v-. r -s8ISpj?(! mw w;f .f-vr ittf THE SCUANTON TltlBCTNB-THLTlSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1902. yr inir' -v. l'ubllihod Dnlly.jWcopt Sunday, by Th Tribune ' rubltftlitng ComiMnj-.ftt Fifty Cent n Month. IVV.FVfMWtAim to?. vjcflj. 6 I I w h i M I . .V. "-t ICniTOB, Jlt'itlKM-KiMAQnn. ' J , Entered (it tb Postofllc t Bcrantoiw.at Second , ' Claiu Mall Mutter. , When apnea will permit, Tim Tribune I Alnnjri Rind to print ahort letter from Its jfrlendi benrlng on currant toplcn, but Hi .rule li (Imt thpie inuit be nljrnecl for iiub Mention, broths writer! rent nnmel nnl the condition tirncrdcnt to ncootitnnen li thnt nil contributions nlinll be mbjoct to eilltorlnl revision. THE FLAT KATE FOIl ADVEItTlSINO. Tho following table thotrs thaprlcopor Inch each Insertion,' epaco io lio used within one yean , . .1 ,r t "---- DISPUAY Lean than" Ml Indies . M Indies , , loo " 3to " BOB ".,... 1000 " .... i nun of M'!jl;,e i run 1,a'lgr Heading! P0"""" .SI) ..')- .Ml .40 .44 .H .50 .11 .30 .20 I .SJ ! .21 .1(1 .176 , .10 For cards of thanks, reaoltitlotii of condolence, and similar contributions In tlin nature of mU-ertlMng, luo Tribune makon a cbarRO off, cents n line. TWELVE PAGES. SCtlANTON, DKC'NMHKU IS. 100J. Judge I'cniiyinu'Ucr'p llrst appoint tuent Ik u smi'tirlsu to everybody anil Indicates that ho lit Kolng to rim Iilnt Rolf. No bonder the wiseacres uvtt al ready predicting fireworks pic the robins nest again. The Coal Hearing to Date. THE CASIO In chief. ir the initio workers as presented before the strike commission makes clear that the groundwork of jrriovuiico has been the want of crm lldenee between the men and the Im mediate representatives of the compan ies, the mine foremen or bosses. The tes timony, simmered down, resolves itself Into just that. Conditions ot mining in tho anthracite fields have been such that It has been largely within the power of the mine foreman to regulate tho earnings of the mine worker, and it Is evident that In many etises he has done this by prejudice or favoritism. It Is not easy to see how such a condition of affairs can be overcome. The only solution which will be permanently ef fectual will' be the employment by the companies of it higher grade of fore men on tile average, if they can get them: men of broader sympathies and better executive and administrative qualities in addition to technical fit ness. Tho companies can make some headway.;li; .this dlrectloiMiy Increasing the pay of tho foremen who show the best results, not alone In reducing the cost of production per ton, but equally in cultivating fair and harmonious re lations with lite workers under them. In regard to the latter point, the advisa bility of establishing from company headquarters a better Intelligence serv ice for the purpose of discovering what is going on in the mines is worthy of cnnsMeration. There is reason to be lieve that much of the information which has reached the oITlcials at the top concerning the actual status of things at the bottom lias been to some C'tenl misinformation colored In tran sit. ' ' From tho minors standpoint it is ap parent that a union is a necessity to safeguard against unjust discrimina tion, and we think this has by this time become ilsotlie public standpoint. It ought also to bo the companies' stand point, -though, neither public nor com panies ar;evyel satislled that a union so nig ami monopolistic as tne one over which Sir. Mitchell presides Is neces sary for the protection of the mine workers on advantageous to the public. That the miners have established their contention -before the- public that they liavo been ground down and underpaid in the matter of wages will not, we thnk, bo the general opnlon of those who have followed the testimony in detail, assuming that the statistics of the com panies stand examination. It undoubt edly was at one time the prevailing public opinion and that It was is duo diiectly to the inexplicable mlsjudg ment of the chiefs of the big coal companies in not taking the Am erican people Into their confidence and putting them in possession of the exact facta. Wages should be higher in the mines than they are, and may be higher when the commission gets through with its award. They might also be more fairly distributed; that is, without in tentional favoritism ns between equally efllclent lvitners and -with a more uni form apportionment of work. Hut the stigma which yellow journalism and yellow labor oratory lias sought to fas ten upon the anthracite coal fields as ti place to be compared for Injustice and poverty with the convict mines of Si beria, is removed by the offerings of the plaintiffs themselves, a very Import ant good result or the appointment of the presenfeninmlssidn. While In the presentation of the min ors' case one or two blows weie struck below the belt, upon the whole an iid ittlrablo temper has characterized the ijjhintlfr principals and attorneys. In tlje- hearings to come It HJioped ami expected that an cquallylimja'lile t-pii'lt' WjlU prevail. Indeed, tW opening ad Uess of Counsel Wolverlon for the op. ecatovsftlsm till' vein. It la fcalty with hcutlfyjtyv aul pregnant with facts, but it is not' unkind. To this mutual re straint during the tilting of matters which nilgai; easily rekindle ;th0 (lames t uyrrilifg, the pQupleKot t'iio coal flMds rintl the country will larcolv l.n Indebted. fWt'jiu nWvigJltening pros, peet of U'sottlomont likely really to Atfnu up In traniiulllty,!. fifteen years of age to work nt slnndk Ing labor nil night for a paltry few pennies rt day. .And If there were Bitch necessity from the employer's stand point, It were better thn't he go out of business or seek other avenues ot en terprise than that the young woman hood of our community, should bo prematurely sacrificed, The custom of the Hindi) mother, who commits her excess ot babies to the Ganges, Is merciful compared with the sending ot American little ones by Amcrlcnti pnr ents Into the slow torture of night toll. Instances such as' were brought to tho notice of the strike commission are, wo believe, exceptional nnd Infrequent, but nevertheless the commonwealth ought to see to It that they shall dls appear entirely. An employer ought not to bo tempted, nop a parent permitted, to send young girls Into siich slavery. A sweeping law with ample machinery of enforcement is called for by everv consldetatluti ot humanity and It can not be passed loo soon. Festive Christmas Mr. Hiior would as soon give the Inde pendent coal operators the benefit of his opinions ns anyone else. r Why Not Bo Frank? 1?S u remarkable fact that when labor leaders like President tioiu pets got on the witness stund to testify concerning the methods of organized labor "they Invariably deplore and condemn violence, boycotting and the like, yet tliete is not on lecoril, so far as wo know, 'a single Instance of effective step being taken by tlioni to stop such abuses or effectively disci pline the men who commit them. We had an Illustration In boycotts right hero In Scrunton during the liidl convention of the American Federation of Iabor, which possibly President Compels may retail. A boycott was put upon tho products of a certain well-known factory In Dayton, O., against the protest nnd vote of tho delegate repiesenting tho largest num ber of Its employes. In vain did tills delegate plead that the boycott would be unjust to the company and unfair to the company's employes. Ho was out- shouted and outvoted and we had at tho time no knowledge that Mr. Gom- pers lifted a finger In the matter. Tho facts in regard to many other boycotts exhibit a like disregard of the first principle of Anglo-Saxon fair play, namely, the confronting of accuser and accused and the open hearing of testi mony. As for boycotting being volun tary and not obligatory upon union men, our valley was at one time full of notices warning mine workers that lliey would be lined $r. each If caught liding in the street cars. There is no public knowledge that any local was ever warned from the national or dis trict headquarters of the organization not to try to enforce this compulsory feature. It may be, as apologists for the boy cott amrm, that its injustice is no more than a counterbalance of that of the blacklist 'of the employ er and that one extreme is necessary to offset the other. But if that were true, would it not better be come the labor leaders to say so frank ly, and urge justification In self-de-rense, instead of posing on the witness stand as shocked opponents of tills use ful and potent weapon upon which they chiefly lean for power? Tho navy department evidently rears that Dewey's propensity for sinking fleets may prompt him lo act before the proper time arrives. ""if"1 KHy this time 'PiesulLfit Cas,tro ought tfleliavii ultimatums Jo'.buni. . , Child L,abor. , MATTrcit what may bo offered iti( luyiUnutJon or qualification','' Judge" (jiay Is' emphatically right In saying tHut.OTMinsylfdnlit should take nde quato steps to stop the employment of yu.J!'k!rJL llrVoi' Ui the mills at night, Day labor for the young Js bad enough ut best in its effects upon tho workers ami upon society, though it IS doubt ful If If pan be avoided. Hut surely there Is. no neeeslfj; iom thtf 'standpoint of liny employer for enl.' Vloylng mere.elj,ts.pf,i gvls pf, ten to IN" i Germany Alone Responsible. TpHE LATEST information with I reference lo the Venezuelan JL situation to which special significance attaches credits an unnamed ofllcial at Hcrlln with ex pressing Indignation' that there should be doubt In the United States of the honesty of Germany's assurances or the rectitude of her intentions. Tills is, Indeed, calculated to provoke indignation. But the doubts to which he refers are not more heinous than were those with which Germany was filled with respect to the United States prior to and during our ur with Spain. We feel quite certain that there haw been In no responsible American journal comment concerning the Im perial government's action legardlng Venezuela which can bear even a faint comparison in point of unfairness and disrespect with the comments which pervaded the German press with refer ence to our intervention in Cuba, an intervention which certainly had ten justifying reasons for every one such reason that Germany can offer for her present course in Soutli America. More over, neither before that time nor since have we given any provocation to the German people for the suspicious and unfriendly manner which they then and since exhibited toward us, where as, on their part, one of their highest admirals during our troubles in Manila acted as no friendly neutral would net and, we think It safe to add, as no Germnn admiral will ever act again without having "to accept itmuedlato conseritiences. Thorp is no tuidet lying prejudice In the United Slates against either tho German government 'or the German people; qulto tho contrary. Tho pres enco heie of many naturalized German citizens has taught us to value highly tho German race for the admirable qualities which they possess and dally exemplify, Every tendenoy should bo In the direction of Increasing the friendliness and confidence between this country and their fatherland, Wo can conscientiously say thut wo do not "believe that any American Is at fault for .whatever lack of confidence now exlhts. Wo have no other rule by which to judgo of Germany's official uttltude and disposition than that which wo apply to other governments. That rule is to judgo Intentions by actions, When the actions of Germany are such towanl us and toward matters in which we are Interested as to Inspire conlldenco and promote cordiality, confidence will be Insplied and cordiality promoted. Hut the Yaukvo Is moiu susceptible to blurney tluin to blue lite, Great llrltaln Is evidently somewhat emburrassed by the bumptiousness of her newly found partner. Notwithstanding it's limited urea, Ilaytl's supply of troubles appears In-exhaif"1-' tJt..i 4 What custom honors we may all enjoy, and the largest con tributor to the genial hospitality oi this happy season Is the pure and perfect I Hunter t Baltimore 1 Rye A ' ALWAYS BUSY. -ssasaj .mhll Lewis & Reilly HERRY CHRISTMAS SALE of Good Sense Boots, Shoes, Slippers nnd Rubbers, on our Main Floors nud in the Easement. Holiday Presents -AT- Hill & Cornell's 25,000 Pairs ot the Best I Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers so well established as the best. No Festival Board will be com plete without it. 4 v .J. A 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. ,. 4. ., 4, .J. 4. 4. 4, 4, ., 4. ,J, aolil at all llrst-cl.ihs cafes anil by jobbeis. l.A.VAIIA.V & HOX, ll.tltl 11101 L', Md. Wll. OPEN EVENINGS. A Diamond llaig.iliis, u array of Inviting Pi lees, from Hiu I'ultcr to I'onsiiinur, with but 0110 small proilt added. Uji-Kl Diamond Itlug, worth $M)0; My J K'e. U. niHvt Diamond Html, worth Shj; My 1'ilce, j mo. iji-Kt. Diamond 11 ug, worth JB0; My I'llc.i. fj.7). Ui-lv'l. Dltimi.iid Jilug, woith $l:'u; My 1'ilce. ?;-',' 'A1- Diamond King, worth $.100; Mv l.UC0,$-J'-, ,-VKt. Diamond ltlug. worth All of the. iiliuvo are Amsterdam cut, lluwless, and gems of dazzling biilllnncj. ,.J.t.'J.,'!!r!!1"' ?cl,"'f I'". a Diamonds, w nth W)Sy Price, m, Huiieailan Opal icing, a Diamonds surrounding, set In platinum, worth $!M); My I'rleu, ?ia), IJiiby King (pigeon blood) Hiuioiuuled with lino diamonds, $lia; ituuy alono wot tli over sjou. Sapnlilio King. lU-Kt (corntlower blue color), surrounded with Jnjnr Diamonds sot In platinum, Slur,, tYSf.'" Jr""- Jlla "I'lmon.l King, worth J W; Mp Pi ice. S7.-,. Mvt. Diamond K ngs, worth UU; My Price. $90. iJi-Kt. Dlnniiiiid King, worth $75; My Price, J(V); it'H' .Jo1"1,1)0!1.'1 'tlnsr.. win th U: My iiudj'll Wumond Kings, $10, li Diamonds, Kiililes, B.ipphlivs, Opals ga. ore, and cho leu selection of mountings ',V,,?n!n.l,1."wa"11"'' ' command. TAKD HI.UVATOK AND SAVE MOJJEV ",',"' ,n,;,,lu sa'" "" seo exhibit Jet 1 hick Dliiiiioiul. cjoldfii Drown Dliimond, Uuimry Diamond, tho l'llceless (not blue, but) llellotiopc'coluied Diamond. Uncut Diamonds, Sapphires, Opas, etc., etc as they coino from mother earth. hiich lady cuMomer will bo prcbuntcil with a New Safety Onitor Purse, thu newest and most practleal Invention of its kind, an absolute safo way to carry money and jowols. i:uch gentleiniiii customer piesented with a Hue leutlier cola holder: nothing niiA liVTyJiyi-iWi1 IJt'"' SA'flSl-'ACTIO.N lll'AKAIS I UKD. "Voui; ajmiev llaek Without Arcmuent." WAITER W. WINTON'S DIAMOND PAKI.OK, Oil Mears lJulldlng. Our Stores Will Be Open Evenings Until After Christmas. came to this or any other that ever market. On account of the requests of our thousands of customers whom we have served so well for fourteen years. Men's Storm King Boots, first quality 121 Washington Ave. Where you will Ibid the best nnd largest assoitment ot FDRNITU KOK Christmas Gifts A WAV OK WHICH AUK Ladies' Desks (In all the woods and llnlshos) Ladies' Dressing Tables, Parlor Cibinets, Music Cabinets, Fancy Chairs and Rockers. Morris Ciiairs, 'i Ofil UV15R-POPlTl.AK Boy's Storm King Boots, first quality Youths' Storm King Boots, first quality, $3.00 $2.25 $1.50 and $1.75 itorm King Boots, uality. 1.25 and $3.50 Child's Storm King Boots, first quality. We only advertise what we Hnve, and we Have what we advertise. Our Stores Will Be Open Evenings Until After Christmas. mm mmsk ftwawft ri3,Sextt i-4t- E-mm, Ayixfrl eainsr koims TABLES of all the newest designs lncliulllli; If fl And cvcrytlihiK to be found in a Complete Furniture Store. E !! IS Lager Beer.. rS Mw&:At&Hm iwllft JSmF Lewis & Reilly Wholesale and Retail, 114 and 116 - - Wyoming Ave. A "For Rent" sign on your house will only be seen by the casual passerby. A "For Rent" ad. in The Tribune vill be seen by ALL who may be contemplating a change of residence. Only One-Half Cent a Wortl Manufacturers oi' Old Stock II's$,,2l$ii'iiai'll'i''iSl,I'aI' i PILSNER I ! Brewry, l' D Hm&k. Scranton.ra. Old 'Phone, 3331. New 'Phone, 293S, The Mooslc Booms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth Bldg. SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING , 1,. ifadc at Mooslc and lluslidalo Worki. Laflin & Ennd Powder Co,'3 ORANGE GUN POWDER Ulcittlo Italtcilin, I'.lccttlo Kxrlf'li, Ex ploding Illasls, Sifcty Pusc. BEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. H: D, CRANE. REGAIN YOUR SIGHT It Is Now Time To See Crane. THIS WEEK " 50 Walking Skirts, slot seam, full flare; worth $6.00. On sale at $3.98 TAKE ELEVATOR. 324 Lackawanna Avenue Reynolds Bros.' HOLIDAY DISPLAY More Elaborate and More Extensive Than Ever." Calendars 13y Gibson, JLiurce, Jlurlbut, Christy, All Newest designs. Prang's Exquisite line of Poster Calendars for the first time shown. U I For the Dens jsm-ss&sL. Leather Calendars, in all colors, with embossed Indian heads make most suitable gifts for a man. Waterman's extensive Christmas assortment of Pens can beofotind at our establishment. Oxford Bibles in all sizes of prints; Fancy Ink Stands and the best assortment of Novelties ever. We are in touch with the leading houses and can furnish you with anything we run short of in due time. Our Stationery Line, as usual, needs no men tion. It is the largest and best in town. Our reputa tion for quality, style and correctness has been well established we are living well up to.it this year. REYNOLDS BROS. Hotel Jermyn. --ltT.n,:i.-,tn';tl!Hv-fdawjJiHJf,jnw?l 4st?-jMe&'fitseftaaeftaeaseeeseeea at. f I Berry's l?A XalK: 6 Hie Truth, in. a Nutshell. A Big; Fact in Little Type Our elaborate Holiday g stock is ready and was never better in our recollection. Artistic Designs in Brooches, Cuff Buttoris, Scarf Pins, Lockets, Signet Rings and Fobs. Pearl Opera Glasses are appropriate . Xmas silts. $ These are only a few articles for you, V sit oik store, arrl convinc yourself you buy from a Reliable J welry Store. FOTIieJeweler f. 423 LztcKawanna Aveiie. &JiV?-PVv9?9V?$?$V$9VVV$V9?.?Nl ? t wt m 9. tt &u : t. s. n &. proofs 1 . Best 9 PATENT FLOOR g The Celebrated Always reliable. ill & Grain Co Scrnnton find Olyphnnt. U t) ft It U 'A 'A "? 'A tt "it V! V) "A It .V s 'a -a :i l!:H'JJWitH!!!iAISll!li!Aia!iain iT7'nymn.F M Headquarters for I ncndesc?nl 1 i I ) ) ) Porfable Ler u w THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandesce!' Gas Lamp. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a tliort course, nor a tuj conne, nor a cheap course, but the beat educatioa to be luid. No other education la worth spending time and money 00. II goa d rite lor a catalogue oi Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nhlcli ofTera thorouch preparation la th Unslnccrlns and Chemical Professions u well as the regular Collego couosea. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, fl I L'.lllJSWHUlBUBKZIUI EAST STROUDSBTJRG, PA. ItcRUlnr Stnto Normal Courses nnd Speclul Uenurtmcnts of Music, Klocu tlon, Art. Pruning, Htenoaraphy ana TypowrltlnK; Htionu Collect) Prepara tory Ucpai tment. FItEE TUTION. nnnrilliiB expenses J3.30 per week. X'uplls mlmlttoa nt any Mme. Winter Term opens Dee. S9th. AVrlte for cuta. loijue. E. Jj. KEMP, A, N. rrJnclpal. GunsterfiForsylfi 32.1-;J27 IV1111 Avenue. lWmK?!!X3!EC3mWmXEB&jll 'JWMtE&ii Lawyers Tlie Tribune will fuaranteo to prln your paper book quicker than any oth er printing house In the city. S0RAHT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS SCRANTO.V, PA. T J Fostcr.l'ies. Winer II. l.nwall.Treas. It. J. Foster Stanley I', . lien, Vlco I'resident. Secretary, HENRY BELIN, J'R,, t Central Astnt for the UTyomlcg District tot Dm pout's PowderJ Hlnlnj, Dlastlny, Sportlrij, fmokelej' ni thj IiepauiiQ Chemical Comutny't HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Eilcty Fuse, Capa and Ciplodera. Room 101 Cob. cell Uulldi.tj ,Scrantcn. "i S J!AOBXCIE3. l01b' ?;.?,U,1T" & 0S ' " Plymouth