines were ncaily demol ished unci ten cais weie totally ruined in the mix-up. Traflle was not reopened until late yesterday afternoon, the local milk men getting their supply fiom beyond Georgetown not leceivlng their morn ing shipment until 9 o'clock lust night. The train crews weie all from the Delaware division with heaiktuaiteis at Port Jervls; the local men, under the new araingements only tunning as las as Saeco, wheie the tiains aie made up for shipment to llieli destination. I Two Special Holiday Values For $29.00 Tlieo. IlnWltind 110 ruikvcit china u For $20.00 I'heo. llnllniid 110 Piece rillkVCit CHINA DINNUIt HUTS "1 iritfeu Llinot;o 100 Piece l'ltKNCH CHINA DIKN'liit 8 UTS Dinner Sets can seldom, It ever, bo bought 111010 nil Mindigeouslv (ban now and (his Is the season of the enr that jou need ttietn most. These two special!) give bill a hint of the splen did Millies wo'10 offeilng In sets of tlio better kind. 5X- - MnW-av KTjMJ Various styles of dec orations and shapes. CVuxv'HbW. Geo. V. Millar & Co. Open Evenings, l.l'l Wyomltir Avenue. WALK IN AND LOOK AROUND. :T.BK!!' iwnraggKi OFFICERS WERE INITIATED. Past Master Ik P. Kingsbury last night installed the following newly elected oitlcci.s of Schiller lodge, No. 845, Fiee and Accepted -Masons: Woiship iui Master, Adam Sloeckel; honior war den, Jacob VVumke; junior waiden, John AV. AVngner; tieasuter, Joseph Gunslir; seciet.uy, Chatles S. Gillieit; tuistees, N. G. Goodman, Hemy Vaek 10th and Fied Wagnei. Those who a-slstcd Past Master Klngbui5 in the Insiiillatiun ceuinoin weie: Past Masteis F. Ij. Wm niber, N. G. Goodman. Lewis Schauta, J. F. AVaulell and J. II. milieu. An elaboi ate banquet seived bv Ca teiei John AV. Haines was nfteiw.uds mm oil in the bamiuet hall and mldic-scs were made by soM'inl of the distinguished Masons picsent. Dliector 01 Public Saiety r. I-. Woimsei piesided as toastmastei. You Are Invited to transact your bauking business Avith lis, and every ) courtesy will bo extended, whether your account is large or small. Third National Bank, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, Pa. Capital, $200,000; Surplus (earned,) $600,000. S per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts, nntl tlio interest is compounded Jan. 1 and July 1. Accounts can be opened by mail. OPEN SATURDAY T.VENtNGS 7:30 TO 8:30. Tax Collectovs' Bonds. The bonds of the following state and county tax collectors of the city weie (lied jesteiday with Prothonotaiy Cope land: John F.Glbboiih, Twentieth waul, $17, Guu; Fred Schuinan, Hleventli watd, $10,000; Thomas F. Saitry, Thiid waul, $5,635 9:!; Samuel llogcis, Filth waid, $16,000; C. V. Tenvilliger, Second waid, $13,."00; Adam Neul. Twelfth ami Thh teenth winds, $ll,M.'. Linen Sets, Ladies' Napkins, Lunch Cloths,: Fancy Hose In Great Variety. I Cut Out Tills Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1,00 worth of goods r more and you will receiy 39 atamps. Dec. 19ao and aa Mears & Hagen 410 and 417 Lackawanna Aye Oiphans Court Mattel s. Judge A. A. A'osbuig jesteiday hnnd td down an opinion in tlio estate of Thomas Young, deceased. The excep tions filed to the account of the adniin isttaltlx aif disposed of, and dlstiibu tlon of the funds in her hands awarded, Tlio expenses incident to the widow's claim for exemption ate htrlcken tiom the account, ns not being a pioper chmge agailibt the efatate, and the ap puikeis' feo. weie als-o s-llghtly reduc ed. The exceptions 10 the commission chaiged by thf adminlstrnttix, Avere oveuuled pio forma, without piejudico to 1 lie rights of any pintles inteiesfed. Tlio Orphans' couit will be in hesslou 011 net .Monday, at 10 a. in., at which time several cases will be heaul which luiM' been set down for that time. Giaduutcs of the High and Tiaiulug schools, wishing to be considered In iniinectlou with the tininlng- kindci gin ten class to bo established, will please send theh names, with the year of gi actuation trom the training school, to (tin supetluteudent's ofllce by De cember s.i, when a selection will be inado nccotdlng to the i evolution of tlio boaul of contiol of November it. 1P02. " (1. AY. Phillips, Superintendent. Guernsey Hall Often, .special inducements this wlntei to puichnseis of pianos, FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER DESSERT lij JHLL-U, piepaied nccntding to the lollowing leciue: JLLI.-O SNOW PUDDING. Uib'-olve one packige of unj il.uor Jell-O In one jilnt nt boiling watei. ind alter it has about halt liaideuud beat up tlioi ou0lily with i n egu biatci , add the white ol one igg tlioioughlv beaten and stli the whole togothei until they uic mKed; pom into cups anil .set in a eool place until lb m. This in i bo s(ieil with whlpptd ei ram oi Mislaid. A nice desseit foi any meal, at any mm'. Four liasois x.enion, Change, llasp'oeuy and Sti.iwb'Miv. At gioceib, 10 cent--. GUT A PACKAGE TODAY. E2K20BaiE2avffi25XZEMSasSESSEQaEK3E22J zsmnNssMsam Book n Bros. Shop. Why Not Make the Present a Book It is veiy acceptable for lady, gentleman, girl or hoy. "Wo have all the latest copyrights, and, above all, nt moderate prices. We cariysa full line of Childien's Books the laigest assortment in the city. Special sets of all the famous authors. Step in and look over our Holiday Books. 407 Spruce Street, New 1'Eiohc, 137. v Opposite Dime Bank" KiffliiBomragaraBrasiHg V OPEN EVENINGS. Diamond Baigains, an auay of linitlng pilcis, Horn tile Cutter to Consume!, witli Ian one suiall piulit aildul. 1,',-Kt Dininond llliig, wmtli iM); My Pi lie, ?Vi0. iVj-Ul. Dluinond html, woith SWHjj My Pi lie. MX Pj-Kt. Diamond lllng, worth sri0; My Pilce. .r,o p4-Ivl. Diiiiiic.ud lling. wmtli JIJ'i; Jlv Pike, W-'i. :i.Kt. Diamond Itlng wiutliftOi; Jlv Pi he. $.':! L'-Kt. Dliimiiud lllus, woith ?JM, Jlv Price, $Ji All of the ubuu aie Ainsteid.liii ut, llawlesi-, and gems ol dazzling billll.iucj, Jfotsihoe Sc.aif Pin, ,il Diamonds, woith $si, .My Pi lie, pj. Ilunaiilnn Opal lllng, U Diamonds .suiumndlng. set In platlmun. woilh J1S0; Jlv Pi Ice. $1J0. Ituby lllng (pigeon blood) wuitonnded with lino diamonds, , 5175. Hub ulomi woith oer $J00. Sapphlio Itlng, I'i-Kt. (coinllower blue ioIou, iiniiiaiiiled with Jnjiip Diamonds tot in platinum, $li,",, woith 'SJOO. l-Kt. Diamond lllng. woith MOO; Jlp Pi ice. S7". l-Kt. Diamond lilus.s, woith $110: My Pilce, ?Do, .t-Kt. Diamond Tllng, woith $7",; Jly Pi ice, Sw, Jj-Kt, Diamond Itlng, wmtli ji"; Jly Pi ice. Ui. 'k-Kt. Dlinumd Hlugn, flO, $1J and $1". Diamonds, Piiblus, Sapphlios, Opals ga lon, and ihoico selection of inniiutltiys lur Mime, awaiting join uiinmand. TAKD lU.UVATOn AND SAA'U MONP.Y and at tlio snnui (lino see nxhlbll Jet lllaik Dhiinnud, Golden liiowu Diamond, Canal v Diamond, Iho Pi Ir ideas (not blue, but) Ilelliitiopj-colorcd Olamoud, 1'ntut Diamonds, Snpphlies, tipnN, etc., etc., as lliey toino tiom mother cnitli. l.'.acli lady customer will be puMcnlrd with a Niw Kiiletv Gaiter I'liisu, the newest and most piuclliiil luviiniloii ot Its kind, nn ab.solutu s.ifo way to can) monov and Jewels, Cach gcnlloniiin customer piesented with a thin leather ioln boldei: uotbliig like It; my own Idea. SATISFACTION CU'AUANTnilP. "Vour Jlonov llack AVltbout 'Aicuiuent " WALTER W. WINTON'S DIAMOND PAP.LOH. C07 Meais Building. DON'T postpone buying that KODAK you Intend as a gift; come while the stock Is at Its best, If you prefer you may make your selection now and have it set aside until later we'd be very glad to do it. -&AjrM ,VfJ::.v Ciger Prices That are HigSit L'i In T ! i 'I i I ' l c !' box. 00c I'Oc !Wo !k)c U'C r.0 In bos. Jlonls' Pcifocto M.Tr) Paththidei !"' Counsellor 1" 't'om Keene 1.7", Louis Jlaini 17", Jlonls' Mngnet 1.7", Cap.ului.i l.i Owl litaud I.7.", Cubanolii 1.7", G. V. Chtlds 1.7", .In-ill P. Poituondo .... 1 7", Lillian P.ussii l."0 Hoheit lliirns 2 7', Coia Tanner "M 1.7r, Langsdoir Peileito ', "a - Chj Clgais packed U in box at J,c and W)e pel bo. BUY HIM A PIPE. Our line of Pipes is the talk of the town. ,"e Smoking and C'hrwlng Tobaiciw. Old Vhglnlu Clieiools. 'I'lnce lilail' Kid Clieioots Swiet LMpoial Clgaiotles 6 packs for 25c. .. .j. 4. ! . 4. ! I Vlniodoia 1 'lita is Jlatlure f'laois "Match It' Clieioots. TlllLIsli Tiophies 3 packs for 25c. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. For Cnsn uniy. C I Cigar Han. Lender of Cut Pi ices. 325 AVASHINGTON AVENUE. ,j. . .J. 4 "t 'J ! 'I 4 t 'I' " ! "J We Lead in the Race 1 We are ahead of 2SS Old Santa Claus : liven in CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS: Oar lino is most uttt.ictlve It it. n gland display of beautiful art goods In all htjks of Pictuies and Flumes. Burned Wood and Leather Novelties. A flu, iiilleitlon 01 original AVater Col 01s fiom lln biiihh ot Thomas S. llagu man, of AVilliiunspoit. now on exhibition uc our stole OPEN DVIININOS. Jacobs Sn Fasold 200 Washington Avenue. Smoking Sets and Tables in Pyro Etched Work, aso Desk Fittings, Dressing Table Sets, Book X . a a Racks, Picture frames, Handker chief and Glove Boxes, GRIFFIN ART SHOP, 211 WASHINGTON AVENUE 1 mi "f! ? MBARS & HAQEN, m& OAOOA mmmmmw 4