1 ft f-:i ritJ" v THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17, 1902. a v fc "What the mainspring Is to the watch, the stomach is to the hotly, When the mainspring loses its tension the watch mils down, when the stomach becomes weak the body runs down. When the mainspring breaks the watch stops. When the stomach gives out the man slops. Sometimes he stops temporarily, long enough to be put into a condition to go again. Sometimes he stops once and for all." Those statements, by an eminent pnysioiogist, arc so plain that they are worth remembering in an age when stomach "trouble" Is so common. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the fact that the stomach supplies the power which keeps the body and its organs in motion. People may become run down from causes apart from disease of the stomach, but when the stomach is diseased they must become run-down, because the strengt' of the body is sus tained alone by food when projerly digested and assimilated. The ve..' first result of disease of the stomach is to obstruct digestion, reduce the power of assimilation, and so prevent the full nutrition of the body. L,oss of nutrition soon begins to show it self in loss of flesh and loss of weight, and then weakness and the worn-out, run-down feeling which indicates in itself lack of adequate physical energy. Disease which begins in the stomach may end in the heart, liver, kidneys or some other organ. It often does end so, because if the heart or any organ is not nourished it becomes "weak." In fact, when a man is weak physically his total weakness is mef ly the sum of the weakness of all his phys ical organs. How are weak people to gain strength ? There's only one source of physical strength and that is food. The one great enemy of strength is starvation. But because food does not nourish and build up the body unless it is digested and assimilated, then the first step to health is to cure the diseases which pi event digestion and assimilation. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoveiy cures diseases of thr stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and so enables the building up of the body in a natural way by the nutrition contained in the food eaten. "Nine or ten years ago my health became very poor, and in 1892 va so far gone that good doctors pronounced my case the worst Jy had ever treated," writes Mr. Harvey Phipps, of Florence, Ala. "I had acme stomacn trouble, liver complaint, catarrh, ana was nervous to such an extent I could not sleep. Got so had I rolled in bed with but a few minutes' sleep each night for three months. T finally irot three ree bottles ot Dr. ery and some 'Pellets.' Took them according to directions on the bottles, and in a few days noticed a decided improvement. I commenced to gst more rest at night and could cat with pleasure, v..ra frvmiprlv fnnfl w.ia like chins to me. When T lwil iiwil three bottles of the ' Discovery ' I was a new man ; could eat iniifce pie for supper, go to bed at seven r. M. and sleep until seven A. M. Again, after an attack of Grippe, could not retain food nor doctor's medicine, and a few doses of the ' Discovery ' cured me. Food has agreed with me perfectly since. I feel it my duty to acquaint you with my experience and let others know the worth of your remedies. I am now working at my trade (carpentry) every day in all kinds of weather, and think it I had not taken your medicine I would now be under the sod." One of the great mistakes of men and women whose stomachs are "weak " is to attempt to supply lacking nutrition u pre-digested foods, cod liver oil and its emulsions and other makeshifts. Even if these things are nutritious, they do nothing to cure the diseased stomach. Indeed, they weaken it by lessening its activity. At the lest they are mere makeshifts. The real need is to cure the diseases which interfeie with nutrition, and let the strength be restored in the natural way. Wind up the mainspring instead of turning the hands of the watch and supposing that the watch is running. That is what "Golden Med ical Discovery " does. It cutes the diseased stomach. It makes the weak stomach strong and the strong stomach is able to digest strong, body-building food. By the assimilation of this food the body and every organ of the body is nourished and made strong. The proof that these results actually follow the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" is the gain in flesh and increased weight which evidence the actual gain of nutrition. "For the past two years I hae been a very sick woman, writes Mrs. Cheslev, of 10S Woodland Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. ''I tried medicines from doctors and to no a ail. At last I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When I started I was all run-down and had a ery unpleasant taste in my mouth. Was choked up, and at times it w.is very hard for me to breathe. I had severe headaches and cutting pains in my knee-joint. Was so weak I could not attend to my work nor walk up or down stairs without the assistance of my brother or some friend. I am now taking the fourth bottle, and am happy to say I feel like myself ar.iiu. I can go up and down stairs and perform my duties as well as any one. Everything seems to be brighter, and I can assure you that life is worth living'" Sick people are iuvited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, rc. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Don't be fooled into trading a. substance for a shadow. Any substitute offered as "just as good" as "Golden Medical Discoveiy" is a shadow of that medicine. There are cures pWCAL' A .- '' - i I NORTHEASTERN f PENNSYLVANIA O 6 THOMPSON. Spoclul to the PointUoti Tilliuiie. i.ii o ., .' b, - -us. ' .i. Si bench and Mis Noxon, Pa,, uie Wi'lcniuo I.oid. of visiting at Munly Wilghtei's Mis, IS. P. Cm 111, or the township, ! attending her mother's uight -ninth biitluhiy .inulvcrsitiy at Ml, Pleusant, today, Mia. J. W. dime Is visiting at Aiar.it this week, Chaile.s French is lsltlng at Keuku, N, y these (luy?. Lowell M, llrundugo and family, lliuee Urown and Fred Ouitls, of .Tuck Min, lcnvo this week fur Tennessee, to engage In Imnbeiliitf. They expect to be Rons four yius, Miss Nesstu Leonnid went to Lester sltliu today whet a she has engaged to do housewoik. The Shoe social held by the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal chuieh in G. A, It. hall Fihluy evening, was largely attended, pot only by our own people, but f i lends weio then funn .North Jackson, Oakland and Susque hannu. A short llterury pi oki amine wus icndeied and coffee and sand wiches, cuke and Ice weuni, weio serv- An Old and Well-Txled Remedy, MRS WINSLOW'S SOUTHING SYRUP for chlldicn teething, Is the mescilptlon of oiin of the best lumnlo phslclans uiul nurses In the United States, uml has been used sixty years with novel -fulling suc cess by millions of ipotlieia for tilth chil dren. Duiing the pioccss of teething Its valuo Id incalculable. It lolieves the child from pain, cuies dluirhocn, gilplng In tlio bowels, and wind colic By giving health to the child It icsts tho motliei. Pilee, twenty-live cents a bottle. Pierce's (joUlen Medical Discov- behind every claim made for the ns good " medicine can show. inga Br Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser will teSI you authoritatively how to live a healthy life and how to avoid the mis takes which wreck so many lives. This great work, containing 10Q8 pages and over TOO illustrations, is sent FREE on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 one -cent stamps for the cloth" bound volume, or only 21 stamps for the book In paper covers. Address s Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. oil. Those giving the social mo happy and guileful ".Snow .bound" was the condition of men and things hi town mid elsewhoie S.ibb.uli inoinlnir, but befme io,:io n. in, the walks weie (leaned, nio.icheis unci all tiiklni? a hand In, so Unit when tho nun l.iiiuu 10 iiiuiLii a guod eongiega tioii gatheieil. Fourteen came in tiom the 11111 touutiy, hut shovels weio used extensively to make their way possible, .showliiK that "Whcie theie's a will, time's a way." Today tho snow is wasting i.ipldly bj tbc beating laln stoim which has piealled all day, Tho Mlsse-, Carylll and Watson, Inter mediate and pilmary Uncheis In our school, mo enjoying tho teacheia' exeur tilon to Washington this week. Dr. Dow mou was piofesslonally en gaged In Caibondale yesteiday, D.nld IMwaids, of llanilluton, gao us the shako of Ids hand yesterday, as ho passed tlnoiigh town to slt icla tlves In Jackcon. NEW mTtORD, Special to tho Seranton Tribune. Now Mtlfoid, Doc, 1C Theie will be services at the 1'iesbyteilan chuieh nest Sunday morning at the usual hour, Miss I.ettlo Woodliouse and Miss Net tle Stllwell mo spending thlr holiday vacution ut their home in Dlmmock.' Thete will be rjuaiteily meeting at tho Methodist chuieh Saturday. Theie will be u chlldien's service at the 1'ieshyteilan chuieh Cliiistinas. livery one is Invited. Miss lnu Aldilch entertained tho W. and O. club Tuesday evening. The thlid meeting of the Epwoith comes H HR 1 fv"2- "Discovery " which no "just when you may feara knowledge for moth" League emu so will be given nt the op i'in house Wednesday evening, Decem ber 17. JIAMLINTOy. Special to tho Seranton Tilbune. llamlllllou, Dee. 1C Thomas Cook, the oldest male inhabitant of Salem, died eiy suddenly Sutuiduy ening last, ot heait disease. Dcreased was hoi n In l.elstei sliire, Rngland, Juno C, 1SJ0; emigrated to this countiy with his paient.s about 1S.I0, settling In Fianklln, N. V lit 1S10 ho came to Salem, wheio ho had since jesided. In 1SJI he was milted in maulage to Julia Ann Collins, which uuloi has been blessed by live ihildien, four of whom suivivo him Sidney, of Jeimu, I'u.j Lewis P.. of llawley, Pa,; (Kiln) Mrs. Wllllnm Noble, of Steiling, Pa.; (Steda) Mis. Claienco K. "SViight, of this place. Ho wan a vcteian of tho Civil war, en listing iYhiimry 2fl, 1S61, In Company 11, Second leglment, Pennsylvania ar tllleiy, and was dlschaiged Januaiy S9, lS(iO, Deceased had been foi many years a member of tho Piesbyterhin church, nnd was a man of quiet dis position, n loving father, kind husband, and held in high esteem by tho entlio (.ommuiiity, A Ctiilstmab tieo and eiiteitnlument Good News, It will bo good news to the molheis of small clhldien to lenin that croup can bo prevented. The Hist sign of cioup Is hoarseness. A day or two be foie the attack the child becomes hoarse. This Is soon followed by a pe culiar rough qough. Give Chambej laln's Cough ltemedy freely as soon aa tho child becomes hoaise, or oven after the tough cough appeals, and It will dispel all symptoms of cioup. in this way ull danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothem and has never been known to fall. It is, in fact, the only lemcdy that can ulways be de pended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. will ho held III the Methodist Kplscopat church on ChrlstmaM eva by tho Sun day Hclmol. The scholars nnd ttnclieM arc tchciirslug, and It Is mulct stood that a cry nice piosrnmtim Is being nrmnceil. QLYPHANT. Tho many friends of the lain Mri. Mnry Murphy, of Duntnoro utrcot, attended tlio funeral services, which wero held jester- day morning nt 10 o'clock. A rcnulcm mans waq celebrated In St. Palrick'H church by Itev. J. J. O'Donnell, who also preached nn cIoQticnt funeral sermon. After tho set vices tho remains wero con veyed to St. Patrick's cemetery nnd laid nt rest. Tho pnll benrers wero: Hugh O'lloyle, John Hobnn, John MoLniighlln, Peter Foley, Anthony Fhuierty and James McLuughlln. Tho Orpheus club wnB entcrtnlncd by Miss Sndlo llogan ut hr home on Dtm moio street Inst evening. Tho tlmo was delightfully pnscd by ell present. Mrs. John Sheiman (nee Miss Maud Kelly) Is critically III nt her homo In lllnkely. Tho Juvenile's dancing clnsi will glvo their weekly social In Mahon'B hall Fri day night. Lnwrcnco's orchestra will be In attendance. Miss Anna Lavln, a student at nlooms blirg Stnto Normal school Is homo for the holidays. WAVERLY. The rehearsals for tho Christmas con cert are being well attended, and glvo evidence already that tho best music ccr hoard In this vicinity will bo present cd. The large choru-, under the direction of Mr. Tom Hull, is prepiulng two niini hois, a Clounod and a Meiidclssobn, which will In themselves bo an evening's enter tainment worth hearing. Tho other "pccial number nro In chaigo of compe tent soloists and all will bo in icndlncsi for this evening, Dec. 17th. Moonlight and good sleighing ought to Insure a laige attendance, Mr. Harry L. Tylor, of Seranton, w.im a guest al the Hall homestead Monday night. ARCHBALP. MM Lou Dolph, of Scianton, spent Sunday In town. Miss Mary Mullen was a caller In Cnr bondulo Mondaj-. Mr. and Mis. E. A. Jones aro visiting In Philadelphia. Mis Mary Judd has returned from a slslt at Windsor, N. Y. Tho closing oxeiclses of the Daisy Memorial kindergarten will be held Fri day morning. THEATRICAL "Sky Faim," last Night. A New Kngland iui.il drama, "Sky Pnun," was seen for tho llrst time in this city, at tho Lceum last night. It Is from the pen of Edwaid 13. Kidder, who has done somo excellent character sketching hi' It. The story Is a stiong one and was ndmhably plajed last night. Few dramas of countiy life that lnne been placed on the stage hae been given such tt setting as "Sky Faim." The rep lesenlatlons of outdoor life, landscape, etc., weio partlculaily effective. "York State Folks." At the Lceum to-night and at a that Stnte special matinee this afternoon rh.iiniiug pistoial nluv "York Folks," winch m-ido such a favorable tmpiessloa with those who wero foitu nale enough to witness It at its last visit will be presented v.lth the samo great cast and mngnll'cent sconery. "Yolk Stato l""olks." without doubt is tho best plav of its kind that has over been of fered and it is a play that Is destined to have a long and successtul caieer. It tells an Interesting story of jveiy il.iv life In a small village and the story ls told In a most natural way. Special matinee puces, li'i and CO cents. Children r. cents to any pait of the house. Seats on sale. Chauncey Olcott. Chuunccy Olcott, In "Old Llmeiick Town," plns his annml engagement at the Lyceum Thinsday and Frldav nights In the now play, which Is by Augustus Pitou, Mr. Olcott't. manager, the singer and comedian has an oppoitunlty to show all his place1-. It was written for him anil be Is said to bo suited "down to the giound" In tho chaiacter of Nell O'llricn, a scion of a. w e.ilthy family, w ho has i un thiough a foituno In reioid-bieaklng time. Nell is a. flno fellow, winning not only a foituno but a. sweetheart as well. Tho process ot chut actor development takes up thiee acts of the play In the course ot its nction something Is told of the lace Industry of Llmeiick and also the. Institution in Iioland of tho Monto do Plote, the ch.n liable loan society es tablished In Limerick early in the last century. The period ot "Old Llmeiick Town" Is that of 1S35-3S, which permits of quaint costuming and handsome furnishings. Two of tho scenes show the river Shan non, one of the sights of tho Emerald Isle. There Is also a view of tho roman tic tails of Doonas. For the play Mr. Olcott has composed four songs. Seats on sale. Special Matinee Tomorrow. Lincoln J. Carter will prespnt at tho Academy of Music the last three days of tho week, starting with a special Thurs day matinee tho only Indian actress In the world, tho Princess Go Wan Go Mo llawk, in tho dt.ima ot western life, "The naming Arrow." Tlio story relates tho lovo of a daughter of a colonel of tho United States aimy, commanding n west ern post for a oung Indian. "Whlto Kagle," and tho machinations of two il l.ilns, which famish the motlvo lor no tion. The enst Is a largo one and contains tlio names of many prominent people. A trlbo of full blooded Indians mo also eat litd. Special matlnco pilees, gallery, life; balcony, 13 o,; lower floor, 23c; chlldicn inc. to lower floor. Seats on sale. LEG fl L. KSTATl' of N, Y. Ltet. kilo ot tho City of Scianton, deceased Letteis tcstameutaiy upon the almve estate having been gr.iutid to the undoi Nlgnul, all pel sous having claims or de mands against tho said estate in u hcioby uotillcd to piiseut them foi pigment, mid thoso Indebted to the said estate will make Immediate pajment to JLNNIi: R. LUKT. KxocuttK, 211 Jeffeison avenue. Scianton, Pa. WILLARD. WARRRN .t KNAPP, Attorneys foi the Lsiate. NOTICE Is heieby given that the annual meeting of the stockholder of tho On taiio, Caibondale and Scianton Railway Company, for tho election ut Pitsldent and Diicctors, and Judges or Inspeetois of tho next ensuing election, and for tho transaction of such other business us may piopeily como befoio the met'tlng will be held at tho Geneinl Ofllco of tho Company. Commonwealth lliilldlug, in tlio City of Scianton, Pa., on Tuesday, thu Uth day of Januaiy, 1903, at two o'clock p. m. Uy order of tho floanl of Dhectois. R. D, RICIvARD, Societaiy. NOTICR Is heieby given that un appll cation will bo made to tho governor of Pennsylvania on the 21th day of Decem ber, by Samuel T. CJotdon, Kiunk H Foote, William II Hoffman. Stephen J. Duiklu and Ucoigo Mitchell, under the Act of Assembly untitled "An Act to pro vidu foi the Incorpoiatlnu and regulation of ceitalii coipoiutlons," approved Apt II 20, 1871. and tho supplements thereto, tor tho chaiUr of an Intended coipoiatlnu to bu called "Tho Uoidon Supply and Man ufacturing Company," tho character and object of which Is tho munufactuiing and selling plumbeis' goods and other ar ticles ot Iron and other metals, wood or other mnteiliil, and for these pin poses to have, possess and enjoy all tho lights, benelllu and piivlleges or said Act of Assembly and supplements tbeieto WL'LLLS & TORRIJY, Sollcitois. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Wl (I TK FOR SUES Only Half a Cent Word. Rent Estate. Clay Avanue Bargain A residence piopcrty costing over Eight Thousand to bo sold for Six Thousand Dollars If purchased Immediately. This Is the biggest real estate bargain In Sornnton, because house has every convenience, Including city steam. Tho lot Is large, tho sticct Is paved and tho location Is gilt-edged. SEE W. T. Mm THE I BROKER TODAY TOMORROW MAY 11 U TOO LATD. For Bent. rWVV -vi J1S For Rent Ton-loom house; excellent neighborhood; nil modem impiove ments, on avenue. Apply to R. P. Ham ilton, J2G Spruce street. For Sale. FOR SALD Dlegimt watch, Jules Jur genson (tho woild's most celebrated maker of watches), IS. size, in 1S-KI. liunthig c.ise. Ilus a leeord ot seven sec onds a month Importers pi ice, ?J"0; my pi Ice, $J0O "Youi money back without aigument if not satisfnotoiy. Walter W. Wiuton, Diamond Parlor, G07 Meais Bidd ing. Wanted To Bent. WANTDD-Small dress I3ox 300, furnished city. houso. Ad- Booms and Board. THE LINDEN, SOD Linden street, has a numbf of deslinblo acancies; light rooms and choice table board PLEASANT rooms with board for four or flvo young men. Inqulie i"Z Wash ington avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Write for our special mar ket letter. Fieo on application S. M. Hibbaid &. Co, membeis N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 41 and 10 Uioadway.. New Yoik, Established 1S31 Long Distance 'Phone 21SS Ilioad. LEGAL. NOTICE OF AUDlTS-Estates to he aud ited in tlio Oi plums' Couit of Lacka wanna. County. Notice is hciebv given that accounts have been filed and conflimed absolutely bv tlio touit In the following estates, nnd audit of same will bo heaid on tlio in spect dates named below, viz : On Monday. Januaiy 1-', 1B0.1, nt 10 a. m. 1. Estate of Amos Sax, deceased; Iiwin II. Sa-, et al. ovecutoi.s (Dlstilbiitlon). 2. Estate of Fiances Davis, deceased; John E. O'Malley, executor. (Distiibu tion). a. Estate of Williams Evans. Jr., de ceased; Geoigo F. Evans, admlnlstiator. (Dlstilbiitlon). On Tuesday, Jaiuim v 1.1. 1903, at 10 a. m. J Estate of Fiedeilck M.ukei, de ceased; August Foster, admlnlstiator, d. b. n. c. t. a. (Dlstilbiitlon). 3. Estate of Elizabeth Kelglei ; August F. Schneider, executor. (Exceptions). On Wednesday, Januaiy, 14, 190J, at 10 a, in. C Estate of Amelia Robinson, minor; Lackawanna Trust and Sate Deposit Co., guaidlan (Dlstilbiitlon). 7. Estate of Adam Fasshold, deceased; Mai gin et Fasshold, admlnistiatiix. (Ex ceptions). S. Estate of Joslah II. Itaught, de ceased: Hiu Hot V. Rouglit, administra trix. (Distiihution). On Thursday, Januaiy 13, 1003, at 10 a. m. 9. Estate of Louis Welsbeiger, do ceased; Samuel Miller, Jr., admlnlstiator. (Disttlbution). 10. Estate of Abulia Gardner, deceased; Jesso Gaidner, ndmlnistiatrlx. (Dlstiibu tion). 11. Estato of John Tleeso, deceased; Esther Reese, administiatrlx. (Dlstiibu tioti). , 1.. Estato of Andrew Watt, deceased; 13. W. Pascou, administrator. (Distribu tion). 11. Estate of Edgar C. Post, deceased; Maiguict K. Post, administiatrlx, (Dis tiihution). On Ftld.iy, January in. 19i rt. at 10 a, m. II. Estato of Mai hi Cathiulno Rlehtor. deceased; Fredeilck Seliwaitz, adminis trator t: t. a. (Dlstilbiitlon). 13. Estate of Matilda Swingle, dt eased; Daniel lllesecker, ot ill., o.xecutois. (Ex ceptions). Tho above nc counts enumerated and designated in tho above list will be aud ited by the Hoiioiable M F. Saiulo, 1', J., of tho Oi plians' Comt, in the Oi plums' Couit loom, com t house, hi Sciantoii, Pa,, dm lug the ses.ilnus of couit on thu days set fur each estate at which tlmo all poisons Intet ested shall attend, If they see lit, and pieseut their claims against s.vid estates, or fouver thcieatter bu debaiied from c Dining in upon said fund W.M. KOCH, .ut: Cleik of tlio Oi plums' Couit, SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In tho oflli'o ot the City Reeouler by tha Dhector ot tlio Doputment of Public Works at a o'clock p in on Monday, tho 12th day of Januaiy, it'OJ, lor tho con. sti action of a Induct upon and aloiu West Lackawanna avenue, fiom Seventh avenuo to Ninth avtiuio iicioss and ovei the tiatks of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rnlho.id Company, lu no cot daneo with plans mid spielllcatiuns mi lllo in tlio Depaitmont ot Public Winks, Ituitiiu of Eiiginceiing, Each bidder skill enclose with his pir posal, cash or ioi tilled check, in the sum of one thousand (l.owoin dollui.s, us a giiai.iuteo to oxeciltu n tontiuct It a v aid ed the same, lu case the hlddei to whuiu the eontiaet ahull hao beta awauled, m fuses or omits to execute a eontiaet for the wink In aceoidiiuco with the plans and speclllcations theiofor with in ten (10) days fiom the date of tho award, tho euelosuio accompanying his proposal shall be foi felted to tho use of the City of Seranton Bidders mo leipiestod to innll their pro posals fiom tho postoftlco of tho city oi town In which theli main otflce In situ ated. Ulddei.s will bo furnished with pioposal blanks ut the Hiiieau of Eiigiuecting and no otheis will bo accepted. All pioposuls shall bo mulled to tho Cltv Contioller of the City of Scianton nnd sliull bo marked mi the cuveiouo "Pio posal fur West Lackuwiiuna Avenue Via duct." and must ho locelvcd in said of tiro not latoi than 2 on p. ni , Mouduy, Jan lino, 12. J9cd. Tho ilty icsenes the light to leject uny or all bids. JOHN E. ROCHE. Dhector, Depaitmont of Public Woiks. Sciunton, Pa, Dec. 10, 1902 N Order Accepted for Less Than 10 CcnK Branch WAN I' uffisi?. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALRERT SCHULTZ, corner Mill- beiry street nnd Webster nvo. OU8TAV PICHEL, COO Adams avenue. West Side QEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Seranton FRED L. TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue. North Seranton GEO. W. DAVIS, Slnln avenue stieet. corner North and Mai act Green Eidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dick- i on avonue. T. J. JOHNS, 920 Gieon Tlldga sticct. C. LOREN55. coiner Washington avenuo and Marlon stieet. Peteisbtirg W. II. KNEPFEL, avenue. 1017 Irving Dunmore J. G. DONE & SON. Wanted. ENGINE WANTED-About 20 11. P. Must bo In pond condition. Sei anion Tiatn Finishing Co. d23 Piescott avenuo. Help Wanted. WANTED-Agonts to sell tea and cof fee to consumers. Positions perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. YOUNG men everywhere, copy letteis, home evenings, 47.00 week. Send nd diessed envelope for p.aitlculais. Fll bcit Dept. W. 130, Box 1411, Philadel phia, Pn. Help Wanted Female. LADIES wanted everywheie, copy let teis home evenings nnd lotuin "to us. Wo pay $10 thousand. Send uddiessed en velope; nartlcul.ua and copy. Addiess. Guarantee Dept. W. 130, Box 1302, Phila delphia, Pa. LADIES, writing at homo evenings, $7.00 per week. P.irtlculais tice to all. Send addressed envelope. Fllbeit Dept. W. 130, Bo-c 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. PLAIN sowing at home $9 00 per week. Matciinls sent eveiywheio free Steady woik. Send addressed en elope for p.n tlculars. Du Pont Dept. W. 130, Lock Box 13S2, Philadelphia. Pu. WANTED A young lady as cashier, must bo i.tpid adder. Call between 10 and II a. m. Great Atlantic and Pacliio Tea Co, Lackawanna avenue. WANTED Competent woman for gen eial houoewoik; Piotestant piefened; two in family. 721 Quincy avenue. WANTED-Biight active gills, 1". years old for winppeis. Apply nt once. Jonas Long's Sons. WANTED A good housekeeper; one com petent to take entlio charge of tunning house. Good pay and long employment to the tight woman. Addiess, stating ex peilenco and giving iefcio-.ee, also what pay is looked tor, lu93 Tilbune ofllce Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants cneigetlc Gcnoial Agent for this county. No books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with meichtntH and manu facturcis necess.ny Permanent. Bond. Stato age, experience, references Hist let ter. Addiess, Suite 572. No. 1001 Chestnut St , Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-To go out wash ing anil ironing. Addiess, L. II, Hit Sumner avenue. WANTED A position by a young gen tleman us stenogiapher and tjpe writer, who has had expel ieneo in genoral ofllco woik; best of reference. Address P. W. F this oftlce. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RENT Front furnished bed looms for gentlemen. 312 Washington avenue. FOR RENT A furnished room on second floor fiont. $1 50 week. L33 Adams avo. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. C. P. A.. 23 Tradeis' Bank Building. Old "phone 1804, Architects. FREDERICK L. HROWNTARCT7lt Real Estato Exchango Bldg., 120 Wash ington uvenuo Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 815 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON iicll building. & KNIGHT, 720 CON- Dentists. DR. E. C. EILENUERGER. PAULI building, SpiULO stieet, Scianton. DR, C, CLUVUI1ACII, 113 WYOMING uvo File Insurance. SCHLAaER &. CO, 101 Council Building. Patent Attomoys. PA ENTblfVi''r The only licensed and equipped patent solicitor in tlio city No chaigo for In toimutlon on patentability; over ten eats' e.xpcilenco. Hcplcijrle & Co.. ftlcars lilUjr, Hotels nnd Bestnuinnts, THE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 FRANK llu avenue. Rates leasonablu. IN 5J1EGLER, Piopilotor, SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., I. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on tho En topean plan. Victor Koch, Piopiiotor, Scavenger. A. B BRiaOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools; no odoi; only impioved pumps usid A. B. Briggs. propiietor. Leave oideis 110 Noith Main avenue, or Elcke's drug stoie, coinci Adams and Mulbc'liy. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL. REAR 511 LACKA. avo.. Scianton, mfia. of Who Sctcens Miscellaneous. MEGARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUP. lilies, envelopes, paper bass, twlno Warehouse, 130 Washington uvenuo, THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bu had In Scianton nt the news Btuud of Iti lsinun Bios, 400 Spruce und GO) Linden; M Noiton, 322 Lnckuwunna avc.; I. S. SchutzcT, 211 Spruce sttcet. HJH? SfS 31 "(? -n vu W I IIIIILO, I1LI Only TtaU V Cn Tirt. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, straight loans ot Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to o per cent, Call on N. V. Walker, 311.315 Council building. Employment Agoncy. RELIABLE help can bo piocutcd at Mrs. ... A.l. Jv. Stiukoy's Employment ontce, 110 Washington nvenue, rooms 2 and 4. Tako elevator. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. , IN Effect Jlilio 1, 1902. Trains leave Scianton for Now York At 1.50. 3 JO, 0 03. 7,5o and 10.10 u. in.; 12.10, '.'.V' !' '" l'or Now Yoik nnd Phlla-(lelphln-7.G0. 1010 a. in., nnd 12.10 and a .13 P. m. I'or Gouldsboio-At 0.10 p. m. For "irfiilo-l,lu, 0 22 nnd 9 00 a, m,: 1.53, CM am 1110 p m. For Rliigliuniton. Elmitii and way stat ons-10 "3 n. m. im . m. ami fc o p m. Nicholson atconnnodiitloii - oo nnd 0 13 p ni Bloomsbuig Division For Northumboi- land, nt or, nnd 1010 n. m.: 155 and 0 10 !' i"ll -T" or I'lJ mouth, ut S10 a. m.; 3 10 und 9 0,i p m. n -'"Vl".5' Tl.ilns-For Now Yolk, 130, .120. V.V.' V l0. " ni" 3 " "ml 3 3"' P m. For Jliirfalo-J.iri and 0 22 a m,; 153, (150 ntul 11,10 p. ni J'oi Elmba and waj stnllons ii i .' "'"' r1- Blnghamtnn and way sta tions, Ono n m. We-omsburg Dlvlslon-l-ean hennton. 1010 a. m nnd 010 p. m. Xehigh Valley Bailroad. Ill Effect Nov. 10. 1902. Tinins Leave Scianton For Philadelphia nnd Now Yoik via D. 6 ! H. R. at 7.11. thiough Parlor Cur find Day Coach Caibondale to Now York and 947(1. m. with L. V. Coach Caibon dale to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 133 (Blncn Diamond Kxpioss), nnd 11 19 p. m. Sun days, p &. H. It. ., 15S p. m , 9 IS n. m. lor White Haven, Ila.loton and piincl PH points in the coal regions, via D & li'J1-,,7,1- 7-41' "W nml lo5 p. in. For Pottsvllle. 7 41 a. m. ror Bethlehein, Eauton. Reading, Hnr rlsburg and piinclp-il Intoiinedlnto sta il,01!ns; oY1" P- " R- R 7.41, 9.17 a. m ; 2 IS, 4 3j (Black Diamond Expiess), 1149 p. ", Sundays. D. & ll. R. a., ass a. m. ami 1 58 nnd 9 17 p. m. For Ttinkhnnnoek, Townnda. Elmha, itnaca. Geneva nnd prlnclpnl Intormodlato stations via D , L. & W. R. R 0 35 a. m. and 1 55 p. m. For Oenova, RnchostOr. Buffalo, Nlag n'a Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via D. & H. R n, 12 03 p. m.: 3 28 (Black Diamond Expiess). 10 II. 11.41 p. m. Sun diivs D. & U. R. R, 12 03, 917 p. m. ir i, Imnn P-irloi and sleeping or Lehigh Ji'V'oy Parlor cms nn all tialns between AVIlkes-Bniie and Now Yoik. Philadol VU9v?"ff!,1 and Suspension Bildge. ROLL1N II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 23 Coitiintl street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt, 24 Cortland 'Ueot. Now Yoik. A. W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt, South Bethleliom. Pn. For tickets and Pullman icervatlon ap ply to city ticket office, l9 Public Sciuare, Wllkes-Barrc. Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Cential Bailroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 10, 1W2. Stations in New York, foot Libeity stieet and South Teriy, N, R. Trains leave Scianton for Now Yoik, Philadelphia, Eastnn, Bethlehem, Allen town, Maucli Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wllkes-Bane and Pittston at 7 30 a. m , 1 p. m . and 1 p m. Sundays. 7.15 a. m. and 2.10 p m Quikor City Expiess leaves Seranton 7 "0 a. m., with thiough. solid vestibule tialn with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Philadelphia -with only one change of cats foi Baltlmoro and Washington, D. C, and all pilnclp.il points south and west and has tlnougli coach foi New Yoik. For Avoca, Pittston and Wiikc3-Barro, 1 p. m. nnd 1 p. in. Sunday, 7.15 a. m. and 2 10 p m. Foi Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc, at 7 30 a. m. and 1 p. m Tor Reading, Lolnnon and Harrlsburg via Allontown nt 7 30 a. m, 1 p in and 1 p m. Sunday. 7.13 n. in nnd 210, p m. For Tam.iquii and Poltsvlllo at 7 30 a. m . 1 p rn. nnd 1 p. m. Sundiv, 7,15 a. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER, Goneial Manager. C. M. BURT. Gen, Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Enlhoad. Schedule In EDoct June 10. 1002. Trains leave Scianton 0 3S a. in, weols das, thiough vestibule ti.tln fiom Wllkes-Bane. Pullman buffet pit lor c ir and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potta ilio; stops at piinclpal intoiinedlnto sta tions, Also connects loi Siuiliuiy. H.n tlsbuig. Philadelphia. Baltimoio, Wash ington and for Plttsbuig and the West. 9 47 a. m . week days, for Sunbury. Har rlsbuig. Philadelphia, Maltimoio, Wash ington and Plttsbuig and tho West. 1 12 P. m, week das, (Sunday. 1 5S p. m,). for Sunbury. Haiilsbiug, Philadel phia, Baltimoio, Washington and Pltts buig nnd tho West 3 "S p m , week davs. through vestlbulo tialn fiom Wilkcs-Baiio. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal Intermedi ate stations. 135 p in . week days, for Hazlcton, Snn buiy, Haiilsbiug, Philadelphia and Pitts- UUlB' J. B. HUTCHINSON, Gen. Mgr. J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt. Dclawaie and Hudson. In Effect Nov. 10. 1)02. Tinins tor Caibondale leave Scianton nt 0 41 730. s3X. 10 13 11 m.l 12 0.5. 1.12. 2 11. :;?,!,: 5 29. 0 23, 7 22. 8 3.1, 9 50. 11,20 p. 111.; It'll n 11 For Honcsdulc fi.ll. 1013 a. m ; Ill and S'-,? 0V' "vllkei-B.il l B-C3S. 7 11. S II. Ill fa It. nil 12 W, J 12. 2 IS. 3.2S. 4 33, 9 17. 6.10, 7 4S 9 10 10 11. 1 11' P Ul ror L V R R Pnlnts-7 11. 9 17 a. m ; in 135 and U 19 P in " r'oi Peuusjlvnnli R R Polnts-0 3?, oi. ,,, .: 1 12. 3 2S und I "5 p. m. Foi i' Albany nnd all points noith-7.30 a. "'nmia Sunday trains. For Cniboiidiilo-sno, 1133 a. in.; 211, laK',,. m; 12 03, 15.. t'm fi",' and 9 17 P ni For Albuiv and points nnith-3 50 n. m. l'm-H)il"Hlal(-S50n ni.;:i52p ill 3 j W ll'ltm'K, G P A.. Albany. N. Y. W L PRVOR. D P A.. Scianton. pi Erlo Bnlhoad Wyoming Division. In Effect September 15, 1902 i? Trains Kioo ScimiHin . Ijir Now; m. Now iiiKh ami liuvunodlntu points. Jolso foi linvslo nnd iwal stations at 7 2.a. "Vo" HomBclaiS and White Mills ngwi P Tinins in l Wo lt Scianton at 10 3S am. and 9 15 p. m. ' , New Yoik, Ontario nnd Westori. ri'imn tiiblo III effect Sunday. Sept 23,4902. alln NOllTIt BOUND TRAINS '" , Leave Leave Anlvq 'I'uilnsi, ( , Scianton, Caibondf.lc. C.idosln. ftj,' ; ... tiioji mAi Cniliomlaloti ij.p.m 0,T SOUTH BOUND. t - Leave lieiivuf. Aitieo Tinins Cndosll Catlioiidnlo.'Sciaiyilii 3.'nlu ''5"" 7 25 jt in, ' ,7 .".. 2 15 p 111 4 1)0 p. m. Il3pm. "L't.l.livd r iisJl.V. NIlll'I'M Ilfii'vtS ssursu" vv; ' ,t.-:-. -.: l.u.ie Leuvo AnK-n Tialns. No. 9 , No, D ,, Tialns. No. 0 . Scianton, Caibomlale C'adoila., bSou m fllUa m. lOljidn. 7.W p m Al' Cm boiidale 7 15ji m Leave Leave Arrlvo Cadusia, Caibiindnlo. Scianton, 0 50 a, to, 7 25 ar m, 4 30p in. 0 00p in liFinrm. No 10 w j,-si. 1 on week ilan. ami ft nn ..-f- i Mb 1 1 1 9 "HrMlk n Bin J n jf -J hiu wivu IlIVJOw IuvvI f vjsvvego, Hviacuse and Ullca 1.13 nnd u, ":..'" ; '& !' m Oswego, Sjincuso and Ft leu trnln at 0 22 u m, dally, otcept Sunday. Pni- itiniir,iAinit n. m . ii-: Sundays connect toi New Yoik cltv, Mid dletown, Walton, Norwich, Oncijdd, ,Os wego and nit .points ; west "V ; Tialn No with "Ouakcr City Ex press'' ut Scianton, via C. R It. of Nf"J for Philadelphia'. Atlantic Pity, Baltimore; Washington una Pennsylvania stato points. X ' i See time-table and consult ticket ageuti for comiec,tloivs jvUh otlier llns.. -, J. a'AtNURP.S0K'O,P. A.. Now YorT. J. E WELSH, T. P. A, Scrunton. Pa. r v ; t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers