iM i. --"- - -- aMiT7ii ' - -- -"- -' w j w ammmmmmm 'PECSTT.'' " :" '?'-l fmV' , THE SCKANTOy TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DEOEMBEtl 1(5, 1902, 0 I'limiHI MHWlil ill III! !' M B WMilM M 111 Hilli ll llilll'illl IMi Will iaMlilMiiilBiMiiiV 1r:'--- ''--'- ' " w 1 i 'iii mmh ijiiiii ii ma Bin ni'iiTBTBTwiiTiTWWHWTiiBirrtUiiiKiiiii'iBiii iiwi n immi hi in i iii 1 1 i mi irTwimiirrwrTiTTiii i m "in ii wiraiMrnwiiBrifflirff mvnwmrmmKmmbmmi lleI his son, Stnnlcy W. Bchooley, nt tills place over Sunday, Airs, 1J. M, Phillips. 1b shopping nt Wllkes-Harro todnv, Alios Edna dregory, of Alcflhoppon, Iihh been visiting fflciulB lit town tho past week, Tho ferries nro tumble to run nt proa cnt, owing to tho large quantity of Hon ling' Ico In the river. Mis. Barton Holts and two children, of Philadelphia, Who have boon spend ing tho past two months with her par ents, Air, and Airs. Joseph nhoades, re turned homo on Tuesday. Tho Monday club met at tho homo of Mrs. John Fnssett, on West Tioga street, on Alonday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Bradley Lewis wus;dolng shop plug at WUItcs-Barre on Atohdny. William P. Hillings, of Kingston, spent oiinuny wun ins mother, Airs. Francis IJIIIIiir.v on Tioga street. NORTHEASTERN -PENNSYLVANIA MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Alontrose, Dec. 15. Neweomb O. Parke, who Is teaching- school in Tioga county, Is a guest of relatives In this place, and will remain hero during the holiday vacation. Reuben .Smith, of Wntklns, X. Y has been engaged by J. J. Ryan & Co. to work In their plumbing department. Air. Smith's family will remove to this place next spring. Air. and Airs. W. G. Parke, of Scran ton, have heen guests of their daugh ter, Airs. Percy Ballentine, the past week. A very large audience greeted .T. I teed Powell, at Village hall, Friday evening, when ho delivered a lecture on the de struction of St. Pierre, and the pleas ure of. those present was plainly mani fest by tho rapt attention with which his remarks were received. The line strreoptienu views which he produced upon the canvas excited the admiration of all for their exquisite colorings and clearness. The lirst pictures shown were Public avenue, Alontrose, an'd u very lino likeness of our principal, Pro fessor Winder. The amount realized from this exhibition will go u long way In purchasing the electric programme clock for the High school, for which the entertainment was given. Miss Lena Gregory Is-a guest of her sister, Airs. William G. Jordan. Alonday, Airs. Adeline Stoddard and Allss Janet AlcCausland started for Perry, N. V.. to visit their sister. Airs. S. J. Jenckes. Allss AlcCausland will iQmalii at that place, and her position as night operator at the Hell Telephone exchange will probably be taken ' by .miss Bessie Reynolds. Air. and Airs. William Talbot have returned from a visit at Schenectady, N.,Y., where they have been the guest of Air. Talbot's brother, Walter. K. Tal bot. ''Byron. Griills returned on Friday to his home In Vssup township, after a two weeks' visit with his daughter, Airs. K. A v. Tewksbury. A new system of nominating candi dates for party ollice Is being discussed by tho local Republican papers. The obsolete method of nominating candi dates by means of delegates proved particularly obnoxious to many during the last campaign, and unless matters can bo adjusted satisfactorily before another election, much of tho same disagreement will still exist. A con ference of representatives from each county in this district has been sug gested, and It is probable that this means of settlement will ultimately bo employed. The Alontroso Telephone company Is talking of extending its lines so as to connect with such places as Ulnghuni ton, Hcranton, Elmlrn and Wllkes Iiarro. Allss Aladellue I.oomls Is quite III at her homo on South Alain street. The nt'tendlng Physician thought at nest her St Of consumption" is a remark often made of a fleshy man. The remark expresses the popular recognition of the fact that the sign of consumption is emaciation, loss ot nesn. on , the other hand, a gain in tlesii is a sure sum that wast ing diseases are be-"jv ing cureu. Emaciated peo ple .with obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, night-sweats and weakness, have been perfectly, cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The' several steps, of the cure were re corded in ounces and pounds of in creasing weight. When there is gain in flesh the wasting disease is being Burely cured. Mr.Will H.WIiitniire, of ArUtoa. Kockine. ham Co., va writes t "Our so contracted a deep cold about the first of July, 199, and had a terrible cuugh. We call ..1 n doctor and lie pro nounced it irrittitipn nf the bronchial tubes, with stlimatlc trouble, and he informed me that my on was liable to die at any time. He told mo that awe could keep the bronchial tubes open, he mijfiimre hitui but after trcatiug him several weeks and my son growing worse all the time. I concluded to trv fir, I'lerce's Golden Medical Discovery gad Pleasant l'cllets.1 I had seen eeveral almost miraculous cures brought about by the use of these medicines, aud of course I had wonderful faith iu them. lie used three bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery 'at home and one vial or the 'relicts.' aud was then well uough to go to West Virginia, taking a supply with him. am just iu receipt of a fetter from him from which I quote; ' am wU and hai dy end gdling very JlesAvS" The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages is sent five oif receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Sena 31 one-cent stamps for the,cloth- uounu voiume or only 21 stamps tor the book in paper covers. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, lluffalo, N, Y, I U'J ,t - v n r .1 . " . ;''! a yfs jUM malady was diphtheria, but Is at pres ent unable to diagnose the case. Orior Parke, of Scranton, has been the guest of relatives In this place for a few days. HONESDALE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Honesdnle, Dec. in. Tho now water company have suspended work until the winter weather has passed away. John !:. Richmond is the owner of a handsome, perfectly matched pair of sorrel horses, which may be seen on the Honesdnle streets any fair day. No one enjoys an excellent turnout more than Air. Richmond. The twenty Inches of snow that lias fallen during the past few days, as yet has not been disturbed by the wind ami pioinises a long run of sleighing. Professor Hefts' dancing class will meet In Music hall on Tuesday evening. The old Catholic church building on I'nlon Hill has been purchased by P. It. .Murray, and will soon be torn down. Air. Aturruy made the purchase in or der to secure the foundation stone for a building which Jie will erect on Alain street. The members of the Black Diamond minstrels and the Alaple City band took part in the entertainment at AVhite .Mills, will enjoy a banquet at the Nil son house this (Tuesday) evening. A beautiful home wedding took place Saturday noon at the residence of Air. and Airs. K. II. Clark on upper Alain street, when their daughter, Aliss Ber tha. L. and Kdward G. Jenkins, of Lans ing, Alleh., formerly or Honesdnle, were united in marriage by the Rev. Dr AVlIllum H. Swift and Dr. G. A. Place. The rooms were banked with palms and festooned with evergreens and holly. Delicious refreshments wore served to the one hundred guests, after which Air. and Airs. Jenkins left by the I'.so Del aware and Hudson train for Lansing, Alleh., where the groom holds n. re sponsible position with the Internation al Correspondence school. The wedding march was played by Aliss Grace A. Whitney. William Haines, the man who fell from a third story window of the Na tional hotel last Thursday morning, died from ills Injuries Sunday morning, lie was CO years of age and had been em ployed as a farm hnnd for a number of years In the vicinity of Honesdnle. He made his home at the Nation., 1 i,n. tel. where the funeral services will bo held this morning. A son has arrived from Connecticut nud taken charge of the burial, which will be made at Cho-checton, NO SMAI.L-POX AT FOREST CITY. Two Supposed Cases hi n Family Cause a Mild Scnro. Kpcclal to trio Scranton Tribune Forest City, Dec. 15.-.Dr. J. W. Houa er, of Scranton, who Is the city's smnll pox specialist, was. up hero today to Investigate the small nox scare. Ho examined tho patients and found Unit they wore suffering from 11 slight sklu disease. The quarantine has been re moved by order of the board or health. Joseph AlcCormlck Is moving into his new nonie On Delaware street, and J. D. Jones Is moving to the rooips lately occupied by Air. AlcCormlck on Altiln street. The Johns family, of Wilkes-Barre, rendered a. most enjoyable progranuno or music and recitations In the Congre gational church, Saturday evening. Owing th the Inclement weather, many were unable to be present. Allss Kvnngellne Kolleher Is home from a six months' stay with Brooklyn relatives. J. 11. Budd Is visiting in Ellenvllle, N. Y. Hunter THE TRIBUNE'S -"WANT DIRECTORS. 1 4 Only Halt a Cent a Word. No Order Accepted for Less 'Hum 10 Cents. TIMES, REAL ESffilf 0nly intra Cent a Wart. Heal Estate. Always delights and never disappoints. It never lowers Its high standard 01 quality. It never varies Its perfect purity and mellow flavor, It Is tho charm of hospitality and the tonic of health. It la always beat by every test. i t V Clay Avenue I ain Branch WANT Olllpji. Wnnt Advertisements Will Bo Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. J. So!i I t all nrilflw riifM itM hv Jobbers. .,". WM. l.ANAHAN & SOX, Daltlmuro, Mil. --...;.,j,,j, PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Doc. 15. At Duryea yester day morning, Joseph Oblock. a seven- year-old son of Air. nnd Air. Joseph Oblock, of Aleyers street, died very sud denly and Coroner Bergo has ordered an inquest held to determine tho cause of death. The child was taken sick Sat urday with a stomach complaint, hut the parents had not tho least idea or anything serious and no physician was caned to attend the child. Charles Brunane, aged 28 years, Will lain Luch, aged 34 years, both employes at tho Babylon mine, at Duryea, were burned by the exploding of a quantity or black powder just about noon today. The former's burns are about the face, ana inner s about the face, hands and back. Neither are very serious. They are being taken care or at tho rittston hospital. Judge Halsey has granted a new trial In the case or Frank W. Alullison vs. Nelson Alorrls Beer company, and sev eral Pittston people. The case has been nangmg netoio the courts ror several years, and only recently a verdict or tofiO damages' in ravor or the plaintiff was awarded. The suit grew out of a foreclosure on Alullison's meat innrkef in this city several years ago. A special meeting of the Pittston board of school control was held this evening to consider the matter or issu ing bonds. O. ,, Leisenring, manager or the Pittston C-uzotte, has been laid up at his home for the past few davs witli an attack of malaria. A tliree-year-old child or Air. and Airs. -iiH-miei (.minora, ot Browntown, died last evening. The ladles of St. ' John's Lutheran church have arranged for a fancy doll sale in the school building at the rear of tho church tomorrow aud Wednesday evening. fieorge Weir is confined to his home witli an Injury to his leg. having had it squeezed between two ' cars in No 7 mine. Word wyi received here today of the "'"" "l Jinny Kshelman at Strouds burg, where he was tho victim of a railway accident. Ho was a married man aged :: years, and Is survived by n wife and two children. Deceased was a son of Airs. Kshleman, of West Pitts ton. an(l Is survived by his mother and several relatives here. and Friday evenings was a decided suc cess. Tho progranuno was lit charge of Miss Katberlne Saxe of Pittston. Allss Tllllo Lewis or Wllkcs-llurro was tho elocutionist. Airs. Nan Alorrow Nixon, rormorly of Towanda. died at her bom,, in niiimi. last week. Tho directors or tho Union Tanning company have decided to remove what is loft of their plant at Athens, which was partially destroyed by tire, to Green wood, whole there Is uliv.nrlv n lnr plant. By this means Athens will loso about sixty families. An application has been ninile for a charter by tho Townmla Paint Itemover company. The stockholders claim to have an article already being made that will perfectly remove old paint, and negotia tions nro now pending with several largo paint factories who wish to take terri tories. That tho apple crop has been exceed ingly lnrgo In this county is proven from tno report that K. S. Ityan, of a Syraeuro Warehouse illld Cold Ntor.lirn enmnnnv paid over $20,000 ror tho fruit this season from our farmers. The Hawes Ataiuiraclurhig company of Towanda, toy manufacturers. have Joined tlie National Novelty corporation, which Is a consolidation of manv of the largest makers of novelty goods. Tho Towanda plant, capitalized at $.-,i).CW, la one of the largest In the combine. Dr. and Airs. C. S. Jleans. who moved from Philadelphia to Towanda a few years ago, arc preparing to return to tho city. Allss ATnybello Rendall, of f.os Angeles, Cnl.. Is spending a short time In Towan da. with Air. and Sirs. ('. AI. Pratt. Airs, lloberl Page, who has been visit ing her parents. Air. :m,i Airo , i Welles, has returned to her home hi Brooklyn, N. V. A residence properly costing over Klght Thousand to bo sold for Six Thousand Dollars If purchased immediately. This Is tho biggest real estate bargain In Scranton, becatiso bouse has every convenience, including city steam. The lot Is large, the Htrcot la paved aud Iho location la gllt-cdged. snn W. T. fiackeif THE BROKER Central City ALI1M11T SCHUIrZ. corner Atlll- berry street mid Webster avo. GL'STAV P1C1I1U,, 050 Adams avenue. Wo3t Side OKO. W, JIONKINS, 101 South' Alain avenue. Money to Loan. ANV AMOUNT OFMONKY TO t.OAN tfinn Cl'; Hr!.r"lKl!t.,om,H or '"Hiding and i.onn. .At from I to 0 nor cent, rill on South Scranton rmsD n. tisp.ppe, avenue, 2D Cedar TODAY TOAlOlUtOW A1AY 11H TOO LATE. Worth Scranton GEO. YV. DAVIS, corner North Alain aveiiuo nnd Alarket street. Green Kltlge CHAULKS P. JONES, 1537 Dlcl- son avenue. J. JOHNS, 020 areon Bldga street. I.QItKNK, corner Washington avcuuo nnd Alarlon street. F. Employment Agoncy. BEMAIILE help can bo procured at Airs, ., ,;.L,,,.,?1,nl',lcy B I'lnploymont Office, ;jvkygrUvte" "vc"l"! rooma ,j u,,d - RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delawnre, Lackawanna nnd Western. n 1 .1N ISffect Juno 1, 1002. 4. iV'! .CUVo Scranton for Now York mVm",'-3;,"0' "f-'i.T.W and lo.lo a. ni, 2.40, dcmi'ii;" ?rn"in ft"' N(!W Vo.,k "ml I'lllla oil, 10.10 n, m., nnd 12. 10 and :I.:I1 Shllolri'o'1.111? '"- im.l 11 in .;"." .""'. ."'.""." " '. :" -- a. iw Jl, IU, For Rent. i'Ull HE-rT April 1st, store occupied by Hayes & Varley. Apply 1D34 Sander son avenue. $1S l'or nent Ten-room hoimo; excellent neighborhood; all modern Improve ments, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Ham ilton, 120 Spruco street. Petorfiburg W. II. KNEPFEL, avenue. 1017 Irving Dunmore . J. O. BONE & SON. ror iimgnumton. Emm Vni S 11. m 1.03 p. m. C" .? 'i ?Tac,,p "ml micu-1.15 and nml it'ii!"."i, . pi -"' Oswego. Syrfteuso 8 mn .IC'1 -1 '" AL ill"' "' ofccnj I ll .. .! J'"lliuni,"-;MKI II. TTIAT I' Vf,,";.,'?' Nlcliolson accommodation i.w and I..15 )i. in, Inn.i .'.,J8li"4-B nivlslon-For Northumbor lanil, at 0..., nnil m 1n ,, . . 1 r.: r..i m an,l"o.OTrpr,,I;.lymOUl"' nt S'i0'11'. m': 3;it) oiiiicwiy fin- in iS ' 'il'is-For New York, 1.50, .1.20. 1 n n 1J,Vnm,',,'!" n" m-5 1-65. ,GM I"'' 10"- n' ?,V tnv Kmlra nnd way slntlons-:?-:' n "i J' or nimrhnmton and wav stn- :, tMi , in , j. . ." . 1 nnW o V "" IUOIIlSllllI'K uivis on- LcaVo Scznnton. 10.10 a. m. and CIO p. m, Wanted. f" IM'i VANTI:D-About 20 It. P. Must be In good condition. Scranton l.irn I'lnlshlng Co., (i2.1 Prcscott avenue. Help Wanted. 'WANTED Agents to sell tea nmlcoE feo to consumers. Posiltlons perma nent. Grand Union Tea Co., 311 Lacka wunna uvcniio. For Sale! FOlt SALE Elcgnnt watch, Jules Jur- KL-iiHcn (ine worms most celebrated maker of watches), is. size, 111 lK-Kt. hunting case, lias a record of seven sec onds a month. Importer's price, $:it,ii; my price, ?2lhj. "Your money back without argument ir not satisraetory. Walter V. Wlnlon, Diamond Parlor, U07 Alcars Buid-Ing. Wanted To Eent. WANTED-Small furnished house, dress Box 200, city. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-Young man as stenographer ,..,.. !d ,,s?ll,n' bookkeeper In large mer cantile establlHlmienl, this eltv. Address, giMng reference and experience, N. Y. ',' l rlbune. Lehigh Valley Bnilroad. In Effect Nov. 1(1, 1002. r,n -,. .P'i'lns. Leave Scranton I" or Philadelphia and Now York via D. nml nib A1" 'P XAh tllrol'Kb Parlor Car a ni,7yCoach Cni-honclalo to Now Yorlc dn J. in i"i,i "'I Jvl," L" v" Coach Carbon Dliwnn,! ' lln(,cIIbla, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black dnvLnndAxJ"S3)' nd "-IS P- m. Sun- i,"A,. wiu lli,"" 1M P" ni., u.3S a. m. nil iiniXil"? n,avo' Hazloto.n and princi pal Points In tho coal regio-ns, via D. & &t&llR",7ii,.S',i nna 435 P- m- Fob Ad- AVOCA. IIOPBOTTOiU M Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Hopbiittoin. Dec. 15. Aliss Alvra-Jackson is attending the teachers' excursion at Washington this week. Miss Alta Finn visited Scranton ii tuupu" or nays last week. t,1,1'- a1,,,lc ,Mra- K- J1" T'ffnny spent I'llday in Scranton. Hert Hartholf hus accepted a position at the Hklnunliig station in Lenox. Ho tull ".",V0 hlS fa"llly tI,0re iU tIlB ,u'"r Mrs. J, s. Hettes visited Scranton friends last week. "" Airs. Ida Tlltnuy and son, Kdward am visiting friends at Old i.v, ..'A ... 'V," rlsburg. "- ' ""'- SiiturUin""0 WnB " Ca"ei" !lt Jflrt,0,n Tho 1'nlversallst .suiuinv c,.i.,.( ..., l,nl,l ,!,!.. ra. ......... ' ""'" "III "ii wur Nimas nt,..t... .iiuniiiiiiN eve, uccombor cordially Invited to attend. A party of tho following ymmg pen pie enjoyed a Hlelglirldo to NlehoUnn i(l supper nt tho Iilnkley house T es- HALLSTEAD. exercises on 'I. All are Special to the Scranton Tribune. I minuend, Dee. l.l.-The Ep worth Leaguo of. tho Atethodlst church will have it sleigh ride and social this (Tues day) evening at tho, home of Charles Hanker at Franklin.. AH who wish to attend should bo at thu Af. :. church nt 7 o'clock shall). Sleigh rldo and social l.i. cents. Alelvln A. Oatlmny has been discharged from the United States Alnrlnu corps, on account of falluro of his eyesight. Ho will return to Philadelphia where ho has ii iiuhiuoii in mo united states navv yard. ' S. Casey, of Scranton, traveling engi neer on tho D L. & w. has been called tnllallstead to III) Itobcrt Alorton's place wlio is III at his homo on Pino street. Tho O. K. society of tho Presbyterian church will hold a chicken phi social ihursday. Dec. isth. Supper 20 cents Elmer Flak nf llufraln, will spend tho holidays with lila parents, Air. and Airs. Fred Flak. P. I!. Hairager will soon movo to I'nloiidale, l'a. Mrs. Anna Qunlley who hns been visit- 1,1'r nt tlin lin..n ..r 1. . ... ... ,,,., .,,,11,1, ,,i iiur jiareuis at l'or cst I.ako has returned to Hallslead. Tho Baptist t E. will hold a sleigh ride and social at tho homo of James """""i iiiiii-Hiiny evening. Tennis will The Irish American club will meet In their .looms on Thursday evening. All nit-mbers should be present as there will be election of ofllcers. The Home Allsslon society of the P. Al. church will meet at the humo of Airs. Jennie Clarke to-morrow afternoon. La dies are requested to bring refreshments. Allsa Elizabeth Graham ban cniiii,lr.f,.,i her at the Lackawanna hospital training school. Allss Anna Arkmnn Is visiting friends In Hamilton. .Mrs. Ellen Henley of the West Sldo received a telegram on Saturday Inform ing her of the critical Illness of her son, Thomas, In Butte, Alontana. Bev. W. ,1, Ilealey, of Jacksonville, III., left last week to spend somo time with him. Allss Jennie Boberts, ol' Foiesl Cltv. is tho guest of Air. and Airs, llobert itob erts of South Alain street. Jolin aicCormnek. of.AIoosIc, has been promoted to manager of the Erie com pany of Chicago. III. Thomas Sullivan, or AlonMe, was called to Nantleoke on Saturday on account of the death or bis nephew. Tho stores In town will be open until 0:"o o'clock until after tbe holidays. Eooms and Board. HIE LINDEN, S03 Linden street, hns a number of desirable vacancies; light rooms and choice table board. PLEASANT rooms with board for four or five young men. Inquire SB Wash Ington avenue. i-ui-nished Rooms for Rent. FOR It ENT Front furnished bed rooms for gentlemen, til2 Washington avenue. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A good middle aged woman i i. J.m1' ,!,,jl; c.'"' "r " Klck l,L'ion and help with light housework. Airs. AI. A. l'lock, Avoca. WANTED Competent woman for 'gen eral hoiiowork; Protestant preferred; two In family. 723 Qulucy avenue. WANTED-Briglit active girls, 13 vears old for wrappers. Apply at once. Jonas Long's Sous. "AN J ED A good housekeeper; one com. potent to take entire charge of running house. Good pay and long employment to the right woman. Address, stating ex perience and giving reference, also what pay Is looked for, lllDT, Tribune ofllce. I'Ol" Tin, Mn1,A. I...'..., -.. ttrn1 W 't-S ?ar: Sjd f!S?F- Utom.X&a2&..XM!!:JSr' niSTnn!;ni",' nnchesler. Buffalo, Nlag oia Falls, Chicago and all points west via DinmnnJi tP- n" .20i " m- 3.28 (Black da n'I?rnr?rsU aov'11" 11M P- m- S"n- inii; & "' ,n" R" i2-m- -17 P- m" villnv ?'?." rarIor nml sleeping or Lehigh Wl E lov cnl;s 2? n" traIns between :,'ke2 and Now York, Philadol nnT'rVTiiff!ll0 "nd Suspension Bridge. ?MIN,n: WILBUR. Con. Supt. 20 &niTjE.S ? I'BB" Gpn' Pas3- Ast., 21 Ci r";VJi K,rPt" N Vork. ' noutli Bethlehem. Pa. nUL t,;'fptinncl Pullman reservation np- wm ?.aciiy "cltt rnco' ca PubII Square. Hilkes-Barro, Pa. 1-OIi KENT A rurnlshrd room on second Hour front. $1.30 week. li:!3 Adams ave. Business Opportunity. SrOCIC AND WHEAT TRADERS wltll- I .l.U'lriyV- "sv,lt(-' f,)r ftl,r special mar ket letter. Free on application. S. At. 1 Ibbjild X- Co., members N. Y. Consoll dated and Stock Exchange. 41 and U t m,a. S'i'-V" w ,Ynl"lc- Established lS'll, Lung DIatanco 'Phone 23SS Broad. OLYPHANT. "Old drama Arkansaw," ii beautiful will be presented ut' the Airs. Ii y evening: i.eon Cool, Hay iiy,,,,,,, Floyd Quick. Cecil Wright Tr " y own, Dean llertholf, Ethel Titus.Kt 1Pi (mil, Uilu Iteypolds, Edna Brown ', no:"-VA1",1 C,lH- A,n,,n"n. St ekla, d! im yj"'"",tyo. Chua Green an Kdlth Albertson. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannnck, Doc. IB.-Sunday night was the coldest weather or tho season thus far, tho thermometer registering 5 degrees below zero. Dr. Charles It. .Newton, of Wilkes H.irre, passed through here on Sunday, wo ma hj- iiomo irom Nicholson. William Kvnns, a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home on iinniinr street, on Sunday night. Air. Evans had been prostrated with paralysis for a long time, The funeral will tuko Pluce on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Attorney Charles H. Little, of Scran ton, spent Suuduy with his mother at this place. Airs. Henry F. Aletcalf was a visitor at Wilkes-Hano on Alonday, Allss Carrie Drown, of West Pitts- ion, is mo guest or her aunt, Airs. Hob. ert Piatt, on Putnam street. ' II. At. Schooley, of Dorraneeton, vis. j wen,;y.uits'C2oV!i1o.m0thor' '" leave tho church at 7 o'clock sharp, Alios l.eorn Vim Loan and kIi,- II. W. I.awronco wero Binghnmtoa calN eifl Saturday. Miss Eva Flsk Is II) at her homo on 4- 11141 tl PlU't'l, Air. and Airs. Charles Clwmbcilln have commenced housekeeping In tho rooms over Air. and Airs. Win. lugralmm. Tho Junior (.'. E. or tin, imui...,..i.... eluiruli will iioid n mother's social at tho viniiuii pMiiora rucsuay ovenlnt'. All mothers and grandmothers nro Invited to attend. BRADFORD COUNTY. Bpecla) to tho Scranton Tribune. Towandn, Dec. 13. Tho Business Aleu's association of Towanda nro muking of. forts towards securing tho Homoenathlo htntu hospital for thu Insane, A marrlugo iicenso wns issued last week by tho register and recorder to a couple, named deorge Randall and Alnrgaret Osborne, aged 17 ,,,,(1 jj rcspeetlyoly. I heir "papas" resido n Terry township. 'Iho Business Aleu's carnlvul. which was held la tho opera houso on Thursday melo v. t opera houso next Friday evening. Tim pcemc euccis nro very elaborato and many new mechanical effects will bo In troduced, The piece Is 11 popular one and Is sure to attract a largo audience. The following wero elected ofllcers of Kingsbury lodge, No. 2(5'!, Free and Ac cepted Alasons for the ensuing term: W. At., C. W. llousor; K, W. Edwaid Evans, jr.: J. W Arthur Wlddowlleld: treasurer, Elmer E. Diikou: secretary. II. B. Bush; trustees F. AI. Williams, OrlllltliH Jones and F. AY. Simpson; representutivo to griinii louge, !'. Ia Northrup. The Instal lation services will take place next Frl dav evening. Airs. S. E. Ackerlv nnd daiaihtera. TVnH and Lena, attendeil tho funeral of Alls. Ackerly's father, Peter Fike, at Justus, yesterday. Hugh O'Boylo was eiecleil ullernnto and Will W, Jones wns elected representa tive to grand lodge at Richmond, Vu., next June, at tho Inst meeting of tho Olyphant conclave of Ileptusophs. Allss Alartha Bronnau has accepted a position iu Harris' cash store, Mrs. Ellen Alahnu spent Sunday with relatives at Carhondiilc. Allss Alanilo Kelly, of Philadelphia, is tioiiuiK 1 (.mines oil uunmnro street, and tho very unusual attention given to perfection of detail In the mounlalng of the scenes. llioso who saw the production hero have talked so much about It, and those who did not have expressed such a deslro to see It, that tho management has se cured a return date, and "York State Folks," with tho original company and production, will como to tho Lvceu'm for two performances only. Wednesday mat Ineo aud night. Special matinee prices 23 mm ,i'i ceni.i, (.iilldreu, 13 cents to part of tho house. Seats gu sale. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic '"""" .ki'iii Kir mis county. JNo books. Insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond. State age, experience, references first let ter. Address. Suite 372, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITPATJON WANTED To go out wash ing and Ironing. Address, L. Ii., XJl Sumner avenue. A position by a young gen us stenographer aud tvue. WANTED tlctnnn writer, who has had experience in general ""fit V'oi'k: best of reference. Address P. W. F,, this ofllce. any THEATRICAL. Big- Production of "Shy Fnnn." Ono of the chief meilts of "Sky Farm." which Is to bo presented at the Lvcouin to-night, is its ull-perviidlug fun and Its exipilslto lovo-inaklng. Tho course of trim luvo never did run smooth, and probably nover will, so In "Sky Farm" tlieio Is a. Millleienoy of disappointment mm ni patnos ami or villainy to add luA icr in 1110 golden clonus when tho sun nt triumph brenks forth In all its majesty and force. Tho plcturo of tho valley bo low "Sky Farm" Is pronounced nun ,,f ,!, An Old nnd Well-Trled Bemedy. AIRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SVnrm for children teething, 3 Iho iiitwrlpuK ono of tho best fumulo nhyslcluna nn.i nurses In tho United States, an I has been used sixty years with nover-falling sUc" ces3 by m Ions of mothers fm. ,i,i?. 5,u,9 dren. During Iho process of tecthlmr iu value is Incaiculab 0. .It relieves to ch Id from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping ' In ilia bowels, and wind colic. By el vim? W,, sunniest over shown upon tho stage. Tho maplo muzn In its rich nutumuul tints and its kuce-deep fallen leaves is also do clam! a master woik of stagecraft, Tho barn of Neighbor Nixon n tlin last act forms another subject for deep study. Tho mcriymaklng drops thu curfulu on a scene which has sent thousand of Mm. atro patrons to their homes happier and better men and women. Tho play Is from the pen of Edwnrd E. Kidder, tho author of Sol Smith Russell's great successes, "Peaceful Valley" and "A Poor 7i..i. tlun." "York State Folks." Local theater patrons nro to have an other oportunlty to sou that prettiest of all rural plays, "York State Folks," be. foro It begins Its New York run. This charming story of typical American vll b'go life made a jjally remarkable im- picssiou upon Its recent presentation here, ("Ml, UCl'ilUBU Oi Ism of the stor Chauncey Olcott Coming. Each year Chauncey Olcott. sweetvslng er nnd comedian, brings us a new play, beautifully mounted, with beautlfiil songs, sweet children and 11 good com pany, lie will present at the Lyceum for two nights only, Thursday and Friday, "Old Limerick Town," bv Augustus Plloil, manager, and It Is said to be tho best play ho has ever appeared In. Tho part nf Nell O'Brien played by Air. Ol cott. hns been reviewed us his best not ing part. ills new songs have all scored big hits, their titles are; "The Voice of tho Vio let," "Noroen Afavoureen," "The Limer ick fllils," nnd "Every Little Dog Allist Have Els Day." They wero wiltten and composed by Air. Olcott expressly fur this play. SeatH on sale this imimiup a Lid . I "" "The Flaming Arrow." ' Lovers of sonsatlonal nnd romnnllo melodrama will find ono very much jo their liking at tho Aendemy of AIuslo when the beautiful Indian actress, Co. WoifOcAlohawk, will open an engage ment or three days, commencing with a special Thm-Mlny matinee, In Lincoln J. farter's play of Western life. "The Flam- ing .rrow." auks Alohnwk, who Is a princess of the tilbe whose iiuino who bears. Is 11 splendid specimen of the American Indian. In the character of "White Eagle" she makes her entrance In 11 Sensational ninuner, being winner In a horse race, the two contestants dash- lug across the stage at a full gallop. Her support is said to consist of some forty people. Including 11 real Indian Inai-s baud four prettv Indian ponies and tho funny little burro "i'occlmnloiilas." Special matinee prices: Callery in cents balcony 13 cents, lower lloor 23 cents, children 13 cents to lower lloor. Seats on t-'ulo this morning at !. Ilentz-Snntley Company, Tho Rentis.Sanlley llurlesiiie company, which began a tlireo days' engagement at tho Star theater yesterday, "may bo num bered among tho best that have appeared at the Star this season. Tills troupo (s not only provided with novelties Iu the way or original acts, nut also carries tll hauilHoiueht chorus 011 tho road, Thu singers nro prollelent Iu thu latest popular songs and the rendition of "Hill llalley." Illiiomlng l.lze." "Air. Donley," etc., wero worthy of special mention. Tho opening sketch gK'en is a satlro on D.ivo Wurfleld's dramatic success, "The Auctioneer," and Is full of humor, which was Interpreted yesterday by Charles Robinson, as tho pawnbroker; Wm. AU'Roble, James Leonard, John Aloran, Elslo Fay, Sadie Leonard, Alnmlo Emerald ami uthers. The olio contains many meritorious numbers,' prominent among them being the acrobatic ami box ing act of All, Hunter und All, aud tho Biteiin iiy juiues anil csauio i.enuaro,. LEGAL. IN THE COURT of Common Pleas, of Lackawanna County. No. 13:;, Janu ary Term. 1!K2. Notice Is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the said Court on Alonday. December tho 23th, 1!K)2. at 10 a m., under tho Act of Assembly or the t ommonwcalth or Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provldo for tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations. ' approved April tho 29th. 1S7I, and tho sup plements thereto, for tho charter of an intended corporation to bo called tho ''Peddlers Protective Association" of J-ernnlou. Tho character and object whoreot Is to establish certain lawful rules and regulations hi tho conduct of lie business ot its members and to protect them In tho lawful conduct or their busi ness affairs, and for thoso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits nnd privileges of tho said Act of Assembly nnd its supplements. Iho proposed charter Is on lllo in tho Prothouotary's oriice. B. L. LEVY. Solicitor. HEADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. In effect Nov. 10, 1902. Slntlons In New York, foot Liberty street and South Ferry, N. R. L,'uertV' T.?n'l,il,!5 'V-'1,,80'-11"10" for Now York. Philadelphia. Easton, Bothlehom, Allen town. A lunch Chunk. Whlto Haven. Ash ley, A Ilkcs-Barro and Pittston at 7.20 a. in., 1 p. m., and -t p. m. Sundays, 7.13 a. in. and 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7.20 a. m...with through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Philadelphia with only one chango of cars for Baltimore and asbiimton. D. C. and nil r,ri,M., 1 points south and west and has through coach for Now York. For Avoca. Pittston and Wilkcs-Barro, 1 11. 111. and ! i. 111. ftuml.iv. 7.13 n . and 2.10 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at i .SO a, in. nnd I p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg via Allentown nt 7.20 a. m 1 p. m. and l p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. in. and 2.10 p. in. For Tnmnmin and Pottsvlllo at 7.20 a. m., 1 p. in. and I p. in. Sundny, 7.13 a. m. For rales and tickets apply to agent at! station. W. n. BESSLER, General JIanager. C. Al. UPRT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Bailrond. Schedule In Effect Juno 10, 1902. Trains leave Scranton G.3S a. m., weoW days, through vestibule train from Wllkcs-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car nml coaches to Philadclnhla. via Pntta- vllle; stops at principal intermediate nta tlons. Also connects for Sunbury, Ilnr rlsburg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 0.17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr-. rlsburg. Phlladelplrta, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West. 1.12 P. m.. weejc days, (Sundays. 1.5S p. m.), for Sunbury. Hnrrlsburg, Phlludob. liliin, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta-, burg and tho West. 3.2S p. m., week days, through vestlbulu train from Wllkes-Barro. Pullman buffet parlor ear and concbes'to Philadelphia via Pottsvlllo. Stops at principal intermedi ate stations. 1.35 p. ni.. week days, for Hnzleton, Sun bury, llurrisbiirg Philadelphia and Pitta 1 "'" J. B. TIITTCIIINSON. Gen. Algr. J, B. WOOD, Gen. Pass Agt. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAIT,DINg7C P. A., 23 Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phonu 1801. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH "b Real Estato Exchange BlUg., 12'i Wash ington avenue. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S13 CONNELL BLDG, STEVENSON null building, & KNIGHT, 720 CON- Dentlsts. DR. E. C. E1LENI113UOER. PAULI building, Spruco street, Scranton. DR, C. C. LACBACIl, 115 WYOAUNC nvu Fii'o Insurance. SCHLAGEIt ,'i CO., lul Council Building, Patent Attorneys. PATENTS MWi'Kl" Tho only licensed and equipped putont solicitor In tho city. No chargo for In formation on patentability; over ten years' expoileneo. Hcplogle & Co,, (Hears UIUr:. Dolawaro nnd Hudson. In EITect Nov. IG, 1902. Trains for Curbondnlo leave Scranton at fill. 7.2U, S..".1!, 10.1:: a. in.; 12.05. 1.12, M, 3.U E.29, U.25, 7.22, 8.33. 9.50. 11.20 p. m.J "For iloiicsdnlo 6.11, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and For' WllUos-Barie-CSS. 7.11. R. II. 9.47. 10.W a. in.; 12.11! 1. '12. 2.1S, 3.23, 4.23, U.10. 7.-T. 9.10, 10.-11. 11.19 p.-m. For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.11. 9.17 a. m.J 2.1S. 4.33 nnd 11.49 p. ni. l-'nr Pennsylvania R. R. Tolnts 0.39, 9.17 a. in.; 1.12, 3.2S nnd 1.35 p. m. For Albany and all points north 7.38 a, m and 3.50 p. m. in. ana s'unua.Y TRAINS. For Carbondnlo S.m. ll.:u a. m,; S. It, 3.M. 5.52 aud II. If P. m. l-'or Wllkes-Harro-9.SS a, jn.; 12(03, 1.03, 3.SS, 0.32 and 9.17 p. in. l.'or Albany and points north 3.5C p. la For Honesdnle S.fiO a. m. 3 52 p. ,m. J. A'. HPRD1CK, O. P. A.. Albany, N. Y, W..L. PIVYOR, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Hotels and Restaurants, THE ELK CAFE. 123 un127T'RANK. lill avenue, Rales reasonable. P. HIEULEU, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L. .t W. 1'assenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor. Scavenger, ' A. B.BRiaOH CLEANS PRIVY VAl'LTS and cess pools; no odor; only iiuprovoU pumps used, A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 110 North Alain avenue, or Eicke's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTEL. REAR Cll LACKA .ave.. Scranton. mfis. of Who Screens. Miscellaneous. of" K'S'l! rc-iT: SmliVay'uuJ'enZ0 afternoon and ZtZTZUK rr and character drawing, even.l.g. "10"yW a"e,"0C,, XV$lAn0' Brio Railroad Wyomine Dlylslon. In Effect September 13, 1902; Trains lenvo Scrautuii for New York, Nowbuigh and Intermedlato points, alsc for llawley and local stations at' 7.20 a. "For'nones'd'aioand Whlto AIlllsU 133 '''Trains arrlvo at Scranton nt 10.3S a. m. and 9.15 p. ill. New York, Ontario nnd Western. Time, table In effect Sunday. Sept. 22, 1002, i" NUUT1I llOt'ND TRAINS. l,e.l0 l.CUVu A 111 .-a Sci.inton. Carhnndnlo. Cadosla. .10.30 a. in. 11.10 a, ni, l.Ki p. m, , g lop. ni.Ar.Carbouda)ou;i'i p.m SOl'TIl IIOI'NI). , ' Lt.i,vo Leavp Airivi Cadosln. C.irbomlalo. Scranton ti.Wn. m. 7.25 a. m '( 17, n. in. ! Oil n ,n I J-. , . Sundays' only, north bound. Leave l.eavo '' Arrlvo crauioii. liiiiiiiiiiiiiio. c.iuosli . ... S.30H. 111. 9.10 a. m. 10.45 a. i ... 7.W) p. m.Ar.Ciirbnndalo 7.15 l.eavo Lcavo Arrlvi Cadosla. Carbondalo. Scranton B Ma. in. 7.?'iu, m. ... 1.30 P. 111. O.Ou n. in. i; 4. ii ,,, ''.-..i.w NT..M. 1 on week iI.ivm. nml n ,.J Sundays connect lor Mew ork lly, j,. ilk-town, Walton. Norwich. O lelda, Os. wego and all points west. Train No. U.-wlth , "Ouakm- City E. press" at'Seranton. via C. 1".. R. of N. .1 for Philadelphia. Atlantic Clly, Baltlmor.i Washington und Pennsylvania btati liuiiua. Trains No. 1 , No. 7 . Trains No. U No. 2 Trains. No. 11 .. No. 0 ,. Trains. No. U . No. 10 moo iinio-iuoio ami consult ticket agenti for connection with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O, P. , New York. J. B. WELSH, T. I'. A-. Scranton! p , JSf. -M sTfi ': M A , :3j m lJI m . $m ft" .&. i, '&4ms tM: &. Mm&&JL