''J' THE SCllANTON TJUBUNE-THUMSDAY, DECEMBER IS, ?902. The News of Catbondale. MRS. Z. P. BELL DIES OP TYPHOID PNUKMONIA Succumbs After Tlnee Weeks' At tack, Which Started with Grip. Deceased Wife of South Main Stieet Business Man. Mih. Mnry Hell, vvlte "f Xll'ion Ht'll. lite South Main hIippI ientaiiriini pur, died ye.Hlciday forenoon at !' oYlork nl Hit' iwlilenco, IS Hoittli Main tiott. The fatal attack ot Miicm mih of only tlnee week' duration. She wax piotmtPd with giip. which, how'pvpr, caused no ahum mull pneumonia clc vi'loped about a week iiko. sUiicp iIipti. though her condition .was remiiiieil a4 s(mIou, her dentil uii vvliollv unx pectert until scvernl horns lii-lutc slic )nuse(l awuv ' Mis. ISoll, who vvii, betwe hei iimi ifiiRp. Min.v I'ntlitlliie Sinllcj, iliiut-'li-ttr of (luugf S. and Mnitha Smiley, wa boi it In Su(iiitliaiina count . thlitv-oiie imie sifici iiyt Mcyutuy. The ki pater p.nt of her lift- vvn-t spent In Hif-citieli.iniiii rmmt.v. Tlilrtien eius nt,'o she was inairlod to Ml. Hell at Mluffhniulon i ml ciiine to t'aibmulale to nuke lid Inline luio nine piu iiko, I lor puents wen1 of the oldest rninlllo In Suxiiuchaiiuu couulv. Hie wan i inoinliei or Hie KplMcoiial (lunch "Inio Kltlhood. Mn Hell nttiiu toil liuiiiei ou'i filomW iliuliiK hoi tPMldeino In rat bond. lie, who will ltd Hip lo of fjl ndfrhlp, which vvim to lie allied toi ' I(m uiivvuvf iIiik lonst.incv Manv tendei ipiiiemhiaiii es of lui will ho ihcilhed b Uuim- who knew lin Iiitliiuittlv . Mishits lici liiHli.intl. Ml". Hell l survived bv one diiimhttt. Mildred, afd i! vein", two son", loliii (,. used 1J mi.', and lidijamln S. .ilicmI i) month-. The othei -in hoi- tue hei inotlipi. Mi-. Maltha Smile v . one N ter. JIK, VV. Nuiieiit and one Inolbci, (IroiKi Sinlltv, all m Su rini lunula. The ltinn.il will take place S.ituitliy nininlng. Pi i vices will be (ondiitted bj Itev. lliilllu A. tjiiwei at Tilnlt Kpls cop.il iltmili lit 10 p'clork. The de ceased will then be taken lo DundnrC foi lint ial A FINE DISPLAY. Women of Beienn Chinch Offei Christmas Gifts. A l-lt to the biyinr, now In piogie-n In the TJov building, on Chinch sliest, undei the diitc Hon of the women woik eis of the JJeie.m UiptlM oliuicli, Is Miilte lndipns.il)le to holldaj -Hop-pinir, il one dPFlies to pi acme a dalntv Kilt for a riiilstnus gift, stall a- an evpiMte l.ict hdlidkeKllief. ll.illd woik, which -iiows the pfjiief-Ion of one's best late and skill, a sof.i pll liiw for ,i cOzv cOinei. oi almost .iu thlns in the lino nf laniv aiticlc" One ran soc and admlie In this ai led, aitistle display an nil-linen ffli bioldcrpd In ndlsoi chief flow Mis John Mitchell, wife of tlie mine Woikei- picsldent; anotlici fiom Mi". Potter l'aliuei, of Chicago, who is nntcnl imong- the women of the land Mis. C5eoisc Kinibill stud" nil the v av ail cK the continent, lioni Callfoinia, wlieie she is vvlnleilng, seveial li.ind kiehlef, with haiid-woiked designs The most sliikin!,' aitlele- in the dis play aie the haudkcK hief- donated b William A, ntison, of Tloreinim, Mon tana, a foimer Cat liond'ilian The ate ipi'te tlillque. Alone the edffe and coi ni s aie pen -kptclus illu-tiathe of life in Montana, the seal of the state, a wigwam, sold mills and animal- i ont inmi to that state A beautiful handlu i chief us sent b the Chase & Stnboin Coflee com pan, of 13oton, Mac Its alue i" $ Kiom the emplo(s of the Co-Opeia-tle stmo at Obeim.ui, South Waits, is a handkerchief, with the won!" "Meny chii-tinas" In roloml silk embtnldeiv In one foinei. The-e ,iv but a few of the minieiou- at ticks on twhlhltion and for pale, which would ceitalnly iepa a lisll. FUNEKAX OF JOSEPH SCHAFF. Sei vices Weie in St. Rose Chinch Yesteiday. The late Jo-eph Hchalt was laid at ist in St. Ho-u cemeteiy jesterdny foienoon. Theie was a multitude of ft lends nt the berea.cd home on South Womhif, stieet, and a long pioccpslou followed the deceased to St, Kobe phuicli, wlieie a IiIrIi muss of leciuleni wan suiik: by Iter. Walter Ooinian. An linpiesslve hcrvlee, in which tender ief prenes were made to the life of the deceahed Mas pleached by Fatliei Ooi man. The pallbeuieis wete I'. H, linker, Oeoige Dubois, Clmilcs Moon, John Hoffman, Owen Coleman, James Ooi man, William Thoin.i.s. The beautiful floral offei lugs ei cart led by Louis Hosenblatt. V Haven, Conn , and leiemlnh Walsh, Tho lloweis. wero tho reniembuutces of the employes of the lielawate mid Hudson locomotive shops nnd the lmpioved Ordpr of Mechanics, No. 20J, of this city, to which tho de leaflPd belonged. "LOST RIVER." AND OVERCOAT. Edwaitl Scott Found with Gaiment Stolen Fiom the Giand, Chailes lllackeiibmg, ot rtelniont t-lieet, losthlH oveieo.it while attPiullntr the piodutifloh of "Lost Ulvoi" at tho Oi and on Jim evening of November "S In othei -woids, thu gaiineiu was swip ed while Chin lie was adiuliiug the hem who WllH frOlllO of "Chiu It" ConnoiH mucks at swinging1 bin aims a lu Will iam raxcrshaiu and mutteihig so that the women could hear him, "Clot busj to the fact that I'm It." Though Hliitkcnbiiig lost his oeicoat, you couldn't Juno Chaillo when It imiiio to having suspicions. He- siiHpectcd Cdwaid Htotl, of the West Side, and put Constable Kdw.ud ?Je.uy next, Tho jonstablo fcotight for Scott, but Scott nas a hankering lor not being about ivhen wuivU'd, Last sunuiier, Il mlglit There Is'tnoie Catoirh In this .section of the country than all other (llaeimes put together, and until tho last few yuius wan buppoKOd to bo iiiciuablo. Foi a yuut many year a doctors pronounced It a local itlscnflo and presci Ibed local iciwdius, and by constantly falling to uue with local treatment, pronounced It inclinable. 8el. ence has provon catanh to be a constl tutlonal diBeubo and therefore reaulres ronHltutlonal tieatment. Hull's Catarili liirc, manufactuied by, F. J. Cheney & l'o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only const tu tlonal cuie on the market. Jt Jt taken ntcinally n doses from 10 drops to a tea Ipoonfuli It acts directly on tho blooa nnd mucous smfaccs of th sj-stem. viwv olfer one luuidred dollars for any race It tala to ciuo. Bend for circulars and testimonials. ,,, nn Addiess, r. J. c"BNL.0feC00 '0. Pold by Tr"BgltH Wo. Hall 8 Tamil 1'IIU are the bt b" iiieiilloned, ho .took Fiench leave while under uncut lu the oluoc of the lali' Aldei man Morrison' on the uluuge or (lotting goods fiom HIukci'h cloth ing store on falite pteteiie's and diiHhtng down tUghth avenue gave Constable Cordon Up. slip. Scott went to ritlslon or aonto' other Luzerne town and though Constable Ncnry sought he did not tlnd hlin. Like the cat, Seott oume back htHt night and wan in rested on Hiileni avenue by Constable Nrniy, who was given soiiipwh.ii of a siirpile to thus run upon his man. The countable took Scott hefoie Al ilptmau Jones. JlldcliPiibuig was on hand and easily Idenllllcd the uoul. TIip pl'sonei's dpfelle wn tjiat he bought the gainunl front a showman. Ulatkenbuig took his ovcicoat and wtnl hoiiie lejohlng: Constable Neaiy took Siolt to the city Jail, as he had not the two ball that Ahletnuin JoneH lenulied In the face of the evidence against the acim-ed. WAS SOMETHING DOING. Stieet Foiemnn Killeen Makes Tiol ley Company Employes Hustle. Th yi anion Hallway compan's "now plough piled up gieat heaps of snow alongside tfie ('liunli Htteit switch which Stieet KoiPinan John Killeen bellcwfd should hue been cai iled oil In oi del to make Hie loadway pissable. Yesteiday foienoon he vig oioiwlv stalled to woik to dispose of the uo-called "beautiful." tin owing thu snow oti on the Hacks Thoie was so much ol II Hint when n cm came along and tiled lu go thiough theie was a blockade. The tiolle ccmipans ' 1 tbor ei" weie soon "Jolinnv-on-tho-spot," but as last us tlu.v shoveled it back onto 'the lnadw.iv. the dtv'H men ie tuiued the coiuplliiieiit Then theie weie a lew woids, not ol learned length, bm tliundeilng sound, The ie slill wa- that the stuet cai ei U wa tied UI foi the gleatei put ot the foienoon Condition" letuined to noi iiial Mftci the tiollev complin's ' on" was lo i di d with the tioubl-ome "now, whlc li wii- ( mikd awuv. CONDITION IMPROVED. Finuk G. Ciouch and Waltei Bennett Manifest Encouiaging Symptoms. '1 lie condition of Tnink O. Couch, thu In-uiame ageiie ownei, iho luih lieeu dangeiou-ij in of t pliold level, Is somewhat impiovcd, though his pliji ilan i" sajlng he Is not out of dangei. Mi. Couch was nuking good piogicss tiiwaul le'civei.v when his tempeutuie tose again and lOinained at a point tliat was alaimlng Xow. however, the Indi cation" in 111" ea-e ai eNeeccllnIy honeltil The appiehcllskill which was ull ill tile case ot Waltei Hemic tt, of Lam el "lioi-t, who-e. whole family was down with tvphold fevci, is illbappeailng in the luce of Hie impiov t ment In his i on dltlon He is not leg.uded a- out oi danger a- vet. The othei nieinbeis of the l.unllv aie convalescent, an an nouncement which will be cheeilul news to the fi lends or the lainllv. whose sympathies weie awakened bv the soie afllklioii which lltec1 this hou-eliold. SERVICES APPRECIATED. O'Connell Estate Sends Checks to Both Hose Companies. A slioit lime ago the Columbia and Mitchell Hosf- companies each lecelved Horn Diuggl-t 11 r. Claik a cheek foi $10, In lecognltion of theli ici vices at llif file which damaged his .stoic The .lppieclalion of the fheinen on this oc casion was lenewed when a few d.ivs aqo the O'Connell estate sent checks? loi the same amount to both com panies, as evidence ot appi eolation of the woik done at the flic in the old postolllto building, In Paik Place, owned by the O'Connell estate. This substantial appieciallon is valued by tho flienien who aie alvvajs ready and willing, and for no selllsli leason, to lespond lo the call of piotectlng piop eity and lifc. Both companies have ic (liie.sted that this method of thanks be enesscd in theli behalf. Unclaimed Letteis. The lollowillg Is a list ol letteis le inalnlng In the Cubondnlo postolllce, December IS, J90J, for peisons un known: Chailes M. Uetts & Co., James Case.v, James Daltou, W. P. Giegoiy, Dr. T. J. Lamb, James Lang.in, Heiny K. Xnylor, Michael Loftus, J. 11. Xcil son, H. J. Itichai doii, K. Q. Robinson, James T. Smith, B. F. Stanton, W. II. Swingle, E. E. AVuren, 15. It. AVagner, Mih. Jlav Davis, Mis. Lizie C. Moote, Mrs. J, M. Sajlor, Mrs. Minnie Sheeier, Mns. Muila J. Smith, Miss Mary Thomas, Wladylslavv AVlsockl. J. H. Thomas, Posimastei, Trinity Church Choir. The ntembeis of the choir of Tilnlty t hutch ate leuuested to meet Oiganlst Jones at J o'clock this afternoon nt the pailsh houe. JERMYN MA YFIELD. At tho l.iHt nicotlng of thu Aiteslan lloso company the following ofllcoi.s weie elected for tho ensuing joni; President, I'liiuk Itilins; nIco ine.sldont, I), J. Jlce ban; lecoullng secietnij, Willlain Mnl dooii; llnanclal societal y, Anthony Mill lieiaii; tieasiucr, J. J, Meeh.ur, loie man, J. J. Stanton, iiHsiHtiiul I'oremuu, JoHuph rinulgaii; jiipeniau, Miko Mill heillli, Itichaid Hughes, Peter Jlc Doniild, David 111 iieo and David Moon; master at anus, William Hoslu; tinslues, Midi .ul Mcllale, Michael M.oDcimuii and P. J. Meolmii The fainllv of Mai till StuVtus, ot Wot Mavliold, M-Hleulnv bad a uauow oscupe li om death by .isplis xl.ition. Tho chltii lie) hud becoino clogged with soot unci llm house was Idled with coal gas .Mis. Stevens foitunatcly avvoko e.nlv lu tho morning, and with good effoits managed to mouse Mr Htovcim find thu cliildien, They weie all ho badly ovciconifi tluit a plivslcliiu had lo be sent loi. Dr. 1, H. (liaves attended tliom, and with tho on i option of Mis Stevens they quickly io coviicd Mis Sicmuis was still siifterlng tiom tho efficts list oveiiiiig. Misses Man Swick, Jeimlu and Com llilttenburg Weld lhltlllg ill Hciaiiton esteiday, The iutaiit child oi Mi and Mis John rmaelliiei, of .Main btieel, Is HI of bion chills. At tho kial uieelhig of Auioi.l lodge. No. .".M, Piee and Accepted Masons, of II ten a wcio elected for tho ensuing teiiu, as follows: AVoishlpful nuistei, James Al len; benlor waideu, Frank (1. Wlntor; junior waiden, Italph W, Kymei; treas urer, Calvin Vallj secictary, Sum nor I). Davis; loiircseiitatlve to giand lodge, David J. Jenkins. Ilio installation will take pluco next Monday oyenlug. Mrs. M. J. Shields, Mis, Blocker and Mih. C. P. Uaker attended a thimble tea given by Mrs. I). W, Humphreys, at Carbondalo, yesteidaj. Fernley Wood w aid, of Thhd stieet, Is 111 of tonsllltls. Edward Davis, ot Keunton, wus the ti i Aim tm miir iifnn I 1 1 1 II II 1 11 1 1 1 H 1 lillllll if n m a mr n w Hi I Oil II II ft rtWi w,nMo. To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of "The Tribune" May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Weak and unhealthy kidneys aie lesponslble for more sickness and suffering than any other disease theiefore, when through neglect or oth ei causes, kidney tiouble is permitted to continue, fatal lesults aie suie to follow. Youi othei oigans may need attention but youi kidneys most, be cause they do most and need attention flist. If you me sick oi "feel badly," begin taking Di. Kilmei's Swamp Root, the gieat kidney, liver and bladder lemedy, because as soon as your kidneys aie well they will help all the other oignns to helth. A tiial will convince anyone. The mild and Immediate eftec L of Di. Klliuoi s Swuiup-Itoor, the gieat kidney and bl.nldei renied.v, is .soon lcalUed. It stands the highest loi Its -wondeiful clues of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root will set vour whole sjs. tem light, and tile best piool ol thN is a ti inl. J4 Vst ;ii, st , Xevv Yolk City Dun Sh Oct. Jllh. idol "I bad been siiftciiim seveielv fiom kldnev tiouble. All svmpliinis weie on html, mv loinioi- strength and povvoi had leu me; I could h.udlv (hag mvsfic along liven in mentnt cip.ultv was giving out and often I wished to tilt It was thou 1 saw nn .ulvettlpeiupiit of oms in a -"ew Voik papci, but would not have paid mv attention to It, had it not piomised n hwoiii giininutet with i'eiy bottle of oiu medicine, asscu Ing lint ont Swamp-Root Is pinch vegelablt. and docs not lontnhi am h.umiiil clings l mn s-cventv Mais and loin months old, and with a good con scloncf 1 phi ipcomnuml, sivv.imp-Kuot to nil Mifftis lioni kldnev tiouble s. Pom niembeib of mv inmllv have ben using Svvnmp-ftoot loi lour dlllennt kldnev disease!, n Itli tin smio good insults,' With mini) thinks lo von, 1 leinaiu, A"ei tinlv vom , itoumtr bi:kxi:h You in ly hnve a sample bottle of this lamoiis kldnev leinedy, Swainp-IJoot, sent ftee bv mall postpaid, by vvhlih ou may test Its vlitues foi such dls- ouleis as kidney, bladdei and uilc acid diseases, poor digestion, when obliged to pass your watei fiequently night and day, .smarting of ii illation in passing, brick-dust or sediment in the mine, headache, backache, lame back, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, Nneivousness, heait dlstui banco due lo bad kidney tiouble, skin eruptions iiom bad blood, ueuial gla, iheumatlsm, diabetes, bloating, it -inability, vvoinouf feeling, lnck of am bition, loss ot lleMi, sallow coniple.Nion, oi 1'ilght'M disease. ItMiui watei, when allowed to lcinaln undlsluibed In a glass oi bottle fot twentv-lohr houi, foims a sediment oi settling or lias a cloudv appearance, It Is evident llmt miui kldnev s and hi id dii need Immedlatt attention. Swamp-Root is the gieat dlsioveiy ot Dr. Kilmel, ihe eminent kldnev and bkulda bpeciallsl. Hospitals twe with wondeilul success hi hoth slight and seveic cases, Doetois leconimend it to theli patients and use it in theli own lamilies, because thej iccognize in swamp-Root the gieutest and most suci essi ul iemed, Sw.imp-ltoot Is pleasant to take and is foi s.uc the win Id ovci ut diugglsts in bottles ol two sies and two pikes litl cents unci one dollai Heniembci the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, and the addiess, lilng hainton. N. Y, on cveiv bottle. KDITORIAl, XOTICn If you have tin siiiriuest svmpiouis of kldnev or bladdei tiouble, or It theie Is n tiace ol It lu voui lamllv hlsloiv, send at one e to Dr. Kilmel &. Co, lilugh.imton, X. V, who will glaelh send ou by mail, iinmedlately, without tost to you, a simple bothe ol Swainp-Root and it book containing manv ol the thou-'iinils upon thousands ol testimonial letteis ie celved fiom men and women (uied. In wilting, be sine lo sU uj n JOu lend this geneioiis offer in The Sli anion Tiibmie. liebt of his bl othei, Di. S D Davis, last evening. Dr. S D. Davis has a lecoid he tdioulil be pi oud ot. On Tucbday evenhig his biothei Masons elected him lor the tvveu-ty-uluth (oiisecutlve jear societniy of Am oi ii lodge. Tho fail of tlie Ancient Oidci ot 111 berulans, openiHt hi Ah-imblv hill last evening, and will bu continued tonight. TAYLOR. Ds.ith diteted tho home of Ml. and Miii John Watklns, ot GtecnvvOoil, yes teiday and claimed their bright and In teresting H-j ear-old dtuiKhtor, Alice, af ter a brief lllncs. Deceased was of u kind disposition and wan well liked by hei associates, who will greatly miss her company. Mi. nnd Mix. Watklns havo tho sympathy of their friends In their h noble. Resides the death ot tholr daugh ter, three chlldien are quite ill at their Inline nnd one of their sons wiih hint In the mine a few days ago, Tho funeral announcement will be mado later. Tho entertainment, and box social of tho Voting Men's Clnistlan Association, held lu their hall on Tuesday evening, was qulto llbcially patronized and pioved a treat to thoso In attendance. Elaborate auaiigenients aio being mado by tho monibera of tho Buffalo social club lor their grand ball to bo held at Wob u'h ling on Christmas eve, Dec. !l. Tick uh ato being inpldly sold, To-morrow evening an Interesting game of basket bill Is piomised for tho lov i in of that spoit at Welfchenfluh's nitdl torlum, when tho Taylor Stars will have ns their opponents tho stiong ficrouton Athletics, who uto considered ono of tho stiongest toams In tho county and con sequently a lino gamo can bo expected. 'Iho Stars nio composed of tho following plaPis ijuards, Jfarsh uud Covne; icntei, Howell.-,; fotowatds, Rvnns uud Qoiinollj . rollovvlng tho gome a dunce will bo held. Adinlsxlou 1r cents, Tlirougli tho solicitation of, hlb niinier ous lilonds, S. J, Tldd has decided to be, conio a cnndldatu for councilman hi the I'lftli wnrd. Mr. Tldd is a prominent res ident of the vviid and would make a Mif.t class couiiellman The Arehbalil lolllMy was compelled to biispeiid operations jcsteidaj owing to a bieok In the inachliieiy. PEOKVILLE. Man cellaiH wcio Hooded by tho heavy lain and thivv on Tuesday. Seycial mer chants in tills vicinity had laigo iiuantl ties of goods damaged that had been stoied lu tho eel lain, Floyd diviner Ictl esteulay foi Noith umbeilnud county, in search of tuike.va for tho holiday tiude. Mis. J. r. Glhoy left jehterdiiy for Caillele, whero bhc Intends speiidlug the holidays with relatives. Mis. William Warneld Is qulto ill at her homo on North Main street. J. D. Feck was a visitor at Scrantou, yesterday, List of letters remaining unclaimed at tho Feckvlllo postofilce for tho week ondins Dec. 10, 1002: Mrs. H. If. Rich- aids, M.milo Oieultj. I'eisons e.iljiiig foi the sime will please sav "ndveitlscd ' and slvo date id list. I V. Mace, I. M. OLYPHANT. 'Ihe nun l Inge of Mls Jessie. RcttiRiew, elaiighter ot Jits, t'hiiilottci l'ettlgrow, and Chailes D Thomas, was solcnuiUctl at tho luido'b home last evening. At S o'clock the bilelny party ontoied the pailoi.wheio tastefully ai tanged plants and palms foimed tho decoiations, us Mls Ullian Alatthevvs lender d a. wedding match from Lohengrin. Ileio thuy weie met by Rev. S. II. Moon, puslor of tho Iiesby toilan chinch, of Peckvllle, who tied tho nuptial knot, In the piesoueo of many lelatlves mid fiicud.s. Tho gown worn by the bildo wad of castiir bioadcloth, tilin mod with vohot. Shc caiiicd a bouquet of vvlilto cai nations. Her attendant was Mlt'H Maigaiot Mcintosh, who was at tltcd hi blown, with velvet tilmmlu&,s, and cm lied a bouquet of pink cat nations, Tho best man was Iklvvnid Day, ot Peck vllle, a cousin ol tho groom. Immediate ly after tho ceiemony had been perfenm c d and congratulations had been bestowed upon tho happy couple, a sumptuous wed ding supper wns enjoyed, The btldo was tho icelplent of a largo number ot hand homo and usctul picsents. Mr. and Mis. Thomas lett on tho Into tinln for a shoit tilp to New York and Philadelphia, ami on their retain will resldo ut tho bl Ida's homo on Delawuro stieet, Tho joung rouplo nio well known and populat, and havo tho best wishes of a laieo circle) of fi leads DALTON. A meeting of tho W. C T, lT. will bo huld nt tho Haptiht pnibonngo on Trldiy afternoon nt ." o'cloe k, Mrs. Nolan ot (iieeu Itldgo s espected to be piesent and Hpeak. Rev, A. J Van Cleft Is conducting ie vlval nieetlngb at Kleotvlllo, Ho Is be ing nsblHteel by Piofessor Ruck, The cliolrs of tho chinches bote nio practicing foi tho Christmas exeieUes of their Sunday schools. Mi, (lreene, tho father of Mis. S, J. riun and Mih. Fied Snyder, is very ill nt the former's home. Attorney l'red Scott and wife, of Sciauton, vlhltod Mrs. David liiovvn of this place, on Sunday. nxuxKX)N:)CKSK)Kx$G:UKX uxkx: Connally & Wallace 5cranton's Shoppins: Center No Stop for Rain or Sno Too late now to stop for anything Christmas shopj ping must be done. It must be well done--the store that's careless, that thinks the crowd will come anyway at Christmas, or buy anything, trash or not, will soon lose your confidence. People know there is no danger of buying' trash at Connolly & Wallace's ; that if anything should go wrong it will be made right; that 'nowhere can be found so many Christmas novelties, and that prices, as a rule, are lower than anywhere else. No wonder the store could hardly hold the people on Saturday, that crowds came even in such weather as we had on that day. A stranger in town wouldn't find it hard picking out the People's Christmas Store. The Bacillus of Catarrh May not, as el havo been officially ills roveied and catalogued; but all the same, it can bo hunted down, and absolutely exterminated with Dr. Agnsw's Catarrhal Powder Iho One Catairh Cure that cutes fa tal rh, Colds and headaches. Dr. Agncw's Ointment relieves eciemi la one day. 35 cents. 3 Sold by Wllllum G. Claik and If. O, Sandeisou. 01 Women's Wraps In Paris they call tlicm envel ope'? those long beautiful wrajis that women wear at night to the theatre or over evening (lrosfct-. $:. to $S."i. And the velour three cjiuti tcr coats, 525 to ?7."5, surpass en tiling that France has t ver clone before in velour thoti.;li not all of them are fiom France, which partly accounts for the pi ices. We have perhaps the handsom est collection that has ever been got togclher.becate velour wraps of eveiy sort ate belter this ve.ir ' than for a long while. Golf Vests Kid, gieen, black. spunKIed with white, and white. Double bie.istcd, fastened with brass bul lous plain colois in many gtade, S 1 .To to i?l each. knit Mouses, all colors, ."11 to S."i. Fine Furs...., M.H Holiday Handkerchiefs 1 laudUei chiefs (usually very well behaved little things, indeed) have been pushing and crow dint; lor a week, and on Saturday night they burst all bounds took pos session of a counter that belongs by rights to Corsets and over flowed into the Lace depaitmcnt as well. lint il'.s no wonder ihev feel so important just now we sell al most a quarter of a million every December just for Christmas presents. These arc hints of ihe things ou'll find here now: H For Women s ll'jc. Plain white hemstitched, with neat embioideiy work. L'oc. Hemstitched and em broidered in a wide range of pret ty 'patterns ; or phin white hem stitched with little blocks above the border; or hemstitched with fancy drawn-work. ,"i()c and 7,"c. Hemstitched and embroidered handkerchiefs in many pretty patterns; some with .Mexican drawn-work And so on, tip to those cMui ito and dainty bits of French llnei v for $10.00. For Men Plain white henistitche 1 hand kerchiefs -begin at Hie, I'-Mc, I Tic, 2.1c and go up to ,")0e cjcli. Of course the most expensive aie fnc French made. I tow can a furrier afford to pay rent twelve months in the year and do business only four of these months? His one way is to cover it with profit. Jn this store the rent, salaries and management are shut oft' the instant the fur season is over. The people who have served ou so well in the furs go into the tlrtvss depai tmciiL or into the coats. We wouldn't let one of them leave us lor love or money, or to be a line saleswoman in lurs is an accom plishment that ou don't often find. W'c buy Fur-, in such vast quan tities that the minimum of profit is enough for the most ambitious maker. And so our Fur-, ate always -o per cent. sometimes as much as 'A per cent. less than you will find them elsewhere, and the va liety tlnee or four times greater than ou will see anvwherc else. Gifts for Men Neckwear Suspenders Mufflers SCARFS It takes many fresh lots each morning to fill up the gap- made the day before. So even thing is fresh and new and novel ."iOc, 1, $l..riO. Sl'SPEXDERS .More of the wide all-silk webs at TiOc. Silver buckle suspenders (ster ling all over, not simply in front) SI up. MUFFLERS (from London) ISIS in. square, SI .00 to $1.00: first time such large sie has sold for SI. 00. DRESS PROTECTORS, $I..'iO. $'J and So the low prices ucu them out fast. HATH ROUES and SWEAT ERS near by. KS, Books, Books. There is still a good selection of the HMc books; of coiu.se some titles are sold out and cannot In replaced, but there are some :i00 diiTeieut subjects to choose from, and everyone a good standaid book, I Store Open Evenings Until Christmas I Connolly & Wallace 1 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave. HKo)))tosKXXKX$raKX:) 0 t k I I