t--, rj.r"- vi ilJ 'sv'' y . 1 I THE SCHAiNTON T11IBTOE-MUDA1 DECEMBER 19, 1002L TJD' ) SOUTHSCRANTON short sketch of dr. albert kolb. Singerrunde Will Conduct ItB An nual Christinas Tree Exerclseo In Athletic Hall Arrangements Tlnvt Are Being Made to TJoher In the .New Year Hickory Street Presby terian Church Will Bo He-dedlcatcd Next Sunday An, Incident In a Drug Store Other Notes. t THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE, No One Can Afford To miss seeing the display of goods stiitablt for Xinas gifts at the Modern Store. " We've been planning for Christmas a long time buying new goods, loading shelves with useful articles and arranging to serve better our ever increasing patrons. below A ttlnncp through tlm HmI mivo you bonis of shopping. may .Dr. Albert Kolb, who 1ms been n res ident qf tills City nearly twenty yearn, has an enviable record, both profession ally and socially, ltccently lie was ten dered the nomination for president of thci Fourteen Friends, one of tlm lend- i. Li: f..n- e iU.. Urnilli ing social urgiiniziiuunn vl wk.- " Side, und It Is safe to predict that the organization under his leadership will become more popu'laf than ever. The 'n ' ' DR. ALBERT KOMI. doctor is Interested In collecting rare curios anil relics, and his study is dec orated with articles' from all parts ot the. world. Anions thein are elks' ant lers from the far west, a Filipino bolo. from the far east and Chinese coins and silk goods. The relic which lie prizes more than all, is a chip from the Blarney stone, which he usually carries in his inside vest pocket when attend ing n. social session. ( Ho Is aflillated with the Masons, the Knights Templars, the Elks and sev eral other organizations and resides with his estimable wife and family at 422 Cedar nvenue. Tea and Coffee Pots Made of' copper nickel-plated, terns. All the newest pat- 65c to $4.00 An Ingersoll Watch w i $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $.75 13 a Dcr.sislcnl hourlv reminder of the civer for ten oars. Alluminum Watch Chains 25c Manicure Sets hi neat leather cases. Prices $4.5o to $22.50 won't get you anything come Delay eurly. 0 Crumb Trays and Scrappers a gnt mat would piease any nouseKceper. Prices 30c to $3.00 ant. Prices 50c to $17,00 Carving Sets The kind that would make father's Xmas more pleas- nilitary Hair Brushes Prices $2.25 to $7.00 W will look after goods purchased now iiinl deliver Xmas eve, II' desired. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. The Reliable Stores. "Why journey to town for your gro ceries and Christmas goods when you can get everything you need almost at yttvr '"door. Goods and prices just a. shade better than In the city. Every thing in season. Clnlslmas toys and pfesepts a specially. Cliailes Graf, 427-29 Pittston avenue. w' A Surprise iParty. A pleasant surprise was 'lendeipiT to Edward Klos., of')'Ced(r tivenue, ,)a,st oVejiing, when Itfi'Ws.neh'ferfiiirint'oulhe! parlors of vHo'tVlljBeWt.- wftl'eU; -was ci'ovded witn'vfulends nnd members of the'CatholIc Knighta"' of St, George, an organization of which Mr. Klos had been seeietary and tieasurer since its organization. Mr. Klos declined a re-election re cently, because he leaves for Buffalo hhortly, and the meeting was called to Klve the members an opportunity to t-hOw their regard and esteem. A com mittee' of arrangements had been hard at!. work the past week, and after the Kue'sf'of the evening was seated, the assemblage was called to order by President George C Miller, in terms ofijoppVobatlon Mr. Miller spoke of the value f Mr. Klos as a member of the organization, and also as a neighbor nnd friend. 5n fcehalf of those present, he ex-prjessed-ssMs sincere sorrow and regret ove Ms- early departure from tlfeir mfSSsti'nnd In conclusion presented air. Kji with a beautiful silver-mounted .siKpklhg set of three pieces, and also a Sjsfiy meerschaum pipe and clgar ho1dei5 and last, but not least, a big pic,kage of Clark & Snover's tobacco. j$. Svlos replied in a feeling manner, niffh thanked them for the Hiibstantial evjf&lH,er1of their esteem and good will. Awr Jhpresentatlon, a social session w.w Inaugurated and a Jolly evening wig brought to a close about midnight. wj r, iSlS) Celebrate the New Year. Active preparations are being made by the various organizations of u i-oelal nature oh this side, to welcome the Ne,' Year. The Fourteen Friends will as&emble at their hendquarteis in Hests hotel purloi-s on New Years eve and at 11 o'clock sit dowi to a feast. At mid night the members will drink a silent toast to the dying year, after which they will accord a loyal welcome to 3003.;' apd tlie remainder of the night will be-'bjient In merry making, Albert, iieler, Andiew Best and John Eehinjlc Is the committee In charge' of the event. The Patriotic Order, Sons of America, are taking great interest In the New Yenr'K ball of, Camp 430 drum cm pa who will occupy Music hall on January 10, both afternoon and evening, and t hundreds of tlm members will attend. The drum corps members are out at all times ready to assist In any charitable cause, and for that reason they should be well patronised. The Hound X club, will hold Its first Now Year's reception In the club rooms nt Cedar avenue and" Alder street, on New Year's eve, and It promises to he n notable event. Supper will be served nfter the reception and at midnight the members, af$er singing farewell to the old year, will accord n hearty welcome to tlm new coiner. 119 Washington Avenue, l I Foote & Shear Go. Parlor Rockers.. FREE? & P. KItK .. .. P. ! tt CI.ttlt!tl.tt X X ft " ft' s Si ft' A" ft ft" ft" ft1 ft' ft' ft' ft ft' ft' ft ft ft ft ft a.' ft ft ft' v ft ft ft ft' v ft ft' ft ft' ft' ft i corpeis, 19s, 1119$, Dieife Window lies, ill hm. ' ft J 419 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa : VI 4 Vt "A "A "A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A 'A'A 'A 'A 'A 'A A "A A "A Vt A A A A A "A 'A A ! For this week only, we will allow each cash buyer carpets to the, amount of twenty dollars or more, Free Choice of Any Rocker That sells regularly for $3.00 and $3.50 each. Our reason for this ex traordinary offer Is simple. We are compelled to vacate the basement which runs the entire length of the building, on January 1st next, and as we will have no room to store them, previous to our removal, to our new five floor store, we must get rid of them some way. Bargains in Rockers and Pine ilorris Chairs Now on view in the basement, You can buy the finest goods in Scran ton for about half what you'd expect to pay. J. Scott Inglis, ' fifiPL&QL THE Lackawanna Dairy Cs Jg-S&Aftr 4pU fcSgg3l Scranton.Pa. QgSafr WU after supper was served the festivities wiTo kept up until midnight. Oetgher Xelchman Nuptials. Miss Amelia Teiehmau and August Clelger, two well Known residents of this side took a iiuet trip to "West Keranton "Wednesday, where they were Joined n marriage by Hoy. F, A, Pricker, of the German (.'athollo phurch. The rjoung couple on arriv ing home were warmly greeted, iind a reception In their honor was held at Hotel Houar. Slany friends gathered to wish them n happy Journey through .life, und An Old and Well-Tried Bemedy, MHS. WINSMNV'S SOOTHING 8VilUI' tor children teojhlntr. In the prescitptton of one of the best tomulu physicians nnij nurse.ln iho United Htate. und 1ms been used -sixty years with nover-faillng aue ccsu by millions of mothers for their cliil liien. During the inocots of teething its value is iuculcululile. It relieves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to tho child It rests tho mother, Pi Ice, twenty-live cents a bottle. Christmas Tree Festival. At Thuisday night's session of the Saengerrunde society a committee was appointed to arrange for tho annual Christmas tree festival, when presents aie given to the children of the mem bers. The celebration will he held on New Year's day on Athletic hull, and will begin at 6 p. in. After murchlng round the tree the little one will be given their presents. A concert will take place afterwards, and a dunco wJII follow, Tha committee of arrangements fol lows; John Schneider, Kdwaid Claus, Jacob Hess, William Gorman, Charles l'lel, Charles Oraf, Eugene Claus, Bu gene Melcholr and John Melsiner. Guthelnz, Welsser & Kiayer Will have a choice lot of poultry tor the holidays; ulbo a choice lot of meats and sausages always on hand. 618-20 Cedar avenue, and 131 Penn avenue. NUBS OF NEWS. The fuuerul of Charles Train, whose death occurred early yesterday morn ing, will take place on (Saturday after noon nt 2 o'clock from the homo of his daughter! Mrs. Mary Foster, of 131m street. Interment will be made lu the Pittston avenue cemetery. See tho choice and elaborate display of beautiful Christinas presents given free In exchange for trading stumps, at Westpfuhl's. The remains of tho late Anthony Nealon, whose death occurred last Monday, were laid at rest with Im pressive ceremony yesterday morning. The funeral took place from tho fam ily residence on Beech street, nnd ser vices were held at Bt. John's chruhc, wine a mass pf requiem wua celebrated by Itev. Father Uolund. Interment was made in the Cathedral cemetery. The remahiH of the late Hlchard Nape were despatched from Jackson, Mississippi, t 1:40 a. in. yesterday, and wll arrive in thl city some tlmo to-moirow. Tho body will be taken In chaVgo by Undertaker Miller on Its ur rlval and t Is probable the funeral will take place on Sunday, Smokers' supplies and cigars by the box; especially appropriate for Christ mas presents. Give me a call. John A. Miller, 510 Cedar avenue. Pr, Schley's I-ung Healing Italsam Is guaranteed to euro all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by all dealers. JONAS LONQ'S SONS J JONAS LONG'S SONS I JONAS LONG'S SONS I JONAS LONG'S SONS OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS. Suitable Gift-Giving Items at Astonishingly Low Prices. The Last Friday Before Christmas Will Be a Record-Breaking Bargain Day at the Big Store. OUR GREAT FRIDAY HOURLY SAIES We will not only give our usual Friday Afternoon Hourly Sales, but will add to them Morning Hour Sales, beginning at 9 o'clock sharp. What a chance for Christmas buying. Ever,y article mentioned will be sold for a less price than you can find elsewhere. Morning Sales Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at Nine Oclock 9 Oclock Sale 10, per pound AT 17c, WOMEN'S CIA1THU8. JN SHOW DEPARTMENT Mack cloth, 7 nnd 10 button Gaiters, for winter weather; a pair of gaiters not only protect you from the bad walklpg, but are comfortable. Special f j , holiday offering, from 9 to 10c. per pair I C CANDY Of course candy will have to play a part In the festivities of the holidays. Toy candy nnd fancy assorted mixtures. Special holiday offering, from 9 to 9c SALE OP HAN'DKEHCHIEFS For women: come in a variety of colored borders and plains: also Initial handkerchiefs; for a little money you may purchuse a quantity of this number. Special holiday a offering for this hour, 9 to 10 o'clock, each AT S CENTS, AN EXCELLENT BIBLE OFFEK Containing illus trations and all the helps, and a full concordance, n dictionary of Scrip ture and proper names; flexible seal back and cover. Special holidny offering from 9 to 10 o'clock only; value $1.25. Priced for sixty oc- i minutes at SALE OF CHATELAINE BAGS Extra large size; pressed frame; chamois lined; this is one of the best beaded bags we've offered for this money in a regular way: un excellent holiday gift. Special for a this hour, 9 to 10. at 9g SALE OF CHILDREN'S TOQUES Come in all wool, plain colors, blue, pink, also fancy stripes; long tassel; pure wool enters into the making of this article; to keep the little ones warm this Item Is just the thing. Sold on the Second Floor this Friday hour, between 9 and 10 o'clock, at 17c SALE OF SHOO FLY HOCKING HORSES To keep children in doors and to amuse them through long winter days. A plaything of this kind is very acceptable; will make a good Christinas Gift. Special i - offering fiom 9 to 10 o'clock, at toi, SALE OF PARCHESI BOARDS To while an ay the winter even ings, a game or two will be a good thing. Parches! Is easy to under stand nnd an interesting game. 75c. value. Special holiday of- en. i ferlng from a to 10, at 3yt- Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at Ten O'clock eAT S1.59, BOYS' ALL WOOL SUITS Double breasted, age S to 15 years; also in cluded in this lot are Norfolk Suits, nge .'! to 9 years, all made in splendid manner. Not a weak spot about them. Slake your boy happy this Christmas with a suit like these on sale today. A speclul holiday 1 CO offering from 10 to 11 Iw7 SALE OF CHILDREN'S CUPS Made from pure white metal; decoration engraved on cup by hand; inside is burnished to gold effect. Useful, ornamental and very acceptable Holiday Gifts; in fiom 10 to 11 lvt- SALE OF PICTURE FRAMES Gilt edge: brass easel; cabl- A net size; 10c. kind, from 10 to 11, at SALE OF LIEN'S GLOVES A goo,l Driving Glove; all sizes; tans, browns nnd modes: lined and unltned; single clasp button; usu- Atir ally a 75c. value. Priced at this hour, from 10 to 11, at, per pair.. ot SALE OF DRESS GOODS, IN C-YARD LENGTHS Here is tho Peerless Sale of the entire list. Choose from an assortment of all-wool serge; 38 Inches wide; old rose, grey, red, blue, castor and green, or snow llake materials in greys, browns, cardinal nnd blue, same width, or a "Venetian in brown, green, blue and oxford; come put up in 6-yard length in a fancy box. Will make a lasting present. Value ct eft regularly would be $3.54. Special holiday offering from 10 to 11 ?' v SALE OF WOMEN'S BLACK MERCERIZED SKIRTS This will bo the feature of this sale .beginning promptly at 10 o'clock, on the Second Floor. A lot of handsome Skirts, made to sell at $1.L'5, and $1.50, have 4 rufflea, deep dust ruffle, full length and width. In this same lot you'll And a number of black and white fancy stripes. What better item can you think of for a gift to a friend than a garment of this kind? f Special holiday offering "ut AT $4.29 EACH. CHILDREN'S LONG COATS The days that yon have a chance to buy a coat of this kind for the price asked for It to day are very few. The real value of this line of garments is $6.00 and $7.50, beautifully jnade. Three-uuarter Monte Carlo Long Coats, turn down collar nnd two canes, edged with satin piping. Come in blue, green, tan, castor and mixed Melton, size C to VI years old. c i jq Special holiday offeiing tinm 10 to 11 yi.zy JM gel Sale No. 3 Begins Promptly at Eleven O'clock SALE OF UMBRELLAS Rainy day friend, and desirable for holiday gift giving; 26-lnch paragon frame; fancy nnd plain han dles; crook and princess; $1.15 value. Spe cial holiday olforlng, from 11 toQQf SALE OF BOYS' KNEE PANTS, SEC OND FLOOR Made from all-wool material; taped seams; 3 to 15 years; suspender but tons on largo sizes; 60-cent vulue,nQ Special holiday offering XVC SALE OF RIBBONS At this time of year, when for the many little gifts ribbon Is so essential, this offer is very acceptable; one-inch all silk satin gros grain, pink, blue, red, seat let, green, old rose, t;r maize, lavender und yellow; 9c. value. Special holiday price , - SALE OF BLANKETS Come In grey, white and tnn, pink, blue and red borders: a good size, blanket; right In the nick pf tlmo comes cnr this sale; 75c, value. Special holiday offering, per pair " CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOKS Hundreds of titles: many now names and muny nt tho old-fashioned names that are fumlllar to us nil: good type; large pictures; fancy colored lithograph covers; or usually priced ut 12&c Special holiday offering for this hour,.., u SALE OF WOMEN'S AVALKINO SKIRTS, SECOND FLOOR-Come In black oxfords and blue Melton, lows of stitching urouiul bottom, slot seams; considered good value ut $5.00 each. Special holiday offer- 3 go ing, from 11 to 12,,,,.,,, ...., ,,...,,. uat.v rTi MisNT'tf tn'itiai. 1 rANDlvEltCHIEFS Large size: one- Inch hem: initial worked in silk on Japonettes; cambrlu Initial liand kei chief, one-half Inch hem; usually sold for 12c. This special holiday offering, noni u a is, eacn ...,...y... QC Advertisers of Facts Only Afternoon Sales Sale No. 1 Begins Promptly at Two O'clock eIN THE BASEMENT Toys and Dolls at Special Holiday Prices AT 9 CENTS Bisscll'a Llttlo Daisy Car pet Sweeper; Child's Trunk; box of Ten Pins and Balls; Bagatelle, and sot of Toy Dishes. Come here Friday ut two o'clock eharp nnd choose any of. these items at Q AT 19 CENTS You may buy aGo-Cart for dolly or you .may choose a Jointed or Kid-body Dressed Doll, or a table nnd four Chairs. For the boy a box of Tools; Child's Wash Set; Express Wagon, has four wheels; Child's Oak Rocker, nnd an easel Blackboard. Choose from any r In this lot, at this hour, for y4 AT 9S CENTS A large Dressed Doll, jointed or lefd body, light nnd dark hair, shoos nnd stockings, blue and brown eyes. You'll not only please the ilttle ones In this purchase, but please yourself by sav- no. Ing money, rlced for this hour nt voy UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN CHINA AND BRIC-A-BRAC NOVELTIES THAT WILL HAKE ATTRACTIVE AND USEFUL GIFTS FOR 10 c 10 1-2 inch high Bisque Figures, Jardinieres , fancy Cups and Saucers, China Creamers, Shaving Mugs, at a special Christ- f n mas offering lor this hour . lv FOR 25 CENTS A line China Salad Bowl; Cup, Saucer-and plate: Bohemian Glass Vas es; Mustache Cup and Saucer; have floral decorations; decorated China Cuspidors; China Shaving Mugs; decorated Cracker Jars; Jelly Holders: 7-lnch Jardinieres, come In solid glaze colors; fancy Baskets, value up to 50e. Choose from any of these items a special Christmas offer- -icr Ing for this hour '. X,L' WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR 75 CENTS , Table Lamp, a pretty lamp of red glass with shade to match; 7-plece China Sets, come nicely decorated; fancy China Salad Bowls; fancy Scrap and Work Baskets, value up to $1.39. A special Christ- ncr mas offering AT NINETY-EIGHT CENTS IS-lnch Fancy Vases; metal-mounted, gllt-llnlshed; handsome Jardin iere. 9 1-2 Inch, exceptionally line; embossed figures tend characters In wedgowood design; fine China 7-piece Salad Set; Lemonade Set ot 7 pieces: 3-plece Pudding Set, prettllv decorated: fine Bisque figures, QRr 13 1-2 inches high. A special Chr stmas offering vav, AT $1.97 A very finely decorated Rending Lamp, has dome shade.i Regulmly priced at $4.00. A ssuecial Christmas offering qV today i.y AT $7.9S and.some Dinner Sets, gold traced handles and knobs, very pretty floral decorations, full set of 100 pieces, will dine 12 persons. Reg ular price $12.00. A special Christmas offeiing today j pg Sale No. 2 Begins Promptly at Three O'clock I ibmOiL S j HI Wf n V Mr SALE OF BEDROOM ROCKERS ON THE FOURTH FLOOR Built with saddle seat and bent brace arms, has pressed carv ed backs and close spindles. Here Is a Rocker, tho like hua never sold before at this price before in this city. In our special holiday Offering for One Hour only. vaiue,( $1.35. For today, buy it at SALE OF CUSHIONS Size 18x18 inches, covered with fancy material, both sides alike, ruffled all aiound. You don't want your share of these. For One Hour 21c :98c to miss getting buy them at SALE OF SUSPENDERS A good suspender adds to it man's com fort in keeping trousers in place. This kind Is a good web, fancy assort ni pnlm-s. hns mohair and leather ends, and drawer supporters. Put . .-, -.,. ,..-.. tf rt..l - up at. In a, ' handsome box. A suitable holiday gift. Priced 22c sit.r otp WOMEN'S POCKET BOOKS It will pay you to conio early if you are interested in this item; well nude, are single and doublo frame, mounted nnd plain. Come hi Imitation fce.il, walrus and -iqc alligator. 50 o value. This holiday offering " S VLE OF WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS 20-lneli Paragon frame, guaran teed silk cover. Handles come in various styles, Sterling silver with pearl trimmings, Partridge wood, gold trimmings. Regular value $3.00. qc Special holiday offerlngat .;-j SALE OF SLIPPERS There's a comfort after a long day in a pair of easy slippers, for houso use. Men's slippers, in black ami tan vici leather, patent leather trimmings, end a Woman's flexible sole Felt Slipper, trimmed with fancy braid, all sizes, -alue bile, special holiday e offering? " SALE OF C1IALLIES Put up in 2 1-2-yard lengths, for lino waists. This is a special sale that will make a suitable and seiviceablo holiday gift. Also included in tills sole are all wool Albatross and French Flan nel. Regularly you would have to pay $1.73. This special i in holiday offering only SALE OF PICTURES ON THIRD FLOOR Size C 1-2x9 and 7x9 In., Ollt Frame, metal corners, easel back, numerous subjects. Copies from renl life and pastoral elfeets. Always a splendid Item for gift pfjn giving. !!9o value. Special holiday offering ........'i' Sale No. 3 Begins Promptly at Four O'clock SALE OF ELECTRIC SEAL SCARFS, 72c Second floor. This snlo will be a tri umph, seasonable and stylish, and at all times are splendid holiday gifts. These fuia nro made of 11 nu quality French ejectiic seal, have li long bushy talis,; usually soul at ?i.2j to Sl.,10. Special holldn'offerlng, 'tlils-j' " hour jy !72c SALE OF DRESS SUIT CASES-Second floor. SIzo 22x24 Inches, leather bundles and corners, biass lock and trimmings, well riv eted, covered with wnterproof fabric, $2.00 value. Special cn holiday offering, for this hour ,,.. SALE OF BUADLEY'S HIKER'S AND COLOATE'S PERFUMES 4 bottle assortments, so.ip and extract, anil a largo single bottle, (ft n Special holiday offeiing , "jll SALE OF BOOKS The new Alpine edition, silk' cloth binding, gilt top, assorted titles, such as Bacon's Essays, Dombey and Son, Long fellow's Poems, Don Quixote, Drumuiond's Address, Uncle Tom's q Cuhlu, Lorna Doone, Special holiday ottering, for thls-hottr , 5'1 SALE OF WOMEN'S FINE II ANDKERCIIIEFS Hemstitched, em broidered and lace, plain centers; swiss and nil linen; dainty bits of use fulness thut nuiku splendid holiday gifts. Temptingly" priced for ' this holiday offering, each.., ,,,,,, , ' "W" .SALE OF HOLIDAY NOVELTIES Wrought Iron and ebonold cau dle holders, match safes, hair pin boxes, Ink wells, pluture frames for one or two photos. special uopuay oiroring tor this l)0llr,MMmiM,Hl.llllltM'HMtltl.'HltM.,(MHM!t.t.('t'l).Ht SALE OF WOMEN'S BLACK MERCEltr.ED WAISTS Second floor. Tills garment la made from fine nierceilssed satipe material, has a. fine cluster tuck front and back, detachable collar, htrw style sleeve, cuff buttons, tfl.OO value. For this special holiday offeiing, for f.n'r (UK. llnlll - i Jk 9c MMUt Advertisers of Facts Only Jonas Long's Sons Jonas Long s Sons W 'M 2ry -' t,m AJ-. H -W StflVl ..'.