yKRi "S7"! Tfwx tfWt, S -V id THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEiMBEtt 17, .1002. twjp,jy?P(V'T" J" z&szr. -i - MINERS' CASE HAS BEEN CONCLUDED .ICunclmlul finm l'iic n.J wllh lniBcr questions with sonic hope uf nt fninpllslilim Homothliiff." In response lo ii tiiicsllon liv Com missioner Wilglil iih In wlm I Iip -'-prehended In the phi use "lei'ORiiltUm of tlic union," Mr. Compels wild: "ncprcxcntullvoa of liotli parties meet Iiib nnd iibvpcIiir on trims oC employ ment for n. specific; period, nnd milking a compact thai no stilki' or lockout Hhiill bo lnnUBtirnled dmiiiB the upcol flod period, but limtcnd Hint (llffoinn ics shall bo adjusted by a compulsory policy, nnd In case of this falling:, Unit uibltintlon shall he Invoked. The Cross-Examination. . Mr. Toircy conducted the croitt-exiim-Jnatlon of President Oompeis. I.Ike some of tho precedhiK witnesses Mr. Oompeis had wilttcn UiIiiks and Mr. Toirey was piopmed lo confiont lilm with the wrltliiBH. One of the things Mi. Toirey tini.tdcd before him was nn nitlclc fiom tho Am oilcun IfedcintlonNt, In which Mr. (iompers declared tlm "tlilul p.uty" to the mine stilko the public hud no llBhts to either Intel fete with the Illin ois, slaying' out on strike ot to lorco the oper.itois to open up their mines. Mr. I'.ompeis said he still sulwilhed to Unit view. In a lcpoit of the IndUHltlul commis sion, ol 1901, u statement to the effect that the Ameilcnn Fcdciiitlon of l-ibor Is HiUnKoiilstlc to nil attempts to sup press tho boycott, and that Piesldent ( Iompers In the nation, il convention of the fedoiatlon In 1SUH ndvlhed that If a couit grants an Injunction apralnst a boycott, the name of the boycotted p.u ty and the Bilcvunee iiB.ilnst lilm be pi luted toBolhei with u htatement th.it "we aiu enjoined fiom bojeottins this party." Mr. Compels denied this. Jle advised, he said, that the injunction Itself be published broadcast. "To streiiRthon tho boycott, I sup poseV" (lueiiod Mr. Toney. "Do j on think the publication ot tho in junction would be moie effnetlvc than the boycott Itself" nked Mr. Com pels, and then, after .1 biiet pause, lie added: "Well, if ou do. our views nic all light " Mr. Oompeis said It was possibly wronjr to ffho cveij local body of tiades unionism the power lo inflict boycotts, and admitted that pilv.no piles or ioniuiPici.il llvuliy might sometimes enter into the infliction. To Judge fJi.ij's iuquiiy. Mi. Liom ptis said the obseiv.ime of a botott was riot obligatoiy on any member of a union, it was left to his oin con scleni o. Improper Uses. To bo.uott a merchant lor icfuMiiK to sell neccs-.iips of life to non-union men. or to boycott school tcaclieis be-riU'-e their lelatlves weio non-stiikeis weic lmpioper uses of the bo.ieott, Mr. Compels admitted. "A rather far fetched u-e of it," is the way lie put It. Mr. Tot rev concluded the tioss-e-iiniln.itlon by leading lioni the consti tution of the 13i otherhood ol Locomo tive ringlneeis ceitiiin lielpllnaiy clauses Indicting penalties of expulsion for diunkenness and co on. nnd asked Mr. Goinpeis If he did not think the I'nlttd Mine Woikeis ould hupioie their standing befoie ilie public, and paillculaily in the ces of the opei ators, by making some piovision for disciplining their inembei.s for bleaches of this and similar kinds. "When the mine woikeis come lo bo l cg.u ded by tho opeiatois with tho lilpndliness and coullilenco that the i.illroads legaid the cngineeis," said Mr. Compels, "tho mineis will likely be disposed to make their constitution conform moie closely to the views of the operator. Theie aic some things in tlio matter of policy the mineis 'should adopt, but noL just et." A provision ot the englnecis' oigan i.ition is that no illiterate man hhall be initiated. "Ten eais fiom now," said Mr. Compers, "the miners might giuft that Into their constitution. Just now the miners' union ihould take in and educate the unletteied thousands from southern Europe uhom tho coal companies have brought over hero to work In their miiicB." "Havn you any evidence of coal com panies bringing such men hcicV" In terrupted Mr. Torrey, "No trouble to pune It Absolutely," said Mr, Compels. "We would very much like to hnve the ptoor," tejolned the lawyer. Proofs He Mentioned. "I can give to the chairman of the rotumlsston the name of a gentleman which I can not gle now who will give all the proof you need. 1, myself, have seen copies of cliculatH sent through southern Kin ope Inviting the men theie to come to I'ciiiilv(iiilii, wlipin theie was plenty or uoik nl hip wages In the coal mines." "Wore not those clieulius sent by steamship companies?" Mr. Toucy nskcil. "Those piiillciilar cli culms may have been sent by steamship companies, but It Is n lemuikahle fact that those who lespondud to the Invitation were not In this country veiy long liofoic they wcie working In Die mines." Mr. Compels was telling of the ele vating Influences of unions mid cited certain of them which broke uu tho practice of making pay day settlements with luboieis, or of engaging help In bat moms, as was a common pi notice yeais ago. "That sott or thing Is led for the politicians now'.'" vcntuied Mr. Touey, Jokingly. Mr. Compels took tills as a lellcc tlou on lilm peisoiiully, and came hack with: "You ptobuhb know moie about that than I." Mr. Torrey lyid time to think a few thinks willle the laughter was on, and when It subsided he temnrked: "But, Mr. Compels, J must piotest. f havo no olllce, while you seem to be able (o hang on to youus veiy tenaciously." Mr. Oompeis nsked thr steiiogiaphcr w hat the last question was. It was 1.30, the adjoin ning hour, when Mr. Compers left the stand, lie will letuin to Washington today. Piesldent Mitchell is expected back fiom tho west today. Hillside Company Statistics. Appended is the summaiy of the statistics filed by the Hillside Coal and Iron company: The statements submlttid to the uni mWslon liv the llllsllde Coal and lion company show, in iletnll, tho number of onlllerlc-. Hie piodtictlou, the shipments, the dockage, the earnings of the lonli.ict mineis, and all other classes of laboi, tlio time woiked by bte.ikeis and em ployes, the time lost from vnilnus causes, the character of the veins worked and in gpneial cciytblng of the actual condi tions of production of coil by the Com pany possible to show statistically, lnr the car. Apill 1st. 1101, to .March iilst, I'lO.' Pollnwlng nie the piinclp.il facts: Total number of buakeiv ii Total lniiiers' tons piodiued Mx) IDC Total tons prep.it cd coal jirodueed. Bsj,'i;i Total tons of pea coal produued.. H.IOIS Total tons of prepmed and pen coal pi educed 74",9 Avorngo number of tiotnuls of pre pared coal piodticid per mlneiV Aerngo ntiinher of pounds or pic pnred and pea coiil iiroiluccd per lullicrs' ton 1'ciccnt of dockage, MINIMIS Awiago earnings of all mineis who woiked dining the full ,eur Total number of tulners, ........... A number of mineis made liel earnhiga ranging fiom ti,&i9.i0 down to $l,17"i i), and tho avoiugc Pel eainhigs of nil miners who sent coal out W per cent, of the number of days the bleaker started, was JVll.X Tons inlii'd per dav, per lnldo oniplo.tc, IW . . Tons mined per day, per Insldo einploe, 1U0I 1.0J2 2.08 3 PS i.Ull 4 ItiM 3. lot) CO.MPANV MIJN. Aveiiigc cainhiKH per day nnd per pnr or day and monthly men, coimnouly known us loniimny men, by classes: Avetngo earnings Avorngo per man per day. per jeur. l'nuliipcin, iiaiihlnists, cai pontois, blacksmiths, etc..$J01 Firemen, pumpmen, stable men, lincknien, Umbel -men, etc 1.1 Duinppts, footmen, head men, lunneis, loadeis etc. 1 ti7 Dilvcis, iilato oi gutonion, wntelunen, etc 1 II lloor bo.s, Hlntp pickets Mi Laborers and Mil lolls other classes, , l.i," Aveiage earnings pel .ctir ol men and lo.. Aveiage bieakei stalls 2"! Aveiage bouts woiked per dn based on total stints ii.fi Number of suspensions mic to action ol pmplo.vps, I.! Number of suspensions due to inuchlti- eiy ., 1H! Number of suspensions due to cave In, I Statement concerning Iho houses owned liv the compauv, as follows: Number of lompanv houses 107 Aveiago lcntiil per month $". I'l Average ntunbci ot looms ,"i.S The statements alo show umollectnl lent amounting to JJ.17i7i" as duo fiom oniploves November 1st, the annual lent ul of the pioperty being tW ft) They also show the nanus and number of emploves who ,ue owneis of real es tate, total number being 311, or over 13 per c nt. of the whole. JCCP CO r,i-,.;t :,:s,7i5 l"7 07 1!H) i I "2M .$;'.:. i 4 ) 4 ! 4 4, ! H 4 41 -H "l 4 4 "J t 4 t 4 4" -t 4 4 -H t44 Pioceedings in Book Form. Kpcognizlng the wldcspiead Intel et taken all over the countiy in the tes timony nnd aigument hefote the An- l thr.icite Stilke Commission, The Ti ib- une will print In convenient book foim the lepoils nppearlng In Its columns fiom day to day, and will olTer a limit ed edition of tuples for s-ule at $1 each. The volume will consist of seveial bun dled pages, eight by eleven inches, and will appeal us soon as the coimnlsslon eis render their decision. The daily reports In The Tilbune miss nothing of essential Inteiest and ate the fullest and most accuiulc leports pi luted in any newspaper. Oideis should be sent to The Tilbune now as the edition is liable to be exhausted. Practical Holiday Sifts. A H IT 4 9 7Ajr-ij -..- .; i , i i j. ij o. ii. A. o. 4 .t ri mi.ih."-31 an in til h-m 13 n-ieii'. -4 a Ml IS IS Di u K lie You is I ill I There is every reason why you should, The assortment is choice. The qualities are ex cellent. The prices are reasonable, A large .corps of experienced clerks to give you personal attention and last, but not leaat, you receive Green Trading Stamps. 11 ' WATCHES AND CLOCKS Gifts that are both appropriate and useful. .Min's :il.c.tr guninnteed open face. Klgln or Wnlthi'm move ments $li 00 Men's giininntotd Hunting Ct-o Walt lies l'J0) Men's Solid Ooltl S-ilOO Men's Silver U'utilu"-, open fate, Ameilcnn movement S 00 Voting Alcn's AVntelics, !' sle, open lace, Aiueile.iii movonient, giinimileed lor to e,ls $S OU Hovs' Nickel Case Watches, open rate 1 00 lo $.'10 LADIES' WATCHES. Ameilcnn movement, Jo nr Ktmiautccd hunting case $1J "0 sjolitl 11 ls.ii.it gold t ise. J", Jpu I movement $17 00 Gold tilled, open laced Watch, guaianteed for 1"! veils, V speel.il pilto .' JS 00 Gills' Silver AVatt lies, open lace, good time keepeis. Special piice . ,! V) A laitfe assoitment ol handsome Mantle Clocks that stilke the bonis on a musical gong bell and the half boms on a. tlnUIng cup bell. Taste ttillv defaulted in gilt scioll and has a face that lclleels the lienuty and vvoitb of tho lnovemeuts liLhlnd it. These clocks legulailv sell for $ f") nnd me an exceptional b.iignlu ut our pi Ire S5.00. 8-BAY PORCELAIN CLOCKS. A beautiful line, 111 llionre. Gioen, Cobalt Hlue and Ruby Inilsb, with gilt nnd color dceoiutlons. Ivoiy col oied dial with fancy gilt center Cii thetli.il gong stilUes the hum mid half hour ?4.50, ?5.00 and $12.00 GOLD CLOCKS. Vniletv ot stvlo Is gipator In this line than In nnv othtr. We me show ing a bundled or moie .mil theie aie no two alike Ii lees i tin liom SI. 25 Up. SMALL PORCELAIN COCKS. Vseful. Inexpensive and oinainental. Ideal gltts that keep actuate time, please the eje and lean llghtlv on the pocketbook. White, gieen, blue in nibv llnlshe'U, with gilt and coloied decoration. 1.00 to S12.00. Buying tb? Gift for Moifep In choosing this gift, usefulness must receive first consideration, for Mother much prefers some thing that is useful to an ornament. And, too, it must be of excellent quality. This doesn't neces sarily imply that you should invest heavilynot so, for many consistently low-prcied gifts of superior quality may be found here. Including: COMBS. PURSES, UMBRELLAS. MANICURE ARTICLES, VINAIGRETTES. BROOCHES. THIMRl.RS. SCISSORS, RING TREES. SHOE HOOKS, LOCKETS! JbWbL I RAYS. PIN TRAYS, LORGNETTES, and many, many others that will bo equally serviceable. Everything That Is Beat In Diamonds and Jewelry Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. XK.KKV.....KKKKKK,K..KK.. : Parlor Rockers u FREE? t Diamonds and Gold and Silver Novelties of All Kinds J Craveiiette Storm Coats, Mackintoshes, Suit Cases, Bags, House Coats, Bath liobes, Neckwear, Shirt Protectors, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders and Umbrellas. 4 A very handsome assortment of the above at popular prices at - i & 412 Spruce Street, 309 Lack'a Avenue. OPEN nVI:MGS. V H- tilt- r4tr-fT-fr-tt-1r -- -tz-C -Ir , it -ft -U -t 4 -tr r Our Stupendous Supply Station for Christmas Buyers Offers the best in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs and Draperies that can be procured in America and the East. Christmas buyers have kept us busy in every department and although an unusally large business has been done, the immense stock has been equal to the occasion, frequent demands upon our Warehouses having kept the assortment in excellent condition. Parlor Sdifs, Parlor Tables, Odd Rockers, Morris Chairs, Library Tables, Leather Colored Chairs Rattan Chairs, Sectional Book Cases, Large assortment of Weatfjered Oak pieces in Vernis-Hartin and Rookwood. CARPETS, RUGS, CARPET SWEEPERS, BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, Bric'a-Brac, Ladies' Desks, Dressing Tables, Shaving Tables, China Closets, Sideboards, Buffets, Metal Beds, Den Furniture, and choice Aa E. ROGERS f 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE ! 4 ! ! 4 V ! l ! J1 4 b JsivVySAVVVVVS,,7N fVVvvvvArvvlvvwvvvAvv, rvNwsNwvrV Note I Yet a very important one. All eyes are turned toward Christ mas. All of us are more or less puzzled as to what we shall buy. What more appropriate or useful than a pair of comfortable house slip pers. We have them in all sizes and in a hundred different styles. LADIES HEN'S $ Ladies' House Slippeis Men's Houfae Slippeis CURTAINS, COUCH COVERS, COUCH PILLOWS, RICH DRAPERIES, Ladies' House Slippeis .lilllfl atslo ill Alfn-il IXilKi' Tlt, (llio Ik lit li'lt iniiiK), nil itilms tn hi. k'ct liuiu: ulinmlim- In fur to mululi. S1.00 nnd l?l.2D. Misses' nnd Childien's I'nlt .lulli'H, ill nil Kiloib, fur Him nii'il Q5c to $1,00. Ladies' Evening Slippeis l,itiK aHHiiitnirnt ol' SaniKiU, In pl.iln lo, r with ombrolilcioil ami ImniiI uIiiuiiIi'h; ulho tlio Htsllali t'ol- Ulll.llH, 111 )illl'lt lOlltllPI, VNilll lUIKO Inn l;ln oriiiiniunt Moil h ()H'i.iH anil i:cutlu in InntliPi, l'l.irk 01 tun effict, s-onin inn cy tilmmcil M imlont li'iithci. 75c to $2.50. )t(iim,i hlvlt- In black nnil tun i-l $1,00 and $1.25. Boys' and Youths' Slipper,", Opera nnd Kfiott siuijiew, in IiIiil'K mitl tun. 45c to $1.25. T.UtlP flPiits' Oppiu st e, In cl7es S to 10 1-L'. 45c. to 75c. $1.00 to $4.00. Ask for Yellow Stamps Open Evenings Until Christmas LEWIS. RUDDY DAVIES fi MY 330 Lackawanna Avenue NEXT DOOR TO THE NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING For this week only, we will allow each cash buyer of carpets to the amount of twenty dollars or more, Free Choice of Any Rocker That sells regularly for $3.00 and $3.50 each. Our reason for this ex traordinary offer is simple. We are compelled to vacate the basement which runs the entire length of the building, on January 1st next, and as we will have no room to store them, previous to our removal, to our new five floor store, we must get rid of them some way. Bargains in Rockers and Fine Fiords Chairs Now on view in the basement, You can buy the finest goods in Scran ton for about half what you'd expect to pay. Jo cott Inglis, 13, V" iH 'A ft " " I 419 Lacka. Ave., Scranton, Pa 'A "A "A "A A "a "A "A "A "A "A A 'A "A A A AAA AAA AAA A AAA A A A H ggnp i i i 1 i Win ii Just Now, We ; Would Remind You Of the cutlery to be found here. The line was never so complete the dainty pearl handled penknife the large 5-picce carving sets and all that go between. j i 1 POCKET KNIVES. ' 0 About 200 patterns guesst ' you'll find what you want. Prices ..10c to J?5.50r, Ask for "Twin Biand" Cutlery a , lr guarantee ot Quality. , CARVING SETS. ' Prices .... 50c to $17.50 SCISSOR SETS. Prices . . . .$1.50 to $8.00 HUNTING KNIVES. Prices $1.75 to $10.00 -RAZORS. Plain and fancv handles, Prices $1.50 to 5.00 Tho best quality of sIppI 1p used In rill our i.uois cxpeit workmen maha lllflll. . $1.50 GEM SAFETY RAZORS. Price . GEM RAZORS, in sets. $3.50 to $16.50 SCISSORS AND SHEARS. Prices 25c to $2.50 Oooilp purchased now will bo Uc llwrcrt at any tlmo drhircd. OPEN EVENINGS. ie am at X X "A WILLIAMS & McANULTY, 119 Washington Avenue, Do You Want $20.00 7 If you do, sec full particulars as lu liow M to get llicm, uu paire t. 129 Wyoming; Avenue OPEN EVENINQS
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