i Vft'r' v-",'W"fxii"-"'-iit i n-i ,. J?1' tf,j"-i- 8 THE SCRAOTON TRIBUTE-TJLIUBSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1002. K- - - ""' . " . WEST JCRANTON Vlamie Grady, a Ten-Year-Old Girl, Died from Blood Poisoning Caused by an 'Injury from a Shoe. Mnmlf U raily, tin 10-ypnr-old tliiush tpr ijC Mr. and Mrn. Mlclnn'l (Irmly, of 1032 Wont Llmlon struct, died yentcrdny from lilood poisoning, ufUT four days' illnesM. The child nnfir-rrd from nn Injury on lior font, no larger tliim the head of it pin, which wiiH emmed In breaking In n new null1 of ulioes. At flrat It was supposed tho girl was mifTcrlns frurn wlint Is commonly known as a. "stono bruise." Dr. D. W. Kvunn diagnosed It as a severe case of blood polnrmlnp. Evcry thlns wns.done, but without avail, and the child died In rtreat agony. Tho funeral will take place at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, with a. short ser vice in St. Patrick's Catholic church, and Interment In the Cathedral ceme tery. Fifth Ward Primaries. To the Republican voters of the Fifth ward, city of Scranton: Notice Is here by given that the present vlgllants have met and hereby announce that a primary election for the nomination of candidates for the following offices vlll lie held at the usual polling places in council, four for register of voters, also Tuesday, December 23, 1902, from 4 to 7 p. in.: Three candidates for common council, four for register of voters, also election boards and vlgllants for the respective districts of tho ward. Candidates for the respective offices must register and pay their assessment with the secretary on or before De cember 20, 1A02. Gwilym Jones, chair man; J. D. Davies, secretary. The Tabernacle Pair. The Toadies' Aid society of the Taber nacle Congregational church, with tho assistance of the young people of the Sunday school, conducted their annual Christmas sale in the lecture room last evening. Hugh A. Jones presided at the entertainment, which was a fea ture of the occasion. The booths and tables were in charge of the following ladles: Mrs. William Deacon, Mrs. Benjamin Hughes, Mrs. James Clark, Mrs. John Redmond, Mrs. Howell G. Reese, Mrs. Evan G. Reese, Mrs. R. E. Thomas, Mrs. Rachel Powell,-Mrs. Orville Phillips. Wedding This Evening. Harry P. Decker, of North Sumner avenue,. and 3!iss Helen Thayer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thayer, will be united in marriage at S o'clock this evening at the home of tho bride-elect's parents on South Main avenue. FREE! FREE! FREE! Five stamps given nway -with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. &to&ttMMAtAA For buyers of Christmas Gifts. 53 S ' Needs for 3 the Little Tots Everything shown is of latest fashion, and made with a view to perfect comfoit and satisfac tory service. Babies' Shoes from JOc. to T.'c. the pair. Babies' Slippers fiom 2Je. to $10.00 the. pair. Babies' Short Dtesscs fiom DOc. to 510.00 each. Babies' Hand Embroidered Sacques from DOc. to jr,00 each. Babies' Hand Embroidered Shawls, from 73c. to $2.73 each. Fur Afghans for Baby Bug gles, J2.75 to Sle.OO each. a a 3 a it Stylish if Neckwear 3 For ladles. Tho most com plete nssortment in town and by far tho best values for your money. AVe show a hundred different styles of Neckwear, niudo up in Chiffon, Liberty Silks, Crepe do Chine, China Silk, Taffeta, Pcau do Sole, Lace, etc. Prices from 23c, to $3.00. Ladles' Neck Itiufs, In nil makes and styles, in Dhick, liluek and While, White, and Dlnck, etc. Prices, $10.00 to $3,00 nncli. S 3 : 3 3 Doylies, g Pillow Shams i Hureau Scarfs, Table Covers, , etc., In x-eal lace, of all the popu fj lar niuhes, 10c. to 'Si'O.oo. a I Holiday Suggestions 35 -it I OPEN EVENINGS Glob? Wapehotis?.! Ik MAX 411 1A ..I 4M-.UI 4.. '11 U ..IV lU&m v -. . . . ..... ... ... ()W1.(l1!i(f(fm(ti(f!i(!i1!i(fi $ The wedding will ho a unlet one, owing to the recent death of Mr. Decker's sister, and only the Inlmedl nto relatives will nttond. llev. lingers Israel, rector of 81. lAiku's Kplseopul church, will ofllclatc. Progressive Euchre nud Social. Tho members of Division No. 3, Ladles' Auxiliary to Division No. 20, o tho Ancient Order of lllber-nlnns, hold their annual progressive euchro party and social in Mcars' hall last' night, and the hall was illlcd with guests. Forty nine tables were occupied and the play was continued until midnight, when dancing was begun. The lady's prize, n pocketbook, was won by Miss Mary Iloban, and Thomas McNnlly won the gentleman's prize, a set of brushes. The booby prize, a box of candy, was won by Cornelius O'Boyle. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The Enlumlno club, composed of members of St. Paul's Pioneer corps, will conduct a Plng-Pong social In St. Paul's hall Christmas night. Renno's orchestra will play for them. Clinton A. Boorern, of 25 Snyder nvo nue, and Miss Sarah A. Phillips, of 80S Eynon street, were united In marriage last evening by Rev. J. S. Wrlghtnour, nt the parsonage of the First Baptist church, 914 South Main avenue. They were unattended and will reside with the bride's mother at 90S Eynon street. Attorney George Howell, of South Bromley avenue, returned home from Washington yesterday. Tho Paul demons Silk Manufac turing company have purchased eight een lots in tho Round Woods plot, and 'excavations have been commenced thereon for the erection of a large silk weaving plant. SOUTH SCRANTCXN. Mrs. Richard Nape, of Maple street, lias received a message announc ing that her husband had had both legs cut off at Jackson, Miss. Mr. Nape, who is a brother of George and Walter Nape, Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western engineers, Is well known in this vicinity where ho was born. He has been in the employ of the American Locomotive works for some time, and on Oct. 29 left for Jack son, Miss., with an engine for the Gulf and Ship Island railroad. Smokers' supplies and cigars by tho box; especially appropriate for Christ mas presents. Give me a call. John A. Miller, S10 Cedar avenue. A euchre and social will take place at St. John's hall on Friday night un der tho auspices of the married ladies of Father O'Reilly's new parish. Tho funeral of Rudolph Well, who passed away on Monday at the family resldence, 720 Willow street, tool: place at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was largely attended. Services were common sense We begin with Holiday Handkerchiefs An endless as-sortmont to choose from, at Globe Ware house special sale prices. Plain Hemstitched Handker chiefs, from fie. to $1.00 each. Embroidered Cambric: Hand kerchiefs, from 10c. to $1.00 each. Embroidered Lawn Handker chiefs from 10c. $2.00 each. Embroidered Swiss Handker chiefs, from 10c. to $2.30. Hand Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs, vui. to GOe. Fine Sheer Lawn Handker chiefs, trimmed with Duchess, Valenciennes. Melilln, Rose Point, or other Lace, nt Horn ..c. to $23.00. Silk Haiulkerchhjfs. plain, hem stitch or fancy rerslnn borders, 2ui:. to $1.00. Silk Embroidered Initial Hand kerchiefs, 23e. to $1,00. niL,7M.,lc?.' M"'"". In fancy Plaid Silks and Satins, 73c. to Fashionable Fine Jewelry Tlierr Is a romnloto Jrwulry storn lieiv. Think or tho mivIiik In cost when you buy Jewelry C with only nn ordinary dry rooiIb storn proilt added to thu cost W lu-lcc, If you don't Know what & tlm nio'tiic , ,. u,,,.,,,,!,,,, w. utoro for von. 5! Hlnc-lt Headed C'hnins, Ilnutlpss -choice, $1.51) to S3.00. ' " Handsome. (iei'inau Silver g l'urseM, J.'.OO to $10.00. Jeweled Ki'ngs, Diamonds, Itu hlea, I'ciirlH, Sapphires, Opals, ate,. In hupcrb netting!5, $:!Je. to S-'i.OO. LoeketK, in 1'laln nnd Oxidized Silver, .Solid Hold, ete., S1.0U to Jl'J.Oi). Plain and Jeweled Hat Plus. In gold, Kllver, ?!.. M to $3.00. Hoaary Ileadn nr esquUlte workmanship, $25e. to $3.00. Urooehes of every conceivable Wild, from 2Dc, to $15.00. Pearl Heads, title!; Pins, real Hliell cnmbH, etc,, L'oc. to $10,00. Military Hnishea, Hair llrushes and other brushes, DOc. to $10.00. Match S.ifen and other usetul trinkets, tOc. to $U.G0, s conducted nt the house by Nov. William A, Nordt, of the Presbyterian church nnd Intermrnt was afterward made In the Pltlstoii avenito cemetery. QuthelnB, Welsser & Krnyer Will have a choice lot of poultry for the holidays; also a choice lot of meats and sausages illwnyn on hand. G1S-20 Cedar avenue, and 437 I'cnu avenue. The Reliable Stores. Why Journey to town for your gro ceries and Christmas goods when yon can got everything you nerd almost tit your door. Goods anil prices Just a Hlimln better than In tho city. Kvcry thlng in season. Christmas toys and presents a specialty, (,'hnrlc.t Graf, 127-20 t'lttston avenue. A Pine Dlsplny. A line assortment of Christmas goods, toys and presents are oil exhibition, nlso fruits, cakes and candles to please tho little ones at Wcstphals. ir. Schley's I.ung Healing Il'ilwnn Is guaranteed to euro nil-roughs. "No cure, no pay.'1 Tor snlo by all dealers. DUNMORE. - The C. M. H. A., at their last regular session elected olllcors, for tho ensuing year. They arc president, P. t Jordan: first vice-president, Jnincs Long; second vice-president, Peter Joyce; recording secrotnry, Thomas F. Cawley; assistant recording secretary, P. jr. Mnnloy; finan cial secretary. M. D. Mnnlcy; treasurer, T. F. Roland; marshal), John Qulnn; guard, Anthony Duffy; trustees, John Qulnn nnd Peter Joyce; delegate to tho nntlonnt convention nt ITnrrlsburg, 1. W. Stanley. Win. Whcatcroft, tho Ulakoly street plumber, burned his arm and hand so voicly yesterday with oil which lie was trying to extinguish whllo nt Ills work. Daniel Ulnghnni, of Hawley, N visiting his daughter, Mrs. C. M. Potter, of Drinker street. Homo made mince meat. 10 cents per pound. Holiday week only, nt F. Hall Bogert's meat market. NORTH SCRANTON. Mis. Ann Rowland, who resides with her daughter. Mrs. Edward Neary, of G'I1 Mary street. Is confined to her homo with a broken Ics;, the result of a fall. The members of tho Christian Endeav or society of the Court street M. E. church enjoyed a sleigh ride to Dallon last evening. Master Anthony Martin, of Sumner ave nue. Is able to bo about again, after his recent Illness. GREEN RIDGE. The Woman's Home Mlsl&onnry society of Asbury M. E. church will hold a quar terly meeting: nt the parsonage this even ing. Gentlemen invited. OBITUARY. MRS. CAROLINE SMITH died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning nt her lute home, corner Philadelphia street and Providence road. She was the daughter of Phllo nifd Betsey Griffin, who weie early settlers of this valley. She Is sur vived by Mrs. Thomas Orchard, of Cnr bondnln; Sirs. Ruth Wagner, Providence road; James C. Giiffln of Towandn, Pa.: Mrs. Anna Stuart, of Dunmore, and Hattio lteed. of Providence road. Fu neral services to-morrow ut 2 o'clock from the late, residence. MRS. JENNIE WAmtEN, aged 27 years, vilfe of John Warren, died on Tuesday, at her home, Gt Archbald street, Bellevue, after a few weeks' illness. De ceased was an amiable young woman and was a devoted member of tho Embury M. V.. church, and formerly sang In tlie choh. She Is survived by her husband and one child, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lester, anil two sisters, Mrs. Wil liam Stumtn and Mrs. Thomas Urook. Tho funeral will tako placo from the house at 2 o'clock to-monow afternoon, with lervlcci in t,ho Embury jr. E. church at 2:C0 o'clock. Rev. James Ben nlnger will otllelate. Tnternienl will be made In the Wfishburn falieet cemetery. MRS. CAROLINA SMITH, aged Crt yens, died on Tuesday at lier home. 1 Phllo sheet. She was the widow of tho late r.eonaid Smith. Tho funeral will bo hold to-day at 2.30 o'clock and iiilenuent will bo made in Dunnioi-". EDWARD LAPGUL1N. aged 7 years-, died yesterday at his home G2r. Mousey avenue, 'flic funeral anouucemcnl will bo mndo later, PKTlAl McCANN, aged I!2 yeuis, died yehterday afternoon at tho Moses Tay lor hospital, after a long Illness. Tho remains were lemoved to the homo of lili Mmor. Mrs. Michael Halo, of 12t Stone avenue. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED. Master Car Builder Cnnfield to Leave D., L. & W. R. K. Dec. 31. The reblf,'uatlon ot I.. T. Canlleld, as master carliullder of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Ilnllrnnd company wns formally accepted yesteiv day by President AV. II. Ttuesdale, to take effect on December 31. It can bo authoritatively stated thnt Mr. Canlleld will be succeeded by T. S. I.loyd, the present superintendent of motive power and machinery, nnd that the positions will be consolidated, as Is done on several other roads. Mr. Canlleld will devote his time to tho Interests of the Hallway Supply company, with which ho has Identified himself, and will mako his headquar ters In New York. Under hit; supervis ion tho car department of the Lacka wanna railroad has been hroiiKlit up to an elllelency second to none In tho railroad world, and his cervices have been fully appreciated by the company. o leaves tho Lackawanna to better himself nnd devote his extensive knowl edge to wider llelds. It Is Intimated that he will Identify himself with tho Anierlcnn Car and Foundry company lilieiests nt a s-alnry of 910.000 a year. Wnldron Returns with More Horses for Tomorrow's Snle. Wnldron has arrived here nwiin with fifty fresh youns horses, anions: which aio a number of Rood matched work teams and single workers; nlso a lino lot of delivery wagon horses In fact, they aro nil sizes and colors. Kxchantrefi can be mudfl nny tlmo before the sale opens tomorrow, which takes place ut I o'clock at 'Waldron's stables. PLEASANT THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS GETTER. Mr doctor ) It act ((ntlv on tho itonncli. liver ml IkliltiBji mil t c Pleasant Uiutivv. Ttila drluk is uiaJIrm toin. ni la umnrcd fur uie i Dully u tta. It U called "l.uui'u Tvu" vt LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All dtuiml.lt or t)jn;ll yen. and Met. Uurltto pay. J.uiiu'n 1'uutlly itli-dli-tno uiuvi'tf tlin butveU t'ui'U (III) . In order to La baliby Ibis U uvicftarr. Aildrvu, Uos L'U,", In lior, ti, Y. Km Jfomanfr xervef Give Warning of Approach of.flore p Serious Trouble.- Do you experience llts of depression with restlessness, alternating with extreme irritability, bordering .upon hysteria? Aro your spirits easily alfectetl so that one minute you laugh, and tho next fall into con vulsive weeping V Do you feel something like a ball rising in your throat and threaten ing to choke you ; all the senses perverted, morbidly sensitive to light nnd sound; pain in tho ovaries, and especially between tho shoulders; sometimes loss of voico; nervous dyspepsia, and almost continually cross and snappy, with a tendency to cry at the least, provocation 'i If so, your nerves aro in a shattered condition, and you arc threat ened vitn nervous prostration! Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nine cases outof ten this is caused by some uterine disorder, and the nerves centering in and about tho organs which make you a woman influence your entire nervous system. Something must be done at once to restoro their natural condition or you will be prostrated for weeks and months perhaps, and suffer untold misery. Proof is monumental that nothing in tho world is better for this purpose than Lyriiu 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; thou sands and thousands of women have written us so. How firs. Holland, of Philadelphia, suffered among the finest physicians in the country, none of whom could help her finally cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mrs. Pinkhaji : Tor over two years I was a constant suf ferer from extreme nervousness, indigestion, and dizziness. Menstruation was irregular, had backache and a feeling of great lassitude and weak ness. I was so bad that I was not able to do my own work or go far in the street. I could not sleep nights. "I tried several splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I soon began to feel better, and was able to go out and not feel as if I would fall at every step. I continued to take tho medicino until cured. "I cannot say enough in behalf of Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine, and heartily recommend all suffering women to try it and find tho relief I did." Mits. Florence Holland, 022 S. Clifton St., Phila delphia, Pa. (Jan. (5, 1902.) Another case of severe female trouble cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after the doctors had failed. "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I was in poor health for several years. I had' female trouble and was not able to do my housework alone. I felt tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. I doctored with several doctors. They doctored me for my stomach, but did not relieve met I read in your book about your medicine, and thought I would try it. I did so, and am now cured and able to do my work alone, and feel good. I was always very poor, but now weigh one hiuidretl and fifty pounds. " I thank you for the relief I have obtained, and I hopo that every woman troubled with femulo weakness will give Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. I have recommended it to many of my friends." Mus. Muua Bowers, Millersville, Ohio. (Aug. 15, 11)01.) Will not tho volumes of letters from women made strong by I.ydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince all of tho virtues of this medicine ? How shall tho fact that it will help them be made plain ? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick, and discour aged, exhausted witli each day's work. You have some derange ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia. 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely as it has others. NEW BOND ORDINANCE. Total Amount of Proposed Issue Is Now Up to 202,000 Items That It Includes. Ill I'onmioii council tonight the new bond ordinance Is to be introduced. It contains the following Items: For bruise over Lackawanna liver from Sanderson avenue to llace street, 531,950: for lire head iiuarlcts on Mulberry stteet, $10, 000: for Phoenix host houe, $io',000; for Century hose house and po lice station, $13,000; for General Phlnney engine house and police station, $13,000; for retaining wnll adjoining bridge on West Market street, $1,000; for Ash street bridge, $C.-100; for Luzerne street culveit, $3,300; for wing wall near Car bon street bridge, $b00; for wall along river at Hlrch street, $,",S00; for Wash ington avenue bridge ucns Meadow Orook, $3,1)00; for foot bridge over Lack awanna tracks from Seventh to Mer idian streets, $3,500; for bridge on Wntcr street, $30,000; for culveit at Kim street and Prospect nveutip, $1,000; for retain ing wall nt Yard street, $1,200; for pur chase of site for yard for department of public works. $0,000; for new police sta tion in West Scruuton, $15,000. To the Republican Voters of the Tenth Word. Notice Is hereby given to the Krpub licnn voters of tho ubovo ward that the primaries for thu nomination of school controller, constablo nnd for the selec tion of a register ot voters and election Imnrd'lu each of the two (2) districts, will bo held on Thursday, January is, 1003, between tho hours of 1 and S p. in. Candidates for olllce must register nnd pay their assessment on or before December 2", 1002, to either O, P. lUilg way, First district, or R. .. Wenzel, Second district. Schrlever's Night Photographs. Mnny aio tho e.NPresslons of gratifi cation nt the accommodation ntforded by Selit lever's nrtillcully lighted pic tures mndo evenings irom 7 to a o'clock. Results aro equal to daylight portraiture. KILLED BY TRAIN. Anthony Gihoy Instantly Hurled to Death Yesterday. Anthony Clllroy, a widower, CO years old, was struck by an Inbound Dela ware and Hudson passenger train about 3,15 o'clock yesterday afternoon neur the Marvin colliery, and wus Instant ly killed. The man's head was crushed like an eggshell nnd his body was mut ilated. The remains were taken in charge by Undertaker Regan und were viewed by Coroner Saltry, who decided that an lnuuest was unnecessary, The dead man boarded with Dennis McDcrmott, of 171 Wilbur street. HfeTflBllm mib jmmmmsm, m IS THE ONLY (Continued from l'.igo 7.) other church than the Catholic claims apostolic succession, and he said that the claims of that other church aro not well founded. The speaker then took mi tho Refor mation and declared unhesitatingly that at the time of its Inception tho church was In need of reform. Xot as to her doctrines, but as to tho prac tice of lliem and as to the morals of the clergy. Admitting that these .things needed reforming, he asked what that had to do with the church ceasing to be the true chinch of Chi 1st. "If every pope," said he, "from St. Peter's succession down to Leo XIII was a scheming, grasping hypocrite, what would that have to do with the question, "Does the Catholic church teach what Christ taught?" Father Valentine declared that Mar tin Luther was led to bieuk nway lrom the old church because of wounded pride, and said that if God was the moving spirit In tho reformation he would most certainly never have se lected such an Instrument as Luther for that work. Ho characterized him as a man of lust, who had broken his double vows of chastity taken as a priest and as a member of a religious order. Tho lecture tonight will bo devoted to the doctrine of the real presence of Christ In tho holy cticharlst. Pension Granted. WrifchluKlnu, Dec. 17. All $ pciihlim lias been granted Itnuett I J. Wurdell, of .Mos cow, AMUSEMENTi Academy of Musac M. Itels, Lessee and Manager. , A J- Duffy, UiiMuuiia Manager 3 MOUTH stalling TdCnSOAY, Dl.'c IS. Matlneu Dally Stalling Thiamin Lincoln J. dutcr Presents the World's Onlv Indian Autre., GO-WAN-GO-MOHAWK 111 tlie Picturesque Western Play THE FLAMING ARROW, Genuine Indian Hi as Hand, rilieelnl Matinee pilecs ('tlltr 10c . "lenn. " ' "! Plo-v "",( : children l.'c. to lower ilonr. ' Night Prfees-13, .S, 35, fO cents ALL NUXT WKIIK. Matluco Daily Commencing Monday. CMKSTKH DK VOND1J S'l'OClC CO. In a icpertuhu of uew'piuys. STAR THEATRE ALF. O. IIKItHlNGTON. Manager. Thursday, Friday and S.iturduy, DKCKMHKH, IS, ID AND SO. "Innocent flaids" Matinee Every Day. AKi. EESSufcxinSCSIBSSSCSXI Go Idsfflittss Bazaar Open Evenings Until Christmas. G. B "The poorest wheel or a wagon usually xnaKes the most noise." A hen always cackles after lay iflgf an egg, but that doesn't guaran tee, either the size or quality of the egg-. We have quietly prepared a recep tion for our friends that will delight their hearts and gratify their sense of the beautiful. Our Christmas preparations are on an extensive scale and while we sell only s'the best of their kinds", we have also some of the lower priced goods for those who want them. If you have a wish unsatisfied, something to buy1 and can't just think what, come here for it. We will help you out . i , Sensifa?e Presents are most appreciated. THE BEST CHRISTMAS A FINE SUIT CASE lite ftM ijXia--v-' ALL GRADES TO SUIT YOUR PURSE. A Leather Suit Cue is a wel come gift to man or woman, boy or girl. S" From OFFERS YOU a splendid selection and, don't forget, city giving Green Trading AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. lteis, I.esspo mid Mnunger. A. J. Duffy, Uwsines.s Mananer TWO NIGHTS ONLV, Thuisdny, Fridny, Dec. 18 niul 10. Tho GivatcHl of nil Olcott'a Suciw-es, Mr. Ehamey Icott In Ills Now Plu., OLD L1KI TOWN Hy AiiKiihtim I'ltini, MnmiKC'i'. Ilcnr Olrott'H Ni'w Souks. Alt His lllt l'ltK'KS-,1,01), 70o, Me, i:. Scnla on ,sao. 1 KODAKS from am to 28 Dollars We hnvo others. Horn baker, 2J1 Washington Ave, fflft Open Evenings Until Christmas. PRESENT. $1.50 to $12. opportunity to make a choice this is the only store In the Stamps with SUIT CASES. 305 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SB XI TREES keep tho best, nnd the needles make line balsam nlllows. Or der enrly to securo one of these J rnio trees. LARK, Florist, sli. Ave The Dixie Theatre lllJN'nV KAItNSWOUTIl U1XIB, l,c.eo und Manager. 203 Wa News Boy's Week at tho Dixie, Dlfj Holiday Novelty. VEEK OF DECEMBER 15th. 400 Scrnnton Newsboys to sing as n special feature every night. Hr, nnd Mrs. Alfred Kelcy. Wll R. Eox. Geuero & Theel. Scott & Wilson. DVIiles & Raymond Cotton's Donkeys. Chnmbeilain. A i -S-' f V