k " i ' .'4 J- J ' if ffj-y-,Vv; v -TrTTT'' """ -r ".s- -'"" f . "' f 4-v - h. MR. In the arrangement of our banking office, we lirtvo mndo liberal provisions for the comfort nnd conven ience of our patrons. Wo Invito your Inspection. Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue and Spruce Street. SCRANTON, FA. A few KlmrcH " Title Clu.'iiiuit.v and TniHt Hlock ut n IhiirhIii If liiIIchI for at once. I. F. Megargel & Co, Bankers and Brokers, Hoiii 'piK'Hcn. Conn ell Building. Register Now For the New Term In The flardenbergh School of Miisic and Art Carter Building. f WHAT WILL YOU GIVE THE BABY? . . . A linml Unit Cap. a liunil Unit Jacket, u hand knit Ulunkct, a hand knit Afgan, a hand knit For the Little: Man or Woman Dolls, all slzpn In cloth; Klmo na.s in Kiunch erepu; Cosy H.Uh Gowns, of lamb's wool. Also a dainty lino of J.adliv' Klmon.is. Tho Baby Tender for baby. BABY BAZAAR IIS Washington Avpiiiic J DC I CIGARS For Christmas Boxes of 12, 25, 50 and 100 each. PRICE From 50c to $16.00 per box. NEVER Has such an assortment of high grade IMPORTED and CLEAR HAVANA Cigars been SHOWN IN SCRANTON as we are offering today. E. C. Dean, 414 Council Bldg. Largest distributor of fine cigars in Northeastern Penn sylvania. B Saturday Evenings Between 7 and 8 O'clock is an excellent tlmo to opi-n our livings account with THE PEOPLE'S BUNK Your money earns !! per cent, .interest fiom the dale of de posit. PERSONAL. Miss (lertrudo l.oomls of North Lincoln avenue, Is lsltlug In Now York. Miss tlcorglo Corbln, or I'ottertowu, is visiting Jlr. and .Mrs. Jlosbury, of Tenth street. V. V. Adair, genor.il secretary of the R, It. V. M. C, A., Is spending a lew du In Now York. J, S. Swisher, dlstilct passenger agent of tho New Jeisey Central railroad, Is conllued to' his home with an attack of ihcunuUlsni, Samuel J, Wlgtall. of Uloonisburg, vice pi esldent of tin) Uloomsburg and Sulli van railroad, and V, O, Wilson, chief claim agent of the LncKuwnnna rniiroiui were In the city yi'SUMuuyjeniiiui? on lo ycsUMuuyjei Inls. cat railroad utllcials. J, W, Guernsey Was never better prepared to give you rock-bottom pi Ices on pianos. m SITTINGS FOR CHRISTMAS PHO TOURAPHS MADE RY ROHHIEVER, UP TO MONDAY, DECE.MREI? 22. Every view shown this evening at new Y. M. O, A, hull was niado or col ored by tho best artists In Japan. - Heieafter Uio Title Guaranty and Tiust company will be open for busi ness on Saturday evening from 7 to t, instead of 7.30 to 8.30 as heretofore. Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women o specialty, 215 Connell butldlnjj. Hours; 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. 7 to 8.30 s. in. ' EXCEPTIONS TO THE CHARTER ARGUED YESTERDAY BEFORE THE THREE JUDGES. It Is Contended That the Title St. StanlslnUB Polish National Church Is Calculated to Deceive People and Make Them Believe It Is n Roman Catholic Church This Is Denied by tho Applicants for the Charter. Reasons They Give for Selecting It. AiRUiniiiit.s were heard yesterday by tin; three judges on exceptions to tho Incorporation of Ht. Stanislaus J'ollsh National church of Scranton. Attor ney W. J. Uunil nppenred for the char ter, nnd .Attorney V. 1'. Hoban nsulnst It. Tho latter contended that It was nu effort to establish a Catholic church tint would he freo from nil chuioh au thority, oiul to locelp people It lmd been given ihu 11111110- of Ht. Stanislaus, (i saint ciiiioiilsied by the Catholic church. To further deceive, to this had been added the words Polish National, by both of which 'terms It might be Implied that It was n ltomau Catholic church, slueo the Poles In this country usually call their Catholic church the Polish church. As tho ''uthollc religion Is the re ligion of the great majority of the peo ple of Poland, the word national as applied to this Independent church Is nlso misleading. In concluding his ar gument, Mr. Hoban said: "The found ers of this now church have stolen our saints, our doctrine, our ritual, but re ject our authority nnd our discipline.',' Patron Saint of Poland. Attorney Hand denied that the annu ls any way misleading. He said that St. Stanislaus is the patron saint of Poland and was regarded as a snlnt by the people of Unit country 200 years before lie wan canonized. Even by the Jews of Poland he Is regarded as .1 saint, and his fame in that regard is far wider than any church. He was put to death by a Polish king whom he had upbraided for his laxity of morals, and is regarded by the Poles as 11 great, good God-fearing man, who had the courage to challenge Iniquity In high places. As to the words Polish and national, the linking of them repiesented 11 re newal of 11 movement started in Poland In the sixteenth century to organize a Polish national church that would use the language of Poland In its cere monies, lie denied that the words Polish or national, individually or col lectively, would convey the Idea that it was a Koinan Catholic church. As to the doctrine of the new church, Jlr. Hand said that any person has the right to take the doctrine of any church and by either additions or omission, or both, make this the basis of a new church. The fundamentals or all Chris tian churches are largely the same. It is in discipline they differ. Father Iloudar and his associates object to the discipline of the rioinan Catholic' church. Question at Issue. Ilui ing the arguments the judges several times intimated that the only question at Issue was whether or not the name "St. Stanislaus Polish Na tional church" was calculated to de ceive any person as to the nature of the church. Father lloudnr Is the pastor of the church that is applying for a charter and the head of the Polish National church, which now has branches In Prlceburg, Duryea, Nanticoke and Ply mouth, and hns seven priests besides Father Iloudar. NEWS THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. The shoe stores of Lewis & Reilly, Always Busy, 114 and 116 Wyo ming avenue, will be open evenings until after Christmas. Graduates of tho High and Training schools, wishing to be considered In connection with the training kinder garten class to be established, will please send their names, with tho year of graduation from tho training school, to the superintendent's office by De cember 23, when a selection will bo made according to the resolution of the board of control of November 24, 1902. G. W. Phillips, Superintendent. Will be conducted by the Boys' Indus trial association, lor the benefit of Its gymnasium, on Saturday nnd Monday, December 20 and 22. Anything In old clothing, shoes, furnltme, dishes and bric-a-brac will be very acceptable. New 'phone. At Guernsey Hall, Organs, $8 and up; square pianos, $2.- and up; upright pianos, Sir.O and up. 311, 310 and 31S Washington avenue. Special cars for tonight, for trip to Japan, will leave Green Ridge at 7.4."; and returning, new Y. M. C. A. build ing at 9. in. City and School Taxes 1902. Tho above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasurer. SCHRIEVER WILL DELIVER PIP. Tl'RES RY CHRISTMAS IF SITTING IS MADE RY MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22. Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 17 AND CONTlNl'INa I'NTJL Thursday, Dec. 25 IE Hi PRE8EN To all Put chasers or Teas Coffees, Spices), Halting Powdor and Extracts, a luib'o monthly COSIIC PAD CALENDAR hundsotnely lithographed In many colors; bizo 10x11. Don't miss them, only a lim ited number THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Go,, ill Lai liu wunra avenue, ;l:U Noitli Main avenue. 'Phono "i-'i. I'rompt Delivery. New 'Phone l?l. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNJ3-THURSDAY, 48k I ( SGS3 Carter Building, NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED. Robert Peck New Master of Peter Williamson Lodge. The lecently elected ofllccrs of Peter Williamson lodge, No. 323, Free und Ac cepted Masons, were Inst night Installed KOUIOHT PKCK. In Ma.sonlo hull by District Deputy Grand Master Thomas F. Wells, assist ed by Past Masters E. P. Kingsbury, T. F. Penman. Isadore Goodman and Charles S. Seamans. fVUa nfllonril Instilllpil Wei'C aS fOllOWS". Worshipful master, Robert Peck; senior warden, Ernest I. Paine; junior warden. A. E. Lister; secretary, C. L. Van Bus kirk; tieasurer, Thomas E. Lydden. After the installation ceremonies the members present retired to the banquet hall where an laborate repast was served. Former Recorder James Moir presided, and addresses were made by Rev. Dr. Robert F. Y. Pierce, City So licitor (J. M. AVatson and others. ONE DOZEN LISTS. There Are Three Days Left of the Junior Educational Contest. There were a dozen lists of words lecelvcd yesterday In The Tribune's Ed ucational contest from the following girls and boys: Raymond Connell, 3 Council avenue, Carbondale. I.illle Wright, Olyphant, Pa. Elizabeth Woodworth, 170:. Wyoming avenue. Ada r. Hobbs, 1G17 Penn avenue. Edith Loveland, Moscow, Pa. Gladys Edwards, 9 Eastern avenue, Carbondale. 1 Louisa Nyhart, Olyphant, Pa. Joseph Kramer, 'J2.- Prospect avenue. Gladys Connell. 1129 Vine street. Llzzlo Davis, 214 Ferdinand street. Edna Evans, 4 Wayne street, Carbon dale. Rertha O'Connell, 340 Mltllluavenue. There nre but three days left, the Junior Educational contest closing at ." p. 111. on Saturday. Your Organ or Old Piano Will help you buy a new piano for Christmas, if purchased at Guernsey hall. J. W. Guernsey, proprietor. Every view shown this evening ut new Y. M. C. A. hall was made or col ored by the best artists in Japan. PHOTOGKAPHS FOU CHRISTMAS nRT.lVEHY MADE BY SCHRIEVErt UP TO MONDAY EVENING, DECEM BER 22. AT MODERATE PRICES. Sunshine Kisses, 28c. per lb. Glass Jars,, 75c. each. Chocolate, 20c. per lb. 30 varieties Maillards Con fections, 35c. lb.; 5 lbs. 31.50; value, 50. per lb. We also offer the finest Can dies made by Maillard and Whitman at 50c, .about one half New York prlcee. HUYLER'S SATIN BOXES H beautifully decorated, S3 to S10 I Hand painted holly boxes, 50c. to $5. cantty in uoxes ror tne "Christmas Stocking," 5c to 25c 1 I California Navel Oranges 35c to 00c per doz. FLORIDA ORANGES 35c to GOc per doz. S5 per box. GRAPE ERUIT ' 8c, 10c, 12c. FANCY GROCERIES Finest English Plum Pud ding, O, & D. Mince Meat, Spiced Preserved Fruits, Bar le due. SELECTED PINEAPPLE, Edam, Roquefort, American Sage and English Dairy Cheese. Finest Imported Swiss and Camembort. Hundreds of families use our Special Java and Mocha Cof fee at 25c; 5 lbs., 81.00, Com pare it with any 'Tea Store" 35c Coffee. E. G. Coursen, We Wholesale or Retail. mmmmmmmnmimmmmm i f lllM'Jllllrtl i OP A PIANOFORTE SCHOLARSHIP In the Conservatory would be a present worth having. Full particulars at the Conservatory office 604 Linden St. ADAMS WAS RE-ARRESTED. Made a Statement on Stand Which Led to Another Charge. C. L. Adams was yesterday acquitted in court mi one charge but was imme diately rc-urrcslcd and committed to Jail 011 another charge growing out of an admission which lie made while on the stand. ' Adams was employed at tho Pancoast mine ut Throop during the strike as a cook and sold beer to the men working about the place. He obtained a quan tity of beer from John McAullffc, who represents the Hallantlne Urewlng com pany,- and according to the hitter's claim alleged when he obtained it that the Dickson Store company would be come liable for payment In case ho failed to pay. He was arrested on ti charge of obtaining goods tinder false pretenses and was acquitted yesterday morning by a jury which placed the costs on him. Adams had admitted on the stand that he sold beer to tho men employed about the mine and that he had no li cense for so doing. District Attorney Lewis ordered that ho bo arrested for selling Intoxicants without n license and he was arraigned before Alderman Knssan, who committed him to the county Jail In default of $:.00 ball. jv Thniiffht m llE,VEgath- II B ,l,UUSIIIi H VI ered up Hi fill i f 11 III everything IKumbrellas Jr thatistbead- II UllllSk. J&W mirec or desired HI ill sHlf Christmas Gifts, If Ullll hundreds of them I El all the new styles in Natural Wood and I j III Sterling Mounted Handles. I ii Special value in a fine all silk Umbrella, . J Ii 26 In. steel frame, steel rod, very sightly; l BBbIMmiUIJJ,TOgJ THE PRENDERGAST STORE. Oays Then The Beauties Of This Store Are Emphasized as the Eventful Day Draws Closer The enthusiasm of the Christmas shoppers as they see the feast of pretty and useful presents that we have prepared is unbounded. Hut of course vc would have just what you would want that is a way we have at the l'KENDKRGAST-' STORE. We have catered carefully lo your wants year after year and this season finds us a little heller prepared lhau ever before Unit's why the shoppers drift so naturally into this store the first, thing. That Is We Are so Why JUit keep coming; we promise you something new each day some new and pretty gift thai will help you in solving that perplexing question. EXTRA CLERKS EXTRA FACILITIES for de livery. Everything to make your visits pleasurenble and profitable. , , OPEN EVUNINCS TIU. CHRISTMAS R. E. Prendepgast Scranton's Stationery Store, 207 Washington flue., Scranton, Pa, DFX'EMBER 18, 1002. IS THE ONLY TRUE CHURCH SO SAID FATHER VALENTINE OF CATHOLIC CHURCH. In a Lecture Addressed to Non-Catholics Last Night, Ho Asserted That It Is tho Only 'Church Which Can Lay a Reasonnblo Claim to Be tho Successor of That Church Which Christ Founded The Reformation Was Needed, He Declared Tho Church Was Filled. Rev. Father Valentino, C. P.. who Is conducting n. mission to non-Catholics this week nt SI. Peter's cathedral, de livered the third lecture of his course last night, taking for his topic, "Lend, Kindly Light; or, Christianity and the Church." The congregation, very large ly made up of non-Catholics, almost completely lllled the church. Father Valentine devoted about an hour prior to the lecture to the answer ing of questions dropped In the ques tion box nt the door. Some of these dealt with the basic doctrines of nil Christianity, but tho majority were In reference to the particular doctrines of the Catholic chinch. The main thought running through tho lecture was that tho Christian ic llglon Is tho only true religion, nnd that the Roman Catholic church Is tho only church In which the real truths of that religion are to be found, It was based on the familiar text beginning, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my church and tho gates of hell shall not prevail against It." The speaker asserted that only one (Continued on Pago 8.) DECEHBER 6 riore Shopping Days mTwt f s ' f - - ' T8lT920 22 2324 Christmas H t IHLM Busy CEYLON TEA GREEN or BLACK Is the choicest that can be purchased. It is pure, carefully and cleanly pre pared, and the most economical of all teas. You can convince yourself by trying it. Won't you investigate? You will be the gainer. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR II Ilk w& Ceylon ami Iniliu Tea. REFRESHING. DELICIOUS Sold only In I. cud Puckcti. 50c. 60c, and 70c, Per Lb, ;ii 11 1 1 1 Nothing is more desirnble than nn Umbrella. We have just received the most magnificent line of Umbrel la Handles ever received in Scranton. Nothing later, nothing elsewhere. Our prices are dollars below others. II SCRANTON m itc co. 313 Spruce Street. M. SILVERMAN, Pinp. IWfl 1 M$ fisM ffl?5 r $5 fr-fl 1 ktil ST 1 As a Xmas Gift tun ZriifuaBrtiirraa6K!rnn'aci'nii'a!f'atPaz'nrrn'a.irnnl'ntflia fX0tl"; JuiciatnftflXPtpvAyiu3UtftLflxajfftijrtiiJuxf5iii IS Merch S s a sS IS Are you tired of the patterns of cloth so common in garment seen on the street? We have the other kind Exclusive patterns. They await your order. 213 Wyoming Ave. fyty$$k$?k$&&$$?&'lrh&4l'- h k$iiy)thh-h'&hk'k Practical 4 Crayenetto Storm Suit Cases, Eags, House (Joats,UatL Eobes, Neckwear, Shirt Protectors, j lores, Hosiery, Suspenders and Umbrellas. A very handsome assortment of J the above at popular prices at 4i j i 412 Spruce Street, OPEN i. y V i 4f i 4f t I u m t Established H o JLo It Is often a source of groat satisfaction to purchasers to bo able to make their own selection of skins for garmonts. We are now In the oxGlustve fur business, and prepared to show you a large lino cf the fol lowing high-grade furs ; ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BBOADTAIL ERMINE BUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLU MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX , BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lacjmanna Avenue. IT . 'if..'!Wi. -api- i 9jr y nP m 1 BE UP-TO-DATE 5 By having your uoreea ! f shod with a'good ';' ft - ! : Removable Calk : .5. .t. We have both the I NEVERSLIPund WILLIAMS CALKS J : iittenbender & 6 : 126-128 Frauklin Ave. X 1 "i Buy your Shoes, Rubbers nnd Slippers at NETTLETON'S and get a key to tho Red Box which contains S20.00. Tho right hey gets the H .$20.00, He Gives Trading Stamps I 134 Washington Ave. Opposite Connell Building. A y!?mjMmwm3mmvmtfmE&u e Composition' Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. ! WHf? ant Tailoring p W. J. DAVIS. Conts, M.acKiJitoslies, - sssss330 300 Ltick'a Avenue. PVEMMiS. 1' 1 ' f " " " -Tf Hlsh-Clpss Pur3 ll BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN ISABELLA fJTOX SABLE FO"X WHITE FOX -- i-ss," BLUE POX BLAOK TOX BEAR ' Cash Paid for Raw Fur3, nn ii i ffhffftt Muvm? M Crame w l el II .ti stl I ! - ? a3.t,3 -"-i 5- &$-? jP -t!&4 4.ft. WU 'fWlj Ji.jui-,llf.