'..Vi' j i , - y JV i lU. G. PttfT 5 it ,V U' ' THE SCIUNTON TMBUXE-WEDNESIUY, DECEMBER IT, 1002. i-5 COMMISSION HAS ARRIVED HAS 'BEEN DELIVERED TO JUDGE-ELECT SANDO. Yostordny Ho Filed His Onth of Office with Frothonotnry Copclnnd. bases That Were Tried In Quarter Sessions Court During the Dny. Verdict of Not Guilty In the Riot Case State and County Tnxi Col lectors File Their Bonds Yester day's Marrlago Licenses. Hon. Al. V. S'limlo Im-j recclveit Ills rnninilsHlnii as prvsldpnt Jutlfre of the Oipluiii.t court tit Lai'knwimim roimiy ' - 'J,' , , 'i ' ,S?:H3 m. w .11 blil-MOUOCT HANOI', iiml ll Iiiih l)(on recorded in the oftliv for Ilio rt enrder of di-cils. Vi'sti-rduy the Juclw-elrpt illcd IiIh oath or olik'p with T'rnthonntiiry John Cupclmul. Ho will outer upon Hip du ties of his ton year tunn of ofllco on the first Atondny in Januaiy. Quarter Sessions Court. The trial of P.ihlck Henley, Hupkney C'alTorty. I'.i trick Ati-GoulcU Tick, Allphael McDonough, Patrick P'Hur.i and Thoniiis Clark, charged H-lth riot mid .iKRi-avatcd as-iault and tinUery y Hiiki'Hu Hi-owii, was icfturu rd yostPMlay inoriilim- and at noon the iso whs fjivpii to the jury. I.ato in tlie nftpriionn a vptdlcl of not guilty was rptunipil in lintli cases, in tlie riot ciihi- the costs were placed on tlip coun ty nml In the other the defendants were directed to pay them. Charles Flynn, nil old man 70 years of age, was urrnlgneri for steitllnir coal front Delaware and Hudson ears at Olyphalil. His little granddaughter was" arrested and Indicted with him. Mho Is now away at school and Detect ive Atartln Ci'lppen. the prosecutor for the company, had no dpslro to press the clmrRp against the oM man. Oy di rection of the Court a 'verdict of not guilty was taken. Thomas Jones was arraigned for as sault and hattery tit tlip Instance of tamps Phillips, The vptdlct was not guilty and the costs wprc placed on the county. The trouble oceuned on Sep tember 27. last, In North Peranum and was a neighbor's quarrel that was the' outgrowth of tlie stil't?. Phillips said Jones struck hint In the eye and Jones and his witnesses swore that nothing of the kind occurred, John AlcAullffe, the proprietor of the Sunshine Ilottllng works, was the ptos ccutor In n case against C. Ij. Adams, who was charged with obtaining bot tled beer from the prosecutor by tep resentlng that the Dickson Store com pany would pay If he did not. Adams furnished beer during tlie strike to the Panconst colliery, con tracted a bill of $74, of which ho paid ?.".(). Ho denies that he ever lepresonted that the Dickson Store company would stand good for the amount of his orders. The jury was out at adjournment. la just What manner Ulshop was In jured by tlicni, FREIGHT CAR ENTERED. Mrs, Mary Shearer and Charles Pll ger Charged with Larcony. Walter Williams, n special ofiUer em ployed by the Krlo Hallroad company, yesterday caused the arrest of Mrs. Mary Shearer and rimrles Pllgcr, of Duumore, on a ehargo of larceny, and they were each held under $300 ball by Aldermnn Ituddy. Prothcroe & Co., the local furniture dealers, recently shipped some furni ture to Hawley by freight. Tlie car In which II was shipped stood In Dunmoro yard of the Krlo company for some hours, nnd while standing there It was broken Into and two rocking chairs were stolen, Oillccr Williams suspeeted Pllgcr, who lives In n house In the rear of Airs, Shearer, and he secured a search warrant. Ho found nothing In Pllger's house, but he discovered the two chairs In Mrs. Shearer's possession. Doth prisoners denied the charge, but they told conflicting stories and were accordingly held under ball. SIX LISTS YESTERDAY. Bonds of Tax Collectors. The bonds of the following state and county tax collectors were filed yester day with Prntlionotary Copeland: Si mon Segal, Sixteenth ward, $11,600; Lu ther Lewis, Fifteenth word, $D,r00; P. J. Alurphy, Fourteenth ward, $10,000; Tliomas AT. Al organ, Sixth ward, $4, GOO; W, P. Spellman, Seventh ward, $(1,700; John AluDnnncll, First ward, $20,000; John Heaumont, Klghtccnth wnrd, $1, 000. The above are all in this city. The bond of II. H. Pierce, collector of the First ward of Car bond ale, was alo filed. It Is In tlie sum of $10,000. Marriage Licenses. fjeoigp Al. Alarsli Carbondnlo Florence O. Miller Ciirhomlnlo (.'Initios I,. Thomas Olypliaut Jessie Pettlgrew Olyplunt COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. David Thomas yesteid.iy entered hail In the sum or $J0O. Sherrl Knuppcn be came his bondsman. Through Attorney (.'. II. Super, Airs. Catherine. Wlnteimiile ivcterdny begun an action In trcspass to recover dam ages in the sum of $I0,0(i0 from J. T. Ale Orntb. Court made an order yestenlay illieet iiar William HMiop to file within twenty days ii 1)111 of paitlculais In tlio trespass salt Tor slanderous words which ho hi ought against Frederick Undo. Hntli men live at Arelibnld. Undo wants Hlshnp tn spceiry where the slanderous words were uttered, who heaul them and Four More Days Before the Junior Educational Contest Closes. There were six inoro lists received yesterday In The Tribune's Junior Kdtt- Vatlonal Contest, bringing the total number received up to dnte to J0I. Those received yesterday were from: Ira W. Howell, 330 North Lincoln avenue. H. 13. Kcene, 1112 Cnpouse avenue. Hello Cobb. Klzers, Pa. Clarence AlcCllntock, Jefferson ave nue and Electric street. Stella Yourkas, 051 Ferdinand street. Florence Johnson, 200G Wnshbuin street. 'Thoso who are preparing lists should remember that they must lie In the hands of tlie Contest Kdltor by 5 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Tlieie are only four days left. mm t One Solid Week Theie Is more Catarrh In this section ot the eonntrv than nil other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be lucuiiiblc. For a gloat manv ytais doctois piononnced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and bv constantly railing to euro with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sci ence lias proven catarrh to be a consti tutional diseate and tlicietoio requites constitutional treatment. Hall's Calarih Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses finni m drops to a tea spoonful. It acts dlrectlv on the blood and mucous miriaeei of the system. They olfer one handled dollais for any easo It falls to cine. Send lor ciiculais and testimonials. Addicts, F. J. CHUNK V & CO.. , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 7,c. I lull's, Family PUN aio the best. These Stores Will Be Open Every Evening Un til Christmas. mrneas A rnTTArAKA IVnm 1 I V VldVCUCLLC iVdlll j? CoaiHt has stule and sheds water perfectiu. Don't you think it would make a fellow feel happy to get one of these as a Christmas Gift ? He knows that every stylish dresser wears one. It looks exactly the same as an Overcoat in dry weather. But if it starts to rain and there's no umbrella to be borrowed, he finds his "Cravenette" Overcoat a sure preventive for getting wet. All the styles in Long dox and all the patterns made in this famous water proof cloth are displayed on our MC $10 (fA Atterbury clothing floor at . . . $19, 10, $ZU The "Goodyear Glove" Rtibfaers Tor Men ,,SPlfiiil ii 'iMmmisstvm&mmmmmvfyjw.n x mugms riMJBitiirtffltBKa Ii! Ml Ever wear a Rubber with the Goodyear stamp on? If you have you know what it means. If you haven't then you buy two pair where one u you the same service. They are the only kind we keep the best. To Fit Any Style Shoe High Cut Arctic, Low Cut or Sandal. ll tM!lfflrlliFi irni, The "Goodyear Glove" RiibbersforWornen The same rubber fac tory supplies us with all our women's styles. The many different shaped shoes can be fitted here, and you must be well aware of the fact that the rubber that tits will' out wear the one that wrinkles with every step To Fit Any Style Shoe High Cut Low Cut or Sandal. "Goodyear" Rubber Boots fn All Styles for Men Samter Brothers, Complete Outfitters. Of seven days for Christmas Shoppers. Come while the display is finest. Hundreds of shoppers are showing: their ap preciation of our magnificent array of holiday goods. Don't miss seeing our display whether you intend to buy or not. We've lots of moderate priced articles that you never imagined were made. Come today, early if possible, but above all, come. You are welcome to look. AFTER TODAY OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. French Stag Tf you arc looking for something entirely new we want you to sec the line of French Stag products which we have just received. Its new, attractive, and comes in various articles at a wide range of prices. This list gives you an idea of the arHclcs you can get. Some of the Mirrors and I'.rush and Comb Sets have sterling silver ornaments,' cither polished or French grey finish. 45c Each Curling Iron, Shoe Hook, Shoe Horn, Paper Knife, Letter Opener, Darner. Ucll, Match Holder, Candle Stick, Sponge Cup, Pin Cushion. Hand Mirrors $1.7."5 to $2.00 Swing Mirrors J5.50 Whisk Holder 2.40 Hair Brushes 1.73 to 2.20 Inkstands 00 to 3.30 Cigar Jars 1.13 to 1.73 Military Brushes 3.00 to 3.30 Military Sets 3.73 to 3.(53 Toilet Sets 2.10 to (i.00 Pocket Knives We have hundreds of patterns of Pocket Knives in stag and pearl handles. Every knife bearing the "Tree Brand'1 is fully warranted. We have knives with this brand for 23c. The higher priced knives, of course, are better finished, brass or German silver lined and have genuine stag and fine pearl handles. Pen Knives and Boys' Knives 23 to .30 Two and Three Bladcd Pocket Knives 73c, S3c. and $1.00 Pearl and Genuine Slag Pocket Knives $1.00 to $2.23 Combination Knives 1.23 to 12.00 Metal Att Novelties We call them this for want of a better name. They are odd, attractive and, an important feature, low-priced. You'll be surprised how good they arc.- Bronze Figures, dogs, horses, mounted horsemen 30 to $1.30 Card Trays $1.30 to 1.00 Ash Trays 23 to 1.00 Smokers Sets 1 .30 to 3.00 Gold Pitchers 1 .30 to 4.23 . Gold Picture Frames 73 to 2.73 Japanese Gongs 1.23 to S.23 Paper Racks 1.23 to 2.23 Gas Lamps A good portable gas lamp is not only an ornament to the library table, but ils almost a necessity if you value your eyes and want to read considerably these Jong even ings. Equally as important is the shade. We' can fit up the lamp you select with an appropriate shade either for reading only or one that will illuminate the room as well. As we've about seventy-five styles we are quite sure we can suit von. Lamps with shades and tubing complete and readV for use $2.03 to $13.00. Sleds and Skates We examined a great many makes of Sleds and have selected the best as regards quality of material and fine ap pearance. They arc made to stand the hard usage of the average boy.. Cost us a little more this year, but we have not increased our prices. Everv Sled new stock this vear. Boys' and Girls' Sleds, 03c. to $4.30. There's no question about "Barney & Berry" Skates being the best made. We've a very complete line of styles and sizes. Boys' and Girls' Skates, 00c. to $4.73. Fine Ciitlety Our Cutlery Department is a store in itself. Here's just a list of articles and prices to assist you in choosing: Star Safety Razor $1.30 Star Safety Razor Sets S2.23 to 13.00 Curley Safety Razor 2.00 'Tree Brand" Razors 1.23 to 2.30 Traveling Razor Set 3.30 Pair Razors, in case 4.30 to 0.30 Seven-Day Razor Set 13.00 to 13.30 Manicure Sets 3.00 to 10.30 Scissor Sets ....'. 2.73 to 3.30 Sewing Sets 3.30 to 13.0(1 Pocket Knives 30 to 12.30 Torry's Razor Strops 23 to 2.30 Thermometers Whether for ornament or use a thermometer makes a very acceptable gift, We've some very fine thermo meters that combine these features. Then we've some very odd thermometers. Any way, you had better look them over before you complete your gift list. Easel Thermometers, lloral decora tions .03 to $3.30 Easel Thermometers, gold decora tions Easel Thermometers, Art Metal, , , Turkey Foot Thermometers, Animal Thermometers, including monkeys, bears, frogs, birds, dogs, cats, deer and lions..,,.. S2.23 1,00 .33 to $1,00 Chafing Dishes Something that is almost indispensable in the modern household economy. Just a little nicer and with more im provements this year; such as the long handle on the water pan. Our Special Dish Other Dishes $1.30 ..$3,30'tri-f(i.3ir Spoon, Fork and Accessories, Baskets .33 to $1.00 We don't know of any article that's quite, so much in demand in the house as a basket. This year we have somewhat the finest assortment you ever saw, Scrap Baskets .,,,,$ .23 to $2.30 Work Baskets, unlincd, , 10 to 1,23 Work Baskets, lined 23 to 0.30 Candy Baskets , , , , .10 to .3(1 GREEN TRADING STAMPS -Hi '.-! n -Ja "BE "f,j 'M
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