cv.fl.-?,.i-'cwrj- WW "! "(Sg 1'.t r tpt THE SORANTOX TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ,17, 1902. 3T ' i yQr ?'( u iSR?''"'! Ml i UK It In the nrrnngchient of our bnnklng ofHce, wo have mndc llbotnl piovisions for the comfoit nnd conven ience of our nations, Wo Invite your innpectlon. Dime Bank Corner of Wyoming Ave nue and Spruce Street, SCRANTON, PA. A few slimes of Title Gii.imnty anil Tuist dock nt u KiiRiiln It culled for tit once. I. P. Megargel& Co Bankers and Brokars, Ilotli 'plldicH Conn ell Building. Register Now For the New Term in The Hardnbergh School of MUsi( and flrf Carter Building. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE THE DA3V? . . . A lininl Unit rap, a hnml lull I Jacket .1 li Hid Knit JUmiUet, .1 liaml Kull .ljian, .i li mil Knit I)ii"-c. For the Little Man or Woman DolK till hI?i"i In doth; Klmo n im In 1'ieuc.h uepi. Cosy Tilth Gowns of lanilis vool ANo a dainty lino ol l.ulks' Klnioniis 'J'lio Biby Toinloi fm biby. BABY BAZAAR lib Washington Awmte. CIGARS For Christmas Boxes of 12, 25, 50 and 100 each. PRICE Fiom 50c to $16.00 per box. NEWER Has such an nssoitnient of high giade IMPORTED and CLEAR. HAVANA Cignis been SHOWN IN SCRANTON as. we ate offering today. fcf. W. 1 Council Bldg. Lnigest distiibutor of fine cigais in Northeastern Penn sylvania. ira.VAimaji Laundrying Blankets and Flannels Spicliil -.imps IhiiinUKli lin-hiB and ill . Inir at tin iIhW. ti m pi'iatiuc nu ii aw ii.ii.ons fm n.f im-chiiniU, IIiiiij i'.nlts staiiiiiih tl 1 LACKAWANNA "THE" LAUNDRY A. B. WARMAJN. PERSONAL. Mlis lluilmle IIiiuIh, of Uuil.iln, is . lilng lelutluw on Noun l!ile l'.iik um. nik', l II. 1'olt'l, niipeiliitciiiltiit of tcltKiiipli nu thn K.iclnuMiniu inlliontl, was In the illv tM('lil:i) JUhs Jliuy .MuOomilil of lloiicsiil.ilc Jiu & ii'tiiuuit hum.) I mm a Hit with nliillu'S on Moi lill.ut btieot. Mix, P 11. Tliomnn, of Souili Muln inruiio, liiii In on inllcil to OloiieiMoi, Ohio, by tho death ot a iclutrtc llaiolil V .losllu, bou of J'tlucljiul A. (' JomIIh, of tho fioiiuitoii IllKll Itl'llOol, hah bion mmiiliuoiislv It cu U nmimuoi of tho Hi own I'liUenilt) loolball cloven fm tho xnr VM. 1 lite Is tho lilBliest and vi.dfi il(slrubU) ullU'o within Iho fill of tho Mmloiit boil), ANOTHER CHOICE MADE, Don C. Cnpwell Selects One in the Scinntou Conseivatoiy of Music, JJon . fiipwell, of ftciunloii, who finished In tuenti -seventh plate In The Ti Hume's recent durational Contest, Iuh iniidn IiIh selection, lli i'Iiom n n-hol.ushlp. in the .Senwiton CoiibPiv.i. lory of Music as his low.ud. This t!c.liolnr.slilp entitles the holder to pi (in o Inshuctlon to tho valtio of $123. Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases ot women a specialty, 316 Connell building, Jlouis: 11 a, in. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.30 m, uHK7 DWYER WON THE MATCH WELL KNOWN WRESTLER DE FEATED M'MILLAN. He Threw Him Once nt the Scianton Bicycle Club'Lnst Night Before n Laigo Ciowd and Won According to tho Conditions of tho Match. McMillan Was to Secure Tlnce Palls in an Hour and Had Secuied Two When Dwyer Thiew Him. McMillan Wa3 Heavier. "Pi of." M. .T. Dwjier, of New Hnven, cpriniR n surpilHe on 111 local nilniliom In-t illicit at the Sciunton HIejcle club by tlnaw Iiir- D. A. McMillan, of Mil waukee, who It ubout thirty pnuniN heavier mid who lm? established for hlmiclf u intich blgpur lepututlon, JlcMllhn nKieed to llnow Dwyer thiee times within (in hour or forfeit n side bet of $100 and tho Kate receipts. This was the nilelnnl ntfi cement, but when Dwyer ennie up here ho leeiuenteil n fuithor inudltlon that It he threw McMillan onto he (Dei) wns to win. McMillan Is n ood nnluicd chap nnd ho icaillly nsteeil lo thH piopooitlon, which piood Ills downfall, for when be was tin own ho had alieady seemed two lalli and hnil seventeen minute'? and n half left In whkll to wine n thlul. When the two men Kot nu the mat at n o'clock llicic win an audience of """ fV.Uhiueil In the nudltorium of tho club house to see the fin and it was an iiudkiuo whhh mim cxliciiiely lepie "entntlve. Uolli men looked to be In lull condition, but the Kieat riNpnilty In theli plzfi iienleil n Imz-i of com ment. Weight of Men. Dwjii was at his usual welujit, ICQ pounds, and he looked almost dlminul tlo beside McMillan, who Is (he or t-K iiulu-s taller and who weighed In last niKlit at about 1UI) poundi. HukIi Keeiian acted as lefeiee nnd II. Smith Gin man odiclated as time keeper. Theie was nine fiddling' after Ihe men Hist Rot stalled, but they llnally Kot cm the mat. McMillan was on the offonshc f i om the M.ut but he didn't seem to make much headway at llrst. Dw ver wiIkkKU out ol eeial nastv holds with the riuiikness ol a out and IhliiK's looked excnly matdicd. When Doi pot on the offcnsUo he wasn't able to do much lie sot sev eial R-ood neck holds but McMillan would take a little lest and then lnis liiff himclf slowly, would break them by sheer stieiiRth. lie finally Rot a half nelson and a lcff lock and the pio fessor went oei on Ills back after fif teen minutes and twenty-nine seconds ot wiestlliiR. McMillan Rot 1ns second fall with pteelsely the same hold In nineteen minutes and four seconds after Dwjer had squii mod out of one hold tint looked to be absolutely Impossible to bieak. He was on Ills side and McMil lan was beailiiR hrm down slowly but smely. when he managed to Hun him self completely oei bv an almost Mip ei human eftoit. McMillan Tin own. When the men came together after McMillan had .secuied two falls they seemed to take a livelier Interest in the pioceedlngs than at any time before. Dwjer was on the oltcnshe fiom the outsc t and manaRed finally to f?et a half neNoii which .seemed to maik the finish ot The litter biidROd It .successfully, but he bad no sooner Rot out ot It th. m Dwjei pot exactly tlic same hold on lilni a second time. Till, time he tallid to biidjje it and he wnitdown aftei elRht minutes and one sei oiul. lie took his defeat peacefully and coidially shook Dw.oi's hand. Tin- Inter made a Inlet speech in wlilch he epie-sed a desli to niet either llaie Paiker oi (JeoiRe Uoth ner befow the club, fie oifeied to tluow Hot liner twice in the hour. This piompled ilcMillan to that lie (McMillan) could tlnow Hothner llp times and sew him up In a sack in an houi . A CLAY AVENUE BARGAIN. A Residence Piopeity Costing Over $8,000 to Be Sold for $6,000, if Pin chased Immediately. This Is the biggest estate bar gain In Scianton. House haf. every con v enionce, including city steam heat. Lot Is lame and stieet is paved and loca tion the oiy finest. See W, T. llaeU ett. the btokei, today, as toinouow may be too late. NEWS THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. The shoe stoics of Lewis & Rellly, Always Busy, 114 nnd 116 Wyom ing ave., will be open evenings until after Chiistiuas. Open Evenings. Dm lug the closing out sale, Ciullm'n Mote, in Pouii avenue, will be open oienlngh. llcie.ittci the Title (luaiauty and Tunt company will be open for bust ness on Ha tin day evening fiom 7 to 8, Instead of 7.30 to S JO as beietofote. All About a Little Cup. MstPii, htop and look! No mine wait ing. Five good b.uheis at tho Dime Hank Uaiber shop. John Volknnuilt, Pi op. . FREE. FREE. Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 17 AND CONTINI'INO VNTII, Thursday, Dec. 25 To nil PiuclmseiH ot Teat, Coffees, Spites, Halting Powder and Ktliacts, a Iiugu monthly COMIC P.D C'AI4UNDAU liiiiHlsDiiioly lithns'inphed In many coloi.s; slo 10ll Don t miss them, only . Mm' Ited number THE GREAT Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., 411 Iukiiwiini'u avenue. 321 North Main AM'iiuc 'Phono J-.'. Piompt Uelheiy, Now 'Phone JJ I New Students Admitted at Any Time. A BUSY LIFE CLOSED. End of tho Useful Career of Benja min F. Fillmore. in the death of llenjamln V. FI1I tnoie, which oocniiod at 8 30 o'clock Monday evening, Sri union has lost one of Itn pioneer settlers, and one who had been largely Identified with tho growth of the oily and Its suburbs. Mr. Fillmore wns born at Mnnllus, N. Y., Dec. .1, 1SJI, nnd had therefoto just passed his soventy-flist blitlulay. Ills entire life was one of activity: Idleness bail no place In his nutuie, and Iho tnnny public works upon which ho was engaged, and the eagerness with which his sot vices wcie sought, bear witness to bis lndustiy and sterling In to gi lty. Ills Hist entetpilse was the building of the plnnk-iond, oi turnpike leading west fiom S incuse, his last, the lo cating of a valuable coil deposit In tin; not thorn pait or this state for Buftulo capitalists-. Dining the fifty-two yeats which Intel vened between his Hist woik and his last, he was almost con stantly engnged In entcipilses which today Hland as monuments to his skill and activity. laily in Hie Mr. Fillmoie engnged In widening tho Eilo canal, then the main aiterv for fj eight tiafllc In the state of New Yoik. Dater he assisted in build ing tho bieakwater In tho haibor ot Durfalo, and still Inter, in the constitu tion of the locks about the inplds of the Ohio liver near Louisi illo, Ky. Coming to Scinnton In 1S5!), he Imme diately engaged In tho constitution ot the inlltoads, which weie to bo of to much benellt to the tow n. Mi. Fillmoie built the picsent Dela wnic and Hudson road fiom 01phant to Caibondnle, double-tracked tho Del awaic, Lackawanna and Western load f i om Scianton to Henry vlllc, and built the Storts branch of the Lackawanna load. Ho constiueted the fit st stieet cur lines in Scranton, having the con tiael for building the Gieen nidge, Piovideiue and Dunmoio People's lines. For Ihe jeais Mr. Fillmoie was gen et al supetintendent ot the Pennsjl vanla Anthracite Coal tompain's mines, having under his charge the Coiey, Gieenwood and Sibley colliciles. Later be developed the Maisliwood coal propel ty, and .still later what is now known as the West Ridge collleiy of tho Scranton Coal company. Very soon after coming to Scianton, Mr. Fillmoie identltled himself with the Penn Aenue Baptist t liurch, and for j ems was an honoied member of that body, seiving as tiusteo and dea con. Ho was identified witb the build ing up of the Green Ridge section of the citv. and at one time wns a. mem ber of the citv councils. As a fiiend, Mr. Fillmoie. was one whoso memoiy will always be kept gieen, especially by the joung men with whom he was associated in the chinch and Sundav school. To his kindly advice, many of the joungei men of this city owe much, while all who knew him. will lemember the genial smile and the wnim giasp of the hand w Ith which bo met them, and the inteiest which be took in theli piospoilly. In later yeats Mr. Fllmoie icsumed bis lesldence in Gieen liidge, and be came identified with the Green Ridge Baptist chinch. His inteiest in the woik ol this chinch was gtent, and 11 was Intensified because the chinch was the outgiowth of a movement begun dining his lormer lesidence in Gieen Ridge, in the passing away of u. r. Fillmoie, Scianton has lost a win thy f a klk Candies. Nuts. Floiida Oianges or California Navel Oianges. Our Confections aie made by Huyler, Mailllaid and Whitman. Older befoie the lush. Bon-Bon and Chocolates, 25c and 35c with fruits, 45c. E. G. Coursen, Wholesale or Retail. Goods The fieshest Vegetables nnd the laigest line we ever of feted, Come to ?is and we will show you how to buy Canned Goods ns low as you ever bought them we wholesale them. E, G. Cotirsen, 181 I Canned citizen, and many, many, have lost a valued friend. Mr. Fillmoie Is Hinvlvcd by bis wid ow' und two sons, Hairy and u, F. Fillmoie, Jr., who will luivo the deep sympathy or the whole community In their beieiivoiuenl. The, funeral sei vlces will bo held ut bis late residence, No. SIS Marlon pticct, today at 2 p. m. The Intermentwlll be at the conveni ence or tho funillv. . . Last Days for Christmas Photo graphs. They aie at band. Scht lever has made eveiy polble ptovlslon to make plctuies for Chi 1st mas delivery, up to tho last moment, but the time Is al most up. Sittings intidf- by nitlllciul light, riotn 7 lo 9 cveiy evening. City and School Taxes 1002. The nbovo tax duplicates nio now In my hands for collection. F. S. BARKDH, City Treasurer. . Sale Will Be Continued. 'Ihe sale of needle woik, etc. In the Adams mcuun chapel, New Yoik street, will bo continued lo-day, at 2:30 p. m, nnd at 7 o'clock. til Thniifihtm WE'VEgath- 1 III "UU"L H YY ered up L Umbrellas J I aJ: I Hck. JwJf mire" or desired g I II hundreds of them HI j all the new styles In Natural Wood and 8 I 9 Sterling Mounted Handles. II !9 Special value in a fine all silk Umbrella, l IIIIJ 26 In. steel frame, steel rod, very sightly; I THE PRENDERGAST STORE. DECEHBER 1 teacsr ttv Hore Shopping Days m j 7 I $VQ mt wITIfs 1 1 Then ZZllmm I 222324 Gbristmas i , Distinctive Novelties for Christmas Gifts Nobody will deny tlmt llic I'rendcrga'rt Store is an orig inal store its originality is pari of its trade-winning cap ital. It's not an easy matter to avoid "the kinds that other stores have," but that it can be done to a great extent is demonstrated by our Holiday offerings for )()-. Never were so many bright, exclusive pleasure-giving gifts brought to gether. Your Chiistiuas shopping will be but indifferently done if you neglect to visit the Preudergast Store. Read the following list carefully Some articles mentioned may happily settle the nrobicm as to what to give this, that or the other person Fountain Pens. Pocket Books. Wiist Bags. Lap Tables. Die Stamped Stntloneiy. Clulstmns Boxed Papeis. Clnistmas Gift Tags. Cluistmas Caids. Engiaved Visiting Cauls. Theimometers, Llbiaiy and . Office. Inkstands, Leather nnd Metal, Collar nnd Cuff Boxes. Dressing Cases. CIgaiotte Case" Match Boxes. Raaor Cases. Clocks. Whist Sets. Caid Cases. Cigar Cases. Gibson Books. Remington Books. Episcopal Pinyer Books. Hvmnals. Catholic Piayer Books. and a thousand and one give pleasure OIHN EVENINGS R. E. Preodergast Scranton's Stationery Store, 207 Washington flue,, Scranton, Pa, THE RIVER IS RISING THERE IS TEAR OF ANOTHER SERIOUS TLOOD. Tho Lackawanna Wns rive Feet Six Inches Above Its Nonnal Height nt Midnight Last Night and Per sona Living Along Its Banks Wotc Apprehensive of Trouble Hope That Cold Promised by the Weath er Bureau May Stay the Thaw To day and Aveit Danger. The heavy thaw and lain jostcnlay caused the Lncltawunmi liver to Use lapldly and at S'oclock last night It was five feet above Its normal lino nt this time of the year. At midnight it was icpoited to have llsen sl Inches moio and to be still tlslng. Should this continue today tliete will be danger of a scilous flood though tho weather bmcau promises a cold spell. The river had not risen atilticlently high at midnight to overflow Its banks and cause any very .seilous damage, but Hie people living near it both In thlR city and up the valley, were ap piohenslve that It would. The thaw tendeicd walking a very unpleasant dlveislon yesterday, because of the clogging ot the sewer basins In nearly every part of the city and the consequent Hooding of the stteet cioss Ings. Tho depaitment of public works had a laige foice of men nt woik both yestciday nftoinonn and last night cleaning out these basins. Still in Need of Money. Tho repot t ot Tieiisuier Kelly, of tho Associated Chailtles, presented at last night's meeting showed that thcro was Biidge Whist Sets, Gibson Diawlngs. Sealing Wax Sets. Seals. Pinochle Sets Bibles. Pieice Calendais, Gibson Calendais. Cluisty Calendais. Kemble Calendais. Maude Adams Calendais Dutton Calendnis. Piong's Calendais. Portfolios. Bill and Letter Books. Playing Cards. Scales Silver and Leather. Desk Pads Plain and Mounted, Wilting Cases. Handy Boxes, Jewel Cases. Stick Pin Cases Music R0II3. Desk Sets,' Engiaved Mouogiam Dies Four New Ciane Papers. other things that are sure to to the recipient, TILL CIIIUSTAAS I only $17.03 In the ircastuv wllb salaries ibio from September. Tho treasurer wns authorised to bonow $100 lo pnv salaries und current cxpciisoH nnd In the menu tlmo an active effott will be made to get tlolhmuont subscribers to pay tip. Thu report or Mrs. Dtlggiin, Ihe agent for tho Inst month was ns rollows: Application i for icllcf, roll found worth v und nlileil, 201: found tmwoilby, M! nicnln found for IS' employment for 1: sent to l.nckn wnnmi hospital, R: scut to llouso ot tho tlnoil Shepherd, 8; sent to Homo for Kilendless, o. SSZZQER3CCXI I Headquarters for Good Rubbers We sell first quality Candee, Wales, Good year and other first class rubbers at small profit prices. Our stock is complete and contains all kinds of rubbers to keep the feet warm and dry. Bring all the Children to our Stores to See THE REAL LI All Cars Transfer to Clarke Bros SAITA GLAUS j? H t 1 . if. H l"."t V. . . . . H V. . V. . . . VI S , n ! ". . S . t H .3 I A Christmas Gift I That is an ornament, a luxury and a necessity is a fine Umbrella js J made here in this city. Special inducements by leaving your order now ' ,i; before we are overcrowded. " , . , Z a A f' X V t: t; '91 'X u s: x X X X i OUR UMBRELLAS need no praise, as to our handles, we carry the entire sample line of the largest house in this country. That is vhy they are at once fine in de sign and reasonoble in price. &'i ll 1 39 IS " '4 'A "A "A K U "A "A 'A ii 'A 3 YOUR EXECUTOR H I"" sonal interest an executor has in "an estate, the belter its af fairs are administered.' The ideal administrator is a Trust Company. 135 WASHINGTON AVENUK, THE TITLE GUARANTY & TRUST CO. OF SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA. K2H3ELKI?i Established U1GG HH It Is often a source of great satisfaction to purchasers to be able to make their own selection of skins for garments We are now In the exclusive fur business, and prepared to show you a large line cf the fol lowing high-grade furs ; ALASKA SEAL PERSIAN LAMB BROADTAIL ERMINE RUSSIAN SABLE HUDSON BAY SABLE MINK CHINCHILLA BLACK LYNX BLUE LYNX Remodeling and Repairing Is Given Special Attention. 324 Lackawanna Avenue. h ? r BC UMO-DIITE' .? t 4 4 i .0 4 I 1 1 4 . K By having your horset sliod with a good I Removable Calk We have both the NEVERSLIP and WILLIAMS CALKS Bittenbtender;&.E 126-128 Franklin Ave.' Mfil UlKSl 7 n BBh b til IB v b Buy your Shoes, Rubbers and Slippeis nt NETTLETON'S nnd get a key to the Red Box which contains $20.00. The light key gets the $20.00 He Gives Trading Stamps I 134 Washington Ave. H opposite uonnou uuuaing. AMMM4Wm!.WM.'li! Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly nnd reasonably at The Tribune office. i - m r' ' ".wy' M B B THK most reliable house In SCRANTO.V to buy an excellent UMUUELLV at reasonab'e prices; all 3l'F'G and recovering done by this C0 is guaranteed for one year. s 'i S3 it .1 ss K Silverman, Prop. 313 Spruce St. "A'A U A "A "A "A "A "A "A "A 'A "A "A 'A "A A'AAA I fs a rule the less per M sajrapgraraassaEEiaBi illli-C!ii:s5 Purs BAUM MARTEN STONE MARTEN BLACK MARTEN1 ISABELLA TOX SABLE FOX WHITE FOSJ BLUE FOX BLACK TOX BEAR Cash Paid for Haw Purs. .Lo wl CUMv 1 , l ".NllWi.4.if?1SaaftjftcWiiVl-AcjcSt..j(lljf1, .1 i --.:. . ,' .,1. 1... . ,cu . .'... , . ., AfamnUiaM ' - ,, -M .. Jul. Jb. id ! T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers