I'llJU SOJIAJNTUiN TJUJJUiNJ-FKIDAV, DECEMBER 11), 1002. f t r t I, if IJe cratttat gMButte I'nbllihed Dally EcritBnnday by 'IlisTf'buna Publishing Company! nl Fifty Cents a Month. MVV B. lltfJIiAM O. F. iivxuki: 4 ... A . KlllTO. JU'Mvsm MAxAain. Entered at iho PostofJlcii nt Scrnnton, M Second" t'lnsa Mill Mutter. When ipncs will permit, Th Trlimne it ultrnji itlntl tn print hott letter from II frlondi lienrlng nn current, (oilci but lt rule l tlmt tliraemtiit tin algm-ili fnr pnh llo.ntlon. hy thn writer rant nnmet rind the condition precedent In ncraptnnce- li thnt nil contribution! limit be lubjoct to vdltorlnl rcvlalon. THE FLAT KATE TOO. ADVEIITIHINO. The followlnc table thows tin price jper Inch each Insertion, ipitcs to lie uvid vtllhlti ono yeni: DtqPLAY "mi, of 5ri"D' I Pull MPL .Taper Jro-ltlon J.cm than 60 luchee . ,6n ,Vi I w) 60 Inches 40 ,44 i .44 100 " .0 .11 I ,1l jso sr .:;ft i .10 too " :o .a .21 low " .is ,m I .19 Por cards of thanks, reaolutltjna of condolence, and ImlUr contributions In tlio nature of ndvertltlnff, The TrlbuhothMcc,l charRU of 6 cents n line, SIXTEEN PAGES. ecitANTox. 'nEOUMunrt in, mo2. It Is ovltlent tlmt w!itn Jutif-'o Gray Rots. down' below'liln Miuvlter In mode In- ha n substuniiitl iintlctcurieiit of. lortltor fin 10. ' The Recordershlp, f W 'JI' Uepiilillaiii ,pai ty was In I business bofoio the nconoinlo JL le.iKito decided to k Into politic, and It will bo alive and healthy Ions? alter the laht lesthiR place of the pnt-nt labor upheaval Shall be unknown men to the oldest ln- li.tbitaiil. Tlie Economic Ilmruc move- inent lor the eltction. of a. class leeoul- t'V Is well known to those behind the scenes to be a l)mic rntlc tet-up, How foolish, then, lor Republic. m- to Ret alarmed at It and to act as If they In tended to apply for n political lecclvei. The next 1 dottier of Scianton "-hould be a. Itcpubllcaii'and he will be if re publicans shall.be le. What if the Rev. Watklns -..imllthicy shall captuie West Side Kepubllean votes as its Democratic manipulators pi in? Theie sue otlier'voles in this ltv, and the Ue publlcan paity can poll tlieni If It nom inates the ilRh't kind ot man. The substantial, propel tj-owniiiR el.i'-s of citizens, u host when united, do not b any means pippoe to fly the fl.ijr of socialism and yield tlie government of this great city to class lanatlclsin and excesses. Why not Rive them a leader and cairy the Issue to a show-down? But whom? Without naming' tlie man himself, we can at least say what he , should be like. He liould not, for in stance, bo a faetionalist. He should not hao inside a fallute of the job once befoie. Ho should not be piimarily an oillce-seoker and political Riaftei. He should bo a llojiular, capable man 01 affairs, whom the tax pajeis would feel like ti listing to manage their interests. Nominate that l;ind of a man on the Jtepublic.in ticket and he can be elect d. Tiy to put on it some sit by nine paity heeler with a lecord for faring 'every way and the ticket will go down so deep that theie will be no need of an Inquest, for the coipse will never be 10 eovered. There isn't much time left if tlie Re publicans are to act. The reglstiation loses tomoriow. Of course the battle can be surrendered In advance, but that would hardly look well for Scranton's Republican manhood. Attorney Burns' motion for a non suit doubtless fall.s for lack ot juiisdlc-tion. Apportioning the Coat. - TpHH Philadelphia Ledger leams I from an opeiator who at JL tended tho meeting of oper- atois in Now York last Tues , day that it has been decided to con tinue the lecently announced special 50 ents additional piiee of anthracite ' throughout 190 J. The Ledger calculates k, tlmt this would Increase by $28,000,000 jj the pinflts of the operators in that year, a sum moie than sufllclont to re k' imburse them for losses sustained In 1 consequence or .the strike. As CO cents ' added to the wholesale selling price of J coal usually means about ?1 extia. by ., the time tho coal arrives in tho bin of v the consumer, this would mean that the late coal strike, In addition to wli.it It has already done In way of injuiy to tho pnblc, will inciease the public's buidens appioxlmately $30,000,000 a year. , If this sum woio dhlded among tho 110,000 w 01 Iters In the mines it would , Rive each one, breaker boys and all, an """ Increase of $100 a jear, raislrg their . incomes to an nveniRo lar nbovo that of labor of similar skill anywheio else , in tho woild. Assuming Huso ilgmcs to bo curie-lit, it would, last sinlng, have been intlnltely rheaper to niaku a rtli eel Rrant of $50,000,000 or $00,000,000 .a yav f,om llu' fodeial tieasuiy lor Sstlhii btnplit of Mr. Mltcliell's eoiisUtti- J'ifs llinn to hao had to make its rj (juluilenl In other -ways. In addition jjMoj undergoing the lucnkdowu of law ftffliijd order which took place, dining the "to USHiipie- tliu U'dgei'a llguicu to pjiit txue, It Is, however, only for aigu i'JJnbnt'b sake, Tiiey mo undoubtedly in- ,'xiiet and exaggeiated, nut the cost hpf' all this miseiable busimss, hat- iver its pic'cise dimensions, w smcK fall, ut the last, upon theuiioial pub 3U. which onemmiced ami ' nnnnrin,i gjihi-- stiiko; and tlio public, though M'JIkely to complain, will have noiodicss: KJi'oitunately tho Ameiiciui public is a Jiittient public, slow to anger nnd easily ffi&ed by Its sympathies. It sympathized jvtih tho miners and will pay tlfe price tiff Its sympathy, Whatever conmlaint wt may express Is likely to be diiected Howaul the vast number of liitermcdi- fMi'? clmiges necessary to get Its con- aiiuiution Into the pay envelope of the wWuer. That Is one of the weak points 311 our Industrial system and one of the feaHonswny striken should bo Indulged Jujspuilnfa'ly. AK.'t?or?a. has 110 Monroe dtfotrlne t r-r-jirobable thai that $i75O0,0CO Amerlcou -claim will be paid without question. ...... i.i, 'Tfie' Chle-ngo speculators' who4 endeav re'd to manipulate, tlio coin maiket uio . . . i 1 - Very much In Iho position of unmispect lug people who recklessly Investigate llio dlslllled coin pioducl of old Ken tucky 1 , Mimy inon in the American diplomat!'! "eivlce have gieatness thrust upon them but Minister Jitmdt seems to bo one of the kind who can bent up, 'John Bull us "fU Too." W" UltiH their has developed out of Iho Venezuelan ontr(iVery no tunglblc lcasou as yet to cause the United Staton to enleituln doubts nf IjiiRlund'n friendship ,and honorable deillng, the pi initial lty of her tilllaneo with aermimy In older to settle a small matter In dispute with a small powet like Vcnes'Uela cannot escape notice and naturally cm-Hch wonder. The lime was when tho Riltlsh lAon would haw scorned to have It upptar to the nations nt the ciuth tlmt ho coulJl not caie for Uiltlsh Interests without 111 st establishliiR n p.11 tncrshlp tin unpe ment wllh auother power. Tlio pieclpl taney with which his majesty's rovoiii meiil tumbled Into the aims of the kai ser und took up with tlie hitter's pro posal of ti Joint demonstiatlon against puny Venezuela the two stioiiRest poweis of Huiope combliiitiR against one of the weakest and most contempt- Iblo poweis of Iiittln-AinerUa deinon stiales either a sub-current of peilldlmis Intent legardlng the Momoo doctilne, needlnR the sttong arm of the kaiser to biacc It up, or a softening of the brain. We dismiss the foimer but see no es cape fiom the latter explanation. Evi dently John Bull's 1101 vu has not ie coveud lrom the lavages of the liocr war. Imagine how the dignity of the Unit ed States would look if, having a cluim against, let us say, Roumnnla, It should fear to press It until It could taku some othet giant power into partnership and thus, by thdr formidable joint frontage, scare the life out of the people ot Uuu- manla and, let us nNn assume, make It inconvenient for Russia to Intorfeie, If, in her Judgment, interference might become necessary to safegunid Russian Intel est. We do not believe that that would ever be tlie Ameiican way. The American people fiom the dajs of Washington down h.ne happily been taught to paddle their own canoe. Thev attend to their affairs themselves. Thev ask no 'odds uf other nations, though alwa.s glad to welcome the friendly co-operation of all nations. It is pitiable to see Gieat Btit.itu le dueed to the dimensions of a "mo too" to Germany. But it tlie Kngllsh people are satisfied witli that telatiohship wu do not see that it is up to Amei leans to complain. From Dewey's evolutions to a 1 evolu tion in the Venezuelan status is a step which the other fellows had better not ciowd him into taking. Football. CONSIDRRINO the gieat popu larity of tho Ramp and tlie enormous number of young men who engage In foot ball dming the season all over the countiy, the number of casualties and fatalities are, after all, significantly small. Iveiy foot ball accident is duly and widely chronicled, while the cdltoiial moraliz ing upon it Is without end or issue. One v.ould imagine from these ciitlcisms that foot ball was the lefliiement of physical brutality, a game in which mere animal strength and impetuosity led to nothing but bioken necks or bioken limbs. The accidents to which foot ball players aie liable aie grossly exaggerated. The aveiago foot ball player who is guided by the lules of the game, who takes the smallest pie caution to ensuie his own safety and that of h's companions, as rarely meets with a seiatch as lie Inflicts one. No one- can deny that theie aio foot ball players who seem to imagine the rougher and moie headstiong the play, the liner the spectacle; there aio otheis who think less or winning the gamo than attracting by bravado and show tlie attention or the spectator, and thoio are still other.-, who think that nothing is admiiable in play which is not characterized by main stiongth and ignorance. We believe, however, that they aie in a laige ininoilty In every malch, and the ethical code in the foot' ball Held Is high and becoming higher. Toot ball is rightly legarded as one of the most stimulating, as it ceilalnly Is one of the most strenuous, of outdoor spoils. The season In which it Is played heie- is necessarily circumscilbed to a Tew wer ks in the rail. In nngluud foot ball can be plajed practically all the ve.ir lound. Rut like base bail here, the sport there has become hugely a piofessional one. Any miiiio whirh ' becomos solelv or hugely piofessional I lap.d.y degeneiatcs Into an undlgnlllcd sciiimblo between rival teams for gate money. Pojuihu Inteicst lu tho game Itself becomes a form of dissipation, Foot ball in this countiy can never become pioressional. Tlie Feason is too shmt. It Is largely 1 unfilled to unl veistly studenti! and Is looked upon gem tally as a buineh of physical cu. lino lu the- scholastic woild. Xo one can deny that foot ball Is 11 needlessly lough game. The n.Ies of , tho g.imn need lovlslon Theie Is no le.ison why thn ".sotlutmugo" should not bo gie.itly modined, if not alto gether abolish-d. It Is uiiiiccessiuy und In lt piactlce lies nil tho danger, fbinies, above all things, should bo logical-. If It is tlio object or tho play er to got a ball acioss tho goal by kicking It, It should bo sped on its way by the feet and not by a buffalo-llko uisli of tho playei.s' heads or ti links, The Incidental danger has, of louiso, Its fuscliuitlon; but however peimls slble It i.s for tho Individual to Indulge In It, or look for Jt, the playei.s In a loot ball team havo a eoiporate ie Fpoiislblllty to tliemselvcft and their opponents of which tho Individual sportsman Is altogether free, Play which in any way outiages public sen timent loses much of Its Inlieient at tractiveness. .Some day Geimany's mailed list will make the mistake of stilklng against a stone wall and then there will be pyio technles. As a concession to (Ineral Miles and his friend, Sceietuiy Hoot asks con gress to puss the 111 my staff bill with tlio oiifoi cement clauro dated ahead so thnt it will not affect Miles. Certainly this ought to satisfy and gratify Miles' Vanity. Not every tumy olllcer Is en abled to have his whims put above Iho best Interests of the soivlee. President Roosevelt Is willing to rIrii 11 bill admitting Arlxona and New Mex ico Joined in one, but lie opposes admit ting the two scpaiutcly. If they aio nut ready to come In sepaiutely, better let them grow it while. . It will piobably appear In tlio strike commission's report that tho "scab" still has some rlRlils which tho striker Is bound to lespect. Oeinmny rxpeels this Vonesuiulan duuy to stimulate, navy building. Well, It certainly won't illscottiaRo It In the United States. Tlie "also tan" class of nuiopenn claimants' Is optn for leglstry and bus iness nt the boK otllee seems to bo brl-k. It piobably Is Just as well for tho peace of mankind that Consul Oscar Williams Is not In South America now. It could be wished that AilKona and New Mexico wetc w 01 th all the tiouble they aie making nt Washington. Life and Works of Cippiano Casfro rioni tlio New tlcr. Yoik Comincicial Advcr- PI2UIIAPS the mosL Instructive sunup ot light upon tlio piesont eilsls In Vonciu la and upon Venciuolnii af ialr in gtneial K to be found in a thoiniiRli iimloi standing of the man who is dlicotlv icsponslhle for all of Ven ezuela's tioubles. Little Ins been pub lished about tho personality of Piusldunt Castro hlnec he Hist became so conspic uous as 11 blul ot uvll omen, and tlmt little has been imtlnlv liuoneet. It is tiipiefoie, wolt to sum up tlie pilnelpnl Intiilcnts ol ills e.ueei for tho benefit of those who ma be tempted to URiud him .is an nlijei t of esteem and mpathy. Clpilimo Cawtio Is now a man of some foitv venrs of hrc. lie Is not, as has been s.jiu, a full-blooded Indian; but like most of Ills tountiymen lie has lu lilt vdns ix distinct sti iln of Indian blood with Its atavistic endowment of duplicity and ciuelly. He leeelvcil an oeellcnt ed ucation at the ITmviisltv of C.u.ie.is and then turntd his attention to fKliing in tlio tumbled w.iteis of Venezuelan jioll tlc. It must be lemcmbeicd thnt al thouch theie me nomlniillv tvo political patties in V ncruclu, tiie Conseivatlvc and tlio I.lbcial, these aie subdivided In to different factions, each headed by a keen-witted, imsciiipiilous and glued v riftrtls.in vvlio-,e ono object Is to secum at least a tempoiary giasp upon some public otlKe vvhosf iiciqtlldltes and pick ings will enable him, aftu .1 few jems. to letire with a pilv.Ue loilune The le cint iiolltleil ldstorv of Vcnrzuel.i Is simply the hisloiv ot a contest between these paitisan chiefs who scheme, plot, b.ugaln or flglit, .iccoiiliiig to the dictates or their pel "on tl intciest. Tito model 01 these men is Guzman Tllaneo, the ablest and most showy rulei tlmt Venezuela has ever hid, and one whose presidoncv in the cailv m venlies was n mat vol uf mili tary despotism diiected whollv to goiglng tho dletatot vvltli ill-gotten gold. C.ustio soon nctiulred a following, and lie acted for a time with Piisidont Ciespo as one ot the so-called "Llbctal" le.ulcis, 10 ccivlng lioni lilin vaiious olllces and gilts In means of which ho kept his own fol lowers togethei vvliile he bided his time for a coup d'etat This 0,11110 in li'ii when he headed .1 levolutlon against President Audi ado, whom he cxpolltd fiom olllic, making hhiself "piavllonuI piesident." vhleh is to s.iy tlie military ruler of tlio eountij. '1 lie lecoul ot C.is tio's two jears 111I0 j clmi lie toilstlc of tlio 111 in and of tho eountrv. Piom the outset, among his own people, he litis been decidedly unpopulai. Four distinct and different levolts ngaliist him have been organized, one bv Ileinandez. an other by Pullilo, Castio's own minister of war, another which appeals to havo been a spontaneously popular movement in tlio stale of lieimuilc'7. and llnillv tho recent 1 evolution headed bv Senoi "M.itos, whlcli is still smouldering and which nt 0110 time dtovo Oustio Hum his capital Tn his lelations with foreign poweis Cnstio has shown an uttei Indiffiieucu to international us ao and to piivute liglits. In Vn) a Now Yoik company hud seemed a concession for walking the as phalt deposits hi the stiito of Bermude. Alter the concession had been gi anted .1 I liso in tho value uf nspluill excited tlio dipldltv of Castio Ho lelt that He might havo made 11 better baigaln. Con sequent !. witlioiit a shadow of legalltv and as a puicly aibllraiv act. he annulled the coneisslon and offered It to another company at a hlgliei 111 ice. The Ameil- cans appealed to tho Hupiemo Comt oL Venezuela, vililch held tlial tlio 1'iesi dent's act was unlawlul, arid that the question was one foi tho Judicial v to de cide. Castio then thientened to expel tho Amen lean opeiatives by foico of aims and summoned tioops to cany out the tin eat, although tho Ameileans hid oc cupied thill laud for 111010 than iwoho jeais nnd though thn couilH sustained them in tin Ii- position. At this moment the Anieilemi Minister, Mi. Loomls, went lu person to I'lesident Castio and piu- tosted with l 10 utmost vehemence, ins motcst was ueelved with a sciuco 1011- reiloa f'olt'lieu ua Nlt,l1 ll nCL'r 11'' '"ansero ?lW.,iltonal piomptly given. Tho Ameiican w.usnip Scorpion steamed at onco to tho sceno of action, and lur niailiies and bluo-jack-fls mado toady to icpcl tho attack of Castio's soldiery. This piompt action caused tho dictator to hesitate, lie 1 evoked tlio older to his troops, und at last unwillingly consented 10 leave tho question to tho courts. At ids instigation, however, a campaign of Insult and Inveetlvo was In gun against Minister T.ooinK Tho press of Caiucus teemed with foul accusation J against tlio A,oHcm. lep.escntatlvo; a elides Mr. I.oomls was tn ml lu ofllcltit eatcd wltli a coldness which veiged upon actual ills coiutesy. Mr. I.oomls, at his own re quest, was piesently tiansfeued to Per sia, and our picsent minister, Mr. Hovven. took his place Meonwhllo Amei leans had been mndo tlio object of goncial per secution until at last our Consul-Genual at Baiceloim was attested, and ono of tho filendly Kngllsh consuls was assas sin tied, 'Iho illma to Castio's Inso lence was leiulud not niauv months ago wlion, lu can, lug on his opcr.itlnim against tho t evolutionist-, ho flow thn American Hag fiom 0110 of his gunboats In older to deceive tho enemy and to np pio.ich and boinlmid one of their towns This ll.igiant violation of Inteinatlonnl usigo, constituting 11 diiect Insult to tlie United Stales, led to vlguious action on tlu p.ut ot our luhiHtir. Caslio vv.ih forced under a peicmptoiy demand to apologue and to Iho a national saluto to tho Amei lean lint'. Such has been Castio's attlludo towaid (his country and towaid its citizens un til within the lust fow weeks, when, hav ing tiled In vain to bully his foieign cicd-i-toi'b and to esc.ipo tlio consequences of his own dishonesty, ho Ins put forth a whining uud dlsliigonuous appeal to Iho American Republic. A usuipcr, a con temner of law and justice, at ono moment a bully uud at another a cringing sup pliant, If thcru aio thoso who tan sen in Castio any likeness to a pull lot ami a hcio, then sutcly tiny must bo utttily Impel v Ions t' leuBon or to tho teaching ol undisputed facts ALWAYS BUSY. "35K5S3&-ifcJk-S' Lewis & Feilly HERRY CHRISTMAS SALE of Good Sense Boots, Shoes, Sllppeis and Eubbeis, on our Main Floois and in tiie nasement. 125,000 Pairs of the B&st Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers Dlicct fiom the factoiy to yoni feet. Our Stores Will Be Open Evenings Until After Christmas. that ever came to this or any other market. On account of the lequests of our thousands of customeis whom ve have served so well for fouiteen years. Men's Stoim Kin-; fiist quality . , . Bs:$3.oo Boy's Stoim King Boots, first quality 2.25 Youths' Storm King Boots, fiist quality, $1.50 and $1.75 Child's Storm King Boots, fiist quality, $1.25 and $1.50 We only advcitise what we Have, and we Have what we atlveitise. Our Stores Will Be Open Evenings Until After Christmas. yzi ". . ai ewss a ice Wholesale and Retail, 114 and 116 - - Wyoming Ave, A "Fof Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby. A "For Rent" ad. In The Tribune will be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Only One-Half Cent u Word H; D, CRANE. I ' ' f Z'V 0 n n oat 11V KfaBr REGAIN YOUR SIGHT It Is Now Time To See Ci'ane. THIS WEEK -so Walking Skirts, slot seam; full flaie; worth 6.00. On sale at ,.... TAKE ELCVATQH, Holiday Presents -AT- Hill& Connell's 121 Washington Ave. Wlicie vou will find tho best and largest nssoitmcnt ot FURNITURE KOlt Christmas Gifts a wav or wurcii auh Ladies' Desks (lu all tho woods and finishes) Ladies' Dressing Tables, Parlor Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Fancy Chairs and Rockers, Morris Chairs, OUIl r.VEIW-OlM'LAIt Leallwjocksrs TABLES of all the newest design1, InchulliiR Potior id Hi, ToDles And ev 01 v thing to be found In a Complete Piiiniliuu Stoie. H lis So Lager Manufacturers of Oil! Stock v I J S l v J I ! i ! 3 J" ! fa & ! i' 'h i ! 'I' i' i i"i"fr ! ! -J- Urewrv, t. Scranton.Pa. .. 435 o 151 . CCVCIllll a Old -Phon;, 333i. New 'Phoii-j, 2p33. The 3Mos5c Powder Koonis 1 and S Commonwealth Bldg. SCRANTON, PA. sO-o 5 MINING AND BLASTINQ Uade at MooIc an J lluslidile WorU. Laflln & Rnnd Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER l.lcitila IlJtteric, nicctric nvploders, lx ploiiln-; llljsls, safety l'nse. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. $3.98 324 Lackawanna Avenue L. ii Reynolds Bros.' HOLIDAY DISPLAY More Elaborate and More Extensive Than Ever. Calendars By Gibson, Pierce, Hurlbut, Christy, All Newest Designs. 3 For the Dens Leather Calendars, iu all colors, with embossed Indian heads make most suitable gifts for a man. Waterman's extensive Christmas assortment of Pens can be found at our establishment. Oxford Bibles in all sizes of prints; Fancy Ink Stands and the bst assortment of Novelties ever. We aie iu touch with the leading house and can furnish you with anything we run short of in due time. Our Stationery Line, tion. It is the largest and tion for quality, style and established we are living REYNOLDS BROS. Hotel '.litm'ymMiiMgAMb'rfa JL.A. A.J4. A.M-M-A.A.LM.ii.4.JLA. JKitJt.Am..M. JL 131 u ' ' ' Ii O ' t' 1 f tl3 e 3i ' i .' J' Si 1 J' i ' ' ti (J &&&&&,7&T?V?Z1XZ&&&&'J,t;VZZ&Z17-V&gZ;G:&Z7&12ZS'ZZZ&f2&1E: Berry s Tlie Trtln in a NutsKell. A Bisj; Fact in Little Type Our elaborate Holiday .1 stock is ready and was never better in our recollection. Artistic Designs in Brooches, Cuff Buttons, J . Scarf Pins, Lockets, Signet Rings and Fobs. Pearl Opera Glasses are appropriate Xmas citts. These aie only a few articles for you. V sit oir stoi-?, nni convinc yourself you buy from a Reliable J welry Store. - $ BeFpy? 423 LacKawanna Avenue. v53v59yy35w559?9'S9$Sv-i. i vivi, vt. tr. v. s t e; ej v. n t. i . f. C ft S9(ft . 8 & , a x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X s,3 a ti ti .' Si .' fc'i u ti ti ti ii ti Si ti X & The Celebrated SISOi w Always reliable. Dickson Mill & Grain Co Scrnnton nnd Olyplinnt. ti Ti MM M 4 '? M VI 'A 'a U U "A "A "A 'A 'A U "A EmmSSMSSSBSBBSBSSZ Headquarters for nrannpsrpnr v. Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. TIIE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandesnf Gas Lamp. unsfer fi Forsylli 3'2,1.:J27 PCHIl AVOIIIIO. tJHWUMMtTOfSj Lawyers The Tilbuno 111 fiiaranteo to ptlnt your paper book quicker than any oth er printing house In the city. 3." s nBiaEoni iM I R U VA Tk Q D Hftl QV a Ik? 8t iiWUfe 13 st Best s PATENT FLOOR a Prang's Exquisite line of Poster Calendars for the first time shown. as usual, needs no men- best in town. Our reputa-7 correctness has been well well up to it this year. Jsrmyn. Jt&rih A AA A A A 4k. A A A. Talk. : I THeJeweler EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Kot a thort course, nor in nsj count, cor a clicip course, but the beat education to be liad. No other education is vvortb tpcndlns time and money on. II -rou do, write (or a catalogs ot Lafayette . ' !ge Easton, Pa. nlilcb olTera thorough preparation In tha Luglncerins and Chemical rrotesiloni u well as the rei-ular Colleso couracJ. STATE NORfflAL SCHOOL. EAST STROUDSBTTRG, PA, HoKiilar State Nounal Courses nnd Special DepaitmontH of Music, lllocu. tlun, Ait. liiuulntr, HtenoKuiplij' and TMiowiltlne: stionu Collego 1'iuparu toiy Dcpaitmciit. TREE TTTTION-. IJoanllnt expcns.es JJ30 por week I'uplls admitted nt any time. Winter Tot m opens Dec. SOth. Wrlto for cata. iogue. E. Ii. KEMP, A. Itf. Principal. S0RANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL! SCRANTO.N, I'A. T J Kostei.Pres. Klnior H Lauall.Treas It J I'ostci Stunloy P. Allen, Vice I-icMdont. Seciotary Colk HENUY BELIN, JR., General .scent for tho W-rotnicg Dutrlct foi Dupont's Powder Ulnlng, DlMtlnjr, SportlDff, fmoUelcaa and th Kepauna Chcnilcal Oompuy'a HIGH EXPLOSIVES . - Safety ruse, Caps and Exploders. Room 101 Con. Dell Uulldin; .beaten. ACUl-iClES. JOIIV U. SMITH i-to , Plymouth W. UULUQV. , ...WilkeVBarro , t