The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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W, N. Brooks. ' CD. Sanderson,
The Efficient Pastor of the Tvlpp
Avenue Christian Churoh Will Sev
er His Connection with That Body
on Feb1, nnd Will Tour the Holy
Xnnd Officers Elected by Sundny
School Eoaul of Methodist Eplsco
pnl Church Other Interesting
Nowa Notes nnd Persounls.
Ituv. .1. D. Dnlmcy, who fur the iuihI
four years 1ms boon tlia cillclotit imHtlir
ot the Tripp avenue Uhrlstlun rhurch,
1ms tendered Ills reslanntlon lu tnUo
.'(Tcrt on 'Feb. 1. ' '
During Mr. Dauney's pnotornto thu
Tripp 11 venue church' hits ki'ow'ii from
a cinnll Rtriiffslliiff conijreRutloii to ii
of laiRO proportions and It N Willi sln-
b . ,Qil I-i iL:Jk Li'.y.'J
i'i; .1 u. DAUXKV.
i-t-ie M'Kiut llinl lili rolniitlou was no
lepteil. whlcli, Indeed, was only done
nfier It was loarni-d that Mr. Dabney
could noL lu ludurod to ip-coniiler his
determination to eliaiiKe the scene of
his labois.
Ho will lenvu on KelJ. T for a lour of
tin- Holy Land and on his rciuin will
visit this place ami preach once more
lu hW old pulpit, after which it l prob
able that lie will labor in the Interest.
of tlje (Christian fniversity nf Mis
souri, an inslitutloii that has deshed
his service for several years.
Durlu Mr. Ualntey's residence hero
he hud by Ills many sterling
terlsties endoatcil Miimseif to a larse
number of our townspeople his pop
uliuity, anion,' those outside of his own
congregation boimi' very tnai Ued.
Sunday School Offlceis.
At a meetlnp of the Sundny school tit the Methodist
chi neb, held last night the following
ollicers tor the Sunday school weie
elected for the-ensuing .vein. Superin
tendent, Dan Powell, assistant super
intendent, 11. '. Hubler, supeiinlendent
primary department, Marion Kliif,",
A-!slirtnnt primary deparlnieni, Mr.
AVollner: siijierintetidenr of home. Ml.-.
T. I. ICnsle;: secretary, Kilwnul An
Kwln; as-lst.inl sot-rotary, Ifemy .oil
ier, troa-uin-r, Pen-r ScIk1: llbiMii.m,
tJarlleld AukwIii; artist, Fred Wellner;
chorlsttr, Thos, So,-niod- pianist,
Iluby; assistant pianist. Klsle
Powell: oiK.inlst, Hessio Powell: pres
ident inNsioiiary society. Powell;
secretary treasmer, Ptlor felfjle; sec
retary Sunday school board, (Tarlleld
AllSW In.
The Pli-eman's Relief Association
held their nntiiil meeting at tlie bor
oiifih building last nlfrht anil heard re
ports from their several officers whiih
show the condition of the society to be
in first lass shape. The following of
ficers"' for the ensiiinsr year were eleet
.ed; President, Tliomas 1... ,Sanan
baush; vlce-pivsldent. Y. .T. Tctiven,
treasurer, Victor Hum-hell; secretary,
T'.ernaul .1. Kelly. Hoard of directors,
I.. P. "Wert, Fran It NlcUersou, .Tnmes
Maekey and Philip IlastiiiKS.
"Wanted: A jjuoil reliable boy between
14 and IB yeaies of ae to learn print
er's trade. Apply T. II. Sarlz, -04
T)rinl;ei- street.
Josepli Head Is ukuIii confined to his
home on Cluu'eh street, with a sllu'lit
attack of his former ailment,
Mr. and Mrs. Jo-vpb Solllday of
Hnwley, ale Ktit-Us of 1 loyal T.ift on
North Dlukely street.
Homo made mince meat, lu cents per
pound. Holiday week only, at 1'. I lull
IJogeil's meat maiUet,
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tnlte Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets.
All driiKRlsls refund the money If it
'falls to cure, K, A', Groves slRnature
Is on each box. inc.
Special lo tho .Scranton Tilbune.
Pittston, Di-r. IS. Inasmuch us tliero
"is an 'outbreak of small pox at Forest
City, Scranton, KliiRHtnn, Noxen and
Maltby, thu West Pittston board of
healtli lias Issued an order to the ef
fect that every person who has not been
ncclnated within the past two years
must' lw vueclnutcil within tho next
fjve'iluyti, and pinions refusing to com
ply with tho oider vll.lm held in s)rct
" The supper and bazaar which lias
peep,, conducted lu St. .Taines.' Hplscopal
church toy the past tvo hIrIHh has bec-n
fiuccpssful beyond expectutlnns, Tho
pffnlr was continued iik-iIu thh uvenliiy,
Merchuuts report u. very brisk holiday
business liere,
' Clippings fmin the Jackson, Tenn,,
Plsputch, received hero speak very
ilghly of tho work lifting done In that
city by N, D. Smith, Who Is Instulllnt,' a
, Oootl News,
It will Ijo good news to iho mothers
of small clhldren to learn that croup
can Be prevented. The first sign of
croup Is hoarseness. A clay or two be
fore tho attack tho child becomes
Jjoarse, This Is noon followed by a pe
culiar rough cough. Qlvo Chamber
lain's Copgh Remedy freely as soon as
the child' becomes hoarse, or even after
the rough cough appears, and It will
dispel all symptoms of croup. In this
way all dunger and anxiety may bo
avoided. This remedy U used by many
thousands of mothers and has never
ben known to fall. U is, lu fact, the
only remedy that can always be de
pended upon and that is pleasant and
4te to take For sale by all druggists, J
The Brooks & Sanderson Shoe Go.
T IS JUST AS EASY to obtain GOOD SHOES as the
poorer qualities. Our Shoes are the reliable kind,
and they don't cost any more than the greatly inferior
goods sold by some dealers. The styles we handle in
clude shoes for every conceivable use from the dress
occasion to the severest out-oi-door wear, and the shapes
are varied to suit the different types of feet, and to make X
each foot look its best. The most fastidious find perfect
satisfaction. i
The greatest pleasure comes from substantial gifts at
Christmas. You will be pleased at our array of CHRIST
MAS SHOES. Attractive, substantial, stylish footwear,
sure to be welcomed as Xmas Gifts, sure to be' pleasing
remembrances all winter,
It is a fact, which we are daily demonstrating to thou
sands of new customers, that nothing which can add to
shoe quality is missing in our stock. Styles, iorms, fash
ions, materials, what wears best, what kinds keep their
form best, all this we givQ for the benefit of our Customers.
FOR THE CHILDREN--With every purchase we
will give a NOVELTY AIRSHIP, the most amus
ing toy manufactured, One to a customer.
Lackawanna and Wyoming: Avenues.
Green Trading Stamps with all purchases
4-ft4t-t'-f-f-f-f-f-f-4--fhft-f-f.t-f-f-f-f-f4-f-fit-f4-f-f-H'-f-M--ff'-H-- -f-f-4-H -
Connolly & Wallace
5cranton's Shopping Center
Store Open Evenings Dntil Christmas
Everybody In a hurry. That's
the time to go to the store where
everything is good and the vari
ety the largest.
Everybody in a hurry. That's
the time mistakes are made.
Please see that the salespeople get
your name and address correct.
O One woman said: "Oh, if I could only allow $5 apiece S
S? for each of my thirty presents! But I cant, and a dollar-and- 5$
j a-half or two dollars at the most won't buy anything." And : JJ
K she wound up by saying: 4lI hate Christmas." ThatJJ
H woman i clearly wrong. Her spirit and feeling are wrong ; fc
S her mental attitude is wrong and her eyes are wrong. g
g This is the time of year when material things give way f
H to spiritual. It isn't the gift 'or what it costs that counts; it's J
J? the spirit in the gift. Being remembered is what brings joy, S
H not the extravagance of the remembrance. There are thous- S
H ands of gifts here for $1 and $2 as anybody who uses his S
K legs and his eyes can see. JJ
0m. k
K Women's
's Christmas
3 to r- A
w H AM y k K. ftfe ARk . K 3"
1 Next to New Merchants and Mechanics I
1 Bank, on Spruce Street
3 I have a fine lot of Balsam Trees to offer this Year
1 Plants
At our store, 203
Wasluugtou avenue.
Our display this
Christmas is the
best we ever had.
Poieusettia, Azalias,
Hyacinths, Cy c 1 e
man and Celestial
Peppers, all in beau
tiful shape.
I Palms, Perns,
us " Araucarias, Pan
vS dauus aud Rubber
-a Plants in great pro-
fusion. Small Palms
Se we are offeriug at
jS special bargains.
r " flH IK v r
Cut Plowers
The usual fine g;
display. g.
In fact many sfc
things at reasonable sk
prices rinesc wis- s;
tletoe we ever had
Holly Wreaths,
Roping and Wild
S ra i 1 a x. In fact
everything to decor
ate the home or
Canary Birds
and Cages, Gold g.
risu, Lriooes
i A ,
b 203 Washington Avenue. I
telephone uyHtein tliero for u comiiany;
a majority of tlie btnuhholilerH of which
reside in this vicinity. Air. Smith was
formerly ntunuKer of Uiu i'lttston
hranch of the I'eojile'a TelcpliDiie com
pany. A novel Bight was tu he seen yeHter
dny und today ut the lower eml of
town where tho Cannon Hall operations
are In progress, Tho new road has torn
up the highway to make room for a
permanent trestle. A temporary wood
en bridge, about twenty-five yards long
has been erected, (or the accommoda
tion of tho traction cars and the gen
eral public, Tho bridge Is narrow and
Is devoid of snow, l-Jvery teamster that
attempt to drive over It with a sleigh
gets stuck, and is compelled to remain
theio until an electric ear conies ulong
and gives htm n lift.
The vuiIoub public .schools in this v.
clnlty wll close, tomorrow for the
Ohrlstmun vacation
The dainty little stocks that
women arc wearing now make
lovelv Christmas eritls. Reatlv-
made they cost less than if made
at home. iiOc, 7;"c., SI. 00.
Tucked stocks.with 1nm- piwls
n that cross at the back and come
g around to fasten or lie in front,
gH are among the prettiest.
gjj All sorts of fluffy jabots in
boxes, dOc, Toe, SL and Sl.ti.",
5 made of chiffon and Libert v
If Christmas
Let us start with some spe
cial news SH Umbrellas for
$0.7."). Good, close, rolling silk,
and well made. They have han
dles of long pearl, with sterling
silver caps; also ivory and
buckhorn, trimmed with silver.
In the regular holiday collec
tion are rare things, such as
j uttivcu iNuucs wiiti mivci tic-
posit, sloel handles, inlaid with
gold, amber handles banded
with gold. And of the plainer
sorts silver aud gold in less
extravagant designs, and wood
en handles by the thousand.
Prices range from 7.1c. to SI. ".00
Here is the greatest bargain,
perhaps, we ever had in white
embroidered hemstitched hand
kerchiefs; !lc. each, or SI. 00 a
dozen ; ,10c. a half dozen for
new, fresh, perfect Handker
chiefs that usually sell for l.c.
to 2."c. each.
Not a thing wrong w'itli them
even the hem is the fine nar
row kind that everybody wants.
Don't ask us how we got
them it's enough that they're
Some men are so skilled in
the feel and look of furs as to
be able to tell almost the de
grees of latitude and longitude
in which the animal lived.
It is such skill combined with
the advantages of an enormous
business, that enter into our
furs. We sell as merchants,
and arc satisfied with a mer
chant's profit. But the skill
used in the selection of our furs
is the same quality which makes
great furriers famous.
So our furs are fine skilful
ly chosen; and the prices are
at least :!." per cent, under the
Two holiday suggestions
from the Glove Store. Wo
men's English Cape Gloves, $1, 5s
in tans, brown and reds. J(
Women's Jottvin Gloves, Jg
$L.n0. For those who want W
uiiiviiuiim ir tvjwvj u.i tuu ut.oi) M'
and yet not the highest priced.
lien's Blanket
Robes, $5
WnrHi 7 SO
- s" nr
A hundred and seventy-five CS
hardly enough for a day the v
way bath-robes have been sell- 3
ing. So come early. They J
are splendidly made warm, J
comfortable, serviceable the 52
nicest sort of gift for a man,!
They arc in checks and plaids fy
of various colors. jf
Ordinary cotton, fancy and 5?
plain lisle or silk, warm woolen 55
stockings all seem to be rac- eg
ing these days. Gifts! '0
Daintv black silk Stockings 5
with clocks, $y.."ill. White and
colored. J
Another style at $2.."50 is black W
silk with vertical bars of open- ft
work, and stripes of white ft
leaves between. 3
Somc self-clocked black silk- SS
stockings from France for $3.00' Be
to $1.00.
Plain black silk stockings, $1
to $L'.i0 a pair.
Fine black colt6n stockings
of good weight, 3 pair in a box
for $L the box, or 35c. a pair.
i Reduced Prices in the Cmt Department
25 Every garment, including short coats, long coats, fine g
II velour wraps, rain coats and ulsters, is reduced in price from ?
25 per cent, to 33 1-3 per cent, less than our regular prices, g
S It is a great opportunity for those who have not already g
ft bought, to be able to select from our magnificent stock of new
25 and stylish outer garments at these reduced prices. JS
Cloth coats, short aud loug, loose or tight fitting, are new and this season's jKl
best styles.' $10.00 numbers at $7.50. $12.00 numbers at $9,00. $20.00 ones SS
51 for $13.00 to $15.00, aud so on. Fine velour wraps formerly priced at from $25 X
to $75 are now from $18.00 to $50-00. Raiu coats aud ulsters are similarly
5tf treated the reductions are general and liberal and we expect a geat business in 5
S the cloak room from now uutil Christmas. M
52 The reduced prices are just at the right time, wheu they are most appre- 3
ft dated, we might have waited uutil Jauuary, the usual time, but decided to do it 5
M now.iu order to make the holiday business all the livelier. ft
Connolly & Wallace
123-125-127-129 Washington Ave. ... I