ipfffcv kt- e TP5, sr jHii!Si:i5f, vj M r W?WvW,T5pC iwwy &? v-irM" ups $: i Ml THE SORANTON TllIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1902. WEST Christmas Sales and mouth and St. Notes and The Sunday school elusKes oC the I'ly mouth Congregational church, (nught by Mr. antl Mrs. A. 11. Jiynou, held a fiiIo of needlework in the lecture room oC the church hint evening, nftcr which un Ice cream pocliil was enjoyed. The articles offered for Pitlc Included many ilnlnty ClirlHttnuH Klttn. Tltero wus n law attendance and much enjoyment resulted. The young ladles of the two classes are nw follows: Misses Carrie Harwln. Hutli Davis, .Tesslo IjGwIs, Mary Owens, .lennlo Price, Bertha. Owens. Marian Kvans, ' Ocrlruito Hughes, Ulllan James, Mur wnrct ISvnns, Laura Hughes, Hannah Kvnns, Mnry Price, May Joseph, Huth Lewis, Bertha Davis, Huttlu Davis, Maybollo Parsons, May Jones, Lizzie Uoberts, Elizabeth Lee, Jennie Lewis, Ousslc Phillips, Kate arlfllths, Mnrtha Jones, ISdltli lleeso, Mary Watklns, Annlo Davis. Mrs. W. II. Fuller, Mrs. L. A. Howell and Mrs. Kthel Saunders. Sale and Entertainment. St. Akiios chapter of St. David's Episcopal church, un organization ot young girls, conducted a sale and en tertainment in the basement of the I'hurch last evening, which was woll patronlzcd and enjoyed. The articles disposed ot represented the handiwork of the young Indies, among which were ninny useful and ornamental things. The ladles In charge of the booth were Sirs. Hill, Mrs. McIIcnry and Misses Freeman and Kingdom A musl rnl and literary programme was ren- clered, which included the following numbers: f Piano solo, Sarah "Williams: vocal solo, Hva Kittle; recitation, Hlodwen Jenkins: vocal solo. Lillian Osborn; piano solo, Molllo Fltzslmmons; reci tation, Mary Dorsey; vocal duet, Laura Thomas and Helen Markwick; piano duet, lid tie Parry and Norma Jones: recitation, Alma Oeeley. Refreshments worn served after the entertainment. Recent Accidents. Sirs. John Tooling, of Arohbald, who was (ittondlng a meeting at Holy Cross church recently, slipped and fell on the sidewalk after leaving the church and sustained Injuries which rendered Iter unconscious for a time. Later she was taken borne and is now recovering. George Selss. organist of St. John's German Catholic church, had the top of his linger cut off on Monday by ma chinery, while at work In John Renoro & .Sons' planing mill. His Injury was dressed at the "West Side hospital. Threatened to Shoot. Lawrence Hasci, a bartender In a. sa- Five stamps given away with, each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. W. JENKINS. vl V Vl il lfcl Vd i ii l A I Through a Foot of Snow 1 They Came to See the Show Is ijg Of holiday specialties and novelties on Satur- ! j$ day. Everybody pronounced it "Great" and gj f buying was so generous that wa knew we had si :t made no mistake. st Among the Umbrellas there were pickers and choos ers all day long among; the good sorts with tho two years' guarantee for service. They're just ns pretty as they are good. "Umbrella Prices, $1.00 to $10.00. The Novelty and Fancy Goods stocks held visitors long. a 3k g There Is so much to see and g so little time to take it all in. No use to try and tell about f5 it. Come nnd see for your- uS self. Art Needlework a and Leather goods are shown in endless variety. Tho burnt leathers are popular with faddists, nnd so are the many burnt wood productions which show the deftness with which art may guide a practiced hand in the use of n hot poker, Pillow Shams, Cushions, Lace Covers for stands, tables, bu reaus, etc., Pocketbooks,Htuul Sags, Toilet Requisites, Per fumery and a thousand and one other things suitable for Christmas remembrances cluster around these depart ments. a a a a 3? Gloves, Furs and Waists nre much in demand among Christmas Bhoppers. No need to tell you that the largest stocks, the best selections, the leading fashions and the lowest prices blond such hap py harmony here as to make buying a pleasure. a -a a a a a a a a a a Glob? Wareholis?. 1 a $ SCRANTON Entertainment in Ply- David's Churches. Personals. loon on Lackawanna avenue, -wan ar rested yesterday afternoon by lteservo Olllcer 15, TJ. Kvans, on the charge of disorderly conduct and at the hearing beforo Magistrate Davis was lined 3. The prisoner had created a disturb ance on a street car, and when the con ductor put him off, Ituscl threatened to shoot the conductor. Olllcer Kvnits was near by nnd took him to the police station. When searched, Kascl was unarmed, but pnld the flue for Jils Mult. C. R. & B. A. Officers. At a recent meeting of council No. lf9. Catholic Itellcf and lionellclat asso ciation, held In Y. M. I. hall, the follow ing ofllcers were elected: President, Mrs. Anna Murphy: first vice president, Mrs. TJ. M. Gallagher: second vice president, Mrs. Catherine V. Sullivan; recording secretary, Miss Mary Henlgan: financial secretary, Miss Catherine L. Gallagher; treasurer. Miss Anna Sullivan; medical examiner, Dr. W. J. L. Davis; trustees, Mrs. Margaret Gallagher, Mrs. Henrietta Cannon, Miss Margaret Henlgan, Miss Mary Brown, M. B. Henlgan; marshal, Miss Mary Foley; guard, James Gallagher. Events of This Evening;. The Ladles' Aid society of St. David's Kplscopal church, will meet this even ing. There will be n social and sale of fancy articles and needlework at the Talier naelo Congregational church this even ing. Court THhnn Allen, of tho Ancient Or der of Foresters, of tho World, will meet this evening In Morgan's hall. "If there had been no Saviour" will be the subject for thu prayer meeting in tho "Washburn street Presbyterian church this evening. Tho Klectric City "Wheelmen will hold a special meeting In the club house this evening, to which all members are In vited. A progressive eueliro party and dance will bu held at Clears' hull this evening under the auspices of the Ladles' Aux iliary, division :! ot tho A. O. II. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The cantata, "Mine Host, Santa Clans'' will bo rendered on Christmas evening by tho Juvenile choir of tho Sumner ave nue Presbyterian church. A rrjlioarsal was bold last evening, at which the chil dren sang In lino voice. Attorney Clarence Harrow, of the Pulled Mlno "Workers of America, bus been prevailed upon to repeat his lec ture on "I.eo Tolstoi.' at the First Welsh Congregational church, South Slain avenue, next Friday evening. It. S. Duvies. of North Slain avenue, has accepted a position at Ellsworth, near Pittsburg, and has gone there to reside permanently. The funeral services over the remains of the late Sirs. William O. Williams will bo held at 2 o'clock to-morrow after noon at the house. Sl.l South llydo Park avilinu. Tie v. T. P. Jones, ot the Tab ernacle, Congregational church, will of lielate, and Interment will be made In Washburn street cemetery. A practice drill was given by St. Paul's Pioneer Corps in their hall last evening. Jewelry, Pictures, BricaBrac Our Jewelry department has earned its reputation for reliability, correct style, and thorough-going economy on merit. Everything sold is ns represented. Our guaran tee for that every time. Solid gold and silver jewelry of nil kinds; gold filled jewelry that's warranted; silver trinkets of all kinds; silver ware and pocket cutlery; pic tures at surprisingly low prices; Brush Sets, Manicure Sets, Mirrors, Shaving Out fits, Cracker Jnrs. and other things in cut glass, silver, , etc. Neckwear of All Kinds for every member of tho family: Fur Scarfs, Huches in various materials and nil colors; Ties, Stocks and Silk Neckwear in endless assort ment for ladies and children; Mufflers nnd Silk Neckwear for gentlemen in styles thnt baffle description. Values that have never been Equalled in Scranton, Gloves and Hosiery These departments have no equnl in this state outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. All the latest productions from homo and foreign man ufacturers nnd specialties for tho holiday season only, : & en en en en mmmm'm preparatory to their exhibition drill In North Bcranton next month. Tho athlello club of tho Pyne nnd the Excelsiors of tho Archbald mines will hold a shooting match oil Christmas day. John Stonnlngor, ot North llydo Pnrh avenue, who has been a resident of West Scranton for forty years. Is secltlug tho nomination tor Melcct council lit the Fourth ward. Thu funeral of tho Into Michael .f. Stu Dnuoligh occurred yesterday morning from the hotiso at. lit Luzerne street. A lequlcm mass was celebrated In Holy Cross church, nnd Interment was made. In thu Cathedral cemetery . A persistent effort was mmln by prop erty owners to clean their shlownlltH yes terday, but tho crosswalks at Intersect ing streets nro In bad shapo and require lmnicdlato attention. A Hireling of the Hrlsbln Sllno Fund was held last evening at null's Tlcad, when tho money held by Treasurer .Tames Davis was divided eciunlly among tho member.'!. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Sirs. Harry A. Xolmyor, of North Slain avenue,- has recovered from a slight in disposition. Alfred Anderson, Joseph "Wltlces, and Albert Heed have returned homo from a hunting trip ttt Tloadluy's. SIlss Slagglo Unity, ot Kmmot street, has recovered from un attack of tonsil Ills. Sirs. James Dean of Itnllroad avenue, Is recovering from a protracted illness. Sirs. Kll Twining Is seriously 111 at her homo on Tenth street, with an attack of pneumonia. Silss Anna Williams, of Scranton street has recovered from a throat affection. Sirs. William AVIohs, of North llydo Park avenue, who litis been seriously ill, Is recovering. Prof. Siegfried Anl, of Tnlrvlcw nvo liuo, who has been i.l nt tho Jackson sanitarium at Dausvllle, N. Y.. has re turned homo, and Is ablo to bo around again. A son was born yesterday to Sir. and Sirs. Kilns Anthony, of No. 11 South Kveretl nvenue. Daniel W. Davis, of North llebecca ave nue, who suffered a paralytic stroke last Friday Is Improving. Sirs. Alfred Koberts, of North ltebncca aveiuio Is recovering from tho effects of a recent operation. Tho Wahnula Dancing class, which meets In Slcnrs' hall Thursday evenings, have adjourned until after the holidays. NORTH SCRANTON. The North Knd Stars added nnother victory to their long list by defeating the Plymouth team beforo tin audience of fully 10() peoplo in tho auditorium Inst night. The home team played a good passing game, giving all of tho players ot tho team n chance In tho game. Their opponents had a clever lot of bnll pass ers, but their basket shooting was rather poor along side ot the locals. At thu beginning of the game tho visiting team did some clever throwing, but during the game they did not innkn much use of their throwing. The llrst half ended with the score 2" to :: in tho Stars' favor and when the whistle blow for time up tins score stood .".0 to 3 in the Stars' fa vor. The teams lined uv as follows: Stars Forwards, Hughes, Kltrlngham, J. SIcC'luhkle; centre, Tlgho; guards, Jones, Rklfllngtnn and Tom SlcCluskle. Plymouth Forwarda Davenport and I'alleth; center, Jones; guards, Davis and Jl orris. Thero will be a meeting of the "Woman's Christian Temperance Vnlon Thursday, Dec. IS, at tho home of Sirs. Georgo Pierce, Hast Slarket street. Sirs. Nolan, delegate to the Slate convention, Is ex pected to ho present and givo her re port. The Crackcrjncks will have for their opponents tho Fourth regiment team of Pottsvllle, at tho Auditorium on Friday evening. Tho members of Sirs. Smith's Sunday school class of the North Slain nv.cnuo llnptlst church were entertained at her home Inst evening. The Crystal Literary and Dramatic club will produce "Sly Old Kentucky Home" Christmas night in tho Auditorium. James Gllhooly of Slary street, a pro fessional ball player Is homo for the win ter. The Brotherhood of Trainmen will con duct their second annual danco In tho Auditorium on Now Year's qve. GREEN RIDGE. Sirs. H. V. KUlam. of Paupack, is vis iting her daughter. Sirs. Kdson SI. Green, of Green Ridge street. SIlss Jennie Okoll, of Slonroo avenue. Is homo from the "West Chester Normal school for the Christmas vocation. Silss Ida Loveland, of Penn avenue, is visiting friends at SIoscow. Tho second and last of tho lectures by K. B. Sturges upon his recent trip abroad will bo given in the now Young SIen'3 Christian Association hall, Thursday even ing of this week. Tho pictures used to Illustrate theso lectures were taken by Sir. Sturges during his travels, nnd will probably never bo shown In public again. Combined with tho lecturer's description of tho places nnd peoplo they represent, they not only offer entertainment, nut Instruction. Tho proceeds of tho lecture is for tho benefit of the Ladles' Aid so ciety of tho Greon IJUlge Presbyterian church. 'J'ho regular quarterly missionary meeting of tho Ashury Sfothodist Kplsco pal church will be held at tho parsonage, Thursday evening of this week, Director of Public "Works Itoehe is hav ing tho sign posts for thu names of the streets placed throughout this place. AVIllard Jenkins, of tho Stromlsburg State Normal school, Is spending tho hol iday vacation at tho homo of his par ents, Sir. and Sirs. K. D. Jenkln, of t'apouso nvenue. The Gicen Itldgo "Woman's Christian Tompuranco union will hold their regular weekly meeting this afternoon at :i o'clock, at tho home of Sirs. J. llnrvny, US:.' Penn nvenue, Sirs. J. S. Sillier will havo charge of tho lesson. A cordial Invitation Is extended toNill. Contractor "William Krhardt Is spending a few days in Wayno county, SIlss Isabella Watts, of Cupouse ave nue. Is confined to her homo by an attack- of grip, Tho Ladies' aid society of tho AMmry SI, K. church will meet at tho homo of Sirs. P. K. Potter, 1KI7 Slonsey u venue, Friday afternoon of this week, Quarterly examinations were held In tho publlo schools, No. 27 und 2S yester day. The members of the Fi May night euehro club enjoyed a sleighrldo to Peek vlllo Slonday evening with supper nt Ho tel Belts. Tho members of tho party wore: Sir. and Sirs. "W, L. Carr, Mr, nnd Sirs. C. 15. Toboy. Sir. and Sirs. A. fi. Thomnsou, Sir. and Sirs, H. L. Slorrlmnn, Sir. ami Sirs. "W. C. Van Blnrcom, Sir. nnd Sirs, B. T. Lacey, Sir, and Sirs, i, SI, Creen, Sir, and Sirs. K, II, Davis. Special cars havo been arranged for to arcommodalo thoho who wish to attend It Cures CoMs, Coughe. Boro Tluont, Troup, Juflu ciua, Whooping Couch, llroncliltla and Asthma. A certain euro for Uoiiiuuiptlon In Ur6t tiKi and a, nutc relief In advanced Mages. IVo at ouce. on no tho excellent t-ffect after taktns llio ltrt il'ise. Sold by dealers oH-rrn litre. TariM bottlcst ccuti auJ DO ccutB. ONLY $5 the Great Quaker Physician Will Treat All Persons Applying Before January 1st for the Nominal Sum of $5 a Month, Medicines Included. Many Cases are Cured in One Month's Time. This Offer Positively Expires on the 3 1st Day of This Month and Will Not Be Extended Beyond That Date Under Any Circumstances. Cures That Will Live in History. Never in tho lilntory ot Scranton liaa onr. to a n crested such widespread comment anil Universal prnlso as has been accorded to the Oreat Quaker Honler during tho pact tew bontlia. Cures liavo been performed upon Well-known citizens that rlvnl tlionn of nn clent times. So remarkable In fact that tho medical world standa oRlinet In utter iurprlo nud bewilderment, while- press and pulpit oulaglzo this grnnd humanitarian work In n most enthusiastic nnd unquestioned man lier. Doctor Dyers will agree to treat all patients catllnK at Ills ofrlces before January 1st on the following terms! All persons applying before January 1st will Lo treated for tho nominal iitim ot (5 a month. This Includes examination, ndvlco nnd nil medicines. This offer Is given with the definite, purpose ot proving to tho publlo tho superiority of tho Dl-Chemlo Trcntment. Doctor Byors wishes to moks It emphatic that this offer expires positively on tho 31st day ot this month nnd will not bo extended beyond tbat date under any clrcumstnnces. This Is positively the last special offer that ho will ever make, nnd If you wnnt to bo -ured at a nominal sum It Is Important for 'oil to call at ones. ASTHMA. Mrs. Charles Miller, Petersburg, says: "My llttlo daughter, Lena, had suffered from Bronchial Asthma since n small child. Tho attacks were very severe and she would havo to gasp to get her breath. She could not sleep at night and It was piti ful to see her gradually wasting away. As a last resort I took her to the offices of Doc tor Byers, and the improvement undor his treatment was simply wonderful. Today she sleeps well, eats well and is a different child in every way. God bleps tho Great ((uaker Physician for restoring my llttlo child's health." FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION. Doctor Byers never accepts a. race unless be knows to a certainty the cause ot tho trouble, and this can only bo determined by n scientific X-Hay examination, His X-Ray outfit Is the most elaborate nnd complete In this country. By his special Fluoroscopic at tachment he Is ablo to examine all parts of, the body and find out to an absolute certainty the cause of the patient's affliction. Come and.bo.cxomlnedi It la absoluidy trea. 44-H-fM-4M4-r4'm4 r,n. Today and Tomorrow Dec. 11 and IS LL inM4i ftArflTItZVS Sig p 285 We Give 4- You know what Yellow Trading Stamps are, don't you ? They are the kind that are just like cash you can buy just what you want with them, and you get what you get at spot cash price values too. If you are not 4 saving them start right in today and start in here while we arc giving these great bargains. Furs as All furs sold here are guaranteed for two years, and stored free of In Neckwear We offer extra inducements. Nice Scarfs from 79c each. Others at 98c, SI. 39, $1.79, $2.25, $2.98 and up to $55.00 each. Many novelties made expressly for the holiday trade go on sale this week at surprisingly low prices. In Fur Set The choice is without limit. We start them nt $1.-15 and stop at an even Hundred Dollnrs for a set that would cost at least One Hundred and Fifty Dollars anywhere else. Xovely Sots in top notch fashions at from $4.98 to $24.50. Children's Fur Sets are a strong point in our stock, and the values offered are unmatchnble. In Fine Fur We show the very latest mid-winter fashions, and they are all mndo in our fnctoiy; buyers can have alterations made in proper styles, when desired, a garment specially made to this measure without one cent additional cost. A IVr.shui l.nmli Jncki'tH. wlih Chin chilla, ltovrri. Collar nnd Cuffs, nuulo In tho hlKlH-Ht olnss trmimtT posslhlo tinil viiluo for SL.';ii iiny- 5() )() whmo on I'lirth. Thin w. el; ''"'"" I Pornhin J-uinli JurUotH, with lino riiliiohllhi ItovmvH. Collar ami Curts, best lltileh ami u vory liandsoiuo nar niHiit that oiiclit to brltiB I 10.00 $17:. at any into, Now.... .v BRES f44.f.M44 tho lecture of Sir. StuiKes to-morrow evening. Thuso corn will leavo Ureen llldKQ ut 7;IJ o'clock and rntuinliiR will leavo tho V. Jl. C. A biilhlliiB at thlj o'clock. Mrs. V, H. l'eok U nblo to bo about dKiiln, after a wcclt'B Illness from b'rip. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. 1.1st nf leltera remaining uncalled for at tho Scranton, la postofllce. lieccmber 17, line, I'ersons ciillln for theso letters will tilcato say advertised and Klvo dato of list. ICzra II. Hippie, I'ostmostcr. AV. S. .dklns. A. Andre. I.eo llurlte. Thomas C. liurko. .Miss Hoso Cceehl. Miss Delia Coyne, O. I.. Croekel, Jumi'H Carroll, Jlatthew Can uvan, Co-opcratlvo Kulhlbig Haul;. Mrs. Mrucst . Decker, .MIsj Jlablu Dllhnln. A. I'lvans. A. X, Fully, Miss Amm Kb-mliiR. ,. .1. Vouch Co., Joseph V, flood, itobotl li. I'llzsliiiinoiis. Miss .Margaret niliuely, Iledinond ("ini. laghor, Airs, lidnmro Orlffls. John lielsol' mnnn. Miss K. Mlllau (iranl. Vied llowarth. Miss Mary lllskluohs. Arthur JIousiiiuu, Ilauiioii Hhoo Co., C. 11. HurrlM. .Mauglo James. Ward Juhuoii. Mi Bl-CHEMIC TREATMENT. The different tlmucs of the body nre made lip nt milium cell?, nnd when these cells becomo disarranged, dlsense Is tho result, lly supplying tho proper nutriment to thn cells, perfect health can be obtained. All illpenacs, no tnntler how chronic, enn be cured by bringing tho cells back to their normal con dition. Tho trcntment imcd by Doctor Dyers Is not allopathic or homeopathic. It Is u trcntment bused unon nn exact selenco and cures with tho certainty of n fixed law. DOCTOR BYERS' RECORD. Doctor Byers was born of Quaker parentage and received his early edu cation under tho influence of that re. Ilglous denomination. He graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadel phia, 1872. Full course attendance Pennsylva nia Hospital for Acute and Surgical Diseases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clinics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physician Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association of New York. Tr T 5"7 r-s ifiii &: KoorffiSL itkT?m Skrim 5h$E& I W i?Tr sJi2S n-CT'-K"-wn:' ffi'r.. 3-e ' -. iEfiiV a V Yellow ijbH rpoS"s tNS MPO T Wc l EVTOil Tradiii! Stamps With J J LI &I H ft Buy Yours From the flan uf act and You'll Save Two Profits. Bargains Bargains Garments Few Sample Bargains : IVrshui Lamb .luckolH, with throe xlrljio Jlliik ItovoroH, Collar ami Cnifs Tho dressiest mid most Htyllsb far garment of iho huiisuii. 1'nually sold for ?i"A Our salo p ti price uo,uu Xiur Seal .lauUots, (not tho common sort), HUo real seal Hint will wear an well. "With Hanvi'r Itovcros, Cuffs, oto. Hliluiior nallu lining, latest style, etc., actually worth $75 of any AQ ()Q womau'.s money, Now.,, rx.u vri La fcaq 124 Wyoming Avenue. Areli Knerr, Miss I.UzIo M. Kennedy, li, Kochor. ... ,, , Miss lloso l,ee, llozclla l.eo, Miss Millie) I.lKhtner. Mrs. Kuto l.euh, Charles Leutho. .Mrs. William l.ea. Iluv. J. II. Martin, Miss Cora Matthews, Miss Cnrillu'Miiltlit'wH, Miss hloreucu Mil ler, Mlsa Kmmii Moscugene, MlbS Kato Mntlhows. Mr. and Mrs, Jumen ,. iMonis, Vied Mlcbler, W. J I. McPmmhl, Mrs. Dan Mctlulre. John II. McDonough, Jay MlUal. MIsh llildBii Xoliin, .Mrs. William Nell. Jmnes A. O'ltouike. .Mrs II. It. Outer house. John O. Peterson. N. R. I'otllsll. 1'. J I. Uebhorn, David Heese, Miss J.ed dliiKtou (nurse). M. J. Hweezy. Her. .1. A. Similar. Mr. iJUira A. Jimltli. llev. .1. It. .Sinclair, Mrs. Josephine Hmltb. John Sweeney, Mrs. John Rchnider. Frank Hweeney. VrnuU Steer. N- Hnllne. Miss Xeltlo His.-nu. A. K. Klljuh Toivirs. Harry Van Kldt. Mrs. John Smllll Wind. Vred Wlllard, Mrs. W. D. Wandell, The Wilwoii ciioai leal Co. West Scranton Station. Kopak Alidras, Nin.i M. C'alluhaii. MUs tiudlo (iavln, MIsh .Mary llealey. .lumen A. Holding. Samuel l.ewl.1. Waiio Murko. Miss Vlvhm Owens, Kmuol Kultlvtli, tjelll.a ScutkoWiiM, 1'utu Smith. ' mONTH HE WAS PARALYZED. Mr.v John Jenkins, Dunmore, Pa., fays! "Soveu years ago 1 fell down nil clova lor Bhnft mid Injured my Bplne, and ns u result my lesa beenmo complutely paralyzed. No ono can npproclnto thu terrlhlo condition I was In oxcept tbouo who hnvo gouo through thu same ordenl, From n strong, vigorous man I hud heen transformed Into n holplcsH cripple. I ijoiild only walk by tlio ul ot crutches, and nuly then with tho ureatest dif ficulty. llnvhiR rend about tho nliunat mirac ulous cures Hint wero being performed dally by Doctor Dyers t mncluded, as n Inst re sort, to try his treatment, t begun to Ini piovo nlmost Immediately, and till" improve men has been so rapid and my present condition li so 'satisfactory Hut I feel It a duty to mankind to mnko n publlo statement of what tho Great Quaker 1'liyBlclun has ilono for me, Surely a doctor thnt Is uhlo to do such wonders must ho possessed at moro than human power, I shall never ceass bounding Doctor Byers' prnlso wherever I may be." HE WAS DEAF. Mr. John E. Haley, Carbondalc, says: "I had, been deaf for n long while. I could not hear In church. 1 shunned my neighbors bcenuso I could not understand what they said. I had noises In my head and my whole nervous systemh bfcamo af fected. I lost lleah rapidly and In six weeks 1 lost over 20 pounds. I tried three of tho best doctois In Cnrbnndnlc, but without any result. Something seemed lo tell mn that 1 ought to try Doctor Dyers' Treatment. I went to his offices nnd placed myself under his care. That wn3 live months ago. My hearing lias been restored. Last Sunday I went to church and heard every word tho preacher said. I now meet with my friends nnd converso with them, nnd 1 assure you I will never cciso sounding the .prnlses ot Doctor Dyer3' name for restoring my hear ing. Ilia power over dlseasu comes from a Higher Influenco than human. Uod bleos tho Great Quaker Doctor." DOCTOR Chief Consulting Physician ot tho ni Chemlc Treatment. PKRMANBNT OFFICES. Entire Second Floor, 412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Offlco Hours, 9 n. in., to II: 2 p. mrto 4. Evenings, 7 to S Dilly. jiidayu. 10u in. i r-r v 57 vr ? - 7 Krar"- j&n fszrA--'W. "f a apg cgyapg tgpfrgf radlug" Stamps. -4-4- 4- S Every Purchase -- urer charge during summer. t -r X X Xenr Heal .Iiichi'ls, In viirioun slyhw, fur Irimmluh' and very rich In effect. -f II lakes an expert to tell the dlfferenco -f between them anil tho most expensive -f n-.il Keiil JackotH made, i) tn -f AVortli ?.'.iiO. Xnw 4S.JO Fine sets of all kinds about half what mere dealers ask for them. Furrier and Ladies' Tailor. D L. & W. BOARD TOR TODAY. Tho following la the niake-iiii of th D U. & AV. board for today: Ti'K.SDAV, Di:c. hi. Ustras Hast c.au p. in.. Uihur: S p. in . Mosler; y.tIO p. in., Fllzpatrlek; 11 p. in., ltowe. Suminlls-i! p. in.. J. J. Murray uesti; S li. in., M. (Iluley (.ant . Knuiis U'est S p. in.. Master,-,. AVMDXIWDAV, Dili'. 17. l?lras I':.ist--l:.u0 u. in.. I'ulKriixe; ,' a. pi., Ilerilck, S.'M a. m., ('nhiner; ." a. in.. Aliuims; 7 a. in, AleUaim. ! a. in. Mi -Douuell; V):.i a. in.. I.ar'du; 1J iinnu Ci, . aiiaugh; 1 p. in., Kotehaia; :'.! p. iu , Ulrby; 1 p. til., II. Hllligan; ' p. in Swaru. Kiiiupillb (i a. in.. Vrounirlkcr twesu: i n. in., t'anlgg feast); S a. in.. Xlehols (WCfcU; 11 a. III., lillldell (west); l.,;i p. in . Thompson (caaU; il.o'j p. in , J. llemilgnu leant). I'uaherH-l'.SO a. in., C. Unrthnloinoii (woM): 7 a, m., AVIduor twetil); 7 a. m, Vlnuurty (wust); S a. in., Housor (cast); ll.to n. m., Moi'.in lout); 1 p, m., Me Donuoll (ivst)! 7.ro u- ni- Murphy (uaso; j p. ni., AV. II. bVirlhgUmiBW (cajiU. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Jtcls, I.CBSCO nnd Mnlinccr. A, J, Duffy. Iluslncsa Manager. Wednesday .MS, Dec. 17 Ulicchil Ttolliru Jhigugcmcnt, l'rcit !!, "Wright's" liingnlllccnt produo lion of Iho prettiest ot nil pastoral plays, TNI STATE FOLKS Tho biggest lilt In tho Dmmntlo AA'orMI T'lCMinliMl by iho uilglual greiil east. Thu mo.Jt vhilmniln kpoiiIu pioduotlon over given it pastoral play. Curtain rises promptly at s p. in. Spei'lnl Mittluce l'llces-ffi and t cents, Cliildren. I., cenls. Night I'rlres-Jl.W, 7,c, Mo., Zic. Hl'iiIh on Hilo, TWO NIC, UTS ONI.V, Thursday, Frldny, Doc. 18 nnd 10. Tho Greatest ot all OlcoU'n Successes. Mr. Chauncey Olcott In Ilia Xow l'lay, OLD LBICK TOWN lly Augustus rllou, Mannger. Hear Olcoll's New Songs. All JB nita, I'lllCISS 11.00, 73c Mc., 23c. Scuta on sale. Academy of Music M". llels, Lessee and Munngcr. A. J, Duffy, Duslness MamiBCf. I! NIGHTS starting TtlUUSDAY, DMC. 13. Mntliieo Dally Starting Thursday. Lincoln J. Curler 1'rcsentM tho AVorld'a Only liidlnn Actress, GO-WAN-GO-MOHAWK In the l'lcturosone Western l'lay THE FLAMING ARROW. SKI1 thn Kcllpso of the Moon: the Coun cil VI re and Uhosl Daueej Iho I'xcltlng llorso Itaee; the Attack on Old Voit Tteno; tlio Flaming Arrow: Iho AVondcrtul Horses AVongy nud liuckskln. 10-lllB Sneehil Cast-Id Genuine Indian I'.rass Hand. Special Matinee I'rlee.s Gallery, inc.; lialcony. l."c. ; Lower Floor, '.'."c. ; children !."'. lo lower lleor. Night Prices l.i, ".,, ",., ,'0 conts. Seats on sale. The Dixie Theatre IU3XIIV FAItXSAVOUTIT DIXIE, Lessee and Manager. News Boy's Week at tho Dixie. 11ig Holiday Novelty. WEEK OF DECEMBER l!3th. 400 Scranton Newsboys to sing1 as p special feature every night. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy. Will R. Fox. Genera & Theel. Scott & Wilson. Miles & Raymond. Cotton's Donkeys. Chamberlain. ALV. G. IIEimiNGTON, Manager. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, IMSOBMBHU lo. llj AND 17. Rentz-Santley Co. Matinee Every Day. Two Stereopticon Lectures on "The Lauds of tlio Cuo and tho Curio" will be delivered by Mr. K. B. Sturges in tlio New Y. M. C. A. Hall on Thursday evening. Deceinliehr 11 and IS. Tlio views of each lecture will bs dif ferent. Tickets for each Vlfty-cents. On account of tho diagram of cliaiin not being ready, Iheio will be no reserved seat--. Tickets for sale at Powell's Music Store, Sanderson's Drug Store and Bsvnns Fancy Store. in SO Lager jMllMllllClUl'Cl'S of & v 'J J 'J ! 'Tf i' i' llrewiry, ., 4.15 to 45? N. hevcntli bt' . Scranton.Pa, Old 'I'ltone, 233i, New 'Phone, '2935, ,lnkc line Xmas Presents A full line of Hartz Moun tain Canaries. L AlnirC- Florist, 10 Uflfnnh hm wmmtt niv UZmT2225228BZ Ueliieib- 1 a. in., Magoverni 7 a. iMITucy; lo a. m., Seiorj 3 U p. m, St tun. ,1 in., an- Canary Birds and Cegss X
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