The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Takes Place Tomorrow
Tomorrow Waldrou will sell fifty head, tomorrow.
Among wh ch are some extra good Work Torses for heavy
hauling. Also a number of good Business Horses, suitable
for delivery wagons, in fact you can find all kinds at this
sale, owing to the large assortment. Every Horse must be
as represented or money will be refunded.
Sale Positive, Rain or Shine
Tomorrow, One O'Clock
Special to tho Sciantoi Ttlbunc.
Monti osc, Doe 17. Rev. II. J. Ciane,
of Unicmdale, was obliged to lem.iin In
this place Scituid.iy nnd Sunday on ac
count of the heavy snow fall, lie le--umed
his honieuanl jouiney Sunday
Mr. and Mie. liodnej .1. Stalk, of
Sfi.uiton, have been guests of lelatives
in this place the past few dnjs.
Twelve peisons united with the Pies
bj terian chuich last Sunday morning
Good News.
It will be good news to the motlieis
ot small elhldun to le mi that cioup
(an be prevented Tin Mgii ot
iioiip Is hoaiheness. A dav or two bt
loie the attack the child becomes
lioaise. Tills Is soon followed by a pe
culiar loim'h cough. Give Chainbei
lain's Cough Remedy lieolv ab soon as
the child becomes hoaise, or even after
the lough cough appeals, and it will
dispel all symptoms;' ot cioup. In this
way all d.mgti and anxiety may be
avoided. Tills leincdy is used hi many
thousands of motlieis and has never
been known to fail It Is, In iact, the
only cmed that can nlwavs lip de
pended upon and Is pleasant and
safe to take. Foi -.ale by all diuggists.
Vw vll! - (jSh 'l! r$M Sixty-two different styles to select ifj
f y$$ '"4w 'b wi from- Do vour tradiuer NOW. We Wk
f h'KAWf wiU deliver them dj -J ftfK A If
I Ji f any time you say. 3O.UU PAIR
vlllwWT'' pairs Christmas Slippers for men, f
?PP 1 WrX'1 vK&" K womeu Ws and girls from. 50c to $3.00. f
JMS Open Evenings. I
at the legulur rjuaiteily communion
set vices Eleven were leceived upon
confession of t.ilth, and one by letter.
Mis. v. . .leffpis Is still veiy ill with
no decided Impiovement.
Mr. and Mis. Not man Stevvnit have
been visiting lelatives in this place the
past lew days
Over foity dollais was realized by the
High school li mn the entoi talntnent at
Village hall last Fildav evening.
lietvveen loi ty and fifty peisons left
on the morning train Monday for
Washington, on the tcaehei.s' exclu
sion. H.ii ly Smith and Anita P. Lewis,
both of Montdale, Lackawanna county,
woie united in ni.iiiiage by Justice' M.
U. YanScoti n. Deeeinbei 1G, at this
Special to the Scianton Tiibuno.
'Piinlfli.innnr k- Dpf. Ill Aililtmin
' Caiey, who has been ill with tjphoid
lever tor a long time, is able to sit up,
I and impiaving nicely.
I Mi. and Mis. Geoige P,lillllpson re-
I tinned to theii home at Caibondale on
Monti, i, after a two week's isit witli
It lends heio.
The lunetal of the late William Evans
will take place this ntteimion at 2
o'clock, at the Piesbyteilan chinch
Jteynolds posl, Grand Army ot the Re
public, of which ho Was a member, will
have charge of the ceremonies at tho
gi live, '
Tttnlthuhnock tilbe, Improved Red
Men, Will ttl.-o nttctul the fttnernl In n
body. The Intel ment will bo miule In
Hunnyslde ccmeteiy.
Miss Mabel Lewis ami Miss tflcntior
Mctetilf rettnn today from Elmlfn Fe
male college to spend their holldny vn
calloti with their patents heie.
Mlns Mary ,1, Hunt, of Juniata coun
ty, was hero on Tuesday selling books
and stationery to the attorneys.
ICd ward W. Fvntgo, the newsdealer, Is
still laid up with a broken leg, his
brother, A. 13. Faigo, Is conducting the
The story of the bear killing tit
White's Ferry appeals to be fnke, It Is
true the boar went tluough that locnl
Ity, but so far as known, tho bear Is
alive nnd well and was not molested by
The heavy rainfall of Tuesday Is
causing tho liver to rise quite rapidly.
The Daughters of Ilebekah held their
Installation of ofllceis on Monday ev
ening at Odd Fellows' hall. The In
stallation was followed by an oyster
Then- being no bildge across the liver
at this place, and tho two fenlos being
blocked by Ice, the largo fanning pop
ulation of tho west side nto unable to
gel to town at piesent, and the holiday
ti.ule of our met chants is likely to sut
ler accordingly.
Speclnl to tho Scninton Tribune.
Plttston, Dec. 1". Fiedorli'l; Wels
catger, aged 74 yeais, died yesterday
moinlng at S 30 o'clock, at his home on
Church stieet, after a llngeting illness
of a yeai's duration, death lesultlng
f i om a cancer on the neck. Deceased
was widely known In this city, having
lived hero since ho was about S yenis
of ago. AVhen n meie lad he came to
this country with his patents from Ger
many (then Piussla), flist residing at
Ashley after nnival In this country
and thence lemovlng to Plttston. Mr.
Welscatgcr In earlier days had been a
foreman at the old Eagle shaft, Pltts
ton, and also a foreman at a, mine In
Bellngton, W. Va. He also spent six
yeais In the gold fields of California,
and later conducted a grocery store In
this cltv for twenty-seven years. Do
ceased was tho last surviving charter
member of Eaglo Hose company, of
this cltv. The following family sur
viv os: Mis. William Schmoll, of AVilkes
Baue; Mis. Hairy F. Stouch, of this
city; Miss Julia C. Weiscaiger, for sev
eral years a teacher In the public
schools, iind who lesidod with her
tathei ; Fiederlck J. Weiscaiger, whose
lesldence is unknown: and Edgar E.
Weiscaiger, of Scianton. Deceased was
also a brothel of Mis. August Hough,
of Scianton. The lunetal will take
place Thin sday at 2 p. in., In charge of
the Knights of Honor. Kev. D. W. De
Fotest will have chaige of the services
at the fainilr tesideiice.
Domlnlck Miwk.iIo, an Italian, was
held under $100 bail last evening by
'Sqiiiio Khiet, to answer the chaige of
conmiltttlng an assault on Solomon
Havaul on tho stteets of AVest Pitts
ton, Satin day night. Muzzalo used a
i.uoi on Havatd with bad eftect.
Plttston basket hall team won Its
ninth vlctoiv last evening In Kiiby's
hall by defeating a team composed of
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
for children teething, is tho piesetiptioii of
one of the best temalo phssiciuns and
mn sos In the United States, and has been
used sitv eais with nuvpt -falling suc
cess b millions of niotheis for their chil
dien Dining the piocess of teething its
value is incalculable It lelieves the child
f iota piln, cines tliaiihoea, giiping In tho
bowels, anil wind colic By giving health
to tho child It lests the niothei. Price,
twenty-five cents a bottle.
Coupon Worth. 2Be. it Presented nt
N. M. Elcko's Store,
In older to test the Tribune's great
circulation uiid Its superior advertising
nltle, vc have made airiuiBements with
N, M. Klcltc, the popular druggist, to
offer one ot his best selling medicines
nt half-price to any one who will cut
out the following coupon and piesent
It nt his store.
. This coupon entitles tho holder to one ,
. Hoc package of Dr. Howard's spccllle for .
. the cure of constitution and dyspep- .
. sin. at half-price. 25c. .
. I will refund tho money to any dls- .
. satisfied pill chaser. ,
N. M. E1CKD. .
Dr. Howntd's specific for tho euro of
constipation nnd dyspepsia Is not on
unknown lentedy. It has made tnnny
lomarkablo cures right here In Scninton
nnd so positive Is dtugglst N. M. Cleke
of Us gieat superiority In cuilng dys
pepsia, constipation, sick headache and
liver tioubles that he will, In addition
to selling It nt half price, tcfund the
money to any one whom It does not
If you cannot call at his stole, cut out
the coupon and mall It with 2! cents,
nnd a CO cent box of tho specllle will
be Ment you by mall, charges paid. Do
nojjput It off, "One today Is worth two
This Is a gieat opportunity for our
lendeis to obtain a popular remedy nt
a small in ice. Thote are sixty doses In
evety package, and unlike ordinary con
stipation nnd dyspepsia remedies, tho
dose Is decreased after tho first few
Pottsvllle and Wllkes-Burre players,
by a score of 2S-8. The next game will
be played next Monday evening, with
the St. Mary's team, of Scranton, as
tho opponents.
Henlra Griffin, of the firm of Ders
hlmer & Oriflln, fell on the ice, while
coming out of the barn at his :esl
dence, yesterday, and was badly shaken
up, so that he will be confined to his
home for a few day's.
Miss Margaret Prosscr, of South
Wales, who Is visiting friends here for
a few weeks, rendered a solo at a con
ceit held In Wyoming last evening.
Kate Polnton, aged 13 years, died yes
teiday morning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Alford, on Railroad stieet,
after an illness ot diphtheria. Funeral
at 2 p. in. Thursday.
Howaid Shannon and Marie Wright
weie united in man Inge last evening
by Rev. V. G. Heal, pastor of the West
Plttston Congtegatlonal church.
Mis. John Burke, of McAlpIne stieet,
died j esterday morning after a linger
ing illness ofthtoat trouble. Deceased
was -IS yeais of age and Is suivhed by
her husband and seven children. The
funeial will take place on Satutday af
ternoon. Intel ment will be in St.
Mat's cemetery.
The marriage of Mis. Isabelle Will
iamson, of the Noith Dnd, and Thomas
Cranston, of Mooslc, was solemnized on
December 12, 100J, by Rev. Curtis E.
Mogg, ot Wllkes-BatiP.
The botough schools will close tomor
row until January 5.
Miss Mary Graham will be at 12. 12.
Snyder's stoie until after the holidays.
The ladles of the Methodist Episcopal
chinch will conduct a sale of cakes at
the patsonnge tomorrow afternoon.
Mary, the thtee-year-old daughtei of
Mr. and Mis. Jnmes McAndrew, of
Moosic, died on Monday evening of con
Milsions. Intel ment was made In St.
Mary's cemetery yesterday afternoon.
James oy, of the West Side, was ser
iously injuied about the hips in Law
shaft on Tuesday afternoon.
"York State Folks."
At tho Lyceum last night and yester
day afternoon "Yolk Stuto Folks" was
piesenteil before two largo and much
pleased audiences. '
Tho sumo excellent company that pre
sented tho play heio a few weeks ago
was seen.
Chauncey Olcott Tonight.
Ciiuuueey Olcott will bo at the Ljccum
tonight and Friday night, piesenting his
new play, "Old Limoiick Town." Mr.
Olcott has given the piece an ciaboiute,
costly and handsome pioduction and It is
pionounced tho best Utania Mr. Olcott hus
ever, picsentcd. It is by Augustus Pitou,
Mr. Olcott's manager, and Mi. Olcott has
composed tho songs, four of them, to go
with tho play. They Include a rollicking
melody for childien, "Every Llttlo Dog
Must Havo His Day," two lovo songs,
"Tho Volco of tho Violet." and "Noieon
Muvouieen," and a ballad of "Tho Llm-
The healthy
woman need not
fear the change
which comes ns the
beginning of life's
autumn. It is the
woman who is worn
out, run clown and
a sufferer from
womanly diseases
who naturally
dreads the change
oflifc. This is the
critical period of
woman's life, and
the prevalence of
womanly diseases
makes ft the duty
of every woman
who would avoid
unnecessary suffer
inz to take especial
care of herself at this time.
The ills which vex so many women at
the change of life are entirely avoided
or cured by the use of Dr, Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It makes weak
women strong, and enables the weakest
to pass through this trying change with
the tranquility of perfect health,
I have been a very healthy woman, and this
time has becu very hard with me," writes Mrs
Maggie Morris, of Munsou fetation, Clearfield
Co,, Pa,, Box id "I am come to the time of
change of life, and I have been sick a great deal
off and on When Mrs, Hemmis moved beside
me I was slcl; in bed, and vrhen she came to see
me and we were talking over our stckneis, Mrs.
Hemmis told me to try Or. Ficrcc's Favorite
Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery.'
also ' Pelluls I got her to bring me a bottle of
each from the drug stole ana I used them.
They did me a great deal of good, and I got two
more bottles o( Favorite Prescription.' I never
saw such a wonderful cure. Before I com
menced your remedies I was good for nothing ;
was in such misery I hsrdly knew what to do
with ruvtelf. now I cau do all my work injsclf
and feci well."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are easy
ud pleasant to take.
TRiff'' V
If p"Jl
wais, I n for sales
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Bent.
vw-v-Vv-v-vrsv-w-v-vr w -..-. - - - - - -
FUJI HUNT Lritgc. new sinuic an inuu
cm Improvements; Kiessler couit.
Apply 739 Joffeison avenue.
Fort nKNT-Couitrlght House, Wilkes
Baire, Is in No. 1 order, contains 10
rooms, hits largo basement, and bam for
HO hoises. llent $150 per month. Hcmel &
Co, 30 Uennctt llulldlng, WIlkcs-Dai re.
18-For Itent Tcn-ioom houioj excellent
neighborhood; nil modern Impiove
monts, on avenue Apply to It. P. Ham
ilton, 426 Spruco Btrcot.
For Sale.
1.nn a A T 1. fl..rt, ..,nl Tillrta .Tilt
gensen (the world's most colcliuitod
maker of watches), IS. size, in lS-Kt.
hunting case. Hns a rccoid ot seven sec
onds a month. Impoi tor's ptlce, J3i0; my
pi ice, $JO0. "Youi money hack without
mgiimcnt If not satlsfactoi v. "Walter w.
Winton, Diamond Pnrlor, C07 Mears Huld
Ing. Wanted To Kent.
WANTRD-Small furnished houso.
dicss Bbx 300, city.
Booms nnd Board.
THE LINDEN, 800 Linden street, has a
ntimbr of dcsiiahlo vacancies; light
looms and choice table boaid.
PLEASANT looms with board for four
or flvo young men. Inqullo J32 Wash
ington avenue.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write tor our special mar
ket letter. Freo on application. S. M.
Hlbbaid & Co, members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, tl and 48
Broadway, New York. Established ISO I.
Long Distance 'Phono 23SS Bioad.
LOST Lady's solltalio diamond ring; in
itials ongiavecl. itcwarci lor us roiurn
to 31S Webster avenue.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at
the office ot tho Societal v of tho
Scianton Boaid of Contiol until 7.10 o'clock
Monday evening, Dec. 2J, 100-', to furnish
the Scianton School DIstilct with coal for
the balance of the piesent school year.
Tho coal Is to bo ot good ciuallty, flee
ftom dust and slate, 2,000 pounds to the
ton; no washed coal will bo accepted, Tho
coat is to be delivered only upon older
fiom the piinclfMls of the various school
buildings, said ordei being upon a print
ed foim furnished by the Board ot Con
tiol and attached to a receipt which Is to
be piosented to the principal and signed
liv him upon delivery of the coal. No coal
will be paid for unless such older and io
ceipt accompanies the hill. Blddeis will
state piico pe: ton for the different sizes
separately and for each of tho following
sub-districts. '
Fitst Distilct-Sehools No. 4, S, 9, 27,
2S, 31, 3"i, 3G, 2$ and 39.
Second Distt let Schools Nos. 2, 3, C, 7,
S, 10, 11, 15. 30 and 37.
Third District Schools Nos. 12, 13, II, 1G,
17. IS, 19. 20. 29, 31 and 32.
Foiuth-Disti let Schools Nos. 21, 22, 23,
21. 23, ti and 40.
Bids ate also invited for furnishing
wood to tho vailous schools tho same to
bo cut in mucIi sizes as may bo oideied
and dellveicd in two ton wagon-.
The sum of one hunched dolhns in cash
or cei tilled check Is to accompany each
bid for coal, and fifty dolluib each bid
for wood, which sum shall be foi felted
to tho School DIstilct In case ot lcfusal
or falluio on tho pait of the successful
bidder or bidders to enter into contiact
within ten davs after the awaidlng of
tho same. No bid will bo lead or consid
eied which falls to comply with tho teims
ot this advertisement. Tho Boaid leseives
the light to i eject any or all bids By
older of the Scianton Boaid of Contiol.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened in
the office ot the City Recoider by the
Ditector of the Department of Public
Works at .1 o'clock p m. on Monday, tho
12th day of Januaiy, lt'03, tor tho con
struction of a viaduct upon and along
AVest Lackawanna avenue, from Seventh
avenue to Ninth avenue acioss and over
tho tiaeks of tho Delaware, Lackavvantui
and Western Itallioatl Company, In ac
cordance' with plans unci specifications on
file in the Depailment of Public Woiks,
Bmeau of Englneeilng.
Each bidder shtll enclose with his pic
posal, cash or certified check, in the sum
of ono thousand ($1,000 00) dollars, as a
guaianteo to execute a contract if award
ed the same. In case tho blddei to whom
tho contract shall have been awaided, le
ftist's or omits to execute a contiact for
the woik in nccoi dance with tho
plans and specifications therefor with
in ten (10) daj's from tho date of the
awaid, tho enclosure accompanying his
pioposal shall bo foi felted to tho use of
tho City of Scianton.
Bidders ate lequested to mall their pio
posals fiom the postofflco of tho city or
town In which their main otflce is situ
ated. Blddeis will bo furnished with proposal
blanks at tho Bmeau of Englneeilng and
no otheis will bo necepted.
All proposals shall be mulled to tho Cltv
Conti oiler of tho Cltv of Scninton and
shall bo maikcd on the envelope "Pio
posal for West Lackawanna Avenue Via
duct." and must bo leceived In said office
not later than 2 JO p. m., Monday, Jau
umy, 12, 1903,
Tho city leserves tho light to teject any
or all bids,
JOHN E. ROCHE. Dliector,
Dep.ntment of Public Works.
Scninton, Pa., Dec. 1G. 1902.
eiick Ghls." The story of "Old Limer
ick Town" opens In the giounds of Neil
O'lliien's estate near tho banks of tho
River Shannon,
Incidental to tho ptogiess of the play
tho Institution of tho Monte da Pluto is
shown and holps to make one of tho
sttougest climates of tho piece.
Christmas Attraction.
Deunian Thompson and Geoigo W. liv
er's gieatest of all uual plavs, "Our New
Minister," comes ugaln to tho l.ycoum
Clitlstmns nintlueo and night. Them Is
a wotld of pathos in tho play, when, for
instance, Lem Ransom, tho lefoimed con
vict, meets his daughter on lil-i lotiun
fiom ptisou, It Is almost Impossible to ic
strulu tho teais,
A magnificent scenic production Is
show n this season. Heats on sale Tuesday
at D n. in.
Special Matinee Today.
A sensational mclodiama of western
life, by Lincoln J, Cuiter, entitled, "Tho
Flaming Auow," will again occupy tho
Academy of Music for tlneo days, com
mencing witli n special matinee today.
Tho play will soivu to Introduce tho
only Indian uctiess in tho wotld, Uo-Won-Go-Mohawk,
who claims to bo a dliect
descendant of tho loul tamily of tho onco
famous tilbo whoso nanio sho bonis, A
feature of tho ptoductiun Is tho costum
ing of tho Indians. Special nmtlucu pi Ices;
Gallery, 10c,; bilcony, 13c; lower floor,
23c; child! en, Mo, to lower floor.
The De Vonde Stock Company,
Chester DoVondo and n clover company,
11111101' tho direction of Phil Levy, will
nppear nt tho Academy ull next week.
Special Monday matinee, "Ten Ton Door."
In point of genuuil excellence tho pio
duction In which they will appear is cer
tain to pi ovo ono of the most enjoyable
seen this season, either nt high oi low
pi Ices. In fact each of tho plajs tu bo
given this week uio stiong mid the stag
ing is suio to prove a revelation to our
theater-goers. I'eisonallv, Mr. DeYondo
Is ono of tho most billliant of lomantlc
actors. In point of special featuies, thu
company Is splendidly, equipped.
Seats on sale Filduy at 9 a. m , except
Clulstmas matlneo and night, which will
I open Tuesday at 9 u, in.
No Order
Accepted (or Less
, Thiui 10 rents.
Branch WAN 1 uffisn,
Want Advertisements Will Be
Eecelved nt Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
beny stieot and Webster ave.
West Side
GEO, W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Ccdnr
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North
Main iivenuo and Mai hot
Green Eidge
son avenue.
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Gieon Rldgo
C. LORENZ, corner Washington
avenue and Minion stieet.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Must be in good condition. Scianton
Yarn Finishing Co., 023 Piescott avenue.
Help Wanted.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED A shoe salesman, for Lacka
wanna county, for n. lino of well
known mining shoes. One who is well
acquainted with the tiade and can see
them often. Address Box 34, Milford, N. J.
Co , 321 Washington avenue Apply
6 30 a. m., Thursday.
WANTED A good lellablo boy between
14 and 10 years of nge to learn piint
ers trade. Apply F. H. Swaitz, 201
Di Inker street.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED A good housekeeper; one com
petent to take entire chaige of tunning
houso. Good pay and long emplovment
to the light woman. Address, stating ex
perience and giving lefcience, also what
pay Is looked for, 1091 Tilbune office.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants eneigetlc
General Agent for this county. No
books, lnsutance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants nnd mami
facturets necessary Permanent Bond.
State age, experience, lefetcnees first let
ter. Addiess, Suite 572, No 1001 Chestnut
St . Philadelphia,
Situations Wanted.
A NURSE wants confinement aises. In
qulio this week at Y. W. C. A., .03
Washington avenue
SITUATION WANTED-A caulago palnt
er or vainlshcr of any kinds wants a
situation. 324 Couit stieet, city.
WANTED A position by a young gen
tleman as stcnogiaphei and type
writer, who has had expciienco in geneial
office woik; best of lefeience. Addiess
P. W. F this office.
Furnished Booms for Bent.
FOR RENT Fiont furnished bed looms
for gentlemen. 312 Washington avenue.
POR RENT A furnished room on second
floor fiont, $150 week. 633 Adams ave.
IN RE: Estate of William W. Van Djke,
lato of the City of Scianton, County
of Lackawanna, deceased.
Letters of admluistiatlon on the above
named estate having been grunted to the
undersigned, all peisons having claims or
demands against tho estuto will piesent
them for payment, and all persons in
debted thereto will make Immediate pay
ment to W. F. VAN DYKE.
Admlnlstrutor, Scranton, Pa.
Attorney for Estate.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tuiders' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1SG4.
Real Estate Exchange BIdg,, 120 Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
nell building.
building, Spiuco stieet, Scianton.
Pile lnsutance,
SCIILAGER k CO , 101 Connell Building,
Patent Attorneys.
O A f C IVl TC?, I" all countries
Tho only licensed and equipped pater t
solicitor in tho city. No chaige for In
foimutioii on patentability; over ten
years' expoiionci
Keploglo & Co., Mears BIdg.
Hotels and Restaurants,
THE ELK CAFE. 123 Ulld 127 FRANK
Un avenue, Rates reasonable.
P. ZIEQLER, Proprietor,
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho Eu
lopean plan. Victor Koch, 1'iopilotor.
und cess pools; no odoi ; only Impioveci
pumps used. A. n Bilges, propilutor,
Leave oideis 110 North Mala iivenuo.
or Elcko's diiig stoie, corner Aduuis and
Mulbeiry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
avo., Scranton, mfrs. of Wlo Screens
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine.
Warehouse, 130 W'nshlngrtou avenue.
bo had In Scinuton at tho news stand
, of Relsman Bios., 400 Spruco und 50.1
Linden; M. Noiton, 322 Lackawanna
ave.; I. S. Schutzcr, 211 Spruce stieet.
Only nU x Cn i Tirl.
Money to Loan.
Quick, pti night loans or Building and
Loan. At from I to 0 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-315 Connell building.
Employment Agency.
RELIABLE help can bo procured at Mis.
A. B. Stnrkoy'B Eniplo.vmcnt Office,
130 Washington avenue, rooms 2 and i.
Take elevator.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
IN Effect Juno 1, 1902.
Tinlns leavo Scranton for Now York
At 150 3 20, U0.", 7 CO and 10 10 a, in.; 12 40,
-.t.iiwu ,,ji,, u .. HUH i' UU l lilt, XiJf, l, IHJ
mill 11,10 p. m. For tsiiighanitim, Elmlui
and way stations-in 23 a. mi 1 0" p m.
lor Oswego, SvrneiiHo and lUlca1.15 and
"-- ' m,; l.iB p, m. Oswego, Syincuso
nnd Utlca tinlu tit G 22 n. m dally, except
Sunrtnv. For Montioxu-9 00 a. m.; 101
and G..0 p. in. Nicholson accommodation
-4 00 and Gil p m.
Bloomsliiug Division ror Northumber
land, at GTi nnd 10 10 a. in.; 133 and ii.11
P- m. For Plymouth, at S.10 a. m.; i 10
and om p m
Sunday Tialns For Now Yolk, 1,30, 3 20.
GO,. 10 10 n. m ; 3 10 and 3 3" p. m. For
Rimolo-lr nnd G22 a. m.; 1 B 1. 01 and
11 10 p, m. For nimlia and way stntlous
JO 2,i a. in For Blnclmmton and way sta
tions 0 00 n. m Bloomsbuig Division
Leave Scanton, 1010 n. m. and G 10 p. m.
t ' '
Lehigh Valley Baihoad.
In Effect Nov. 1G, 1902. us Leave Scianton
For Philadelphia and New Yoilc via D.
& II. It. R, at 7. II, tluough Pallor Cur
and Day Coach Ctibondilo to Now York
nml 9 47 a. in. with L. V. Coach Cnibon
clalo to Philadelphia, anil 2 IS, 4 33 (Black
Diamond Epuss), nnd 11. II p. in. Sun
days, D. &. H. R. .. 15S p m , 93S a. m.
I;or hlto Haven, Hnzleton und piincl
IMl points In the coal legions, 'via D As
II. R. R 7U, 2 IS and 133 p. m. Foi"
I unti mi.;, i ii a m
Foi Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Hnr
ilsburg nnd ptincipal Inteimediato sta
,V,.P'!: v,u D- k II- K- R- 7.41, 9 47 n. m.;
218, 4 11 (Black Diamond Expiess), 11.49 p.
m. Sundays. D. & II. R. R.. 9 3S a. m.
j and 1 68 nnd 9 17 p. m.
I ..r01' Tunkhnnnock, Towanda, Elm! in,
itliaea. Geneva and pilnclnal Intermedlnto
stations via D . L. & W. R. R.. G 33 a. m.
and 1 51 p m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Nlag
nia rails, Chicago and nil points west via
g; & II. R R . 12 01 p m ; 3 2S (Black
Diamond IXpicis). 10 11. 1141 p m. Sun
days D. & li. R r, 12 ni. 917 p m
I tr ,i mnn 1'trlor and sleeping or Lehigh
valley Pallor cais on nil tinlns between
Wllkes-Baire and New York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo nml Knonnrmlnn nH,1irr
ROLLIN JL WILBUR, Gun. Supt . 29
Cottlnnd street. New Yoik.
CHARLES S LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 2(5
Cortland otieet. New Yotk.
A. W. NONEMACITER, Dlv. Pass. Agt,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
For tickets nnd Pullman reservation ap
ply to city ticket office, 09 Public Squaro,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
In effect Nov. 10, 1U0.'.'
Stations In Now Yoik, foot Liberty
street nnd South Ferry, N. R.
Tialns leavo Scianton foi Now Yoik,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town, Mauch Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Bane and Plttston at 710 a.
m , 1 p. m , and 4pm Sundays, 7.15 a.
m and 2 10 p m Quaker City Express
leaves Scianton 7 30 a. m.. ivlth through
solid vestibule tialn with Pullman Buffet
Pallor Car for Philadelphia with onlv
ono change ot cais for Baltimoic and
Washington, D, C, and all pilnclnal
points south and west and has thiough
coach for New Yoik.
For Avoca, Plttston and Wilkes-Batre,
1 p m. and I p m. Sunday, 7.13 a. m.
and 2 10 p m.
Foi Long Blanch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
7 CO n. m. and t p. m
Foi Reading, Lebanon and Hariisbur,?
via Allentown at 7 30 a. m , 1 p." m and 4,
p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m and 2 10 p m.
For Tamnqua and Pottsvllle at 7 30 a.
m . 1 p rn. and I p m Siindiy, 7.13 a. m.
For lutes and tickets apply to agent at
W. G. J3ESSLER. Geneial Manager.
C. M. BURT, Gen Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedulo in Effect June 1G, 1902.
Tiains leave Scianton u 3s a. m, week
davs tluough vestibule tinin fiom
Wllkes-Baire. Pullman buffet pat lor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
vllle; stops at piinclpal Inteimediato stn
tlons Also connects for Stinbiity. Ilui
rlsburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Wash
ington and for Pittsbuig and tho West.
9 17 a. m.. week davs, tor Simbuiy, Ilat
rlsbmg, Phllidelphla. Baltimoic, Wash
ington nnd Pittsbuig nnd tho West.
142 p. m, week davs, (Siiudajs, 1 p.
m) for Simbuiy. Ilniiishmg, Philadel
phia, Baltimoic, Washington and Pitts
buig and tho West
3S p. m., week dis, thiniuh vestlbula
tiafn from Wilkes-n.ino, Pullman buffet
pallor car nnd coaches to Philadelphia v la
Pottsvllle, Stops at piinclpal Intermcdl-
4 ,!5 p m , week davs. for Hnzleton, Su.i
biny, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Pltt-j.
bUlB' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effi ct Nov. 1G, JJ02
Tinlns for Ciiibcindalo leave Scianton at
G44 7.0. S3S. 1013 n. ill.. ISO".. 1.12, 2 11.
!ir.i.' iVl9. -j. "" " ,jrjj u -,) '' ,n,:
'ror'nonetdalc-G II, 101.1 u m ; 2 11 and
DFor Wlll;es.Bauo-G::s. 7 11. S II. 9 17,
10 5"? n. in 12 ".I 1 I-'. 2 IS. 3 '. 4 33, (, 10,
7 t 910 10 41. 11.11 p. m
For L V i' Tt Points 7 11. 9 47 a. m,;
-MF'rl;!i'eni!svUHan,iaI,R. R. PoI,,ts-G3S.
n in in 1 12. 3 2.S and I ".3 p. Ill
For Albnnv and nil points noith-7.36 a.
m. na3BlirjnnAV TUAINR
Tor Caibondnle-SDO, 1131 a. m; 2.11,
3Fo?Wn!les!i.a,W,3Sn.m; 12 01, 103.
3 Ior Al."mv9aV,d',,.oi:,ts no, th-3 W p. 7u
F,n-ilo ne"dnle-S 50 a in i S'.2 p m.
T W BURD1CK. O. P A, Albnnv,. N.-Y.
W 'L PRYOTt. D P A.. Scianton. Par,
Eiie Bailroad Wyoming Division;.
In EU'eot Sopteinber 13, 1902
Tinlns kavo Suinton for New; "Vork,
NevVbuigh and Intel mcdlato points, ahje.
tor lliiwley and local stations nt, 7 20 a.
mro"nonesPd'aio'and White Mills at l&J
'Vtalns ni rive at Scranton at 10 3S a. mt
and 9 15 p ni. v
New York, Ontario and Western.l
.rimn table In effect Sunday, Sept. 23, 1901
Time ll'olvru ljoiIND TRAINS. ,
o i iy, .., p. in, j. or isew ioik anu 1'lilia
delphln 7.30, 1010 a, m and 12 40 and .133
p. in. For Gouldsboro At G.10 p. m. For
n-,ins SciuiHon, Cailiondale. Cudnsifl,.
Sn 7 '"... t W 1'-'" At .Cm liondale b V p-J,
Leave Lenvo An ivo
ni.ninn Cadotia. Caiboiiilulo. Sciantoti.'
t' .1 .... 50 ' 7.ri.i m. ,
No. 0 '";, jr, p pi 4 OOp m. 4 4ip m.
SUNUair lA,llN0' iA..ivo Arrlvn
Tiulns. Scianton Carbomiulo. Cadoslsr?..
k' n S30tt in 9 1011,11) 10 4)niii,
Mn n ....7-twp m.Ai,C.iiboiidalo7.fip.'m
iu. u ,. itV,a Leavo Atilva
Tinlns Cadosla. Caibonclalo. Scianton,
No 6 . ..... 6 50 " m- 7--"' m.
No 10 .... 1 30 P m. G 00 p, ni. G 47 p. m.
Tiains Nos. I on week days, and 9 on
Sundays umiect foi New Yoik city. Mid
dletowti. Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego nnd all pofnts west.
TialiiJNo. 0wlJh "Ouakoi City Ex.
presa',at Scianton via C. R R. of N. J..
roi IJhllndelphla. Atlnntlc City, Baltimore.
Washington and 'Pennsylvania stata
Pee tlme-tahlo and consult ticket agents
for connections witli other linos."
J. C. ANDERSON. O. P. A . New York.
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Scranton. Pa.
l,e.iu ,yi-. ,invu